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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Medan State University In Partial Fulfillment to the Requirement for

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

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Figure Page

2.1 The Essential Component in Teaching and Learning ... 9

2.2 The Features of Teaching Model ... 21

2.3 Learner Outcomes for Cooperative Learning ... 27

2.4 Direct Instruction Aims at Accomplishing Two Learner Outcomes ... 37

2.5 The Conceptual Framework ... 43

4.1 Pre-test Diagram in Experiment Class ... 60

4.2 Pre-test Diagram in Control Class ... 62

4.3 Post-test Diagram in Experiment Class ... 64

4.4 Post-test Diagram in Control Class ... 65

4.5 The Change in Pretest and Posttest scores ... 77

4.6 Mean Score of Student Attitude ... 77








MOTTO ... iv

2.1.2. Social Studies Learning in Junior High School ... 10

2.1.3. Student Achievement ... 12

2.1.4. Attitude ... 13

2.1.5. Motivation ... 15 for Motivation ... 15, Learning Communities & Goal Structure . 18 2.1.6. Models of Teaching ... 20 Joyce’s Models of Teaching ... 22 Arends’ Models of Interactive Teaching ... 23

2.1.7. Cooperative Learning (CL) ... 24 Definition of CL ... 24 The Effects and Assumptions about CL ... 25 CL’s Goal Structure ... 26



3.4. Research Variables and Operational Definitions ... 48

3.4.1. Research Variables ... 48

3.4.2. Operational Definitions ... 49

3.5. Technique of Data Collection ... 50

3.7.2. Instrument Reliability Test ... 54

3.7.3. Normality Test ... 54 Data Description for Students Achievement Variable 59 A. Pre-Test in Experiment Class ... 59

