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View of The Introduction to Islamic Characters through Children's Karawitan at KB Among Putro Jangkang Sleman


Academic year: 2023

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Introduction to Islamic Characters through Children's Karawitan at KB Among Putro Jangkang Sleman


*UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta 21204031036@student.uin-suka.ac.id

*Corresponding author, email: 21204031036@student.uin-suka.ac.id

©2022 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-SA)

license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)

Accepted: 01 November 2022

Revised : 16 December 2022 Published: 25 December 2022


Indonesia's diverse culture is unique to each region, especially Javanese culture. Javanese society that is thick in its character becomes an ancestral heritage that must be preserved. The large number of young people who are not interested in Javanese culture, it is very important to preserve it starting with introducing karawitan in early childhood. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with the research subjects of KB Among Putro Jangkang Sleman students aged 3-6 years.

The results of the study showed that karawitan can introduce Islamic characters to children by collaborating with various school stakeholders such as heads, teachers and parents of guardians of students. The character is introduced through a dolanan song and sung along with a gamelan instrument. The child easily understands the song and the meaning contained in the song..

Keywords: Early Childhood Education; Karawitan Art; Islamic Character ABSTRAK

Keragaman budaya Indonesia memiliki keunikan tersendiri di setiap daerah, terutama budaya Jawa. Masyarakat Jawa yang kental karakternya menjadi warisan leluhur yang harus dilestarikan. Banyaknya anak muda yang tidak tertarik dengan budaya Jawa, sangat penting untuk melestarikannya dimulai dengan mengenalkan karawitan sejak dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian KB di kalangan mahasiswa Putro Jangkang Sleman usia 3-6 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karawitan dapat mengenalkan karakter Islami kepada anak-anak dengan menggandeng berbagai pemangku kepentingan sekolah seperti kepala, guru dan orang tua wali siswa. Karakter tersebut


Introduction to Islamic Characters through Children's Karawitan at KB Among Putro Jangkang diperkenalkan melalui lagu dolanan dan dinyanyikan bersama dengan alat musik gamelan. Anak dengan mudah memahami lagu dan makna yang terkandung dalam lagu tersebut..

Keywords: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Seni Karawitan, Karakter Islami


The cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia is unique for each region, especially Javanese culture. Javanese culture is a tradition that deserves to be maintained, because it is very famous in various countries in the world. Javanese culture, in which there are various lessons related to Islamic character, manners, manners and uploads, is almost extinct because of the displacement of foreign cultures that we know are not in accordance with the personality of the nation such as how to dress, manners, and language.

Nowadays, there are a lot of teenagers who follow western culture more such as dressing tight, sexy which is certainly very contrary to eastern culture. In language, Javanese people have manners in speaking but the fact is that many Javanese people, both teenagers and adults, cannot use Javanese properly and correctly. The manners that exist in Javanese society are currently starting to thin out, even though Javanese culture is very famous for its uploads both to the younger, fellow and the elder. The depletion of manners among javanese people gradually led to the loss of the religious character of islam.

To overcome this problem, educators and parents can introduce Islamic characters that are very close to Javanese culture at home and at school. In addition, efforts to strengthen islamic characters that are closely related to Javanese culture can be through gamelan and karawitan activities for children. Through the accompaniment of music and songs that are thick with Javanese culture, children will be embedded in their hearts who are then expected to practice them in everyday life.

Gamelan has an aesthetic function for Javanese society which is closely related to social, moral and spiritual values.(Kurniatin and Sindhureja 2015) As part of Indonesian culture we need to bannga with traditional gamelan art tools. The majesty of gamelan is obvious. Even the world recognizes the gamelan as a traditional eastern musical instrument that can keep up with the large western musical instruments. The sound of gamelan has a place in the hearts of the people. Gamelan can be used to educate one's sense of beauty. People who used to be involved in the world of karawitan, a sense of solidarity grew, reprimanded subtle greetings, polite behavior. All because one's soul becomes as smooth as gendhing-gendhing

Muhammad Fajrin Kobri stated that the art of karawitan is related to something subtle, and complicated. The subtlety and complexity in karawitan art is evident in the presentation of gending and other accessories. Children will learn a blend of Javanese culture and Islamic characters packaged in interesting dolanan songs. Through the combination of traditional musical instruments and Javanese songs, children not only


learn about art, children can also develop various abilities such as religious and moral values, physical motor, cognitive, language, and social emotional.(Kobi 2017)

Karawitan art can serve as a medium for conveying Islamic character values in early childhood.(Setyawan 2017) The presentation of Islamic character values given to children through the meaning contained in gamelan instruments and from gendhing- While in karawitan art can be through song lyrics chanted by children. This gamelan and karawitan art which is very thick with Islamic character values is very good and needs to be preserved by the younger generation. Gamelan and karawitan arts indirectly teach about Islamic character values such as commendable behavior, social attitudes, responsibility and so on.

