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Evaluating the Quality of English Book at the Third Grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara. - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar


Academic year: 2019

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A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education of the Faculty

ofTarbiyah and Teacher Training of UIN Alauddin


NURHASANAH Reg. Number T.20400111088





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Nama : Nurhasanah

Nim : 20400111088

Tempat/Tgl. Lahir` :Sinjai 04 September 1993

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Alamat : Btn. Andi Tonro B1/15

Judul Skripsi : Evaluating the Quality of English Book at the Third Grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara.

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Gowa, 14 September 2015




ِميِحَّرلا ِنمْحَّرلا ِالله ِمْسِب

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, gratitude to the almighty Allah Swt., because of His grace and guidance, health and safety to live in this world, so that, this thesis can be resolved. Similarly Shalawat and Salam to the Prophet Muhammad Swt., who brought us from the darkness into the lightness. As well as the researcher says thanks for:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si, as the Rector of UIN Alauddin of Makassar

2. Dr. H. Muhammad Amri, Lc., M.Ag, as the Dean of the Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty, along with staff and lecturers of Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty of UIN Alauddin of Makassar.

3. Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I. and Sitti Nurpahmi S.Pd., M.Pd, as the head and the secretary of the English Education Department of UIN Alauddin of Makassar 4. Erwin Hafid, Lc., M.Th.I., M.Ed and Sukirman, S.Pd., M.Pd, as the first and second supervisors who have willingly provided time and energy to help, guide and direct the writer in completing this thesis.



Hindong Madjied who always motivate, educate, support, and pray for the writer’s success.

7. The researcher’s beloved aunt Hj.Sulaeha Madjied S.Pd. who is always motivate, support, and pray for the writer.

8. The researcher’s beloved siblings Nursyamsih, Nurul Huda S.Ag., Nurhayani S.Ag., Nur Akram Ahmad S.Pd. and Nur Istianah S.Pd. for their supporting. Their support kept the writer going.

9. The resereacher’s beloved brothers and sister in law Drs. Nuryamin M.Ag., Zainal Abidin S.Ag. and dr.Hj.Fitriani Nas for their supporting.

10. The researcher’s close friends when she was in SMA 1 Sinjai Utara, Meutia Mutmainnah Amd.Kep. and A.Rio Wijayanto Amd. Thanks for the joke, supporting and togetherness.



Fauzan, Abdul Muarif Akib, Chaidyr Adha Syah and Febrina Ramadanti who always help the researcher when conduct this thesis till the End.

13. The researcher’s friends in location of KKN Reguler 2015. Special for Indiz Essa Rutepar, Saidil fitrah, Andi Febrianto, Andi Mappasonge, Nurlatifah, Wilda Srijunida, and Risqa Nurul Fikriyah thank you for helping to the author during doing the natural study at Posko XV Palampang, in Palampang village, Rilau Ale’ district, Bulukumba regency. All people who help and those whom the researcher cannot be mentioned one by one.

The researcher realizes that, the writing of this thesis is far from the perfectness still the simplest one. Remaining errors are the researcher’s own; therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions will be highly appreciated. Finally, willingly the researcher prays, may all our/the efforts are blessed by Allah Swt. Amin.

Makassar, 5 Januari 2016











A. Background ... 1

B. The Problem Statements ... 5

C. The Operational Definition of Terms ……….. 6

D. The Research Objectives ... 6

E. The Research Significances ... 6

F. The Research Scopes ... 7


A. Some Previous Research Studies ... 8

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ... 9

1. The Concept of Evaluating ... 9

2. The Concept of Quality ... 13

3. The Concept of Book ... 14


A. Research Method ... 19

B. Research Subject ... 20

C. Types of Data ... 20

D. Research Instrument ... 20



B. Discussion ... 43


A. Conclusion ... 44

B. Suggestion ... 45


x ABSTRACT Name : Nurhasanah

Reg. No. : 20400111088

Title : Evaluating the Quality of English Book at the Third Grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara

Thesis entitled “Evaluating the Quality of English Book at the Third Grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara” discussed about evaluating the quality of English Book at the Third Grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara. The problems statements of this research were how the quality of English book used at the Third Grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara is. What are the weaknesses of English book used at the third grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara? What are the strengths of English book used at the third grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara? The research method was descriptive and the types of data being obtained were qualitative. The instrument of this research was used assessment rubrics to facilitate the researcher in evaluating the book “English on Sky 3”. This assessment rubric was created by the researcher. Book can be evaluated using common criteria, which were arranged in five major categories. The major categories were general attributes, suitability to learners, physical and utilitarian attributes, efficient outlay of supplementary material, and teaching learning content.

The objectives of this research were: to find out the quality of English book at the Third Grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara, to describe the weaknesses of English book used at the third grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara and to describe the strengths of English book used at the Third Grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara.



A. Background

Book has a vital and positive role to play in teaching and learning process. In reality, there are still some problems dealing with book used at school. Based on the observation conducted on May 13th 2015, the researcher found some problems in English language book used in SMP 1 Sinjai Utara. First, the content of the book

was not according to the learning needs of their students because learning material was too hard. Second, it was not according to the curriculum used in the school, such as in curriculum explaining about listening, but the book taught about reading. Third, the size of the font was too small. In fact, there were some reading texts that have a small font. Fourth, the researcher found content of the book that was textual,

because researcher found in the reading book many texts. Fifth, the paper of the book was not interesting because the book was not colorful. Sixth, the objectives

were not clear. The objectives needed a listening skill to practice but, not included with CD, so the students could not listen how to give an instruction. Eighth, the resource material was not organized and hard to use. Ninth, the textbook was expensive. There were nine general problems about the English language book used in school that the researcher often faced in the school.

As the researcher know that, the students need a perfect book, but many


teachers still use it. First, the teacher just took learning material from the internet. Second, the researcher often encountered teachers who were lazy looking for a book and only used the book provided from school. Third, many teachers did not consider

the conditions of their students. As a teacher, it important for them to evaluate, select, and adapt teaching materials to meet their teaching and student learning needs in order to maximize learning potentials. It cannot be continued if the researcher do not solve this problem. The problem will be advanced, and students will be lazy to learn. Students feel bored when teaching and learning English process happen. Then, the students are not interested with the textbook, the students’ and

the teachers’ ability will not develop. This problem has to be solved as soon as

possible so this situation can be avoided.