B. Pre-Test in Control Class ... 61

C. Post-Test in Experiment Class ... 62

D. Post-Test in Control Class ... 64 Data Description for Attitude Variable ... 66

A. Attitude Variable in Experiment Class ... 66


xii Data Description for Motivation Variable ... 67

A. Motivation Variable in Experiment Class ... 67

B. Motivation Variable in Control Class ... 68

4.1.2. Validity and Reliability Test ... 69 Validity Test ... 69

A. Attitude Questionnaire ... 69

B. Motivation Questionnaire ... 70 Reliability Test ... 71

A. Attitude Questionnaire ... 71

B. Motivation Questionnaire ... 71

4.1.3. Requirements Test of Data Analysis ... 72 Normality Test ... 72 Homogeneity Test ... 73

4.1.4. Hypothesis Test ... 74

4.2. Discussion ... 76


5.1. Conclusions ... 80

5.2. Suggestions ... 81






Table Page

1.1 The Condition of Social Studies Student Achievement in Midterms ... 2

2.1 Definitions for Attitude ... 13

2.2 Joyce and Weil’s Models of Teaching ... 23

2.3 Arends’ Models of Teaching ... 23

2.4 Phases in STAD as Cooperative Learning Method ... 30

2.5 Determine The Group Members ... 32

2.6 Calculating The Individual Improvement Score ... 33

2.7 Criteria to Determine The Team Recognition ... 34

2.8 The Process to Determine Team Recognition ... 34

2.9 Syntax for Direct Instruction ... 39

3.1 Students in class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Babalan ... 46

3.2 Layout for Research Instrument ... 52

4.1 Data Description for Pre-Test in Experiment Class ... 59

4.2 Frequency and Percent of Pre-test score in Experiment Class ... 60

4.3 Data Description for Pre-Test in Control Class ... 61

4.4 Frequency and Percent of Pre-test Score in Control Class ... 61

4.5 Data Description for Post-Test in Experiment Class ... 63

4.6 Frequency and Percent of Post-test score in Experiment Class ... 63

4.7 Data Description for Post-Test in Control Class ... 64

4.8 Frequency and Percent of Post-Test Score in Control Class ... 65

4.9 Data Description for Attitude Variable in Experiment Class ... 66

4.10 Data Description for Attitude Variable in Control Class ... 67

4.11. Data Description for Motivation Variable in Experiment Class ... 68

4.12 Data Description for Motivation Variable in Control Class ... 68

4.13 The Summary of Validity Test for Attitude Questionnaire ... 69

4.14 The Summary of Validity Test for Motivation Questionnaire ... 70

4.15 The Summary of Reliability Test for Attitude Questionnaire ... 71



4.17 The Summary of Normality Test ... 72

4.18 The Summary of Homogeneity Test of Variance for Pretest Score .... 73

4.19 Analysis Variance for Pretest Score in Experiment and Control Class 74

4.20 Independent T-test Results of Data Gained from

Student Achievement ... 75

4.21 Independent T-test Results of Data Gained from Attitude Scale ... 75




Appendix Page

1. Lesson Plan ... 87

2. Test ... 108

3. Attitude Questionnaire ... 118

4. Motivation Questionnaire ... 120

5. Test Tabulation Data ... 122

6. Attitude Scale Tabulation Data ... 126

7. Motivation Scale Tabulation Data ... 128

8. Validity Test and Reliability Test ... 130

9. Normality Test ... 136

10.Homogeneity Test ... 144

11.Hypothesis Test ... 145




Meylina Jojor Rotua Sitorus. NIM. 709141129. Pengaruh STAD-Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif terhadap Prestasi Belajar, Sikap dan Motivasi Siswa dalam pelajaran IPS di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Babalan Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi. Program Studi Pendidikan Tata Niaga, Fakultas Ekonomi. Universitas Negeri Medan 2013.

Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya prestasi belajar, sikap, dan motivasi siswa terhadap pelajaran IPS dan pembelajaran kooperatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perberdaan antara pengaruh STAD sebagai pembelajaran kooperatif dengan pendekatan direct instruction (pengajaran langsung) terhadap prestasi belajar, sikap dan motivasi dalam pelajaran IPS.

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 2 Babalan, Jalan Pendidikan, Kec. Babalan, Kab. Langkat tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik

purposive sampling yang terdiri dari 2 (dua) kelas, yaitu kelas eksperimen (48 siswa) dan kelas kontrol (44 siswa). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes (15 pertanyaan), kuesioner sikap (20 butir), dan kuesioner motivasi (18 butir). Teknik hipotesis data menggunakan T-test tidak berpasangan (Independent t-test).

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata skor posttest kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi (81,28) dari pada di kelas kontrol (63,98), dan menunjukan rata-rata skor skala sikap di kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi (84,19) dari pada di kelas kontrol (77,59) serta juga menunjukkan rata-rata skor skala motivasi yang lebih tinggi di kelas eksperimen (73,62) daripada di kelas kontrol (65,59). Dalam pengujian hipotesis, prestasi belajar di STAD sebagai kelas eksperimen bermanfaat secara signifikan dari pada prestasi belajar di kelas kontrol (tratio (6,276) > ttable (1,66), and p<0,05), menunjukkan pengaruh sikap yang lebih

signifikan terhadap pelajaran IPS di kelas eksperimen daripada di kelas kontrol (tratio (4,274) > ttable (1,66) and p < 0,05), dan STAD sebagai kelas eksperimen

lebih efektif mendorong motivasi siswa terhadap pelajaran IPS dan pembelajaran kooperatif dari pada direct instruction (tratio (5,342) > ttable (1,66) and p<0,05).

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa STAD dibandingkan dengan direct

instruction mendorong sikap positif, menunjukkan prestasi belajar yang lebih baik, dan memotivasi siswa untuk belajar IPS.




1.1Background of the Research

Education is one of the most important aspect in life, people will

obtain the better life if they get the higher level in education. Furthermore,

education is one of the fundamental priorities of nation building (Zulfikar,

2009:13), by producing intelligent people a nation will more progressive and

competitive in global world. For this reason, so many efforts that have been

done by related party (such as government, organizations, schools, teachers,

parents, etc.) to increase the quality of education.

To support the successful in increasing the quality of education,

particularly education in Indonesia, then the effort of enhancement education

quality is implemented by exploiting teaching learning process improvement.

(Feriyati, 2nd Februay 2013). One of the indicators of success in learning

process can be observed from students achievement, and to achieve the

successful of teaching learning process is obtained by increasing students’

understanding toward the concepts of materials and actives students in

teaching-learning process (Apriza, dkk, 2012:198).

