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Countless individuals have contributed directly and indirectly 1o the

resean:h and to the wmpletion of this thesis. The writer is deeply indebted to ea<:h

one and

therefore he

would like to express his heartfelt gratitude.

He flrst wishes to thank his Board of Adviser members who guided his

S1Udy, particularly his first adviser Dr. Anita Yus, M.Pd. also the Secretary of the

Basic Education Postgraduate School who stimulated his interest in Thematic

approach and taught him everything she knows about thematic learning. From the

initial stage of the proposal throughout the entire process, she gave him invaluable

advice, guiding him in formulating his researcl\ goals, defining his approach, and,

generally keeping his thesis on ti'IICic. He cannot thanlc her enough for his

excellent and patient assistance. Dr. Evi Ev!yanti, M.Pd. who was always ready to

discuss theoretical and ask the questions with her and generously provided him

with concrete suggestions on organizing her ideas and resean:h materials.

He is also especially grateful to his Board of Reviewer members Prof. Dr.

Busmin Guming, M.Pd. also the Head of the English Applied Linguistics

Postgraduate School, Prof Dian Armanto, M.Pd., M.A.,M.Sc., Ph.D. also the The

Head of Basic Education Study Program of Basic Education Postgraduate School,

and Dr. Abruralunan AdisapuiT&., M.Hum who reviewed his proposal and offered

many extremely helpful susgestions without which he wouJd not have been able

to bring this thesis into a fin.~ I fonn.

He would like to thank his colleagues Conny Pangcmanan, Mida Guming,

S.Pd who help the writer to make observation of this research. And to the Board

of Leadership members ofSCMM Foundation oflndonesia Sr. Rosa Sihotang,

SCMM (Chairperson).l..eadership member of SCMM in Sibolga, Sr. Dionisia

Marbu, SCMM, Sr. Angela Sircgar, SCMM (Treasure). Sr. Scholastica Tamba.


STKIP Santa Maria Sibolga ) for his helpful very precious. Words cannot express

how grateful he is for their trust, encouragement and support. Once


he is

indebted in all these respects and m<m.

He is exttemely indebted to his landlady, Herlina Matondang who has

forever been generous to him and treated him as if he were her sibling son that he

bas received the best of cvel)'thing

Sincerest appreciation is especially addres5ed to his beloved parents

Rampa Tambunan and Herlina Lwnbanpea whose eternal love and continuous

prayers have always empowered him to travel twcuty four hours every week to

attend classes at the State Univenity of Medan in his endeavor of academic

acx:omplishment. Their philosophy of life inspires him to make sense of profound

meaning of education for the good of humanity. ·Their hard work ethic examplifies

his guiding principles of life and makes him believe that impossible is nothing.

All time and whole-hearted gratefulness is due to his dearest wife Saur

Marita Aritonang, S.Pd, and whole life four children Claudy Pebrie Tambunan,

Dorothy Angeliana Tamb11118n, Pien-e Marshal Tambunan. IUld Dillda Khalrin

Tambunan who have lost a lot of his love but poured indispensable amount of

tll.eln on him and constantly been supporting and encouraging during the course

of his education. This thesis is dedicated to them and they deserve it.

God bless.

Medan, June 2011. The 'Miter,

Salmon Tambunan

Registration Number: 0809825016


I :


Tambunan. Salmon 20 II. Increasing The Learning Outcomes of Grade 'Three Students of Catholic Elementary School Number 2 of Sibolga by Employing Thematic Learning Approch. A Thesis. Basic Education Study Program, Postgraduate Schoo~ The State University of Medan.

This study is oonoemed with how to increase the students' teaming outcomes of the third grader by implementing thematic approach at Catholic elementary school number 2 of Sibolga. The objective of this study is to increase the learning outoomes of the third grader of Catholic elem~t.ary school of Sibolga by using thematic approach. This S(U(!y is a classroom action research category in which the execution of treatment four phases were uodertalcen, namely planning. action, observation and reflection of action. It was discovered that through thematic

ap~h the learning in gJade three was m<lfe enjoyable in which the learners

were physically and mentally involved during the teaching and learning process. The result of data analysis indicated that at cycle I the averaee of students' outcomes under the theme of" Event" was 72.4%. This result had not met the

?S% of minimum mastery criteria 411d hence cycle two was given especially for the competencies which were not achieved. The learning outcomes of cycle two with the same theme was 86,6% and the learning objective was considered complete individually and classically. The study using this thematic approach was



Salmon, Tambunan 20 II. Increasing The Learning Outcomes of G1ade Three Students of Catholic Elementary School Number 2 of Sibol&a by Employing Thematic Learning Approch. Tesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar,

PascasaJjarut Universitas Negerl Medan ( UNIMED).