Furthermore, according to the problems above, the researcher concluded that, the quality of English book used in school has been evaluated as a solution for the problems. Why and how do the researcher evaluate the book? The idea of evaluating book is seen by researcher to be closely to select of book. Evaluation of book is also considered to function as a kind of educational judgment. Hutchinson and Waters 1987;96) define evaluation as a matter of judging the fitness of something for a particular purpose. The process of evaluation could not be a purely mechanical one and that professional judgment is involved at every stage. Cunningsworth find on understanding of the rationale of language teaching and learning and backed up by


materials evaluation helps the researcher and teachers to make decisions in selecting textbooks.

As the researcher seen the significance of evaluating textbooks, the researcher now concerned with the ways we evaluate term and the criteria we follow in the process of evaluation. Sheldon (1988) maintains that since no one set of criteria is applicable to all different situations, the researcher can only commit ourselves to checklist or scoring system. The evaluation textbook consists of a list of factors such as rationale, availability, layout etc. and rating (poor, fair, good, excellent) then, comments will be given at the corresponding space by the evaluator. The whole process of textbook assessment is inevitably a subjective activity.

To avoid the danger of allowing subjective factors influence judgment in the early, stage of analysis, Hutchinson and Waters (1987 : 97) emphasize the importance of objectivity in evaluation. In this case, evaluation is basically a matching process: matching needs to available solutions. If this matching is to be done as objectively as possible, it is best to look at the needs and solutions separately, thus they divide the evaluation, process into four major steps; 1) defining

criteria; 2) subjective analysis; 3) objective analysis; and 4) matching.


suitability; whether it actually does what it claim to be doing and whether it accomplishes its set goals. It is therefore important to examine whether it corresponded to the learners‟ needs of the particular situation, whether it promotes communicative language, learner autonomy, made use of problem solving approaches and whether it allows for differentiate instructions. It is beyond doubt that the English language has become the center of communication all over the world. In fact, it is one of the reasons why English is taught as a foreign language in many countries. As a matter of the fact, it has already become a medium of communication in many educational settings such as public schools as well. It has been taught so as to help learners to keep up with the recent advances and developments of the time in science and technology.

Through the process of evaluating some revelations have emerged, first, by

evaluating the teaching material teachers can understand more about language learning and give rise to new concepts and ideas, which in turn contribute to the adjustment, modification and eventually improvement of their own teaching. Second, materials evaluation appears to be a rather complicated matter materials

evaluation that so many criteria need to be taken into account, and subjectivity will more or less Influence our judgment. Third, the researcher needs to have the right attitudes towards textbooks. It has been observed the textbook are not masters but servants, the researcher and the students should not regard a textbook as an absolute


teaching, learning and adapt, complement or modify what’s not satisfactory. In this

way the researcher is making use of the textbooks to achieve the purpose. As the researcher has seen from this paper, the textbooks have problems of various kinds. A lot of problems need to be done on the part of the teacher to exert their creativity and imagination in bringing out the most effective results of teaching and learning. Textbooks will be totally suited to a particular teaching situation. Teacher will have to find his own way of using it and adapting it if necessary. So the researcher should not be looking for the perfect book which meets all requirements, but rater for the best possible fit between what the book offers and what teachers and students need. So that’s why the researcher take up the problem, through the researcher paper entitled. “Evaluating the Quality of English Book at the Third Grade of SMP 1

Sinjai Utara”.

B. Problem Statements

Based on the background above, the researcher questions were formulated as follows:

1. How is the quality of English book used at the third grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara?

2. What are the weaknesses of English book used at the third grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara?

3. What are the strengths of English book used at the third grade of SMP 1


C. Operational Definitions of Terms

English Book; English book means English on Sky 3, a book used at the third grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara, that was to evaluated by a researcher. The researcher evaluated the five criteria of the book.

D. Research objectives

In accordance with the problem statements above, objectives of this research were:

1. To find out the quality of English book at the third grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara.

2. To describe the weaknesses of English book used at the third grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara

3. To describe the strengths of English book used at the third grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara.

E. Research Significances

The significances of the research are expected to be useful information for teacher, student, and school, who concern to evaluate the quality of English book:

1. Teacher, to find out which books are more appropriate with students’ needs and learning goals.


3. School, to select which books are suitable to save in library.

F. Research Scopes




A. Review of Previous Research Studies

Here some previous studies which are relevant to this research as follow:

Sheldon (1988), Evaluating ELT textbooks and materials. ELT course book

publishing is a multi-million pound industry, yet the whole business of product

assessment is haphazard and under-researched. Course book is often seen by

potential consumers-teachers, learners and educational purchasers-as market

ephemera requiring invidious compromises between commercial and pedagogical

demands. Some practical and theoretical reasons for such grassroots discontent are

discussed, as are previous textbook studies and qualitative checklist. The state of the

informational assistance available to intending purchasers is also examined. Finally,

a set of common core qualitative criteria is an advanced, whose purposes, it would

be to make evaluation and selection more systematic and informed.

Litz (2005)’s study evaluated a university level textbook used in one of the

language courses at a university in South Korea. A total of eight university

instructor teaching that particular language course and five hundred students had

been surveyed. The study adopted a post use evaluation approach, focusing on how

the textbooks can meet students and teacher needs. This research project needed to

be initiated in order to determine the overall pedagogical value and suitability of


Research conducted by Indah (2013) about Analysis of Indonesian Course

Book Quality for High Level Class Used in SDN 2 Centre, Curup District

2012/2013. This research aimed to investigate the quality of Indonesian course book

in high level class at SDN 2, Curup 2012/2013. Method applied in this research was

evaluative descriptive mixed method. Data collection techniques were

documentation and observation which applying proper list and fry grapic test. From

documentation, it was obtained that there were five books which observed the

content appropriateness, language, and presentation, graphic and reading level at the

course book. The result indicated from appropriateness and reading level, from the

content of view, there were only two books which belong to good category books so

called ‘Inilah Indonesiaku (Class IV and VI), three other books had sufficient


Al-Yousef (2007) master of thesis evaluated secondary level third

intermediate English textbooks used in Saudi Arabia. The study used the checklist

method for evaluation which, based on the work of (Cunningsworth, 1995), was a

modified checklist suitable for the local environment.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. The Concept of Evaluating

Evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and

significance, using governed criteria by a set of standards. It can assist an


aim, realizable concept/proposal, or any alternative, to help in making decision; or to

ascertain the degree of achievement or value in regard to the aim and objectives and

results of any such action that has been completed. The primary purpose of

evaluation, in addition to gaining insight into prior or existing initiatives, is to

enable reflection and assist in the identification of future change.

a. General of Evaluation Textbook.

according to David Williams (2001) the general of evaluation textbooks are:

1) Guidance for non-native teachers is provide appropriate guidance so that novice

teachers have no doubt on the procedures proposed by the textbook. 2) Needs of

second language learners are textbook must suits multilingual setting and distinction

has to be made between English as a subject and English as a medium of instruction.

3) Relevance to the socio-cultural environment is as the second language problems

in learning vocab and syntax arise from differences between the cultures associated

with the target language and the mother tongue.4) give introductory guidance on

the presentation of language items and skills. 5) suggest aids for the teaching of

pronunciation/ speech. 6) Offer meaningful situation and variety of techniques for

teaching structural units (grammar). 7) Distinguish the different purposes and skill

involved in the teaching of vocabulary. 8) Provide guidance on the initial

presentation of passages for reading comprehension. 9) Demostrate the various

devices for controlling and guiding content and expression in composition


of textbook would emphasize technical criteria-Choice of typeface, colorful

illustrations, and die use of aids like workbooks and the textbooks should provide

balanced and systematic training in all language skills.\

b. Criteria of Evaluating Book

According to Khalil Zakari (1999) on his book ‚Consideration for Textbook

Evaluation‛ evaluation criteria, in additional to learning as demonstrated by formal

training and experience opportunities which the textbook provides for the learner,

other personal traits such as self-confidence, creativeness and attitudes towards

innovation, taking risks, problem solving and involvement are to be taken into

account when identifying evaluation criteria.

1.appropriateness of use of technology.

2.balance of the skills coherence with the curriculum.

3. content.

4. cost/reusability.

5.cultural variables.

6. Easy of use by the student.

7. Easy of use by the teacher.

8. Efficiency of supporting materials, electronic, audio-visual.

9. interactivity.

10. is to be used for homework?


12. Quality of the audio support.

13. Provising for diversity of learning styles.

c. Evaluating of The Book

An evaluating of the book, tells not only what is in a book, but also what a

book attempts to achieve and how it can be used. To discuss the uses of a book, you

must explore your own reactions, for these reactions reveal how you have responded

to the book. Thus, in writing an evaluating of the book, the researcher combines the

skills of describing what is on the page, analyzing how the book tries to achieve its

purpose, and expressing your own reactions. The nature and length of the analyzing

depend on the book, the purpose of the review, and the anticipated audience.

According to Cunningsworth (1984) evaluating book is judgment about what you

read and what you learn, can also be a systematic and objective assessment of an

ongoing or completed book, its design, implementation and results.Zainul and

Nasution (2001) States that the evaluation can be expressed as a decision making

process by using information obtained through measurements of the results of the

study, both of which use the instrument test and test. Tyler (1950), the evaluation

is the process of determining the extent to which educational objectives have been


2. The Concept of Quality

The standard of something as measured against other things of a similar

kind; the degree of excellence of something.

a. Quality of Book

Excellent - a book that is new. Yes, old books can be rated new if they were

packaged and stored well. The dust jacket (the paper cover of hardback books) will

be crisp and colors bright without tears or marks; the edges and spine will be clean,

straight with no bends and pages will be clean and crisp. If it is a soft cover, the

cover will have no bends or tears, nor there signs of shelf wear.

Very Good - a book that is close to being new-like but has a few blemishes.

Perhaps the corners of the hardback are bent, or the price sticker was clipped inside.

Normal shelf wear will reduce a book from truly new-like appearance, but will still

be a fine book to read and retain. It is common to grade a book as very well when

only the dust jacket has minor blemishes such as small tears.

Good - a book shows wear (and maybe tears). There may be library

markings, damage to a few pages, or very soiled cover. A book that comes from a

smoker's house is sometimes rated as good due to residual smells. I know collectors

that purchase "good" books to lend to friends so they don't have to lend their prized

quality ones.

Fair - the book is all there, but perhaps there are crayon marks on the cover


significantly torn. "Fair" books frequently have been heavily used. A book with

water damage on numerous pages is generally classified as fair. Fair quality books

can be a great bargain.

Poor - generally means the book is not really in readable condition - pages

may be loose or missing, cover severally damaged. These books often are purchased

for repurposing such as covers for new paper journals, pictures and illustrations for

art projects.

3. The Concept Of Book

A book is a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made

of ink, paper, parchment, or other materials, fastened together to hinge at one side.

A single sheet within a book is a leaf, and each side of a leaf is a page. A set of

text-filled or illustrated pages produced in electronic format is known as an electronic

book, or e-book. Books may also refer to work of literature, or a main division of s

such a work. In library and information science, a book is called a monograph, to

distinguish it from serial periodicals such as magazines, journals or newspapers. The

body of all written works including book is literature. In novels and sometimes other

types of books (for example, biographies), a book may be divided into several large

sections, also called books (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, and so on). An avid reader of

book is a bibliophile or colloquial, bookworm.

According to Greene and petty (1971), Assessment criteria textbook covers


it. 2. Textbooks are to be able to motivate the students who use it 3. Textbooks shall

contain illustrations that captivate the students who use it. 4. Textbooks it being

understood considering the aspects of linguistics, so in accordance with the ability

of the students who use it 5. The contents of the textbook should be closely related

to other subjects; better still if it can support it with a plan, so everything is a

determination is intact and unified. 6. Textbooks are to be able to stimulate,

stimulate private activities of the students who use it. 7. Textbooks are to be

conscious and decided to avoid concepts vague and unusual, so as not to confuse the

students could use 8. Textbooks it must have a point of view or "point of view" a

clear and unequivocal so that also eventually became the point of view of its users

loyal. 9. Textbooks are to be able to provide stabilization, emphasis on the values of

children and adults. 10. Textbooks are to be able can appreciate the personal

differences of the students who use it

4. The Important of Role of Textbooks in the EFL Classroom

A textbook can be referred to as a published book specially designed to help

language learners to improve their abilities (Sheldon: 1987). In addition to being a

learning instrument, textbooks are also used as a supporting teaching instrument.

