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ADELINE’S MOTIVATION TO BE ACCEPTED AND LOVED BY HER FAMILY AS SEEN IN HER NOVEL FALLING LEAVES A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Academic year: 2019

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Francisca Indra Triana Puspitasari Student Number: 071214083








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Francisca Indra Triana Puspitasari Student Number: 071214083




iii A Thesis on



Francisca Indra Triana Puspitasari

Student Number: 071214083

Defended before the Board of Examiners

on 9 February 2012

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. _________________

Secretary : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. _________________

Member : Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum. _________________

Member : Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd. _________________

Member : V. Triprihatmini, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A. _________________

Yogyakarta, 9 February 2012

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University




The future belongs to those who

believe in the beauty of their


-Eleanor Roosevelt-

Whatever you do, do with kindness.

Whatever you say, say with kindness.

Wherever you go, radiate kindness.

- Jonathan Lockwood Huie-

Dedicate with love and gratitude to: My beloved parents,




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or

parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the

references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 9 February 2012

The Writer

Francisca Indra Triana Puspitasari





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Francisca Indra Triana Puspitasari Nomor Mahasiswa : 071214083

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:


beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Yogyakarta, 9 Februari 2012

Yang menyatakan




Francisca, Indra Triana Puspitasari (2012): Adeline’s Motivation to be Accepted

and Loved by Her Family As Seen in Her Novel Falling Leaves.

Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program. Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Moody said that a literary work may bring us back to the reality of

human’s satisfaction, problems, feelings, and relationship. By reading literature, we can enrich our knowledge and our experience since literature is the reflection of human life. The object of this study is Falling Leaves by Adeline Yen Mah. There is a painful story of her life which is to be the most basic of human needs: acceptance, love, and understanding. Motivational acts may be seen in this novel

through Adeline’s motivation in achieving her dream to be accepted and loved by her family.

The research problems of this study are (1) How are Adeline’s character traits described related to her motivation to be accepted and loved by her family? and (2)What are Adeline’s motivations to be accepted and loved by her family as

seen in Adeline’s novel Falling Leaves? The objective of the study is to reveal

Adeline’s motivation to conduct actions in order to satisfy her needs to be accepted and loved by her family. The aim of this study is to know Adeline’s motivation to be accepted and loved by her family.

In conducting this study, library research method is used. The primary data were gained from the novel Falling Leaves that was written by Adeline Yen Mah. The secondary data were gained from various books and Internet sources related to psychology and motivation theories. Relating to the problems presented, this study mainly used psychological approach. The theories used are theory of motivation, and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation theories. Those theories are

used as tools to analyze Adeline’s motivation to be accepted and loved by her

family. Theory of characterization is also used to analyze Adeline’s characters that can be her intrinsic motivation.

This study concludes some of Adeline’s traits that she is smart, solemn, brave, and ambitious. Her intrinsic motivations are her ambition and faithfulness that she hopes her family will accept and love her. Her extrinsic motivations are not only comic books that give her hope in struggling and facing problems but also from some her family: her brother, James, Aunt Baba, and Ye Ye. They care and support Adeline. They always give her advice to do the best in her life especially in education. Finally, she is motivated in order to be accepted and loved by her family.



Francisca, Indra Triana Puspitasari (2012): Adeline’s Motivation to be Accepted and Loved by Her Family As Seen in Her Novel Falling Leaves. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program. Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Moody mengatakan bahwa sebuah karya sastra dapat membawa kita ke dalam kepuasan, permasalahan, perasaan, dan hubungan manusia dalam kehidupan nyata. Dengan membaca karya sastra, kita dapat memperkaya pengetahuan dan pengalaman kita selama karya sastra tersebut merupakan refleksi dari kehidupan manusia. Obyek dari studi ini adalah Falling Leaves oleh Adeline Yen Mah. Sebuah cerita yang menyakitkan dari kehidupannya yang merupakan dasar dari kebutuhan manusia: penerimaan, cinta, dan pengertian. Tindakan motivasi dapat dilihat dalam novel ini melalui motivasi Adeline untuk meraih mimpinya agar diterima dan dicintai oleh keluarganya.

Rumusan permasalahan dari skripsi ini adalah (1) Bagaimanakah karakter Adeline dideskripsikan sehubungan dengan motivasinya agar diterima dan dicintai oleh keluarganya? dan (2) Apa sajakah motivasi Adeline untuk diterima dan dicintai oleh keluarganya? Sasaran dari studi ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan motivasi Adeline untuk melakukan aksi agar dapat memuaskan kebutuhannya untuk diterima dan dicintai oleh keluarganya. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui motivasi Adeline untuk diterima dan dicintai oleh keluarganya.

Dalam mengadakan studi ini, metode studi pustaka digunakan. Sumber utama yaitu diambil dari novel Falling Leaves yang ditulis oleh Adeline Yen Mah. Sumber sekunder diambil dari bermacam buku dan data internet yang berhubungan dengan teori-teori psikologi dan motivasi. Berhubungan dengan permasalahan yang dibahas, studi ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologis. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori motivasi, dan teori motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ekstrinsik. Teori-teori tersebut digunakan sebagai alat untuk menganalisis motivasi Adeline untuk diterima dan dicintai oleh keluarganya. Teori karakteristik juga digunakan untuk menganalisis karakter Adeline yang digunakan sebagai motivasi intrinsik nya.

Studi ini menyimpulkan karakter Adeline bahwa dia pintar, patuh, berani, dan berambisi. Motivasi intrinsiknya yaitu ambisi dan kepatuhannya yang mana dia berharap keluarganya akan menerima dan mencintainya. Motivasi ekstrinsiknya tidak hanya buku komik yang memberinya harapan dan berusaha dan menghadapi permasalannya tetapi juga dari beberapa keluarganya: kakaknya, James, Aunt Baba, dan Ye Ye. Mereka peduli dan mendukung Adeline. Mereka selalu member nasehat untuk melakukan yang terbaik dalam hidupnya, terutama dalam hal pendidikan. Akhirnya dia termotivasi agar diterima dan dicintai oleh keluarganya.




