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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 074214025











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 074214025






First of all I would like to express my gratitude towards Mr. Harris Setiajid

as my advisor, Mrs Adventina Putranti as my Co-Advisor, Mrs. Ellisa Dwi

Wardani as my academic advisor, and all lecturers and officials of Sanata Dharma

University English Letters Department for the guidance during my years of study

here. Surely, thanks to all respondents who help me compile this research.

Thanks to God and Mami in heaven for the blessings given to me. Thanks

to my family: Papi, Oh Pep and Ci Yunita plus Kevin, Oh Yan and Ci Ella, who

give me their love and supports in many ways.

I will not be able to finish my study if I have no strength which is given by

my best friends. Milka, Meme, Reli, Putra, Tisa, and members of Merpati 11,

thank you for always be by my side, accepting the good and bad of me, and giving

me lots of love and happiness. I promise our friendship will last forever.

My university life will be very boring and stressing if I do not have time to

spare myself from study. Thanks to all my idols for the entertainment and

inspiration I got from you. Thanks to my fandom-fangirling world friends for

sharing everything with me: Aikei Kpop, Jogja Runners, A.AnJEL, and Egha


Thank you to Romo In Nugroho and Tante Ve who help me grow up


Lastly thanks to everyone who sincerely give me their supports. Thanks













ABSTRACT ... xii

ABSTRAK ... xiii


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 3

C. Objectives of the Study ... 3

D. Definition of Terms ... 3


A. Review of Related Studies ... 5

B. Review of Related Theories ... 6

1. Definition of Translation ... 6

2. Criteria of Good Translation ... 7

3. Problems in Translation ... 8

4. Cultural Translation ... 8

5. Translation Strategies ... 9

a. Borrowing ... 9

b. Cultural Equivalent ... 10

c. Descriptive equivalent ... 10

d. Synonim ... 10

e. Official Translation ... 10

f. Reduction and expansion ... 11

g. Addition ... 11

h. Omission ... 11

i. Modulation ... 11

C. Theoretical Framework ... 12

D. Research Framework ... 13


A. Object of the Study ... 14

B. Method of the Study ... 14

C. Research Procedure ... 15

1. Kinds of Data ... 15



3. Data Analysis ... 17


A. The Translation Accuracy ... 21

B. The Translation Acceptability ... 36

1. Accurate and Acceptable ... 36

2. Less Accurate and Acceptable ... 40

3. Not Accurate and Acceptable ... 43

4. Not Translated and Acceptable ... 43

5. Accurate and Unacceptable ... 43

6. Less Accurate and Unacceptable ... 44

C. Translation Strategies and Its Relation to the Accuracy and Acceptability ... 46

1. Borrowing ... 46

a. Transliteration ... 47

b. Naturalization ... 48

2. Cultural Equivalent ... 49

3. Descriptive equivalent ... 52

4. Synonym ... 54

5. Reduction and Expansion ... 57

a. Reduction ... 57

b. Expansion ... 57

6. Addition ... 58




Appendix 1: List of Items which Hold Culturally Loaded Words ... 66

Appendix 2: Questionnaire on Accuracy ... 95

Appendix 3: Questionnaire on Acceptability ... 104

Appendix 4: Data Tabulation of Accuracy ... 110



LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SL : Source Language (English)

TL : Target Language (Bahasa Indonesia)

ST : Source Text (J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone)

TT : Target Text (Listiana Srisanti’s “Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah)

AC : Accurate

LA : Less Accurate

NA : Not Accurate

NT : Not Translated

A : Acceptable

U : Unacceptable

S : Strategy

R : Respondents

AV : Average

C : Criterion

Data Coding


p : Kind of data (ST/TT)

q : Page number

r : Translation item category

s : Translation item number from each category

t : Accuracy (AC/LA/NA/NT)

u : Acceptability (A/U) Example: ST/26/AN/1/AC

Source Text, page 26, Category Animal and Creatures, Data category number 1, Accurate.

Translation Item Categories AN : Animal and Creatures

BO : Body Parts

CA : Calling

CO : Colour

CU : Cuisine

CK : Cutlery and Kitchen Tools

DE : Device

FA : Fashion

FE : Feasts and Parties

FU : Furniture



ME : Measurement

OC : Occupation

ON : Onomatopoeia

PH : Parts of House

PB : Place and Building

PL : Plants

SG : Salutation/Greeting

SP : Special Terms

SY : Stationery




YOVITA STEFANI KURNIA SANUSI. The Indonesian Translation of English Culturally Loaded Words in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: A Study on Accuracy, Acceptability, and Strategies Applied. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

Books, novels, comics, magazines, and other types of reading which have been translated from English into Indonesian are now easily found everywhere. It is as the result from the need of learning and information. Therefore, translation has an important role in communication. However translation is not an easy task because some problems may arise. Inaccuracy could bring unacceptability for readers because the message is not properly transferred. Thus, translation strategies are needed to make a good translation.

Firstly this study tries to find out the accuracy of the English culturally loaded words in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone which are translated into Indonesian in Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah. Secondly, the researcher observes whether or not the accuracy or inaccuracy in the translation is acceptable by the readers. Thirdly, this study analyzes the translation strategy applied by the translator to translate the culturally loaded words so that the translation result can fulfill the messages from the source language.

The method used in this study is the combination of library research and empirical research. Library research is done to find out the strategies applied in translating the culturally loaded words found in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. On the other hand, the empirical research by distributing questionairres is used to find out the accuracy and acceptability of the translation used in translating Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.




YOVITA STEFANI KURNIA SANUSI. The Indonesian Tranlation of English Culturally Loaded Words in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: A Study on Accuracy, Acceptability, and Strategies Applied. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011.

Buku, novel, komik, majalah, dan jenis bacaan lainnya yang telah diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia dapat ditemukan dengan mudah di manapun sekarang. Hal ini merupakan hasil dari kebutuhan akan pembelajaran dan informasi. Maka dari itu, penerjemahan memiliki peran penting dalam komunikasi. Namun penerjemahan bukanlah hal mudah karena beberapa masalah dapat muncul. Ketidakakuratan dapat menimbulkan ketidakberterimaan bagi para pembaca, karena inti atau pesan dari bacaan tersebut tidak dihantarkan dengan baik. Jadi, strategi penerjemahan dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan sebuah terjemahan yang baik.

Pertama-tama skripsi ini mencoba untuk menemukan keakuratan dari kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang mengandung unsure budaya di Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia di Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah. Kedua, peneliti mengamati apakah keakuratan atau ketidakakuratan dalam penerjemahan tersebut dapat diterima oleh para pembaca. Ketiga, pembelajaran ini menganalisis strategi penerjemahan yang digunakan oleh penerjemah untuk menerjemahkan kata-kata yang mengandung unsur budaya, sehingga hasil terjemahan dapat menghantarkan pesan yang terdapat dalam bahasa sumber.

