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A suggested English reading test for SMEA students based on the communicative competence approach - Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya Repository


Academic year: 2019

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J a l a n G e n t e n g k a l i 33 S u r a b a y a


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KODE : 11.1


E. I


S.. 89







Mata P e l a j a r a n : BAHASA INGGRIS

T i n q k a t / P r o q r a m S t u d i : I / Semua P r o g r a m S t u d i

H a r l


r'angyal : JUM'AT, 15 DESEMBEX 1989

W a k t u : 90 M e n i t ( 13.00


14.30 )


1 . T u l i s l a h l e b i h d a h r l l u nomor TSB d a n P r o g r a m S t u d i Anda d i s u d u t kanan a..t

p a d a l e m b a r j a w a b a n y a n y d j s e d i a k a n .

2 . p e r i k s a d a n b a c a l a h s o a l


soal s e b e l u m Anda m e n g e r j a k a n .

3 . L a p o r k a n k e p a d a P e n y a w a s TSH j i k a t e r d a p a t t u l i s a n y a n g k u r a n g j e l a s , m s a k

a t a u j u m l a h s o a l k u r a n q .

4 . K e r j a k a n s e m u a s o a i a t a u k e r j a k a n s e b a n y a k m u n g k i n d e n g a n memperhatikan

b o b o t s o a l .

5 . K e r j a k a n l e b i h d a h u l u s o a l - soal y a n g Anda a n q g a p mudah.

6 . K e r j a k a n p d d d l e m b a r j a w a b a n y a n q d i s e d i a k a n , d e n g a n bolpoint a t a u pllpm

y a n g ' b e r t i n t a b i r u a t a u h i t a m .

7 . M i n t a l a h k e r t a s b u r a m k e p a d a P e n q a w a s TSB b i l a d i p e r l u k a n .


mcalah vacana ini dengan teliti


T O U R I S M ====

Millions of people from all over the world go from their homes tp-visit

hundreds of different areas, They go to America, Europe, Asia, Africa,,Aus


tralia and to islands in both Altantic and Pasific Occeans. They spend alot

of money during their journey.

Many nations earn a lot of foreign currency from tourism. They always

encourage foreign visitors to come to their countries.3They advertise the be-

auty of their countries in magazines, news papers and television. They improve

their tourist facilities such as hotels, roads, tfansportation, etc. Some coun-

tries earn most of their foreign revenue from tourism.

In Indonesia tourism has a qood potential. People all over the w r l d have

known Bali for a long time. Hundreds of thousand of tourists keep coming to

B a l i every year. About the same number of tourists visit Jakarta and many of them come to visit Yogyakarta.

Many places in Indonesia have a qood potential to develop into tourist

areas.'l'he qovrrr~mt~nt has started advertising campaigns to encourage travellers

to vlsjt !ndonesia. A t t-he same time the government has started to improve

some tourist f;l~il.ities like building new entertainment places etc.



' - I

effort has shown good result. l n the last few years the number of tourists

i- . .

chat: visj.t.(:d lndonesia ha.s increased steadily* Soon, Indonesia will become

one of the most out standing tourist areas in the south East ~sia.'



( dari : Question and Answer, oleh :


Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan jelas. Masinq-masing bernilai = 5 (lima).

1 . Where do many people go ?

2. What do many natlons get from tourlsm ?

3. What do many natlons do to encourage forelqn vlsitors to come to t h e i ~

country ?

4 . What 1s the result of the qovermlent of Indonesia effort ?

5. Whdt may Indonesia soon become ?



lourney - perjalanan

currency =- mdta uang

encour agc mendoronq




= meningkatkan

= hiburan



i s

t h e

r e a d i n g

t e s t

f o r



y e a r

s t u d e n t s :



J a l a n G e n t e n g k a l i 33 S u r a b a y a .,

- - - - --

KODE : 11.2 / E. TI / S . 89




M a t a P e l a l a r a n



- ' , n q k a t : P r o q r a m s t u d 1 11


Semua P r o g r a m S t u d i

tl'tri / l a n g g a l


SENIN, 1 8 DESEMBER 1989 k d k t u : 90 M e n i t ( 16.00


17.30 )



r . T u l l s L e b ~ h d a h u l u nomor TSB d a n P r o g r a m S t u d i a n d a d l s u d u t k a n a n a t a s

p a d a l e m b a r l a w a b a n y a n g t e r s e d i a .

2 . P e r i k s a d a n b a c a l a h soal


s o a l s e b e l u m a n d a m e n g e r j a k a n .

3 L a p o r k a n k e p a d a P e n q a w a s TSB k a l a u t e r d a p a t t u l l s a n y a n g k u r a n g jelas,

r u s a k a t a u j u m l a h soal k u r a n g .

