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THE PROBLEM OF USING PRONOUNS IN ENGLISH WRITING AMONG THE FIRST YEARS STUDENTS OF SMK NU KALIGARANG IN THE ACADEMIC YEARS OF 20032004 Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Isla


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

in the English Department

Kusnul Abadi NIM, 113 99 029




JL S ta d io n 03 Telp. 0298 323 7 0 6 S a la tig a 50721


Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini tidak berisi materi yang pernah ditulis oleh orang lain / pernah diterbitkan / demikian juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pikiran- pikiran orang lain, kecuali informasi yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan bahan rujukan.

Apabila dikenuidian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran orang lain di luar referensi yang peneliti cantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup mempertanggung jawabkan kembali keaslian skripsi ini di hadapan sidang munaqosah skripsi.

Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Salatiga, 05 Maret 2005 Peneliti

KUSNUL ABADI NIM. 113 99 029


Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd. The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES Salatiga, March 02th 2005 Case : Kusnul Abadi’s Thesis


The Head of State

Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga

Assalamu 'ulaikum Wr. Wh.

After reading and correcting Kusnul Abadi’s thesis entitled ’’The Problem of Using Pronouns in English Writing Among the first year students of SMK NU Kaligarang in Academic Year of 2003/2004”

1 have decided and would like to propose that it could be accepted by the educational faculty and 1 hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb.



JL Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721




Has been brought to the board of examiners in March, 12th

2005 M / Shafar, 02nd 1426 H, and hereby considered to

completely fulfill the requirement of Saijana degree in the English

Department of Educational Faculty.

KUSNULABADI NIM : 113 99 029

March, 12th 2005 M


Shafar, 02nd 1426H

Board of examiners

Prof. Dr. Muh. Zuhri, MA (Q\Prs. Sa’adi, M.Ag

NIP. 150 182 686

NIP. 150 256 821

Atten ‘'


Dra. Woro R ejtnaningsih, M.Pd

NIP. 150 262 646




- M y beloved M other (M rs. S iti S a ry a m i)

- Lecturers an d students o f S T A IN S a la tig a

- M y brother A ti S a'bani an d F am ily

- M y Secret title an g el

- A ll o f my friends



In the name of Allah, the compassionate, blesses and praises always go to great prophet Muhammad. Alhamdullillah, everlasting thanks to Allah. The writer must be deeply grateful to Allah for His blessing, whose without help the writer would have not been able to finish the thesis. Those who ask help to Alloh will never feel disappointment.

This thesis is presented to English Department of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Sarjana degree. It is important for the writer to thank people behind the making of this thesis. The writer would like to thank to :

1. Drs. Badwan, M.Ag, as the head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga.

2. Drs. Sa’adi, M.Ag, as the chief of English Department.

3. Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd, as the consultant who is always ready to give help in solving problems concerning the writing of this graduating paper. Thank you very much for your patience and guidance.

4. To all lecturers of English Department, the writer deeply thank you all for not only giving knowledge but also insight.

5. To family which has facilitated and encouraged the writer to finish his study. We could have never thanked you enough and never been able to reply what you have done and given to us.

6. To all friends in MAPALA MITAPASA, you almost make me crazy


8. All students of TB1 o f 99, and spec'al thank to “The funny children (pak Kasan, pak Ndut, pak Japrex)”. And for every body who cares on me thank you so much for adding the colour of my life.

Salatiga, 16th March 2005







MOTTO... v





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of Study... 1

B. Limitation of the Problem... 3

C. Statement of the Problem... 3

D. The Objective and Benefits of Study... 4

E. Literature Review... 4

F. Research Methodology... 5

G. Thesis Outlines... 8


1. The Definition of Pronoun... 10

2. Kinds of Pronoun... 13


4. The Position of Pronoun... 21

5. The Function of Pronoun... 23

B. Hipotesis... 26

C. The Problem of Using Pronoun... 26


B. The Technique of Data Collection... 29

C. Research Procedures... 29

D. Data Presentation... 30

E. The Method of Data Analysis... 34

F. The Result... 35


B. Attempt to Overcome the Problem of Using Pronoun in English Writing Made by the First Students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the Academic year of 2003/2004... 45

CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion... 47

B. Suggestion... 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY




TABLE 1... 30

TABLE II ... 32




A. Background of the Problem.

English is one of the languages used internationally. Its status as an international language make it effective to spread information, science and technology. In Indonesia, English is regarded as the first Foreign language to be taught. It is taught to the students from the elementary school until University. Through the program, it is expected that the students have good command of English. So, they can deepen their knowledge and sciences since most of the sciences and technology are written in English.

English is one of the subjects which students consider difficult and consequently, their achievement in English is not satisfactory. Yet, the teaching learning process can not be stopped regarding to the fact. The process and methods which have been used up to now have to be reviewed and renewed in order to find out the students’ difficulty in English learning, so as to make learning English easier.

The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its literature or and to benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual development that result from foreign language study1. In teaching learning process, it is needed the professional teachers. Teacher is the important factor in teaching learning process, teacher also called as facilitator. It means teacher 1 *



uses the easy way to convey the material. In language teaching involves at least three disciplines, they are linguistic, psychology and education2.

Grammar is one of the language components which is considered to be very difficult to master. A rule of grammar is a formula that one makes to account for how a given giammatical construction usually behaves.' The important of studying grammar is as what Veit said:

...grammar is not without practical benefit. We use conscious knowledge about language when we speak and write and conscious language about language can help us to understand what we do and allows us to make some enlightened choice. Knowledge of grammar also give us a tool for analyzing our writing../

Grammar, which consist of many elements to construct sentences, should be learned carefully in order to avoid incomprehensible sentences. Generally, grammar contains of tenses, adjective, adverb, article, pronoun, verb, auxiliaries, preposition, gerund, conjunction, etc. Every item must be taught as clear as possible, so that the students may enlarge knowledge by studying these item.