When the researcher had experience in teaching in SMP Negeri 2

Babalan, she found that the teaching-learning process in Social Studies more

display an individualistic and competitive environment. It was evidenced



Researcher divided the students into several groups to work on group

assignment, after the groups was divided there were some students that

complained and did not pleased to be in their group because their friends in

group had low proficiency and ability. Moreover, students learning outcomes

is still very poor. This case is proved by comparing Minimum Compeleteness

Criteria (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) 75 with students’ Midterms Test

(Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil) that is still so far from expectation, only

47,59% from 353 students is stated completed.

Table 1.1 The Condition of Social Studies Student Achievement in Midterms Test class VIII

No Class Number of Students Complete Incomplete

1 VIII-1 32 29 3

When researcher carry out observation at SMP Negeri 2 Babalan, she

found that students would show their actives if they had enough motivation to

arouse their passion about a subject matter. It is supported by Williams’ (23th

February 2013) argument that, “Students motivation is an essential element

that is necessary for quality of education”, it means that to get a qualified

education in teaching learning process is needed some factors which



learn. Robert Schuller (in Williams and Williams, 23th February 2013) said

that, “You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb

himself”. If students are not sufficiently motivated, then they tend to indicate a

lack of concern attitudes about the learning environment.

Placement of models in program of study is important, as is blending

them appropriately (Joyce and Weil, 1972:23). Therefore, teacher as an expert

and professional should be able to apply of teaching models that appropriate

and suitable with the subject matter and students need. Furthermore, teacher

should be able to design the teaching-learning process to be an environment

that promotes students may have better attitudes in interacting one another and

create cooperative learning environment.

Basically, the learning objectives of Social Studies are to educate and

give the provision of base ability for students to develop they self that

appropriate with their aptitude, interest, ability and environment, and the

provision for students to continue their education to the higher level

(Solihatin and Raharjo, 2008:15). From the learning objectives above, it need

a learning that can realize the successful of those goals. Teachers ability in

selecting and placing models, methods and strategies that appropriate with

students’ need, will determine the successful of those goals.

The revision of students learning outcomes can be achieved through

increasing students understanding toward the learning materials which are

given and also along with students’ activity in learning process in class is



teaching model can be used as a solution to improvement of students

achievement. According to Arends (2009:354), there are three effects of

Cooperative Learning on learners outcomes, they are: effects on cooperative

behavior, effects on tolerance of diversity and effects on academic

achievement. Moreover, Arends argued that Cooperative Learning helps

students become engaged with one another. Thus, Cooperative Learning is not

only can improve students’ academic achievement but also can increase

interaction and helps one another through sharing skills and building

relationships. The success of Cooperative Learning will produces both

academic and social benefits.

There are so many methods of Cooperative-Learning model, one of

them is Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD). STAD was

developed by Robert E. Slavin and his colleagues in John Hopkins University

and one of the simplest and the best cooperative learning method to be used

for a new beginning for teachers who use cooperative approach (Slavin,

2005:143). The purposes of using STAD are to drastically improve and

accelerate learner performance (Wyk, 2005:262) and to motivate students to

encourage and help one another master skills presented by teacher (Slavin,

1994 in Wyk, 2005:262)

The used of STAD in education researches which was done by some

researchers (Wyk, 2012 and Norman, 2005) showed great success. The

findings in their researches indicated STAD promotes positive attitudes,



research found that STAD accelerates academic as well has having positive

effects on important non-academic factors such as motivation, liking of

school, and working with others in learning groups.

For this present study the application of STAD is expected can

produce an active learning, increase students attitude toward cooperative

learning, sharing each other, and positive interdependence. Afterwards, the

positive interdependence, created by STAD as Cooperative Learning groups,

helps to increase the motivation in groups and finally students achievement

can be improved.

Refers to the background above, researcher is interested to do research

which is titled The Effects of the STAD-Cooperative Learning Method on

Student Achievement, Attitude and Motivation in Social Studies at Class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Babalan Academic Year 2012/2013.

1.2Problem Identification

Based on the background of the research above, it identified some

cases, they are:

a. Students achievement in Social Studies is still low.

b. The students attitudes toward cooperative learning is very poor.

c. There is no students motivation on learning cooperatively in Social




1.3The Scope of the Problem

The scope of the problem in this research is limited on the effects of

the STAD-cooperative learning on student achievement, attitude and

motivation in Social Studies, the material is Demand and Supply at class VIII

SMP Negeri 2 Babalan academic year 2012/2013.

