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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree at English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

By: Amaliah Sifana Reg. Number: A83212124






Sifana, Amaliah. 2016.A Study of Treating Arab Women Seen from Islamic Perspective in Jean Sasson’s Princess Sultana’s Daughters. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Humanities. States Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor: Wahju Kusumajanti, M.Hum

Arabian life is depicted through the novel of Jean Sasson’sPrincess Sultana’s Daughters.There are some different treatments accepted by Arab men and women, for example the culture which more honor towards men than women. This case causes the violence and injustice faced by the women. The Arabs often treat them such that by using Islamic teachings as the basis to strengthen their deed. This thesis focuses on analyzing the background of Arabian culture in treating women. Then, Islamic perspective is used to give clarification how to treat women based well.The aim of the thesis is to find out whether the

implementation of treating Arab women is based on Islamic values or the practice of culture. This thesis basically uses Cultural Studies theory by Wilfred L. Guerin and Patriarchy which mainly focuses on Arabian culture making women

subordinated. Islamic teachings from Al-Qur’an and Hadits are used to describe that the ways in treating women actually do not make them tortured. The result shows that the depiction of treating Arab women does not implement Islamic teachings, but it is based on the culture.



Sifana, Amaliah. 2016.A Study of Treating Arab Women Seen from Islamic Perspective in Jean Sasson’s Princess Sultana’s DaughterTesis. Sastra Inggris. Faculty Adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Pembimbing: Wahju Kusumajanti, M.Hum

Kehidupan Arab digambarkan dalam novel karya Jean Sasson yang berjudul Princess Sultana’s Daughters.Ada beberapa perbedaan perlakuan yang diterima oleh laki-laki dan perempuan Arab, seperti kebanggaan yang berlebihan terhadap anak laki-laki daripada anak perempuan. Kondisi ini menyebabkan terjadinya kekerasan dan ketidakadilan yang dialami oleh para perempuan. Orang Arab sering memperlakukan mereka dengan menggunakan ajaran Islam sebagai dasar untuk menguatkan perbuatan mereka. Tesis ini fokus pada penelitian terhadap latar belakang budaya Arab dalam memperlakukan wanita. Lalu, ajaran Islam digunakan untuk memberikan klarifikasi bagaimana memperlakukan wanita dengan cara yang baik . Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah untuk menemukan apakah cara-cara dalam memperlakukan perempuan memang berdasarkan nilai-nilai Islam ataukah berdasarkan praktek budaya. Pada dasarnya, tesis ini menggunakan teori budaya dari by Wilfred L. Guerin dan patriarki yang fokus pada budaya Arab yang membuat perempuan menjadi tersubodinasi. Ajaran-ajaran Islam dari Al-Qur’an and Hadits juga digunakan untuk menjelaskan cara-cara dalam

memperlakukan perempuan yang pada hakikatnya tidak membuat mereka

terdzalimi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gambaran dalam memperlakukan perempuan Arab bukan berdasarkan ajaran-ajaran Islam, tapi berdasarkan budaya.



Inside Cover Page...i

Declaration Page...ii

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Sheet... iii

Thesis Examiner’s Approval Sheet...iv

Motto... v

Dedication Page...vi


Table of Contents...x


Intisari... xiii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study... 1

1.2. Statement of the Problem... 8

1.3. Objective of the Study... 9

1.4. Scope and Limitation... 9

1.5. Significance of the Study...9

1.6. Method of the Study...10

CHAPTER 2: LITERARY REVIEW 2.1. Cultural Studies...12

2.1.1. Religion...13 Islam...14 Treating Women... 15 Physical Hygiene... 16 Man and Woman Relationship... 19

(9) Patriarchy...25 Background of Arabian Culture... 27 Treating Women...28 Physical Hygiene...29 Man and Woman Relationship...31

2.2. Review of Related Studies... 34

CHAPTER 3: ANALYSIS 1.1... Arabian Culture in Jean Sasson’sPrincess Sultana’s Daughters... ...37


1.1.2....Shame... 48

1.1.3....Treating Women... 56 Female Genital Mutilation... 57 Thoughtless Divorce...64 Temporary Marriage... 69

1.2...Islamic Teachings in Treating Women As Seen in Jean Sasson’sPrincess Sultana’s Daughters...73

1.2.1....Female Genital Mutilation...74

1.2.2....Thoughtless Divorce... 64

1.2.3....Temporary Marriage...81







1.1.Background of Study

Patriarchy is a social system where men inherently dominate everything, especially females (Walby 20). Women are biologically considered weaker. The biological weakness of women is considered unchangeable in the society. Patriarchy subordinates the female or treats the female as an inferior of male. They are treated to be fully submissive and obedient to men. This matter makes men have the power and legitimacy to control women (as well as their bodies and minds) in all aspects of life (Foqahaa 3). In addition, they must respect and obey men’s decision.


Men’s domination cause many women become subordinated and tortured. It causes discrimination towards Arab women happening in this period. They cannot get the same rights as men such as education, job, political participation, public

transportation, they cannot move freely, do not have freedom to choose what they want such as choosing life partner, continuing their study, and choosing clothing style as they intend to and so on. In addition they often get sexual and physical violence done by men. Thus, most of Arabs especially Arab women prefer to refuse men’s domination which become the most powerful culture. Many women struggle to voice their rights to get the equality. They can do everything trying to change the ways of treating women in order to remove injustices. Hence, women inferiority is the result of male-dominated culture.


Unquestionably, evil is what they decide”. If fathers wanted to let them alive, they would not get enough daily needs including inheritance and affection because they prefer protecting men to protecting women (Ghoffar “Jilid 5” 71-72). It was one of the sign of dishonoring women inJahiliyahera (pre-Islamic era). Thus, the birth of baby girl became the case that was not expected.

Although the practice of burying baby girl alive does not exist anymore nowadays, but there are other ways to dishonor women. The case can be deeply seen through violence towards women happened in the Middle East countries such as Pakistan and Iran. Spencer and Chesler said in their bookThe Violent Oppression of Women in Islamthat daughter and wife beating are routine done by Pakistani men. Over 90 percent of Pakistani wives have been struck, beaten, or abused sexually. It happens because the wives, for example, cannot cook delicious meal or cannot bear baby boy. While, in Iran, the legal age for women to marriage is nine years old. The UN (United Nations) Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran said that at least 48,580 girls between 10 and 14 years of age were married in 2011. This case makes the girls cannot get their rights as the children such as playing and getting good education. (5-6). Those ways become some cases of dishonoring women nowadays.


human’s life. This holy book is the most perfect teaching for everyone’s life because there are no doubts inside it. Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 1 “This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah”. The guidance is for godfearing people who obey all of Allah’s instructions and avoid the forbidden deeds (Ghoffar “Jilid 1” 44-46). It is the sign that Allah gives the right paths for obedient people. Shafi also said that there is complete guidance on a single text of Qur’an (1). It means that every verse of Al-qur’an contains the good command which results the good effects for the believers. Shihab said that there are five major themes in Al-qur’an related to human’s life affairs; the faith, the main needs of life, the human and society, the aspects of human’s life, and the spiritual deeds (1-2). It indicates that qur’an contains all teachings for human’s whole life. Thus, Al-qur’an is the most appropriate source for human beings based on Allah’s commands.


bother about me, go and help the women" (Ahmad 227). It means that he addressed Muslims to help women first. They must be treated with kindness and consideration. He also emphasized if men have daughters, they must treat them well and must not hurt them. Allah will also save the men from the torment of Hell. Hence, Allah

commands the men to treat women well by giving protection in every single situation.

