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Academic year: 2018



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Fatma Harian Dini

Student of Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar, Psr V Medan Estate 20221, North Sumatera,

Indonesia, E-mail: fatmadhezar@gmail.com ABSTRACT

Implementation of web based learning (WBL) in teaching and learning process is very interesting to be discussed nowadays, as it is believed that using the suitable teaching media is could increase the student’s achievement in chemistry especially in acid base solution. Variation of teaching and learning methods is needed on the teaching of acid base to make them competence in chemistry concepts. The aimed of the research is to enhance students’ understanding on acid base concepts by using web as a teaching and learning media that lead to the improvement of students’ achievement. The study is conducted in SMA Binjai, at academic 2013/2014. Experiment class is taught by using web based facility that is design by the researcher, where conventional teaching is given to control class. Students achievement are measured by using a set of standar multiple choice test through their ability to answer the chemistry problems. The result show that students achievement in experimental class by using web based learning (M=74.0±6.81) is found higher than that in control class (M=64.5±8.87), and both are significantly different (ttest 3.80 > ttable 2.10). The reason for this fact is because using web based learning give new innovative and interesting way in learning.



Implementation of web based learning (WBL) in teaching and learning process is very interesting to be discussed as it is believed that using the suitable teaching media is could interesting the student’s achievement in chemistry especially in acid base solution. Teaching acid base subject in high school is still facing problems, such students who still have difficulty in understanding acid base concepts and learning outcomes that have not reached a minimum completeness criterion that have been established school. Therefore, need for a better learning model that can enhance student’s understanding of acid base concepts and learning outcomes are improved as well. Learning model which developed in this study is a web based E-learning model.

One of the application is very popular internet service are World Wide Web (WWW), so it seems the internet is just the web, world wide web is often called the greatest web is a collection of documentations stored in different servers connected to a network. It was developed in hypertext format using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). This format is made possible through the link from a document to another document. Beside these facilities are multimedia, comprising a combination of elements of text, photos, graphic, audio, animation and video (Isjoni, 2008: 14). Internet has a lot of facilities that can be used in various fields, including in educational activities. The facilities include: E-mail, Telnet, Internet Relay Chat, Newsgroup, Mailing List, Blog, or the World Wide Web (WWW) (Oos M, Anwar: 2003).

Web based learning is defined as learning through the internet, intranet, and web pages only. However, the term e-learning and online is often equated with web based learning the concept of web based learning which is an ICT based e-learning as outlined in the digital format with certain principles and methods that can be as a medium of open sources of interactive learning that enables students to learn individually or collaboratively either through internet applications. Through the medium of based of web based learning teaching materials can be accessed anytime and from anywhere, in addition to the material can also be enriched with a variety of learning resources including multimedia. Media web based learning can be developed from the very simple to the complex.


academic information systems, evaluation, communication, discussion, and a variety of other tools educational (Herman Dwi Surjono, 2008: 1).


The research is conducted experimentally by using research is followed the procedure that explained in Situmorang, (2010). An intervention method in this research is carried out to investigate the effect implementation teaching method of web based learning to increase student’s achievement compare to conventional method in teaching of chemistry topic on acid base solution.

The research conducted in SMA N 5 Binjai, North Sumatera, Indonesia at curriculum 2013/2014. The population of the study is high school of science, the sample divided into two classes is class XI-2 and XI-3 where the class XI-2 is experimental class with using web based learning and class XI-3 is control class use conventional method. In experimental class use web based learning where the researcher using the blog to explanation the topic simply of acid base solution to increase student’s achievement and to easier achieve the explanation of the topic. The researcher chosen the blog in the research of implementation of web based learning because it is easier to student achieves the topic and better known of students.

