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Politeness strategies applied in directive speech acts according to the interpersonal relationships in ``The It Crowd : Moss and and The German`` - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 06 4214 077






A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis









By By


Student Number: 064214077 Student Number: 064214077

Approved by Approved by

Adventina Putranti S.S., M. Hum

Adventina Putranti S.S., M. Hum August 12, 2011 Advisor

Linda Valentina Budiman, S.S., M.Hum August 12, 2011 Co–Advisor



A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis










Defended before the Board of Examiners on August 22nd, 2011

and Declared Acceptable

Defended before the Board of Examiners on August 22nd, 2011

Chairman : Dr. Fr. Borgias Alip, M.Pd., M.A. _________________ Chairman : Dr. Fr. Borgias Alip, M.Pd., M.A. _________________

Secretary : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka M.Hum _________________ Secretary : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka M.Hum _________________

Member : Adventina Putranti S.S., M.Hum _________________ Member : Adventina Putranti S.S., M.Hum _________________

Member : Linda Valentina Budiman S.S., M.Hum _________________ Member : Linda Valentina Budiman S.S., M.Hum _________________

Member : Harris H. Setiajid S.S., M.Hum _________________ Member : Harris H. Setiajid S.S., M.Hum _________________

Yogyakarta, August 26th, 2011 Yogyakarta, August 26

Dr. I. Praptomo Baryadi, M. Hum Dr. I. Praptomo Baryadi, M. Hum




Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : V. Novi Ciptaningrum NIM : 064214077

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Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2011

Yang menyatakan,

V. Novi Ciptaningrum





(MATTHIEU 21:22)



This work is done as my gratitude dedicated to

Whom everything shall be returned to,


to Mommy, for an unequal exchange




Laudate Dominum! Be my highest gratitude to my Lord, Jesus Christ for His mercy, protection and all blessings that light my steps leading to a wonderful

time during years I spent in finishing my study. I would also thank to Mother Mary for the strings of prayers and love that accompany me so far.

My deepest gratitude also goes to my parents, my daddy, Eddy and of course my mommy in particular, Martina Tri S. for her sacrifice, patience, and support in finishing my study. I owe her much for becoming the bravest woman I

have ever seen in my life.

I am more than usually grateful for the help I have received from my

advisor, Adventina Putranti S.S., M.Hum for her guidance, time, and particularly, for sharing ideas and suggestions in completing my thesis. It was

such a wonderful time to finish this final assignment with her. I would also thank

my co-advisor, Linda Valentina Budiman S.S., M.Hum for the mind-mapping and suggestions. For the help in finishing my study, my gratitude goes to all

lectures in English Letters Department, and also to The Secretariat Staffs,

especially mbak Nik who has been patient in serving and helping me with the administrative procedures and services. At the same time I would also thank

Septiandy Ateng and Putri “Ringgo” for helping me learning the Interpersonal Relationship in conducting this final assignment.


I am indebted to my sisters and brother; Bernadetta Prima, Lucia T., and

Ignasius Hans Veda for the support and contributions for my final assignment and also for encouraging me to do my best.

I would also dedicate this thesis as a gratitude to my uncle and auntie who

have been close with my family and helping us in difficulties; Yohanes Darsono, and Elizabeth Sunarsih. I thank them for assisting my mother by accommodating me a place to live during the last two years. I also thank my cousin, Yunas for sharing her bedroom and lending me her lappie.

To English Letters friends also are my thanks, especially to Anna Elfira,

Diksita, Ansdaria, Ireda, Yenny, Dewi, Agaton, and my friend in holy spaces,

Yoyo (<). I owe them a lot for they have been filling my days with joys and laughter. I also thank to my lovely student, Windi Prawesti for always pleasing me with her wonderful and inspiring stories during the last 3 years.

Last but not least, I thank my beloved Michael Anandika Nevada for the cups of coffee, and particularly for filling my days with love and affection. I am

indebted to him for always being in a rush helping me with such sophisticated

gadget stuffs during this thesis writing.

I am terribly sorry for all people who have given partial contributions for

this thesis-writing whose names cannot be mentioned in this gratitude expression

one by one. However, I cannot reach this step without them all.

V. Novi Ciptaningrum









B. Problem Formulation ... 7

C. Objectives of the Study... 7

D. Definition of Terms... 8

1. Politeness... 8

2. Speech Act ... 9

3. Directives ... 9

4. Interpersonal Relationship ... 10


A. Review of Related Studies ... 11

1. Politeness and Society... 11

2. Psychology and Communication... 12

B. Review of Related Theories... 13

1. Theory of Speech Acts ... 13

a. Declaration (Performatives) ... 14

b. Representatives (Assertive) ... 14

c. Commissives... 15

d. Expressives ... 15

e. Directives... 15

2. Theory of Politeness... 16

a. Face... 17

b. Politeness Strategies ... 18

i. Off Record (indirect)... 19

ii. On-record ... 19

3. Theory of Interpersonal Relationship... 20

a. Power of Relationships... 21

b. Interpersonal Relationship... 22

C. Theoretical Framework ... 25



A. The Politeness Strategies Applied in Directive Speech Acts in “The IT Crowd – Moss and the German”... 31

ii. Negative Strategy... 39

B. The Use of Politeness Strategies According to the Interpersonal Relationships among the Characters in “The IT Crowd” eps. “Moss and the German”... 42

1. The Analysis of the Interpersonal Relationships... 42

2. The Analysis of the Politeness Strategies and Interpersonal Relationships ... 50




APPENDIX 1: Movie Description ... 65

APPENDIX 2: The Script of Serial Comedy “The IT Crowd” – episode: “Moss and the German”... 66

APPENDIX 3: The Classification of Speech Acts... 77

LIST OF TABLE Table 1. Politeness Strategies ... 41

Table 2. Off Record Strategy... 52

Table 3. Bald On Record Strategy... 53

Table 4. Positive Strategy... 54

Table 5. Negative Strategy ... 54

LIST OF ABBREVIATION Interpersonal Relationship ... 51



V. NOVI CIPTANINGRUM. Politeness Strategies Applied in Directive Speech Acts According to the Interpersonal Relationships in “The IT Crowd: Moss and the German”. Yogyakarta: English Letters Department, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2011.