Men’s obligation to protect women has the clear reasons in Islamic teachings. It is because women are the noble creatures that must be honored. Al-Sheha said in his bookWomen in the Shade of Islamthat Islam manages how to honor women as the wives and mothers (44). Firstly, Islam cares for the woman as a wife. Islam grants her certain rights such as accepting dowry, getting justice, getting expenditure from her husband. Secondly, Islam cares for the woman as a mother. Prophet Muhammad declared that, “Paradise is under the mother’s feet”. This is a symbolic representation of the fact that the pleasure, caring, respecting, and serving the mother will definitely lead us to attain Allah’s pleasure and paradise (58). A mother deserves kindness, caring, good treatment, best care and service from her children. It is because mother becomes pregnant, bears, and breast feeds to them. Thus, it becomes a big glory for her to bear new generations who make the better future. Thus, women must be honored and treated well because they are the noble creatures.


author; to voice women’s rights.It can be the work of telling the truths and uncover something secret that must be known by all people in the world. As we know that literature can be defined as the body of writing that exists because of inherent imaginative artistic qualities (Luken 3). It means that literature has imaginative substance written by the author. However, it cannot be separated from the culture at the time that also influences literary works. Wellek said in his bookTheory of

Literaturethat literature is a social institution, using as its medium language, a social creation (89). The literary works also cover all parts of human life which portray the society, culture, and situation in reality. It can be seen through Jean Sasson’s literary works that reveal the oppression towards women from the culture where they live regarded as Islamic teachings. Thus, the practices of women injustices can be known and understood through literary works.

Jean Sasson is one of American writer whose work mainly centers on women in the Middle East. She was born in 1950 in Troy, Alabama, United States. Most of her works are non-fiction such asThe Rape of Kuwait,Ester's Child,Mayada:


to protect her identity. She and Jean Sasson are good friends. They met when Jean was visiting Arab, so she asked her to write the novel about her life in Arab. She does not write it by herself because of her fear to her royal family. In addition, Sultana lives under the oppression of patriarchal system, so she gives a voice in getting women’s rights (Sasson 9). Hence, Jean Sasson created novel biography which focused on women violence done by men’s domination.

Each of novel biographyThe Princess Trilogy; Princess Sultana, Princess Sultana’s Daughters, and Princess Sultana’s Circlehas its own concept in describing women’s position in male-dominated culture, so it is interesting to analyze. Firstly, Princess Sultanatells us about her childhood which full of injustices rights. Her father prefers to give more affection to her only brother. Secondly,Princess Sultana’s Daughterstells us about violence towards women when Sultana has owned three children. The harshness is faced by her friends, sisters, neighbors and female servants. It is more interesting to analyze. Thirdly,Princess Sultana’s Circletells us about her consistent efforts to voice women’s rights in her age which is not young anymore. Then, the writer prefers to choose the second trilogy to analyze because Sultana has two focuses problems; her children and violence towards women.


violence or internal oppression. There are many stories about injustices of women told by her. One of them is women circumcision who attain the age of puberty. Its practice is regarded as Islamic teachings, whereas it tortures women. If it is one of Islamic teachings, they will not face the violence. In this case, the writer is interested in finding out whether the ways in treating Arab women are based on Islamic

teachings or culture influences as told by Sultana through her stories. Then, the writer uses some suitable theories to make good analysis. They are cultural studies to find the background of Arabian culture in treating women, feminist critique theory to find some factors making Arab women disagree with their culture and their struggle to get the justice, and Islamic teachings through Al-qur’an and Hadits to give clarification how to treat women well. Based on the literary background stated above, the writer is really interested to analyze cultural studies in treating Arab women seen through Islamic teachings in Jean Sasson’sPrincess Sultana’s Daughters.

1.2. Statement of Problems

Based on the background of the study explained above, I am interested in analyzing the problems, which are formulated as follows:

1. How is the background of Arabian culture in Jean Sasson’sPrincess Sultana’s Daughters?


1.3. Objectives of the Study

In accordance with the statement of the problem stated above, this study has two objectives that can be stated as follows:

1. To describe the background of Arabian culture in Jean Sasson’sPrincess Sultana’s Daughters

2. To find out whether the implementation in treating Arab women in Jean Sasson’s Princess Sultana’s Daughtersbased on Islamic teachings or cultural practices.

1.4. Scope and Limitation

In order to prevent non-relevant problems, the study is limited to the novel of Princess Sultana’s Daughters. The study focuses on the ways of treating Arab women reputed as Islamic teachings, but it makes them subordinated. To answer statement of problem stated above, the culture and the implementation of Islamic values become the most important points to analyze. The scope of this study is upon the stories about women in Arab told by Sultana.

1.5. Significance of the Study


research can be as a reference especially for students who interested in literature to understand how the culture influences literary works through cultural ideas. Other significances are going to motivate individuals interest in literature to do further analysis. Then, the readers or audience can easily understand which ways of treating women reputed as Islamic teachings or culture whether happened in the novel or the reality.

1.6. Method of the Study

In this research, the writer uses qualitative method in which tries to describe and reveal whether the ways of treating Arab women are based on Islamic teachings or culture in Jean Sasson’sPrincess Sultana’s Daughters. In this case, the

explanation cultural ideas are necessary to explain because there are some facts reflected in the novel that need to analyze using that ideas. The writer also uses feminism as supporting theory to reveal the factors of avoiding the rules of treating women.

This research is library base. Therefore I make good use of some books including the novel itself as the primary sources and reads information of some internet sources and other sources such as magazines and journals that support this study to improve the knowledge. In presenting the analysis, I use some steps based on qualitative methods:


2. Selecting and collecting the data in form of narration and conversation from novel related to the problem

3. Analyzing the data collected by firstly categorizing them into two points, dealing with two points of the statement of problems. Then, each point is analyzed using related theories which refer to the objectives of the study




In doing this study, the writer tends to utilize some theories. This study tries to reveal mostly upon the cultural studies in treating Arab women done by men. The men’s ways are sometimes reputed it as Islamic teachings. Thus, the writer uses cultural studies theory to reveal the background of Arabian culture. In addition, patriarchy is used to support cultural studies. Then, this study employs some Islamic teachings based on Al-qur’an and Hadits in order to determine which ways of treating Arab women are truly based on Islamic values or the practice of culture. Hence, those theories are relevant in doing more deeply analysis. Those theories are explained as follows:

1.1. Cultural Studies


which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by human as a member of society (“Popular Science” 1). Thus, cultural study is directly related to all aspects of human’s life, especially influenced by society.

