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A woman`s struggle against patriarchy in Kate Chopin`s The Awakening : A Feminist Perspective.


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DONA WINDASARI SEPTIANA. A Woman’s Struggle against Patriarchy in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening: A Feminist Perspective. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2014.

Feminism in a literary work focuses on the equality between women and men, that they should be partner in life. Feminism shows the struggle of women to get the freedom, equality, and the better social positions in the society. This thesis also uses Feminist approach. This thesis is aimed to reveal the struggle against patriarchy through the characterization of Edna Pontellier. Edna is a wife who is dominated by her husband, Leonce Pontellier. Because of that, she dares to release herself from her husband’s domination.

There are three problems formulation in this thesis. First, is to show the characters of Edna and Leonce Pontellier that are portrayed in the novel. Second, is to show the form of oppression that Leonce Pontellier did to Edna as his own wife. The third is to show Edna Pontellier’s reactions toward her husband which reflect the struggle against patriarchy.

This thesis is a library research. The writer finds all o data and other supported references from books and the internet sources. The feminist approach is used in this thesis in order to reveal the woman’s struggle against patriarchy through the major character.

There are three points that can be concluded. First, Edna Pontellier is submissive wife. Meanwhile, Leonce Pontellier is a domineering husband. He often forces Edna to obey his will. After the rebellion happens, Edna becomes a brave, expressive, and independent woman, while Leonce becomes subdued. The second, Edna becomes Leonce object to be oppressed. He only allows Edna to be aware of the house conditions, the children, the image of the family because they are rich, and the last is to please Leonce’s feeling. The third, seeing the oppression that she gets, Edna does some rebellion in order to free herself from the patriarchal culture that make her remain silent. She starts to refuse Leonce’s command. She believes that if she moves from her old house, earns her own money, and gets better education on painting, then she can stand alone without depending on her husband. Edna Pontellier wants to be recognized better as an independent human being who has her own rights.



DONA WINDASARI SEPTIANA. A Woman’s Struggle against Patriarchy in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening: A Feminist Perspective. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2014.

Feminisme dalam karya sastra berfokus pada keseimbangan antara wanita dan pria, bahwa mereka seharusnya menjadi teman yang sederajat dalam hidup. Feminisme menunjukkan perjuangan wanita untuk mendapatkan kebebasan, keseimbangan, dan posisi sosial yang lebih baik di masyarakat. Skripsi ini juga menggunakan pendekatan feminis. Skripsi ini ditujukan untuk mengungkapkan perjuangan melawan budaya patriarki melalui penokohan Edna Pontellier. Edna adalah seorang istri yang dikuasai oleh suaminya, Leonce Pontellier. Dan karena itulah, ia berani untuk melepaskan dirinya dari dominasi suaminya.

Terdapat tiga rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini. Pertama adalah untuk menunjukkan penokohan Edna Pontellier dan Leonce Pontellier yang digambarkan di dalam novel. Kedua adalah untuk menunjukkan bentuk-bentuk tekanan yang dilakukan oleh Leonce Pontellier terhadap istrinya, Edna Pontellier. Ketiga adalah untuk menunjukkan reaksi Edna Pontellier terhadap perilaku suaminya yang mencerminkan perjuangan melawan budaya patriarki.

Skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka. Penulis mengumpulkan semua data dan referensi pendukung lainnya dari buku-buku dan sumber-sumber internet. Pendekatan feminis dipakai dalam skripsi ini untuk mengungkapkan gagasan perjuangan wanita melawan patriarki melalui tokoh utamanya.

Terdapat tiga hal yang dapat disimpulkan. Pertama, Edna Pontellier adalah seorang wanita yang selalu pasrah. Sementara itu Leonce Pontellier adalah seorang suami yang sangat mendominasi. Ia seringkali memaksa Edna untuk melakukan keinginannya. Setelah pemberontakan terjadi, Edna menjadi seorang wanita yang berani, ekspresif, dan mandiri, sementara Leonce menjadi laki-laki yang takluk terhadap kemauan istrinya. Kedua, Edna menjadi objek Leonce untuk didominasi. Leonce hanya memperbolehkan Edna untuk memperhatikan keadaan rumahnya, anak-anaknya, harga diri keluarganya dan untuk menyenangkan hatinya. Ketiga, melihat dominasi yang didapatnya, Edna melakukan pemberontakan untuk melepaskan dirinya dari budaya patriarki yang membuatnya menjadi bisu. Edna mulai menolak perintah Leonce dalam rumah tangga. Ia percaya bahwa dengan keluar dari rumah lamanya, dapat menghasilkan uang sendiri, dan memiliki pendidikan yang lebih baik dalam melukis, maka ia akan bisa mandiri tanpa bergantung pada suaminya. Edna Pontellier ingin agar dirinya dihargai lebih baik sebagai manusia yang mandiri yang memiliki hak-haknya.








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Dona Windasari Septiana Student Number: 104214034











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Dona Windasari Septiana Student Number: 104214034





If you have dreams

but they do not worry you;

it means

they are not big enough for you.

Make a history in your life,



Dedicated To

Jesus Christ in Heaven

as The Owner of All Science




First of all I dedicate my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ for His love and miracle, so that I can accomplish my thesis. I thank Him for being like my best friend that patiently accompany me in every step that I make in my whole life. I owe Him more than I can pay.

I would like to thank my parents, Dody Herkusmanto and Nugrah Rina Artati that always give me support for the struggle to finance my study. I know that their prayer is always for me to accomplish this thesis as one of my responsibilities. I also would like to say thanks to my sister and brother, Dona Sandradewi and Immanuel Richardo, for the time to cheer me up when I got bored.

I believe that I would never accomplish my thesis without the help from others. In this occasion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Ms. Sri Mulyani Ph. D. and Ms. Dewi Widyastuti S.Pd., M. Hum for all the advice, attention, and patience throughout the process of writing this thesis. I also thank my closest friends Dwi Ratnasari Lewi and Jeanne Maria Pingkan who struggle with me. I thanked them for all of the meaningful stories that we shared. I am thankful also for my friends in B class 2010 and for all people whose name I cannot mention one by one, I am thankful for the help, support, and prayer, during the completion of my thesis. May God bless them all.



A. The Characterization of Edna and Leonce Pontellier………... 21

1. Edna Pontellier as a Submissive Woman and Wife……... 22

2. Edna Pontellier as a Rebellious Wife and Mother……….. 27

3. Leonce Pontellier as a Domineering Husband……… 33

4. Leonce Pontellier as a Subdued Husband………... 35

B. Men’s Domination Depicted through Leonce Pontellier…… 38







DONA WINDASARI SEPTIANA. A Woman’s Struggle against Patriarchy in

Kate Chopin’s The Awakening: A Feminist Perspective. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2014.