“The IT Crowd” is a serial comedy series of situation-comedy genre. This film is a film comedy from the UK produced by Graham Linehan. This serial comedy consists of 4 (four) seasons starting from2006 to 2010. The writer takes an episode titled “Moss and the German” as the object of the study by the reason of conformity of the object with the theme taken by the author in the context of the psycholinguistics.

The writer outlined two (2) problems in this research; (1) The politeness strategies applied in directive speech acts in “The IT Crowd – Moss and the German”, (2) The use of politeness strategies in uttering directive speech acts according to the interpersonal relationships among the characters in “The IT Crowd – Moss and the German”.

In analyzing the data, the writer used two theories drawn from two studies: linguistics and psychology study. The writer used the theory of Politeness Strategies under pragmatic study to find the types of Politeness Strategies used by the characters in uttering directives speech acts. Next, the writer applies the theory of Interpersonal Relationship under psychology study to find the interpersonal relationships among the characters, and the theory of Power of relationships to find the power of the interpersonal relationships among the characters.

From the data analysis, this research found out the conclusion that there are five directive speech acts found in “The IT Crowd – Moss and the German”, including (1) Request, (2) Suggestion, (3) Command, (4) Prohibition, and (5) Invitation. There are also four politeness strategies included; (1) Off Record, (2) Bald On Record, (3) Positive, and (4) Negative Strategy. After the analysis of politeness strategy, the writer conducts the analysis of interpersonal relationship among the characters, and later the writer finds six types of interpersonal relationships among the characters in “The IT Crowd – Moss and the German”, those are: (1) Same-Sex Friendship, (2) Cross-Sex Friendship, (3) Friendship Association, (4) Workplace Mentoring Relationship, (5) Networking Workplace Relationship, and (6) Romantic Workplace Relationship. By combining and comparing the results of both analyses, the writer concludes that there is a strong relation and influence between the use of politeness strategies and interpersonal relationship seen from the preference of using certain politeness strategy according to the interpersonal relationship between two characters.



V. NOVI CIPTANINGRUM. Politeness Strategies Applied in Directive Speech Acts According to the Interpersonal Relationships in “The IT Crowd: Moss and the German”. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma. 2011.

“The IT Crowd” merupakan serial komedi dengan genre komedi situasi. Film ini merupakan film komedi dari Inggris yang diproduksi oleh Graham Linehan. Serial komedi tersebut meliputi 4 (empat) sesi mulai dari tahun 2006 sampai dengan tahun 2010. Penulis mengambil salah satu episode berjudul “Moss and the German” sebagai obyek penelitian ini dengan alasan kesesuaian obyek terhadap tema yang ingin diangkat oleh penulis dalam konteks psikologi bahasa.

Penelitian ini mengangkat 2 (dua) permasalahan, yakni (1) Apa saja Strategi Kesopanan yang dipakai dalam penuturan kalimat perintah langsung oleh para karakter di film “The IT Crowd – Moss and the German”, (2) Penggunaan strategi kesopanan dalam penuturan kalimat perintah langsung sesuai dengan hubungan antar persona karakter di “The IT Crowd – Moss and the German”.

Dalam menganalisa data, penulis menggunakan dua teori yang diambil dari kajian bahasa dan psikologi. Penulis menggunakan teori strategi kesopanan dari kajian Pragmatik untuk menemukan jenis – jenis strategi kesopanan yang dipakai oleh para karakter dalam menuturkan kalimat perintah langsung. Berikutnya, penulis mengambil dan menerapkan teori Hubungan Antar Persona dari kajian psikologi untuk menemukan jenis – jenis hubungan antar persona parakarakter dan teori Kekuatan Hubungan untuk menemukan kekuatan hubungan dari setiap hubungan antar persona tersebut.

Dari analisis data, penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa terdapat lima penuturan kalimat perintah langsung, mencakup (1) Permintaan, (2) Saran, (3) Perintah, (4) Larangan, and (5) Ajakan. Terdapat pula empat strategi kesopanan; (1) Off Record, (2) Bald On Record, (3) Positive, dan (4) Negative Strategy. Setelah analisa tersebut, penulis melakukan analisis hubungan antar persona, dan ditemukan bahwa terdapat enam macam hubungan antar persona, yakni (1) Same – Sex Friendship, (2) Cross – Sex Friendship, (3) Association Friendship, (4) Mentoring Workplace Relationship, (5) Networking Workplace Relationship, dan (6) Romantic Workplace Relationship. Dari penggabungan hasil kedua analisa, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan dan pengaruh antara penggunaan strategi kesopanan dengan hubungan antar persona yang ditunjukkan oleh kecenderungan pemakaian strategi kesopanan tertentu sesuai dengan hubungan antar persona antara dua individu.




A. Background of the Study

As human beings, we have so many aspects involved in our daily activities,

one of them is communication. This aspect is undoubtedly a very important aspect

among ones. People share ideas, perspectives, and many things stated in their

minds with other people to get works done. To succeed a communication between

two or more people, there must be a way or method to unify their understanding

of each other. There are some ways used by people to communicate each to others

that are done in both spoken and unspoken forms. Some of them are by employing

signs, gestures, and by uttering their ideas. The last one is the most effective way

among others because it employs a tool that is a universal agreement within every

group of people. The tool of communication referred here is called by a term, that

is language. Regarding to language as our tool of communication, Wardhaugh

(1992: pp. 2-3) defines language as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for

human communication. He emphasizes language as a code that human beings

employ in their communication.

Communication involves people as the doers of communication. Human

beings referred here are the participants of communication. Therefore, language,

communication, and human beings are not separated within one boundary. Many

people learn language and communication under linguistic study, but mostly

ignore the essential study of human beings as the doers of communication and


what it contributes dealing with communication and language. While Wardhaugh

stands under linguistics perspective with his definition of language above, another

definition is also given by Miller (1974: pp. 4-5) along with his explanation about

how psychology and communication are closely related. He defines human

language as the most subtle and powerful technique of controlling people’s

thoughts and actions. In this context Miller gives a term for human language as

behavioural technique.