Metodologi yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah penggabungan dari studi pustaka dan studi lapangan. Studi pustaka dilakukan untuk menemukan strategi-strategi yang digunakan untuk menerjemahkan kata-kata yang mengandung unsur budaya yang ditemukan dalam Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Sedangkan, studi lapangan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner digunakan untuk mendapatkan keakuratan dan keberterimaan dari penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.




A. Background of the Study

Nowadays in book stores or libraries, we can easily find a lot of books,

novels, comics, magazines, and other types of reading which have been translated

from English into Indonesian as the result from the need of learning and

information. Here obviously translation has an important role in communication.

However, some problems may arise in the practice of translation. For

some reasons the words in the source language (SL) are not translated accurately

into the target language (TL). There will be a problem if the inaccuracy leads the

reader not to accept the translation because it can not transfer the messages from

the SL into the TL.

J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is chosen as the

subject of this study because starting from the title, the translation has aroused the

researcher’s curiosity. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone has been translated

into Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah. In researcher’s opinion, the title is not

accurately translated. Sorcerer’s stone means a stone which belongs to a sorcerer,

while batu bertuah means a stone which has a good fortune or magic power

(KBBI, 2007: 1212-1213). The words are not accurately translated although

readers can accept the meaning because there is a correlation between sorcerer


Another sample in the story, lemon drop is translated into permen jeruk.

Drop and permen have the same meaning as sweets. Lemon drop means a yellow,

lemon flavored hard candy. Indonesian people are not familiar with lemon

(limau). When they hear jeruk usually they think about citrus fruit colored orange

with easily pealed rind (KBBI, 2007: 472), an orange. On the other hand, lemon

means a yellow oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant (Oxford, 1989: 968).

Therefore Indonesian readers may misunderstand about the flavor of the sweets.

Picture 1: Lemon Picture 2: Orange

In dealing with the problem on accuracy and acceptability, some strategies

may be applied so that the translation will have minimum loss of meanings from

the SL. A text may be accurate in meaning but at the same time it may not be

accepted by the readers because the text is too hard to be understood.

Misunderstanding of certain values may give a bad impression to target readers.

In this thesis, the translation strategies applied, the accuracy, and

acceptability of the translation are chosen as the focuses of the study because

analyzing these three aspects might be beneficial considering the fact that these


B. Problem Formulation

1. How accurate are the English cultural words in Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer’s Stone translated in Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah?

2. How is the acceptability of the translation of the culturally loaded words?

3. What strategies are implemented by the translator in translating the culturally

loaded words related to their accuracy and readability?

C. Objectives of the Study

This study aims at exploring the translation problem on accuracy and

acceptability between the source language and the target language. By using

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone translated into Harry Potter dan Batu

Bertuah, as the example of English to Indonesian translated product, this study

tries firstly to find out how accurate the English expression in Harry Potter and

the Sorcerer’s Stone are translated in Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah. Secondly,

the researcher likes to find out whether or not the accuracy or inaccuracy in the

translation is acceptable by the readers. Thirdly, this study is going to find out the

translation strategy applied by the translator of the novel to translate the culturally

loaded words so that the translation result can fulfill the messages from the source


D. Definition of Terms

To avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding, the following explanations


Accuracy, Larson in Meaning-Based Translation defines the term ‘accuracy’ in translation means to communicate the same meaning as the source

language (1984: 49). It means that the translation result should express the same

meaning as the source language does.

Acceptability, Hatim in his book Teaching and Researching Translation defines acceptability in a simplest way as text receiver’s response (2001: 117). In

the same book Toury suggest another definition. According to him, acceptability

is a function to the adherence to those norms and conventions (both

linguistic-textual and literary-aesthetic) which operate in the target system (2001: 147).

Translation strategies, Strategies are also known as shifts or procedure or techniques. Suryawinata and Hariyanto in their book “Translation” define

translation strategy as a tactic of translator for translating words, phrases, or a

sentence (2003: 67).

Culturally Loaded words, Dehghani in his essay stated that there are words and phrases in one language or another which are closely connected with

cultural contexts. The most commonly culturally loaded words come under the

following categories: greeting terms, politeness terms, and relationship terms

(2009: 1). In this thesis, the two cultures that are going to be discussed are culture

that exists in ST Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, including culture in

Britain along with culture that the author creates herself for magical background





A. Review of Related Studies

A similar study on translation is done by Indah. In her thesis she discussed

the translation strategies used in translating The Joy Luck Club into Perkumpulan

Kebahagiaan dan Keberuntungan, a novel by Amy Tan, where there are many

English expressions which hold cultural untranslatability (2008: 59). As the result,

she finds out that the strategies used by translator to translate The Joy Luck Club

into Indonesian are translation by borrowing, cultural equivalent, the combination

of descriptive equivalent and transliteration, synonym, and addition (2008: 59).

A study from Ardiansah in his undergraduate thesis finds out that there are

four kinds of translation strategies suggested by Mona Baker that is used by the

translator in Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer into This Earth of

Mankind. The strategies used are cultural substitution, paraphrase using a related

word, superordinate, and loan word plus explanation. The translation strategies in

translating culture-specific concepts presented carry some results in meaning

lexically and contextually. The results lead to loss of meaning, loss and gain of

meaning, wrong translation, and accurate translation. Each strategy may result on

different impact that depends on the datum itself (2008: 55).

Another undergraduate thesis on translation is done by Diah Puspitaratri.

Her study aims to see the accuracy of the translation text, its naturalness, and the


and norms. The study is also seeking the best way to deal with any translation

quality criterion requirement as well as the problem(s) that may rises during the

process of the translation and the translation re-checking (read: assessment) itself

(2010: 7). As the conclusion, the quality of this translation is defined as an

Inaccurate but Natural and Acceptable Translation (2010: 231-232).

Based on the explanation previously, it can be classified that this study

will develop other studies that have been studied before. While other studies

merely focused on one problem translation, whether it is the strategies used in

translating or the accuracy of a translation or the acceptability of a translation, this

study will focus on those three problems with different perspective. This study

tries to discuss how acceptable the translation can be gained by the readers and

how the translation strategies can affect it.

B. Review of Related Theories 1. Definition of Translation

According to Catford, translation is the replacement of textual material in

one language by equivalent textual material in another language (1965: 20).

Catford points out that the first and primary activity in translation is how to find

the equivalence of words, phrases, clauses, sentences and elements of the source

language (SL) into the target language (TL).

Larson said that translation is transferring the meaning of the source

language into the receptor language by going from the form of the first language


Nida and Taber (1974: 12) define translation as the reproduction in a

receptor language of the closest natural equivalent of the source message, first in

terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.