1.4Research Questions

Based on the background of the research, this study was guided by the

following specific research questions, those are:

1. Is there the difference between effect of the STAD as a cooperative

learning approach and the direct instruction approach on students

achievement in Social Studies?

2. Is there the difference beetween effect of the STAD as a cooperative

learning approach and the direct instruction approach on students attitude

toward learning Social Studies and cooperative learning?

3. Is there the difference between effect of the STAD as a cooperative

learning approach and the direct instruction approach on students

motivation toward learning Social Studies and cooperative learning?

1.5 The Purposes of the Research

Based on the research questions above, the purpose of this research is

to explore the effects of STAD in relation to direct instruction, more



1. To find out the difference between the effect of STAD as a cooperative

learning approach and the direct instruction approach on students

achievement in Social Studies.

2. To find out the difference beetween the effect of STAD as a cooperative

learning approach and the direct instruction approach on students attitude

toward learning Social Studies and cooperative learning.

3. To find out the difference between effect of STAD as a cooperative

learning approach and the direct instruction approach on students

motivation toward learning Social Studies and cooperative learning.

1.6The Significances of the Research

Based on purposes of the research above, the significances of the

research are:

1. For Students

As an effort to improve students’ achievement, increase students’ attitude

toward cooperative learning, and motivate students to learning Social

Studies cooperatively.

2. For Teachers

To inform teachers to be aware about the important of selecting the

teaching models that appropriate with students’ need, and considering

STAD-Cooperative Learning as one of the effective teaching models to

be used in Social Studies.

3. For Future Research





5.1. Conclusions

Based on the finding and discussion, the following are the conclusions,

they are are manifested into three categories:

1. The calculation of independent t-test results of data gained from posttest

tratio (6,276) > ttable (1,66), and p (0,000) <  (0,05). It indicates that there is

a significant difference of mean score in experiment class and control

class. So, can be concluded that there is a significant difference between

the effect of STAD as a cooperative learning approach and the direct

instruction approach on students achievement in Social Studies at class

VIII SMP Negeri 2 Babalan academic year 2012/2013. In other words,

STAD as a cooperative learning experience is more effective in promotes

the student achievement than direct instruction.

2. The calculation of independent t-test results of data gained from attitude

questionnaire tratio (4,274) > ttable (1,66) and p (0,000) <  (0,05). It

indicates that there is a significant difference of attitude between the

experiment class and the control class. So, can be concluded that there is a

significant difference between the effect of STAD as a cooperative

learning approach and the direct instruction approach on attitude in Social

Studies at class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Babalan academic year 2012/2013. In



in promotes the positive attitudes, minimize the individualistic and

competitive environment than direct instruction.

3. The calculation of independent t-test results of data gained from

motivation questionnaire gained tratio (5,342) > ttable (1,66) and p (0,000) <

 (0,05). It indicates that there is a significant difference of motivation

between the experiment class and the control class. So, can be concluded

that there is a significant difference between the effect of STAD as a

cooperative learning approach and the direct instruction approach on

motivation in Social Studies at class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Babalan academic

year 2012/2013. In other words, STAD as a cooperative learning

experience is more effective in promotes the higher motivation to achive,

motivation to learn together and tolerance the diversity than direct


5.2. Suggestions

Based on the findings, the study suggests the following areas, they are

manifested into three points:

1. For Students

Students should be focused in achieving the learning goals, because

every learning goal has the benefit in social life.

2. For Teachers

STAD is the appropriate cooperative learning method for Demand and



when Demand and Supply is taught, should be prepare this model of teaching

as well as possible. During teams phase, teacher should be frequently remind

the students to help their friends who have the low ability. STAD will

progressing well when all of the members in the teams collaborated each

other. Therefore, teacher have to support all of the teams to achieve the goals

and finally teacher should be give the recognition to the success teams.

3. For Future Researchers

In this present study has less research time. Additional research should

be conducted in the future, so for the future research who want to investigates

the similar research can investigates the possible long-term effects of STAD

as a cooperative learning. Future research should also focus on comparison

between two method of cooperative learning, STAD and Jigsaw for example.

It aims to determine if other cooperative learning models are equally effective




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Table 1.1 The Condition of Social Studies Student Achievement in   Midterms Test class VIII


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