Firstly, I would like to express greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ for His

blessing, guidance, and love so that finally I can accomplish my study. His never

ending love has become my hope and my strength to endure the problems and the

hard moments in my life. He always makes everything beautiful right on time.

I would like to present my deepest gratitude to my beloved sponsor Henny

Herawaty, S.Pd., M.Hum. for her willingness to spend her times to read and correct

my thesis. I am really grateful for her time, patience, advices, and encouragement

from the beginning until the end of my thesis accomplishment.

I would like to thank other PBI lecturers for their roles in improving my

knowledge and self-quality. I also thank the staff of PBI secretariat for helping me

in dealing with the administration matters and to the Sanata Dharma’s library staff

for their friendliness and support when I was completing the supporting data for my


I would like to express my deepest and never ending gratitude to my beloved

Bapak Robertus Prayono, S.Sos., S.Ag. and Ibu Yustina Tumarni for their

amazing prayers, love, patience, and great support so that I could finish my study. I

would also like to express my gratitude to my beloved sister Maria Theresia Indra

Anita and my beloved brother Antonius Indra Anianto for their unique support and



I do thank Yohanes Denna Wahyudi for his love and support. I also thank

him for always encouraging me and never letting me down to finish my thesis. I

really do thank him to give his time for sharing.

I would like to express my warmest and endless love to my beloved cousins,

Agnes Armita Ekarista and Anna Ekaningtyas , my best friends Ephipana Ratri,

Santi Duwi Putri, Prisca Widyaningrum, Ganis Widyapsasmi, and Floriana

Tiagita for always supporting me. I also thank them for giving so many colors in my

life and for always being so understanding and patient. They are amazing people in

my life. I would like to thank Agung Tri Nugroho and Laurensius Bretya Anindito

for spending their time in correcting and supporting my thesis. I would like to thank

PBI 2007, especially Gabriella Sandya Puspita and class B for our togetherness

(Anti, Noti, Katrok, Trek, Fendi, Nisa, Gwen, Midhut, Indah, Om Alfon, Banu,

and Asoy).

Last but not least, I also thank my friends that I cannot mention their names

one by one.










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problem Formulation ... 3

1.3 Objective of the Study ... 4

1.4 Benefit of the Study ... 4

1.5 Definition of Terms ... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF ELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Theory of Psychological Approach ... 7

2.1.1 Theory of Motivation ... 8


xii Kinds of Motivation ... 9 Intrinsic Motivation ... 9 Extrinsic Motivation ... 9

2.2 Theory of Characterization ... 10

2.3 Theoretical Framework ... 12

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Object of the Study ... 14

3.2 Approach of the Study ... 16

3.3 Research Procedures ... 17

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS 4.1 Adeline’s Character Traits ... 19

4.1.1 Solemn ... 20

4.1.2 Smart ... 21

4.1.3 Brave ... 24

4.1.4 Ambitious ... 26

4.2 Adeline’s Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation to be Accepted and Loved by Her Family ... 28

4.2.1 Adeline’s Intrinsic Motivation to be Accepted and Loved by Her Family ... 29 Adeline’s Ambition ... 29 Adeline’s Faithfulness ... 31


xiii Comic Books ... 35 James ... 36 Aunt Baba ... 37 Ye Ye ... 38

4.3 Family’s Acceptance and Love ... 40


5.2 Suggestion ... 44

5.2.1 Suggestion for Future Researchers ... 44

5.2.2 Suggestion for Teaching English through Literature ... 45 The Implementation in Teaching Basic Reading I 46





Appendix 1 Biography of Adeline Yen Mah ... 50

Appendix 2 Summary of Falling Leaves ... 52

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan ... 55



This chapter provides five parts, namely the background of the study, the research problem that the writer wants to solve, the benefits of this study for the readers, and some definition of terms on this study. The background of the study contains explanation of reasons that become the basis of writing this thesis. The problem formulation states the problems discussed in the study. The objectives of the study present the aim of analyzing the study. The benefits of the study states theoretical benefit for the sake of the development of theories, which are applicable. For the last, the definitions of terms clarify some important terms used in this study.

1.1 Background of the Study

Literary works have greatest pleasure and satisfaction for the readers. It is because the readers can see the realities, problems, feelings and relationship which is shown by the author, as Moody (1986: 2-3) states, “the greatest pleasure and satisfaction can be found in literature. A literary work may bring us back to the reality of human’s satisfaction, problems, feelings, and relationship.” Hudson in

An Introduction to the Study of Literature states, “Literature is the expression of


and human life. By literature, we can enrich our knowledge and our experience since literature is the reflection of human life. So, reading literature does not simply enjoy the pleasure and excitement, but we can dig out the meaning inside because literature is the medium for learning about life.

Among several genres of literature, the writer is mostly interested in novels, because novels are usually portraits of human life that involves various characters and conversation that make the story alive. Wellek and Warren in Theory of Literature state, “a literary work of art is not a simple object but rather a

highly complex organization of stratified characters with multiple meaning and relationship” (1977: 27). This opinion is supported by Van De Laar and

Schoonderwoerd in An Approach to English Literature who define “a novel as a work of art in so far as it introduces us into a living world; in some respect resembling the world we live in, but with an individuality of its own” (1963:163).

It means that a novel is a human nature’s reflection that shows in a literary work,

the meaning indeed is deep. Novel shows us experiences, social problems, individual problems, etc.


her family, especially her father, Joseph Yen. This is the reason why the writer chose this novel.

As Adeline gets older and becomes successful, her father confesses his belief in Adeline. He does not want Niang (stepmother) to hear or even know that he still loves his daughter. It becomes more obvious as life goes on that Niang hates Adeline so much and will do anything to get her out of their life. Adeline stays strong and pushes herself to become exactly what her father wants and nothing or no one will stop her. Adeline needs to succeed in life and she does. Following Adeline’s life and the ups and downs she encounters, it makes the book

very surprising and full of suspense.

