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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



NIM. 209321039





Yusnanda, Desi Sari. Nim. 209321039. Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement in Descriptive Text Through Team Games Tournament (TGT). A thesis. English Department. Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan. 2014.



First and foremost, the writer would like to express thank to Allah, the

beneficent, the merciful. All praises be to Allah, the lord of the worlds. Who has

given the health, pprotection, kknowledge and opportunity to the writer in completing this “Thesis”. May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon His final Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad, his family and his companions.

This Thesis is presented to the English Department of Faculty Languages

and Arts, State University of Medan as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for

the Degree of first strata.

It is great honor for the writer to make acknowledgement of indebtedness to

convey her sincere gratitude to Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S who has patiently given valuable advice and guidance to finalize this “Thesis”.

Alhamdulillah, the writer has finished this thesis. Absolutely it is not only

an effort by her self alone, there are many hands help her. In this occasion, she

presents great honor to :

 Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si, as the Rector of University of Medan.  Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, The Dean of Faculty Languages and Arts.  Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, The Head of English Department.

 Rika, S. Pd, M.Hum, The Secretary of English Department

 Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed, the Head of English Education Study


 Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S her advisor, who has given her time, support,

guidance, kindness, contributions, and patience in correcting and helping

her in finishing this thesis.

 All lecturers who have taught her in this English Department, for giving new

knowledge, advices in facing life, and for giving gorgeous study

experiences. Mom Eis for helping her in settling the administration


 The most special persons in her life, her beloved, dad and mom “ Yusnan,

S.Pd and Nurmala, S.Pd ”, who have given their support during her study


 Very special thanks to her dear, Norris Eka Yudha Sembiring, S.T for his

support, advices, love and prayer during the process in accomplishing this

thesis. And her beloved best friends, Annisa Hutasuhut, Afni Widya

Ningsih, for his support.

 Thanks for all the student of Ext class and Regular class A, B, and C ’09. Especially my lovely class Ext C ’09. To any others persons who can not be mentioned one by one to their any contribution to the writer during finishing

her thesis.

Finally, yet importantly, the writer resizes that his thesis still has some

weakness and mistakes. Thus, she would be grateful to accept any suggestion and

connection from anyone for the better writing.

Medan, Maret 2014 The Writer,



1. Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension ... 6

2. Reading comprehension ... 6

3. Levels of Reading Comprehension ... 7

4. Assessment of Reading Comprehension ... 8

5. Descriptive Text ... 10

B. Cooperative Learning ... 13

1. Team Games Tournament (TGT) ... 14

2. Advantages of Team Games Tournament (TGT) ... 15

3. Steps in Team Games Tournament (TGT) ... 15

C. Conceptual Framework ... 18


A. Research Design ... 20

C. The Research Finding and Discussion ... 38



B. Suggestion ... 40



Table 3.1 The First, Second and Third Meeting While Doing

The Research in Cycle I ... 25

Table 4.1. Score from Pre-test, test-1, test-2 ... 31



APPENDIX A Lesson Plan ... 43

APPENDIX B Diary Notes ... 77

APPENDIX C Interview Sheet ... 80

APPENDIX D Observation Sheet ... 84



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The writer’s name is Desi Yusnanda Sari, born on 17th February 1992 in

Kisaran, North Sumatera. She is the first and the last daughter of Yusnan, S.Pd and

Nurmala, S.Pd.

She went to SDN 010145 Labuhan Ruku (graduated in 2003), then entered

SMPN 1 Talawi (graduated in 2006) and SMAN 1 Talawi (graduated in 2009). She

started undergraduate study at State University of Medan in 2009 at English





A. The Background of the study

Language consists of four skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading and

writing. Each should be achieved by the students who learn English. In this study

reading is the focus. Reading is one of the most important skills in learning

language. In fact, most students find some difficulties in comprehending a text when

they have reading activity. Brown (2000:185) states that reading is argued the most

essential skill in all educational context, remain a skill of paramount importance as

we create assessment of general language ability. It is emphasized that reading is

very important because through reading students can get knowledge. Reading can

be challenging, particularly when the material is unfamiliar, technical or complex.