Feminism in a literary work focuses on the equality between women and men, that they should be partner in life. Feminism shows the struggle of women to get the freedom, equality, and the better social positions in the society. This thesis also uses Feminist approach. This thesis aimed to reveal the struggle against patriarchy through the characterization of Edna Pontellier. Edna is a wife who is dominated by her husband, Leonce Pontellier. Because of that, she dares to release herself from her husband’s domination.

There are three problems formulation in this thesis. First, is to show the characters of Edna and Leonce Pontellier that are portrayed in the novel. Second, is to show the form of oppression that Leonce Pontellier did to Edna as his own wife. The third is to show Edna Pontellier’s reactions toward her husband which reflect the struggle against patriarchy.

This thesis is a library research. The writer finds all o data and other supported references from books and the internet sources. The feminist approach is used in this thesis in order to reveal the woman’s struggle against patriarchy through the major character.




DONA WINDASARI SEPTIANA. A Woman’s Struggle against Patriarchy in

Kate Chopin’s The Awakening: A Feminist Perspective. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2014.

Feminisme dalam karya sastra berfokus pada keseimbangan antara wanita dan pria, bahwa mereka seharusnya menjadi teman yang sederajat dalam hidup. Feminisme menunjukkan perjuangan wanita untuk mendapatkan kebebasan, keseimbangan, dan posisi sosial yang lebih baik di masyarakat. Skripsi ini juga menggunakan pendekatan feminis. Skripsi ini ditujukan untuk mengungkapkan perjuangan melawan budaya patriarki melalui penokohan Edna Pontellier. Edna adalah seorang istri yang dikuasai oleh suaminya, Leonce Pontellier. Dan karena itulah, ia berani untuk melepaskan dirinya dari dominasi suaminya.

Terdapat tiga rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini. Pertama adalah untuk menunjukkan penokohan Edna Pontellier dan Leonce Pontellier yang digambarkan di dalam novel. Kedua adalah untuk menunjukkan bentuk-bentuk tekanan yang dilakukan oleh Leonce Pontellier terhadap istrinya, Edna Pontellier. Ketiga adalah untuk menunjukkan reaksi Edna Pontellier terhadap perilaku suaminya yang mencerminkan perjuangan melawan budaya patriarki.

Skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka. Penulis mengumpulkan semua data dan referensi pendukung lainnya dari buku-buku dan sumber-sumber internet. Pendekatan feminis dipakai dalam skripsi ini untuk mengungkapkan gagasan perjuangan wanita melawan patriarki melalui tokoh utamanya.




A. Background of the Study

Patriarchy has become part of the society since long time ago. Even, it has spread in old society of this world. In this system women are put into lower place and are also considered as group who has less power and less opportunity than men. Men are always dominating, make women seems having no chance in social system to have an equal right to live. It is men that ruled over women, and since all authority vested in men, women have no chance to make their own choices.

Bell Hooks in Understanding Patriarchy states

Patriarchy is a political-social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that dominance through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence (http://imaginenoborders.org/pdf/zines/UnderstandingPatriarchy.pdf). According to the statement, patriarchal system make women suffer because men dominating the social system, in which women seems to be the weak. Men and women are put into different position and function. Women live

under men‟s rule and authority. Men work outside the house while women work


Patriarchy in social system is very difficult to be erased because men and even women are forced to believe that they play a different role. The society has

taught them to become masculine or feminine, as we can see in Lois Tyson‟s

Using Critical Theory.

Feminism argues that while we may born female or male, we are not born feminine or masculine. Rather it is society that decides which behaviors are considered feminine, and therefore appropriate only to females, and which behaviors are considered to masculine, and therefore appropriate only to males (Tyson, 2011: 143).

The work of women and men is divided into different spheres. Women then, become the oppressed. Of course, such circumstances are not a favorable position for women in the society. They are removed from the society that make them unable to make a choice as freely as men do.

Becoming aware of themselves as a whole individual makes women begin to see greater function in society. The strong patriarchal system finally pushes women to do rebellion in order to get the same right and the same position in society with men. Women challenging themselves to be like men and they demand to be allowed to participate in society.


was seen as a too bold-work in the era, but in the 20th century the novel can be accepted well as one of the contributor of the woman struggle against patriarchy.

The Awakening tells a story about a couple of husband and wife, Leonce and Edna Pontellier or usually called Mr. and Mrs. Pontellier in the novel. Chopin

uses Edna Pontellier as her woman major character to describe the woman‟s

struggle against patriarchy. She also uses Louisiana as the setting of the story as a place where patriarchy became one of the social structures at that time.

Since the novel talks and shows women, patriarchy, and feminism, the writer chooses to do research. The basic interest for the writer to have some research from the novel is because the novel has an interesting topic about women. Chopin can describe the female voice through the words she had been chosen. The author gives the real image of women in society at that time. To be more specific, the writer is interested in the way the woman major character, Edna Pontellier, struggles to get her rights and her freedom as a woman.


B. Problem Formulation

1. How are the characters of Edna and Leonce Pontellier portrayed in the novel?

2. What are the forms of oppression that Leonce Pontellier did to Edna as his wife?

3. How do the reactions of Edna Pontellier toward her husband reflect the struggle against patriarchy?

C. Objectives of the Study

The purpose of doing the research is to answer the question in problem formulation. First, in order to know the character and characterization of the major characters, the writer starts the question with what are the characters of Edna and Leonce Pontellier.

Second, is to know the forms of oppression that Leonce Pontellier did to Edna. The question leads the writer to see how men oppress women in patriarchal society.


of Edna toward her husband oppression reflect the woman‟s struggle against


D. Definition of Terms

There are some words that need to be defined before the analysis is done in order to make sure that there is no misinterpretation in the analysis chapter.

1. Struggle

The definition of struggle according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary is the fight against someone or something to prevent bad or

difficult situation and result. It is also can be mean as the fight against the

subject or try to get away from them (Oxford, 2005: 1523).

Cambridge dictionary stated that struggle is to experience difficulty

and make a very great effort in order to do something


2. Patriarchy


Patriarchy is based on sexism. Patriarchy is a belief that women are innately inferior to men. They are less intelligent, less rational, less courageous, and so forth. Because of that, society with traditional gender roles which cast men as decision-makers and women as their dutiful followers, are right and natural (Tyson, 2011: 143).