The writer is interested in the story of the novel because the story represents human nature about affection. People behave the way they do. They must have motivation to do anything to satisfy their needs. Through the novel “Falling Leaves” by Adeline Yen Mah, the writer would like to discuss about Adeline’s motivation to be accepted and loved by her family. Her family in this

study refers to Adeline’s Father, Niang, and siblings (Edgar, Lydia, and Gregory)

1.2 Problem Formulation

There are two problem formulations in this study. They are:

1. How are Adeline’s character traits described related to her motivation to be accepted and loved by her family?


1.3 Objective of the Study

In general, the objective of the study is to find out that everybody in the world has motivation to conduct action in order to satisfy his needs. The aim of this study is for knowing Adeline’s motivation to be accepted and loved by her

family as seen in her own novel Falling Leaves. By being motivated, it may give the readers motivation in facing some problems in their life.

1.4 Benefit of the Study

Based on the objectives of the study above, the study of motivation is meant to enrich the readers with a portrait of life, which contains problem in human daily life. It is expected that the readers can find new ideas and new reflections of which they can add to their knowledge on human nature and the complex problems of life. More understanding about life will make it easier for them to accept many aspects of life.

First, the benefit of this study is for the readers. Through this study, the readers can see Adeline’s struggle to be accepted and loved so that the readers can be motivated. They may analyze the literary work more deeply and critic. The readers may think about the important term of motivation in their life. The readers also can learn that literary works may have different interpretation and value depending on each person’s interpretation. Then, the readers can apply the value in literary works to their own life.


Falling Leaves, they will have some insight of one of Adeline Yen Mah’s works.

For other researches, this work can be used for a reference or as a comparative study. It is hoped to give contribution to the field of literary criticism. Then, the benefit of this study is for the activity of teaching learning activities. This study includes the suggestion to use the novel as the facility to add the variety of language teaching.

Hopefully, the analysis of the novel could help someone who is interested in literature realize how wonderful literature is.

1.5 Definition of Terms

It is needed to have some important keys and understanding the meaning of the terms that are used in this study in order to avoid misunderstanding and misconception, so that the meanings of these terms can be limited. The writer gives some explanation to clarify several terms used in the study.

1. Motivation

Based on Huffman, Vernoy, and Vernoy, motivation is described as the process of activating, maintaining, and directing behavior toward a particular goal, motivation refers to factors within an individual (such as needs, desires, and interests) that activate, maintain, and direct behavior toward a goal. (1997: 364).


2. Accepted

According to Peter Van Breeman (1958) The Courage to Accept Acceptance, accept is an action of the people with whom we live, gives us a

feeling that we are worthwhile (para. 3). In this study, accept refers to the action of Adeline’s family to give Adeline a feeling that she is worthwhile. She is

unwanted by her family so that she tries and struggles to be accepted by her family.

3. Loved





This chapter consists of theory of critical approach to literature; psychological approach, which tries to elaborate some issues on human motivation; intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The second theory is theory of characterization. The third is theoretical framework which clarifies the theories which are used to answer the problems.

2.1Theory of Psychological Approach

In this study, the writer uses the psychological approach to analyze. According to Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods in their book, Reading and Writing about Literature (1971), they state that “the psychological approach applies psychological theories to explain the character personality in the story.

Each character’s attitude and behavior could be referred to the psychology of human being” (pp.13-15).


and McPherson (2007, p. 32) said “a psychological approach seems well suited to

criticism of prose and poetry dealing with childhood experiences”. It means that psychological approach might be used to analyze the term of motivation.

2.1.1 Theory of Motivation

This part tells about theory of motivation by which consists of the explanation of the word motivation in general, then explanation of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. These theories are used to analyze the factors that motivate Adeline to be accepted and loved by her family. Definition of Motivation

According to Huffman, Vernoy, and Vernoy’s Psychology in Action, motivation is “factors within an individual (such as needs, desires, and interests) that activate, maintain, and direct behavior toward a goal” (1997:364). Motivating

then is “the process of activating, maintaining, and directing behavior toward a

particular goal” (1997: 364).

Velez also says that “motivation is like a driving force, to act and

accomplish aims and goals. Motivation is the inner power or energy that pushes toward acting, performing actions and achieving.”(2008). She adds that “motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains


Based on Worchel and Shebilske, motivation explains “why an organism acts in a certain way at a certain time, it provides the bridge between learning and performance” (1989:374). Therefore, “the study of motivation is concerned with

how and why people behave as they do, what energizes and directs their behavior”


It means that motivation is the power that supports human to do something to achieve their goals by acting or performing. Kinds of Motivation

Motivation is divided in two parts, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic Motivation

Based on Carol (1992), intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from within a person to accomplish a task or goal. This motivation comes from inside an individual rather than from any external or outside rewards. The motivation comes from the sense of satisfaction in completing the goal or willingness in future. An intrinsically motivated person will try to solve his/her problem because the challenge to have a solution.

(25) Extrinsic Motivation

Carol (1992) explained that extrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from outside of the individual. It may come from the individual’s environment

(family, friends, money, etc.), rather than from within the individual. Huffman, Vernoy, and Vernoy also stated that extrinsic motivation is “the desire to perform

an act because of external rewards or avoidance of punishment. Motivation is not inherent in the behavior itself” (1997:377).

2.2 Theory of Characterization

To make the character clearer, it is necessary for the writer to find out the characterization of the main character. The theory is used as the intrinsic motivation of Adeline to be accepted and loved by her family. Thus, the writer employs some literary theories.

Characterization in the novel is used to know what the character in the story is like, as Beaty (1984: 23) says that among the means of characterization we can analyze a character through the way the character looks (their physical appearance and their clothing bearing, make up and so on), the way they speak, the way they think, what they do and what other people say about them.


speech, past life, conversation of others, reaction, direct comment, thought, and mannerism.

The first is personal description. The author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes (p. 161). In our daily life, we often judge a person by seeing his or her appearance. It can be seen from the face, the skin, the hair, etc.

The second is character as seen by another. Instead of describing a character directly the author can describe him through the eyes and opinions of another (p. 162).

The third is speech. The author can give us an insight into the character of one of the person’s in the book through what the person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he is in conversation with another, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving the reader some clue to his character (p. 164). We often judge a person’s character by seeing the way he speaks and the way he makes conversation with others. From his attitude we can understand other people’s

personality better.

The fourth is past life. By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life, the author can give the reader a clue to events that have helped to shape person’s character. Through direct comment by the author, through the

person’s thought, through his conversation or the medium of another person (p.