The student's book usually comes with other materials such a workbook, a teacher’s

book, or even additional multimodal text for a reference as a textbook package

(Masuohara& Tomlinson: 2008). They are ‚designed to give cohesion to the


language-based activities aimed at offering classroom activities for students‛

(Mares:2003) and foster effective and quick learning of the language


The widespread use of textbooks in different ELT context requires little

further explanation. It continues to play an essential role to play in ELT classroom is

so extensive that is almost a universal element in ELT teaching (Hutchinson &

Torres: 1994) and it is crucial to any ELT program (Sheldon:1988).Research has

suggested that it is extremely common to see ELT professional incorporating the use

of textbook for daily teaching purposes and very view of them would not use

published ELT materials at some stage of their career (Byrd:2001& Shaw:2003).

Even though the importance of use of textbook in ELT has been justified by

many different researches, opinions on whether textbooks can actually help or hinder

the teaching and learning process seem to polarize. In view of this the researcher

would also like to provide a literature review on pro and cons of using textbooks in

EFL teaching.

5. The Need for Textbook Evaluation

The ever increasing number of textbooks on the market makes formulating

the right choice in textbooks difficult (Cunningsworth 1995). Textbook selection

can have a massive impact on the teaching and learning process as teachers would

make references to the textbooks or even design the entire EFL syllabus around it. In


Frequently, a textbook selection is not based on its intrinsic pedagogical value, but

of the perceived prestige of the author and or the publisher, or skillful marketing by

the publishers. Preference is given to books printed in attractive covers or that

teachers would blindly use the best – selling textbooks which are used in many other


A number of studies have suggested that most current global, local ELT

textbooks are developed for commercial purposes bur are not based on principles of

language acquisitions and development recommended by scholars and educators.

Financial success has become the primary goal of textbook publishing. Instead of

contributing positively to students’ development in the acquisition of the English

language, many textbooks are in fact leading to learners’ failure in acquiring the

language and in the worst case, contain serious pedagogical flaws and practical


According to Tomlinson (2008), the cause of learning failure is two fold. The

first cause of failure is that possibly motivated by the need of commercial success,

publishers would have to produce according to the public demand. Textbook writing

as a result is molded according to the liking of teachers, parents, and administrators

with heavy focus on teaching of linguistic items instead of creating opportunities for

students to acquire the language. Also, teachers tend to choose textbooks that are

designed to allow for minimal preparation for their classes. The second cause of


the textbook, textbook writers relied on their intuition and produce materials what

they think would work best for their intended users. Tomlinson (2008) biased

towards perceived rather than actual needs of learners. Though the textbook written

by professional writers is usually of good quality in items of organization, packaging

and design, they tend to be lacking in qualities of being creative and imaginative.

In view of the above, it is therefore very important for us to conduct an EFL

textbook evaluation so as to ensure ELT textbooks can effectively facilitate the

attainment of our teaching objectives, and at the same time, be economically viable

to teachers and students. Wrong choice of textbooks would be likely to negatively

affect both teaching and learning. Financial resources would also be wasted.

6. A review of Textbook Evaluation as a Pedagogical Process.

ELT materials evaluation or more precisely textbook evaluation, ‚involves

measuring the value or (potential value) of a set of learning materials (textbooks) by

making judgments about the effect of the effect of the materials (textbook) on the

people using them‛ (Tomlinson 2004) . The area of ELT textbook evaluation seems

to be under-researched, with a limited supply of relevant literature. As summarized

by McGrath (2002) have suggested that it would be best for textbook evaluation

schemes to adopt a ‚leveled‛ approach in evaluation in which a first level overview

‚impressionistic‛ evaluation should be first conducted followed by an in-depth


The work of Cunningsworth (1995) has helped to provide a good brief summary

of how a leveled evaluation can be conducted. When applying the impressionistic

method, we take the literal meaning of the method by quickly looking through the

textbook cover to cover, to try and get an overview of of the strengths and

weaknesses of the book. The overview can provide formation of a quick opinion as

the design and structure of the textbook, such as how attractive the cover is, what

ancillary materials come with the textbook, and how the textbook is sequenced.

Textbooks found unsuitable for use would have been screened out after this process.

An in-depth evaluation will be undertaken subsequently to provide a detailed

evaluation of specific items in each textbook on areas such as how the exercises can

cater for the syllabus and learners’ need. An example of an in-depth evaluation

would be to select one or two chapters and look at the balance of skills and activities




A. Research Method

This research was descriptive. Descriptive research or taxonomy research is

intended for exploration and clarification concerning a phenomenon, by describing a

number of variables regarding the problem and the unit under study. It has many

models in descriptive research, such as survey methods, continuity descriptive,

action research, study case, Analytical research and activities, Library and

documentary research. Based on many models, the researcher will applied a Library

and documentary researchthat was more applicable to this research because this

method wasa research which concerned with the book, library anddocumentary

research involving the use of texts and documents as source research material.

Descriptive has important steps as follows: 1) Identifying the significant

problems to be solved through descriptive method. 2) Restricting and formulate the

problem clearly. 3) Determining the purpose and benefits of research. 4) Performing

literature related to the problems. 5) Determining the right frame of mind, and the

research questions or hypotheses and research. 6) Designing the research methods to

be used, including in this case determine the population, sample, sampling

techniques, determining the data collection instruments, and analyzing data. 7)

Collecting, organizing, and analyzing data using statistical techniques relevant. 8)


B. Research Subject

This research evaluated the quality of English book at the third grade of SMP

1 Sinjai Utara .The researcher chose this book as a research subject because the

researcher had studied there and found some problems about English book used at

the third grade of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara and the researcher had known half of the

teachers in this location.