3. Feminism

According to Maggie Humm‟s Feminism A Reader, the definition of feminism is the belief in sexual equality that combined with a commitment to eradicate sexist domination and to transform society (Humm, 1992: 1).

The word feminism is always related to the women‟s rebellion. The rebellion itself is a term which describes the refusal to be oppressed and it is a refusal to be treated with anything less than the full measure of

dignity and decency that one‟s humanity demand (Bartlet, 2004: 44).

Another definition comes from Rosalind Delmar, that feminism is a belief that women are discriminated because of their sex, that they have specific needs which remain negated and unsatisfied, and that the satisfaction of these needs require changes in social, economic, and even in politic fields ((http://www.sfu.ca/~decaste/ OISE/ page2/ files/DelmarFeminism.pdf.)

The key of feminism is about women‟s emancipation, women‟s




In this chapter, the writer divides the section into three parts. The first part is for review on related studies. The second part is for review on related theories. The last part is for theoretical framework.

A. Review on Related Studies

The Awakening is a novel that has lot of ideas about woman‟s struggle against patriarchy. In this thesis, the writer analyses the novel with feminist approach. The writer compares three other studies in order to get the basic or the main position for this thesis. The first study comes from Kathleen M. Streater entitled Adele Ratignolle: Kate Chopin's Feminist at Home in The Awakening.

Streater analyses the novel with the same approach with this thesis; feminist approach. She compares the main character, Edna Pontellier with another character, Adelle Ratignolle. The writer here agrees with Streater‟s ideas that

Edna, for the most part, uses silence to communicate with

Leonce…Edna has no language by which to express an authentic feminine expression and thus she remains silent, and this

interpretation fits nicely with Edna‟s eventual rejection of all


…. feminism as a movement encourages women to examine their

thoughts, feelings, and bodies and locate their voices not in reaction to men but in individuated relationship to them (Gupta, 2009: 1)

Gupta sees feminism as a way out for women to show their true-self. Feminism is used as a means for the movement of women who struggle to get equality. Feminism is also seen as an approach which is appropriate in The Awakening. Same as Gupta, the writer analyses this thesis which reflects the idea

of woman‟s struggle against patriarchy by using feminist approach.

The third study is Sarah Bommarito‟s Marriage, Motherhood, and

Reception in the Fiction of Chopin and Wharton. The statement from Bommarito is supporting this thesis analysis. Here, the author wrote that Edna Pontellier is an unconventional woman who finally rejects the influence and the control of men and attempts to pursue her newly discovered passions and desire. Moreover, Bommarito explains that Edna begins to feel a sense of containment and entrapment, and that she soon wishes for more independence and a life of her own in which she can do as she pleases (Bommarito, 2010: 16-17).


rebellion, even though the idea of woman‟s struggle against patriarchy in Adelle

Ratignolle is not so much seen in the novel.

In Gupta‟s research, she is not only discusses about feminism. She also

relates it with the deconstructionist idea. The writer, in this thesis only focuses on

how feminist idea, especially in woman‟s struggle against patriarchy, is built

through the characterization of Edna Pontellier, because the main idea for the whole story is about a struggle of woman.

Also in Bommarito‟s analysis, even though there are some quotations that

can help the writer to see better about Edna‟s struggle, but the writer decides to

limit the scope because Bommarito‟s analysis is too wide to be explained.

Bommarito in her thesis relates Edna‟s life with Chopin‟s true-life. She also

compares Edna with Madame Ratignolle. Here, the writer chooses to analyze the woman major character only-that is Edna Pontellier- who struggles to refuse any patriarchal oppression.

B. Review on Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character in a novel takes an important role. A character is the person presented in a novel or literary work. Abrams stated that


There are two types of characters according to Roberts and Jacobs that is round and flat character. Round character is usually the major figures in the work and is fully developed. This type of character is usually called the protagonist; the center of attention to a story and moves against the antagonist. Flat character is undistinguishable from other persons in a particular group. The flat character is not individual but a representative. They are static, meaning that they do not change or grow in their characteristic (Roberts and Jacobs, 1989: 145-146).

To make the character comes alive and become real, the writer uses a method called characterization. Characterization is establishing the distinctive characters in a narrative (Abrams, 1999: 33).

There are several ways to present information about characters: 1. What the characters themselves say and think.

Speeches may be accepted at face value to indicate the character of a speaker.

2. What the characters do.

The action done in a story should be interpreted as a signs of characters.

3. What other characters say about them.

Speaker in a story often talk about the other characters. If the speakers are honest, their opinions could be accepted as accurate description of other characters.

4. What the author says about them.

Sometimes the author in a story gives his or her authorial voice in order to state a character (Roberts and Jacobs, 1989: 147-148).

2. Theory of Patriarchy


they are the ruler, and women in the lower one because they are the follower (Walby, 1990: 20).

Patriarchy is a long history of injustice in the social status between men

and women. Unfortunately, women‟s position is under men‟s control. Lois Tyson

in Using Critical Theory states

A patriarchy is any society in which men hold all or most of the power. Usually a patriarchy gives men power by promoting traditional gender roles. Patriarchal men and women believe that anyone who violates traditional gender roles is in some way unnatural, unhealthy, or even immoral (Tyson, 2011: 141-142). Women in this way, rather than believe to be put in the lower place, they are forced and conditioned by the society to believe that they are weak. Since early childhood, human being has been taught to play different role in the family. Men are taught to do the public job while women are taught to do the domestic one. The one who disobey the rule will be blamed by patriarchal society.

Patriarchy vested its authority in elder males or male. The father in the family or the younger man makes decisions which control and rule the family‟s work, purchases, and etc. In here, the mother or younger women have no choices to make. There are no questions as to their nature is simply obedience (Ehreinreich&English, 1992: 216).

Furthermore, Eisenstein in Contemporary Feminist Thought states


spheres, with appropriate roles for each, and which allocated public power exclusively to the male sphere (Eisenstein, 1984: 6).

By knowing that, then in patriarchy exists something called sex role. This sex role differentiates women and men‟s function in society. Men or masculine behavior is suited with the aggression, initiative, rationality, and objectivity, so that they are given the job to be the leader; the breadwinner. Women or feminine behavior is suited with passivity, emotionalism, and subjectivity, so that they are given the job to be the follower; the house-keeper (Eisenstein, 1984: 10-11).

In patriarchy men are seen to be more important than women. They are more valuable, more worthwhile, and more significant. Their feeling is important.

Women then, here just for men‟s pleasure and they are the assistance of men.