Language covers many fields which are grouped into many disciplines

learned and taught by people. Those of which are phonology, morphology,

sociolinguistics, pragmatics, stylistics and semantics. Within the scope of

linguistics, pragmatics is the study that is mostly applied in this research. Yule

(1996: pp.1-2) describes pragmatics covering four understandings. Those are (1)

Pragmatics as the study of speaker’s meaning, (2) Pragmatics as the study of

contextual meanings, (3) Pragmatics as the study of how more things get

communicated than is said, and (4) Pragmatics as the study of the expression of

relative distance. In brief, he defines pragmatics as a study of the relationship

between linguistic forms and the users of the forms. In addition, when studying

pragmatics, we study people’s intended meanings, assumptions, aims, and any

action they perform while speaking. It is clear that there is a connection between

what is said and the action performed.

Under pragmatics study, the theory of politeness becomes the writer’s focus

in this research. The writer tries to analyze the politeness strategies applied in the


However, politeness within the field of pragmatic study is not the only theory the

writer applies in conducting the research. There are two other theories included in

this research, those are the theory of directive speech act, and another one is the

theory taken from the psychology discipline, the theory of interpersonal


In doing the research, the writer engages pragmatics with psychology study.

As the first step, the writer analyzes the script by using politeness theory under

pragmatics study. In this step, the writer attempts to reveal the conversation

patterns of each character by finding the politeness strategies used by the

characters in their directive speech acts. The next step, the writer tries to reveal

how the characters build their relationships and what kinds of relationship are

among them. In this context, the study of human relationships used in this

research, seeing from psychology study is called interpersonal relationship. Later,

this research results a discourse on human relationships and their communication

patterns. This result can be seen as a discourse in psycholinguistics where

language is associated with psychology of human relationships.

Psychology of human relationship is related to people’s environment can

also be seen as a discourse on sociolinguistic point of view. Pragmatics and

sociolinguistics are not separable. Under the scope of linguistics, they provide

politeness study within their own contexts. Meanwhile, sociolinguistics and

psychology are closely related. When language within the scope of linguistics is

associated with environment, social context and things alike, it carries an aspect of


there is communication done by the individuals within environment, and

individuals deal with different state of psychology which in turn creating various

types of human relationships. Many people have seen such view every day

without taking notice of how it has been examined within various studies that are

related one to the others.

Conducting this research is the most challenging for the writer for several

reasons. First, the writer is interested in working on linguistic study, particularly

on pragmatics. People may argue that studying pragmatics in academy is not

appealing. However, after attempting a further study on pragmatics by

self-learning, the writer is interested in the applicability of pragmatic theories in our

daily conversations, particularly speech act theories in almost all forms of spoken


Studying pragmatics is not a breeze, knowing that the writer has to find the

speaker’s intended meaning of his / her utterance. This process deals with some

supporting theories we might not obtain under the scope of pragmatics study. For

a brief example; a hearer has to find the intended meaning of a speaker’s utterance

by seeing and guessing the speaker’s gesture at the same time he/she utters

something to the hearer. Gestures to impart messages or intended meanings of

unspoken actions, commonly termed as body language, are generally given in

psychology study. However, as people understands the supporting aspects in

learning pragmatics, it will be easier to comprehend the study of pragmatics.

What makes it interesting for the writer in conducting this research is the


with psychology study, particularly interpersonal relationship study. Citing from

the previous definition of pragmatics as a study of the intended meanings of the

speaker’s utterances is the part where the writer sees the relation between

pragmatics and psychology study as mentioned above. The intended meaning

referred here is the meaning of the speaker’s utterance that is not implied through

his/her spoken utterance itself. With the help from Miller (1974: pp. 3-12) in

understanding the strong relation between psychology and communication, the

writer also tries to serve the reader an example of the case by conducting this


The writer chooses the serial comedy “The IT Crowd”, episode “Moss and

the German” in reason that the writer finds it interesting that it serves pragmatic

discourse that the writer seeks to analyze. “The IT Crowd” is a serial comedy

about two IT experts working in a private corporate in England, Reynholm

Industry. Among the employees these two men are considered as nerd people.

They do not look as normal as common people, seeing from their behaviour,

attitude, and the way they communicate each other and even to other people. For

the writer this becomes the interesting object where the writer can take as a

research to give the discourse to the reader in the field of human communication.

It becomes remarkable when later the writer finds “Moss and the German”

episode, the writer notices that it serves not only pragmatic features, but also other

fields of study such as psychology and sociolinguistics. In this episode the writer

finds related studies to be taken as a new discourse. “The IT Crowd – Moss and


glances taken. Actually, most episodes contribute linguistics discourse, covering

phonology, semantics, morphology, stylistics, and pragmatics.

The main point to discuss here, in this research, is its discourse on

pragmatics. One of the courses on pragmatics to discuss mainly in this study is

politeness strategy. However, the writer underwent the research of the same

subject by taking the psychology point of view to reveal the interpersonal

interactions within the scope of psychology of interpersonal relations or closeness

states between two people involved in a conversation and its influence to the

politeness. By using the script of the film, the writer took parts of the

conversations to reveal the politeness strategies applied in the conversations. The

writer used the script by adding little changes, i.e. giving little modification by

stating the names of the speakers since the script was originally attached to the

film and including no names of the speakers. This research was done by applying

the politeness and pragmatics theories to the selected data, that is the script used

as the subject of the research.

It is interesting for the writer to find the different ways or patterns of

communication among people. Indeed, this serial comedy challenges the writer to

reveal how interpersonal relationships gives an influence to the ways people

interact with others by means of communication, in particular is the use of


B. Problem Formulation

In conducting this research, the writer formulates two main problems. Those

two main problems are outlined in two questions. The questions stated are used as

the guideline in succeeding the discourse the writer works on. The first problem is

about the strategies applied in the subject of the study, while the second problem

is the interpersonal relationship and how politeness strategies reflect the

interpersonal relationship as another study that is in relation in this discourse.

Therefore, the problems referred above are briefly stated as:

1. What politeness strategies are applied in the directive speech acts in “The IT

Crowd – Moss and the German”?

2. How are politeness strategies used in uttering directive speech acts

according to the interpersonal relationships among the characters in “The IT

Crowd –Moss and the German”?