C. Types of Data

Type of data obtained was qualitative. Creswell (1998) stated that,

qualitative research is an inquiry process of understanding based on distinct

mythological traditions of inquiry that explore the social or human problem. The

research builds a complex, holistic picture, analyzes words, reports, detailed views of

informants, and conducts the study in a natural setting. The types of data that was

obtained such us, the correlation book with syllabus, layout, content, suitability to

learners, and other criteria. Qualitative data was be taken from evaluating book

entitled English On Sky 3 by Mukarto, Suyatmiko,Josephine and WidyaKiswara.

D. Instrument

The instrument of this research was assessment rubrics to facilitate

researcher in evaluating the book English on Sky 3. This assessment rubric was

created by Cunningsworth. Books were evaluated using common criteria, which


learners, physical and utilitarian attributes, efficient outlay of supplementary

materials, and teaching-learning content. Each of these criteria had sub criteria.

E. Technique of Data Collection

The technique of data collection used in this research was the measure went

proposed by Sugiyono (2005) as follows:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction means summarizing, choose things that were fundamental,

focusing on things that were important, as well as look for themes and patterns. The

reduced data provided a clearer picture, facilitated researcher to conduct the further

data collection, and looked for it if necessary.

2. Display Data

After reducing data, the next step was to present the data, in qualitative

research. Data presentation was conducted in the form of a short description, chart,

relations between categories, and the like. The most often used to present data in

qualitative research was narrative text. With the presentation of the data, it made it

easier to understand what happened. Furthermore, in performing the data display, in

addition to the narrative text, it also could be a graph, matrix, network (network),

and charts.

3. Conclusion and Verification

The last step in data analysis, was drawing the conclusions to get the validity


picture of an object that previously was not clear or dark so that after investigation,




A. Findings

Evaluating the quality of English book took English on Sky 3 as a subject of

research. English On Sky 3 (students’ English book in the third grade of SMP 1

Sinjai Utara) was written by Mukarto, Sujatmiko, Josephine, and Widya Kiswara,

edited by Dwi Wahyu Priyanto and Anna Valentina, setting and layout by

dept.setting, cover designed by FaridSabilach, print by PT. Gelora Aksara Pratama,

and published by PT. Erlangga. This book has 195 sheets. The high and the length of

this book are 24,9 cm and 1 cm.

After doing an analysis, assessment rubric of the book here had five criteria

and each part had its own analysis:

1. General Attributes

General attributes explain about the book correlation in syllabus and

curriculum in English KTSP syllabus of the third grade junior High School. There

are 7 components: Basic Competence, Lesson Material, Learning Process, Indicator

Achievement of Learning, Score, Time Allocation, and Sources.

First, it is about standard competence. It has 6 KD in the syllabus and 6

topics in the books. First, Basic Competence 1.1.dealt with responding to the

contained meaning in transactional conversation (to get things done) and simple


context of everyday life that involves speech acts: ask and give certainty, as well as

expressing and responding to doubts. First topic in the book is ‚Slice the Onion,

Please! Contents of this topic are transactional and interpersonal conversations

(talking about how to make things), monolog (how to make things), Language focus

(giving instructions, expressing and asking for certainly, expressing and responding

to doubt), Grammar points (some and any, adverb of manner), vocabulary (food and

drink), pronunciation (/ө/ sound).

Basic competence 2.1 dealt with responding to the contained meaning in the

functional simple short oral text accurately, fluently, and thank to interact in the

context of daily life. The second topic in EOS 3 is Animal reports, contents of this

topic are transactional and interpersonal conversations (talking about animals),

monolog (reporting a certain animal), language focus (giving compliments,

expressing an opinion), grammar points (possessive pronouns, modal can,

introductory there), vocabulary (kinds of sounds that animals make, pets, wild

animals, anatomy of animals), pronunciation (/i:/ sound).

Basic competence 3.1 dealt with expressing meaning in transactional

conversation (to get things done) and simple short interpersonal (social) by using a

variety of oral language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact in the context

of daily life that involves speech acts: ask and give certainty and express and

respond doubt. The third topic in EOS 3 book’s is discovering plants, contents of


monolog (reporting a plan), language focus (describe something, giving opinions),

grammar points (elliptical sentences with so, neither, too, and either both, neither),

vocabulary (kinds of plant, parts of plants), pronunciation (/α:/ sound).

Basic competence 4.1 dealt with expressing meaning in the form of a simple

short functional oral texts by using a variety of oral language accurately, fluently

and thankful to interact in the context of daily life. The fourth topic in EOS 3 is

where water flows a long way away. The contents of this topic are conversation

transactional and interpersonal (talking about what you see), monolog (reporting a

certain river), language focus (comparing things, expressing politeness), grammar

points ( degrees of comparison, superlative adjectives, the most and the longest),

vocabulary (natural disasters, river system), pronunciation (/ʧ/ sound).

Basic competence 5.1 dealt with responding to the meaning and rhetorical

stages of a simple, short essay accurately, fluently and thankful to interact in the

context of daily life in the form of text and the report procedure. The fifth topic in

the book is ‚enchanting story lines‛, contents of this topic are: conversation

transactional and interpersonal (talking about story telling), monolog (a story about

the foolish donkey), language focus (giving some tips, breaking and responding to

surprising news), grammar points (present perfect continuous, past perfect),

pronunciation (/k/ and /g/ sounds).

Basic competence 6.1 dealt with expressing meaning in the form of a simple


fluently and thankful to interact in the context of daily life. The sixth topic in the

book is ‚Modern Technology‛, contents of this topic are: conversations

transactional and interpersonal (chatting on the internet), functional text

(advertisement, homepage, chat room), language focus (asking someone to repeat

information like pardon, sorry, etc.), pronunciation (/s/ and /z/ sounds).

The researcher found that the content of the book is closely connected with

the syllabus, but sometimes the arrangement in textbooks is not sequentially in

accordance with the syllabus, such as in the first lesson material in syllabus teaches

about imperatives, simple present, but in the book, content in first topic are

imperative sentences and adverb of manner. Whereas simple present tense are taught

in the second topic.