In using pronouns in English writing, students feel difficult and face problems, because pronouns in English writing is different from Indonesian one. For example some students make serious errors in using hisself or

their seifs in the place of the correct objective case forms himself and

themselves. So, the writer would like to study about “The Problem of Using * 4

‘ Sri Ulami Suibyakto-Nababan. M etodologi P engajaran B ahasa. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 1993. Page 5.

' Michael A Pyle and Maty Hellen Munoz Page. TO EFL: P reposition G uide Nebraska Cliffs Notes. 1995 P 39


Pronouns in English Writing Among the First Years Students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the Academic Years of 2003/2004”.

B. Limitation of the Problem

It is necessary to the writer to limit the topic of the study. In this study, the writer limits the topic as follow:

1. The populations of study is limited to first years students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the academic years of 2003/2004

2. The researcher is only focused on the students’ capability of using ronoun in English writing.

C. Statement of the Problem

To analyze the problem in using pronouns in English writing of the first /

year students of SMK NU Kaligarang, the writer formulates the problems in the following questions:

1. What are the problems in using pronouns which are faced by the first year students of SMK NU Kaligarang?

2 What are the factors influencing the' students in using pronouns? 3. How are the suitable ways to solve those problems?

I). The Objective and Benefits of Study

1. The objectives of the study, are as follow:



b. To find out the factors influencing the students in using pronouns in English writing.

c. To find out the solution of the problems in using pronouns in English writing.

2. The Benefits of the Study, are as follows:

a. To develop and to enrich knowledge in using pronouns in English writing.

b Students are able to use pronouns in English writing correctly,

c. To guide and facilitate the students in using pronouns in English writing.

E. Literature Review

According to Eugene. J. Hall, in the book of Grammar For Use, pronouns are traditionally defined as words which take the place of a nouns.5 6 According to Marcella Frank, pronoun is a word that take the place of noun and applicable to some types of pronouns but not to others. These pronouns that are actual substitutes may refer not only to preceding noun-it antecedent- but also to large part of a discourse that precedes.

F. Research Methodology 1. The object of the study


a Population

Population is the whole subjects of investigation.7 In the Encyclopedia of Education Evaluation, population is asset of all elements, possessing one or more attributes of interest. In this research the population is all of the first year students of SMK NU Kaligarang. b. Sample

Sample is a part or a representative population, which is investigated8 *. The sample of the research is the first year students of SMK NU Kaligarang. The researcher take 74 students from two classes, there are 37 student every class which are assumed to have adequate basic of expressing their ideas by using pronouns in writing skill. It is also called total sample.

2. Data sources

In this research, the researcher collects the data by using test and questionnaire,

a. Test



In this research, the researcher will use multiple choices. This test will be containing about personal and possessive pronouns.

b Questionnaire

1) Definition of Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a number of written questions which are used to obtain information from the respondents in the idea that icport about them selves or the things to know.1'According to Kartini Kartono questionnaire is investigation regarding which some problem which is many concerning public interest, by circularizing form enlist the question, raised in writing to some subyek, to get the answer ( response comments) needed.11 12

Based on both opinions above, inferential that questionnaire represent technique of data collecting conducted through the communication written to source of data or respondent. Data desired to be poured in the form of question which is later; then raised to responder, and responder asked to gives comments, information about the problem which influence the students in studying personal and possessive pronouns as expected by researcher.

2) The type of questionnaire

According to the experts there are some questionnaire clarified become the some types, among others is direct closed 11 Ibid, As Hornby, page. 140.


questionnaire. Masri Singarimbun and Sofyan Effendi said that "closed question by possibility the answered is determined before hand and responder is not given the opportunity to give the other answer”.1'

Later; Sutrisno Hadi explain that "a questionnaire referred as direct questionnaire if the list of question sent directly to one who asked by the opinion, faith or asked to narrate about their/his self situation" .* 14

Based on the definition about questionnaire above, the writer used closed questionnaire in this research with the pallet an: - Responder is one who can be invited by a direct

communications in writing so that need not medium.

By using closed questionnaire, it will be easy to responder to reply/ answer, also easy for writer to analyze the answer.

- To get the objective answer from responder. - Efficient energy, time and fund.

3. Technique of the data analysis

The researcher uses steps in analyzing data as follows: a. Identification

In this step, the researcher identifies many errors made by the students in using personal and possessive pronouns in correcting test

items given to them.

u Masri Singarimbun dan Sofyan Effendi. M eto d o lo g i P en elitian S u n ’ai. Jakarta: LP3ES. 8th edition. 1987. page 177



b. Classification of the statistical conclusion

In this step, the researcher uses a formulation as follow: By which .




P : Total Percentage F : Frequency

N : Number of subjects (Respondents) c. Analysis

This way is used to find what problems in using pronouns faced by the students.

G. Thesis Outlines

Chapter I is Introduction that consist of Background of The Problem, Limitation of the Problem, Statement of the Problem, The Objective and Benefits of Study, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Thesis Outlines.

Chapter II is Related Literature of Pronoun that consists of Theoretical Framework; the Definition of Pronoun, The Kind of Pronoun, The Type of Pronoun, The Position of Pronoun, The Function of Pronoun. Hypothesis and the Problems of Using Pronoun.


Chapter IV is Data Analysis and Interpretation that consists of Data Analysis and Attempt to Overcome the Problems of Using Pronouns in English Writing Made by the First Year Students o f SMK NU Kaligarang.




A. Theoretical Frame Work 1. The Definition of Pronoun

Pronoun makes up a small class of word of a very high frequency. The traditional definitive of pronoun is word that takes the place of noun. It is applicable to some types of pronouns but not to others.1 Those pronouns that are actual substitutes may refer not only to preceding noun-it antecedent-but also to large part of a discourse that proceeds. Those pronouns that are not substitutes may simply have indefinite reference or express indefinite quantity.

