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Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "CHAPTER I Introduction - THE IMPACT OF FAMILY ENVIRONMENT, HOME ASSIGNMENT, AND STUDENTS’ LEARNING MOTIVATION ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT(A Study at Administrasi Perkantoran Grade X SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017 Years) - repositor"


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A. Background

According to the fact English is an international language, there

are 53 countries using English as their official language and there are 1.8

million people who speak English around the world. Therefore, there is no

denying that acquiring good command in English is beneficial to one‟s career

and self-development. In general, formal English learning is achieved in

school and conducted under the teacher‟s guidance. Alternatively, students

can improve their English by self-studying at home and other possible ways

for example, listening to western music, watching English movies and

reading books.

Education at school is a process to form, direct and develop

students‟ personality or students‟ skill. The aim of learning at school is to

make people get high grade and will be able to apply their knowledge they

get during school. In increasing students‟ education we can use some methods

and implement effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process to get

optimum result. Learning result can measure students‟ learning achievement

they get in one period or semester.

English learning achievement is students‟ learning result they

get after joining teaching learning process. The result is an evaluation in form

of numbers and words about English subjects. Students‟ learning achievement


good the quality will be good and if the learning process is bad, the outcome

will show that the learning indicators are failed.

English learning achievement is the same with others learning

achievement, it influences by some internal factors and external factors.

Internal factor comes from the students such as; physic (health and disable

factors), psychological (intelligence, attention, interest, skill, motivation, and

readiness) and tiredness factor. In other way, external factor is factor from

beyond the students such as: family educative factors, relation with family,

situation at home, economic factors, parents‟ attention, culture background;

school factors such as teaching, curriculum, relation between student and

teacher or other way, building, school discipline, learning method and home

assignment about students‟ activity in their environment, media, and friends.

Family environment is the first place where people get

education. It is a place where people were born and grow. Definition of

family in the limited sense is father, mother and child. The example of family

environment factors such as: support from parents, parents‟ attention, parents‟

congruity, openness of parents to the family, social and economy situation

and habit or culture.

According to the explanation, researcher concluded that family

environment will be base of children in the next live. The importance of

education in family is to make the family has influences on the successful of


The other external factor that influence students‟ learning

English achievement is to give homework to students. Assignment is a must

do task. According to Winkel, W.S (2005:278) homework is a home activity

from teacher to students. The purpose of giving assignment to students is to

make students more active in learning. High motivation, good family

environment and support will make students has spirit to do homework until

get well in English learning achievement.

The external factor that could influence English learning

achievement is motivation by the students. Based on Uno (2010: 1),

motivation is an internal drive that makes a person move toward whatever

goal they are trying to accomplish.

Learning motivation is a direction for people to reach their

dream. It can look from score that students get in English subject. Students

with has high motivation usually have bigger opportunity to get learning

achievement as high score. In other way students‟ has less learning

motivation will get low score and sometimes the students‟ aren‟t care a dam

with their score.

Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) is intermediate school to

provide the students working in certain program. SMK business and

management groups as which one of school that produced graduate that ready

to work, demand to has quality skill to enter in industrial area and develop


SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga is one of Vocational High

School business and management group has four discipline program such as ;

Akutansi, Administrasi Perkantoran, Teknik Komputer Jaringan dan

Otomotif. Learning English Achievement in SMK Muhammadiyah 1

Purbalingga in grade X Administrasi Perkantoran is still low competence.

The purpose of this research collect data in SMK Muhammadiyah 1

Purbalingga is want to know the impact of family environment, home

assignment, and students learning motivation on student learning English


B. Limitation Problem

According to research background and problems above, it is use

for make clearly the problems that will research in order that research result

more focus and deep also avoid from different meanings. The research

focuses on Student Learning Achievement. There are some factors that

influences students learning achievement, but no all of factors that influences

learning achievement will be research, so the principal problem that will

analyst on three factors such as; family environment factor, giving

assignment homework factor, and learning motivation factor. From

explanation before the third factors above very influenced for students


C. Research Problem

1. What the impact of Family Environment on Students‟ Learning English

Achievement Administrasi Perkantoran students grade X in SMK

Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017 ?

2. What the impact of home assignment on Students‟ Learning English

Achievement Administrasi Perkantoran students grade X in SMK

Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017 ?

3. What the impact of Learning Motivation on Students‟ English

Achievement Administrasi Perkantoran students grade X in SMK

Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017 ?

4. What the impact of Family Environment, Home Assignment, and Leaning

Motivation on Students Learning English Achievement Administrasi

Perkantoran students grade X in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga

2016/2017 ?

D. Research Purpose

1. Knowing the impact of Family Environment for Students‟ Learning

English Achievement Administrasi Perkantoran students grade X in SMK

Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017.

2. Knowing the impact of Home Assignment for Students‟ Learning English

Achievement Administrasi Perkantoran students grade X in SMK


3. Knowing the impact of Learning Motivation for Students‟ Learning

English Achievement Administrasi Perkantoran students grade X in SMK

Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017.

4. Knowing the impact of Family Environment, Home Assignment, and

Leaning Motivation for Students‟ Learning English Achievement

Administrasi Perkantoran students grade X in SMK Muhammadiyah 1

Purbalingga 2016/2017.

E. Contribution of the Research

The research result hope will giving contribution that useful well

in theoretical and practice:

1. Theoretical Contribution

a. Hope will add knowledge treasury especially in education.

b. As reference material and review for the next research.

c. The result can be as scientific references and motivation to research

factors that influences learning motivation on other subject.

2. Course Contribution

a. As information for importance party especially English Teacher to

improve students learning motivation for English subject.

b. After knowing this research result researcher hope for SMK

Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga be good input for understanding internal

and external factors that influence students learning achievement so


c. For researcher can added insight, knowledge, and experiences about the


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