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Submitted to The Board of Examiners in

Partial Fulfillment For The Degree of Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I)

In the English and Education Department






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Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa

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Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran

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Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Salatiga, Maret 2006



Case : Muhammad Udi Rahman’s Thesis


The Head of States Islamic

Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Muhammad Udi Rahman’s thesis


EXPORT IMPORT DOCUMENT IN THE DAMATEX COMPANY OF SALATIGA 2006”, I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by the educational faculty, I hope it could be

examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu ’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Drs. H. Sa’adi, M.Ag. NIP : 150 256 821





JC. Stadion 3 <Pdone (0298) 3 2 3 7 0 6 Salatiga 507721




Has been brought to the board of examiners in March 15th 2006 M/ Shafar 15st 1427 H, and hereby considered to completely

Fulfilled the requirement of the Degree of Saijana In English and Education Department.

March 15th, 2006 M

Shafar 15st 1427 H Salatiga,

Board Examiners

NIP. 150 265 646

Attentive Coi

NIP. 150 295 146

Drs. Sa’adi, MLAg. NIP. 150 256 821


I believe that God w ill always help me and give m e the

best what ever it is, there w ill be something that I can take


Life is full o f risk, but something you have to do is to do

your best and never ever give up



This Research paper is dedicated to :

1. My beloved Mother Hj Siti Rohmah (aim) and Father H. M. Alimin 2. My Wonderful brother and sister

3. My. beloved Grand Ma Siti Khotijah and Grand Pa Khasbi 4. My big family in salatiga

5. My beloved girl friend # LELIK #


English Departement, hearth breaking, soul tormenting memories I wish to leave

behind have come my way, but many pleasant memories I wish to always

remember have lightened up my days and nights. The people who I have met here

have also contributed much to this success.

First and foremost, I am so grateful to Almighty Allah Azza wa jalla for every

blessing he has been giving me days along praise to Allah, the compassionate,the

merciful wich come to the writer. In form of support, and encouragement to finish

this thesis. Secondly, Shalawat and salam may be praised to our prophet and his

messenger Muhammad, praise be upon him, who bring us from darkness to


However, this success would not be achieved without the support, guidance,

advice help and encouragement from individuals and institutions, and I somehow

realize that this is an appropriate moment for me to say deepest gratitude fo r:

1. Drs. Badwan M.Ag, as the head of state Islamic Student Institute of

Salatiga, that his leadership is able to develop the State Islamic Studies in


2. Drs. Sa’adi, M.Ag, as a chief of English Department and as the Consultant

of this thesis who give me the advice careful, wisdom, patience and

willingness to support me during completion of this thesis also for

guidance in correcting this thesis.


3. All of my lecturer of English Department who have guided and enriched

me with English knowledge and many other things. I hope it useful for me

and public.

4. My beloved mother and father, who teach me to love Allah SWT. Thank

for all sacrifices, patient, trust, encouragement, support and pray. I do not

know the reward that must be I gave to you, however you open my mind

to study about everything in this life. Hoping some day I could be the one

that you need and want.

5. My beloved Grand Ma and Grand Pa, sisters and brothers. I’m very

pthankful for your motivation, kindness, love and colorful in my life and

my nephew Fisal, Fahmi, Adi, and Salsa,(you are my little angels.)

6. My beloved friend, Rinta, Zeni, Wi2n, Eva, (thanks 4 your everything)

Istiqomah, Ella, Rohmatin, Sa’adah, Zully, Willy,( thanks for

advice),Zunan, Asardi, Asyik, Adji, Nurdin, Ria, Marman, Rozy, Makin,

Fahmi, Ali muhson, Alicom, Khavidz,( thanks 4 your helping).I hope our

togetherness will be last long beautiful memories. All of my friend in

English Departemen of Educational Faculty’OO thanks for all, God

blessing you.

7. My girl friend Thank you for loving me, support, advice, attention, pray,

and also for bad time and good time.

8. Those who cannot be mentioned one by one toward their support to the

writer in finishing this graduating paper.



Salatiga, February 2006

The Writer



Title... i

Attentive Counselor Notes...ii

Page of Certification...iii




Table of Content... . ix


A. Background of The Study... 1

B. Problem of The Study...4

C. Object o f The Study... 5

D. Limitation of The Study... 5

E. Benefit of The Study... 6

F. Research Methodology...6

G. Thesis Outliner... 8


A. Definition of Register... 10

B. The Form of Register... 11

C. The Relation of Meaning... 14

D. The Function of Register... 15

E. The Context of Register Used... 16


B. Object of The Study...20

C. Type of Data and Data Source...20

D. Method of Collecting D ata...20

E. Technique of Analysing D ata...21

F. Data Presentation... 22


A. Data Classification...25

B. Data Analysis...28

C. Discussion of The Finding ...36


A. Conclution_________ „_____________ __ ____________ ___ 38 B. Suggestion...40





A. Background of the study

In every day life people use a language to communicate, because it is the

most important means of communication .They use the language to express their

feeling of something to show their appreciation to something, to provide

information and so on. In fact, the most effective language is spoken and written

language. Because generally people communicate to each other using a language

that spoken and written by society.

Today English becomes the most important language. It has important role

in any fields of human life. English is needed to be mastered by people to fulfill

their need, especially for communication. As in international language, English is

very potential and has been widely used as means of communication by many

countries all over the world. Therefore English is taught not only in formal

education but also in informal education. Even taught, in formal education, from

elementary school to university. So, it is reasonable that English is learned by

millions of students in many countries and it becomes an international language.

As a international language, English is used in every subject .It plays an

important role in human activity. In their life, human being has many kinds of

activity .Their activities can be related to his work on his business. Every one will

use vocabularies, which dealt with his world. Thee use of language related with


ones occupational is called register. Register means the language used in situation

associated with such groups.1

There are so many groups o f people in our life, although they live in

society. There are: doctors, teachers, pilots, politicians, even athletes, etc.

each group of people has its awn vocabulary in their expression that cannot be

understood by the other community. So, it can concluded that each group of

people has its own registers in their communication.