Modem grammarians who regard position and function as the decisive factors in classifying a part of speech often consider pronoun as a sub class of a nouns. However, they point out important formal differences: many pronouns are more highly inflected for grammatical properties (person, number, case and gender) and all pronouns lack the derivational endings (such as tion, ment) that nouns have whatever meaning, they have derives from context. In addition, many pronouns have the ability to serve either of two functions. They may stand alone in noun function or they may act as adjectives (determines) that precedes descriptive adjectives. A pronoun (from Latin Pro: mean fo r, and Nornerv.


mean Name) is a word used instead of a noun or noun equivalent. The meaning of pronouns is restricted to the relation or reference. From the above definition, we can see that what is referred by a pronoun is noun equivalent.

For example:

a. I read news paper (personal pronoun)

b. My shoes is black and your shoes is red (possessive pronoun)

d. He praises himself too highly (reflexive pronoun)

e. This (thing) is larger than that (the thing over there) (demonstrative pronoun)

f. To whom were you speaking? (interrogative pronoun)

Pronoun is a word that takes place of noun. An antecedent is the word for which a pronouns stands. The antecedents are not always stated. In English, there are seven pronouns. They are personal pronoun, interrogative pronoun, relative pronoun, demonstrative pronoun reflexive

pronoun, reciprocal pronoun and indefinite pronoun.

The antecedent to which a pronoun refers must be clear and unmistakable. Here, at least we must:

a. Avoid ambiguous means, “having two or more possible meaning”. Ambiguity occurs when two antecedents are possible for same pronoun. Ambiguous reference may be corrected by (1) repeating the antecedent or (2) rewording the sentence.


For example:

1 removed the plastic lids from the cans and threw them a way. (ambiguous)

I removed the plastic lids from the cans and threw the cans a way. (Clear)

b. Avoid implied reference. Implied reference means that the antecedent is not actually stated but must be inferred from other words.

For example:

He persistent refused of counsel from ungodly students greatly aided his spiritual progress. (Clear-sentence reworded)

c. Avoid the indefinite use of it, you, and they.

1) It should usually have a definite antecedent for example:

In his book says that walking is an excellent exercise, (indefinite) This book says that walking is an excellent exercise, (clear)

2) Do not use you unless you are speaking specifically to the reader. If you are referring to people in general. Use general words, such as one, anyone, person, people.

For example:

In communist - controlled countries, you live in constant fear, (incorrect)

In communist-controlled countries, the people live in constant fear, (correct).


d. Demonstrative pronoun

e. Reflexive pronoun

f. Reciprocal pronoun

g. Indefinite pronoun

: - This table (over there) is prettier than that are (over there)

- This pleased her very much - 1 must tell you This

: - The child hurts himself

- They found themselves in the wrong - We enjoy ourselves in the beach

: - The amused each other by telling stories - Bosko and admire love each other - They run way one another

: - Every man should do his duty - No one passed the examination

- Any student may contributed to the fund. 3. The Type of Pronoun

a. Personal Pronoun

A personal pronoun is the most important class pronoun which refer to2:

1) The speaker, called the first person Singular: I (spelled with a capital letter)

Example : I want hold your hand. (I refer to the speaker only) Plural : we (melodies the speaker and one or more other’s)



Example : we all get into trouble sometimes. (We includes the Speaker / the writer)

2) The person speaker called the second person -you (singular and plural)

Singular : - he (for males)

Example- He cries everyday - she (for females)

Example- she does not like go to party

- it (for thing; also for live being whose sex is unknown or unimportant to the speaker)

Example- A cat is lying on the street. It is collided by the car.

Plural : they (for all live beings and for all things).

Example- They grow cafe in Brazil. (They refer to a smaller group or one that is removed from the speaker and his audience). b. Interrogative Pronouns is one that introduces a question, either direct

or indirect. ’ There are three interrogative pronouns-who (for person), what (for thing) and which (for a choice involving either person or things), for example :

1) . who wrote the report?

2) . what do you think about his shirt?


3). which of the problems are you studying?

There are three interrogative pronouns which have generalizing form who ever, whatever, whichever, for example:

1) . whoever told you to do such a thing? 2) . whatever could happen around is suddenly

3) . Here are some dresses choose whichever (one or ones) you like. The pronoun what also introduces exclamations- what beautiful flowers those are: what is used with a singular countable noun - “what a beautiful flower that” is.

c. Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns refer to noun antecedents, which immediately precede them.4 They introduce adjective clauses in which they serve as a subject or object. There are three relative pronouns, who used with reference to persons (objective case: whom, possessive case : whose, which referring animal and things, and that referring to persons, animal and things), for example :

1) . Romy who studies law, work for us. 2) . the girl whom you met is my sister.

3) . every person that miss marry gave is persuasive. 4) . Mr. Black whose order you took, lives in Canada



d. Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns points out someone or something.3 The most common demonstrative pronouns are this (plural these) generally refers to what is near at hand and that (plural those) generally refers to what is farther a way. This distinction in space is related to the distinction between adverbs here and there.

1) This table (over there) is prettier than that one (over there) 2) This pleased her very much

That or those may be more emphatic alternatives, for the example:

A sidewalk is that (the part of the street on which pedestrians walk). e. Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronoun is a combination of self with one of the personal pronouns or with the impersonal pronoun one5 6 The reflexive pronoun generally refers to an animal being, usually a person. The most common use of the Reflexive pronoun is as an object that

"reflects hack ” to the subject; in other words it has the same identity as the subject. Thus in the sentence “The child hurt himself (child and him self gate identical).

The personal pronouns change their form for person (first, second, third) for case (subject, object, possessive and neuther).

5 Ibid.


Subject Object Possessive adjective


pronouns Reflexive

Singular 1 Me my Mine myself

You You Your Yours Yourself

He Him His His Himself

She Her Her Hers Herself

It It Its Its Itself

Plural We Us Our Ours Ourselves

You You Your Yours Yourselves

They Them Their Theirs Themselves

Below for the example:

1) Mr. John corrected himself.