Cultural study has four goals. Firstly, it talks about cultural phenomenon. The purpose is to reveal the diverse social and political issues. In addition, it is also to reveal the struggles within the current affairs happened in society. Secondly, the purpose is to discover models of restructuring relationship among dominant and minority classes. It is because cultural studies are politically engaged. Thirdly,

cultural studies have purpose to examine the practices of everyday life constructed by society. Finally, cultural studies analyze not only the cultural practices, but also the means of production. It reveals the reasons and impacts of cultural practices (277-279). Hence, cultural studies have the goals to uncover the cultural influences practiced by society.

1.1.1. Religion


point describes the interpretative anthropology in general terms and the second point especially describes the relation between culture and religion sphere. Thus, human’s acts in social life are related to religion they adhered. Islam

Islam is a complete way of life. It is the guidance from Allah, the Creator of the Universe for all human beings in the world (Sarwar 12). Allah says in Surah Al-An’am verse 115, “And the word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. None can alter His words, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing”. It means that what Allah commands towards His followers is the most right path. In addition, no one can disobey His words because what Allah commands is for the better life (Ghoffar “Jilid 3” 278-279). On the other hand, Islam also governs all aspects of human life; the things that people do in their lifetime. It shows us the best way to conduct our private and public affairs. They include social, economic, political, moral, and spiritual activities. Hence, Islam is the most right source for human’s life.

Islam is the way of peace and harmony. Those two things come from obedience to Allah’s laws. A muslim, the adherent of Islam must perform the good deeds and keep away from the bad deeds. The important thing is that Islam establishes this peace because it is part of human’s nature (14). All human beings absolutely have the nature to like the good things and dislike the bad things. Helping each other, showing


hurting others, disrespect to others, drug addiction, stealing, violence, and other bad things are disliked and hated by everyone. Those good and bad things are one of Allah’s commands in order to achieve peace and harmony in human’s life. Treating Women

Islam is the religion that governs the ways in treating women. They are as essential as men for the continuation of human life and development of society. Any discrimination based on gender is an offense. Allah says in Surah Al-Qiyamah verse 36-40, “Does man think that he will be left neglected?, Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted?, Then he was a clinging clot, and [Allah] created [his form] and proportioned [him], And made of him two mates, the male and the female, Is not that [Creator] Able to give life to the dead?”. Allah illustrated in the verses that He created both sexes from one single source. There is no difference between the two sexes in terms of qualifications in humanity. In addition, Allah has the authority about our death (Ghoffar 355-356). Islam also has abolished and abrogated all the previous unjust laws that demoted women as inferior in quality and nature.

Women have the same rights as men. It includes education and work,

affection, protection, inheritance, and all other forms of good treatments (Osman 2-3). Al-Sheha also said that Islamic law protects women from intimidation and


torture them. Islamic teaching does not limit its care of women to a specific need of life. This treatment can be showed by paying close attention to women’s needs and rights throughout their life.

Islam grants women in all aspects of life including the aspect of relationship between men and women. Al-Sheha said that Islam deals with women in a

comprehensive way in the context of their relationship with Allah, her Creator and Lord, with their self as a part of humanity, and with man, their partner and natural spouse in the family (24). The relationship in family can be seen through father and his daughters, uncle and his nieces, husband and his wife, brother and his sisters, and grandparent and his granddaughters. Whereas, the relationship outside of family can be seen through unmarried man and unmarried women, male friend and female friend, ex-husband and ex-wife, and so on. Thus, Islam never discriminates women as the inferior creature. Physical Hygiene


of bad thoughts and deeds. Thus, purification in Islam is a form of essential part of Muslims life.

Purification can be seen through the practice of doing ablution (wudhu). Zarabozo said that ablution means washing one’s face, hands, arms, head and feet with water (25). It is not done without certain reasons and purposes. There are three actions requiring ablution in order to be accepted in Islamic law. Firstly, any type of ritual prayer needs ablution before doing it. It involves five times prayers a day becoming the obligatory andsunnahprayers such as tahajjud, rawatib, tarawih, istikhoroh, and so on. Secondly, ablution is also needed before circumambulating the Ka’bah. It is because the Ka’bah is the holy building becoming the center of doing prayers. Hence, people doing pilgrimage must do the purification by practicing ablution. Thirdly, touching a copy of Al-qur’an must do ablution first. It is also caused by Al-qur’an is the holy book of muslims consisting of Allah’s commands (65-66).


purification is not only about physical hygiene, but also about spiritual relation between believers and Allah.

One of the important purification is circumcision. Circumcision in Islam is derived from Arabical-khatnuwhich means ‘cut’. Mianoki said that the terminology ofal-khatnuis removing the prepuce (foreskin or ‘hood’) which covers the penis of male and the clitoris of females (8). Imam Syafi’i and his fellowers said that male circumcision is the obligation. It is because the purpose of male circumcision is to clean the urine remnant existing in foreskin. That practice is one of the main obligatory before doing pray (qtd in Sauki 66). While, circumcision for female becomes debatable case among Islamic scholars (70).


and really understand about Islamic laws, so they can practice it well without practicing something prohibited. Man and Woman Relationship

Man and woman relationship is governed in Islam. The relationship can be seen through family relationship and outside family relationship. In family relationship, the parents especially a father must treat their children well. Allah says in Surah An-Nisa’ verse 34:

“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend from their means. Therefore, the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in the husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard. As to those women on whose part you see ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (then) refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them; but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means. Surely, Allah is Ever Most High, Most Great”.

This glorious verse of Qur’an tells us the responsibilities of men and women (Ghoffar 6). On these guidelines,the fathers(the husbands)are entrusted with the

responsibility of earning livelihood for their families.Children and wife need food, they need clothes to wear, they need medicine to be taken care of in case of illness, and so on. All of those needs require money earned by father as his duty. Thus, the needs of his family must be fulfilled well.


Ar-Rum verse 21, “And among His Signs is this that He created for you wives (spouses) from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has

put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for people

who reflect”.It is indeed Allah’s mercy upon mankind that He created spouses for human beings from their own kind (Ghoffar 362). Imagine the world with humans living without a spouse or imagine if a spouse was not from same kind such as the spouse of a human and Jin or animals. It would have been very difficult to achieve compatibility. Fortunately, the mercy of Allah, The Almighty is vast. Thus, He has blessed the mankind with this beautiful relation of husband-wife.

