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IN-VITRO GERMINATION AND MICROPROPAGATION OF ALFALFA (Medicago sativa L.) AS CLOROPHIL SOURCES Perkecambahan In Vitro dan Mikropropagasi Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Sebagai Sumber Klorofil


Academic year: 2018

Membagikan "IN-VITRO GERMINATION AND MICROPROPAGATION OF ALFALFA (Medicago sativa L.) AS CLOROPHIL SOURCES Perkecambahan In Vitro dan Mikropropagasi Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Sebagai Sumber Klorofil"


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Medicago sativa


Perkecambahan In Vitro dan Mikropropagasi Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

Sebagai Sumber Klorofil

Fitrahtunnisa*, Sajimin** and Selvia Dewi Anomsari***

*Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) West Nusa Tenggara Jln . Paninjauan Narmada – 83371

**Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development (ICARD) ***Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) Central Java

E-mail : fit_biotek@yahoo.co.id


Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) dikenal sebagai tanaman penghasil klorofil yang berkhasiat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Biji Alfalfa yang diproduksi di Indonesia tidak memiliki embrio dan tidak bisa berkecambah, sehingga biji masih harus diimpor. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan benih alfalfa dalam jumlah besar dan relatif cepat adalah dengan menggunakan teknik mikropropagasi. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengem-bangkan teknik germinasi (perkecambahan) dan mikropropagasi alfalfa secara in-vitro. Perkecambahan dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua teknik yang berbeda. Pertama, benih steril direndam dalam 50 mg/l GA3, dan kedua tanpa direndam GA3. Benih dikecambahkan pada media MS yang mengandung 0 atau 0,5 mg/l BA dikombinasikan dengan 0,1, 0,5 atau 1 mg/l GA3. Inisiasi dan mutiplikasi tunas dilakukan pada media MS yang mengandung 0, 0,5 atau 1 mg/l BA dikombinasikan dengan 0, 0,1 dan 0,5 mg/l Th menggunakan eksplan epikotil. Variabel yang diukur adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan jumlah tunas. Sedangkan inisiasi kalus dilakukan pada media MS yang mengandung 0, 1 atau 3 mg/l 2.4D dan dikombinasikan dengan 0, 3 atau 5 mg/l Pic menggunakan eksplan hipoko-til. Variabel yang diukur adalah panjang, lebar dan tebal kalus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata perkecambahan biji yang direndam dengan GA3pada media yang berbeda berkisar antara 60-87,5%, sedangkan tanpa direndam GA3 berkisar antara 4-75%. Rata-rata perkecambahan benih paling tinggi diperoleh dari biji yang direndam dengan GA3 pada media MS tanpa BA dan GA3 (kontrol). Media terbaik untuk induksi dan multiplikasi pucuk eksplan epikotil adalah MS + 1 mg/l BA. Sedangkan media terbaik untuk induksi kalus adalah MS + 3 mg/l Pic.

Kata kunci: Medicago sativa L., perkecambahan, mikropropagasi.


Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) known as chlorophyll producing plants are efficacious cure for various diseases. Alfalfa seeds produced in Indonesia do not have embryos and could not germinate. So seeds are still to be imported. One

way that can be used to produce alfalfa seeds in large quantities and relatively fast is the micropropagation tech

-niques. An experiment was carried out to develop technique for in-vitro germination and micropropagation of al


The seed germination rate with GA3 soaked on MS medium without BA and GA3 (control) was the highest. The

best medium for induction and shoot multiplication of epycotyl

is MS+1 mg/l BA. While the best medium for callus induction was MS+3 mg/l Pic.

Key words: Medicago sativa L., germination, micropropagation.


Alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.) is legume

that is efficacious to treat cancer, diabetes, lu -pus, and hepatitis. Alfalfa known as a producer of chlorophyll is also used as a dietary

supple-ment. Chlorophyll is an organic molecule in

plants. Its structure such as hemoglobin at hu-mans, can increase the body resistance.

Alfal-fa also contains carotenoids, acidic acids, fla -vonoids, phyto estrogen, and saponins. Other

benefits of alfalfa are as feed of cattle and oil producer (Horne, 2010). Alfalfa has high pro

-tein, energy, vitamins, minerals, and effective fiber. Its composition of amino acids is bal

-anced (Gonzalez et al., 2001).