2) Mrs. Anne gave herself an increase in pay 3) 1 told myself to try again

4) We bought the ball for one selves

f. Reciprocal pronoun

Like Reflexive pronoun, reciprocal pronoun has the same identity as the subject. The reciprocal pronoun indicate that the individual members of a plural mutually react one on the other.7 It always reflects to the subject or to a preceding noun or pronoun, and it



is always treated in phrasal (or compound) pronouns and cannot be separated and used as adjectives to express the reciprocal relation.

The reciprocal pronouns are each other and one another. Each other is referred to refer to two antecedents. While one another is preferred when there are more than two antecedents. The following sentences illustrated typical usages:

1) Romeo and Juliet admired each other.

2) Little children be good to one another

3) He and 1 like each other

4) The five lions looked at one another

g. Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns refer to indefinite (usually unknown) persons or things, or to indefinite quantities.8 Indefinite person or things are pronouns, which all singular inform and are used without noun antecedents. They consist of following compound:

- Body - One - Thing

Some- Somebody Someone Something

Any- Anybody Anyone Anything

No- Nobody No one Nothing

Every- Every body Everyone Everybody


Indefinite quantities:

-All - few - more

- Another - least - most

- Any - less - much

- Both - little - one - Each - a lot (of) - other (s) - Either - lots (of) - plenty (of) - Neither - many - several For example:

1) I do not have any, but I would like some.

2) Anyone (every body) can do it.

3) No one (no body) saw me.

4) I will talk to anyone.

5) Nothing is happening.

6) 1 saw someone (somebody, something) in those buses

The other indefinite pronouns are either, neither. Though they are usually referred to two, they are considered grammatically singular when used as subject, so the verb takes the singular form, for example: 1) Either (Ane or Jane) has done it.

2) Neither (Ane or Jane) has done it. 3) Either (of the two) is acceptable to me.



depending upon the context, such personal pronouns may be feminism may be masculine or neuter, for example:

1) Everybody should finish her assignment soon

2) Somebody left his coat in the room

3) Everyone may pick up his or her check later

4) Something is wrong, and it must be found and corrected without


5) Some of this food is spoiled, and should be thrown out 4. The Position of Pronoun

When you use a pronoun as a subject or after a linking verb, always use a Nominative form.

1) The subject of a verb is in the nominative case.

A pronoun used as the subject must always be one of these forms. I, you, he, she, it, we, they.

Example: - They made candles form antique molds. (They is the subject of the verb made)

- He and 1 mowed lawns on Saturday afternoon. (He and 1 are the subjects of the verb mowed.) 2) A predicate Nominative is in the nominative case


Example : - The candidates for class president were he and she - The members of the debating team are we three

This rule is often ignored the usage it is me or it’s me. Although me is the objective form, it is acceptable as a predicate nominative. It is her, him, us, them are usually acceptable in spoken English, but not in writing. In doing the following exercises follow the usage of written English.

3) The direct and indirect object or indirect object of a verb must always be one of these forms: me, you, him, her, it, us, and them.

Example : - Mother called me to the phone,

(Me is the direct object of the verb called) - The hostess handed her a piece of cake.

(Her is the indirect object of the verb handed)

Difficulties in choosing the correct form of the pronoun usually a rise when the object it compound. It can make sure the pronoun in a compound object is correct by trying it alone in the sentences.


Problem : the teacher chose (she, her) and (I, me) Awkward : The teacher chose she

The teacher chose me



4) The object of a preposition is in the objective case. You know objects always follow preposition. When a pronoun is used as the object of preposition, it is the objective case. The objective forms of pronouns, recall are me, you, him, her, it, us, them.

Example : - The secret is between you and me

(You and me are the objects of the preposition between) - We waited for Ed and them to arrive

(Them is one of the objects of the preposition for) Nonstandard : The secretary voted for hisself in the last election Standard : The secretary voted for himself in the last election Non standard . The cooks served theirselfs some of the cake Standard : The cooks served themselves some of the cake

5. The Function of Pronoun

1) Pronoun used as subject or predicate nominatives must be nominative case pronouns. Memorize the following list of nominative case pronouns: 1, he, she, we, they, who, whoever.

It is easy to use the wrong pronoun when the pronoun is part of a compound subject. In order to recognize the correct pronoun, try the pronouns a lone in the sentences below:


2) Sometimes the pronouns subject is followed by an appositive. It is helpful to try the pronoun a part form the appositive in the sentences below:

- (We, us) Moslems should do right. - Us should do right. (Incorrect) - We should do right. (Correct) - We Moslems should do right.

3) Pronouns may be used as direct object following the action verb advised. Example: Dad gave him advice. (Him is an indirect between the action verb gave and the direct object advice).

4) Pronouns used as object must be objective case pronouns. Memorize the following list of objective case pronouns me, him, her, us, them, whom, whomever. (You and it are in both the objective case and nominative case).

Most problems occur when the object are compound. It is helpful to try each pronoun alone in the sentence.

For example:


/ 25

5) Sometimes the pronoun object is followed by an appositive. It is helpful to try' the pronoun a part from appositive. For exampl^/ Mr. Jho’s mechanizes, I landoyo and he have many years of experience. 6) According to A S 1 lornby, Pronoun is a word used in place of noun or

noun phrase. For example: he, it, hers, them, and me.9 In other word Pronouns is a word that stands for a noun10 11

7) An indirect object comes before a direct objects:

/ made Ann Her cake. I sent Bill the Photos

However, if the direct object is a personal pronoun it is more usual to place it directly after the verb and use to or for:

I made it fo r her. I sent them to him

8) With many phrasal verbs a noun object can be either in the middle or at the end.