They should fulfill their natural “feminine” functions. In patriarchy, women are

different with men and they should not compete with men (Freeman, 1984: 553).

In patriarchy, the phenomena of motherhood are usually happens. The mother is the person who takes care of the children. It is the duty of the women who become mother, and not the father, to look after the children.

“The experts have no doubts; they are unanimous in their statement

that only the mother, and no one else, should take care of her child. No other question is answered so definitely and plainly. The mother is the person to look after her child.” (Hoffnung, 1984: 124).


that are quite complicated for a human being to do. Because of that women since their childhood were trained to learn those duties (Hoffnung, 1984: 125).

In an unfair world, women are only seen as mere object that placed in the house in order to do the household work. Things done by men outside the house are for money. Because of that the whole family depends on the husband for the living. The wife, inside the house, has to provide the comfort and the love for the husband and the children (Hoffnung, 1984: 125).

3. Theory of Feminism

The definition of feminism according to Bell Hooks in Feminism: A Movement to End Sexist Oppression is the struggle of any women to end sexist oppression. Feminism does not privilege women over men, but it has the power to transform the society around them (http://www.mcc.osu.edu/posts/ documents/sexism-bhooks.pdf).

The traditional view of society assumes that men and women are essentially different so that they should serve different social function. Feminist perspective starts from the premise that women and men are equal and that they share the same human capabilities (Freeman, 1984: 553).


becoming conscious of themselves and criticizing their symbolic misinterpretations in society (Humm, 1994: 3).

Women who rebel become the defenses as it is called by Tyson. The defenses will keep themselves from becoming conscious of the experiences where they have been repressed (Tyson, 2011: 83).

After gathering their consciousness, women are ready to start their struggle. Elizabeth Ann Bartlet in Rebellious Feminism: Camus’s Ethic of Rebellion and Feminist Thought said that women start to refuse to be abused because they have realized their fundamental worth. They do not want to be oppressed anymore and they want to be treated by the full measure of dignity that humanity demands (Bartlet, 2004: 5).

The struggle against patriarchy begins as the voice of women is found. So by becoming conscious women found the chance and uses the chance to speak against injustice. Bartlet support this idea and wrote a statement

Finally this component implies a refusal of silence and a finding of

one‟s voice. Silence is born of despair; rebellion gives birth to

voice. The act of rebellion is one of speaking out against injustice and oppression in affirmation of dignity and self-worth (Bartlet, 2004: 6).


Rebellion, on the other hand, is an active movement of liberation and self-affirmation. Rather than being colored by envy of what one does not have, rebellion claims recognition for who one is. Rebellion stakes a claim for the integrity of one‟s being. And just as the rebel insists on not being humiliated, so does she or he insist on not humiliating anyone else (Bartlet, 2004: 42).

After women realizing their full personhood as human being, after they have the will to stand alone, soon the act to be independent is taken. They realize that they have to be equal to men in order to be respected better in the future. Rosemarie Tong said that women should have the same education as men have because all human being deserve the equal chance to get better development on their rational and moral capacities. This way, women can achieve their full personhood by getting their education (Tong, 2009: 28).

Women, then, after demanding the freedom, they also demand the same opportunity in the public sphere. They want to get the chance to earn money by their own abilities. Women or wives, in order to be partners with men or husbands should earn money outside the house. Only by then, they will not be the object of men, the servants (Tong, 2009: 31).

C. Theoretical Framework

This research discusses a woman‟s struggle against patriarchy. To conduct

clear analysis, the writer applies some theories. They are theory of character and characterization, theory of patriarchy, and the last theory of feminism.


character are used to distinguish the two major character (Edna and Leonce Pontellier) from the other character that is not fully develop in the novel, so that the writer can determine the two major characters that will be analyzed. After finding the two major characters, the theories of character and characterization then are needed to reveal the characters of Edna and Leonce Pontellier.

Theory of patriarchy can be applied to analyze the forms of oppression that Leonce did to Edna. This theory is needed to analyze the form of patriarchy in society through Leonce‟s existence.




A. Object of the Study

In this analysis, the writer chooses Kate Chopin‟s The Awakening as the

object of the research. The Awakening is presented in the form of novel. This novel was written and first published in 1899 by Herbert S. Stone and Co. Even though at the beginning of its existence, the novel was banned in many places because it was seen as too frank and too bold work, but in the mid of 1900‟s until now, finally the novel is considered as one of the best feminist literary work. Though Chopin gets no winning prize at the novel, but this novel is assumed as the contributor of the feminist movement.

The Awakening itself is a story about a couple of husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Pontellier or Leonce and Edna Pontellier. Leonce loves Edna very much, but Edna is actually does not feel the same. She misunderstands her feeling as a love to Leonce that makes her agree to marry with him. There are always problems in their household. Leonce as a husband is quite dominant and so Edna becomes submissive.

In the middle of the story, Edna falls in love with Robert, the son of one of

her husband‟s friends. Only after it, Edna finally realizes her position in society.


In the novel, Chopin wants to emphasize the strong patriarchal culture in 1899. The setting and the character she made is adopted from the real society of Lousiana-Creole in which she lived. Lousiana-Creole people were a free people of color. The white people from France-because they wanted to expand their population in the new world-married with African woman and having children with them. Most of them were rich businessman or elite members of society and they were an educated people. Louisiana-Creole people lived according to the mannerisms and tradition of European society. They were very proud of their tradition, music, and art. And these people liked to have gathering and to celebrate party to know each other.

Lousiana-Creole people were very strict to the rule and there were of course many rules that limited the work of women in the society. Because for them the family was the most important issues in their life, mother or women were put to be the housekeeper. They should fulfill their tasks to do the household job, to care the children, and to please their husband in the house. (http://www.loyno.edu/~kchopin/new/culture/creoles2.html)

With the presence of The Awakening and Edna as the main character, Chopin wants to show the reader the Louisiana-Creole society and the women‟s movement that emerged at that time. Chopin has a purpose by writing the novel

that is to echo women‟s voice in society through her novel, to express her feeling


B. Approach of The Study

In analyzing the problem formulation stated before, the writer uses feminist approach because the research needs feminist perspective in order to get the answer from the problem formulation. Here, the approach helps the writer to

analyze man‟s domination in the novel and the struggle of the woman character

toward man‟s authority. The approach also helps the writer to analyze the

woman‟s struggle against patriarchy in the novel through Edna‟s rebellion.

