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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number 2111620015





First and foremost the writer would like to thank GOD, JESUS CHRIST

for the strength, health, mercy, grace and guidance which have belonged to her in

completing this thesis. This thesis is supposed to fulfill one of the requirements

for the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S-1) in English Department, Faculty of

Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

This thesis would not be possible without the guidance and support from

all these individuals who keep contributing and extending their worthy assistances

since starting with proposal, doing the research and completing this thesis. Hence,

the writer would like to state her special thanks, appreciations and gratitude to:


Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd,

the Rector of State University of



Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum,

the Dean of Faculty of Languages and



Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd,

the Head of English Department and


Meisuri, M.A,

the Secretary of English Department.


Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum,

the Head of English Literature and


Ronita Dewi, S.S, M.Hum,

the Head of English Education Department.


Dr. I. Wy. Dirgayasa, M. Hum,

the writer’s Thesis Supervisor



Isli Inriani Indiah Br. Pane, S. Pd, M. Hum,

the writer’s Academic



Dra. Sri Juriaty Ownie, M.A., Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed and

Drs. Elia Masa Ginting, M.Hum

, the writer’s



All Lecturers

throughout her academic years in State University Medan

who have shared their knowledge, experiences and guidance for her as a

college student.


Mr. Poltak Sihombing and Mrs. Meijen Siregar,

her beloved dad and


She thanks them for their unconditional and endless love. They become

her biggest mood-booster to go on her study and finish her thesis.


Budi, Maria, Filipho, Noni and Natanael

, her beloved brothers and

sisters who encourage her to keep doing in her stuffed moments.


Raja Guntar Simamora and Rezeki Sofian,

her brothers who let her be

confident with herself.


Her Family,

her aunts and uncles who save her and teach even direct her

to do the best of her life.


All Friends in English Literature A 2011

and especially Dinda, Juli,

Lana, Maria and Tesha who always help her and teach her to do

everything better and give her worthy memories as long as college years.



who can not be mentioned one by one who has given her

worthy moments and made her life more wonderful than

Medan, July 2015



Sihombing, Yohana RJ. 2111620015. Feminism: Representation of Margaret and Kate in Sydney Sheldon Novel Master of the Game. A Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2015

This study deals with the feminism representation of Margaret and Kate in

Sydney Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game. The objectives are to describe the

differences and similarities of two woman characterizations namely Margaret and Kate and to reveal the feminism value and varieties which are represented by the two characters. This study is conducted with the descriptive qualitative method.

The source of data is Sydney Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game. The data are

collected by the documentary technique and the instrument is documentary sheets. The data derived with the feminism analysis show that each character is differently presented in the novel. The study results that (1) The two characters appear dominantly divergent. Margaret is powerless and obedient woman whereas Kate is powerful and rebellious woman. (2) The feminism values presented in their each work (career), relationship and family. Margaret represents the woman who is not a professional business woman and stays with old fashioned mannered woman, she is a true lover fighting for her love admission and she is controlled by her father with patriarchal values supposing her to do chores. Meanwhile Kate is a master of business without manner but brain, she is a true lover striking to be loved and she is a woman living out of man’s control and with obsession (3) The varieties of feminism are differently shown by the treatments and behaviors of the two characters. Margaret dominantly represents the Liberal feminism in which she fights to be equal with the man whereas Kate tends to present development feminism as she leads and does more than man.








A. The Background of The Study ... 1

B. The Problem of The Study ... 6

C. The Objective of the Study ... 6

D. The Scope of the Study ... 7

E. The Significant of the Study ... 7


A. Framework Theory ... 8

1. Character ... 8

a. Defenition of Character ... 8

b. Types of Character ... 9

2. Feminism ... 11

a. Historical Feminism Movements ... 13

1) First Wave ... 13

2) Second Wave ... 14

3) Third Wave ... 14

4) Post Feminism ... 15

b. Feminism Principles and Values ... 16

1) Work ... 17

2) Relationship ... 18

3) Family ... 18

c. Feminism Varieties ... 19

1) Liberal Feminism ... 20

2) Marxist and Socialist Feminism... 20

3) Development Feminism... 21

3. Novel ... 21

4. Relationship between Mothers and Daughters... 23

B. Master of the Game ... 24

1. Synopsis of Novel “Master of the Game” ... 24



A. Research Design ... 29

B. Data Sources ... 29

C. Technique for Collecting Data ... 30

D. Instrument for Collecting Data ... 30

E. Technique for Analyzing Data ... 30


A. Data ... 31

B. Data Analysis ... 31

1. Character Analysis ... 32

2. Feminism Analysis ... 35

a. Work ... 35

b. Relationship ... 39

c. Family ... 43

3. Feminism Varieties ... 46


A. Conclusion ... 48

B. Suggestion ... 50







A. The Background of the Study

Feminism is one of literature interpretations and it becomes engrossing to

be analyzed in this study because it can help to realize about woman’s

circumstances. It is revealed from literary works mostly presenting daily lives of

the authors themselves or around of them.