Alfalfa propagation is by seed. In tropi-cal regions such as Indonesia, alfalfa plants do

not produce seeds. According to Mercer (1943)

and Hirnyck et al. (2004), in order to produce alfalfa seeds, pollination of flowers need the

help of insects such as the honey bee, Apis mel-lifera, as apollinator. In addition, alfalfa plants are less developed in the tropics due to pests, diseases, and weeds (Ashigh et al., 2009). To

prevent and address pest problems, diseases and weeds, cultivation of alfalfa should be very concerned about pesticides being used. This

is related to the quality and safety of alfalfa

plants that will be consumed by humans as a drug or a source of chlorophyll, or as animal feed. If these issues are not addressed, it will

reduce the quality of the protein of alfalfa to 9%.

Propagation through in vitro culture can

be done in three ways, namely the formation of adventitious shoots, lateral shoots

prolifera-tion and somatic embryogenesis. Proliferaprolifera-tion

costs in order to obtain fast multiplication of shoots.

Each shoots produced can be used as a source for further multiplication, so obtain a lot of

shoots in a relatively short time (Kosmiatin et al., 2005). According to Mariska and Sukm -adjaja (2003) propagation by in vitro culture

technique is much faster than the conventional

way. Additionally, this technology also ensures uniformity, disease-free and cheaper freight costs.

The success of in vitro propagation of plants through shoot multiplication, organo-genesis, and somatic embryogenesis is strongly

influenced by genotype and explant, basic me -dia types, as well as the type and concentration

of used growth regulator hormones (Hutami et

al., 2002; Liz and Levith, 1997). The purpose of

this study is to obtain a method of in vitro ger-mination of alfalfa seed, and the formulation of appropriate media for shoot induction and multiplication.


The study was conducted at the Tissue

Culture Laboratory of Research Group of Biol

-ogy Cell and Tissue, Indonesian Agency for Ag

-ricultural Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture from February to October 2009. Alfalfa seeds were sterilized using 70% alco

-hol for 5 minutes, 0.02 ppm HgCl2 for 2 min,

30% clorox for 10 minutes and 20% clorox for 5 min, andsteriledistilled water and antiseptic

solution as a rinse.

In vitro germination

Alfalfa seed were cultured in two

tech-niques. First, the seeds were soaked in GA3 50mg/l; second, the seeds were not soaked in GA3. Then, seeds were germinated on MS medi

-um containing 0 or 0.5 mg/l BA and combined with 0.1, 0.5 or 1 mg/l GA3. Observations were


Shoot induction and multiplication

The plant material used as explants in this study was epycotyl and hypocotyl. Epycot-yl and hypocotEpycot-yl of normal seedling were cut

along 1 cm and cultured on shoot regenera -tion medium. Epycotyl of normal seedling was

cultured on MS medium containing 0 , 0.5 or 1 mg/l BA combined with 0, 0.1 or 0.5 mg/l Th. Variables measured were plant height, leaves

and shoots numbers. While the initiation of callus was done on MS medium combined with

0, 1 or 3 mg/l 2.4D and 0, 3, or 5 mg/l Pic. The

variables measured were length, width, and thick of callus.

MS medium (Murashige and Skoog,

1962) used equipped with 3% sucrose (w/v), and made solid by adding 0.2% (Phytagel Gel

-rite). pH of media was made 5.8 by adding 1 N NaOH or 1 N HCl before autoclaved at temper

-ature of 121oC for 15 minutes. Cultures were incubated at 25 ± 2°C under fluorescent light of 1.000-2.000 lux for 16 hours.


In vitro germination

Seed germination by in vitro can be per-formed on the appropriate medium for germi-nation.

This technique is often used for plants or seeds that is difficult to germinate at starting with a

high risk of miscarriage of embryo.