Edgar V. Roberts in Writing about Literature stated that feminist approach sees that most of the literary work presents a masculine-patriarchal view in which women is always be negated or minimized. The feminist‟s goal then to seek about women‟s unique nature in literature so that women will not be negated any longer (Roberts, 1995: 270).

The feminist agrees that society has been dominated by men. Women then,

find the equality by do some rebellion against men‟s domination. The feminist

approach is the best approach to do the analysis. The writer, based on the approach, relates some feminist perspective that is the woman‟s struggle against

patriarchy with Edna‟s characterization.

C. Method of The Study


There were some steps that the writer used to do the research. First of all, the writer selected the literary work discussed further. In this case, the writer chose Kate Chopin‟s The Awakening as the object.

The second step, the writer tried to make a topic for the research that is a

woman‟s struggle against patriarchy in Kate Chopin‟s The Awakening.

The third step, the writer tried to find the appropriate approach for the study. The approach that is suitable for the novel is feminist approach.

In the next step, the writer started to organize some problem formulation to limit the scope of the study. There are three problem formulations that the writer has decided to analyze.

After the writer formulated the problem and determined the approach for the research, the fifth step the writer began to collect the theories and information related to the analysis. The theories and sources from internet are needed to answer the problem formulation in the analysis chapter.

The next step was the analysis part. The writer divided the analysis into

three parts. First, the writer gave a description of Edna and Leonce‟s character as

a husband and wife. Secondly, the writer showed the male dominations in the

novel. Thirdly, the writer analyzed the ideas of woman‟s struggle against

patriarchy through the characterization of Edna Pontellier.



The analysis in this chapter is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the characterization of the two major characters in the novel, Leonce and Edna Pontellier. The next part discusses the forms oppressions done by Leonce which reflect the patriarchal values in the novel. The last part discusses

the woman‟s struggle against patriarchy reflected by Edna Pontellier.

A. The Characterization of Edna and Leonce Pontellier

There are two major characters in The Awakening, Edna and Leonce Pontellier. Edna and Leonce are the main characters who develop the plot of the story from beginning until the end. They are round and dynamic characters. This is because their characteristic change and grow.

In the beginning of the story Edna is characterized as a submissive woman and wife. She is a beautiful and 28 year old-wife of a New Orleans businessman, Leonce Pontellier, who comes to New Orleans from her hometown, Kentucky, America. After marrying Leonce, she lives in the middle of French-Creole society. But even though she lives in that circumstance, she does not understand well the French-Creole society because she does not have any interest of French.

Leonce Pontellier, on the other side, is described as Edna‟s husband. He is


In the end of the story, their characters change. Edna becomes the rebellious wife and mother whose struggle for her rights, while Leonce becomes subdued.

In order to analyze the character of Edna and Leonce below, the writer uses Roberts & Jacobs‟s theory of character to reveal the characterization of each

which later leads the writer to find the idea of woman‟s struggle against patriarchy

in Edna‟s characterization.

1. Edna Pontellier as a Submissive Woman and Wife

In this chapter, the writer discusses Edna‟s character. Through beginning

of the story when the struggle against patriarchy is undone yet, Edna is described as a passionless or submissive wife. This character comes because since her childhood, she is indeed a shy and unconfident girl. She is better to look at herself alone. She never lets anybody to enter her life.

Mrs. Pontellier was not a woman given to confidences, a characteristic hitherto contrary to her nature. Even as a child she had lived her own small life all within herself. At a very early period she had apprehended instinctively the dual life-that outward existence which conforms the inward life which questions (Chopin, 1899: 35).


Her most intimate friend at school had been one of rather exceptional intellectual gifts, who wrote fine-sounding essays, which Edna admired and strove to imitate; and with her she talked and glowed over the English classics, and sometimes held religious and political controversies (Chopin, 1899: 44).

This imitation process is continuo to happen even when Edna grows to be an adult woman and at once becomes Leonce‟s wife. She has, again, a close friend named Madame Ratignolle or that usually called with Adelle Ratignolle. Edna tries to imitate her because she is the role model of good woman in her society.

She had long wished to try herself on Madame Ratignolle. Never had that lady seemed a more tempting subject than at that moment, seated there like some sensuous Madonna, with the gleam of the fading day enriching her splendid color (Chopin, 1899: 28).

Edna often wants to be like Madame Ratignolle because Madame Ratignolle is the mother-woman who is always praised by the society. Madame Ratignolle is described as an impressive character who is gentle, caring, and womanly wife. This can be seen from the expression of „sensuous Madonna‟ in the above quotation. Edna wants to be looked same as Madame Ratignolle.

As a woman who lives in patriarchal society, Edna wants to be looked as a good woman and wife to. That is why she becomes obedient to the rule of patriarchy. In patriarchy, women should silence. They have to be passive. So because of that the society also influencing Edna‟s submissive character. Edna chooses to silent in any situation because she does not know what else can she does for herself.


time thoroughly awake. She began to cry a little, and wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her peignoir (Chopin 1899: 13).

The quotation above can be one of the examples. Edna is angered by her husband because she does not know when one of her children got fever. Instead of defend for herself, Edna accept it and remain silent. She even keeps her feeling in secret. She cries when her husband has asleep and does not know what she did.

Edna never tries to express what was on her mind. She becomes submissive as if she tries to speak up her mind there is nothing changed. She just let her to be the only person who knows her own problem.

… She had all her life long been accustomed to harbor thoughts

and emotions which never voiced themselves. They had never taken the form of struggles. They belonged to her and were her own, and she entertained the confiction that she had a right to them and that they concerned no one but herself (Chopin, 1899: 121). Edna chooses to remain silent after all this time and she becomes obedient

to her husband‟s command. Each of her husband‟s request and wishes will be

obeyed by her.

Another time she would have gone in at his request. She would, through habit, have yielded to his desire; not with any sense of submission or obedience to his compelling wishes, but unthinkingly, as we walk, move, sit, stand, go through the daily treadmill of the life which has been portioned out to us (Chopin, 1899: 79).

Edna passes her life by always obeying her husband‟s will. This is not because she truly wants to honor her husband position, but because she feels stuck in her own life that never gives her much choice. She sees it as a habit and not more than that. She is her husband‟s follower. Every program in the family such


performances, which is programmed by her husband, she just follows it like there is nothing she can do better.

This had been the programme which Mrs. Pontellier had religiously followed since her marriage, six years before. Certain evenings during the week, she and her husband attended the opera or sometimes the play (Chopin, 1899: 129).

Edna obeys the program made by her husband easily. This is why, once again, Edna becomes submissive woman and wife. She easily does what her husband said to her. She would like to accept whatever her husband asked her to do.