4 K e r j a k a q s o a l s e h a n y a k * m u n q k l n d e n q a n m e m p e r h a t i k a n bobot soal. 5. D a h u l u k a n m e n q e r j a k a n s o a l


s o a l y a n g a n d a a n g g a p m u d a h .

6 K e r ) a k a n pads l e m b a r ] a w a b ~ n y a n g d l s e d l a k a n , d e n q a n b o l p o l n t atau p u l p e n

y a n q b e r t i n t a b l r u a t a u h i r a m .

I ' ' E l l n t a i a h k c r i d s b u r a n ~ k ~ p a d - P e n q a w a s 'TSB j l k a d i p e r l u k a n .




All around the earth, lies the atmosphere. It is the air that we breathe


that makes it possible for people, animals and plants to live. It also acts

qs a safety curtain to prevent too much of the sun rays from getting to the

earth and burninq everything. When the X-rays from the sun reach the atmosphere,

the particles of the air absorbed them so that they never get through to the


The air ~ h i c h we breathe is made warm by the .reflection of the sun's rays

from the surfdce of the earth. Therefore the nearer the air to the earth's sur-

face the warmer i t is. 'This is one reason why it is cold on the tops of mounta-

Ins and why snow iies on the mountain tops all year round.

The air also gets thinner as it gets further from the earth. There is less

and less oxigen in it. When people climb very high mountains, they have to take

special breathing apparatus with them, with cylinders holding an extra supply

of oxyqen. The atmosphere above 10 miles from the earth is called the stratos


phere dnd above 50 miles is tnc ionosphere. Beyond this there is thinner and

thinner air.

Dari : Paket Bahasa Inggris 2 STM.

Answer the questlo s

1 . what 1s the atmosphere 7

2 .$hy 1 s the a l r very important

3 tlow can the d ~ r become ndrm 2

4. Is ~t cold on the top of the mountain ?


T h i s

i s

she r e a d i n g

t e s t

f o r


t h i r d

y e a r

s t u a e n t s :



Jalan Gentengkall 33 Surabaya Telp. 42706


42709 Pes. 205

KODE : 11.1 / E. 111


$. 89



Tingkat / Program studi : I11 ( Semua Program Studi )

Hari / Tanqgal : SELASA, 12 DESEMBER 1989

W a k t c l : 90 eni it ( 13.00


14.30 )


PETUNJY IJMUM - - -- - - -

1. Tulislah lebih dahulu nomor TSB dan Program Studi Anda di sudut kanan atas

pada lembar lawaban yang disediakan.

2. Periksa dan bacalah soal


soal sebelum m d a mengerjakan.

3 . Laporkan kepada Pengawas TSB jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jeias atau

jumlah soal kurang.

4 . Kerjakan semua soal atau kerjakan sebanyak mungkin dengan memperhatikan

'mbot. soal. .

5 . Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal


soal yang Anda anggap mudah.

6 . Kerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan dengan bolpoint atau pulpen

yang bertinta hitam atau biru.

7. Mintalah kertas buram kapada Penqawas TSR bila diperlukan.



English Universal Language

Growing numbers around the world are becoming English speakers. As a mother

tongue , English is spoken by some 345 million people worldwide. Add to them

an equal number who use English as a second language,and the same number again

who are reasonably competent in English. The result : Some one fifth of the

world are English speakers !

NO "international language


in history


including Latin,

Greek and French

has ever been used so widely.

The British Empire spread English around the world. Today American English

is the model

In many countries today, professional advancement and social prestige de-

pend upor> a qood qrasp of Engllsh. Rccognltion of the importance of the Entlllsh

lanqudqc 1s qrowlnq rapidly, even in countries that had opposed its use.

i r ~ Burma, for example, the qoverment is gradually reintroducing English as the

~ncdluln ot ~rlstruction ~n schools.

Pockets of resistance remain, however. Some developing countries seve-

rely restrict or even prohibit the use of English, viewing its spread as "cultu-


imperialism." In Bangladesh last year, Parliament passed a bill replacing

English >dlth Bengali in official work.

* * *

( Hello English Magazine No. 32, July 1988 ) .


Bacalah bacaan di atas baik-baik, kemudian jawablah soal-soal nomor 46 sampai denqan nomor 50 pada lembar jawaban. Bobot soal nomor 46 s/d 50 masing-masing = 3, jumlah b b o t = 5 x 3 = 15.

Perbaikan dengan cara mencoret jawaban yang salah dengan dud garis, dan menulis kan perbaikan jdwaban di atas jawaban yang diperbaiki, seperti contoh di bawah ini


empa t

Pembukaan UUD 1945 terdiri dari ==%=$a== alinea.

46. About how many people in thc: world are English speakers ?

47. Is there any ,other "international language" besides English ? 48. Are there countries that oppst? t h r use of English ?

49. Why is the use of English in sorno countries opposed ?


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