Registers are usually characterized by vocabulary differences, either by the

use of particular words or by the use of words in a particular sense. The language

of sports communication, doctor, pilots, businessman, politicians, race-rollers,

disk jockeys, fina ecers, could all be considered as the examples of the different


In their research, the writer discuses the export-import registers to

illustrate the kind of linguistic feature, which way distinguish different register in

their documents .Exporter and importer, sometimes use specific language to make

easier in conveying the message. The registers often found in export- import

documents are as follow:

- Bill of Entry :

According to Hornby it is item noted in an account of transaction.1 2 In contextual

meaning, a document issued by a carrier which is evidence of entry of the




- Bill of lading :

According to Hornby it is list with details of a ship’s cargo.3 In contextual

meaning,a document issued by a carrier which is evidence of receipt of the

goods, and is a contract of carriage.

■ Cost insurance freight:

It is cost Insurance and Freight means the seller has the same obligation as under

cost and freight but with the addition that he has to procure. Marine insurance

against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.

The seller contracts for insurance and pay’s the insurance premium.

■ Consignee :

It is the person of firm named in a freight construct to whom goods have been

shipped or turned over for care.

■ Devaning:

It is taken all out the goods from box.


It is free from duties, transportation changes and other lives.

General Cargo:

This word comes from word general and cargo -general is of, affecting, all or

nearly all.4 Cargo is goods carried in a ship, air craft or other vehicle.5 The

contextual meaning is merchandise contains of good in mixture.

3 Ibid, page 470. 4 Ibid, page 357. 5 Ibid, page 128. * 1 2

una vwros van UC a certain vocaouiary mat not

time, place or setting, event. Because of the example mentioned above, the writer

is interested in doing research of register closely related in export import register.

That’s why the writer take the title “A Descriptive Study of Register Used in

Export-Import Document in Damatex Company Salatiga”.

B. Problem of the Study

The formulation of the problems that writer is going to analyze are as


1. What are the register used in export-import document in Damatex Company



C. Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problems mentioned above the research

aims are:

1. To identify the forms of register used in export-import document in Damatex

Company Salatiga.

2. To clarify the meaning of register.

D. Limitation of the Study

In order to make this research flexible, the writer here wants to limit this

problem to the descriptive the use of register a specified in export document. The

limitation of the problem is as follows:

The writer limits this research in the forms and meaning of the export

register only. It means that the writer research the forms and meaning of the

exporter register. The writer limits their research in an export practitioners and

exporter company.

The writer also focuses on the registers in the form of word, phrase and

abbreviation. This limitation is down in order that the reader will be easy to

understand the content of the research. Although the discussion of register is in

field of sociolinguistic, but the writer wants to frame this study in the field of

semantic. For the social element of the use of the register is not so significant, so

the writer analyze the meaning of the registers used in export-import by using



E. Benefit of the Study

After finishing this research the writer is hope that it has practical and

theoretical benefit.

1. Practical Benefits

a. It enables the readers to know the registers used in export-import


b. It gives a clear description about the meaning of each registers used.

c. The study will enrich the vocabulary treasury, especially vocabulary that is

related to export-import activity.

2. Theoretical Benefits

a. To give some contributions to the enlargement vocabulary to the readers.

b. To support the development of the subject dealing with language


c. For new comers in export-import business, the study will help them mostly

in recognizing registers used in export-import documents and their


F. Research Methodology

The third chapter will present the discussion of the method employed in

the research. The discussion confers successfully.

1) The type of research

2) Object of the methodology

3) Type of data and data source


5) Technique of analyzing data

a. Type of Research

This research is descriptive in which the objective is to describe the actual

used of language for communication .Moleong affirms that qualitative research is

a search of which the data in the forms of written or oral words are descriptively

analyzed.6 We can infer that qualitative research is a systematic application of the

problems and the data here can be oral on written.

b. Object of the study

The object of this study is the words or phrases used in export- importing

which form a disourcs of registers.

c. Type of Data Source

Type of data in this research is new data form vocabulary here can be a

word, compound word, phrase or abbreviation that is used by exporter and

importer in their community. Those registers are general terms which mostly

used in export-import document and activity.The data of research are gathered

from Damatex Company, Salatiga.

d. Method of Collecting Data.

The writer collects the data containing export- import register by

means of several instruments and ways.

1). Observation.

The writer conduct observe before taking the data, collects, selects the

data belong to register, and arranges a list of register.



2).Make a list of export-import register

After doing some observations, the writer that is used in this research

is descriptive qualitative analysis. In doing the analysis, the writer conduct

the technique to analyze the data arranged into some particular steps as


- Collecting all the data

- Describing the register used in export-import.

- Describing the export-import register into three different form

word,phrase, and abbreviation.

- Describing here conceptual meaning.

- Make conclusion and suggestion based on the data analysis

G. Thesis Outliner

In order to have guidance for either the writer himself in writing the

research paper or readers in reading the whole contents of the research paper, the

writer needs to step up the organization of the research paper as follows:

Chapter 1 is Introduction. This chapter deals with background of the

study, problem of the study, object of the study, limitation of the study, benefit of

the study, research methodology, research paper organization.

Chapter 11 is underlying theories. In this chapter the writer presents the

theories are related in this study. It deals with the notion of the register including

definition of register, the form of register, the relation of meaning, the function of


Chapter III is research method. This chapter consist of type of research,

object of the research, source of data, the technique of data collecting, the

technique of analyzing data and data presentation.

Chapter IV is the data analysis of the research. In this chapter consists of

data analysis, the result of the research that the researcher did for getting the

answer of the problem statement such as form of the export-import register, and

the meaning of export-import register.