A flat life that she had makes her disable to have strong relationship toward her husband and children. Because Edna is desperate with her unhappy marriage, she becomes passionless to her relationship with her children. She fails to be what her society called as a mother-woman that always ready to give her whole life to her family.

Whenever all mothers always live for the family and give lot of love to the children, Edna does not do the same because she feels that it is a strange activity as a mother.

Mrs. Pontellier‟s mind was quite at rest concerning the present

material needs of her children, and she could not see the use of anticipating and making winter night garments the subject of her summer meditations (Chopin, 1899: 21).


Even when Raoul, one of her sons, had a fever, Edna does not know it. That thing is suggest that she pays little attention to her own children.

Mrs. Pontellier was quite sure Raoul had no fever. He had gone to bed perfectly well, she said, and nothing had ailed him all day. Mr. Pontellier was too well acquainted with fever symptoms to be mistaken. He assured her the child was consuming at that moment in the next room (Chopin, 1899: 13).

Edna is never happy when she is with her children. She cannot understand why another mother should give all their life to the children. Edna is not happy when she has to spend her time with her children. So when her children go to their

grandma‟s house in Iberville, Edna feels so relief.

…..The year before they had spent part of the summer with their

grandmother Pontellier in Iberville. Feeling secure regarding their happiness and welfare, she did not miss them except with an occasional intense longing. Their absence was a short of relief, though she did not admit this, even to herself. It seemed to free her of a responsibility which she had blindly assumed and for which Fate had not fitted her (Chopin, 1899: 48).

Her disregard toward her own children makes her feel a little comfortable if her children are out. Edna assumes that her sons are just like the antagonists who are ready to become her enemies and her disturbances.

… The children appeared before her like antagonists who had

overcome her; who had overpowered and sought to drag her into

the soul‟s slavery for the rest of her days. But she knew a way to

elude them. She was not thinking of these things when she walked down to the beach. (Chopin, 1899: 300)


many sacrifices she had to do for the children. And as a submissive mother, she cannot see what is the used of her sacrifices.

Edna‟s disappointment toward her life and her marriage lead her to her submission. Thus kinds of disappointment become the trigger for her to accept the oppression from her husband.

2. Edna Pontellier as a Rebellious Wife and Mother

With Robert existence as another character who loves Edna, it becomes

the trigger to Edna‟s realization of her own world as a woman. And also because

she cannot stand with every rule and the forces that she gets from her husband, Edna changes her mind. After she gets the realization of her world, Edna rebelled. As the impact of the rebellion, her character becomes brave and expressive. She suddenly has bravery to be herself and shows her feeling to anyone she wanted. She dares to rebel and become independent woman. Her decision to move from her house, where she, her husband and children live together, can be seen as a strong desire to be an independent woman. She challenges herself to move from the area where she usually holds on.

…Then flinging herself upon the uncomfortable sofa she said, “Mademoiselle, I am going to move away from my house on Esplanade Street.” (Chopin, 1899: 206).


“Oh! I see there is no deceiving you. Then let me tell you: it is a

caprice. I have a little money of my own from my mother‟s estate, which my father sends me by driblets. I won a large sum this winter on the races, and I am beginning to sell my sketches. Laidpore is more and more pleased with my work; he says it grows

inforce and individuality….I know I shall like it, like the feeling of

freedom and independence.” (Chopin, 1899: 207-208).

Edna crosses her boundaries. She starts to collect money from her own ability. It is quite unusual for a wife at that time to get her own money from her own attempt. But she still does it, because she feels it is important for her to be independent so that she can be independent.

Not only dares to move from her old house, Edna dares to go to the race with Arobin, her boy-friend. It is indeed unusual for a wife go to the horse-race moreover not with her husband, but Edna does it to release herself from patriarchal construction.

… Mademoiselle Reisz would have laughed at such a request from

Edna. Madame Lebrun might have enjoyed the outing, but for some reason Edna did not want her. So they went alone, she and Arobin (Chopin, 1899: 197-198).

The new adventure makes her feel free. She becomes more and more confident to become independent woman and finally found herself as a human being in the universe. She is no longer lives in doubt or fear, waiting for the decision from her husband. Now she can do everything as she pleases.


Mrs. Pontellier had brought her sketching materials, which she sometimes dabbled with in an unprofessional way. She liked the dabbling. She felt in it satisfaction of a kind which no other employment afforded her (Chopin, 1899: 28).

Edna would be so satisfied if she had distributed her thoughts and her feelings through painting. Painting is her true self. She gives all of her energy and her heart only to painting.

She was working with great energy and interest, without accomplishing anything, however, which satisfied her even in the smallest degree. For a time she had the whole household enrolled in the service of art (Chopin, 1899: 148).

Even though Edna really likes to paint the most, but there is another thing she likes in art, music. Music can helps her to create a picture in her mind that makes her able to paint.

Edna was what she herself called very fond of music. Musical strains, well rendered, had a way of evoking pictures in her mind. She sometimes liked to sit in the room of mornings when Madame Ratignolle played or practiced (Chopin, 1899: 65).

It is also described continuously that after she realizes her whole being in the society, her character becomes expressive and brave. Edna had decided not to hold her feeling alone anymore. When she is angry to Leonce because he is suddenly out from home after they fight for a problem, Edna throws a glass vase to express her anger.


Satisfied to express her thought, she becomes more and more confident. She shows her brave heart to Arobin. Arobin is another character in the novel that falls in love with Edna, but that Edna does not fall in love to. Arobin for her is only some kind of entertainment in her life. With Arobin, she can be his best friend without thinking more of how the society sees them. Even though Arobin for her is just some kind of entertainment, Edna loves the situation where she and Arobin become closer. The two are often shares their world.

The afternoon was intensely interesting to her. The excitement came back upon her like a remittent fever. Her talk grew familiar and confidential. It was no labor to become intimate with Arobin (Chopin, 1899: 198).

It is for the first time also that Edna responds the seduction that Arobin gives to her. Even though Edna has no feeling with him, but she just wants to feel something different than before. She even gives a few special touches to Arobin‟s body.

…She touched his hand as she scanned the red cicatrice on the

inside of his white wrist. A quick impulse that was somewhat spasmodic impelled her fingers to close is a sort of clutch upon his hand. He felt the pressure of her pointed nails in the flesh of his palm (Chopin, 1899: 198-199).


“No. Good night. Why don‟t you go after you have said good

night? I don‟t like you,” she went on a high, excited pitch,

attempting to draw away her hand. She felt that her words lacked dignity and sincerity, and she knew that he felt it (Chopin, 1899: 200).