2. Criteria of Good Translation

As said by Larson, it is meaning which being transferred and must be held

constant. A good translation is the one which a) uses the normal language form of

the target language, b) communicates, as much as possible, to target language

speaker the same meaning that was understood by the speaker of the second

language, and c) maintains the dynamics of the original source language text.

Maintaining the dynamics of the original source language text means that the

translation is presented in such a way that it will, hopefully, evoke the same

response as the source text attempted to evoke (1984: 6).

From a different perspective, El Toury, in Antar S.Abdellah’s studies

focused on differentiating between different types of translation. He indicated that

there are eight types of translation: word-for-word translation, literal translation,

faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptive translation, free translation,

idiomatic translation, and communicative translation. He advocated that the last

type as the one which transmits the meaning from the context, respecting the form

and structure of the original and which easily comprehensible by the readers of the

target language. It can be said that a good translation is one that carries all the

ideas of the original as well as its structural and cultural features, omitting nothing


3. Problems in Translation

Making an ideal translation, which fulfills the requirements, is not easy. In

doing translation process, a translator may be faced with terms or concept in the

SL that do not exist in the TL. When “there is no lexical or syntactical substitute

in the TL for an SL item” (Bassnett, 1991: 32), it means the translator is dealing

with the untranslatability.

Here, the untranslatability must not be understood as “impossible to be

translated”. The translation of words with the untranslatability is possible. The one

which is untranslatable is the concept that follows the word. This is because in the

untranslatability the “same” meaning is usually impossible.

4. Cultural Translation

Cultural knowledge and cultural differences have been a major focus of

translator training and translation theory for long. The main concern has

traditionally been with words and phrases that are so heavily and exclusively

grounded in one culture that they are almost impossible to translate into terms

-verbal or otherwise- of another (Robinson, 1997: 223).

One example of this issue can be seen in the case of translating Japanese

anime (Crayon Shinchan) into Catalan. There are some uniquely Japanese

expressions in order to produce humor for which there is no exact equivalent in

European languages. Shinchan, the 5 years old main character, always uses the set

expression okaeri when he returns home - literary meaning It’s good you’re back -


family members. People returning home should normally said tadaima - I’m back.

Furthermore, okaeri is the honorific expression used to show respect to the

returning party, thus one should not use it for oneself. This deliberate misuse of

okaeri by Shinchan is translated into Catalan simply as adeu (goodbye), so part of

its humor is inevitably lost (http://www.translationdirectory.com/article418.htm).

5. Translation Strategies

Suryawinata and Hariyanto divide the translation strategy into two main

types. They are structural strategy, a strategy related with sentence structure, and

semantic structure, a strategy related with word meaning (2003: 67). On this

paper, since the analysis will deal more on cultural context, the researcher

consider more on semantic structure.

Semantic strategy consists of a number of strategies (Suryawinata, 2003:

70-76, translated). These include

a. Borrowing

Borrowing is a translation strategy whereby the translator uses a

word or expression from the SL in the TL. One reason of using foreign

terms is to show respect through the words. Another reason is because

there is no equivalence in the TL. There are two kinds of borrowing. The

first one is transliteration, a borrowing that keeps the SL word in its

original form, either its sound or spelling. The second one is

naturalization. By naturalization, the SL word’s sound and spelling are


b. Cultural equivalent

In this strategy, the translator translates the SL cultural word with

the TL cultural word. As the example, the Indonesian word ‘Jaksa Agung’

is translated as Attorney General in English (not Great Attorney).

c. Descriptive equivalent

This strategy is used when the SL word is expressed by its

description and function. For example, the word samurai is described as

‘the Japanese aristocracy from the eleventh to nineteenth century’; its

function was ‘to provide officers and administrators’.

d. Synonym

This strategy is used when the translator uses the TL words that

have more or less the same meaning for the SL words.

e. Official Translation

In this strategy, the translator uses the official translation that has

been standardized in translating the SL words. As the example, “read-only

memory” is translated as “memori simpan tetap” in “Pedoman


f. Reduction and expansion

Reduction means reducing the SL word component, for example,

translating the word “automobile” as “mobil” in Indonesia. Here, the word

element “auto” is omitted. The expansion is the opposite or reduction.

Here the word component is expanded in the TL, for example, translating

“whale” as “ikan paus” in Indonesia because if it is not added the word

“ikan”, it may mean the pope.

g. Addition

In this strategy, the translator gives extra information to the TL

readers. It may come in the text, at the bottom of the page (footnote), and

at the end of the text.

h. Omission

Omission means deleting a word or a text part of the SL in the TL.

This strategy is used when the meaning carried by the words is not

important enough to the development of the text.

i. Modulation

Modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a

change in the point of view. This change can be justified when, literal

translation results in a grammatically correct utterance, it is considered


leg” as “kakiku patah” in Indonesia is an example of modulation. In this

translation, the translator views the problem from its object (“kaki”), not

from its subject (“saya”). This is a must because Indonesian grammar does

not allow such structure like “saya mematahkan kaki saya”.

C. Theoretical Framework

The theories applied in this study are the theories on definition of

translation, the criteria of good translation, problems in translation, cultural

translation, and translation strategies applied. The definition of translation helps

the researcher to get the basic understanding to the topic being discussed. The

criteria of good translation are included to give an idea what is actually a good

translation. The problems of translation are needed to give description about

translation difficulties. Theory about cultural translation gives an insight about the

relation between culture and translation. And theory of translation strategies helps


D. Research Framework

ST TT Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Sorceres’s Stone dan Batu Bertuah

Culturally Loaded


Respondent Accuracy Acceptability Respondent




A. Object of the Study

There are two works analyzed in this research. The first one is the Harry

Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling which was published by

Scholastic Inc. in 1999 in New York. This book tells about a boy who is finally

noticed that he is a wizard. The first book of seven books in all is the story of the

main character’s first year in his wizardly school. There are some expressions,

especially culturally loaded words, which may be common in British or

English-speaking society, because the story took place in Britain. The second work is

Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah, the translated version of Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer’s Stone. It was translated from English by Listiana Srisanti and

published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2001.

B. Method of the Study

The method used in this study is the combination of library research and

empirical research. Library research is done to find out the strategies applied in

translating the culturally loaded words found in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s

Stone. On the other hand, the empirical research is used to find out the accuracy

and acceptability of the translation used in translating Harry Potter and the


The library survey is held to find the theories of translation needed for the

study. In doing library research, the researcher reads through some books related

with this study to gain information about concept and theories which will support

this study. The library research is done to form a strong basic for conducting the

survey. This method is also used to construct the questionnaires as the research

instrument and to support the result of the study.

Next method needed is empirical research to find the response of the

readers toward the translation version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, in

this case the accuracy and acceptability. It is done by spreading questionnaires to


The researcher uses primary data as the researcher collect the data herself

from the books.