Chapter V is closure that consists of conclusion and suggestion. It contains

the conclusion of the research and the analysis of the written related to the result

of the research and the suggestion related to study. The last part is bibliography




This chapter presents some related theorist to support this research.

The theories will be used to solve the problem. Therefore, the writer applies the

following theories, namely: definition of register, the form of register, the relation

of meaning, the function of register, the contents of register, the notion of


A. Definition of Register

The term of register here describes as language of groups of people

with common interests or job or language used in situation associated with

such groups as stated by Holmes.1 The term of register narrowly describes as

the specific vocabulary associated with the different occupational groups.

Register in the other definitions when they are distinguished from style, tend

to be associated with particular groups of people or sometimes specific

situation of use.

Wardaugh says that register set of vocabulary items associated with

discrete occupation or social groups.2 So the expression is understood only by

community itself, although we sometimes can also know the meaning of the

expression used. This term shows us that register is a feature of a language

that has a special usage dealing with society. 1

1 Holmes I, Introduction to linguistic, Longman Group, New York, 1992, page. 276


languages determined by subject matter.2 3 Whereas styles are varieties of

language which are determined primarily by the speaker’s attitude toward the

hearers, to the subject matter or the purpose of his communication. Here the

use of language is based upon its use and context. The language that is used in

journalism, sport, politic, banker, and doctor could be considered example of

register. From the quotation above, it is obvious that register deals with

occupation, of social group. Similarly in the other word, register is variety of

languages distinguished according to the use. It is typically used in certain

occupation, or certain social groups, and it usually has certain purpose.

B. The Form of Register

This research is to find forms of register used in export import

document, namely word and phrase.

1. Word

A word is any unit of language that in writing appears between spaces

or type.4 In language, word can be arranged in to a good sentence to express

the meaning.

In similar, Gorrel notes that words are symbols that a human being

uses to reveal his idea about something. Some words are more concrete

than another.5

2 Wardaugh, R. Introduction to Sociolinguistic, Oxport University Press, London, 1997, page.40



It has been known in the linguistic form that a word is a unit which in

print is bounded by spaces on both sides. There are some forms of word

such as: simple word, clipped form, blends, acronyms, coinage, and


a. Clipped form

Clipping is process in which a word is formed by shortening a longer

one. Clipping occur when the longer words has very common use and a

shorter form result because it is simpler and is easily understand. Such as

Proffor professor, ad fo r advertisement and zoo fo r zoological garden.

b. Blend

Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part of

one word with the last part of another, so that the resultant blends consist

of both original meanings, for example the word motor and hotel

becomes motel (motorist hotel) which is used to mean hotel for motorist.

c. Acronym

Acronym is the result of forming a word from the first letter of each

word in phrase. Such as radar (radio detecting and ranging)

d. Coinages

Coinages are pure creation of writers, inventors, scientist and others

who are in need a term to express a given meaning or to mean an item or

product, such as kodak, toyota, and aspirin.

e. Abbreviation


word from another reduction that is the use of initialization. For

example: B/L, L/C, and etc.

2. Phrase

Phrase is one of the constituents in the grammatical hierarchy that is

put on the word and under the clause. Understanding the meaning of the

phrase, Warriner holds that a phrase is a group of words used as a single

part of speech and containing a verb and its subject.6 Meanwhile Hornby

notes that phrase is group of words (often without finite verbs) point part of

sentence.7 Phrase can be classified into seven, namely prepositional phrase,

gerund phrase, adjective phrase, verb phrase, noun phrase, participle

phrase, infinitive phrase. In export import registers there are only three

kinds of phrase. So the writer only discusses on those three kinds of phrase,

a. Noun Phrase

Frank states that a noun phrase is a group of related word containing a

noun and adjective modifier noun determiner or simply determiner

which usually use noun phrase.8 For example: gross weight

5 Gorrel, M odem English Handbook, New Jerseus, Prentice Hall, 1967, page. 371 Warrine, John E, English Grammar and Compageosition, Harcourt Brace and world, New York, 1958, page. 59

Hornby, A S, Oxfort Advance L earner’s Dictionary o f Current English, Oxfort University press, London, 1986, page. 692.



b. Verb Phrase

Verb phrase is a group of related words containing one or more verbs

and their modifier and complement, such as clean on Board.

c. Adjective phrase

Adjective phrase is a group of related words containing noun modifier

which consist of more than one word.

C.The Relation of Meaning

In the register term, the meaning clarification is very important. In

every register human being has produced its own meaning. However, it seems

difficult to deliver the message because in some terms people have different

interpretation by others. It also concerns with the context and the export-import

document use the register. The different meaning of the same terms can still be

considered but different perception will influence mostly if they do not use the

same terms. The system of meaning is the important aspects of the language in

communication. In some cases, however, it seems difficult to convey message

because in some terms of registers have different interpretation by them. It also

concerns with the context and the door uses the register.

In related to the topic, Larson (1988: 271) states that meaning can be

classified into four namely:

1. Grammatical meaning has two definitions involving the meaning expressed

by grammatical ending, word order, or intonation and the part of meanings


3. Textual meaning is the meaning that is acquired from the relationship

between words to another in sentence.

4. Contextual or situation meaning is the meaning that cases from the situation

or context where the word, phrase, sentence and expression are used.9

Based on the classification of meaning mentioned above, it is suitable

to analyze the register used in Export-Import document through contextual

meaning. Besides, the writer employs Nunung’s explanation in her paper to

analyze the change of meaning.10

a. The real meaning of a word could be broader that the new meaning

represented by the same word..

b. The new meaning of a word could be broader than its real meaning.

c. The real meaning and the new meaning of the word can share some features

of meaning where as each of them has different meaning.

d. The real meaning and the new meaning of the same word could be identical

to each other but used in different field.

e. The real meaning and the now meaning of a word could be quite different.

f. The new meaning does not have the real meaning.