Reading, according to Patel and Jain (2008) is an active process which

consists of recognition and comprehension skill, and important skill activity in life

with which one can update his/her knowledge, and important tool for academic


Based on the writer’s experiences during the teaching practice program

(Praktek Program Lapangan/PPL), the writer found that in teaching reading, most

of students were just asked to read the text then they were asked to answer some

question based on the text. When she told them to tell some information from text,



the text. This situation happened because the technique that was used was not


In PPL, The students scores on reading descriptive text were very low. They

just got the mean of the score 5,5. It was very poor, and it needed to be improved.

From the data above, students comprehension in reading descriptive text

were very low because the learning method that was adopted by the English teacher

was a method that was not appropriate because the method did not attract students’

interest and liveliness in the learning process so the students were bored, and they

did not want to continue learning as well as possible.

At this present time, there are already implementations learning Revolution

in teaching and learning that is learning is so longer centered on teachers. In other

words, it is called ‘Teacher Centered Learning (TCL)” but it has been centered on

students. It is called “Student Centered Learning (SCL)”, theoretically SCL is an

approach to education focusing on the needs of the students, rather than those of

others are involved in the educational process. So the teacher is only as facilitators

and a provider of solutions in learning is no longer only as a source of knowledge

in the learning process.

Based on the theory above, the researcher offers a method that must be

applied in the learning process of reading text. The method that is offered by

researcher is the implementation of Students Centered Learning (SCL) and the

development of cooperative learning (CL) that according to Robert E. Slavin (1995)

Cooperative Learning refers to variety of teaching methods in which students work

in small group to help one another learn academic content. In cooperative



other, to assess each other’s current knowledge and fill in gaps in each other’s

understanding so that the interest and the active of students in the learning process

can be improved not only individually but in groups or together. Learning method

which the research refers to is Team Games Tournament.

In this study, the researcher focuses on the application of Team Games

Tournament (TGT) method because it works best for information that is relatively

objective teaching reading descriptive text and can be used teach foreign language

and any material with single right answer (Slavin, 1995) Team Games Tournament,

in which students play academic games with members of other teams to contribute

points for their team scores. The use of games makes Team Games Tournament

even more exciting and motivating to students.

With the application of this method is expected to enhance students’ skill in

reading descriptive text properly and accordance with the existing elements in the

reading descriptive text.

According to Admin, Friday 17 February 2012.The research findings show

that the students‟ reading comprehension improved after implementing TGT. The

improvement of students reading comprehension includes students could find: (1)

general idea of the text; (2) stated detail information of the text; (3) implied

information of the text; (4) the meaning of unfamiliar word of the text (5) reference

of pronouns of the text; (6) social purpose of recount text; and (7) generic structure

of recount text.

Besides, the class situation also increased during TL process. The

improvement of class situation includes: (1) students were active in answering



students were active in discussing the material; (4) students felt enjoyable during

TL process.

The writer comes to the conclusion that TGT is able to improve the students‟

reading comprehension and the class situation. TGT can create an enjoyable and

active class environment. Therefore, teacher can choose TGT to overcome students.

Problems in learning reading and to improve class situation. Then, according to me

in Team Games Tournament makes the students work in their groups and have a

competition in the tournament. In each team, there are students who have different

ability in learning English. So the students who have the higher ability can motivate

their other friends.

B. The Problem of The Study

The problem of the study is formulated as follows:

“Does the Team Games Tournament technique students’ ability in reading


C. The objective of the study

The objective of the study is to investigate whether students’ reading

comprehension a achievement in descriptive text by Team-Games-Tournament


D. The Scope of The Study

There are four competences in learning English: listening, speaking, reading

and writing. But this case the writer focused in reading especially descriptive



There are many models of cooperative learning that can be used to

improving student ‘reading comprehension a achievement descriptive text. This

study focused on using TGT model. Especially in reading the description of place.

E. The Significance of the study

Findings of the study are expected to be very useful for:

1. Teacher who want to develop their ability in teaching reading, especially

reading descriptive text.

2. Student who want to Improve their achievement on reading comprehension.


Table 3.1 The First, Second and Third Meeting While Doing


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