2. Suitability to Learners

There are 3 aspects about the suitability of the book to the learners. First, it

is compatible to the age of the learners. Second, it is compatible to the needs of the

learners and third it is compatible with the interest of the learners.

a. The Book is Compatible to the Age of the Learners

In English on sky 3, the researcher found that material taught in books such a

procedure text, tenses, was suitable to be taught to students who are at the age of

14 or 15 years. The principles of an integrated learning strategy. Learning strategies

planned and implemented a unified based on the following principles: 1) orienting to


integrating content and learning process, 4) involving the discovery of an active, 5)

combining various fields of development, 6) learning vary activities, 7) having the

potential to be implemented through projects by children, 8) implementing of time is

flexible, 9) involving family members of children, 10) theme can be expanded, and

11) being revised in accordance with the interests and understanding that are shown

by students. (Masitoh et al., 2005). There are several benefits of lesson teaching

strategy, integrated, namely: 1) increasing the development of the concept of the

children, 2) allowing children to explore science through various activities, 3)

helping teachers and other practitioners to develop pedagogic, and 4) being carried

out at the level of different programs, separately all ages, and for children with

special needs.

b. The Book is Compatible to the Needs of the Learners

The researcher found the suitability of EOS 3 to the needs of the learners has

a relation with the learners needs, According to Simpson and Ure, learners have

shared needs associated with the following:

The curriculum - the need to be given appropriate levels of work, to know

about what to be learned is to be set realistic, short term targets, support in the

acquisition of component or pre-requisite skills, etc

Cognition - the needs to have explanations which are comprehensible; to

have misunderstandings, misconceptions identified and rectified; to be given


abstract concepts; to have such available strategies as concept-mapping, to assist in

the development of understanding; etc.

The management of learning - the needs to have support in the self-pacing or

management of work; to be assisted in understanding how to work profitably in

groups or teams; to be able to identify strategies for problem-solving/tackling exam

questions/taking notes/highlighting key points/revising etc; to develop a strategy for

asking for assistance with problems; etc.

Motivational factors - the needs to be motivated to learn; to expect success

and progression in learning; to be confident; to expect problems to be capable of

resolution; to have high but attainable goals; to recognize purpose in the learning

process; to value the skills and knowledge acquired in school and to have an

expectancy that these are a springboard for future learning; etc.

Personal factors - the needs to have idiosyncratic personal issues taken note

of, example times of crisis or stress; to have personal circumstances taken into

account, example lack of facilities for doing homework, lack of parental support or

encouragement; to have assistance with improving personal and interpersonal skills;

low self-esteem etc; to have help in dealing with peer group pressure etc.

c. The Book is Compatible with the Interest of the Learners

The researcher found that content of this book was compatible with the

learners’ need. Why the researcher states that because in the content of this book has


teenagers today have more ability to demand that more lessons could be simplified

and meticulous. Then, use the technique to simplify the complicated both in

understanding of the material, the formula to solve problems in accordance with the

logic of the development of students' thinking.

3. Physical and Utilitarian Attributes

There were 4 aspects about physical and utilitarian attributes, namely; 1.Its

layout is attractive; 2. It indicates efficient use of the text and visuals; 3. It is

durable; 4. It is cost-effective, this aspect tells about the physics of the book.

a. Attractive Layout

The color of the cover was green and red. Color selection was quite

interesting because it was bright. On the cover, there was a picture of a foreign girl

wearing earphones and looks cheerful. The colors of the sheets were white and

violet. All of the picture there was not colorful, most of them just black and white.

There were many pictures to support the explanation of the book. Every single topic

has indicator, easier for students to understand what was learned in the unit, but

there were some passages that lead to the reader the size of a small word is difficult

to read for example on page 104, a letter from nirina to shanty.

b. Indicates Efficient Use of Text and Visuals

In the best picture books, the illustrations extend and enhance the written


book’s parts. This book indicated efficient use of text and visual, because most of

the task or reading materials have pictures around the texts.

c. Durable

Before the researcher explain about the durability of this book or not, we

have to know a good book. According to Hso (2011) the paper covers of hardback

books, thick paper and not opaque. So the possibility of small damaged books. After

the researcher evaluate EOS 3, the researcher found that the cover of this book was

not a hardback cover, also the sheets was opaque and slight. The glue of this rapidly


If the readers want to reading book properly: 1) when a book bound with

glue. When the paperback (soft cover) first fold the front cover and back cover

parallel to the spine of the book with a distance of about 1 cm from the spine of the

book. 2) Thus, when opening next sheet following the fold of the inner folds of the

cover. See the example in the book with a hard cover. So despite the possibility of a

small book. 3) Do not fold the pages. Page book will be easily torn apart that these

habits make books unsightly. Use bookmarks or tape pasted on the last page. This is

to mark the pages of the book that will be read later. 3) Do not fold the part that is

not readable. This is so that volumes remain intact too fast so that no dog-eared

book. 4) When reading a book in bed. After reading the book sure is placed in a safe

place in an orderly, so avoid squeezing the body. Holding a book with two hands. 5)


cover of the book due to harsh bending. 6) Reading a book while eating or drinking.

Make sure the book does not spill food or drink.

d. Effective Cost

The cost of this book was Rp.40.000,00. the price cannot be reached by

students, expensive and readily available in bookstores. So it means that the price of

this book was not effective. Why the researcher said that, because according to the

research, one of the student of SMP 1 Sinjai Utara said that this book was expensive

because not included with CD.

4. Efficient Outlay of Supplementary Materials

This assessment explained about the book is supported by essential like audio

material. There were many materials about listening tasks, but this book not

included with CD, so it means that made the students difficult to learn the material.

5. Teaching-learning content

There were eight assessments aspect of the teaching-learning contents are

general, listening, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, and exercise. Each part

had sub criteria.

a. General

In general part have 6 sub criteria are: most of the tasks in the books were

interesting, tasks move from simple to complex, task objectives are achievable,

cultural sensitivities have been considered, the language in the textbook is natural


Most of the tasks are interesting, for example:

The book could increase the students mastering vocabulary, for example in

page 126-127.

Read the definition in the right side and match them with the right words in the left


River A stream flowing into or joining larger streams

Bed The end of a river, where it empties into a large body of water.

Bank The sides of a river or stream.