Penelitian ini berk:CIUWl dengan bagaimana meninglc:atlcan hasil belajar siswa kelas Ill dengan rnenggunakan pendekatan Tematik di SD Swasta RK No. 2

Sibolga. Tujuan penelitian ini untulc meninglcatkan hasll belajar siswa SDS RK

No. 2 Sibolga dengan menggunakan pcndekatan Tematik. Penelitian ini merupalcan penelitian tindakan kelas dimana dalam melaksanakan tindakan ada 4

fase yang dilakulc.an yaitu, perencanaan, pelaksanaaan tindak.an, observasi dan refleksi pelaksanaan tindakan. Ditemulc.an bahwa melalui pendekatan Tematik,

pembelajaran di kelas Ill lebih menyenangkan dimana o.nak terlibat sccara fisik dan mental pada saat proses belajar meng.ajar berlangsun&. Hasi! analisis data

menunjulckan pada sildus I rata-rata hasH belajar siswa pada terna

"Peristiwa"adalah 72.4%. Hasil belajar ini bel urn memenuhi Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal 75% sebingga perlu dilanjutkan pada siklus 11 lcbususnya pada Kompetensi-kompetensi yang belum tuntas. Hasil belaj111 pada sildus II dengan tema " Peristiwa'' adalah S6.6% sehingga tujuan pembelajaran diangap tuntas secara individu dao secara keseluruban pada siklus II ini. Penelitian dengan mengguoabn pendebtan tematilc tem)lllta dapat meningbtkan basil be~ar siswa kelas Ill SDS RK No.2 Sibolga.











AKNOWLEDGEMENTS -··· .. ··-··-·· .... - ... - ... i

ABSTRACT .... - ... - ... ,_ ... iii







CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... ! 1.2 Problems Identification ... 6

1.3 Research Focus ... 7

1.4 Problem Fonnulation ... : ... 7

1.5 Research Objective ... 7

1.6 Rese~ttCh Significance ... 8

CHAPTER D REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Learning Outputs ... 9

2.2 Thematic Learning Approach ... I 0 2.3 Thematic Learning Platfunn ... 12

2.4 Meaning of the Thematic Learning Approch ... 13

2.5 Characteristics of Thematic Learning ... 15

2.6 Thematk Learning Signs ... 17


2.7 Nature of the Learning Strategy ... 18

2.8 Evaluation of Thematic Learning ... 19

2.9. Defenition and Characteristics of Active Learning ... 20

2.10. Syntax OfThematic Learning with Active Leaming ... 24

2.11. Hypothesis of Study ... 27




3.1 Place and Time of the Research ... 28

3.2 The Reasons for the Selection CAR ... 28

3.3 The Research Subjoct-... 30

3.4 Method and Design of the Study ... 31

3 .S Techniques of Data Collections ... 34

3.6 Step by Step Data Collection ... 3S 3.7 Technique of Data Analysis ... 36

3.8.lndicators of Success Measurement... ... 37

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS 4.1 Result of Research ... 39

4.1.1. Data Description of Pre· Action ... 39

4.1.2. Cycle I Observation ... 52

4.1.3. Observation of Outcome ... 53

4.2 Cycle ll ... 59

4.2.1. Observation of Cycle II ... 62

4.2.2. The Result of Test.. ... 63

4.2.3. The Result of Observation on Students' and Teachers's Activities ... 64

4.2.4. Discussion ... 65



5.1 Conclusions ... 69

5.2 Suggestions ... 70





1.1 Background



The National Education Department which has been undergoing up to the

present has achieved significant extent, nevertheless a number of complicated

baniers are still remaining to be solved $UCh as low access and distribution of

education, law quality, relevance, and competitiveness of education, and low management. accountability, and public image of education administration.

To solve the problems, the National Education Department bas fonnulated

three pillars of general policy of NatioMl Education Development, they a.re : (I)

the increase of education distribution and expansion, (2) the increase of quality,

relevance, and educatkm competitiveness, (3) revitalization of management,

accountability and public education administration images. The three pillllfi

unde!pin the emergence of national education vision which is to establish

intelligent and competitive fndon«ians.

One of the problems of education today is the inc:ompetency of the first up

to the third graders in reading, writing and aritlunetic, three basic competencies

obligatorily owned by early stage learners.