C. Objectives of the Study

The fact that the writer has seen most studies conducted in English

Department give discourses solely to their own disciplines is interesting for the

writer. Therefore, the writer tries to work on a new field by drawing a line

between Pragmatics and Psychology. The writer finds the connection between

both disciplines and the contributions from each to another which support the

strong relation between them. This research is aimed to give a discourse on

Pragmatics, particularly is politeness strategies used in a serial comedy. In


problem formulation above. By conducting this study, the writer tries to figure out

the differences in using politeness strategies according to the interpersonal

relationships among the characters in serial comedy “The IT Crowd” episode

“Moss and the German”.

D. Definition of Terms 1. Politeness

There are many definitions of politeness given by scholars that may be in

various different contexts. They may vary from different disciplines or fields of

study, ranging from ethics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and many others. Here

are the definitions of politeness the writer proposes to the reader in order to get

well understanding about politeness discussed in this research. However, again,

the writer informs the reader that our focus in this research is politeness within

linguistics boundary.

Seeing from the field of ethics, Lakoff (1975: 64) defines politeness as

something developed by societies in order to reduce friction in personal

interaction. Something being referred here is the way, manner, or behaviour used

by people in building communication with other people within particular society.

This definition is comparable to the one proposed by Ide (1989: 22) who defines

politeness as language associated with smooth communication. Under the ethic

boundary, politeness is seen as good manner in succeeding a communication

between people. Under psychology study, the writer relates politeness to human


human interaction to consider others' feelings, establish levels of mutual comfort

and promote rapport.

In the other hand, politeness seen from pragmatic study will be well defined

as a complex system for softening face threats (Brown and Levinson, 1978: 66).

Consequently, under this linguistic field of study, the emphasis of politeness lies

on the strategies applied by people in uttering their speeches.

2. Speech Act

Speech acts, according to Austin, are the actions performed in by saying

something (1962: 3). Kent Bach (1998) in his Routledge Encyclopedia of

Philosophy states that speech acts are acts of communication. To communicate is

to express a certain attitude, and the type of speech act being performed

corresponds to the type of attitude being expressed.

3. Directives

Directives is a type of speech act where the speaker tries to make the hearer

do something, such as asking, begging, challenging, giving command, daring,

inviting, insisting, requesting (Spenader, Speech Act Theory, 2004).

Searle (1969: 344-369) refines Austins’ taxonomy of illocutionary speech

acts and defines directives are illocutionary acts with which the speaker intends to

get the hearer to do something. The speaker can be requesting or commanding or


4. Interpersonal Relationship

Interpersonal Relationship is a study given in psychology about types of

relationship between one person with another. Beebe, Susan, and Mark in their

Interpersonal Relationship (2011: 252) define interpersonal relationship as a

perception shared by two people of an ongoing interdependent connection that

results in the development of relational expectations and varies in interpersonal

intimacy. Interpersonal Relationship covers some types of relationship among

people vary by level of intimacy, origins, and management of power of people in

building the relationship. Beebe puts additional information that the relationships

can be defined by circumstance or by choice, and on the basis of the way people

share their power and decision – making responsibilities. By the definition given

above the writer finds the definition of interpersonal relationship as a relationship

between two people according to the contexts of relation and the needs they share.

By the interactions, people make themselves clear about their status and position





In this chapter, the writer outlines the theories and studies applied and taken

as the references in doing this research. First is the study of related studies, second

is the study of related theories, and the last is theoretical framework.

A. Review of Related Studies 1. Politeness and Society

In this research, the writer pays attention to the applicability of politeness

supported by some aspects. Generally, in academic study, politeness seen from

pragmatics, however, is not being apart from sociolinguistics. This is proven not

only by theories but also the facts that exist in reality. There is a tight connection

between politeness and society. Many scholars give their definition of politeness

under any context in which politeness is related to. Citing an excerpt by Liang and

Han (2009) in their A Contrastive Study on Disagreement Strategies for

Politeness between American English & Mandarin Chinese who state that,

the hierarchical politeness system may be widely recognized among companies, government and educational organizations, in which the speakers resort to different politeness strategies. The "higher" use involvement politeness strategies and the "lower" use independence politeness strategies.

The writer summarizes that the speakers employ politeness strategies under

certain environments they belong to. There is always distinction pattern of

uttering something within the boundary of politeness between two people. Since


environment become one of the aspects dealing with politeness, it can be seen

from our daily lives the case where the politeness is shown in different pattern, by

different people, within different societies, cultures and contexts.

The study on politeness and society is important in giving the reference to

the research done by the writer. It leads to a better understanding and steps to take

in succeeding this study. Since the focus of the study done by the writer is on the

politeness and psychology, the study of politeness and society gives an influence

in the application of the study itself in this study. In particular, it can be seen in

this study, the strong connection between politeness and the supporting aspects for

people in applying politeness strategy in their utterances to others.

2. Psychology and Communication

By giving an example of communication with a representation of the vocal

sounds made when someone speaks into a radio microphone which are closely

related to the vocal sounds produced and being heard by an audience, Miller in his

Psychology and Communication (1974: pp. 3-5) puts the definition of psychology

and communication together as below:

communication occurs when events in one place or at one time are closely related to events in another place or at another time – different events are closely related. The psychology of communication, therefore, must be concerned with relations between different mental or behavioural events.

Miller leads us into a good understanding on how psychology gives a

significant influence to communication. He states that psychology of

communication is concerned with the relations between different mental or


is. In good communication, people cannot respond their partner by saying our

utterance without being aware and realizing what they are talking about. People

need their mind to organize what to say. Even in any rude sentence, wrong

answer, or nonsense talk, people express them based on what they have in mind. It

is not true that someone can say something that is not in his / her mind if he / she

is in a good psychology. In this study, Psychology and Communication gives a

significant influence for the writer in leading a good understanding of the strong

connection between both human’s minds and communication pattern, particularly

in this study is the relationships among the characters and the politeness strategies

they apply in their conversation.

B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theory of Speech Acts

As defined by Austin (1962: 95), who focuses on the performative aspect of

language usage, speech acts are the actions performed in by saying something.

According to Austin’s theory, functional units of communication have

prepositional or locutionary meaning (the literal meaning of the utterance),

illocutionary meaning (the social function of the utterance), and perlocutionary

force (the effect produced by the utterance in a given context).

Related to this theory, using the previous theory of speech acts given by

Austin and Searle as the grip, Cohen (1996: pp. 383-420) identifies five categories


a. Declaration (Performatives)

Declarations change the way the world is. Declarations cannnot be true or

false, they can only be felicitous or infelicitous. Spenader (2004: 13) gives the

examples of performatives that are common in the following domains:

•Church: baptizing, confirming, marrying, funerals, pause exorcism.