The fifth is conversation of others. The author can also give the reader clues to the person’s character through the conversation of other people and the


often give us a clue to the character of the person talked about (p. 167). In a work of literature, an author usually gives others characters beside the main character. The conversations of other characters help us to find out the personality of the main character.

The sixth is reaction. The author can also give us a clue to a person’s character by letting the reader know how that person reacts to various situations and events (p. 168). The way one person reacts to the various situations and events help us to his real character. In this way, the reader could see the quality of the character in dealing with any conflicts, problems or situations arise.

The seventh is direct comment. The author can describe or comment on a person’s directly (p. 170). From the direct comment or description from the

author, the reader can understand the character better.

The eighth is thought. The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. In this respect he is able to do what we cannot do in real life. He can tell us what different people are thinking. The reader then is in a privileged position; he has, as it were, a secret listening device plugged into the in most thoughts of a person in a novel (p. 171).

The ninth is Mannerism. The author can describe a person’s mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies, which may also tell us something about his character (p. 173). It means that the author describes character’s customs and his social


2.3 Theoretical Framework

This study adopts various literary and psychological theories. The theory of literature used is theory of characterization Understanding Unseens by M.J Murphy. It is used to explain Adeline’s character traits that further can analyze her intrinsic motivation to be accepted and loved by her family.

The theories of psychology are used to understand the term and nature of motivation of the subject matter in psychological context. The review on motivation theories is used to answer the problems. Theory of motivation in this study plays as the basic theory in analyzing Adeline’s motivation to achieve her




This chapter consists of three parts, namely object of the study, approach of the study, and research procedures. The object of the study explains the novel that was analyzed. The approach of the study discusses the Psychological approach, which was applied in this study. The research procedures include the steps of the method in conducting and analyzing the novel.

3.1Object of the Study

The object of this study was a novel titled Falling Leaves: a memoir of an unwanted Chinese daughter, written by Adeline Yen Mah, a

Chinese-American author and physician. She grew up in Tianjin, in Shanghai and in Hong Kong. A novel, Falling Leaves was written by Adeline Yen Mah, and was first published in 1997 in Broadway, New York. This novel consists of 32 chapters, 274 pages, telling the story chronologically. It also contains some pictures of

Adeline’s family, which may bring the readers to imagine each of its character’s

appearance. There is a prologue in the beginning of the story to bring the reader to the general situation.


Adeline had written some books, which were based on her own

experience. She wrote some children’s books: Chinese Cinderella and the Secret

Dragon Society (2003), Chinese Cinderella: The Mystery of the Song Dynasty Painting (2009), China: Land of Dragons and Emperors (2008). She also wrote some adult books: Falling Leaves (1997), Watching the Tree (2000), A Thousand Pieces of Gold (2002) (“Falling Leaves”, n.d.).

Adeline had a good command of English. Her stories were her getaway from hell at home. She was sent to UK to study and she became a physician, went back to Hong Kong to work, after a while she decided to go to US. She became successful after much hardship there. Even when she was successful, she still yearns for her father's love and step mom's acceptance. Sadly it never happened. Her father may have loved her but would not dare show it because of the step mom. Adeline Yen Mah is an author who came from China. She was born in 1937 to an affluent family, after one eldest sister and three brothers. She was number five in the family. Adeline's mother died not long after giving birth to her. The father loved her mother very much, but when the mother died, he did not transfer

that love to his children. Adeline’s childhood is full of emotional abuse from her

Eurasian stepmother. The older siblings bullied Adeline because they rather blame

her for the mother’s death and at that time, she was the youngest. When the

stepmother has her own children, one boy and a girl, their stepbrother bullies the other siblings.

Falling Leaves is like a short auto-biography of Adeline. This is a


adulthood. Adeline’s story is a testament to the most basic of human needs:

acceptance, love, and understanding. Strong character motivation allows readers to understand why characters make the choices they do. What happened in the past has made his or her way. Since young Adeline tried to please the father and Niang, she studied hard and was great in her school results, which makes the other siblings jealous of her. The step mom would divide and conquer the siblings (she did not want them to be united against her). By writing this story she wants to tell people that no matter how tough life is, there is always a silver lining out there and urge people not to give up on their dreams.

3.2Approach of the Study

In this study, the writer used psychological approach to analyze and answer the problems formulation. The term of motivation may be analyzed by this

approach because the main character’s motivation in this novel is formed by her

family situation, which influences her personality development.

According to Rohrberger and Woods, this approach attempted to: Locate and demonstrate certain recurrent pattern from the knowledge of psychology. The critics who apply this approach to analyze literary works

use psychological theories to human’s motivation, personality, and behavior patterns written in the literary objects. Therefore the knowledge of psychology ground is extremely important in order to understand some literary works (1971: 12).


3.3Research Procedures

In this study, the writer used library research method i.e. the investigative work by finding data from various references and qualitative research as the method to get the primary data and secondary. It means that the data of this study were gathered from various books and articles, as well as from some websites in the internet. The writer also took notes from some reliable sources. There were some steps in conducting this study in order to answer the question stated in the problem formulation.

First, the writer chose a novel Adeline’s Falling Leaves as the primary

data. The writer read and reread the novel several times to understand and get the idea of the novel. When reading the novel, the writer took some notes of some interesting things that were dominant to be discussed in the novel. By having those some points, the writer was interested in one point that was dominant and problematic, which could be researched. The writer decided that she would

research from psychological side; discussed about Adeline’s motivation, so that

the focus is on the main character, Adeline Yen Mah to understand the problem. Second, the writer tried to look for other references and some relevance books to support and help the writer in analyzing the problem formulation. Those books helped the writer to answer the question in problem formulation.




This analysis chapter presents the analysis to Adeline’s motivation to be

accepted and loved by her family. This chapter has two parts. The first part is describing Adeline’s character. The second part is analyzing Adeline’s intrinsic

motivation and extrinsic motivation that motivate her to be accepted and loved by her family.