The way we live is still patriarchy in which man still dominates in all

aspects of our daily lives such as in family, woman as a wife to follow man as a

husband and son’s priority is still cared more than daughter’s; in relationship, man

is supposed to be more aggressive or woman expressing her feeling is something

weird; and in work, man goes to office and woman does chores in house. This

phenomenon is still happening in our surrounding moreover in eastern culture

includes of Indonesia.

Nevertheless, it can not be denied that the movement has come up even in

Indonesia. The movement becomes clear to see in which woman does not longer

stay at home with children, woman has had her guts to state her love and woman

either occupies the same position with man. This situation shows that the changes

really occur and it is totally different with the past. As Krolokke (2005:15) states

that the third wave of feminism is in which the feminists generally see themselves

as capable, strong and assertive social agents.

Now a days, feminism does influence to the daily lives of woman to fight


women and woman occupations in governments, offices and even other jobs

which used to be for man. The woman has had their confidence because of

knowing the self-determination and realization. In accordance with Baumgardner

& Richards as cited by Krolokke (2005: 15) argues that the confidence of having

more opportunities and less sexism.

The intention comes up to do this study on feminism after the writer has

studied about theory of literature in the fourth semester. She was dragged into

confusion how the theory works to figure out the grounds of writing the novel.

Feminism made her blur to understand because it can be revealed either by the

man or woman although it is intended to woman. It is explained by Benstock et al

(2002) that feminist literary criticism offers strategies for analyzing texts to

emphasize issues related to gender and sexuality in works written by both men

and women. Therefore, this study is supposed to enrich the knowledge about

feminism and it can clarify about feminism to the readers which she did not

understand before and it is hopeful to make them understand about feminism more


The reasons why this study is referred to reveal feminism in Sydney

Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game are firstly, it is her first English novel to

read. Secondly, it has many unpredictable occurrences and they drag the readers

including the writer of this study into curiousness of the subsequent events to the

characters. Thirdly, the characters are presented as if they were real. In other

words, their characterization is commonly found in our daily lives such as Jamie


bows to her daddy until she is chased because of being pregnant and Kate is

obsessed to be the center of power due to realizing her property.

The two characters, Margaret and Kate are so catchy to the writer since

they are differently presented characters. However, they are told as a mother,

Margaret and a daughter, Kate. Thus their existence makes this study done

because they obtained are able to break the belief stating that a daughter is a

mother’s representative in which mother is the role model for the daughter.

Barunch argues that Mothers are followed as models when daughters make career

decisions (1972: 6). But it is not relied to them.

These are two quotations that can represent their attitudes to run their


He started toward the doorway that led into the shop “come along Margaret” She followed him meekly and Jamie thought. She’s like a

frightened kitchen. (Sheldon, 1982:


Kate “I’m a woman I have a right to

change my mind” (Sheldon, 1982: 62)

Margaret can not stand on her own feet because she depends on her father too

much. She is afraid to show up because her father has controlled her life since

when she is a little girl. Meanwhile, Kate never depends on others even her

mother. She is a powerful woman and she decides everything by herself.

There are many researchers being interested to woman characters and

analyzing them from the angle of feminism. Then, this study will offer some


The first previous research done with the title The Representation Of Lucy

As A Typical Victorian Woman And Maggie As A Changing Victorian Woman In

George Eliot’s Novel The Mill On The Floss (Younas et al, 2014)to find out that

the journey of Maggie from her childhood to youth is contrasted to Lucy. Their

differences are figured from their each appearance and mentality to so with their

lives. Maggie is the one who are weird in that time because she is the one to have

the awareness of restrictions in her society in which woman is not about what she

earns but whom she belongs to.

In family, woman is supposed to follow the man as Lucy does but Maggie

struggles to fight her brother’s decisions on her own life. In relationship, she has

her desire to state her love though she is forced to deny by her brother while Lucy

prefers to bear it in her heart. In work or career, she does more than the man. She

prefers to escape from her family to get the education.

Another previous research conducted by Mahmoda Khaton Siddika (2013)

The Metamorphosis of Normative Feminism in Pride and Prejudice as Descriptive

Feminism in Beloved: Inevitable Path of a Woman reveals that Elizabeth in Pride

and Prejudice has intelligence and rationality. She deals all kinds of family

problem because she can take over the male member’s responsibility to family

maintenance. She justifies herself by refusing to engage as she never gives a space

anyone to hinder her rightful actions. Whereas, Sethe in Beloved: Inevitable Path

of a Woman has deep will to succeed with her motherhood till she is in the point

of insanity with her practical rationality. She is hindered to fight for her rights by


The third previous researcher is Mandrastuty (2010) with the title of her

study Novel Tarian Bumi Karya Oka Rusmini: Kajian Feminisme (Feminism

Oka’s Rusmini Earth Dance Novel). She figures out the socialist feminism in

Balinese culture due to Balinese is accustomed to dividing the people in to

classes. Telaga is woman in upper class (Brahmin) prefers to get married with a

guy in lower class (Sudra) she loves. She is chased out of her own family and she

is condemned by the society. But she is one of the Balinese women who oppose

their culture, she fights for her freedom and rights to choose her own life partner

in this case is husband.