D. The Function of Register

Register has an important role in society. The function of register is to

make easy communication between the members on the certain group on



society. Register rises in order to persuade people to watch or to follow the

effective communication. It can share more information about the specific

purpose on several groups. Pateda classifies the function of register into five,


1. Intimate, it is used in family atmosphere

2. Casual, it used to omit misunderstanding in communication

3. Deliberative or formal, it is used the speaker to broader the conversation.

4. Oratorical or frozen which is used by professional speaker to attract the


5. Consultative, it is usually used to make an agreement. It occurred in trade

transaction and typically dialog.11

E. The Context of register used

Register is usually under the heading of sociolinguistic. Chaika holds

that sociolinguistics is the study of ways people use language in social

interaction.10 11 12 In sociolinguistics, people use the language to express their

feeling of something, their description of something and so on. This concept

shows us about the use of language in social institution. The ways people use

the language in their life might be a great paint of this term.

In communication or interaction there are many ways of saying the

something covering message, ideas, thoughts, or feelings. People will usually

10 Nunung Arifatul Q, A Descriptive Study o f Register Used by D octor’s and N urses in Surgery at R SI Surakarta, 2004, (Unpublished paper), page. 16

11 Pateda Mansoer, Semantic Leksikal, Rineka Cipeta, Jakarta, 2001, page. 65


influenced by some social factors:

1. The particular

It concerns with who is speaking and whom they are speaking to.

2. The setting or social context of interaction

It concerns with where speaking process take place.

3. The topic

It is related to what is being talked about

4. The function

It is related to the reason or why people are speaking.13

It concerns with the factors influencing the choice of certain variety.

There are two factors that determine the choice of the language form when the

speaking activities are going on. There are situational and social factors.

The situational factors concerns with the choice of word and the way

how to code, for instance, the language used in hospital, in mosque, in job

offering, wedding party and etc, the social factor concerns with the age, sex,

economic back ground and also the living place. It can also be employed to

describe all the speech events happening in communication process.14

F. The Notion of Semantic

Semantic is a study of linguistics meaning of words, phrase, and



speaker utters it is the response when it falls for the hearer.13 * 15 The inference of

this term is that, meaning is the way or how to utter our words so the hearer

understands what we are talking about.

Meanwhile Lyons states that meaning of semantics is the idea or

concept, which can be transferred from the mind of the speaker to the mind of

hearer by embodying them, as it were, in the from of one language or another.16


This research is a field of quality research and of the theories that

support this approach. Moleong affirms that qualitative research is a research of

which the data in the forms of written or oral words are descriptively analyzed.1 It

presents the data and the research result in the form of phenomena description.

In this case method refers to produces about method, which are useful

in research it self. It will be used as guidance to conduct the research from the

meaning to the end of work.

Related to this research, the writer uses descriptive method in which

this method is to describe what actually happens in certain condition, and

situation. When conducting the research, the writer takes a certain procedures and

would explain in five parts, they are: (A) type of research, (B) object of study, (C)

type of data and data source, (D) method of collecting data, (E) technique of

analyzing data, (F) data presentation.

A. Type of research

This research is qualitative type, because the term of register used in

export-import document can be separated and taken according to the kinds or

function of the terms. It does not present the data and the result in the form of

digits or statistics but fields the data and the result in the form of phenomena


1 Lexy Moleng, M ethodology Penelitian Kualitatif, Depdikbud, Jakarta, 1989, page.3



In this case, the researcher analyzes the registers used in export-import

document for investigation, the form and the meaning of registers, the draw


B. Object of the Study

The object of this study is the words or phrases used in export­

importing which form a discourse of registers.

C. Type of Data and Data Source

Type of data in this research is new data from vocabulary. Here can be

a word, compound word, phrase or abbreviation that is used by exporter and

importer in their community. Those registers are general terms which are

mostly used in export-import document and activity. The data of research are

gathered from Damatex Company, Salatiga.

D. Method of Collecting Data

The writer collects the data containing export-import register by means

of several instruments and way.

1. Submit the Source of Document

The writer submits the sources of research from the documents export-

import vocabularies in Damatex Company in Salatiga.

2. Observation

The writer conducts observation before taking the data, the writer

selects all the export-import terms belong to register, and arrange a list of


In this interview, the writer asks about the meaning of register that they

use in export-import document.

4. Make a list of export-import register

After doing some observations, the writer makes sure that all language

form is registers used in export-import, and then the writer arranges the list

of data.

E. Technique of Analyzing Data

The technique of data analysis that is used in this research is

descriptive qualitative analysis. In doing the analysis, the writer conducts the

technique to analyze the data arranged into some particular steps as follow:

1. Collecting all the data

2. Describe the register used in export-import

3. Describe the export-import register into three different from words, phrase

and abbreviation, for example :

a. Words : - Invoice

- Consignee

b. Phrase : - Bill of lading

- Packing list

c. Abbreviation : - B / L

- L /C


4. Describe the meaning of each register

5. Make conclusion and suggestion based on data analysis.

F. Data presentation

The data about 16 words, 14 Phrase, 16 abbreviations

1. Word

a. Cargo

b. Consignee

c. Container

d. Forwarder

e. France

f. Freight

g. Fumigation

h. Exporter

i. Importer

j. Invoice

k. Postage

l. Devaning

m. Prepaid

n. Order

o. Shipment


c. Clean Bill of Lading

d. Clean letter of credit

e. Clean on board

f. Container load

g. Cross weight

h. General cargo

i. Letter of credit.

j. Out shipment

k. Packing list

l. Point of origin

m. Weight list

n. War risk

3. Abbreviation

a. B/L

b. B/E

c. COC

d. CAD

e. COD

f. CBD



h. CIF

i. DDU

j. l /g

k. FBS

l. FAS

m. FOB

n. FCL

o. PDP


In this chapter, the writer presents the result of research. The steps of the

data analysis the writer employs are: first, classifying the register used by a group

of export, import, second elaborating the meaning of register used by a group of

export-import. However, the presentations of the two are integrated into a unity.