Research related to the use of karawitan as a medium for character learning in early childhood has been conducted by Joko Pamungkas, et al.(Pamungkas, Syamsudin, and Maryatun 2019) Where in the study explained that karawitan art can be used as a learning resource for children to introduce various moral values to children. Children learn the characters directly through the combination of gamelan instruments and dolanan songs sung. With concrete learning, children will easily learn about the morals contained in the karawitan game, such as mutual cooperation, caring for others, discipline, confidence and responsibility.

Another study was also conducted by Oktavia Fitriani, et al who explained that the implementation of character education in karawitan elstracurricular activities can be through the behavior shown by children when playing gamelan musical instruments followed by children's dolanan songs.(Fitriani, Isnaini, and Hasanah 2014) Teachers can cultivate various moral values contained in dolanan songs sung by children as well as attitudes during music and song collaboration games. In this case, children can get hands- on experience when participating in this karawitan extracurricular activity.

Yuliantoro, as in his research mentioned that the cultivation of ethics in children can use traditional art media.(Yuliantoro 2012) In traditional musical instruments there are noble values that can be taken to children. In addition, children also learn to appreciate the work of their ancestors by practicing traditional art. In karawitan games, children learn to work together with their friends to collaborate beautifully to get an interesting combination of music and songs.

In a study conducted by Febri Kurnia Manoppo, et al explained that in instilling moral values in children, they can use traditional musical instruments.(Manoppo, Mamonto, and Mamesah 2022) Where teachers can introduce religious songs and traditional songs that are closely related to the character of the child. The use of traditional media in early childhood moral education is very fitting because the media is very close and easy for children to find in everyday life. Children easily understand and practice the values of ancestral heritage by playing the instrument directly.


Introduction to Islamic Characters through Children's Karawitan at KB Among Putro Jangkang Unlike the previous research, this research will focus on the implementation of children's karawitan games in introducing Islamic characters. The use of karawitan art as a learning material for children is very interesting to discuss because it is very close to children. Teachers can use this research as a reference to take advantage of ancestral wealth as one of the fun learning materials for children.

2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Islamic Character

The education of children of this age is very focused on character education in children. Behavior in early childhood consists of 3 attitudes, namely spiritual attitudes social attitudes and attitudes of knowledge. According to KMA No. 759 the religious character of early childhood is included in the core competencies of spiritual attitudes, while in basic competencies including aspects of the development of religious and moral values.(Direktorat KSKK Madrasah, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Islam, and Kementrian Agama Republk Indonesia 2019)

Islamic character in early childhood is a form of practicing the first pillar of faith, namely faith in God. This behavior can be shown when the child knows the nature of God as a creator, in this case asma'ul khusna, the child can know and understand the various creations of God and can distinguish between God's creation and human creation, the child can also recite tayyibah sentences which include prayer beads, tahmid, tahlil, takbir, istighfar, basmalah, and ta'awudz. (Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan Pendidikan Masyarakat, and Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 2015)

Efforts to instill an attitude of faith in Allah in children are absolutely carried out by parents and teachers because this is the main foundation in Islamic education. The command to instill an attitude of faith in Allah in children is contained in the Koran in Sura Luqman verse 13, which is when Lukman gives advice to his son which reads:

ٌمْيِظَع ٌمْلُظَل َك ْرِ شلا َّنِاۗ ِ هللّٰاِب ْك ِرْشُت َلِ َّيَنُبٰي ٗهُظِعَي َوُهَو ٖهِنْب ِلِ ُن ٰمْقُل َلاَق ْذِاَو

"And (remember) when Luqman said to his son, when he taught him a lesson, "O my son, you shall not fellowship With Allah, verily fellowshipping Allah is truly a great tyranny.”(Kementrian Agama Republik Indonesia 2010)

From the verse above we can learn how Luqman taught his son to always have faith in God. He also emphasized to his son not to shirk. Having faith in Allah can be interpreted as a form of conviction with all your heart about the existence of Allah Almighty. Having faith in Allah is the basis of faith for muslims. It is not said to be a Muslim if he does not believe in the truth of the existence of Allah Almighty.