Even though Edna knows what she said to Arobin is lack of dignities, but she lets it happen. Edna does not want to hide any feeling anymore.

After she gets her bravery, Edna does not want to hide her feeling to Robert anymore. Edna finally confesses her love to one of her new best friends, Mademoiselle Reisz, that she is fall in love with Robert.

“You are purposely misunderstanding me, ma reine. Are you in love with Robert?”

“Yes,” said Edna. It was the first time she had admitted it, and a

glow overspread her face, blotching it with red spots (Chopin, 1899: 212).

The truly-self that all this time being kept, finally comes up into the surface. The feeling of wanted the happiness, the freedom to love somebody, and being together with someone who she wanted so much mixed into one. Edna will never let herself to enjoy the solitude all alone again.

Longing for freedom makes her no longer want to be her previous-self. Edna that usually ignores her own desire as a woman now starts to listen to what her desire wants. As an ordinary woman she misses the time when a man loves and gives attention to her. She misses the kisses that she finally receives a kiss given by Arobin. It is not because Edna finally falls in love with Arobin. Edna


…They continued silently to look into each other‟s eyes. When he Orleans, Edna feels so happy. She still remembers her longing for her true love. She decides to express her feeling bravery to Robert. She kisses Robert when he is visiting her pigeon-house.

She leaned over and kissed him-a soft, cool, delicate kiss, whose voluptuous sting penetrated his whole being- then she moved away from him. He followed and took her in his arms, just holding her close to him. She put her hand up to his face and pressed his cheek against her own. The action was full of love and tenderness. He sought her lips again. Then he drew her down upon the sofa beside him and held her hand in both of his (Chopin, 1899: 280).

After she kisses Robert, she even conveys the feeling of her passionate love with full confidence. She wants to get her romantic time with Robert. This is what she wanted for a long time.

“I love you,” she whispered, ”Only you; no one but you. It was you

who awoke me last summer out of a life-long, stupid dream. Oh! You have made me so unhappy with your indifference. Oh! I have suffered, suffered! Now you are here we shall love each other, my Robert. We shall be everything to each other. Nothing else in the world is any of consequence. I must go to my friend; but you will

wait for me? No matter how late; you will wait for me, Robert?”

(Chopin, 1899: 283).


Seeing all the evidences above, Edna becomes rebellious woman by ignoring the old rule in patriarchy. Her being brave and expressive and independent is emphasizing to the world and to her husband that she is no longer become the old self who always being dependent to man and disregarding herself as a human being.

3. Leonce Pontellier as a Domineering Husband

After knowing Edna‟s character as a wife and mother, in this chapter the

writer analyzes Leonce Pontellier‟s character. Leonce is Edna‟s Louisiana-Creole husband. He is a successful and rich businessman and always aware of his social appearance.

As a husband, Leonce is quite dominant toward Edna. Thanks to the role of his surrounding who uphold patriarchy, he becomes domineering in a way that he always pushes Edna to follow his command and his rule as a noble family.

“Edna, dear, are you not coming in soon?” he asked again, this

time fondly, with a note of entreaty.

“No; I am going to stay out here. “

“This is more than folly,” he blurted out. “I can‟t permit you to

stay out there all night. You must come in the house instantly.”

(Chopin, 1899: 79).


From the very first time, Leonce is an impatience man. He often grows impatient if Edna does not obey his command. Any slightest mistakes and rejection will not be tolerated.

She heard him moving about the room; every sound indicating impatience and irritation. Another time she would have gone in at his request...(Chopin, 1899: 79).

Leonce‟s domination to Edna can be seen easily in every part of her life. Edna has to obey all rules in her family. One of the rules that Edna has to obey is

the Tuesday‟s Reception Day. In this day, Edna has to send back the letters that

come to their family as soon as they are arrive in Edna‟s house. The letters come from Leonce‟s business partner‟s wives. By doing so, the business cooperation

between Leonce and his partners will be fine. Leonce‟s image in the society will

also be saved.

But this time, Edna cannot directly replies the letters as usual because she had just returned home from her walk. When she came out she did not ask for permission to Leonce because he was working. So she only told the servant that she wants to go out for a while. However Leonce objected Edna for leaving her Tuesday‟s job and chooses for a walk. For that reason Leonce increasingly angry at Edna.

“No, I left no excuse. I told Joe to say I was out, that was all.” “Why, my dear, I should think you‟d understand by this time that people don‟t do such things;….If you felt that you had to leave home this afternoon, you should have left some suitable


In such cases, Leonce becomes domineering because he is too exaggerates in response Edna‟s decision only for a short walk away. He wants Edna just stay at home and do her responsibility like the other wives do. Leonce is not aware of the fact that Edna is also a person who has her own rights in the family, where he as a householder should at least respect Edna. And because he still feels objected, Leonce is increasingly forces Edna to tell the reason of her departure.

“Mercy!” exclaimed Edna, who had been fuming. “Why are you taking the thing so seriously and making such a fuss over it?” “I‟m not makingany fuss over it. But it‟s just such seeming triffles that we‟ve got to take seriously; such things count.” (Chopin, 1899:


Edna feels that her husband is too strict to the rule. He is easily got mad if she does not obey his rule. Leonce becomes conservative because he thinks that every behavior is count by the society. The slightest mistake will make him get bad label. It is true. But Leonce becomes too much for every rule that has been imposed and that has to be obeyed.

4. Leonce Pontellier as a Subdued Husband

Leonce who was described as a husband who ruled over Edna, experiences the changes in his character. Previously, he was very strict, he was always angry if Edna did not obey his command. Now he becomes subdued and accepts every

change happens in Edna‟s self and accepts whatever she does to her family.


sides of her, Leonce think back about the condition. He chooses to leave Edna alone and tries to give in if they fight about some problems.

“I‟m going to get my dinner at the club. Good night.” He went into

the hall, took his hat and stick from the stand, and left the house. (Chopin, 1899: 133)

Edna and Leonce are quarrelling about their opinions on Edna‟s Tuesdays

Program. Like what happens in above quotation, Leonce chooses to give in and leave Edna alone.

To maintain his household integrity, Leonce does not want forces Edna again. He tries to understand Edna well. When Edna refuses to buy new fixtures for the house with Leonce, he tries to tolerate it. He does not want Edna to force herself to love the things that he likes, even though actually he wants to select it with Edna.

“I hardly think we need new fixtures, Leonce. Don‟t let us get

anything new; you are too extravagant. I don‟t believe you ever

think of saving or putting by.”