Research procedures on the implementation of web based learning on teaching acid base solution are arranging the research instrument, treatment teaching, and evaluation. In class IX-2 conducted treatment teaching was use web (blog) in teaching learning process where the blog showed to student in front of the class about all of the topic acid base solution while in class IX-3 was conducted conventional method in teaching learning process. In evaluation of the research procedure using the pretest and posttest. Pretest is conducted to improve the student’s understanding on the subject being though for experimental class and control class. And posttest was done at the end of the teaching to get the data of the students’ achievement on chemistry specific in acid base solution.


3.1 Student’s Achievement on Chemistry before and using Teaching Treatment


homogeneity of the data being used in the study. The evaluation result that obtained from the amount of 10 questions in pretest and posttest. The question is different in pretest and posttest, the sample of the student had got is 20 students in experimental class and control class. The student’s result from pretest and posttest for both experimental class and control class have been collected as presented in Table 1. Based on the result of evaluation the students in pretest, experimental class higher than control class, but averages of student still have low understanding in chemistry especially the subject of acid base solution. Result of study of students in experimental class (M=51.0±11.65) and control class (M=43.0±16.25) and they are not significant different and they are not

significant differently with



1.79 < t



Table 1 student’s achievement based on pretest in experimental class and control class by using web based learning and conventional class. Numbers of table are means and standard deviation.

Number of student

Pre test

Experiment class Control class

20 students

51.0±11.65 43.0±16.25


Table 2 student’s achievement based on posttest in experimental class and control class by using web based learning and conventional class. Numbers of table are means and standard deviation.

Analyzing the data concluded that posttest are significantly different than posttest so in the experimental class are significantly different to a control class where the ttest 3.80 > ttable 2.10. Therefore, the research continues to the see the influence of implementation of web based learning to the teaching chemistry especially the topic of acid base solution.

3.2 The Influence of Implementation of Web Based Learning to Increase the Student’s Achievement

The effect of web based learning towards student’s achievement can be seen after an action has been done in the teaching method. Evaluation in the first step post test has been done to know the students ability on solving problem on the subject acid base solution. The data showed that there was increasing progress of student’s achievement after the students have been taught with the implementation web based learning. It was also known the student’s achievement in experimental class different with the one in a control class. The student’s achievement in the first post test, it is experimental class has been obtained higher in the experimental class compare the control class, with the average value for experimental class is M=74.0±6.81 than the average of control class M=64.5±8.87, it is significant difference of student’s achievement that showed in the ttest 3.80 > ttable 2.10. It means, the understanding of students is increase in the teaching of acid base solution.



The implementation of web based learning on the teaching acid base solution is found improve to increase the student’s achievement on chemistry. The student’s achievement on chemistry by using web based learning (M=74.0±6.81) is found higher than that by using conventional method (M=64.5±8.87) and the significant different was found at ttest 3.80 > ttable 2.10, but in the first evaluation is found no significant different because ttest 1.79 < ttable 2.10, the t calculation lower than t table. Increasing the student’s achievement in chemistry subject is related to their interest and improves in learning process results from the teaching treatment with web based learning. It is suggested to teacher to use the web based learning in teaching of acid base solution because able to increase the student’s achievement and will give more interest and new innovative in way learning than conventional method.


First of all, thanks to ALLAH S.W.T for the mercy and guidance in giving I full strength to complete this journal. Even facing with some difficulties in completing this journal, I still managed to complete it. Thanks to head master of SMA N 5 Binjai that give me conducted the research till the final. And to Mrs. Ernika Bangun as a teacher class IX-2 and class IX-3 that give me opportunity to had done the research in her class. Gratitude is expressed to Prof. Dr. Manihar Situmorang as the lecturer of Chemistry Education Seminar who has given an opportunity to conduct the research. And no forget thanks to the students of class IX-2 and IX-3 to give their appreciate of my being research. Then, I would like thanks to my parents, for supporting me mentally, financially and physically not just during finishing this paper but also my whole studies in order to born as a teacher or lecturer one day. In addition, grateful acknowledgements to all of my friends who never give up in giving their support to each other till the paper are done.


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