Hand your papers in Hand in your papers

Hang your coat up Hang up your coat

Take your shoes o ff Take off your shoes

A pronoun object, however, must be placed in the middle:

Hand them in Hang it Up Take them off

9 As Hornby, Op. Cit., P. 70

10 Jhon E Warriner and Sheila, Y laws, E nglish G ram m ar a n d C om position, New York, Harcount Brace Javanovich. Inc, 1973. page 34.


B. Hipotesis

1. There are problems of using pronouns in English writing which found among the first years of SMK NU Ungaran.

2. There are some factors dominantly influence the students’ problem of using pronouns in English writing among the first years of SMK NU Ungaran.

3. There are some solution to minimize the problems of using pronouns in English writing.

C. The Problems of Using Pronoun.

Problem is an unsettled matter demanding or decision and requiring usually, considerable thought or skill for its proper settlement a perplexing or puzzling question.1' Some students make serious errors by using hisself or

(heirseifs in the place of the correct objective case forms himself and

themselves. What should remember that hisself and theirselfs are not acceptable words. It means that students are less in their capability of distinguishing the use of pronoun.




Research, may be defined as an effort to discover, develop, and test the truth of science, which is conducted by using scientific method.1 Methodology is the way to get knowledge or to solve the problem, so the method can be called scientific method which is used to identify problem in a research.

In this research, the writer uses certain research methodology covering research design, technique of data collection, research procedures, data presentation, the method of data analysis and test result.

A. Research Design

The writer conducts the test to the first students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the academic year 2003/2004 to collect the data. The writer take 74 students of first students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the academic year 2003/2004, then the result of the test are used as the primary data. The data are analyzed to find the apprehensible and inapprehensible data.

Firstly, the writer gives the test; the data will be collected and grouped into two types: Apprehensible and Inapprehensible data. Secondly, the writer will analyze and come to conclusion. The writer also uses books as secondary data.

1 Sutrisno Uadi, M etodologi Research, Yogyakarta. FPUGM, 1987, page 4


Objects of the study in this research are follows: 1. Population

Population is the whole subject of investigation. In the Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation, population is a set (or collection) of all elements possesing one or more attribute of interest.2 3 In this study, the population is the first year students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the academic year of 2003/2004.

2. Sample

Sample is a part or a representative population which is investigated/ The samples of this study are the first year students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the academic year of 2003/2004



B. The Technique of Data Collection

In this study, the writer collects the data by test and questionnaire. 1. Test

Test is series of question or other instrument which are used to measure individual or group’s skill, knowledge, intelligence, capability or talent.5 In this study, the writer wants to know the problem in using pronoun among the first year students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the academic year of 2003/2004.

2. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a number of written questions which are used to get information from the respondent in the idea that respond about themselves or the things they know.6 The writer uses questionnaires to know what problems are the dominantly influences the students mastery of using pronoun and to find out the solution to minimize their problems of using pronoun.

C. Research Procedure

In conducting the research, the writer uses the following procedures: 1. Distributing the test to the students

2. Correcting the test.

3. Analyzing the result of the test to find the apprehensible and inapprehensible data and used as primary data.


4. A n alyzin g whole collected data

5. Making the report of the finding.

D. Data Presentation

No Name of Respondents Number of Students

1 Ainun Na’im 3001

1 13 Mohamad Soful Anwar 3013

14 Muchamad Syarifudin 3014

21 Rizki Isna Nuari 3021



51 Muhamad Hasan Abdul L 3051


Table III

E. The Method of Data Analysis



1. Identification step

In this step, the writer identities many errors made by students in using pronoun by correcting the result that was given to the students.

2. Analysis step

The data has been identified. This way is to know what the problems of using pronoun in English writing.

3. Classification step

In this study, the writer takes a formula as follow:

P = — x\00%

N Explanation:

P: Number Percentage

F: Frequency is looked for the percentage N: Number of cases (respondents)7

The writer conducts this study by investigation and analyzing all problems to find out the best way to minimize the problems of using pronoun in English writing.

F. Result

The result of the test is used to find the problems of the students about pronoun. The numbers of item of the test are 20 items.


Table IV Test Research

No Item Wrong

Answer Percentage 1 I met new friends during... vocation

a. my b. his c. her d mine

34 45%

2 We cannot make out what the teacher said because...did not clear.

a her b him c. it d his

42 56%

3 She always does...work with great care a. herself b. him c. Them d. her

54 72%

4 Those beggars are idle,... refuse to work for their living

a. are b. them c. they d. themselves

36 48%

5 I met hari,...had just returned. a. that b. who c. which d. whose

46 62%

6 The senator praised bert a n d ... (all answer below are true, except)

a. 1 b. me c. Yanto d. him

46 62%

7 This book i s ...(first Person)

a. mine/ours b. I/we c. me/us d. she/1

55 74%

8 The juries were devided i n ...opinions (they) a. themselves b. them c. their d. they

36 48%

9 Both Sita and Fitri are tired;... have gone home

11 He is here... is fortunate

a. whose b. who c. that d. which

64 86%

12 Below are pronouns

a. lAve/They/he b. are/am/is c. and/on/in d. has/have/been

45 60%

13 Rama or Hari must lend...hand

a.his b. them c. their d. him


3 7

14 Sita help hci molhei m household work,... also does her lesson.

a. her b. she c. him d. he a. themselves b. ourselves c. theirselves d. himself

31 41 %

19 She sat by the fire and to ld ...a tale a. 1 b. she c.us d.we

36 48%

20 A pretty girl was waiting for him, and ... now outside the soap.

a. he b. him c. her d. she



A. Data Analysis

I The Descriptive Arithmetical Calculation

In this study the writer collected the data from seventy four (74) of first students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the academic year of 2003/2004 by using the following formula:


It is used to find out the percentage of error made by the students about pronoun.

I met new friends during vocation

a. My b. his c. her d. mine

40 students’ answers are correct and 34 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— a-100 % = 45 % 74

The correct answer is “a. My”.

2. We cannot make out what the teacher said because...did not clear. a. her b. him c. it d. his

32 students’ answers are correct and 42 students’ answers are false.