Example: “I baptize thee in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”. (Oishi, 2006: 9)

•Universities: conferring degrees.

•Court: sentencing, swearing oaths to tell the truth.

Example: Jury Foreman:”We find the defendant guilty.” (Yule, 1996: 44)

•Gambling: placing a bet, raising stakes in poker.

•Sport: cautioning or sending of players, calling strikes, balls, outs.

Example: Referee: “You’re out!” (Yule, 1996: 44)

The words and expressions change the world by their utterance, such as ‘I

bet’, ‘I declare’, ‘I resign’, etc.

b. Representatives (Assertive)

These are acts which the words state what the speaker believes to be the

case, such as ‘describing’, ‘claiming’, ‘hypothesising’, ‘insisting’, and

‘predicting’. The speaker asserts a proposition to be true using verbs such as

‘affirm’, ‘believe’, ‘conclude’, ‘deny’, ‘report’. (Spenader, 2004: 18)


c. Commissives

This includes acts in which the words commit the speaker to future action,

such as ‘promising’, ‘offering’, ‘threatening’, ‘refusing’, ‘vowing’, and

‘volunteering’ (Cutting, 2003: 17). Here is an example for this type of speech act:

•Ready when you are. I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse. (Mario Puzo – The Godfather – Yule, 1996: 43)

d. Expressives

This is the last group of speech acts in which the speaker expresses an

attitude to or about a state of affairs, such as ‘apologising’, ‘praising’,

‘congratulation’, ‘deploring’, and ‘regreting’. Below are the examples (Yule,

1996: 43):

•A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. (Steinem)

•If I’d known I was gonna live this long, I’d had taken better care of myself. (Blake)

e. Directives

This category covers acts in which the words are aimed at making the hearer

do something such as ‘commanding’, ‘requesting’, ‘inviting’, ‘forbidding’,

‘suggesting’, and so on (Yule, 1996: 43). In common, the verbs used in directives

are; ‘ask’, a’beg’, ‘challenge’, ‘command’, ‘dare’, ‘invite’, ‘insist’, ‘request’

(Spenader, 2004: 18). This category is the focus in this research. The writer will

later analyze the directive speech acts and how they vary from one utterance to the

others based on interpersonal relationship boundary. The followings are the


i. Command is asking the hearer to do what the speaker orders him / her to do. Command tends to be demanding, means that the order must be fulfilled.

Example: Gimme a cup of coffee. Make it black. (Yule, 1996: 45)

ii. Request is the way of asking or ordering something from the hearer. Unlike command, request is generally less demanding.

Example: Could you lend me a pen, please? (Yule, 1996: 45)

iii. Invitation is to ask someone to be present at particular occasion or event. Example: I know you hate party, Jen, but come anyway. We’ll all be there,

and it’ll be cool seeing if Ally is with Andrea! Come on – get a life! (Yule,

1996: 52)

iv. Prohibition is to prevent the hearer from doing something. Example: Don’t touch that! (Yule, 1996: 57)

v. Suggestion is uttered to propose an act that the hearer should do.

2. Theory of Politeness

Politeness is used to refer to the strategies available to interactants to defuse

the danger and minimalise the antagonism within the communication (Kasper,

1990: 194). Politeness in linguistics is covered in two major fields of linguistic

study, those are Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics. Sociolinguistics tends to link the

politeness with social boundary. Here, politeness is seen from society and its

contextual surrounding. One example of politeness learned in sociolinguistics is

how people from lower social class talk to people from higher social class, vice


some strategies that most people usually use to indicate the closeness of

relationship between two people who are involved in a certain conversation.

a. Face

Brown and Levinson argue for pragmatics analysis of politeness to

counteract force of potential threats to the “face” of the hearer. “Face” describes

self-image that the speaker or the hearer would like to see maintained in

interaction. Face is something that is emotionally invested, “face” can be lost,

maintained or enhanced, and must be constantly attended to interaction (Brown

and Levinson, 1978:66). Face refers to a speaker's sense of linguistic and social

identity. A speech act is face threatening when it is imposing on this sense. There

are two major politeness face, positive politeness which means being

complimentary and gracious to the addressee and negative politeness which is

found in ways of mitigating the imposition. There are 5 types of negative “face”

(Yule, 1996: 51):

• Hedging

Speaker can minimise the imposition by making it seem smaller than it is.

Therefore hedges such as ‘if possible’, ‘sort of’, and ‘in a way’ are used to

mitigate the imposition.

• Pessimism

Pessimism can be seen mostly in negative sentences which seems to

anticipate a refusal. Brown and Levinson call this negative strategy as ‘be


• Indicating deference

Indicating deference signifies the speaker yielding to the hearer, generally

for the sake of the respect towards the hearer to make an option.

• Apologizing

Apology and hesitation are used by the speaker to avoid imposing by

emphasizing the importance of the other’s time and concerns, giving the

opportunity to say no.

• Impersonalizing

The speaker can emphasize the distance between interlocutors by

impersonalizing in order to state the imposition as a general rule or nominalising.

b. Politeness Strategies

Brown and Levinson sum up human politeness behaviour in four strategies:

off-record-indirect strategy, bald on record, negative politeness, and positive

politeness. The following figure is drawn to ease the reader in understanding how

politeness strategies are categorized (Yule, 1996: 59).

Off Record

Politeness Strategies On Record


Face Saving Positive Negative


i. Off Record (indirect)

It takes some of the pressure off the speaker. Take an example where the

speaker is trying to avoid the direct Face Threatening Act of asking for a beer.