Finally, the writer discusses the finding of the analysis.

In relation with meaning of register, there are two ways in analyzing the

meaning of register. First, the writer compares the register meaning with the close

word in dictionary (lexical meaning) and contrasts them with the contextual

meaning. Second, the writer uses the contextual meaning because it is hard to find

the close meaning in the dictionary.

A. Data Classification

In order to make the more practical and understandable analysis easily,

the writer classified the whole data into two specific categories. They are:

1. Word

a. Simple word

1) Consignee

2) cargo

3) order

4) shipment


5) invoice

6) container

7) Franco

8) fumigation

9) freight

10) forwarder

11) devaning

12) postage

13) prepaid

14) transshipment

15) exporter

16) exporter

17) importer

2. Phrase

The writer found 7 items noun phrase, 6 items verb phrase, and 1


a. Norm Phrase

1) Grass Weight

2) Container load

3) General Cargo

4) Certificate of origin

5) Point of origin

6) Bill of Lading


b. Verb Phrase

1) Out Shipment

2) Packing List

3) War Risk

4) Clean on Board

5) Clean Bill of Lading

6) Clean Letter of Credit

c. Adjective Phrase

1) Weigh List

3. Abbreviation

The register found 16 export-import registers in the form of abbreviation:

a. B/L

b. B/E

c. CAD

d. COD

e. CBD

f. L/C

g. COC

h. CY/CY

i. CIF

j. DDP



l. FAS

m. FBS

n. FCL

o. FOD

p. SB S

B. Data analysis

1. Word

a. Simple Word

1) Consignee

It is the person of firm named in a fright construct to whom goods

have been shipped or turned over for care.

2) Cargo

According to Hornby it is goods carried in a ship, air craft or other

vehicle.1 In contextual meaning, merchandise hauled by

transportation lines. It means a cargo ship uncountable and can

refer to a method of transporting goods.

3) Order

First, it may refer to a request to deliver, sell, receiver, or purchase

goods and services. Second, it means an instruction command or

direction authoritatively given. Hornsby states way in which things

are placed in relation to one another.2 It means order is the


Homby, Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary o f Current English, Oxford University Press, 1974, page. 128.


recognize of legitimating.

4) Shipment

It refers to delivery of cargo to a carrier for transportation/

transportation of goods

5) Invoice

It is a written account or Hemized statement usually on a

purchaser, consignee, facture, etc. Showing the name and address

and containing a description of the merchandise the quantity,

values or prices and changes and other significant detail of the

transaction such as the terms of sale and currency of the purchase.

6) Container

It is large metal box or other sealed container. It is for transport of

goods by road, rail, sea or air.3 In contextual meaning is a reusable,

rigid, exterior box in which merchandise is shipped by air, vessel,

truck or rail.

7) Franco

It is free from duties, transportation changes and other levies.

8) Fumigation

It is disinfect by means of fumes.4


4 Ibid. page. 184.



9) Freight

All merchandise, goods, product or commodities shipped by rail,

air, road, or water other than baggage, express mail or regular


10) Forwarder

It is an independent business that dispatches shipments for

exporters for a fee.

11) Devaning

It is taken all out the goods from box

12) Postage

It is payment for the carrying of letter, etc.5

13) Prepaid

It refers to a service or goods paid for before it is delivered.

14) Transshipment

It is an action to ship to one country and then to re-export to


15) Exporter

It is trader who has goods.6 People who send the goods to another

country/ send to importer

16) Importer

It is person (usually merchant) who has goods.7 People who

received goods from other country/from exporter.


The writer finds 7 items noun phrase, 6 verb phrase and 16 items


a. Noun Phrase

1) Gross Weight

It is the total weight of a package or shipment, including

packaging. According to Hornby Gross is twelve dozen.* 8 Weight is

how heavy a thing is.9

2) Container load

It is a container which is fulfilled by goods as stated in the payload

3) General Cargo

This word comes from word general and cargo-general is of,

affecting, all or nearly all.10 11 Cargo is goods carried in a ship, air

craft or other vehicle.11 The contextual meaning is merchandise

contains of good in mixture.

4) Certificate of Origin

It is a document containing a affidavit to prove the origin of

imported goods. It is used for customs of foreign exchange purpose

or both.

Ibid. page. 426. 8 Ibid. page. 380.



5) Point of Origin

It refers to the location in which goods is manufactured or


6) Bill of Lading

It is a document issued by a carrier which is evidence of receipt of

the goods and is a contract of carriage.

7) Letter of Credit

It is a commitment; usually by a bank on behalf of a client to pay a

beneficiary is stated amount of money under specified conditions,

b. Verb Phrase

1) Out Shipment

It is goods that do not fill in to ship.

2) Packing List

Packing is process of packing (goods)12.

List is number of names (of persons, items, thing, etc)13.

3) War Risk

It is the possible aggressive actions against a ship and it is cargo by

belligerent government In other word risk refers to the risk to a

vessel, it is cargo and passenger by aggressive action of hostile

nation or group.

4) Clean on Board

It gives guaranty to avoid the shipper.


It is bill of lading used by a carrier for goods delivered in “apparent

good order and condition” bearing no notations or added clauses

which may limit the ability of the carrier.

6) Clean Letter of Credit

It is a letter of credit which not with document,

c. Adjective Phrase

1) Weigh List

It is list of price.

Weigh is measure (by means of a scale, balance, etc).14

3. Abbreviation

By using abbreviation, exporter and importer will be more flexible and

efficient in communicating, because the word not has to say in needlessly

long sentences but simple language. During observation, the writer found

16 forms of abbreviation. The writer finds:

a. B/L

It is Bill of Lading, a document issued by a carrier which is evidence

of receipt of the goods, and is a contract of carriage.15

Bill of lading is list with details of a ship’s cargo.

b. B/E

It is Bill of Entry. A document issued by a carrier which is evidence of

entry of the goods.