The Standard Level of Achievement of Child Development in Raudhatul Athfal related to the attitude of faith in Allah SWT according to the Decree of the General


of Islamic Education no. 3331 of 2021 is as follows: (Kementrian Agama Republik Indonesia 2021) a) Knowing Islam as a religion adhered to b) Knowing Allah through His creation c) Knowing Asma'ul Khusna with the meaning d) Knowing Rukuin Iman e) Knowing the Pillars of Islam f) Knowing the name of an angel and its duties g) Mimicking the movements and recitation of prayers correctly h) Imitating the call to prayer and iqamah correctly i) Mimicking daily prayers j) Get to know infaq and alms k) Knowing the sentence tayyibah l) Saying and answering greetings m) Imitating Short Letters in the Koran n) Imitating the Hadith and its meaning o) Know 25 Prophets and apostles p) Getting to know the big days of religion

2.2 Early Childhood

Early childhood is a group of people aged 0-6 years (in Indonesia based on Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System). Early childhood is a group of children who are in a process of growth and development that is unique in nature, in the sense of having growth and development patterns (fine and gross motor coordination), intelligence (thinking power, inventiveness, emotional intelligence, and emotional intelligence), social emotional, language and communication that are specific to the level of growth and development of the child.

Early childhood education is a process of fostering the growth and development of children born up to six years old as a whole, which includes physical and nonphysical aspects, by providing stimuli for the right physical, spiritual (moral and spiritual), motor, reason, emotional, and social development so that children can grow and develop optimally.

Learning for early childhood is as the basis for the formation of behavior, the cultivation of noble moral and moral values, the development of high intellectuality, the development of motor physique. Education carried out from an early age has a great influence on life in the future.(Suryana 2013)

The Early Childhood Education Program provides educational and development services programs to early childhood in a holistic and integrated manner. Holistic means not only simulation/stimulation of the educational aspects provided to early childhood, but also to nutritional aspects and health aspects, so that children can grow and develop optimally. Integrated means that educational services are carried out in a unified manner with various early childhood services in the community, such as posyandu, family development, toddlers, and various other early childhood services.(Suyadi and Ulfah 2016)

2.3 Karawitan Art

Karawitan is linguistically derived from the word cayenne, which means delicate, muskil, intricate, small and beautiful, as is the case with art that deals with subtle


Introduction to Islamic Characters through Children's Karawitan at KB Among Putro Jangkang feelings. Cayenne, that is: smooth, soft, lunglit.(Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, n.d.) Karawitan, that is to say: the subtlety of taste embodied in the art of gamelan art. Imu karawitan, means: knowledge of kerawitan. At the time of Paku Buwono III in Surakarta, the book of Wedaprana, Ajipamasa which was handwritten (carik), explained that karawitan is an art consisting of several branches

Nowadays, the term karawitan has been used as a meaning that solely covers the art of music in general, but in particular is music with a slendro or pelog tone system (barrel), or nondiatonic scales that have developed or are still alive in Indonesia, as a legacy of traditional music in the regions. (Prasetyaningrum 2009) Karawitan is a form of art in Indonesia. Initially, karawitan was only intended for palace nobles, but gradually anyone could play this art for those who were interested in it. In fact, the wali songo spread Islam using this art to convey messages from the Quran and Hadith to the javanese people.

Soedarsono said that, karawitan in general is art that includes all branches of art that contain elements of beauty, subtle and intricate or ngrawit. In karawitan there are basic rules such as barrel, pathet, technique, and rhythm. The value system and rules owned by karawitan as a form of difference from other cultures, karawitan is a local cultural art that has special characteristics.(Lestari and Handayaningrum 2014) Karawitan as a multidimensional and multidisciplinary art. Multidimensional in art has a close relationship with the various potentials that exist in the human being as a whole. Multidimensionality in art there are several things, namely: kinesthetic intelligence, sensory sensitivity, thinking ability, taste sensitivity, art and creativity, social ability and aesthetic ability. In addition to being multidimensional, karawitan as a multidisciplinary is to develop the ability to appreciate and or express oneself with various mediums such as appearance, sound, motion, language and fusion.(Wahyudi, Aka, and Darmawan 2017)