Instead, he would rather it be offered to him once his hearer sees that he wants

one. By using Off Record Strategy, a speaker does not utter his/her need to hearer

directly in a whole clear sentence. For a better understanding, the writer proposed

an example of Off Record Strategy as following:

•You’re standing in front of the TV. (Yule, 1996: 46)

(a request to the addressee not to stand in front of the TV.)

ii. On-record (a) Bald

This strategy shows that the speaker does nothing to minimize threats to the

hearer's “face”. The speaker tends to speak explicitly, getting to his intended

meaning of what he says. Bald on record strategy is used utterly and often


•Mark, tell me the address for that website they were talking about this morning. (Yule, 1996: 51)

(b) Face Saving (i) Positive

It shows that the speaker recognizes that the hearer has a desire to be

respected. By using positive strategy the speaker tends to show his/her want to be

responded in an affirmative as what he/she intended as in the following example:


(ii) Negative

Negative politeness also recognizes the hearer's face. But it also recognizes

that the speaker is in some way imposing on them. Some other examples would be

to say, “I don't want to bother you but...” or “I was wondering if...” and any other

similar phrase in which the speaker express his / her uncertainty of his/her request

or command to be fulfilled.

3. Theory of Interpersonal Relationship

In conducting this research, Interpersonal Relationship is another study the

writer involves in. Since language and society are dealing to one another, society

and psychology are either related.

Interpersonal relationship is a theory taken from psychology study. It is a

study about types of human relationships. Interpersonal relationship is a

perception shared by two people of an ongoing, interdependent connection

resulting in the development of relational expectations and varying in

interpersonal intimacy (Beebe et al, 2011: 252). This theory is taken to ease the

reader in comprehending the analysis in this study. Since the focus of this study is

different politeness strategies used by the speakers, the theory of interpersonal

relationship is needed to reveal how and why the speakers use the different

politeness strategies when they speak to different persons. As the writer shows in

the previous chapter that under linguistic study, other than being studied

pragmatically, politeness is also covered by Sociolinguistics which involves


separated from the individuals as the ‘drivers’ of the society and the relationships

they build within the society itself. Thus, the theory of interpersonal relationship

is used as a step leading to the analysis. Steve Beebe et al (2011: pp.252-363)

focus their subject on interpersonal relationship, particularly friendship, love,

family, and workplace relationships. Before getting to the interpersonal

relationships, the writer focuses on different characters of interpersonal

relationships which signify the types of interpersonal relationships.

a. Power of Relationships

Based on how people share power in their relationship, the interpersonal

relationships are categorized as in the following (Beebe et al, 2011: pp.255-256):

vi. Complementary occurs if one partner dominates his/her power while another one is submitting.

vii. Symmetrical is when both partners behave towards power in the same way, either wanting or avoiding the power. There are two kinds of Symmetrical,

first is Competitive and another is Submissive. Competitive exists when both people vie for power and control of the decision making while

Submissive occurs when both people feels uncomfortable imposing his/her will on the other, and besides, both partners often flounder or unable to

make a decision or to act.

viii. Parallel involves a shifting back and forth of the power between partners depending on the situation. Parallel Relationship often involves continual


b. Interpersonal Relationship i. Friendship

Friendship is relationship of choice that exists over time between people

who share a common history. A friend is someone we like and who like us.

(Beebe et al, 2011: pp.312-320). Here are some types of friendship:

(a) Friendships of Stages in Life cover four types of friendship representing the

stages the friendships are build. The four types are Childhood Friendship, Adolescent Friendship, Adult Friendship, and Late Adult Friendship. (b) Sex – Based Friendship cover two types of friendships. The first is Same –

Sex Friendship, a relationship built by women and men with people of the same sex. The difference between men and women in building this type of

relationship is the way they view their relationships to signify their

intimacy. Women tend to spend their time with the same – sex friends for

talking while men are reported to engage more in most of their activities

with their same – sex friends. The second one is Cross – Sex Friendship

which is built by at least one female and one male. In cross – sex friendship,

men seem to get more from women than women do from men by sharing

their thoughts and opinions. This type of friendship is generally nonsexual

but some include sexual activity, as in friends in benefit though it is rarely


(c) Diverse Friendship is a friendship viewed from the difference between people building this type of relationship. Two people engaged in Diverse


This type of friendship requires a special sensitivity to how the differences

affect each partner and the relationship.

(d) Association Friendship is a friendship exists during a particular activity. This kind of friendship only is temporary as the activity involving both

partners is over. Association friendship is a transitory friendship where both

partners usually act in a friendly manner.

ii. Love

Love is a feeling that may be characterized by passion and caring and by

intimacy, passion, and commitment. Love is categorized into some types (Beebe

et al, 2011: pp.322-324):

(a) Eros focuses on beauty and sexuality, sometimes to the exclusion of other qualities.

(b) Ludis is seen as a game and focuses on entertainment and excitement. (c) Storge is a kind of companionship, peaceful and slow.

(d) Pragma is practical and traditional. This type of relationship works because of the partners’ individual requirements, personalities, backgrounds, likes

and dislikes are compatible.

(e) Mania is obsessive and possessive, characterized by elation and depression. (f) Agape is compassionate and selfless, characterized as self-giving and


iii. Family

Families in common have defined roles, where the members understand the


responsibilities to the relationship. Every family members share history and future

which means that they have an interactional past and an anticipated future

together. Generally, the relationship is rule governed, rather than random or

unpredictable. Below are the types of family suggested by Beebe et al (2011:


(a) Nuclear Family: consists of a mother, a father and (a) biological child(ren). (b) Extended Family: includes additional relatives – aunts, uncles, cousins

and/or grandparents as part of the family unit living in the same house.

(c) Family of Origin: refers to the (other) family in which someone is raised, no matter what type it is.

(d) Blended Family: consists of two adults and (a) child(ren) who come together as a result of divorce, separation, death, or adoption.

(e) Single – Parent Family: consist of one parent and at least one child. Single parent is resulted from divorce, unmarried parenthood, separation, and


iv. Workplace Relationship

It is common for us to define workplace relationship as a relationship which

takes place at workplace with necessity of business. In fact, workplace

relationships are defined not only as the relationships occur at workplace but also

relationships which are started from occupation and sometimes to be continuous at

any other contexts (Beebe et al, 2011:361). Here are the types of workplace


(a) Romantic relationships in the workplace, although having a variety of benefits, are often frowned upon and often entail a variety of problems that

would not arise in other contexts.

(b) Mentoring relationships help people learn the ropes of the organization through the experience and knowledge of someone who has gone through

the processes they will be going through.

(c) Networking relationships enables people to expand their area of expertise and enables them to secure information bearing on a wide variety of

problems they want to solve and questions they want to answer.

