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Academic year: 2023



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1. How many hours a day do you spend working on your thesis?

2. Can the time you spend working on your thesis help you complete your thesis on time?


3. Does the time you spend working on your thesis allow you to take other courses well?

4. Do you think the thesis load of 4 credits is worth the time you spent completing the thesis?

5. What strategies do you use so that the time you spend working on your thesis can help you complete your thesis on time?

(Samples of responses)

1) Make weekly targets

2) Knowing the step by step research procedure and preparing a special time to do it 3) Time management

4) Time management and consistent

5) I always open the laptop and doing the task thesis even feeling lazy. It’s more helping me to complete the thesis


6) Sort out what to do first so there is not much time to waste while doing the thesis 7) Create and manage schedules between daily activities and taking care of the thesis 8) Focus on doing it and completing other work before starting to work on the thesis

so that in doing it you don't think about other work

9) Every time there is a revision, all the points are collected, look for it from various sources, take the point that can answer the revision

10) Use the available time as much as possible and don't procrastinate too often 11) Looking for materials, working at least 2 hours

12) Although I worked for 2 hours on my thesis, consistency is a must for completing it

13) Trying to focus on my thesis and eat snacks

14) By prioritizing which activities do I have to complete first. And always make time for working on my thesis

6. How many times have you changed the title of your thesis?

7. Does the thesis guidance that you receive can help you complete your thesis on time?

(Samples of responses)

1) Yes

2) Should Yes

3) Yes, the supervisor provides suggestions and input for research


4) Yes it does 5) Actually, no

6) It's really very helpful

7) Collect as many journals as possible 8) Yes

9) Not really sure

8. How many thesis advisors assisting you in completing your thesis?

9. With the number of advisors, do you think it is enough for you to complete?

(Samples of responses)

1) Yes 2) No

3) Yes, I think that’s enough

4) I think I need more advisors, but there's no choices since the advisors itself have a lot of thing that they do


5) Yes, I think that's enough 6) Enough

7) Both of them

8) I think one is enough

9) If the advisor respond/give revisions for not too long, yes. Otherwise, no

10. What obstacles did you encounter when completing your thesis?

(Samples of responses)

1) Difficulty meeting sources in collecting data, lack of references, poor time management, lack of confidence in writing thesis

2) Administration with schools and needs to adjust to schools, teachers and students during research because research involves these parties

3) The thesis topic that I took is a master's topic so I need to study statistics a lot 4) The time I spent to wait my advisors reply my chat. That is my super duper mega

obstacles since I have to wait them to see or reply my chat and give me feedback 5) Feeling lazy, tired and unable to divide the time, but it can be resolved by each


6) The obstacles I faced when working on the thesis, namely when the research process took place, at the time of the research there were learning meetings conducted with limited face-to-face learning, namely there were students who studied at home and at school, the difficulties they faced were for students who were studying from home not all students can access the zoom that has been provided, one of the causes is the students' internet network constraints to follow the zoom so it is difficult to condition students who study from home

7) There was a time when the supervising lecturer had not been able to hold guidance for about 2 months and the trial deadline was tight

8) Lack of references

9) The biggest obstacle is delay

10) Time and another assignment from work


11) Laziness and lack of motivation

12) Mood changes, work, advisor who doesn't respond or late for giving revisions


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