According to the research report bye PIRLS (Prol!f'CSS in Intemational

Reading Literacy Study), the reading competency average of Indonesian children

is at the 41" out 45 countries studied. Nurhadi (2004: 6) reports that from several

international institutions known that the competitiveness of Indonesian human



far from several international institutions known that the competitiveness of Indonesian human R:sources is far from expectation. Based on

Human Development Report year 2000 of UNDP version, the rank of Indonesian Human Resources ( Human Development Index) is the 1051!! among 108

countries. Indonesia is far below Philippines (the 77111), Thailand (76111), Malaysia

(6101), Brunei Danussalam (the 32""). South Korea (the 30111), and Singapore (the

24111). Other international organizations also indicated so. The International

Education Achievement (lEA), Jep<>rted that Indonesian elementary school

student's reading competency is the 38"' among 39 countries under study.

Meanwhile, The Third Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), an institution

that measures the quality of cd~ion in the world, reported dlat Indonesian

junior high school students' mathcmacics competency is the 34"- among 38

countries and their natural science competency is at the 32..s among 38 countries.

In addition to the problem above, the National Education Department

reported that there are more problems at the levels of early education (grade I up

to 3 ). Course repetitioos and drop outs were very high at these levels. The data of . I 99912000 revealed that the number of course repetition In grade I was 11.6%, in

grade 2 was 7,51o/-, in grade 3 was 6, B%, in grade 4 was 4,64%, in grade 5 was

3,1%, and grade 6 was 0,37%. In the same years the percentage of drop outs in

grade I


4,22% much higher than grade 2 which was 0,83%, grade 3 was 2,

27%, grade 4 was 2, 7l%, and grade·6 was 1,78%. These national figures were

even worse in provincial areas especially in those where there are very few play

groups such as in remote isolated areas. At the moment there are only a few

elementary school students who were previously educated in preschool programs.

lo 1999·2000 it was recorded that 12,61% or 1.583.~7 lelmers of 4-6 years of









f j





od!er fonn of preschool programs. There problems indicated the preparedness of

early education in Indonesia is very low. Research finding indicates that learners

who were educated in play groups are more prepared for the next level of

education compared to those who are not. Besides, different approaches, models.

and learning principles employed in grades I and as welt as 2 those employed in

preschool programs could be responsible for failure in promotion to the next grade

or even drop outs.

The following table contains data of national examination result of the sixth graders at the 4 subjects.


No. I. 2. 3. No. 1. 2. 3. TABLE 1.1

Examination Result of Catholic Elemental')' S<:hool Students of Sibolga

School Year 2007/2008

Sabjeet A venae The lowest The Hi2Jlest

Mathematics 8.51 6.00 9.7S

Indonesian 8.43 6.40 9.80

Natural Science 7.54 6.25 8.25

Source: Cathohc Elemenla.Jy School No.2 ofS1bolga, Fde


Examination Result of Catholic Elementary School Students of Sibolga

School Year 2008/2009

Sabjeet Averate Til~~ 'TheBJPest

Malbematics 7.63 4.75 9.50

Indonesian 7.64 6.00 8.60

Natural Science 7.88 6.50 9.25

Source: Catholic Elemenwy School No.2 ofS1bolga, File



I '



Examination Result of Catholic Elementary School Students ofSibolga. Grade

Three Semester I School Y car 200812009

.No; S•bleet Averue



l. Mathematics 71 61 8S

2. Indonesian


6() 82

3. Natural Science 73 64


Source : Catftohc Elementary School No. 2 of Stbolga, File


Examination Result of Catholic Elementary School Students ofSibolga Grade

Three Semester II

School year 200812009

No. Sub jed Averu.e Tbetowest TbeHi2.bttt

I. Mathematics 72 56 81

2. Indonesian


54 9{)

3. Natural Science 73 55 90

Source: Catholic Elementary School No.2 ofStbolga, Ftle

The above data prevails the learning outcomes of Catholic elementary school

students at three mandatory subjects : mathematics, Indonesian, and natural sciences in the state examination of2007/2008 and 2008/2009 academic years.

The data show that the result of the Indonesian examination is lower than

those of mathematics and natural sciences. The learning outcome of the third

graders in the first and second semester of2008/2009 school year prevails that the

result at Indonesian is the lowest compared to the other subjects. This indicates

that the learning outcomes of th.e Indonesian subject in elementary school is yet tO

be improved to a great extent.