Bill of entry is Item noted in an account of transaction.16

c. CAD

It is Cash After Delivery.

d. COD

It is Cash on Delivery.

e. CBD

It is Abbreviation from Cash Before Delivery.

f. L/C

It is Letter of Credit, a commitment usually by a bank on behalf of a

client to pay a beneficiary a stated amount of money under specified


g. COC

It is Carrier Owned Container.

h. CY/CY

It is Abbreviation from Container Yard to Container Yard.

It means area at anchorage using to pile up container.

i. CIF

It is cost Insurance and Freight means the seller has the same

obligation as under cost and Freight but with the addition that he has to

procure. Marine insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage

to the goods during the carriage. The seller contracts for insurance and

pay’s the insurance premium.


It is Delivery Duty Paid or submitted by duty have been paid.

It means Agreement of commodity shipping on risk and fee maximally

by exporters. Exporters fulfill of obligation to hand commodity over at

importer state. Exporters obligatory carry on the risk and duty included

import duty, tax and commodity quotation until to destination.

k. DDU

It is Delivery Duty Unpaid or submitted by duty have not been paid.

It means Agreement of commodity shipping on risk and fee by the

exporters until border of destination state, except import duty, tax and

the other’s legitimate. So, the other border become importer border.

l. FAS

It is Free Alongside Ship.

It means Agreement of commodity shipping on risk and fee by the

importer, exporters fulfill of obligation to hand until beside the ship.

m. FBS

It is Fumigation Before Shipment.

n. FCA

It is Free Carrier.

It means Agreement of commodity shipping on risk and fee by the

importers, exporters fulfill of obligation to hand commodities over at



o. FOB

It is Free on Board.

It means A greement of commodity shipping on risk and fee by the

importer, exporters fulfill of obligation to hand above the ship.

p. SBS

It is Surveyed Before Shipment.

C. Discussion of the findings

Having analyzed some data, the writer found some phenomena

from the analysis. The phenomena that the writer found will be finding of

this research.

1. The Form of Register

The form of the registers is various in this research. The form of

the registers here can be divided into three categories. Namely: word,

phrase, and abbreviation. The numbers of word formed registers are 16

items, and 7 items are phrase. While, there are 16 items of abbreviation.

From the data above, it can be seen that most of register used by

exporter and importer are in the form of simple word. There is a demand

for the exporter and importer to work fast, so they will use the simplest

sentence. If the doctors or nurses say in long sentence, it will consume


2. The Meaning of the Register

The meaning of the register here are usually different from their


each register represents one event in export-import. Lexical meaning is

meaning that given by dictionary. For example the words order. In

contextual meaning is a request to deliver, sell, receiver or purchase goods

and services. While in lexical meaning, it is way in which things are




A. Conclusion

An export and import transaction is a simple activity. It is not more

than buying and selling the commodities between the traders who lives in

different countries. But often the export-import transaction becomes a very

complex problem between the exporters and importers caused by the

differences of language, culture, customs and economic system. Based on this

reality exporters and importer all over the world have made the standard rule

about the customs in making the export import transaction or documentation,

in order to make their business run well. The rule is known as “Uniform

customs and practice for documentary credit" that is published by

International chamber of commerce (ICC) in Paris. This rule is regularly up

dated if it is needed, based on the latest condition.

One of the agreements that is used by the exporters and importers in

their business is that they will. Use the same definition about the export -

import terms that usually used in their daily business activity like in the

making of legal documents in this activity ( the making of export - import

document ) they often use special terms that are understood by them only.

These special terms are called export - import register.

There are many export import registers that are commonly found in

export import document. Viewed from the grammatical theory, there are


namely word, phrase and abbreviation. The writer found 16 word items, 14

phrase items, and 16 items of abbreviation.

1. Word

Consignee : the person or firm named in a freight construct to whom

goods have been shipped or turner over for cave.

2. Phrase

Noun phrase

Gross weight : the total weight of a package or a shipment, including

goods and packaging.

Verb phrase

Out shipment : it is goods that not fill in ship

Adjective phrase

Weight list : it is list of price

Weigh is measure (by means of scale balance, etc)

3. Abbreviation

B/L : Bill of Lading

Every register produced by human being has it own meaning, also in

the export import register. The meaning of registers used by exporter and

importer in their documents are classified in to six categories;

1. The register meaning of a word could be narrower than the real meaning



2. The register meaning of a word could be boarder than the real meaning

like the word: consignee, invoice, etc.

3. The register meaning and the real meaning of the same word could shares

some features of meaning, such as the word: duty, beneficiary, etc.

4. The register meaning and the real meaning of the same word could be

identical to each other, but sometimes it is used in different context, like

the word: cargo, container, etc.

5. The register meaning and the real meaning of a word could be quite

different. For example the word: collection, classification, etc.

6. The register meaning does not have the real meaning. For instance the

word: CY/CY, CIF and EXW.

B. Suggestion

Correlated with development of register in many groups of people, the

writer would like to present several suggestions as follows:

To the student:

1. The data in this research are taken from export import register and it will

be interesting if the next researcher look for other topic of register to be

analyzed besides what have been analyzed before.

2. Generally the register is analyzed by sociolinguistic theory, but in this

research the writer uses semantic theory because the writer doesn’t take


sociolinguistic theory.

3. The writer hopes there will be researchers who will complete the export

import register.

4. The writer hopes there will many researchers who will study other kinds of

English variants such as slunk, and jargon.



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Fromkin, Victoria. 1975, An Introduction to Language, New York. Halt, Rinehart

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Gorrel, 1967, Modem English Handbook, Prentice Hall, New Jersey

Holmes J. 1992. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York. Longman Group.

Homby. 1974. Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, Oxford University Press.