According to Wardani, if various potentials can be developed as a whole, they will also be used as material to have multi-intelligence possessed by humans in obtaining the meaning of life. Multidimensionality in art there are several kinds, namely:

kinesthetic intelligence, sensory sensitivity, thinking ability, taste sensitivity, art and creativity, social ability and aesthetic ability. The seven types of intelligence built in art education are in the body and spirit of karawitan. (Sulistyowati and Jatiningsih 2013)

Efforts that need to be made to introduce karawitan art to the younger generation can be done early, for example since pre-school children, karawitan art is introduced through extracurriculars. The government began to hold Arts Extracurricular programs in schools. This is a manifestation of the caring nature of the government in order to preserve the traditional culture that exists in our environment. In addition, there are also several studios that hold classes for karawitan both for children, mothers


and fathers. The enthusiasm of the community does not need to be doubted considering that this karawitan has been attached as a Javanese culture that has been passed down for generations


This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. With the aim of knowing clearly how teachers introduce Islamic characters through locally charged activities to children aged 3-6 years KB Among Putro Jangkang Sleman. A qualitative approach is considered suitable in this study by looking at a detailed picture related to the implementation of extracurricular activities in instilling Islamic character in children

The data sources used include primary and secondary data sources. Primary data sources obtained from observation and documentation through direct observation at the research site. Meanwhile, the source of skunder data was obtained information from the class teacher, and the principal through interviews. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing


Based on observations made by researchers at KB Among Putro Jangkang Sleman related to karawitan extracurricular activities carried out every Friday every week. In this activity, there is a division of tasks between the moon group (age 4-5 years) and the star group (age 5-6 years). The star group serves as the gamelan grower while the moon group as the choir that sings the children's dolanan song. To ensure that children memorize the verses of the dolanan song, the teacher does ice breaking by using the song both at the opening, core and closing of the lesson. However, the use of the dolanan song is adjusted to the material learned by the child.

Mr. Sigit Nurrahmat, as the head of KB Among Putro said that this karawitan extracurricular activity was carried out to support the vision and mission of the school based on local Yogyakarta culture. Widodomartani village is an area that is thick with culture, where the location is held by the saparan cultural kirab Ki Ageng Wonolelo every month of Sapar. Seeing this region which is culturally based makes schools innovate to bring up extracurricular activities karawitan in children.

Mrs. Suryanti, as the teacher of the Bulan class, added that children are very interested in this karawitan art, many children take part in art activities outside such as gamelan classes at the Widodo pametri studio owned by the village. They are very enthusiastic about playing gamelan instruments both during extracurricular activities at school and in the studio. In addition to playing gamelan, children also learn various kinds of dances from the dolanan song.


Introduction to Islamic Characters through Children's Karawitan at KB Among Putro Jangkang Mrs. Sundari, Bintamg's homeroom teacher, explained that children learn Islamic characters from karawitan games When each of them understands their responsibilities to the activity, such as those in charge of playing gamelan instruments understanding the notes used, those in charge of dancing to understand the dance movements taught, and those in charge of the choir understanding the lyrics of the songs used.

Mrs. Febriyanti also said that the dolanan songs used in karawitan extracurricular activities include bathok sluku-sluku, menthok, lir ilir, jamuran, etc. Children are introduced to the verses of the song when ice breaking enters the classroom, opening, core, marching hand washing before eating, and closing. Most of them quickly memorize the verses of the song because almost every day the teacher invites the child to sing the song at every lesson. Parents also participated in teaching the song at home. Most of them understand the characters according to the message contained in the song and practice them through habituation carried out by teachers at school and parents while at home.

Mrs. Heni Asriyati as the school manager revealed that the use of gamelan music instruments in extracurricular activities at KB Among Putro is not as complete as adult karawitan games. Some of the musical instruments used in this activity include, kendhang, saron, and gong. Here children learn various traditional gamelan musi tools concretely by seeing and playing them directly. Developmental aspects of this karawitan activity include all development in early childhood which includes religious and moral values, motor physical, cognitive, language, social emotional and artistic.