“The way to become rich is to make money, my dear Edna, not to save it,” he said. He regretted that she did not feel inclined to go with him and select new-fixtures. He kissed her goodbye… (Chopin, 1899: 137).

Seeing that his wife is not interested in the event he made, he chooses to understand it and tells her to go home than forcing herself to accompany him. Leonce that usually does not care to Edna‟s condition now starts giving attention to Edna‟s feeling. He does not want to lose Edna.

The changes in Edna‟s life make Leonce surprised. But there is nothing he


angry and tells Leonce to get out from her room after he disagrees about Edna‟s hobby of painting, Leonce obeys it.

“Oh! I don‟t know. Let me alone; you bother me.”

Her husband let her alone as she requested, and went away to his office. Edna went up to her atelier-a bright room in the top of the

house…(Chopin, 1899: 147-148).

Leonce hopes, this will be a way for Edna to return to be normal, becomes her old self which is so easy to set up by him. But the fact is different with what he is expected. Edna does not want to become her old self again. There is no way can be done by Leonce. He even can only consult and asks for help to Dr. Mandelet, a doctor who is close to him to resolve his problem with Edna.

“Yes, yes; she seems quite well,” said Mr. Pontellier, leaning

forward and whirling his stick between his two hands; “but she

doesn‟t act well. She‟s odd, she‟s not like herself. I can‟t make her out, and I thought you perhaps you‟d help me.” (Chopin, 1899:


From the way Leonce can only consulting Edna‟s condition with the

doctor means that there is nothing that Leonce can do to make Edna back. Nothing can be done when Edna rebel, but to accept it helplessly as Edna always accept his command. Even to the last point, when Edna wants to abandon the house in Esplanade Street, Leonce tries to understand Edna‟s decision.

But remembering Edna‟s whimsical turn of mind of late, and

foreseeing that she had immediately acted upon her impetuous determination, he grasped the situation with his usual promptness and handled it with his well-known business tact and cleverness (Chopin, 1899: 244).


other choice but to be submissive to Edna, because there is nothing that will hold Edna from doing her rebellion.

B. Form of Oppressions that Leonce Pontellier Did to Edna

By seeing Edna‟s and Leonce‟s character before, oppressions have chance to happen in their household. Edna who has submissive characteristic has a chance to become the oppressed. Meanwhile, Leonce as the more dominant sides becomes the oppressor.

The era in which The Awakening was written was filled by the rule of patriarchy. Patriarchy is a system of social structures where men dominate, oppress and exploit women. Women and men live together in the condition where they ruled to be in a different position (Walby, 1990: 20). Patriarchy gives men power by promoting traditional gender roles. Traditional gender roles are the differentiation of work constructed by the society, between men and women. Men and women in the patriarchy era who violates traditional gender roles is consider as an unnatural, unhealthy, or even immoral person (Tyson, 2011: 141-142).

In The Awakening, Leonce is very dominating. He, as a man and a husband in the family, always forces Edna to do his will. Leonce cannot accept if Edna refuses to obey him.

“Do you know it is past one o‟clock? Come on,” and he mounted

the steps and went into their room.

“Edna!” called Mr. Pontellier from within, after a few moments

had gone by.


“You will take cold out there,” he said, irritably. “What folly is this? Why don‟t you come in?”(Chopin, 1899: 78).

Leonce of course, cannot accept Edna‟s refusal. He cannot understand

Edna‟s way of thinking. Because in patriarchy, woman who does not obey the rule

of patriarchy, as it is stated by Tyson, is consider as an unnatural or strange woman. The one who disobey the rule of patriarchy will be blamed and it is clear that the rule of patriarchy stated that women are under men‟s command. When his wife refuses to obey him, Leonce will never stop to force Edna to follow his will like what happens below.

“Edna, dear, are you not coming in soon?” he asked again, this

time fondly, with a note of entreaty. “No; I am going to stay out here.”

“This is more than folly,” he blurted out. “I can‟t permit you to

stay out there all night. You must come in the house instantly.” (Chopin, 1899: 79).

Leonce would not stop if Edna did not want to obey him. This happens because the rule stated that man is the one who should be followed, not a woman. As it is stated by Walby, men dominate over women.

Women and men can easily accept every rule of patriarchy because they are conditioned to accept it by the process that called sex-role stereotyping where it is differentiate women than men. Women are allocated to the female sphere and men are allocated to the male sphere (Eisenstein, 1984: 6).

This sex roles, rule the difference of women and men‟s function in society.


rationality, and objectivity, while women or feminine behavior is suited with passivity, emotionalism, and subjectivity (Eisenstein, 1984: 10-11).

Patriarchy is respected. All people obeying the rules in patriarchy. Men are

dominating. Women are oppressed to become men‟s object. There is only one

duty for women; obeying men‟s order and remain silent. Leonce‟s domination toward his wife shows how patriarchy at that time lives perfectly in the society among them.

The traditional gender roles subject men as naturally rational, strong, protective and decisive. Women on the other hand are subject as naturally emotional, weak, nurturing, and submissive (Tyson, 2011: 142). And because of that, patriarchy makes men on the top position. They are the decision-maker of the family. They will control everything. There is no choices and question for women. The rule for women is to become obedient to them (Ehrenreich & English, 1992: 216).


“Out!” exclaimed her husband, with something like genuine consternation in his voice as he laid down the vinegar cruet and

looked at her through his glasses. “Why, what could have taken you out on Tuesday? What did you have to do?” (Chopin, 1899:


Because Edna does not ask for Leonce‟s permission, Leonce feels that Edna does not honor his position as her husband. Such of this legislation become outrageous and become the pressure for women because they would feel restrained. Wherever they go they have to ask for permission to men, whereas men are not necessarily be treated the same.

Unsatisfied because he has not received clear explanation from Edna, Leonce continuously forces her to give him satisfaction reason why she is suddenly out.

“Why, my dear, I should think you‟d understand by this time that

people don‟t do such things;….If you felt that you had to leave

home this afternoon, you should have left some suitable

explanation for your absence…” (Chopin, 1899: 131).

Leonce forces Edna to follow him like what the patriarchal culture has taught him to do. Edna just can try to accept it. This is because of both of them has conditioned to play the role as the oppressor and the oppressed in a family. Edna as a woman is always related to passivity. When woman remain silent she is a good woman. Man who is dominant, taking all the decision in a family is defined as a good man. Because of that man is considered as the decision-maker. Every means of decision should be decided by men. All permission is under

men‟s consideration. Women have to follow them. There are no women at that


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