C. Research Procedure 1. Kinds of Data

There are two objective data used in this research. The first is Harry Potter

and the Sorcerer’s Stone which was written by J.K. Rowling with the original title

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. This work consists of 312 pages,

published by Scholastic Inc. in 1991 in New York. This data later on will be the

Source Text (ST) of the analysis.

The second data is the Indonesia translation version done by Listiana


pages, it was published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2001. This data will be

the Target Text (TT).

Affective data is collected through distributing questionnaires to some

respondents. There are two kinds of questionnaires, based on the group of the


The first group consists of two persons who assess the accuracy of the

translation text compared to the source text. Those persons are experts in

linguistics and literary works. The second group is going to contribute to the

analysis of the acceptability of the translation result. There are ten respondents

who are undergraduate students, range in various majors. They are randomly

chosen as the representative of the Indonesian literature readers.

By having limited respondents, this study presents efficiency and quality

of the research rather than the quantity of the data.

2. Data Collection

The data are culturally loaded words which are culturally problematic to

translate. These expressions consist of phrases and terms which hold cultural

concepts. The form of the data is quotations taken from Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer’s Stone that contain culturally loaded words.

The sentences and the phrases which will be analyzed and the page

numbers were noted, thus rechecking can be easier. For some samples, maybe in


we will find it on page 13. After the data in the ST were collected, the next step

was to note their translation in the TL.

Due to the large number of the data found, the researcher use purposive

sampling. The sample chosen are the data which is important. The total data found

were put into some categories, based on common categorization on cultural

words. Because the large number of the data, the researched took 10% data from

each category. Thus, this number will be the representative data which are going

to be analyzed in this study.

3. Data Analysis

The analysis was done on the culturally loaded words in J.K. Rowling’s

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and its translated version Harry Potter dan

Batu Bertuah. To answer the first problem formulation, The English

culture-bound expressions were listed based on the criteria of the accuracy of translation

to find out how accurate the translated version of those expressions.

In assessing the translation quality, validity was considered. To meet the

validity, the researcher consulted two respondents. By having other people

examine the text, the ambiguities were discovered, and the face validity of the

assessment could be obtained. Their comments and corrections on the test items

make the test much more valid.

To find the accuracy score of translating the culturally loaded words, the

researcher uses Nababan’s Accuracy Rating Instrument as cited in Setiajid’s study


Table 1: Table on the Accuracy Assessment Scoring System

Score Translation

Criterion Explanation

1 Accurate The content of the source sentence is accurately conveyed into the target sentence. The translated sentence is clear to the evaluator and no rewriting is needed.

2 Less Accurate The content of the source sentence is accurately conveyed into the target sentence. The translated sentence can be clearly understood by the evaluator, but some rewriting and some change in word order are needed.

3 Not Accurate The content of the source sentence is not accurately conveyed to the target sentence. There are some problems with the choice of lexical items and with the relationships between phrase, clause and sentence elements.

4 Not Translated The source sentence is not translated at all into the target sentence, i.e. it is omitted or deleted.

For example, if the respondent thinks that the translation result is clear, but

it needs rewriting, thus he or she will give score 2.

To find the accuracy score, the researcher consults two respondents. After

the data is collected, the next step is calculating the average score by totaling

score from each sentence and dividing it into two. But, looking at the range of the

scores, after totaling and dividing, there is a probability that the final score is not

an integer. To make the classification clear, the researcher widens the score range

into its middle score between each integer. This system will also be useful when

the researcher calculate the average score from all data.

Table 2: Table on the Applied Accuracy Assessment Scoring System

Score Translation Criterion


The next step, the data collected from respondents was processed to find

the acceptability of the translation in order to answer the second problem

formulation. The scores given by each respondent were calculated by totaling the

scores and dividing it by the number of respondents. The result would be the

grade of acceptability.

Here the researcher uses Acceptability Scoring System which is used by

Puspitaratri in her study (2010: 206).

Table 3: Table on the Acceptability Assessment Scoring System

Score Translation

Criterion Explanation

1 Acceptable The written material is easy to read and understand.

2 Unacceptable The written material is not easy to read and understand.

Similar with the previous discussion, after collecting the score and finding

the average, there is a probability that the final score is not an integer. Therefore

the researcher widens the score range to make the classification clear.

Table 4: Table on the Applied Acceptability Assessment Scoring System

Score Translation Criterion

1.00 - 1.50 Acceptable 1.51 - 2.00 Unacceptable

After that, to answer the third problem formulation, document analysis

was used. Each word was explained using its meaning and significance toward the

text. Interpreting those expression based on theories used in the theoretical review

was the next step. The English words in the Indonesian and English version were

compared to the theories to find out how those culturally problematic expressions


finding out how these translation strategies may give influence on the

acceptability of the translation.

Lastly, some conclusions were drawn as the result of the analysis of




This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the

accuracy of the translation, based on the questionnaires that had been distributed.

The second part discusses the translation acceptability, also based on the

questionnaires that had been distributed to a group of undergraduate students.

Finally in the third part, the researcher discusses the translation strategies found in

the translation result, and relates it with the grade of accuracy and acceptability

from the respondents. Thus we can find whether the strategies create an accurate

and acceptable translation or not.

As stated in previous chapter, the data discussed here is the sample of total

439 data found in the book. After taking approximately 10% data from each

category, thus there are 43 translation items that are going to be analyzed.

A. The Translation Accuracy

Translation result should express the same meaning as the source language

does. It means that translation should be accurate. To find the accuracy of

translating the culturally loaded words, the researcher uses Nababan’s Accuracy

Rating Instrument as cited in Setiajid’s study which has been discussed in the

previous chapter.

Later, to find out the translation accuracy of Harry Potter and the


number of translation accuracy. The average score of each item is summed and

divided by the total translation items.

The following are the accuracy score of each item that has been calculated,

and the average score of the whole items.

ST/173/AN/13/AC … pulling Harry behind a large stone griffin.

TT/217/AN/13/AC … menarik Harry ke belakang patung besar makhluk berkepala dan bersayap elang, tapi bertubuh singa.

Score: 1 (accurate)

The translation of griffin here is accurate although there is no specific term in the

TT. Griffin is a mythical creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the

body of a lion, typically depicted with pointed ears and with the eagle’s legs

taking the place of the forelegs. TL has no special term for this kind of creature.

Thus, the researcher considers the explanation in TT already convey the general

meaning of griffin.


ST/27/BO/5/AC The snake suddenly opened its beady eyes.

TT/39/BO/5/AC Ular itu tiba-tiba membuka matanya yang seperti manik-manik.

Score: 1.5 (accurate)

Beady is a common term in SL to refer eyes which is small and gleaming. Mata

yang seperti manik-manik could be understood as bright eyes.

ST/1/CA/1/NT Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive … TT/7/CA/1/NT Mr dan Mrs Dursley yang tinggal di Privet Drive nomor

empat … Score: 4 (not translated)

Mr. and Mrs. here are not translated since the translator keep the words in the TT.