In this research, two types of them will be useful to apply in analyzing the

data; those are friendship and workplace relationships. Later, this analysis will

result a discourse on interpersonal communication which is, of course, a verbal

interaction pattern shaped within the relationship.

C. Theoretical Framework

The objective of this study is to reveal how politeness shows its relationship

with society, particularly with human-being relationship. Therefore, politeness

under the scope of Pragmatics study is taken to analyze the strategies employed

within the conversation done by the speakers. This will show the pattern of style

of uttering each speaker’s directives individually. Each character will show

significant difference in using strategies of politeness.

Within the context of politeness, the writer tries to analyze the relationship


his / her sentences, particularly directive speeches. Therefore, interpersonal

relationship, the study of human relationship under the scope of psychology study,

was taken to succeed the analysis.

By combining those theories, it is hoped that the reader will be able to

follow this research, later to understand how politeness shows interpersonal

relationship, vice versa, and the usage of politeness not being apart from the




A. Object of the study

The object of the research is the serial comedy “The IT Crowd – Moss and

the German”. This object of the study is one of the 16 episodes of the serial “The

IT Crowd” (2007). This serial comedy was both written, produced and directed by

Graham Linehan, starring two actors and an actress as three main characters; Roy

(Chris O’Dowd), Moss (Richard Ayoade), and Jen (Katherine Parkinson). “The IT

Crowd” was popular in England and became one of the most watched TV

programme in England from its first broadcast to the latest episode of the serial


B. Approach of the Study

In conducting this study, the writer used Pragmatic approach. Pragmatics is

the approach to succeed the analysis of the data, which are directive speech acts.

Pragmatics as defined by Yule (1996: 2-3) emphasizes on the study of spoken

communication beyond what is said. In this context, we focus on the intended

meaning of a spoken utterance. Pragmatics is also said as the context – based –

study (Carter et al, 1990: 9) unlike any other fields of linguistic study. The theory

of pragmatics is applicable to be applied as the approach to this research.

The approach used in this study is supported by the study of Psychology,

particularly the theory of Interpersonal Relationships. It is remarkable that


pragmatics and psychology are closely related. Since pragmatics is a context–

based–study, individuals as the participants of speech event, dealing with different

psychology are one of the aspects playing role in giving influence to pragmatic

study. By applying both of above approaches, the writer attempted to give a

discourse on psycholinguistics by finding the relationships between the use of

politeness strategies and the interpersonal relationships.

C. Method of the Study

This research was done by doing some steps to lead the readers to get easy

to follow the analysis. In the first step, the writer decided the object of the

research. As mentioned above, the subject of the research is serial comedy “The

IT Crowd–Moss and the German”. After that, the writer selected the parts of

conversations on the script to reveal the conversations which apply the politeness

strategies. Moving to the next step, the writer sought for the types of interpersonal

relationship among the characters. To conduct the analysis of the interpersonal

relationships, the writer dealt with the learning of interpersonal relationship under

psychology study. In order to get trusted references, the writer conducted

interviews with people working on psychology. Besides, the writer conducted a

library research for a good comprehension of the study of interpersonal

relationships. After revealing the types of the interpersonal relationship, in the

following step the writer tried to compare the conversations between characters

with different types of interpersonal relationship to reveal the use of the politeness


involved within the conversations. In the last step, the writer drew a conclusion

from the analysis of the research.

Here the writer explains the methods used in this research including data

collection and data analysis.

1. Kind of Data

The data used in this research to analyze is the directive speech acts spoken

by the characters in serial comedy “The IT Crowd – Moss and the German”. The

directive speech acts are taken from the script compressed from the subtitle of the

film “The IT Crowd – Moss and the German”.

2. Data Collection

The object of this study is the usage of politeness strategies by people in

their conversations under the states of their relationship. The case taken for the

analysis is a serial comedy “The IT Crowd – Episode: Moss and the German”.

As the first step, the writer watched the film to make sure that the movie is

the most suitable and appropriate subject to succeed the research. After doing this

step, the writer captured the movie script by pasting it from the film. The writer

then divided the script in the same way a play is divided into acts and scenes. The

writer also put additional information related to the actions performed in the film


3. Data Analysis

The analysis was done by applying theories mentioned in chapter II. There

are two major things as the focus of the research. First is the use of politeness

strategy and second is the interpersonal relationship. Therefore, the writer had to

undergo two main steps leading to the analysis.

First step, the writer selected the directive speech acts in the script and

categorized them according to the politeness strategies applied in the speeches.

After succeeding this step, the writer made the descriptions for the selected

speeches and explained why the speeches were classified into particular politeness

strategies. Then, the writer grouped the result of the analysis into a table which

can be seen in a brief conclusion in chapter IV (table 4.1).

After succeeding the analysis of the politeness strategies, the writer tried to

find the interpersonal relationships among the characters. In the later step, the

writer combined both of the result in order to show how they differ in uttering

directive speeches by applying politeness strategies. This step was done to show

how both results are related. After combining the results of both analyses, the

writer draw a table showing the overall result which can be seen in the Appendix

3 (c.f. Classification of Speech Acts). This step was done systematically to lead

the analysis into a better understanding and to ease the reader in studying this


By doing those steps, the writer tends to provide the answers to the

problems aroused in the problem formulation stated in Chapter I, besides, to give




Leaving the previous chapter, the next chapter is chapter IV, where the data

are processed. In this chapter the writer tries to give the answer to the problems

stated in the problem formulation stated in Chapter I.

A. The Politeness Strategies Applied in Directive Speech Acts in “The IT Crowd – Moss and the German”

In answering the first problem, the writer conducts data processing as the

first step. This step is done by applying the theory of politeness strategies. Before

conducting data processing, the writer selects the directive speech acts in the

whole script, then the writer numbers those directive speech acts in the right order

starting from the beginning to the end of the film. The conversations are labelled

in random numbers according to the types of the directive speech act they are

classified, and are represented by the number in the bracket similar to the

conversation defined as directive speech acts in The Classification of Speech Acts

table (c.f. Appendix 3). Only some conversations representing other similar

conversations having the same type of directive speech acts, politeness strategy,

and/or context are explained in this data analysis. This is aimed to avoid the

repeating explanation of similar conversations. Therefore, if there are some other

conversations being unexplained in this chapter, please see Appendix 3 to find the

similar conversation with the same description of the conversation.