Marriage and pairing are one of Allah’s laws for His creatures. Pairing

applies in general also for animal and vegetation (At-Tuwaijiry 5). Through marriage, a healthy environment will be maintained such as cohesiveness and reciprocal love. Marriage also helps in maintaining chastity and guards everyone from committing the prohibited. It is the best means of fulfilling sexual needs to free from related diseases. In addition, marriage also fulfills the parental and maternal senses in man through having children. It can be said that marriage is the best means of reproduction and preserving the family lineage. Hence, Allah governs about marriage for man and woman relationship.


marriage is held, the condition must be in four rules. They are the presence of the couple, their approval, the presence of the woman’s guardian, and two males; Muslim witnesses (Al-Hamad 1). Thus, Islam governs marriage rules in order to make it easy for the couple.

Unfortunately, those principles above are sometimes misapplied by some people. It can be seen through the practice of temporary marriage or called mut’ah marriage. The wordmut’ahis derived from Arabic language which means enjoyment, delight, or gratification (Shomad 297). The beginning and end of this marriage are specified. A man pays her woman smallmahr(dowry). Then, after the specified time is over, the marriage will be end automatically.

Sanusi said that the law of temporary marriage is forbidden. It is because this marriage is not mentioned in Al-qur’an. Some scholars say that Surah An-Nisa’ verse 24:

“And [also prohibited to you are all] married women except those your right hands possess. [This is] the decree of Allah upon you. And lawful to you are [all others] beyond these, [provided] that you seek them [in marriage] with [gifts from] your property, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse. So for whatever you enjoy [of marriage] from them, give them their due compensation as an obligation. And there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree to beyond the obligation. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise”


There are some reasons making temporary marriage becomes forbidden. The treatment towards women is not the same as the real marriage. They do not get daily expenditure money from their husbands. It is because the giving of expenditure money is not obligated. Then, temporary marriage does not need witness and

guardian in its implementation. It also does not limit the amount of wives (36). Thus, temporary marriage is forbidden because it is not the same as the real marriage.

On the other hand, the purpose of temporary marriage is just related to sexual desire. There is not purpose to get the children and educate them well. In fact, one of the purposes of marriage is to get children as the new generation. The purpose of temporary marriage is the same as prostitution. It does not give the advantages towards women. The husband is not fully responsible towards his wife (Al-Habsyi 120-121). Hence, temporary marriage is not permitted in Islam because it does not give the good advantages, especially towards women. In addition, it does not give the balance rights and duties for both couple.

Generally, rights and duties for both spouses in real marriage must be

understood well. It is for building the harmony and peace in household life. If spouses aware of their duties and rights each other, then a house would be a place of

friendship and would resemble heaven. However, if there are family-differences and arguments, the family home, could truly change into a prison (Amini 3). It is


The spouses practicing their rights and duties well will have long lasting marriage. It is caused by many factors. Hare divides eight principles to achieve long lasting marriage. They include trusting and confiding in one another, respecting and valuing each other, expressing feelings to one another, intimacy and closeness, mutual sexual satisfaction, expressions of understanding and support, encouraging independence in one another, the last is expression of contentment and appreciation (2). Those principles will be useful for both spouses if they can understand each other.

Furthermore, if the implementation of rights and duties are not balance between two spouses, Islam opens the way through divorce. Islam lays great emphasis on the policy of matrimonial life between two spouses and divorce is the last resort to end the marriage (At-Tuwaijiry 25). Divorce is called for only spouses who do not have harmony anymore. It becomes something impossible to reach. Divorce is permissible in Islam, but Allah does not like it (Sarwat 136). It is not forbidden by Allah, but in doing divorce, there are some rules that must be followed. The rules are for avoiding divorce easily.


obvious words that do not need intention to clarify their meaning. Hence, he must be careful in the way he speaks and uses the words.

Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 229 “Divorce is twice. Then, either keep [her] in an acceptable manner or release [her] with good treatment. And it is not lawful for you to take anything of what you have given them unless both fear that they will not be able to keep [within] the limits of Allah . . .”. It describes that the pronouncement of divorce is held by the husband. He can divorce his wife and cancel it twice. In doing divorce, the husband must treat his wife with good treatments. Then, the third pronouncement of divorce becomes more complicated. It is because if the husband wants to marry his ex-wife, the wife must marry another man first (Ghoffar “Jilid 1” 452). However, that rules cannot be done by the two spouses intentionally and forcefully.


In marriage relationship, husband and wife must work together in setting up the family harmony. They must know and understand each other responsibilities and rights. Both of them play important roles in this relationship to avoid the dispute in marriage. In addition, the spouses must practice what commanded in Islam based on Allah’s laws, so divorce will not be the last choice for them.

1.1.2. Culture

Culture becomes part of human’s life in society. As Tylor said that the culture itself is a complex whole thing which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by human as a member of society (“Popular Science” 1), gives the meaning about everyday life not just intellectual and aesthetic factors, but the development of, for example, literacy, holidays, sport, religious festivals, and so on. Finally, Williams suggests that culture can be used to refer to the works and practices of intellectual and especially artistic activity (qtd in Storey 2). Thus, culture can be seen from all aspects of human’s life. Patriarchy


economic resources. Patriarchy is defined as the ‘rule of the father’ as patriarchs to be intrinsically superior to women.

A society becomes patriarchal when males receive privileges. Males are identified as the society and the society is male centered. A society where cultural ideas of what is good, desirable, preferable or normal are identified towards males is patriarchy (27). Patriarchy becomes male centered when focus is placed on men and their actions, while female rights are limited by male authority.

Patriarchy is characterized by male domination and power. Hooks stated that patriarchal rules still govern most of the world’s religious, school systems, and family systems (2). Then, it shapes the values of our culture. We are also socialized into this system. Most of us learned patriarchal attitudes in our family as the origin system. Thus, those values are reinforced in schools and religious institutions.

This system becomes the main trigger of feminist movement causing women’s protest. The purpose is to voice female marginalization (Carter 91).

Feminist movement analyzes all of the causes and the performer of doing oppression towards female. This movement is to end male domination happened in society (13). It means that there are female rights that must be struggled. Hence, the habits of oppressing female as the victims in society, family, culture, even country can be uncovered through feminist movements through its thoughts and practices.

Patriarchy will not be the problem if it is practiced based on humanity values. Although the basic rules of life are held by men, but they can deeply see and


such as work and education, protection, and affection. Since women (wives) can be responsible with their duties as daughters and wives, the equality in achieving their rights must be struggled. Hence, feminist movement will appear when patriarchy really discriminates women. Background of Arabian Culture

Arabian culture refers to the culture in the countries in which the official language is Arabic. Arab countries are often called as Islamic country. It is because Islam is firstly spread in Arab Saudi, one of Arab countries. Then, Islam becomes strong religion believed by its inhabitants (Budiman 1). Islam not only changes the spiritual beliefs of Arabs, but also influences their whole aspects of life. In addition, Islam becomes strong base in building the new civilization. Hence, Islam also becomes the main source in practicing the action in daily life.