It is the policy of PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama as the publisher to keep some

foreign terms as it is, such as Mr, and Mrs to carry on the foreign feeling for the

readers, to show that this story is originally written in foreign country.

Another example of the application of this policy can be seen in food and

beverages such as brandy and cornflakes.

ST/29/CU/8/LA … Aunt Petunia had to run and get him a large brandy. TT/41/CU/8/LA … Bibi Petunia cepat-cepat lari mengambilkannya segelas

besar brandy. Score: 2.5 (less accurate)

ST/42/CU/12/LA They ate stale cornflakes and …

TT/57/CU/12/LA Mereka makan cornflake melempem dan tengik serta … Score: 2.5 (less accurate)

Here the scores are different from the previous one because the respondents have

different perception. One says that the translation result is accurate, one says that

it is not translated or can not be translated since there is no equivalence in TL.

Thus this difference affect the accumulation score into less accurate.


ST/5/CA/7/LA Even Muggles like yourself should be celebrating … TT/12/CA/7/LA Bahkan Muggle seperti Anda pun harus ikut merayakan … Score: 2.5 (less accurate)

Aside from the different perception between the respondents, the researcher

would like to say that this translation is accurate, because original words created

by author will not have equivalence in another language. The researcher agrees

with the translator who simply put the original word in TT.

ST/21/CA/13/AC Thirty-nine, sweetums, …

TT/32/CA/13/AC Tiga puluh sembilan, anak pintar, … Score: 1 (accurate)

Sweetums is a word which could mean “the awesomest person ever, whom I

love”. It is simply terms like babe, sweety, baby, etc. Both respondents say that

this is accurate since sweetums in the SL and anak pintar in the TL can be used to

praise kids.

ST/180/CO/22/AC The mountains around the school became icy gray and the lake like chilled steel.

TT/225/CO/22/AC Pegunungan yang mengelilingi sekolah berubah abu-abu bersaput es dan danau seolah menjadi baja beku

Score: 1.5 (accurate)

The explanation of abu-abu bersaput es is clear enough to define icy gray which

means colored gray because covered with ice.

ST/229/CO/23/LA The sky was a clear, forget-me-not blue, … TT/285/CO/23/LA Langit biru terang, …

Score: 2 (less accurate)

Forget-me-not is name of a flower. One of the respondents says that the flower’s

colour is pale blue. Therefore biru terang or bright blue here is considered as less

accurate by the respondents, though the researcher thinks that the colour of the


Picture 4: Forget-me-not

ST/10/CU/2/LA Would you care for a lemon drop? TT/18/CU/2/LA Kau mau permen jeruk?

Score: 2 (less accurate)

As the researcher has stated in previous chapter, Lemon and jeruk are defined as

different fruit, although both are citrus fruit and have similar sour taste. Lemon

means a yellow oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant, while jeruk is a citrus

fruit colored orange with easily pealed rind. In the researcher opinion, it will be

more accurate if lemon drop is translated into permen lemon, because TL people

is also familiar with lemon.

ST/19/CU/3/AC I want you to look after the bacon.

TT/29/CU/3/AC Aku mau kau yang menggoreng daging asap. Score: 1 (accurate)

Bacon could be understood easily as piece of meat or daging. Here the translation

considered accurate though the researcher think that it is not really accurate.

Bacon is pork, in specific. By saying daging, TL people will think about chicken

meat or beef, because pork is not common here, where most of the people are


ST/26/CU/5/AC … they bought him a cheap lemon ice pop.

TT/37/CU/5/AC … mereka membelikannya es loli lemon yang murah. Score: 1 (accurate)

Ice pop is the common name in the United States for ice lolly in the United

Kingdom. It is a frozen water-based dessert on a stick. It is made by freezing

colored, flavored liquid (such as fruit juice) around a stick. Once the liquid freezes

solid, the stick can be used as a handle to hold the ice lollipop. In TL it is called es

loli or es lilin.

ST/40/CK/3/NA … Aunt Petunia shredded the letters in her food processor. TT/55/CK/3/NA … Bibi Petunia menghancurkan surat-surat itu dengan

mixer makanannya. Score: 3 (not accurate)

This translation is not accurate since food processor is different from mixer. Food

processor is an electric kitchen appliance used for chopping, mixing, or pureeing

foods, while mixer is an electrical appliance for mixing foods. In the researcher

opinion, food processor should be translated as it is, then add some information

about it, for example: “… menghancurkan surat-surat itu dengan food processor,

alat pengolah makanan.”

ST/4/DE/2/AC … and he couldn’t see a single collecting tin. TT/10/DE/2/AC … dan dia sama sekali tidak melihat satu pun kotak

pengumpul dana. Score: 1.5 (accurate)

Both terms in ST and TT share the same meaning as a tool used to collecting.

Although tin has specific meaning of metal, the researcher has a notion that this

translation is accurate, since kotak can be made of any material.

ST/9/DE/4/AC It seemed to be a silver cigarette lighter. TT/16/DE/4/AC Ternyata korek api perak.


There is no problem in translating cigarette lighter into korek api. Those tools

share same definition as a device that produces small flame, typically used to light


ST/18/DE/7/AC … and now the photographs showed a large blond boy riding his first bicycle, …

TT/28/DE/7/AC … dan sekarang foto-foto itu menunjukkan anak gemuk berambut pirang menaiki sepeda roda tiga pertamanya … Score: 1.5 (accurate)

This translation is actually less accurate since bicycle has two wheels and sepeda

roda tiga has three wheels. Probably it will be better if the translator translates it

into sepeda pertamanya.

ST/20/DE/13/AC He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Scotch tapebecause …

TT/30/DE/13/AC Dia memakai kaca mata bulat yang bingkainya direkat dengan banyak selotip karena …

Score: 1 (accurate)

Scotch tape is US trademark for UK trademark sellotape, remembering the fact

that the researcher uses the US version book. In the TT, it is translated as selotip,

a common term in TL which is the naturalization of sellotape.

ST/22/DE/14/LA … Harry and Uncle Vernon watched Dudley unwrap the racing bike, a video camera, …

TT/32/DE/14/LA … Harry dan Paman Vernon menonton Dudley membuka sepeda balap, kamera, …

Score: 2.5 (less accurate)

Video camera is not the same with camera. Video camera is a camera for

recording images on videotape or for transmitting them to a monitor screen. While

camera is a device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, movie

film, or video signals. The translation will be more accurate if it is written kamera


ST/3/FA/1/AC People in cloaks.

TT/9/FA/1/AC Orang-orang yang memakai jubah. Score: 1 (accurate)

There is no problem in translating cloak into jubah. So this translation is accurate.

Both are long overgarment.

ST/18/FA/5/AC … like a large pink beach ball wearing different-colored bonnets.