Larson, M.L., 1988. Peneijemahan Berdasarkan Makna. Arlan. Jakarta

Moleong, Lexy. 1989. Methodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, Jakarta, Depdikbud.

Pateda, Mansoer. Sosiolinguistik Sebuah Pengantar, Angkasa, Bandung, 1990

Shipping Terminologies, 2003, INDONESIA Shipping Gazette

Sunaryo, 2000, Bahan Belajar Jarak Jauh : Peraturan dan Prosedur Ekpor, Jakarta

Sunaryo, 2000, Bahan Belajar Jarak Jauh : Informasi Pasar Ekspor, Jakarta

Sunaryo, 2000, Bahan Belajar Jarak Jauh : Kewirausahaan Eksportir, Jakarta

Sunaryo, 2000, Bahan Belajar Jarak Jauh : Kontrak Dagang Ekspor, Jakarta



(Naim it Alamat Buyer) (Nama L Alamat Seller)

The id le r confirm! having concluded lids contrail with the Ruyercoverlng the.undermentloned merchandise on the termi and conditions staled here­ under and on I he reverse. Tlie Duy :r Is hereby requested tn sign and return Iheor'glnal attached hereto,and If any discrepancy found by the Duyer.the Seller should be Informed Immediately by cable.'

Item Article &. Description Quantity {.'nil price Total No.

I, Shipment : _________

'1. Destination. : _______

3. Payment : ________

4. Sold through : ______ ,

5. Remarks : ______ |

6. Reference : Yours :


C o n f I r m e d : C o n f i r m e d :

Buyer Seller

Dale at:



I N V O I C E : No.

To Messrs : The Victory Trading Co. Right Portion Yuen Mansion

1/B 21 Waterloo Road Kowloon, Hongkong.

Shipped in good order and condition by us for your account per M.V./S.S. Andika Par am it a sailing on or about July 24, 1985

from Ujung Pandang to Hongkong

L/C No. 1621571 dd. 19.6.1985 . Issued by Dao Ping Limited Hongkong

B/L No: UPG/Hongkong-12 dd24;7.85 Contract No.. .dd.


PEB. No. 02/620/1935 dd 7.3. 1985



Issuing Bonk Limited kuernational Division

23. High Street



w*' n / cvencnCEN MAntwc CDnrnnATlONi w ttf » ~ lr U i v i i tl l h . i s .U W BILL OF LADING

4 (■*>«!>*, Irmfihl» nm* w«l (Niitltl


EVER BR10GE/0012--I57 IMI Mm« JAKARTA CYtt •»<„„•/(>••« «l «v..» y.„.i,’v.r m»

EVER LOADING/03S3-040UA| f.»i IMI r*»i w i»o*»«G.PRIOK, JAKARTA IMH 0-«»U hW (wt^/ltr-i »«.h«*W» |h» *» MwiW«t »»<»»». •*,!



1 AKARXA^-NaUE&SEiLJ2J *. L9&a.

IUI u <t« m >««»< m y»ih*

j.-NOVEMBER 24, 1968 V?|17v\






Jl. CENGKEH NO. 19 H. TELP. 2"’3890-276544-278757 JAKARTA BARAT

Cabang: Bandung * Cirebon • Denpasar - Jakarta - Jember - Malang • Manado - Medan—Pontianak - Semarang - Surakarta - Surabaya - Ujung Pandang

P.O. BOX. 1328/JKT TELEX : 42023 RAM JKT

Marine Policy No. 80900021840006 (REG. 218597)

We. the Undersigned, have insured on behalf of Messr. P T INDUSTRI KAPAL INDONESIA - UJUNG PANDANG.

from HOLLAND ■*


the sum o f Sailing 3rd July. 1984.

C onditions: "C " (F.P.A). Loaded under deck

In ihe event o f loss or damage arising under this policy no claims will be adm itted unless immediate notice be given to : Messrs "RAMAYANA" INSURANCE TPAD. COY

12, JL Ujung Pandang - UJUNG PANDANG. Report issued by others do not produce evidence

Claims payable at: Ujung Pandang b y as above.


This insurance is governed exclusively by English Marine Insurance Law and complemen- tory costums, unless explicitly otherwise provide. The wording o f the English Lloyd's policy-form, laid down in Schodule I to the English Marine Insurance Act. 1906 is considered to be inserted in this pBcy. Any dispute however arising with regard to this policy shall in Fust instance exclusively be submitted to thedecision o f com petent judge at Jakarta.

Draw up in duplicate one o f which being accomplished the other (s) to be voici.

P.T. Maskapai Asuransi "R am ayana"


No General Average Bond to be signed without consulting first Insurers or their Agents





Centre for Testing ond Quality. Control J l Raya Dogor Km. 26 PO Box 4235

Jakarta — Indonesia

Tl»c undersigned certify thut samples subi tilled for testing byji

Authorised by Dli cc lor Ge ittrnl c^f Foie Ign Trude

Decree N ty 'W D A G L U /X P /;^

G. Consignment of commodity*^ 7. Identification of consignm ent/

shipping mark *'C/ ;i?>

j u ; *

T^v'- • • /> r . * o y


8. Exporting company 9. Acklrcss of company

10. Registration nunibcr/produccr’sccde

have been tested by us and gave results complying with the

. standard for grade . T A



_____________ _►_____

K x t r a n o o u o M a t t e r , 5> ( w/w )

L i g h t b c r r l o o , £ ( w/w ) |

Mouldy b o i n i o a , ( w/w ) I

0.2 1 1 0 mix I J»*=&ffi=l?=MT:L

( ! S 0 R 9 2 7 tl9 6 9 )

1 . 1 I 2 . 0 max I 3 ^ ^ - 3 1 - 1 9 7 9 ( BS 4 5 9 5 -1 9 7 0 ,App C )


0 I 1 max l Y SF-SM P-34-1975 R o v lo td M arch 1979 • . A S T A 1977

U o i o t u r a , 5* < n /w ) 1 1 1 . o I 1 2 .0 - max I sy -S M P -7 -1 9 7 5 T ISO R 9 3 9 -1 9 6 9 B )

C l o a n lin o o s I F r e e fro m l i f e o r l d e a d i n a o c t a

r o d e n t h a l r * ^ O r g a n o l e p t i c


The «bore Hading* are based

on the tested sam ple only, th is cerUAcate In valid w ithin 90 days Grom the d ate o f Issue.