1. Off Record

[1] Participants : Moss, Roy

Setting : Roy’s flat

Theme : The proper distance between the couch and TV set.

Moss : I think we’re sitting too close to the screen. The floor’s sticky over here.

Roy : Alright, let’s move back then.

This conversation is a request applying off record strategy. In this context,

Moss and Roy are about to watch a film and they argue about their convenience

by making a good distance between the couch and the TV set. In this conversation

instead of asking Roy to move the couch a bit farther from the TV set directly,

Moss states his reason by explaining why they have to move the couch, that is

because of the sticky floor that makes him uncomfortable with the surrounding.

[3] Participants : Jeff, Roy

Setting : Roy’s flat (phone conversation)

Theme : Jeff’s new nickname

Roy : Hello, Jeff

Jeff : No, Roy, you know I changed my name by deed poll.

This conversation is a bit interesting. The utterance Jeff says to Roy is

considered as request applying off record strategy. When Roy calls Jeff by his real

name, Jeff wishes not to be called so. He tells Roy his request to be called by the

new nickname by reminding Roy that he has got the new nickname from the deed

poll (an internet site) that Roy should get used to it from now on. This way of

uttering the request is considered as applying off record strategy in which Jeff

says his request indirectly. Although Jeff uses off record strategy, the intention of


[8] Participants : Roy, Jen

Setting : IT department office

Theme : Prohibition for Jen not to smoke in the office.

Roy : We don’t have ventilation here.

Jen : I’ll stand over here.

Roy here tries to explain to Jen about the physical condition of their office

which does not have ventilation. This explanation is not just a declarative sentence

in which the purpose is only to inform Jen that they do not have ventilation and

there is nothing to do about it. By using off record strategy, Roy hopes Jen to

understand his request that she should not smoke in the room because the air of

the room will be polluted and causes him uneasy to breath. By the refusal given as

the response to Roy’s request, it does not mean that the request is not clearly

understood by Jen. The answer only shows that Jen tries to convince Roy that the

effect of the smoke will not as bad as he predicts.

[16] Participants : Roy, Jen

Setting : IT department office

Theme : Riding helicopter with Douglas.

Jen : To be honest with you, he’s been making advances. You know, little things like asking me if I wanna go for a ride in his helicopter.

Roy : Ah, I'd like to go for a ride in a helicopter.

In the previous session, Jen tells Roy about her story that their Boss asks her

to go with him riding his helicopter. Knowing this, Roy wishes Jen to take him

with her in their plan to ride the helicopter. Instead of saying “Please take me with

you”, Roy tells Jen about his interest to ride a helicopter without mentioning that

he wants them to invite him too. Roy does not say the helicopter to be Douglas’s


demands her to consider his request. It can be said as giving a hint to know why

Jen should take Roy with her to enjoy a ride in Douglas’s helicopter.

2. On Record a. Bald

[5] Participants : Moss, Roy

Setting : Roy’s flat.

Theme : The twist of the film.

Moss : Just try and forget there’s a twist.

Roy : How can you forget there’s a twist?

This conversation is a suggestion applying on record strategy. When Moss

knows that Roy is annoyed by Jeff because of the twist told to him, Moss tries to

calm him down by telling him a suggestion to forget the twist and keep on

enjoying the film. This suggestion is spoken with bald on record strategy to ease

Roy as the hearer in getting the message implied in Moss’s utterance. By the

utterance, Moss shows no hesitation in telling his suggestion to Roy by stating a

brief command in his suggestion.

[9] Participants : Moss, Roy

Setting : IT department office

Theme : Prohibition for Jen not to smoke in the office.

Roy : I don’t care. No!

Jen : I don’t wanna go out on the street. It’s too Soviet out there.

This conversation will be difficult to understand without reading the

previous or the whole context of the conversation. In the previous part of the


no.8) Roy asks Jen not to smoke in the room by saying his request in an implicit

way, but since Jen does not take it seriously, Roy demands her not to smoke in the

room in an anger. His anger is shown by saying “No” briefly. This makes the

prohibition defined as applying bald on record strategy because it is said directly.

[10] Participants : Roy, Jen

Setting : IT department office

Theme : Picking up the phone.

Roy : Don’t answer that!

Jen : Why not?

As Yule (1996: 57) argues, emergency situation may cause the use of bald

on record strategy where the utterance is spoken briefly and directly. In this part

of conversation, Roy does not allow Jen to pick up the phone because he is afraid

that someone on the phone is Jeff, the person he currently avoids. The fear that

Jeff will tell Roy about the twist of the film becomes a threat for Roy which then

prompts the use of the expression in form of prohibition using bald on record


[19] Participants : Douglas, Roy

Setting : IT department office

Theme : Making an appointment to watch film together in Douglas’


Douglas : Watch this, it looks good.

Roy : I’ve actually been looking forward to seeing this.

There are two participants involved in this conversation; the speaker is of a

higher position than the hearer is. Douglas as the boss nearly never utters things to

the employee directly. The directive speech act above is considered as a


watch the film by saying the film is good to see. He tends to say his suggestion

right to the point and directly to his intention. By doing this he shows his

suggestion in this part of the conversation as Bald on record strategy.

b. Face Saving i. Positive Strategy

[20] Participants : Douglas, Roy

Setting : IT department office

Theme : Making an appointment to watch film together in Douglas’


Douglas : You wanna come round to mine? We can watch it there. I gotta pretty nifty home cinema system.

Roy : Mine is broken but I think that maybe I'll just watch it...

In this part of the conversation, it is obvious that Douglas shows positive

strategy in his utterance. There are three sentences there. Those are supporting

each other in making sense of its being applying positive strategy. The writer

analyzes one by one. First is “You wanna come round to mine?” This sentence is

considered as an invitation where Douglas is sure that the answer will be

affirmative. In this reason it is referred as positive strategy.

Second, “We can watch it there”. This is the first supporting sentence to the

first sentence implying positive strategy. The word can emphasize the positivity

that the hearer will approve the idea.

The last one is “I gotta pretty nifty home cinema system.” This is the second

supporting sentence for the main utterance (i.e. the first utterance). Arranged into


Table 1. Politeness Strategies..............................................................
table (c.f. Appendix 3). Only some conversations representing other similar
Table 1. Politeness Strategies
Table 2. Off Record Strategy


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