Based on the explanation of feminism, reasons and previous researches,

this study is proposed to analyze the two woman characters, Margaret and Kate in

Sydney Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game from the angle of feminism. This

study is going to reveal how they are presented to fight for their freedom and

rights, the way they behave in their daily lives and they are treated by the men

around of them. The study will show them some aspects of their lives namely


B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background stated above, the writer formulates the problem

of this study as following:

1. What are differences and similarities of Margaret and Kate characters in

Sydney Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game?

2. How is feminism represented by Margaret and Kate characters in Sydney

Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game through their each work, relationship

and family?

3. What are feminism varieties Margaret and Kate represented in Sydney

Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game?

C. The Objective of the Study

The study is aimed to know:

1. The differences and similarities of the two characters Margaret and Kate in

Sydney Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game

2. The feminism representation of the two characters Margaret and Kate in

Sydney Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game

3. The feminism varieties represented by the two characters Margaret and


D. The Scope of the Study

The study is focused on two characters, Margaret and Kate in Sydney

Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game. It deals with their circumstances in family,

love relationship, career and society related to the exponential and feminism


E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are expectedly useful for the writer and readers

and especially English literature students either theoretically or practically.

Theoretically, this study is expected to enhance the knowledge about

literary criticism especially from the angle of feminism. So it can be one of

references to the students who are interested to do the similar research.

Practically, it is expected to be able to reflect the feminism and to give

deeper awareness of the feminism values in our daily lives related to treat woman

and to behave as woman in accordance with the feminism represented by

Margaret and Kate characters in Sydney Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game for





After analyzing the data based on the theories, it is concluded that:

1. The two woman characters, Margaret and Kate are differently presented

in Sydney Sheldon’s novel Master of the Game. Margaret is a powerless and

obedient woman whereas Kate is a powerful and rebellious woman. Margaret is

minor character but she influences Kate as a major character due to their

relationship between mother and daughter. Margaret is told whose flat

characterizations shown up by her whole life story since she is a young lady till

her death. She does not change at all. She is a well-mannered girl when she is with

her father and she praises the manners in her old age on which she tries to have

her daughter behave as she does. Meanwhile, Kate’s characterization is

developed. She is a stubborn and rebellious young lady when she is with her

mother. Then she changes to an obsessive woman after her mother’s death until

her old age on which she has grand-daughters. Finally she resets her mind after

being her ninety year old woman when the novel is ended.

2. The two characters present contrary woman views and treatments so it

influences the feminism representations. Margaret is the representative of woman

who is controlled by man. She sticks to the patriarchy values which it is supposed

to make the woman stay home to do chores and it gets the unmarried woman to be

whore due to being touched even for love reasons. Margaret gives the value of


run the company. She is a true lover who stays with one man despite being

regardless. Otherwise she shows a woman’s power lay on giving birth. She is not

a possessive mother as she can not control her own daughter to follow her rules.

Meanwhile, Kate represents the woman who lives without man’s power. She stays

out of patriarchy. She controls her life and her surroundings. She realizes her

power as the chief or the highest in the company. She runs everything based on

her plans. Her career shows the movement of woman on which she has the

company managed and run as the rules she believes even she can not be stopped.

She behaves herself as true lover so that she is obsessed to have the man and he

belongs to her after playing her tricks. She is a wife whose control is dominantly

made in their households. She grows up with the brain working more than heart as

other women do. She manages her son’s life despite being not approved by her


3. Feminism varieties represented in Sydney Sheldon’s novel Master of

the Game are liberal feminism and development feminism.Liberal feminism is

citing the equality between a man and a woman. Margaret and Kate are fighting to

be admitted by her lover while it is supposed to be made by the man and it

proposes the woman position is equal in the liberal feminism. Furthermore, Kate’s

career can be defined to reveal the development feminism in which she does more

than man. She is not controlled by any man but she has power on all things around

her including man as her husband and her son, business as the chief and values as


B. Suggestion

Grounded on the results of analysis, this study is intended to suggest that:

1. The students who study feminism should understand what feminism

means and how it is implied in literary works based on the results of analysis as it

becomes more easily learnt and revealed the feminism values that can be found in

the novel by analyzing the characters. They who are interested to do the similar

research can enrich their references.

2. The readers should implement the feminism value in their daily lives.

They realize how the woman should behave and be treated in the daily lives. They

are supposed to be reminded to do parting on obsession and achievement, to make


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