Stream A high stretch land that forms the boundary around a drainage


Tributary A triangular-shaped land at the mouth of a river.

Mouth Stream branches into which a river divides where it reaches irs


Delta A large, flowing body of water that usually empties into a sea

or ocean.

Watershed A smaller river.

Drainage basin The bottom of the river.

Based on the task above, by displaying some of the terms and their meanings

are arranged randomly, then the student is required to match the term with the


terms that have been provided. So the duty of presentation is very interesting,

because the students were asked to open her knowledge and discover new


The tasks move from simple to complex, in unit 2 about ‘Animal Reports‛

the researcher found most of the tasks move from simple to complex, for example in

Page 63-65.

Let’s read and write

Let’s build the field

1. Grammar Pit Stop: Reviewing Simple Present Tense 1) Choose the correct answer!

1. A cat (give, gives) milk to its babies. 2. Reptiles (has, have) thick skin. 3. A bird (has, have) wings. 4. Butterflies (are, is) insects. 5. A snake (lays, lay) eggs.

6. Lions (sleep, sleeps) about 11 hours a day. 7. Zebras (come, comes) from Africa.

8. Bats (live, lives) in trees. Their blood (is, are) cold. 9. A tortoise (eat, eats) leaves and grass.

10. A. tortoise (is, are) a reptile.

2) Complete The Report. Choose the correct options!

Is/are Lives/live Eats/ eat Sleeps/ sleep Climbs/ climb

Koala Bears

Koala bears (1)….. mammals. They (2) ….. from Australia. They (3)……in

trees and they also (4) ….. in trees. They (5)…… leaves. They can (6) ….. very well. Koala bears (7)….. usually small. The babies (8)….. only 2 centimeters tall. This koala bear is an adult koala. It (9) ….. about 0,5 meters tall. It (10) ….. about 1


3) Find the mistakes and rewrite the report!

Komodo Dragons

Komodo dragons is the native animals of Indonesia. They are very big. People sometimes calls them giant lizards. It is very dangerous. They eats deer, wild pigs and other komodo dragonss Komodo dragons belongs to reptiles. They has could blood and and it lays eggs. A komodo dragon can run and climbs a tree. It can lives without eating for weeks or even months!.

Based on three examples above, the task move from simple to complex. The

first example, tells about simple task, the second example, tells about moderate task,

and the last examples, tell about a complex task.

Tasks objectives were achievable, according to dictionary, objectives task is

a test consisting of factual questions requiring extremely short answers that can be

quickly and unambiguously scored by anyone with an answer key, thus minimizing

subjective judgments by both the person taking the test and the person scoring it.

For example in page 72.

4) On your own. Follow these instructions

1. Decide an occasion or event.

2. Design the front cover or your invitation including the words.

3. Write the content of your invitation inside.

Your design and the words.


Event (occasion)

The researcher found the tasks were achievable because students can reach

out and understand the purpose of the task.

Cultural sensitivities have been considered, in English On Sky 3, the

researcher found that, there was no material Tells about cultural of one area, or

state. It means that, the writer of this book had not known if allowed to enter

something that leads to a culture, because the culture has a high sensitivity level.

The language in the textbook was natural and real, most of the example in

this book have a particularly natural language and depicts a reality. For example,

reading text "the Nile River" ( page 134). It was clear that the Nile is a river which

is located in Egypt, and in this book there was also a lot of lesson material about of

procedure. Procedure explains about how to make something for example on page 25

tell about how to make fried rice. The situations created in the dialogues sounds

natural and real. (Page 21). In this dialogue tell about how to make salad by using

procedure text in dialogue form.


b. Listening

Listening material in EOS 3.First, In Slice the Onions, please! The materials

are: identifying how to give instruction, identifying how to express and asking for

certain, identifying how to express and respond to doubt, and identifying the generic

structure of an oral procedure text. Second, In Animal Reports, the material are:

identifying how to give compliments, identifying how to express opinions,

identifying the generic structure of an oral report on animals, identifying how to

give and respond to compliments. Third, In Discovering Plants, the materials were:

identifying how to describe things, identifying how to give opinions, identifying the

generic structure of a natural report on plants, and identifying how to tell and

respond to news. Fourth, In Where Water flows a long way away, the material are:

identifying how to compare things, identifying how to express politeness, and

identifying the generic structure of an oral report on plants. Fifth, In Enchanting

story lines, the material are: identifying how to give tips, identifying how to break

and respond to surprising news, and identifying the generic structure of an oral

narrative. Sixth, in last topics Modern Technology, the material are: identifying how

to ask someone to repeat information, identifying how to express and respond to

sympathy, and identify how to express and respond to interest.

In the EOS 3 has an appropriate listening task with well- defined goals, for

example in page (3). The researcher found in this listening task well-defined goals,


and write the correct word according mentioned by Shanti in the book EOS 3, the

listening tasks are efficiently graded according to complexity because suitable with

their age and the tasks are authentic or close to the real language situation.

a. Speaking

Speaking material in EOS 3.First , in Slice the onion, please! The materials

are: expressing meaning in transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal

dialog (socialization): to give instructions, express and ask for certainly, express and

respond to doubt, giving a short monolog: procedural texts. Second, in Animal

Report, the material are: Expressing meaning in transactional (to get things done)

and interpersonal dialog (socialization): to give compliments, express opinions,

giving a short monolog (report texts), giving and responding to compliments. Third,

in discovering plants, the material are: expressing meaning in transactional (to get

things done) and interpersonal dialog (socialization): to describe things, give

opinions, giving short monolog: report text, telling and responding to news. Fourth,

in where water flows a long way away, the material are: Expressing meaning in

transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal dialogue (socialization): to

compare things express politeness, giving a short monolog: reports. Fifth, in

Enchanting story line, the materials were: Expressing meaning in transactional (to

get things done) and interpersonal dialog (socialization); to give tips, to break and


Technology, the material are: Expressing meaning in transactional (to get things

done) and interpersonal dialog (socialization), express sympathy, express interest.

In assessment rubric, there are two aspects of speaking material who want to

evaluate, first, activities were developed to initiate meaningful communication. The

researcher found, there were many speaking activities of this book, want to develop

to initiate meaningful communication such us on page 11 part D tell about the

students made a dialog based on the following situation which has been defined.