The law of National Education System Number 20 year 2003 prescribed

that every Indonesian child is obliged to obtain the nine- year basic education ( 6


I .

elementary school students ~pecially in early gRdes such as grades J ,2 and 3 arc

administered by employing Thematic Approach as stated in the Regulation of

Minister of Nalional Education Number 22 yeBJ: 2006 Enclosure of Chapter II of

Basic Frame and Structure of National CW'riculum Sub CHAPTER B, point I.e,

i.e, education in grade I up to 3 is executed through Thematic Approach, while

education in grade IV up to VI is executed through Subject· Based Approach.

To overcome the problems of education outlined above, it is imperative that quality and comprehensive educational management be achieved. In addition,

enhancing education management as well as the quality of the educators so that

they can provide meaningfUl andjoyfulleaming is also of necessity.

The quality of education which is low in Indonesian is caused by convenuonal methods applied by the teacher. The method gives bad result in which the studentS


not challenged~ think critically during class. With various

approaches and strategies, the


would understand the learning materials and be able to implement them in real life situation.

Applicable approach in early grades is Thematic. This approach is oriented

at enabUng studentS to read, write, and count by using Thematic Approach. It Is

expected that the learners study holistically in which lessons start with the nearest to the farthest and from the easiest to the hardest as well as from the most concrete to the most abstract. Following such concept of learning, students will find

studying easier and learning objectives will be achieved more easily because such

learning is dooe through various strategies characterized by active learning.

The structure of Curriculum Program of elementary school contains

number and kind of subjectS to be taken in one of le&rning period as long as 6


years starting from grade I until grade 6. Parti~larly for elementary school students grades


II and Ill thematic approach. is employed in which 26/27128

hours of class are presented per week. Time arran~ent and division are

rendered to the teachers. Total time allocation provided is 26,27,28 hours. Schools are given freedom to increase or decrease the amount of time matchlng needs.

The learning presentation is executed by integrating one subject to the others, for

instance religion is integrated to Indonesian, civics, social science, mathematics,

physical education, arts, and natunl sciences by considering the possibility of integrating their indicators. Time allocation of 26n.7f1.8 hours per week can be arranged with intensity about (a) 15% for religion (b) SQbJ.. for reading and

introduction writing as well as countina and (cj 35% for natural science, civics,

social science, arts. and physical education. In case that the indicators can not be taught integrated, hence class teacher can teach the subject in isolation or other

teachers can teach them ( for example, religion teacher and physical education


1.2. Problem ldeotificatloD

Based on the background discussed above, the roots of the problems

oc:curring in basic education espcc:ially in early grades are identified as the following:

1. Has thematic approach in early grade education been well applied?

2. How has the te214:hcrs' undmtanding been on the thematic approach? 3. Do various teaching strategies in thematic approach significantly affect



I ,

I ,













4. Does the teacher do innovation


Thematic learning? 1.3. Research Focus

In reference to the background and problem identification, this research is

focused on the endeavor of


the learning outcomes of grade three:

students of Catholic elementary school No. 2 of Sibolga by employing Thematic


1.4. Probfem Formulation

The problem of this study are formulated in unisons as the following;

"How to increase the learning Outcomes o( the· third grade students of Catholic

Elementary School Number 2 ofSibolga by employing Thematic Approach?

l.S. Research Objectives

Generally, this study is oriented at increasing education quality by

employing Thematic Approach in early grades. namely:

I. Increasing the third graders !taming outcomes by employing Thematic

Approach including reading, writing and counting

2. Increasing the implementation of active learning strategies in grade 3 by

employing Thematic Approach.

3. Increasing the teachers' insight in the implementation of Thematic

















1.6. Raun:b SigaUicaace

It is expected that the finding of this $Ndy arc significant theoretically and

practically. Theoretically. the resean:h findilliS are expected to provide a basis

for farther I"C9Caa'Ch of different scagcs for education development in elemenlary

school, practically, the research fmding are expected to be useful for three patties,

namely students, teachers, and education institutions.

For the stUdents, themati.c learning IJllli'OI\Ch with active leamjng m~od is expected to give opportuniry to enrich students' learning experience. Jn so

doing, they will not adhere to memorizing but conven to meaningful and joyful


For the teacher, thematic learning approaeh with active teaming method is

expected to serve as an alternative for learning model which can be applied to

enhance learning outcomes and learning motivation panicularly in reading.

writing and counting.

For education institutions, this classroom action research is expected to

develop professional- academic lltmosphere in education depar1mcnt, univcrsiti~

and schools. Also, to increase teacher's and lecturer's competency in solving

learning problems particularly in early gnldes.


TABLE 1.1 Examination Result of Catholic Elemental')' S<:hool Students of Sibolga
Examination TABLE1.4 Result of Catholic Elementary School Students ofSibolga. Grade


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