— .rl00% = 56% 74

The correct answer is ”c. it”.

3. She always does...work with great care

a. herself b. him c. Them d. her

20 students’ answers are correct and 54 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— xlOO % - 72 % 74

the correct answer is “d. her”.

4. Those beggars are idle...refuse to work for their living a. are b. them c. they d. themselves

38 students’ answers are correct and 36 students’ answers are false. The precentage of the false answer is:

x ) 0 0 % = 48%


the correct answer is “c. they”. 5. 1 met hari...had just returned.

a. that b. who c. which d. whose

28 students answers are correct and 46 students answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— jcIOO % = 62% 74

The percentage of the false answer is:


(i The senator praised bert a n d ... (all answer below are true, except)

a. I b. me e. Yanto d. him

28 students’ answers are correct and 46 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

19 students’ answers are correct and 55 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— x 100% = 74% 74

the correct answer is "a. mine/our”.

8. The jury were devided i n ...opinions (they)

a. Themselves b. them c. their d. they

38 students’ answers are correct and 36 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— .v 100 % = 62% 74

the correct answer is “a. I”. 7. This book i s ...(first Person)

a. mine/ours b. 1/we c. me/us d. she/I

the correct answer is ”c. their”.



41 students’ answers are correct and 33 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— a 100% = 44%


the correct answer is ‘'b. they”. 10. Take anything...you like

a. whose b. who c. that d.which

20 students’ answers are correct and 54 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— *100% - 72% 74

the correct answer is “c. that”. 11. He is here...is fortunate

a. whose b. who c. that d. which

10 students’ answers are correct and 64 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— * 100% = 86% 74

the correct answer is “d.which”. 12. Below are pronouns

a. I/we/They/he b. are/am/is c. and/on/in d. has/have/been 29 students’ answers are correct and 45 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— * 100% = 60%


13. Rama or hari must lend... hand

a.his b. them c. their d. him

14 students’ answers are correct and 60 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

the correct answer is “a. I/we/they/he”.

— xlOO % = 81 % 74

the correct answer is “a.his”.

14. Sita help her mother in household work,...also does her lesson. a. her b. she c. him d. he

46 students’ answers are correct and 28 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

28 41 students’ answers are correct and 33 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— *100% = 44% 74

the correct answer is “c. myself’. 16. They...admitted their quilt.



21 students’ answers are correct and 53 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

xlOO % = 71%


the correct answer is ud.themselves”.

17 There isn’t much difference between you and... a. he b. him c. himself d. yourself

15 students' answers are correct and 59 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— .r 100% = 79 °o 74

the correct answer is “a. he”. 18 We will see to it...

a. themselves b. ourselves c. theirselves d. himself

43 students’ answers are correct and 31 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— jcIOO % = 41 % 74

the correct answer is "b. ourselves”. 19. She sat by the fire and to ld ...a tale

a. I b. she c.us d.we

38 students’ answers are correct and 36 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:


20. A pretty girl was waiting tor him, a n d ... now outside the soap. a. he b. him c. her d. she

the correct answer is “c. us”.

43 students’ answers are correct and 31 students’ answers are false. The percentage of the false answer is:

— a-100 % - 41 %


the correct answer is "d. she”.

2. Explanation

In this study, the writer gives the questions about students’ mastery of using pronoun There are many answers from respondents. The most of students answer that their mastery of using pronoun are poor. For the 30 students answer that most factor dominantly influence their problems of using pronoun is by them selves. They are confused when they have to use the right pronoun. And if they want to study, to use it, practice it, they are sure that they have mastered the use of pronoun.



For the 12 students’ answer that they said that the environment does not promote them either to practice it regularly.

From the factor above, the writer concludes that their problems of mastery pronoun in English are dominantly influenced by themselves, book and environment.

B. Attempt to Overcome the Problem of Using Pronoun in English Writing Made by the First Students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the Academic Year of 2(M)3/2(KI4

By the questionnaires, the reseacher want to find the solution to overcome or minimize the students’ problem. The last question of the test is most of the ways to overcome the students’ problem in using pronoun. Most of them answer that the ways to overcome their problems are from the students themselves, the book, the environtment and the teacher. From students themselves, if they intend to know about pronoun they should not wait for the teacher’s explanation obout it. If they are a ware that they are able to overcome their problem, they will study and practice.



A. Conclusion

1. The students problem of using pronoun

This reseach is intended to find out the problems that are found in using pronoun among the first year students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the academic year of 2003/2004

a The first year students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the academic year of 2003 2004 ha\e problem dealing with using pronoun in English writing. The mastery of pronoun among the students is poor. 45% students consider that they do not mastery it. 14% students do not know how to apply the correct pronoun in the sentences, 23% students’ answers that their knowledge about it is very limited. 18% students must be confused when they should select pronoun form, from the simplest to the most complicated ones in certain sentences. b. Based on their opinions, the students consider that it is not easy to

learn and use the pronoun in English. They have difficulties if they combine the pronoun with the other words as a certain pronoun. The students find some reason why they face the problem about using pronoun.

c. The most students’ answers said that there are several factors which influence their problems. First, the student themselves are reluctant to


study pronoun by themselves (40%). Second, the institution does not provide enough books for English lesson that are needed to leam about pronoun (24%). Third, the environment does not promote them either to practice it regularly (21%). The teacher who does not gives explanation or information about pronoun in detail (14%).

2. Based on students’ answer, the factors dominantly influence the students’ problem existence are:

a. Students themselves, if the students intend to leam, to practice and use the pronoun, they will do not have problem about it (40%).

b. The book, the students can study the pronoun from the book. Lacks of grammar book in the library do not support them to leam it (24%). c. The environment has to promote them to practice it regularly (21%)

The writer concludes that the factors dominantly influence the students’ problem existence of using pronoun does not only depend on teacher but also depend on the students and the other factors.