Figure 1. Extracurricular Learning for Students of KB Among Putro Jangkang Sleman

The cultivation of Islamic character through karawitan extracurricular activities in kb students Among Putro Jangkang Sleman is a collaboration between the principal of the teacher, the coach, and the parents of the guardians of the students. The teacher distributes the verses of the dolanan song that will be sung at karawitan activities for parents to sing while at home with their children. The goal is none other than that children easily


memorize the verse when singing the song with their friends. In addition, every opening of learning activities in class, the teacher often repeats the verses of the song as ice breaking so that children not only memorize but are able to sing them flexibly according to the tone taught.

The songs used in this karawitan extracurricular include jaranan, sluku-sluku bathok, aku duwe pithik, gundul-gundul pacul, menthok, lir-ilir, and so on. The teacher conveys the moral value in the song during classroom learning. And at the closing session the teacher gave a moral message before going home.

Islamic character values in karawitan extracurricular activities include:

a. Knowing God as the God who created the universe and all

Children learn to know God by praying before and after the activity.

b. Collaborate

In karawitan games, children work together to play gamelan instruments with their friends to create a beautiful musical sound. Because playing gamelan each child must understand the tone and sound the gamelan alternately and not simultaneously.

Children who sing dolanan songs must also adjust the tone of gamelan music to create a song that is pleasant to hear.

c. Responsibility

Each child is responsible for his or her role in karawitan activities. The child in charge of playing the instrument must memorize the notes of the song sung so that the sound of the music matches the song sung. Likewise, children who are in charge of singing must memorize the lyrics and verses so that the collaboration between singing and musi is in line so as to give birth to an interesting karawitan game

d. Love of The Motherland

Children learn to appreciate the heritage of their ancestors in the form of traditional gamelan musical instruments and preserve them in this activity. By holding karawitan in school from an early age of the child, adding to his love for local culture which is no less unique than the outside culture.

e. Manners

Children learn manners in this karawitan game, where some dolanan songs sung by many convey the message of adab. By singing and understanding the meaning in the song, children have an interest in practicing uploads in everyday life.

The school curriculum based on Javanese culture is very supportive for the development of locally charged characters. The attitude competencies that students must have include sawiji, greget, sengguh, ora mingkuh, and respect. Sawiji means that the child must be able to complete and focus on his task in karawitan games. Greget means that children are full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm in karawitan activities. Sengguh in the sense that children are able to express their opinions when discussing in karawitan activities, because before starting the game, usually the coach invites children to discuss


Introduction to Islamic Characters through Children's Karawitan at KB Among Putro Jangkang the past game and what will be done. Ora mingkuh means that the child is responsible for his duties in karawitan activities, where the child is able to place himself according to the duties charged to him. Respect in the sense that children understand manners during activities or outside of karawitan activities, in this case children are able to apply uploads in daily life both at school and at home.

The school setting related to the cultivation of Islamic characters can be seen in habituation, such as welcoming, classroom learning, and closing. At the reception the child is accustomed to kissing the teacher's hand when entering the classroom. Other habituations include, being patient when waiting in line to wash your hands, throwing garbage in its place, returning toys after playing in class, washing dishes after eating together.

In extracurricular learning, teachers arrange plans in the form of RPPH and RPPM which are then included in the semester program. The coaches adjust the standards for achieving child development according to the planning written by the teacher. To optimize karawitan learning, teachers participate in conditioning children on learning and sing dolanan songs with children.

As for the inhibiting factor of this karawitan extracurricular activity, there are children who do not use Javanese in their daily lives, so that children have difficulty memorizing and understanding the dolanan song. In addition, these activities are mixed between children aged 3-4 years, 4-5 years, and 5-6 years, so they are less conditioned. Children 3-4 years old with 5-6 years of concentration are different, so usually children 3-4 years old only follow until the break, while after the break the teacher does learning in class. In addition, to prevent children from boredom during karawitan activities, in between activities teachers often do ice breaking to brighten their concentration


Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the cultivation of Islamic character in students of KB Among Putro Jangkang Sleman is carried out in collaboration between teachers, heads, and parents of guardians of students.

The teacher introduces the song verses to the children and distributes them to the parents to accompany the children to sing the dolanan song while at home. Meanwhile, when in school, teachers apply it when learning in class through ice beraking at the opening or closing.

The islamic character values instilled in children through karawitan include knowing Allah as God Almighty, cooperation, love for the homeland, responsibility, self- confidence. Dolanan songs used in karawitan include sluku-sluku bathok, jaranan, aku duwe pithik, lir-ilir, and gundul-gundul pacul. To further optimize children's understanding of songs, discussions are held when starting learning before playing karawitan.



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