B a n d a r Lampung N ovem ber 7 ,

B a l a i P e n g u j i a n d a n S a r t l f l k a s l H u tu B a ra n g V, Tan ju n ^ k a r a n g _______ % U b o « U K y \


PACKING LIST (dalam negeri)


D E T A IL E D C O N T N S / Q U A N T IT Y / M E A S U R E M E N T



coun,,Y,' rr. TJIPTA NIAGA

JALAN IKAN TONGKUL NO. 70 MANDAU LAMPUNG - INDONESIA 2. Goods consigned to (Consignee's name, address, cou ttryl.


TLX 606070 JUBAIR SJ, FaA 6479653 SAUDI ARABIA y

3. Means of transport and route (as far as known). 4. For official mw.

Shipped by

7. Number and kind of pe.ugea; description of goods.


k b bortby certified, on the basb control carried out, that lha goods i 11. Competent authority (name, futL*ddress),




CERTI FI CATE OF ORIGIN (Generalized System of Preference)

l . Goods consigned Irom (Exporter’s business name, addres 1 country)

| P.T. ABC Jl. Bawakaraeng 113 j Ujung Pandang - Indonesia

Reference No /MKS/198S


Indonesian frosen headless shell on river shrimps.

1st Grade over lea 0 quantity .No 0*74

Aug 23. 85 declaration by the exporter is correct.




Platt and date, ujrrutuft and tiarnp 01 certifying August 25. 1985


12. Declaration by the exporter

The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and state­ ments arc correct; that all the goods were produced in INDONESIA

INDONESIA Place and slate, signature ol JuthonKd ugrutory



second unpaid ourselves

the sum of United States dollars five thousand only

/a /u z ,ece‘'',d

Ham Loyler Inc. New York


u .

Jo tfXe. XXof/z* <yJ

Xt-c/yi/oet £> ■ Account

per pro Jones Diceheart Ltd



N om or: Lamp. : Hal


SE K O LA H TING G I A G A M A ISLAM NEG ERI (STA IN ) SA LA TIG A Ji. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp.(0298) 323706,323433 i'a.\323433 Salatiga 50721

Website : www.stainsalatiaa.ac.id E-mail : admi ni st rasi (£)st ain sa I a t i g a ac.id

ST.27/K-1/PP.00.9/I-13.005/2005 8 Pcbrt’ari 2005

Proposal Skripsi Dosen Pembimbing / Asisten Pembimbing Skripsi mahasiswa

N ’ m a

Apabila dipandang perlu Saudara diminta mengoreksi tema Skripsi di atas.

Demikian untuk diketahui dan dilaksanakan.

Wassalamualaikum w. w.


JL Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp.(0298)323706 Fax.323433 Kode Pos 50721 u3&2£3ara


Proposal skripsi mahariswa:

Narua Ml/l/U/MfArt f\ 'A//1

-MIM ; „.. U>. ...

Indol : A QK 'A M.ET.1 .

Dinyatakan / Diterima dengan syarat

NIP. 150256821


Surat ini digunakan untuk meminta Surat Nota Pembimbir g Skripsi

.e Subbag. Akademik (Pelayanan Skripsi).




Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp.(0298) 323706,323433 Fax323433 Salatiga 50721 Wubsite : www.stainsalatiKa.ac.id E-mail : administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id


Nama : . . . . M .. .... NIM*:..))}.???.> \$ . .

Program Studi : PA I/PB A /T PBI/A H S**)

Judul Skripsi :... .. >y $ . . . u n ,. . w e i r ] .? jl t .. p.. n p . E T .

J M P P M . . P . P . L 1 1 M . 6 ...TAc.KJ.Vf....i^V.A^ArA -Pembimbing :.J?r5 ...$3.A& . ..V).-. ./H fo ...

Asisten Pembimbing :...

**) Coret yang tidak perlu

Asisten Pembimbing

Salatiga,.. .1 .V.. V1A1V?.T... %00<?


9 r { . H . M . A«3 •


Ka. Progdi : H. Drs. Sa’adi, M.Ag.

No Jenis Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Keterengan Nilai

1 ORMAS S 28-30 agustus 2000 Peserta 2

2 Basic Training LK I 13-15 Oktober 2001 Panitia 3

3 Guiding Program 14 Juli 2002 Panitia 3

4 CEC Friendship Camp 11-13 Oktober 2002 Panitia 3

5 CEC Friendship Camp 7-8 Oktober 2000 Peserta 2

6 Lomba Baca Al-Quran TPA 31 Oktober 2004 Panitia 3

7 Seminar Hukum Regional 28 Mei 2002 Peserta 3

8 ITTAQO 25 November 2000 Peserta 2

9 Basic Training I 11-13 Mei 2001 Peserta 2

10 Konser Music Amal 30 September 2002 Peserta 2

11 Pengajian Remaja 10 Pebruari 2005 Panitia 3

12 Peringatan Isro’Mi’roj 12 September 2004 Peserta 2

13 Seminar Managemen

15 Seminar Sosial Politik 16 Maret 2003 Peserta 2

16 Seminar Hukum

17 KONMAWAS 13 Mei 2003 Peserta 3

18 L P 2 R 3 Maret 2005 Peserta 3

19 Speech contest 10 Juli 2001 Panitia 3

20 Peringatan Hari Besar 5 Mei 2004 Panitia 3


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