TT/28/FA/5/AC … seperti bola pantai besar merah jambu memakai topi yang warnanya berbeda-beda.

Score: 1 (accurate)

Although in the SL bonnets is a special term for certain kind of hat (a woman or

child’s hat tied under the chin, typically with a brim framing the face), the

translation into topi is not really matter. TL people are not common to name such

a hat. They simply name things use in head as topi, although sometimes they add

more information to explain the shape of the hat.

ST/32/FA/10/LA Smeltings’ boys wore maroon tailcoats, …

TT/45/FA/10/LA Murid-murid Smeltings memakai jas buntut merah tua, … Score: 2 (less accurate)

One of the respondents considers that tailcoat can not be translated into jas

buntut. Tailcoats is a man’s formal morning or evening coat, with a long skirt

divided at the back into tails and cut away in front. The researcher thinks that this

translation is accurate since to explain a coat that has longer part in the back, jas

buntut is good enough.

ST/6/FE/1/LA Perhaps people have been celebrating Bonfire Night early - it’s not until next week, folks!

TT/13/FE/1/LA Mungkin orang-orang merayakan Bonfire Night lebih awal - padahal pesta kembang api seharusnya baru minggu depan, para pemirsa!


TT readers do not familiar with Bonfire Night. Although the translator already

adds a little information about what a Bonfire Night is (pesta kembang api -

fireworks), perhaps food note is needed to give a brief explanation about the feast.

ST/6/FU/2/LA Mr. Dursley sat frozen in his armchair. TT/14/FU/2/LA Mr Dursley terhenyak di kursi berlengannya. Score: 2 (less accurate)

Although one of the respondents considers the translation is not accurate, in the

researcher opinion, the term kursi berlengan is clear enough to describe armchair.

It will give enough explanation about a comfortable chair, typically upholstered,

with side supports for a person’s arm.

ST/2/ID/1/AC … because her sister and her good-for-nothing husband were as unDursleyish as it was possible to be.

TT/8/ID/1/AC … karena adiknya dan suaminya yang tak berguna itu tak layak sama sekali menjadi kerabat keluarga Dursley. Score: 1 (accurate)

Good-for-nothing means worthless. It is just the same with tak berguna or tak


ST/22/ID/7/AC Little tyke wants his money’s worth, just like his father. TT/32/ID/7/AC Si kecil ini tidak mau rugi, persis ayahnya.

Score: 1 (accurate)

The idiom in the SL means “to get full value in goods or service for the money

has spent”. When it is translated into TL, tak mau rugi is the right term. The

researcher agrees with this translation.

ST/23/ID/8/LA Aunt Petunia looked as though she’d just swallowed a lemon.

TT/33/ID/8/LA Bibi Petunia kelihatan seperti tersedak telur. Score: 2 (less accurate)

The researcher could not find the exact meaning of swallowed a lemon.


condition where the character here looks like she swallowed something big that

she chokes. In the researcher opinion, it would be better if this item is translated

into its literate meaning: tersedak lemon, since TL has no special idioms for this


ST/52/ID/18/LA Gallopin’ Gorgons, that reminds me, TT/69/ID/18/LA Gorgon bloon, aku jadi ingat, Score: 2.5 (less accurate)

From the internet source that the researcher could find, term Gallopin’ Gorgon is

found only in Harry Potter, expressed by Rubeus Hagrid when he remembers that

he has to send an owl to Albus Dumbledore that he found Harry Potter. Thus this

expression has no equivalence in TL. Galloping means uncontrollable manner,

while bloon is stupid. It is different. The translation into Gorgon bloon is

considered not accurate. The researcher prefers to use the original words

Gallopin’ Gorgon, because based on the fact, these words seemingly created by

the author herself.

ST/65/ID/29/AC Blimey, Harry, everyone’d be wantin’ magic solutions to their problems.

TT/84/ID/29/AC Astaga, Harry, semua orang akan inginkan pemecahan masalah mereka secara gaib.

Score: 1 (accurate)

Blimey is an exclamation used to express one’s surprise, excitement, or alarm. It

is accurately translated into astaga which means the same.

ST/75/ID/31/AC He did look very green, and when the cart stopped at last beside a small door in the passage wall …

TT/96/ID/31/AC Wajahnya memang tampak sangat pucat, dan ketika kereta akhirnya berhenti di sebelah pintu kecil di dinding lorong …

Score: 1 (accurate)


ST/117/ID/40/AC I’ll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. TT/147/ID/40/AC Berani taruhan takkan bisa kautemukan topi yang lebih

pandai dariku. Score: 1 (accurate)

When one says that “I’ll eat my hat,” it indicates that one thinks the specified

things are extremely unlikely to happen. Because the one who says this in the

story is a hat, he says “I’ll eat myself.” TL people have other expressions to

express this situation, such as berani taruhan.

ST/64/ME/1/AC Gringotts is hundreds of miles under London, see. TT/83/ME/1/AC Gringotts letaknya beratus-ratus kilo di bawah London. Score: 1 (accurate)

Miles is a unit of linear measure equal to 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards, or 1.609 km.

People in TL is not familiar with miles, they usually use meters. Therefore, to

explain distance, the translator uses term that is familiar for TL readers.

ST/146/ME/12/AC Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, …

TT/183/ME/12/AC Pegang erat-erat sapu kalian, naik kira-kira semeter, … Score: 1.5 (accurate)

Almost the same with previous discussion, feet is a unit of linear measure equal to

12 inches, 30.48 cm. Semeter or one meter is equal with 3.28 feet. A few feet here

wants to describe a little height. Thus in TT, the researcher agrees with the use of

semeter, we can note that the height is little too.

ST/68/OC/6/AC A little man in a top hat was talking to the old bartender … TT/88/OC/6/AC Seorang pria kecil memakai topi tinggi dari sutra hitam

sedang bicara dengan pelayan bar … Score: 1 (accurate)

Bartender as well as pelayan bar is a person who mixes and serves drinks at a bar.


ST/9/ON/1/LA The nearest street lamp went out with a little pop. TT/17/ON/1/LA Lampu jalan terdekat padam dengan bunyi pop pelan. Score: 2 (less accurate)

In SL, pop could mean a sudden, sharp, explosive sound. Both respondents

considered this translation less accurate because there should be another term or

addition info to explain pop sound. Probably it would be better if the translation is

changed into bunyi letupan pelan.

ST/113/PH/6/LA The entrance hall was so big … TT/142/PH/6/LA Aula di belakang pintu luas sekali … Score: 2.5 (less accurate)

This translation is less accurate. One of the respondents states that entrance hall is

not always located behind the door. But it is not totally different since entrance

hall is room or space just inside the entrance of a house or apartment. The

researcher agrees with this translation. What makes it less accurate probably the

word aula which means a big room use to hold meeting, ceremony, etc.