3. The attempt to overcome the students’ problems of using pronoun

a. Students themselves, if they want to overcome their problems of using pronoun and to master it, they should study about pronoun and they are quiet difficult the usage, if they are not serious in study pronoun, they will not master it



So the writer can conclude that the attempt to overcome students’problem of using pronoun depend on themselves, the environment and supporting factors.

B. Suggestion

Most of the students have problems about pronoun; they find difficulties when they face the task about pronoun. The students are confused when they must choose the right pronoun in English writing. Basically, if the students do not study and practice regulary, they will never master the pronoun. One of the solutions to overcome their problems of using pronoun is to know the pronoun by heart and to memorize its common usage, but this solution is not enough if they do not practice it regulary. The best way to overcome their problem of using pronoun is to know the pronoun by heart and to momorize its usage and practice it in the sentences. Step by step, the students. Use the pronoun from the simplest to the most complicated so they will master it.

To the student, the mastery of the pronoun does not depend on the teacher when he/she teaches in the calssrroom only but the students themselves, they should know pronoun by heart, practice it and use it in the sentences and learn it from the books.


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Bram, Barli. Write Well Improving Skill. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. 1995.

Frank, Marcella. Modem English a Practical Reference Guide. New Jersey: Practice Hall. Inc. cliff, 1992.

Hadi, Sutrisno. Methodology Research. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada Press. 1987. Hall, J. Eugene. Grammar For Use. Jakarta: Bina Rupa Aksara. 1993

Hormby, A, S. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Of Current English. Britain: Oxford University Press. 1974.

Manser, H. Martine. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary. Britain: Oxford University Press. 1991.

Masri Singarimbun and Sofyan Effendi. Metodologi Penelitian survai. 8th edition. Jakarta: LP3ES/l987.

Michael A Pyle and Mary' Hellen Munoz Page. TOEFL: Preposition Guide. Nebraska: Cliffs Notes. 1995.

Richard Viet. Discovering English Grammar. Boston: Hougthton Mafflin Company. 1981

Richard, C, Jack and Rodger, S, Theodore. Approach and Method In Language Teaching (A Descriptive and Analysis ). Cambridge: University Press. 1992.


Nama ... No. Absen:... I. Angket

Angket ini dibuat untuk mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi anak kelas satu di SMK. NU Kaligarang angkatan 2003/2004 dalam menggunakan

p ro n o u n . Hasil uaii angket ini akan mendukung hasil dari penelitian ini.

A. Jawablah pertayaan-pertavaan dibawah ini dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C atau D yang dianggap benar!

1. 1 met new friends during... ...vocation

a. my b. his c. her d. mine

VVe cannot make out what the teacher said because...did not clear. a. her b. him c. it d. his

3. She always does. ... work with great care

a. herself b. him c. Them d. her 4. Those beggars are idle,... refuse to work for their living

a. are b. them c.they d. themselves 5. I met hari... . ..had just returned.

a. that b. who c. which d. whose

6. The senator praised bert and ... (all answer below are true, except) a. I b. me c. Yanto d. him

7. This book i s ... ... (first Person)

a. mine/ours b. I/we c. me/us d. she/I 8. The juries were devided in .. ... opinions (they)

a. themselves b. them c. their d. they 9. Both Sita and Fitri are tired;. ... have gone home

a. we b. they c. are d. he 10. Take anything... ...vou like

a. whose b. who c. that d.which 11. He is here... ...is fortunate


13. Rama or Hari must lend... hand

a.his b. them c. their d. him

14. Sita help her mother in household work,... .also does her lesson. a. her b. she e. him 4 t. .

u. lie 15. 1 will do it...

a. him self b. me c. myself d. myselves 16. They... admitted their quilt.

a. theirself b. himself c. itself d. themselves 17. There isn’t much difference between you and..

a. he b him c. himself d. yourself 18 We will see to i t ...

a. themselves b. ourselves c. theirselves d. himself 19 She sat by the lire and told ... ...a tale

a. 1 b. she c.us d.we


B. Jawablah pertayaan berikut dengan cara memilih salah satu jawaban yang sudah di berikan atau memberikan jawaban yang lain di tempat yang telah disediakan, dan kemudian memberikan penjelasan atau alasan mengapa anda memilih jawaban tersebut!

1. Menurut anda, bagaimana penguasaan pronoun dalam penulisan bahasa Inggris anda? 2. Faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi masalah penggunaan pronoun dalam

penulisan bahasa Inggris anda ?

( ...) Guru,... (...) Diri Sendiri, ... ( ... ) Buku,... (... ) Lingkungan,... ( ... ) ...


Name Birth Addres Education

: Kusnul Abadi

: Boyolali. Juli 5lh, 1980

Jering, Wates, Simo, Boyolali

: MI Muhammadiyah Wates, Graduated 1993 MTs. Ta'mirul Islam Surakarta, Graduated 1996 MA. Ta’mirul Islam Surakarta, Graduated 1999 STAIN Salatiga, graduated 2005

Salatiga, March 17"d, 2005


Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Tol|>.(0298) 323706,323433 I'ax323433 Salatiga 50721 Website : www slainsalatiga ae i(j I ‘.-mail : mlministrnsi(W)stiiinsiilatign.;ic.kl

i)i:i»a k h o i v i i o i n a ( ;a i m a

Nomor: ST.27/K-1 /PP.00.9/I-1.3.072/2004 15 April 2004

Lamp. : Proposal Skripsi

Hal : Pembimbing dan Asisten Pembimbing Skripsi

Yth. Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M. Pd

Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

Dalam rangka penulisan Skripsi Mahasiswa Program Sarjana (S.l). Saudara ditunjuk sebagai Dosen Pembimbing / Asisten Pembimbing Skripsi mahasiswa :

N a m a : KUSNUL ABADI NIM : 11399029

Jurusan : Tarbiyah


(A Case Study of the First Year Students of SMK NU Kaligarang in the Academic Year of 2003/2004)

Apabila dipandang perlu Saudara diminta mengoreksi tema Skripsi di atas. Demikian untuk diketahui dan dilaksanakan.

Wassalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

a.n. Ketua

[antu Ketua Bidang Akademik


Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp.(0298) 323706,323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721 Website : www.stainsalatiaa.ac.id E -m a il: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id

Nomor : ST.27/K-0ATL.00/^2.5^2005 8 Februari 2005

Lamp : Proposal Penelitian.

Hal : Permohonan Izin Penelitian


Yth. Kepala SMK NU Di Kaligarang - Semarang

Assalamualaikum w.m’.

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, kami menerangkan bahwa : N a m a

Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Salatiga Tarbiyah

Tadris Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (TPBI)

Dalam rangka penyelesaian studi Program S. 1 di STAIN Salatiga, diwajibkan memenuhi salah satu persyaratan \ang berupa pembuatan SKRIPSI.


Dengan Pembimbing : Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd Asisten Pembimbing :

-Untuk penyelesaian Skripsi tersebut, kami mohon Saudara memberi izin kepada mahasiswa tersebut untuk mengadakan penelitian guna memperoleh data atau keterangan dan bahan yang diperlukan di SMK NU Kaligarang mulai tanggal 14 Februari s.d. 29 Februari 2005. Kemudian atas pemberian izin Bapak, kami sampaikan terima kasih.






Jin. Kaligarang No. 9 Ungaran 50511 Telp. (024) 6923856 Pswt. 12


Membaca Surat dari Ketua STAIN Salatiga No.ST.27/K-0/TL.00/0250/2005 tanggal 8 Februari 2005 Perihal Penelitian atas nama saudara Kusnul Abadi, dengan ini Kepala Sekolah SMK NU Ungaran menyatakan tidak keberatan atas pelaksanaan penelitian di SMK NU Ungaran yang

dilaksanakan oleh:

Margosari II / 32 Salatiga Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M. Pd

Menyusun Skripsi

: The Problem O f Using Pronouns In English Writing Among The First Year Students Of SMK NU Kaligarang In The Academic Year Of 2003/2004

SMK NU Ungaran

Surat Rekomendasi Izin Penelitian ini berlaku selama 60 hari mulai tanggal 14 Februari s.d. 29 Februari 2005.



Diberikan Kepada :

K U S N U l . A H A D i ____________________

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Dalam TEMU NASIONAL MAHASISWA SE-NUSANTARA "Refleksi Dan Proyeksi Perjalanan Bangsa : Membangun Kembali Etos Dan Komitmen Kebangsaan NKRI” yang diselenggarakan BEM UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta pada tanggal 4-7 Maret 2004.




rS'yarjfjkidayatullah Jakarta Jakarta, 4 Maret 2004

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Kusnul Abadi

Atas pengabdian dan dedikasinya dalam kepengurusan Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM)

Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Salatiga Periode 2003-2004

Menteri Sekretaris BEM

Semoga segala yang telah diperjuangkan menjadi bekal pengabdian dan bermanfaat

bagi kehidupan beragama, bermasyarakat dan berbangsa.


aJ25 Maret 2004



Sekretariat : Jin. Stadion 03 PKM II Lt. II telp. (0298) 314741 Salatiga 50721 w w w .b em stain salatig a.q b .n et/em ail: bem_stainsala3@plasa.com

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Nomor : 017/Pan.Seminar-BEM.ST.Sltg/l/2004 Diberikan Kepada

K U S N U L A B A D I/1 13 99 029

Atas Peran Aktifnya Dalam Acara

SEMINAR NASIONAL DAN SILATURAHMI BEM PERGURUAN TINGGI SE-JATENG “Konflik Sosial Dan Pertarungan Politik Aliran Dalam Pemilu 2004”

Auditorium STAIN Salatiga, 15 Januari 2004 Sebagai •tMINAR .VAStOiVAL 8 SJLA,

bempt sEuAre^&D

07971 NIM.113 99050







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Nomor 39 / Pan. Opspek Stain Sltg / V lil / 2003

D iberikan k e p a d a :


113 99 029


P A N I T I A _____

Dalam Kegiatan Orientasi Program Studi dan Pengenalan Kampus (OPSPEK) yang diselenggarakan tanggal 27 - 30 Agustus 2003 di STAIN Salatiga

Salatiga, 30 Agustus 2003

Ketua STAIN . ' Presiden BEM Ketua OC


t f

B3ijg|«§ ijagjfrj lugfsj B uie§y «ggu;x qBjo^ag

DRTS SVdNVM W!u«d l0 0 3J3q o p l O9l

§ ■ ' ' '

j m s mbjiv iJEp pdunjss Sire/yesBpq ire^pedepusui jnqssjsjEAuire^roppp ippiSireAsds eSorasg



w ava


~ ,

„ .


I f i f f ^

o n


1 9 t i f .

— t? ^- J;femal© n©ws rsdio

a d v e n t u r e t e a m




W 0 N 0 8 0 B 0

P i a g a m P e n g h a r g a a n

Menyampaikan penghargaan yang setinggi - tingginya kepada


Atas peran sertanya pada Kegiatan " LOMBA KEBUT, BERSIH DAN PENGHIJAUAN GUNUNG SUMBING " pada tanggal 4 Agustus sampai dengan 7 Agustus 2 0 0 0 dalam rangka memperingati Hari Jadi Kota Wonosobo ke - 175.

Semoga kegiatan ini dapat mengakrabkan dan meningkatkan kepedulian kita pada lingkungan.

Wonosobo, 7 Agustus 2 0 0 0 ^ T ^ ^ a n itia Pelaksana,

rBerisp^g^n Penghijauan Gunung Sumbing Lomb



TABLE 1.................................................................................................
Table IName of Respondents
Table IIThe Result of the Test
Table IIIPercentage of the Correct Answer


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