The students made a dialog first based on following situations, after that the

students practice with their friends in front of their friends. This example has a

meaningful communication because with this dialog the students can made a

communication to other students about something. The activities were not balanced

between individual response, pair work, and group work, because the researcher

found in this book, many activities for individual response, after that for pair work

and the last for group work, in this book the researcher was founded.

b. Reading

Reading material in EOS 3, First, slice the onions, please!, the materials are:

responding to short functional text (menu), responding the essay texts (procedural

text).Second, Animal Reports, the material are: responding to short functional texts

(invitation cards), responding to essay texts (report). Third, Discovering Plants, the

material are: responding to simple short functional written text (short massages),


material are: responding to short functional essay text (posters), responding to essay

texts (reports). Fifth, Enchanting story lines, the material is responding to essay

texts (narrative). Sixth, Modern Technology, the material is responding to meaning

in simple short functional written texts (email, short massages, and advertisements).

A good reading text can develop the students reading skills. The texts cover a

variety of topics, fulfilling every student needs. The researcher found in this book

was many activities about reading text. Many reading text were interested, because

can give new insights to the students about natural events; how making something,

and many more, the researcher believe that reading text can improve students'

ability. There was also a narrative text like a fable that tells of an animal or a high

imagination for example onpage 164 the title is The Boy Who Cried ‚Wolf‛, this

text tell about a boy who was looking for the his ship,but he makes some funny joke

with lie the to the people. This text was not natural, the text builds the main up.

c. Writing

Writing material in EOS 3, first, in slice the onions, please! The materials

are: expressing ideas in the forms of short functional text (menu), expressing ideas in

the form of essay text (procedure). Second, Animal reports, the material are:

Expressing ideas in the form of an essay text (report), expressing ideas in the form of

short functional text (invitation cards). Third, Discovering Plants, the material are:

Expressing ideas in the form of simple short functional text (short messages),


Long Way Away, the material are: expressing ideas in the form of short functional

text (posters), expressing ideas in the form of essay texts (reports). Fifth, Enchanting

Story Lines, the material is expressing ideas in the form of essay texts (narrative).

Sixth, Modern Technology, the material is expressing ideas in the form of simple

short functional texts (emails, short messages, advertisement).

Writing task is one of the important things that must be included in the

English book. In English On Sky 3, there were many writing activities, such as on

page 124.

Students are asked to search for information about a river, and write it into a

story. This example describes the correspondence between the teaching materials to

the needs of students, this task was interesting, because students can know the rivers

are in the world.

d. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is all about words — the words in a language or a special set of

words you were trying to learn. Vocabulary is so important. Selection of vocabulary

in this book is appropriate for students 3rd grade junior high school because of the

vocabulary in this book are common in everyday life, on page 111. In this task was a

O n your Own.

1. Prepare a small talk about certain river. 2. Do research. You may use encyclopedia

or search engine on the internet.


crossword puzzle, a puzzle in which words corresponding to numbered clues or

definitions are supplied and fitted into correspondingly numbered sets of squares,

one letter per square, the words being arranged horizontally or vertically so that

most letters form part of two words.

In this book vocabulary load across chapters and the whole book, there was a

good distribution from simple to complex, for example 118, and 119 and the words

were efficiently repeated and recycled across the book.

e. Grammar

The whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general,

usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and

sometimes also phonology and semantics. Materials of grammar in this book are:

countable and uncountable nouns, some and any, imperative sentences, adverb of

manner, noun phrases, possessive pronouns, modal ‚can‛, simple present tense,

adjective clause, degree of comparison, superlative adjectives, present perfect

continuous, present perfect, past perfect. of the selection of grammar in this book

use simple grammar that is used in a general form, and is used repeatedly in

everyday life. Such as on page 30 tells about ‚some and any‛.

f. Exercise

Exercise is one of important part have to exist in the lesson book. In English

On Sky 3, there were many exercises, the students can learn friendly, the exercise


natural events so the student can answer the exercise easier. In this book also can

help students who are under to over-achievers, because the language in this book is

commonly used in everyday conversation, it means that can help ease the students

to understand the exercise, also the exercise move from simple to complex so,

students can learn step by step.

6. Weakness

A quality or feature was regarded as a disadvantage or fault. The researcher

found the weakness of this book. In paper of the book, there were many pictures that

should be given a color to make it more attractive and clarifying the picture. This

book was not included with the CD, the textbooks were contextual, and there were

many reading texts.

7. Strengths

The strength of this book was the connection of the syllabus and curriculum,

suitability to learners, reading texts were graded and interesting. The writing tasks

have achieved goals, in line with learners’ capabilities, and writing tasks are

interesting. Vocabulary, the load (number of new words in each lesson )was

appropriate to the level, there was a good distribution (simple to complex) of

vocabulary load across chapters and the whole book. Words are efficiently repeated

and recycled across the book. The spread of grammar was achievable and


thought the book, and the exercise was categorized friendly, adequate, and help

students who were under/ over-achievers.

B. Discussion

Evaluating the quality of English book is the title of this research, to find the

quality of book, weaknesses, and strength. Textbooks are the backbone of

instruction in the education system like most of the developing countries. According

to Hutchinson and Waters (1987), textbook evaluation is basically a straightforward,

analytical ‘matching process: matching needs to available solutions. In general

attributes explain about the book correlation in syllabus and curriculum, The Federal

Ministry of Education is the body that is constitutionally responsible for

maintaining the standards of education and educational goals. Therefore, the

textbooks are approved by the Ministry before these are allowed to use in the school

especially in the public sector. This study described characteristics of quality

textbooks and gauged their presence in the Ministry-approved textbooks through the

judgments of the experts in the field. Unluckily, the Ministry-approved textbooks

are lacking in characteristics of quality textbook (Mohammad and Kumari, 2007).

In general attributes explain about the book correlation in syllabus and

curriculum in the English KTSP syllabus and the researcher found that the content

of the book is closely connected with the syllabus, but sometimes the arrangement

in textbooks is not sequentially in accordance with the syllabus, such as in the first


2.  Tanya jawab menggunakan 2. Bertanya dan menjawab tentang gambar terkait tema
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