The first series of seeds germination were soaked with GA3, while the second series seeds was without soaked on GA3. Seeds then

were germinated on MS medium added with 0

or 0.5 mg/l BA and combined with 0.1 , 0.5 or 1 mg/l GA3. The results showed that the addition of BA and GA3 on the medium in which both of seeds soaked or not soaked GA3 did not result better germination than controls (Table 1). Ko -smiatin et al. (2005) showed that the addition of GA3 in the medium only slightly increased

the percentage of germination of agarwood. The addition of cytokinin with strong activity (BA) could also improve germination, although

it was only 25%. Media without vitamins could

improve germination and reduce the formation

of abnormal sprouts (Kosmiatin et al., 2005).

The media was also successful for germinating vanilla beans (Mariska et al., 1998).

Table 1. Average of alfalfa seeds germination on MS with and without GA3 soaked Treatment Percentage of alfalfa germination

BA 0 GA BA 0 GA BA 0 GA BA 0,5 BA 0,5 BA 0,5 Control 0,1 0,5 1 GA 0,1 GA 0,5 GA 1

Without GA3 16 8 48 4 20 16 75 soaked

With GA3 60 60 76 72 68 68 87,5 soaked

Shoot induction and multiplication

Multiplication of alfalfa using seeds in

Indonesia produces flower without seeds. In

vitro propagation can use various explants. Explants used in this study was epycotyl and


The addition of BA and Th did not give a

significant difference on plant height and num -ber of shoots produced. However, the num-ber

of leaves produced by the addition of BA 1 mg/l

resulted in plants with more leaves in the

in-duction and shoot multiplication. Kosmiatin et al. (2005) stated that the addition of BA 1 mg/l

resulted the highest number of shoots with

the fastest time of shoot induction. Research

in Malaysia showed that MS medium plus BA gave the best shoot multiplication (Normah

et al., 1995). However Goh et al. (1990), men -tioned that the best shoot multiplication was

obtained from medium WPM + BA 5 mg/l. The

results of the study in Solok showed that

spray-ing the source of explants (shoot) with BA 0.5 ppm + 1 ppm GA3 before cultured, gave the highest number of growing explants (42%),

whereas explants from cotyledons provided more leaves than shoot buds (Triatminingsih

et al., 2001).

Shoot induction using hypocotyl did not give better results than using epycotyl ex-plants. Shoots induction using hypocotyl

pro-duced callus at first so that the shoots induc -tion process was longer. Shoot induc-tion using hypocotyl explants were listed in Table 3.

Table 2. Plant height, leaves and shoot number of induction and multiplication of shoots using epycotyl explants.

Treatment Plant height (cm) Number of leaves Number of shoots

BA0 Th 0,1 11,3 5 3

BA 0 Th 0,5 9,5 3,7 2,9

BA 0,5 Th 0 9,6 5,1 3,6

BA 0,5 Th 0,1 10,2 3,3 2,6

BA 0,5 Th 0,5 10,7 8,3 3,2

BA 1 Th 0 13,4 10,4 5,4

BA 1 Th 0,1 12,7 7,8 6,5

BA 1 Th 0,5 13 5,3 3,9

Table 3. Induction of shoots by using hypocotyl explant.

Treatment Callus size

Length (mm) Height (mm) Width (mm)

2,4D0 Pic3 12,9 4,6 6

2,4D0 Pic5 13,1 3,6 5,1

2,4D1 Pic3 13,1 4,2 5,2

2,4D1 Pic5 13,5 3,7 4,3

2,4D3 Pic0 11,7 2,7 3,6

2,4D3 Pic3 12,2 2,4 3,3

2,4D3 Pic5 11,8 2,2 3,3

Table 3 shows that length, width and

thickness of callus were not significantly dif -ferent. But after combined, size of the largest

callus was obtained from the addition Pic3 mg/l into MS medium(Figure 1). The greater concentration of 2,4D + Pic into the media, the less callus was formed. In vitro Callus induc -tion in wheat showed that the concentra-tion

and type of hormones used greatly affected

the ability of explants to form callus or tissue

(Rashid et al., 2002;Satyavathi et al., 2004).



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Table 1. Average of alfalfa seeds germination on MS with and without GA3 soaked   Percentage of alfalfa germination
Table 2. Plant height, leaves and shoot number of induction and multiplication of shoots using epycotyl explants.


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