4.1 Adeline’s Character Traits

This section discusses how Adeline is characterized in her own work, the Falling Leaves. The theory of characterization is applied in this section. The

writer analyzed Adeline’s characters by using Murphy’s nine ways theory (1972:

161-173) so that I analyzed Adeline’s character through her personal description, her character as seen by another, her speech, her past life, her conversation of others, her reaction, her direct comment, her thought, and her mannerism. Adeline Yen Mah is the major character in this novel. This story is based on the true story of her own life. She describes her appearance when she was a child based on her photographs. She is the last child in her family. She has four siblings, Lydia, Gregory, Edgar, and James.

Adeline’s mother died when giving birth her. This event changes their Father’s attitude and affection toward all his children. Aunt Baba is Father’s


care of all the children. Facing so many difficulties in raising the children, Father is married again to a Eurasian woman, Jeanne, who becomes the children‟s stepmother. They call her Niang (another Chinese nickname for mother). Unfortunately, she is not very affectionate to her step children, especially Adeline who always has her own opinion. Niang always tries to blame and torture her stepchildren by slapping and snapping at them. Father, Aunt Baba, and Ye Ye do not do anything about Niang‟s attitude.

Below is the discussion of Adeline‟s character. Firstly, the writer introduces Adeline‟s character based on social point of view. Then, the writer

explains Adeline‟s character based on her personality. Adeline is characterized as follow:

4.1.1 Solemn

Adeline is a solemn girl. Murphy said that in knowing a character “the

author can describe a person‟s appearance and clothes” (p. 161). We often judge a

person by seeing his or her appearance. Adeline‟s appearance is showed when she

was still a child. “Her memories of Tianjin are nebulous, from the photographs it

can be seen that she was a solemn little girl with clenched fists. She had pressed lips and serious eyes. She dressed in pretty western frocks decorated with ribbon and bows” (p. 34).


but her Father does not allow her to choose it. Then, she chooses what her Father desires for her:

„A writer!‟ he scoffed.

„What sort of a writer? And what language are you going to write in? Your Chinese is very elementary. As for English, don‟t you think the English people can write better than you?‟

I readily agreed. Another of those awkward silences followed. „I‟ve thought about it,‟ Father announced.

„I‟ll tell you what the best profession is for you.‟

I was relieved. I would do whatever he advised (pp. 116-117).

Adeline follows her Father‟s desire for her next education. She wants to

show her Father that he can be proud of her.

4.1.2 Smart

Adeline‟s bleak past forces her to study hard. She has been a smart person

since she was a child. This character can be seen from her mannerism as stated by Murphy then, by using character as seen by another (p. 162). Adeline always does her homework at home. She always tries to have the highest scores in all subjects. At school, she always gets good marks so that she gets an appreciation from her school. “At St Joseph‟s, marks were added together every Friday and the girl with the highest total received a silver medal which she could wear pinned on her breast pocket for the entire week” (p. 36). It shows that Adeline is smart because she receives a silver medal. Fortunately, Adeline always wears a silver medal for the entire week and almost continuosly than any other students in her school. For that, she gets an award from the French Monseigneur:


medal for more weeks than any other student in the school. I remember my pride and triumph as I climbed up the steps, which were so high and steep that I had to go up on my hands and knees, to receive my award from the French monseigneur (p. 37).

She hopes that by having this prizegiving and winning the scholarship, her family, especially her Father, will accept and be proud of her. Unfortunately, her Father does not come to her school to see Adeline‟s award receivement.

Aunt Baba even gives a comment and opinion about Adeline that she is brilliant. Aunt Baba always gives her pride to Adeline‟s achievements. “She made

me believe I was brilliant. Her pride in my small achievements was truly

inspirational” (p. 62). It shows that Adeline has achieved many things because she

is brilliant.

This character is also showed when some of her friends in her school had some problems with their homework, especially her friend Mary. Adeline likes to help her friends who need her help, especially about the subjects. Her friends give her some nicknames not only because she spends much time in the library but also because she gets some scholarships. Spending her time in a library has made her smart and she can help her friends who need some her help:

She gave me that nickname because a math problem. I had helped Mary solve proved to be more correct than the one in her textbook. It was probably just a printing error but the story made the rounds and reached the other boarders, many came to me when they had problems with their homework (p. 104).

Adeline also likes spending her time in library when she studied at St

Joseph‟s boarding school. When there is an hour for recreation, she chooses to go

to library. “After tea, there was an hour of recreation. We were free to play with


softball, or shoot a few baskets. I usually visited the library“ (p. 103). She reads books and magazines there. “I spent a lot of time in the library, flipping through

books and magazines” (p. 113).

Adeline also likes writing. She gets her abilities in writing because she spends her time by reading books in library. One day, she joins a Hong Kong play-writing competition. She does not know that she has been nominated as a first-prize winner. The announcement is written in front-page newspapers. It changes Adeline‟s life. Her family picks her up from the boarding school. Her Father talks about Adeline‟s future and asks about her study:

At last, my luck had changed. I did not know it, but I had been nominated first-prize winner of the play-writing competition I had entered seven months earlier. The review board wrote to the Hong Kong educational department which released it to the newspapers. The announcement was given great prominence and carried as a front-page insert. My name, age and school were mentioned as well as the fact that the competition was open to students from all over the English-speaking world (pp. 115-116).

Winning the writing competition supports Adeline to have education abroad, then. She asks her Father to let her study abroad joining her brothers, Gregory, Edgar, and James in England. She is very diligent. Besides studying in Oxford, she transfers herself to the convent school during summer vacation. “…I transferred myself to the convent school of Our Lady of Sion in Notting Hill Gate, attended a tutorial school over the summer vacation and fulfilled my entrance requirements for medical school” (p. 124).


post-graduate degrees in Edinburgh. She becomes MRCP (Member of the Royal College of Physicians) London and Edinburgh” (p. 140).

4.1.3 Brave

Adeline is a brave person. Her bravery shows after moving to a new house in Shanghai. This character can be seen by conversation of others as stated by Murphy. In this novel, through the conversation of other people and the things they say, it gives us a clue about person‟s character. One day in September 1943, her Grandmother died. It makes the freedom years of childhood are over. Six

weeks after Grandmother‟s death, Lydia, Gregory, Edgar, and Adeline are taken

to the railway station going to Shanghai. It takes two days and one night. In Shanghai, in their new house which their Father bought, they live on the second floor. In the first floor is for Father, Niang, Franklin and Susan (Father and Niang child), and later Lydia. Here, her Niang has her own authority to all family members.

Sometimes, Adeline does not care for Niang‟s firm. Niang has been separated from her daughter, Susan, for two months. Niang goes over and attempts to pick Susan up from Aunt Baba. Unfortunately, Susan wriggles, fights, and resists. Finally, she bursts into tear screaming looking for Aunt Baba. It makes Niang hits her own little daughter and makes her cry. Father, Ye Ye and Aunt Baba do not stop it. Adeline yells in front of her Niang. She does not care what will happen after that:


my feet seemed rooted to the floor, I knew I should keep silent, but words choked me and I felt compelled to spit them out. Finally, forgetting who I was or where I was, I blurted out in a trembling voice, „Don‟t beat her anymore! She‟s only a baby!‟ (p. 46)

Aunt Baba gives Adeline a warning look to say no more word. Her protest has interrupted Niang‟s frenzy. Adeline becomes the target of Niang‟s fury. This moment make them realizes that with Grandmother gone, Niang is in total control.

Adeline‟s bravery is also act when she was ten years old, when one of her

classmates invited her to go to her birthday party which happened on a Catholic feast day: a special holiday for the nuns at Sheng Xin but not for the other schools. “She planned that she dressed in her school uniform as if she were going

to school so that Niang would not know that she was going to go to a birthday party” (p. 64). Unfortunately, her Niang knows it and glares at her.

Her bravery is also act that sometimes she becomes stubborn. By using

Murphy‟s theory of characterization, we can see Adeline‟s character by character


4.1.4 Ambitious

Adeline is an ambitious person. As Murphy said by knowing her thought, we know what a person is thinking about (1972:171). Her ambition can be seen from Adeline‟s hope to be accepted and loved by her family. Her bleak past has formed her to be an ambitious person. According to Murphy, a person‟s character is formed by the person‟s past life (p. 166). By knowing and learning about a person‟s past life, we can have some clues to events that have helped shape the person‟s characters. We understand Adeline‟s past life from direct comment of the

author and also through the person‟s thought.

Adeline‟s past life was not only full of her Father‟s and her siblings‟

judgment that she was a cause of their mother„s death but also her Niang‟s authority. She lived in Tianjin, China, before moving to Hong Kong with her Father, her four siblings, her Grandmother, her Aunt Baba, and her Grandfather Ye Ye. She is the last child in her family. Her mother died two weeks after giving birth of her. This is considered as bad luck for her because her Father became not very affectionate to his children. It made her siblings judge her that their mother‟s death and the change of their Father‟s attitude are because of Adeline‟s bad luck.

Adeline grows up with less affection from her family, except her Aunt Baba and her Grandfather Ye Ye. That makes Adeline have strong motivation in her life. Therefore, she realizes that if she tries hard enough, someday everyone in her family will be proud of her. She is not close to her family except her Aunt Baba and Grandfather Ye Ye:


please Father, Niang or any of my siblings. But I never ceased to believe that if I tried hard enough, one day Father, Niang and everyone in my family would be proud of me (p. 60).

Adeline‟s ambition is also act when she studied hard and gave her best on

her study. Because she is smart and wins a writing competition, she can study abroad and join her brothers in England. When she is studying abroad, she always has a dream and ambition that someday when she comes back to Hong Kong with highest academic honours, her Father will be proud of her. She uses her opportunities in England to study many things. She continues by taking post-graduate. She also takes some tutorial classes during summer vacation:

Consistently, I studied hard and gave my best effort. I dreamt of returning to Hong Kong with the highest academic honours and making a name for myself in my father‟s city so that he would be proud of me (p. 127).

All what Adeline does in England means that she wants to show her Father that she can give her best so that her Father will be proud of her. Adeline is also full of hope. Her hope becomes her ambition. She has a wish that she wants her Father‟s acceptance and affection. She hopes one day her Father will say that he is

proud of her, although just once. She wants to be loved and wants her Father be proud of her:


4.2 Adeline’s Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation to be Accepted and Loved

by Her Family

This section discusses the second question that was stated in the problem formulation. It deals with Adeline‟s motivation to be accepted and loved by her

family. Adeline wants to be accepted and loved by her family, especially by her Father. She has to have motivation in her life to achieve her desire above.

Huffman, Vernoy, and Vernoy‟s psychological theories of motivation (1997) states that motivation is factors within an individual such as needs, desires, and interests that activates, maintains, and directs behavior toward a goal (p. 364). Motives do not only influence a person‟s behavior in a certain situation but also influence the way a person perceives the situation. This can be seen on how Adeline perceives the situations in her life which are she gets less affection from her family especially from her Father and also how she accepts that she has a stepmother who does not care about her, also her siblings who always blame her for their mother‟s death.


extrinsic motivation. This study tries to dig Adeline‟s motivation inside and

outside herself in order to be accepted and loved by her family.

4.2.1 Adeline’s Intrinsic Motivation to be Accepted and Loved by Her Family In this part, the writer will discuss about Adeline‟s intrinsic motivation in to be accepted and loved by her family. Huffman, Vernoy, and Vernoy (1997) stated that intrinsic motivation is the desire to perform an act for its own sake. Motivation is derived from the satisfaction arising out the behavior itself (p. 377).

Adeline‟s intrinsic motivation comes from inside herself. The analysis on

Adeline‟s intrinsic motivation cannot be separated from her character traits. The

discussion on Adeline‟s characters above has portrayed indirectly to her reasons

and motivation to be accepted and loved by her family. This part of the study is almost similar to the analysis of her characters. Nevertheless, the analysis on the intrinsic motivation will emphasize on her characters. Adeline’s Ambition

Adeline‟s ambition to be accepted and loved by her family had been

appearing since she was a child. Her bleak past has given her strength to face reality around her. Her ambition becomes her motivation because it gives her a

hope. As we discuss above that Adeline‟s life, especially when she was a child, is

full of her siblings‟ authority because she is considered as bad luck because their

mother died when giving birth of her. Because of her mother‟s death, their Father


Father is married again, which also influences situation in their home. Her Niang‟s authority changes situation inside the house. She becomes the power of

that house.

The situation around Adeline motivates her to give her best effort especially by studying hard. She grows to be a smart person. She wants to show to her family that she can get good marks in almost all subjects. She does her best for her education. Since she was a child she had always done her homework. She also got medal when she was in primary school. Adeline hopes that by wearing the medal, her Father will be proud of her. Unfortunately, her Father does not appreciate her achievement. Her Father does not come when she receives the award. “… that I had to go up on my hands and knees, to receive my award from

the French monseigneur. There was warm applause and delighted laughter from

the audience, but no one attended from my family, not even Father…” (p. 37). It

makes Adeline feels sad and disappointed. On the other hand, it does not only give her motivation but also gives her a great ambition to give her best effort.

Adeline‟s ambition motivates her to be accepted and loved by her family.

She studies hard. She wins writing competition and always gets A marks. She traces in her mind that if she studies hard and gives her best effort her family will be proud of her. She has a longing for acceptance. She is like an unwanted daughter so she is obsessed to make her parents proud of her, then, if she tries hard, they will love her:


me on some level. Surely some day, if I tried hard enough to help them in dire need, they would love me (p. 210).

Adeline‟s ambition to be accepted and loved by her family is also act

when she wants to help her oldest sister, Lydia. Lydia asks Adeline to help her son, Tai-way, to support his education because Lydia‟s family is poor. She asks Adeline to help him study in America. Adeline tells James, but he advised her not to help Lydia because Niang forbids them to help her. Adeline thinks that by helping Lydia‟s son, it means that Lydia loves Adeline as a part of family. It is showed when Lydia will love her if she helps her son. “… I‟m glad we had this evening together for a heart-to-heart talk. No matter what happens, I‟ll always love you. Yin shui si yuan (While drinking water, remember the source)” (p. 231). Adeline feels that she will be happy helping her nephew and grateful for helping

her sister.”I felt that I had no alternative and promised them I would be happy to

do what I could for Tai-way” (p. 231).

Niang knows that Adeline has helped Lydia‟s family even though she has

forbidden her. Adeline apologizes to Niang because she has helped Lydia‟s son and she asks her that Lydia wants to see her and Father. Finally, Niang agrees to receive Lydia and she also forgives Adeline.”…Lydia and Niang were reunited

there and Niang eventually forgave me for helping Lydia‟s family” (p. 232). Adeline’s Faithfulness

Adeline‟s faithfulness has come since she was a child. She grows up to be


and Niang ask Adeline and her siblings to walk to and from school, her siblings always try to contradict Father and Niang. They ask to get money to have tram fare. ”...‟Your father works day and night to support all of you in this house. If he

decides you should walk to school, then you walk to school. Do you hear?”(p. 50).

Adeline never contradicts them with it. She always walks from house to and from school.

. When her Father and Niang ask her to study in boarding school, she accepts their decision. She takes the medical subject as her Father‟s advice,

although she wants to take literary subject. Adeline also works in medical center in Hong Kong which Niang has chosen for her:

„I have your welfare at heart,‟ he continued.

„Would your father lead you wrong? Remember, you‟re still very young, fresh out of university. Take the wrong turn now and you will regret it ten years later. By then it will be too late.‟ (p. 145).

Adeline thinks that by following her Father, her Father will care to her because work with his friend really means a lot for him:

It obviously meant a lot to him to have me working under his friend. To turn down Professor Mc Fadden‟s offer of an assistant lectureship (with housing) for Dr Chun‟s promise of an internship, I was giving Father an enormous dose of face. Surely, that would give me some brownie points in his eyes? (p. 145).


shows Edgar‟s letter to Father and Niang, they ask Adeline not to answer and help


„In that case, Adeline,‟ Father continued, „I strongly advise you not to answer this letter. We all know how Edgar feels towards you. I predict that nothing good will come of it. The more successful you are, the more jealous he will be. You have carved out an excellent career for yourself. Go ahead and pursue it (p. 183).

Adeline looks at Niang and Niang nods to her means that Adeline has to listen to her Father:

I looked over at Niang. She nodded. ‟Always listen to your father, Adeline, „she said. „He knows all of you like the back of his hand.‟

I took Father‟s advice and did not answer Edgar‟s letter. I certainly wasn‟t going to disobey my Father just to please Edgar (p. 184).

Adeline prefers to follow her Father‟s and Niang‟s advice rather than

decides to help her brother. She thinks that if she does not take her Father‟s advice, Niang and Father will not forgive her. She does not want to disobey her Father just by helping Edgar. Niang and Father also forbid the children to help Lydia and her family. Niang asks Adeline not to help them:

„Adeline, take my advice!‟ she continued.

„Life has been good to you. Why do you need to get embroiled with the

likes of Lydia and Samuel? I‟m warning you, if you associate with snakes you will be bitten. Tell Lydia that your Father and I forbid you to lift a finger to help them. Let them rot in their misery! They deserve it!‟ Niang‟s voice was becoming increasingly shrill (pp. 219-220).

In that time, Lydia‟s family had financial problems. She just asks Adeline

to help her son paying his school. Many thoughts come to Adeline‟s mind whether

she helps Lydia‟s son or not. Finally, she helps Lydia‟s son although it makes


After Father‟s death, Niang becomes ill and weak. She gets liver cancer.

After the major operation, Niang‟s body looks weaker than before. One day, when

Adeline phones, Ah Fong, Niang‟s maid, informs her that Niang is back in

hospital. Niang suddenly feels weak and is unable to walk. When Adeline speaks to her, she confesses to feeling dreadful and then, wants Adeline to come to her and take her to America. Adeline refuses her willing because of her condition. Unfortunately, a week after that she passes away.

In the afternoon, a lawyer, named Mr. Lu tells Niang‟s testament to Adeline that she does not get anything. Adeline tries to find her Father‟s testament in the Mansion, then, she finds that her Father shares an estate for her but Niang has changed the testament before she died. She tells her brother, James, that she

will not contest Niang‟s testament with Father‟s testament. She will accept what

she gets at the end. “…San ge! (Third Elder Brother)! It was a great misfortune

for us to have had Niang for a stepmother. Don‟t worry, I won‟t contest her

will.‟…” (p. 270). It means that Adeline‟s faithfulness is showed until her Father

and Niang died.

4.2.2 Adeline’s Extrinsic Motivation to be Accepted and Loved by Her Family


extrinsic motivations are some the factors that influence Adeline to be accepted and loved by her family. Most of them have given hope and support to her.

Adeline‟s family, her Aunt Baba, Ye Ye, and James always support her to

do her best especially in her education and attitude so that her Father and Niang will be please with her. The comic books also give her hope when she was a child. She learns from the heroes how to face the world and happiness will come in the end.

Below is the discussion about Adeline‟s extrinsic motivation to be

accepted and loved by her family: Books

When Adeline was young, she liked reading comic books. It started when she went back to home from school, she saw a bookstore. She loved how they were printed in black and white on cheap paper. Those could be for sale or loan. She very loves the Kung Fu novels. For fifty fen, she was allowed to borrow up to five books per week. These comic books give her a hope because she could learn about struggle in life. The comic books are about tales of heroes and heroines:

Each book related tales of heroes and heroines skilled in martial arts, fighting battles on behalf of the weak and oppressed. Many stories were based on fables as pivotal to Chinese culture. After desperate struggles, right would triumph over might, and victory invariably went to the champions of the underdog. These books gave me hope (p. 54).


the comic books inspire her that after struggling, she will get happiness. It has motivated her to get her own happiness.

James is Adeline‟s third brother. Among all Adeline‟s siblings, James is her only sibling who supports and wants to be an Adeline‟s friend. For Adeline, James is like a hero and a friend for her. He always helps Adeline when she needs some help, especially when they having study together in England. They have always played together since they were children. They always shared their toys. James had never blamed Adeline as the cause of their mother‟s death. When their oldest brother, Gregory, disturbed Adeline; James always supported and helped her. James never did his authority to Adeline as other siblings did to her. Adeline always comes to him when she needs to solace and wants to be understood. They are so close so that Adeline feels comfortable with him:

My san ge (third elder brother) James was my hero and only friend. We used to play together for hours and developed a telepathic closeness, confiding to one another all our dreams and fears. With him, I could discard my vigilance and I needed that haven desperately. Throughout our childhood, it was immensely comforting to know that I could always turn to him for solace and understanding (pp. 35-36).


And no one can hurt me.‟” (p. 82)… James gives this advice when Adeline gets a

punishment because she lies to Niang. Baba

Aunt Baba is Father‟s sister. After Adeline‟s mother‟s death, Grandmother

and Father persuade Aunt Baba to quit her job at the Women‟s Bank and stay in Tianjin to take charge of the household. She is put on the payroll of Joseph Yen & Company at the same salary that she has been paid in Women‟s Bank. She has to

ensure that the house runs along similar lines as before. They also ask Aunt Baba to help Father in growing and educating the children. She cares about all the children, especially Adeline. Aunt Baba always cares about their clothes, school, and health so that she never cares about her own chances to have marriage:

She became our surrogate mother, worrying about our meals, clothing, schooling and health. An invisible silken handcuff was thus slipped around her willing wrists, evaporating her chances of marriage and a family of her own (p. 25).

For Adeline, Aunt Baba is like a mother. They become closer. Aunt Baba gives her attention to everything about Adeline, especially her appearance, health, and personality. The most of all, she cares about Adeline‟s education. Aunt Baba always helps Adeline‟s homework by checking it every evening. She also wakes Adeline up at five if she has a test:


Aunt Baba is determined that Adeline should eventually gain a college degree so that she can have her independence and achievement. Because of that Adeline studies hard to please Aunt Baba.

Aunt Baba also always gives support to Adeline. She always makes Adeline believe that Adeline is smart. She is inordinately proud of Adeline‟s

success at school. Aunt Baba files Adeline‟s report and makes it as priceless

jewels. When Adeline feels bad or things bad happen to her, Aunt Baba always consoles her by seeing her reports and says that she is so brilliant by having great As in almost everything. She also gives her support that she will succeed and can go to university:

She made me believe I was brilliant. Her pride in my small achievements was truly inspirational. She filed each report diligently in a safe deposit box and wore the key around her neck, as if my grades were so many priceless jewels impossible to replace. When things were bad, she consoled us by taking them out and looking at them. „See this one? First grade and all of six years old and getting As in everything already. My! My!‟ Then „I‟m certain nobody going to university could have a more perfect record.‟ Or „We‟ll be the most successful banker yet, just you‟re your Grand Aunt, and we‟ll work together in our own bank.‟(p. 62).

Those Aunt Baba‟s supports give Adeline strong motivation to study hard

and get her best efforts. Aunt Baba also always gives her some advice when Adeline feels down or bad. She often imagines that her mother will take her to a

new place. She always warns Adeline to focus on her education. “Concentrate on

the things you‟re really good at. Get yourself the best education you can“ (p. 74). Ye


school. On the other hand, Ye Ye disagrees with it so that he tries to argue with Father. “…Ye Ye was startled. „What has she done to deserve this?‟ he asked. „She is only a little girl in primary school. What are you punishing her for?‟…”

(p. 85). Father thinks that both of Ye Ye and Aunt Baba are too protective so that Adeline needs to know that she is nothing without her Father and Niang.

Ye Ye also cares about Adeline. When Adeline got pneumonia and was admitted to hospital, Ye Ye who was sick at that time, asked James to pick him up to see and visit Adeline at the hospital. He insisted when Niang did not allow him to visit me:

James, who had recently come out of Shanghai, recalled how Ye Ye became extremely concerned when he heard the news and decided to visit me. Niang was using the car for her weekly bridge game. She told him not to go because it was inconvenient and futile since I was already being treated by the „best doctors that money could buy‟. But this time Ye Ye insisted. He asked James to accompany him because he was unfamiliar with the roads, the buses and the ferry from Kowloon to Hong Kong (pp. 108-109).

When visiting Adeline, Ye Ye advices her to concentrate on her education. He asks Adeline to study hard and reach her future. Ye Ye also asks Adeline not to end her life up married off like her oldest sister, Lydia. Ye Ye also advices her to have her own life outside the home no matter what others have taken from Adeline:


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