ST/15/PB/2/AC … that is a perfect map of the London Underground. TT/24/PB/2/AC … yang berupa peta jalur kereta api bawah tanah London. Score: 1 (accurate)

It is known in London that the underground means a railway system in which

electric trains travel along passages below ground. This translation is accurate

since the translation give clear explanation of underground.

ST/84/PL/5/LA Beechwood and dragon heartstring. TT/107/PL/5/LA Beechwood dan nadi jantung naga. Score: 2.5 (less accurate)

One of the respondents considers this translation is accurate since the translator

does not translate the name of the tree. It would be better if the translator gives


Picture 5: Beechwood ST/22/SG/5/AC Atta boy, Dudley!

TT/32/SG/5/AC Pintar kau, Dudley! Score: 1 (accurate)

Atta boy is an exclamation, an informal expression of encouragement or

admiration, typically to a man or a boy. There is no problem in translating it

because pintar kau is a common phrase in TT to express encouragement

(http://www.urbandictionary.com/ define.php?term=sweetums).

ST/69/SG/9/AC Bless my soul TT/89/SG/9/AC Beruntungnya aku Score: 1 (accurate)

Bless my soul is an expression of surprise, endearment, gratitude. This also means

that one is lucky. Therefore the translation into beruntungnya aku is considered


ST/237/SG/34/AC Love, Charlie

TT/295/SG/34/AC Salam hangat, Charlie Score: 1.5 (accurate)

Word Love, in letters is well-known as a formula for ending an affectionate letter.


ST/64/SP/3/LA … while Hagrid read his newspaper, the Daily Prophet TT/84/SP/3/LA … sementara Hagrid membaca korannya, Daily

Prophet-Harian Peramal. Score: 2.5 (less accurate)

Though the respondents consider this translation as less accurate, the researcher

thinks that this is accurate since the translator use the original word in ST and

adds the translation. This is a name of newspaper, therefore the translator keeps

the original name.

ST/34/SY/1/AC The envelope was thick and heavy, made of yellowish parchment,

TT/48/SY/1/AC Amplopnya tebal dan berat, terbuat dari perkamen-kulit yang digunakan sebagai pengganti kertas, warnanya kekuningan,

Score: 1.5 (accurate)

Parchment is a stiff, flat, thin material made from the prepared skin of an animal

and used as a durable writing surface in ancient and medieval times. Here the

translator uses not only the familiar term in TL, perkamen, but also add some

information kulit yang digunakan sebagai pengganti kertas, skin that is used as a

substitute for paper.

ST/144/VE/10/LA … about the time he’d almost hit a hang glider on Charlie’s old broom.

TT/180/VE/10/LA … kisah waktu dia nyaris menabrak hang-glider dengan sapu tua Charlie.

Score: 2.5 (less accurate)

Hang-glider is an unpowered flying apparatus for a single person, consisting of a

frame with a fabric airfoil stretched over it. The operator is suspended from a

harness below and control flight by body movement. This equipment is not

popular in TL people, therefore there is no regional term for it. The translator just


should be added such as: hang-glider, alat terbang tanpa mesin berbentuk seperti


Picture 6: Hang-glider

From accuracy score of each translation item, then the translation accuracy

of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone can be calculated as follows.

Σ = total score total sentences

Σ = 72 43

Σ = 1.67 (Less Accurate)

The translation accuracy in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is 1.67,

it means that the translation result is less accurate. It is not easy for a translator

translating culturally loaded words in ST into TT. It might cause different

perception between ST readers and TT readers. But the translator here did a

considered good job because the number of inaccuracy is low. The final score is


B. The Translation Acceptability

Besides accuracy, acceptability is also important to assess a good

translation. Hatim in his book Teaching and Researching Translation defines

acceptability in a simplest way as text receiver’s response (2001: 117). To find the

acceptability rate of translating the culturally loaded words, the researcher uses

the system that has been discussed in the previous chapter.

Later, to find out the translation acceptability of Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer’s Stone, the whole scores are calculated to find out the average as the

number of translation acceptability. The average score of each item is summed

and divided by the total translation items.

In analyzing the translation acceptability, the researcher finds some

phenomena connected to the translation accuracy. Commonly, data which is

accurate is acceptable too, but there are some data which accurate but not

acceptable, and inaccurate but acceptable.

1. Accurate and Acceptable

TT/217/AN/13/ AC/A

… menarik Harry ke belakang patung besar makhluk berkepala dan bersayap elang, tapi bertubuh singa.

Score: 1.2 (acceptable)

Readers accept this translation because the translator gives clear explanation about

how the creature looks like. Moreover, this is a fiction, so one of respondents says

that it is free to create any kind of creature.

TT/39/BO/5/ AC/A

Ular itu tiba-tiba membuka matanya yang seperti manik-manik.


Two of four respondents who do not accept translation give rather similar

comments that eyes could not be compared to beads.

TT/32/CA/13/ AC/A

Tiga puluh sembilan, anak pintar, …

Score: 1 (acceptable)

This expression is commonly used by TT readers, so there is no problem in

accepting the phrase.

TT/29/CU/3/ AC/A

Aku mau kau yang menggoreng daging asap.

Score: 1.1 (acceptable)

One respondent says that daging asap is not fried (digoreng) but smoked

(diasapi), but other respondents accept this sentence.

TT/37/CU/5/ AC/A

… mereka membelikannya es loli lemon yang murah.

Score: 1.2 (acceptable)

Respondent who can not accept this translation gives comment because she does

not know what is es loli.

TT/10/DE/2/ AC/A

… dan dia sama sekali tidak melihat satu pun kotak pengumpul dana.

Score: 1 (acceptable)

There is no problem in this item since the words are clearly understandable by the


TT/16/DE/4/ AC/A

Ternyata korek api perak.

Score: 1.1 (acceptable)

One respondent who can not accept this translation is confused because she refers


with a special chemical at one end which burns when rubbed firmly against a

rough surface. So she wonders if a match could be colored silver.

TT/28/DE/7/ AC/A

… dan sekarang foto-foto itu menunjukkan anak gemuk berambut pirang menaiki sepeda roda tiga pertamanya … Score: 1.1 (acceptable)

It is common if a kid rides on a tricycle (sepeda roda tiga).

TT/30/DE/13/ AC/A

Dia memakai kaca mata bulat yang bingkainya direkat dengan banyak selotip karena …

Score: 1.1 (acceptable)

TT readers understand what a selotip is. It is a tool to join or stick things together.

TT/9/FA/1/ AC/A

Orang-orang yang memakai jubah.

Score: 1 (acceptable)

Jubah although not commonly wore by TT readers, they know what kind of

garment it is.

TT/28/FA/5/ AC/A

… seperti bola pantai besar merah jambu memakai topi yang warnanya berbeda-beda.

Score: 1 (acceptable)

Topi could have many colours. There is no problem in accepting this translation.