Oftentimes, Islam is connected with Arabian culture. Many people said that they are the same; Islamic culture and Arabian culture. In fact, Arabian culture is the culture originating from Arabs and developing in Arabian regions. While, Islamic culture is the culture originating from Islamic teachings including physical and spiritual deeds (Falahudin 1). Furthermore, those explanations can be concluded that Arabian culture is not definitely based on Islam, while Islamic culture is definitely based on Islamic principles.


Arab societies.Honor determines social status, forms the basis of social etiquette, relations between families, lineages and tribes. If those are not maintained well, they

will feel really shame and the honor will be difficult to regain(“The Arab World: An Introduction to Cultural Appreciation” 6). Sexual honor also becomes the important thing to maintain. The honor of a family is strictly related to its women members (8).

Any violation of the strict prohibitions done towards women will automatically have

a severely detrimental impact upon the honor of the family.

Furthermore,males are the head of the household and in charge of duties that are usually found outside the household such as protecting and providing for his family. Family identity is also tied to the father. In addition,a man is said to be honorable if he can prove his virility by having many children, especially sons. His

honor depends on his ability to prove his bravery and to protect his family from its

enemies (8). Hence, the men’s authority is the most fundamental thing in Arab world. Treating Women

Arab countries have certain rules to treat women. One of them is in Arab

Saudi. The rules are caused by the interaction between individuals of the opposite sex

is a very different matter. In public displays, the intimacy between men and women,

even when they are married are strictly taboo. It is considered as embarrassing and


The rules in treating Arab women become culture among Arabian societies.

The culture itself is also influenced by practices of treating women in pre-Islamic era.

Women in pre-Islamic tribal society in Arab and in the earliest days of Islam had a far more public role. It was caused by Judaism and Christianity saw woman in the form of Eve, as introducing evil into the world and Judaism allowed polygamy and strong male privilege in divorce (Keddie 14).

There are some principal aspects of Arabian culture becoming rules for women. Arab women dress isabayahthat cover the full length body. It concerns on the modesty becoming reason for the dress. It also covers their faces as well as the bodies in veils. On the other hand, men have the higher level jobs than women because they are always associated withthe domestic sphere such as nursing, midwifery, child-care and teaching. Oftentimes,jobs in a society for woman are expected to be nothing but a housewife. In addition, thelaws surrounding marriage, divorce and inheritance tend to be held by males. Women are in a similarly weaker

position if they wish their marriage to end. They have obligation to obey the

patriarchy (“The Arab World: An Introduction to Cultural Appreciation” 24). Those are some ways in treating women in Arabian culture becoming the rules for women to

obey it. Physical Hygiene


reasons. It is because meals are frequently eaten by hand, so washing the hands before and after eating are the typical rules. In addition, formal washing of face, hands, and forearm are required before daily prayers or fasting (“Arab Cultural Awareness” 19).

Physical hygiene also practicing in Arab is male circumcision. As we know that circumcision for male is related to purification before doing pray or all other forms of praying. In addition, male circumcision has some advantages based on health researches. The advantages are the decreasing risk of urinary tract infections, the reducing risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men, giving protection against penis cancer, the reducing risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners, and all other healthy advantages (Mianoki 20-21). Circumcision also makes easier to keep the penis clean. Hence, this practice is part of Islamic culture in Arab.

Unfortunately, circumcision for female is still practiced in some countries which keep maintaining culture from long time age. The practice of female


FGM is practiced because of some reasons. The first reason is because of myth. Female are regarded as tempter or the source of sexual desire towards male. Society believed that if female’s clitoris is circumcised, it will reduce female’s libido. Then, female will not have big sexual desire to tempt male because their obligation towards male is only giving sexual services. The second is sexual myth. Females do not have rights to get sexual satisfaction because they are the complement towards male’s sexual desire. In this case, females do not need stimulation before having a intercourse. Thus, circumcision is practiced towards female. The third reason is social culture. Female circumcision is practiced to determine or show the virginity before getting married. Uncircumcised female is claimed as cruel person and disaster for society. The last reason is because of cleanness. Some communities regard that female’s clitoris is dirty thing. It is the main sexual desire of female that cannot be controlled well, so it needs to circumcise (Sauki 39-43). Hence, female circumcision is not part of physical hygiene, but the practice of culture. Man and Woman Relationship

Man and woman relationship in Arab countries, especially Arab Saudi can be seen

through the interaction between two sexes in some situations. The interaction before marriage

or outside family relationship is really governed in this country. Men and women must

respect each other. They are forbidden to eat or socialize in the same room. Men are also

forbidden to shake hands with an Arab woman unless she offers her hand first. They are


doing eye contact. For women, they must wear long dress and veil in order to avoid male

tempters (“Arab Cultural Awareness” 06-11). Those are the rules for man and woman outside

family that must be obeyed by each person.

Furthermore, if man and woman want to get marry, there is the culture

practiced. Marriage in Arab societies remains a social and economic contract between two families. Then, marriage within the same lineage or cousins is still a norm. It is because this type of marriage remains rooted in tribal tradition that is pre-Islamic era (Abudabbeh 6). Marriage to close kin ensures the kind of economic and blood kinship needed to continue and enhance the position of tribes.

On the other hand, there is marriage under the age 20 years old, even the age under 5 years old. It is called as early marriage. Finally, early marriage is one

important reason that girls leave school. It makes more difficult for young women to escape from the poverty because they do not have enough knowledge caused by leaving school (Rashad, Osman, Fahimi 3-4).

The early marriage also causes temporary marriage done by Arab men. It is because they can easily marry women even they are still teenagers to satisfy their own sexual desire. Temporary marriage itself (Mut’ah marriage) is a marriage

contract that has a finite end with a negotiated amount of sexual acts and payment for the woman upon the end of the marriage. This marriage is often practiced by Shiite Muslims. Temporary marriage is also practiced in Arab Saudi because Shi’ah


Prophet Muhammad outlawedmut'amarriage. Whereas, Shi'ah scholars believe that mut'ahmarriage was permitted by the Prophet and outlawed by the second caliph Umar. He was regarded as person who made this marriage illegitimate (Shmuluvitz 2).

In modern times, temporary marriage is faced by poor families which

effectively sell their daughters to wealthy men. Then, the daughters visit foreign men in order to obtain themahr(dowry). At the end of their visits, the men simply

abandon their brides who become unmarriageable and lost their virginity (Ibid). In addition, poor women and girls are forced intomut'ahmarriages because of coercion and economic hardship. They are often uneducated and unaware of their rights. Those affairs become strong culture practiced by men in Shi’ah sect which is also part of Arabian society.

In marriage, if the spouses cannot get the family harmony anymore, they will do divorce. It is repudiation or dissolution of marriage by husband towards his wife. After a man pronounces the formula of repudiation twice, he can still take it back. However, after the third time of divorce, husband cannot remarry the same woman. She must firstly get marry with another man. Then, she is divorced and can go back to the first husband (Keddie 38).


husband by consent of a law court because of some extreme cases such as neglect, maltreatment, nonsupport, indefinite absence of the husband, or impotence (Barakat 7-8). After divorce, the father or his family gets legal guardianship of children, while the mother gets custody of minor children until an age of legal school (Keddie 38). Those are the culture for man and woman relationship practiced in Arab countries.

1.2. Review of Related Studies

In this thesis, the writer uses previous studies having same ideas or relation with the topic about cultural studies and the portrayal of Arabian culture in treating women reflected in the novelPrincess Sultana’s Daughtersby Jean Sasson. However, the writer does not find previous studies having same novel, so the writer uses previous studies using same theories, ideas and same author.

Firstly, Umi Hanik’s thesis (2005) from State Islamic Institute of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, the title isA Comparative Study on Woman Positions in Things Fall Apart & Siti Nurbaya’s Novels from Cultural Studies.In her research, she analyzes woman position in novelsThings Fall ApartandSiti Nurbaya.The result is the woman position in both novels is influenced by culture from each society causing them subordinated.


Islamic feminism. Then, the result shows that Aristocratic Arab women are

marginalized under the patriarchal system, so their struggles are by choosing the good husband and raising the education and work for women even though they will get the punishment.

Thirdly, Siti Masturoh’s thesis (2010) from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, the title isThe Representation of Feminist Ideology in Sultana’s Characteristics on Princess by Jean Sasson.In her research, she analyzes the feminist ideology represented by Sultana as the main character. The result shows that Sultana has some characteristics which represent feminism; educated, optimistic, courage, independent, and decisive women.






3.1. Arabian Culture in Jean Sasson’sPrincess Sultana’s Daughters

Jean Sasson’sPrincess Sultana’s Daughtersis one of novels talking about Arabian life. It is delivered using first-person point of view named Princess Sultana. This novel describes different treatment to men and women in the name of Islam. However, the implementation of different treatments causes the existence of

advantages and disadvantages accepted by two sexes; men and women. One of sexes can get the advantages, while the other not. The people using the name of Islam are Arab men. They use it as the shield for themselves to treat women based on their wants.

Before Islam comes in Arab, the era at the time was called asjahiliyahera. It was the era of stupidity in pre-Islam. It could be said that it was the period before Islam where the people living in ignorance where there is neither prophecies nor revelations to guide them. Their lifestyle is limitless and no rules. This case causes them having bad behaviors. One of them is the ways in treating women done by Arab men. The women were regarded as the disaster in this era. They would be buried in the dirt alive since their birth in this world. Their fathers commonly became


After Islam comes, the habit of burying baby girl alive was removed. However, the cases of treating women badly still exist nowadays. It is happened in different ways. It can be seen from the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). It is the treatment to women when parts or all of the external female genitalia are removed or injured for no medical reason. One of the reasons of this practice is caused by myth and culture. Women are regarded as tempter or the source of sexual desire towards male. A society believed that if female’s clitoris is circumcised, it will reduce their libido. Then, they will not have big sexual desire to tempt male because their obligation towards male is only giving sexual services. In addition, female’s clitoris is regarded as dirty thing. It is the main sexual desire of female that cannot be controlled well, so it needs to circumcise (Sauki 39-43). Instead, the men use Islamic teachings to strengthen that their treatments to women are true. In fact, this matter makes women tortured. Thus, to prove whether the implementation of treating Arab women based on Islamic teachings or the culture, the first description is grouped into three parts; the concept of honor, shame, and treating women. Each of part describes two social classes; royal family and common people.

3.1.1. Honor


because of their authority. Every male member is called as prince and princess for female member. Thus, the family members must keep maintaining the family honor.

Sa’ud members hold the important position in Arab Saudi. The first Al-Sa’ud male member becoming king of Saudi Arabia is King Abdul Aziz Al-Al-Sa’ud. He is the grandfather of Princess Sultana. She said “I feel the warrior’s blood of my grandfather, Abdul Aziz, surge through my body” (Sasson 12). After his death, his position is continued by his son, King Fahd ibn Abdul Aziz Al-Sa’ud. He is also Sultana’s uncle. She says “As I study the photograph of my uncle, Fahd ibn Abdul Aziz, the king of Saudi Arabia . . . “ (6). Those quotations can be the evidences that Al-Sa’ud family has strong influence in leading the society.

In addition, each members of Al-Sa’ud family is also rich. One of them is Sultana’s husband, Kareem. He develops his business outside Arab Saudi. It is also for increasing the family wealth He said “. . . I have an important appointment in Zurich tomorrow . . . Three meetings have to be canceled!” (8). On the other hand, the husband of Sultana’s Sister, Fouad also has the same business as Kareem’s business. Sultana said “Fayza was the daughter of Fouad, Kareem's partner in three foreign businesses. Fouad was not of the Al Sa'ud family but distantly related by marriage to a daughter of a royal’ (90). It shows us that Kareem and Fouad’s business is not only in Arab, but also in foreign countries. Thus, Al-Sa’ud family is called as the rich family.


and bad images faced by all of its members. In addition, the family always increases its wealth to show its power, so the wealth can be used for everything in ruling Arab society. Those conditions cause Al-Sa’ud implementing the concept of honor and shame in its family. Sultana said “ . . . I understand that the men of the Al Sa’ud family cannot risk their power for the sake of their women. They are passionately in love with the crown” (16). The honor itself is related to men’s authority and wealth, while the shame is related to women. The men keep their dominance more than get the risk to defend the women. Hence, the family regards that those conditions are very important to maintain.

In this novel, Al-Sa’ud represents Arabian royal family which keeps the concept of honor. The family becomes the most fundamental institution for each family member. The institution has the most significant focus on all individuals and has the regulation for all major events in the life-circle. Individuals must always be careful to uphold the honor of each family member. If there is transgression, it will be reflected on the whole kin group. It is because Arabian culture maintains the principles of honor.

“The meeting continues much more calmly, with serious talk of how to keep my identity a secret. We understand that there will be much talk and speculation within the kingdom as to the identity of the princess in the book. (Sasson 13)”


view named Princess. She is actually Sultana herself. She is known by her family that she writes this book through her foreign friend’s help. In this meeting, the family tries to make her identity in a secret. It is because they know that there will be many talks and gossips about this book within Al-Sa’ud kingdom. In addition, it is to keep the family honor. If it is known by all people that the life in this book is the real life of Al-Sa’ud, the family will feel ashamed especially for the male members. Thus, to avoid shame, the family must keep the family honor well. This thing becomes the most fundamental principles governing royal family organization and interaction among royal family members.

One of the most important honors of the royal family is by having many sons. It causes the birth of sons are always expected. They become the pride of the family. It can be seen from the treatments done by Sultana’s father towards his grandchildren. He has never considered the existence of women. He also has no feeling of the birth of baby girl. He prefers to shows his much attention to his grandson, Abdullah rather than to his granddaughter, Maha. Both of them are Sultana’s daughters. At the time, Al-Sa’ud royal family holds family gathering at Nura’s summer palace in Thaif. She is Sultana’s sister. Her father attends it for the first time. He also does not see yet his grandchildren for a long time ago.

“It was the first time in years that Father had attended a gathering of his first wife’s children, and his attentions were devoted to his grandsons. While admiring Abdullah’s height and figure, my father ignored Maha, who was tugging on his sleeve to show him an ant farm the children had built and proudly displayed. I saw Father as he


Sultana’s father does not see his grandchildren yet for a long time. When he meets Abdullah and Maha directly, he is more interested in Abdullah than Maha. Even when Maha wants to show her ant farm she built, he rejects and does not want to see it. Instead, he prefers to hug Abdullah’s biceps. In this case, Sultana’s father prefers to give much attention to his grandson than granddaughter. The way he touches Abdullah biceps shows that he glorify by grandson. He thinks that Abdullah can continue his position after his death. It is because men are regarded as strong creature. In addition, they are regarded as the creature that can do something more than women do.

On the other hand, Sultana’s father says the painful words for Maha. It shows his detestation towards her.

“Father, who had never held a high opinion of the female sex, made no pretense of his feelings now.

Scornfully, he ordered, “Remove this horrible creature from my sight!”. (Sasson 19)”


Instead, the most dangerous effect probably faced by her is the feeling of oppression and useless. Hence, the pride of having sons and grandsons has big influence towards Arab royal women’s life.

In addition, Ali, Sultana’s brother also gives high pride towards his sons. The novel described, “As a father, he virtually ignored his daughters and showered affection on his sons” (78). Ali prefers to honor his sons than daughters by giving imbalance affection. Thus, having sons is more special than having daughters.

The pride of having sons makes them given certain rights. Firstly, they are invited by their father to join business outside home. They become the head of the household and in charge of duties. (“The Arab World: An Introduction to Cultural Appreciation” 8). Their position is also regarded higher than women. It can be seen from Kareem who prefers to always invite his son joining the activities outside home. The novel described “ . . . the makeup of our society drew Abdullah more closely into Kareem’s life outside of our home” (19). Kareem is the father of three children; Abdullah, Maha, and Amani. When he has business outside home, he allows

Abdullah to join him, not his daughters. It describes that showing sons to others is a family honor. In addition, it also shows the virility of father by having sons in his family.


the spreading of their mistakes. One of the cases can be seen from Ali’s action towards his son, Majed. The novel described, “Majed had sex with a woman in the hospital who was a patient, a woman who had been seriously injured and was not conscious” (Sasson 81). One day, Majed is involved sexual case. He rapes the female patient in a hospital. In fact, she is in a serious ill, but he just wants to his sexual desire be satisfied. Thus, he does not care her condition which is unconscious.

The woman is actually in a comma for six months. After, the sexual case done by Majed, she is three months pregnant.

"Now it has been discovered that the woman who was in a coma, a Christian woman from another land, is with child! Even though she has been in the hospital, unconscious, for six months! She is three months with child! There is a big investigation in that hospital, and Majed fears that his name will be made public in the scandal. (Sasson 81)"

The hospital staffs investigate this case. The investigation is done accurately and carefully. It is because the woman is in a comma for six months. Then, it is uncovered that the woman is actually Christian from another country. She is three months


a messy condition. Then, he follows Majed and calls security, but Majed gives him money from his pocket to make him quiet. Finally, he pretends that nothing happened.

Unfortunately, Ali knows his son’s scandal. He is told by Kareem. In addition, he response that he will solve this case soon.

“A week later Ali confided to Kareem that the problem had been "handled." He reported that he had located the Pakistani orderly and had made the man very rich. The Pakistani had invested his money in Canada, and with Ali's assistance would soon receive a passport to that country. Our family would hear no more from that troublemaker, Ali declared (Sasson 83)”

After a week elapsed, Ali said to Kareem that his son’s scandal has been solved. He sends Pakistani man to Canada and makes him very rich. In addition, he will receive the passport to stay in that country. He added that no one disgraces Al-Sa’ud family because of his or her report. In this condition, Ali rejects that this mistake is done by his son, so he covers it by sending Pakistani man to foreign country. If it is not done, he feels afraid that the man will spread the scandal to public and Al-Sa’ud family will get the big shame. In addition, he does not punish his son in order to make him regret his mistake. Instead, he sends Majed away to school in the West. It causes neither hospital staffs nor the woman’s family are not aware the truth that the rape is done by a royal prince, Majed.


family is by having many sons. It is because they are regarded as the offspring who can hold and continue the authority of Al-Sa’ud. Then, having sons becomes the pride for the family, so they are given certain rights. Firstly, they are often invited to join business outside home. Secondly, they are protected and not punished from their mistakes. Hence, the honor of royal family described above is by having sons who can give them certain rights.

In this novel, Arabian culture is not only depicted in the royal family, but also in common people. Basically, the concepts of Arabian culture are the same as the royal family. It is emphasized on the pride of having many sons. The family regards that males are more powerful than female, so they can do everything towards females. In fact, their duties are for guarding and treating them by doing good treatments. However, the males prefer to regard that guarding the females will waste their much time and they will lose the important business in their life. On the other hand, the family honor in common people does not describe wealth and business development. It is because the family does not hold the big authority in ruling Arab Saudi. Thus, the family honor in common people is just emphasized on having many sons.

The case can be seen from Yousif’s life. He is Kareem’s classmate friend when they studied in London. They do not meet each other for a long time. Then, they meet again when they are doing pilgrimage in Makkah. In their sudden meeting, they share each other about their each life.


and had married a second woman, fathering five sons in that union. The man delighted in boasting about the joys of having seven sons.

. . .

Yousif proudly told Kareem that his greatest blessing from God was that neither of his marriages had been cursed with the birth of daughters, and that truly, women were the source of all sin. If a man had to waste his energies in guarding women, Yousif said, he had little time for performing other, more important duties in life. (Sasson 62)”

From the quotation stated above, it told us that Yousif has divorced his wife because of bearing just two sons. Then, he has married again and have five sons from this second marriage. He is really proud having seven sons. He told Kareem that his life is lucky because of no daughters. To him, it is the greatest blessing from God. He regards that women are the source of all sins. In addition, men’s obligation to guard them is nothing more than wasting time. Yousif’s life of fathering seven sons has showed off to Kareem fathering only one son, Abdullah. It describes that having daughters are the big disaster for the family. In addition, females are regarded as the source of temptation that easily causes shame for the family. Yousif also argued that guarding females as the obligation of males is something useless. It is because the males cannot maintain their other business in life.

On the other hand, Yousif argued that having daughters is the unfortunate condition for the fathers.


Yousif has suggested Kareem to marry again with another woman. He means to influence Kareem’s mind to have many sons. If he is successful to have many sons, then he can take them and the daughters will be kept by his wives. In this case, Yousif shows off his big desire having many sons. He does not feel fortunate having the daughters. In this condition, Yousif can marry other women again to have more sons. The culture around him always regards that males are the big pride given by God in order to continue the father’s authority towards family. Hence, having many sons is important for Arabian society to keep maintaining the family honor.

3.1.2. Shame


The family honor and shame are two things relating each other. If the honor is not kept well, the family will get the shame. This shame is related to female members in the family. They are regarded as the shame if the family cannot take care of them (“The Arab World: An Introduction to Cultural Appreciation” 8). Any violation of the strict prohibitions done towards women will automatically have a severely detrimental impact upon the honor of the family. Thus, avoiding shame especially related to women also becomes the important thing to maintain.

Oftentimes, avoiding the shame in royal family is done excessively. It is dealt with by humiliating someone perceived as a weaker person or more worthless than the shamed person (Sanity 1). It becomes the culture in the royal family. The family members have the deep desire to avoid the shame and keep their honor. This case causes over treatments towards one of the sexes; Arab women. They are regarded as the inferior creature by definition, lacks of honor (5). Thus, they have certain rules to obey in order to avoid shame in their family.

The case can be seen when Sultana is accompanying her daughter, Maha in a hospital to recover her lesbian desire, she suddenly remembers the case of Princess Misha’il, her cousin.

“I thought perhaps her unhappy temperament was related to her marriage to an old man who failed to satisfy her. Whatever it was, she was miserable and became romantically involved with Khalid

Muhalhal, who happened to be the nephew of the special Saudi Arabian envoy to Lebanon.


couple were on the brink of discovery, they made a fatal decision to run off together. (Sasson 28)”

Actually, Misha’il does not like with her marriage. It is because she is married with old man who cannot satisfy her. It causes she falls in love with other man, Khalid Muhalhal. He is the nephew of Saudi Arabian ambassador to Lebanon. Because of their love affair, they decide to run off together. It becomes the most dangerous case faced by the royal family. Princess Misha’il feels happier and more comfortable with Khalid Muhalhal than with her previous marriage. It is because she does not love her previous husband, the old man. It depicts that she is unhappy with her marriage. In addition, her serious action to run off together with her lover has disgraced her family. It is because both of them are not married yet.

The rumor spreading among royal members is Misha’il has drowned. She has told her family that she is going for a swim at their private beach on the Red Sea. Then, she undercover and dress herself as a Saudi man, tries to flee from the country. However, her grandfather, Prince Mohammed, is one of the shrewdest and most powerful men in the country, does not directly believe that Misha’il has drowned. Thus, he commands all of officials in the country to search her by giving alert for all people who exit from the country. Finally, Misha’il and her lover are failed to run off. They are returned to their each family.


Then, Prince Mohammed commands them to accept the punishment because of their bad deed. Then, both of them must be beheaded with a sword.Princess Misha’il is blindfolded and forced to kneel before buried in the sand of the desert. Her lover is also forced to watch her death, whereas Prince Mohammed is asked by King Khalid to forgive his granddaughter.

“King Khalid, who was our ruler during this time of tragedy, was known for his indulgent nature. He recommended that Prince Mohammed show mercy, but mercy was not an agreeable emotion forthat fierce Bedouin. (Sasson 29)”

The Prince does not care about King Khalid’s recommendation. To him, what Princess Misha’il has done is the big shame for the big family. To him, Princess Misha’il also has given the big disaster for the family itself and also the society. It is because she is the female member of royal family and her grandfather is the most powerful men in the country. Hence, Prince Mohammed prefers to punish his own granddaughter rather than forgive her.

Actually, Prince Mohammed should not directly punish his own


Misha’il feels. Though she breaks Islamic rule, but she does not intentionally to do this mistake. The only reason is caused by her marriage with the old man who is not loved by her. However, her grandfather decides to behead Princess Misha’il and her lover in order to avoid the family shame caused by its female member.

Furthermore, Lawand’s case also describes the family shame. She is Kareem’s first cousin.

“While still a teenager, Lawand, who was a first cousin of Kareem on his father's side of the family, had attended school in Geneva, Switzerland. Her parents' decision to send her abroad for schooling proved a grievous mistake. While in Geneva, Lawand disgraced her family by becoming involved with several young men. In addition to her sexual involvements, Lawand became addicted to cocaine. While moving secretly out of her room one evening, Lawand was captured by the head mistress, who called her father in Saudi Arabia, demanding that he come and collect his wayward child. (Sasson 56)”

She is sent by her husband to Geneva, Switzerland for schooling. She has


becomes the shame for her family and all of the members of royal family. In addition, those mistakes are done by the female member.

Finally, Lawand is taken back to Arab Saudi and her father gives her the punishment.

“When the family found out about their daughter's activities, Lawand's father and two brothers flew to Geneva and took the girl to a Swiss drug rehabilitation center. Six months later, when her treatment was completed, she was brought back to Saudi Arabia. The family was exhausted with shame and fury, and as punishment they decided to confine Lawand to a small apartment in their home until they were satisfied that she had realized her reckless offense to Muslim life. (Ibid)”

Lawand’s father and her two brothers fly to Geneve to pick up her. It is because her family has known the facts done by her. Before taken back to Saudi Arabia, her father decides to take her to Swiss for her rehabilitation from drugs. Of course, Lawand’s activities have brought the shame for her family. Thus, her parents decide to hide her in a small apartment in order to avoid the shame. In this case, she has the sexual affairs with men and also addiction with the drug, so she must be rehabilitated.


Those reasons make her parents decide to give her the punishment by hiding her in a small apartment.

Lawand’s father thought that this punishment is fair for her. It is because the system of obedience.

“How fortunate is the human being who has no memories, for memories often remold the victim of oppression into the image of their oppressor! With terrifying seriousness, I listened as the men of my family mouthed the law of obedience, saying that the peaceful structure of our conservative society rested upon the perfect obedience of children to their parents and wives to their husbands. Without that obedience, anarchy would rule the day. The men of my family firmly stated that Lawand's punishment was fair.

I visited the family on many occasions, listening with profound sympathy to the grief of Lawand's mother and her sisters. Often, the women of the family spoke with Lawand through the locked door. Initially, Lawand begged for forgiveness and pleaded with her mother to set her free.

. . .

Taking great pity on her daughter, Lawand's mother beseeched her husband to set the child free, saying that she felt certain Lawand would now return to the pious life. Lawand's father suspected his daughter of deceit, since he had told her that her confinement would end when her mind once again embraced the proper thoughts of a believing Muslim. (Sasson 57)”


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