TT/8/ID/1/ AC/A

… karena adiknya dan suaminya yang tak berguna itu tak layak sama sekali menjadi kerabat keluarga Dursley.

Score: 1 (acceptable)

Readers easily understand the meaning of tak berguna because this phrase is

commonly used in TL.

TT/32/ID/7/ AC/A

Si kecil ini tidak mau rugi, persis ayahnya.

Score: 1 (acceptable)

This idiomatical expression is also commonly used in TL. No wonder readers can


TT/84/ID/29/ AC/A

Astaga, Harry, semua orang akan inginkan pemecahan masalah mereka secara gaib.

Score: 1 (acceptable)

Astaga is a very common word in TL which is used to express a surprise.

TT/96/ID/31/ AC/A

Wajahnya memang tampak sangat pucat, dan ketika kereta akhirnya berhenti di sebelah pintu kecil di dinding lorong … Score: 1 (acceptable)

Readers here could imagine the situation that something happens to make the

character here feel sick and looks pale.

TT/147/ID/40/ AC/A

Berani taruhan takkan bisa kautemukan topi yang lebih pandai dariku.

Score: 1.3 (acceptable)

The expression of berani taruhan is commonly used by TL people as an

expression to challenge others.

TT/83/ME/1/ AC/A

Gringotts letaknya beratus-ratus kilo di bawah London.

Score: 1 (acceptable)

These words want to express that the location is very far. It is the common

expression in TL.

TT/183/ME/12/ AC/A

Pegang erat-erat sapu kalian, naik kira-kira semeter, …

Score: 1.1 (acceptable)

The readers could understand that the distance wanted is pretty close from the


TT/88/OC/6/ AC/A

Seorang pria kecil memakai topi tinggi dari sutra hitam sedang bicara dengan pelayan bar …

Score: 1 (acceptable)

Although bar is not a common place for TL people, they know what kind of place


TT/24/PB/2/ AC/A

… yang berupa peta jalur kereta api bawah tanah London.

Score: 1 (acceptable)

Although TL people are not familiar with underground, this translation could give

them clear imagination about railway which is located below the ground.

TT/32/SG/5/ AC/A

Pintar kau, Dudley!

Score: 1 (acceptable)

This sentence possibly used to praise someone. It is a common expression to use

in TL.

TT/89/SG/9/ AC/A

Beruntungnya aku

Score: 1 (acceptable)

When someone wants to express gratitude, this word is one of the most popular


TT/295/SG/34/ AC/A

Salam hangat, Charlie

Score: 1 (acceptable)

By reading this sentence, readers directly think that this is an expression to end a


TT/48/SY/1/ AC/A

Amplopnya tebal dan berat, terbuat dari perkamen-kulit yang digunakan sebagai pengganti kertas, warnanya kekuningan, Score: 1.2 (acceptable)

The translation adds some information about stationery here, thus it is easier for

readers to understand it.

2. Less Accurate and Acceptable

TT/12/CA/7/ LA/A

Bahkan Muggle seperti Anda pun harus ikut merayakan …


At first some readers can not accept this word because they do not know what the

word means. But later they understand that the word muggle is created by the

author herself for this story.

TT/285/CO/23/ LA/A

Langit biru terang, …

Score: 1.1 (acceptable)

One respondent who can not accept this phrase says that langit biru is enough.

There is no need to add terang there.

TT/18/CU/2/ LA/A

Kau mau permen jeruk?

Score: 1.2 (acceptable)

Though respondents accept this translation as an orange flavored candy, some say

that it should be written permen rasa jeruk.

TT/41/CU/8/ LA/A

… Bibi Petunia cepat-cepat lari mengambilkannya segelas besar brandy.

Score: 1.2 (acceptable)

Most of TL people already know what brandy is. So they can accept this


TT/57/CU/12/ LA/A

Mereka makan cornflake melempem dan tengik serta …

Score: 1.2 (acceptable)

The same with the previous items, cornflake is popular in TL readers as a kind of

corn cereal.

TT/32/DE/14/ LA/A

… Harry dan Paman Vernon menonton Dudley membuka sepeda balap, kamera, …

Score: 1 (acceptable)


TT/13/FE/1/ LA/A

Mungkin orang-orang merayakan Bonfire Night lebih awal - padahal pesta kembang api seharusnya baru minggu depan, para pemirsa!

Score: 1.2 (acceptable)

Actually TT readers do not know what a Bonfire Night is. But the translator here

already adds a little information that there is firework in this feast. And

remembering that this book is originally written in foreign country, TT readers

could easily accept the feast.

TT/14/FU/2/ LA/A

Mr Dursley terhenyak di kursi berlengannya.

Score: 1.2 (acceptable)

Most respondents could imagine that this chair has some part in the sides to hold


TT/33/ID/8/ LA/A

Bibi Petunia kelihatan seperti tersedak telur.

Score: 1.4 (acceptable)

Most respondents could imagine the situation in this phrase as something is

happening so that the character here is shocked, and her reaction looks like if she

is choked with something.

TT/69/ID/18/ LA/A

Gorgon bloon, aku jadi ingat,

Score: 1.3 (acceptable)

Remembering that this story is full of imaginary creatures, respondents could

accept this translation. But still some of them are questioning what a gorgon is.

TT/142/PH/6/ LA/A

Aula di belakang pintu luas sekali …


Table 1: Table on the Accuracy Assessment Scoring System
Table 3: Table on the Acceptability Assessment Scoring System
Table 5: Accuracy and Acceptability Phenomena
Table 6: Translation Strategies Occurrences of Translation Item Categories


Dokumen terkait

Teori Interaksi Simbolik yang diuraikan oleh Hebert Blumer (dikutip dalam Machmud, 2011 : 85) didalamnya mengandungi dasar pemikiran antara lain : (1)

Perjanjian adalah suatu peristiwa ketika seseorang berjanji kepada orang lain atau ketika orang itu saling berjanji untuk melaksanakan sesuatu hal. Dari peristiwa itu maka

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuktikan metode KLT Densitometri yang akan digunakan untuk melakukan penetapan kadar campuran deksametason dan deksklorfeniramin

Kumbang tinja yang dilakukan dengan dua metode didapatkan hasil yaitu: metode menangkap langsung (metode capture ) dengan pinset di jalur Balingka didapatkan

3) mengajukan tuntutan ke instansi yang bertanggung jawab di bidang ketenagakerjaan atau ke Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial apabila terjadi Pemutusan Hubungan

Kemampuan awal menurut Winkel (1996 : 134) adalah kemampuan yang diperlukan oleh seseorang siswa untuk mencapai tujuan instruksional. Kemampuan awal yang dimiliki

Diajukan sebagai Salah Satu Syarat untuk Memenuhi Gelar Sarjana Pada. Program Studi S1 Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi
