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Academic year: 2019



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) of English Education Department

Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty Alauddin State Islamic University

of Makassar


FITHRA KHAERIAH Reg. Number: 20400114069






CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ... 32-44 A. Findings ... 32 B. Discussion ... 41

CHAPTER V CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION ... 45-46 A. Conclussion ... 45 B. Suggestion ... 46





Table 1 The Instrument Grid of Test ... 23

Table 2 The Instrument Grid of Questionnaire ... 24

Table 3 The Rate Percentage of Score Experimental Class in Pre-Test ... 32

Table 4 The Rate Percentage of Score Control Class in Pre-Test ... 33

Table 5 The Rate Percentage of Score Experimental Class in Post-Test ... 34

Table 6 The Rate Percentage of Score Control Class in Post-Test ... 34

Table 7 The Mean Score of Experimental and Control Class ... 35

Table 8 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation ... 36

Table 9 The Result of T-Test Calculation ... 38

Table 10 The Result of Questionnaires ... 39




Appendix I Lesson Plan ... 50

Appendix II VOA and the Jakarta Post Articles ... 68

Appendix III Instrument of Pre-test ... 78

Appendix IV Instrument of Post-test ... 81

Appendix V Instrument of Questionnaire ... 84

Appendix VI The Classification of the Students’ Pre-test in Control Class ... 85

Appendix VII The Classification of the Students’ Post-test in Control Class ... 86

Appendix VIII The Classification of the Students’ Pre-test in Experimental Class ... 87

Appendix IX The Classification of the Students” Post-test in Experimental Class ... 88

Appendix X The Row Score of the Students’ Pre-test & Post-test in Experimental Class ... 89

Appendix XI The Row Score of the Students’ Pre-test & Post-test in Control Class ... 91

Appendix XII The Mean Score ... 93

Appendix XIII The Standard Deviation ... 94

Appendix XIV The Significance Different ... 96

Appendix XV The Distribution of T-table ... 97



Title : The Influence of VOA and the Jakarta Post Articles on

Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery at SMAN 4 Gowa

Researcher : Fithra Khaeriah Reg. Number : 20400114069

The design of this research was an experimental research. The population of this research were the first grade students of SMAN 4 Gowa. The sample of this research was the students in X MIA 3 as experimental class and X MIA 2 as control class.

The research instruments used by the researcher were test and questionnaires. The test was used to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery before and after treatment and the questionnaire was used to collect information about the students’ interest in learning vocabulary by using VOA Articles. The form of the test was multiple choices and consists of twenty items. The techniques used in collecting the data were pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was administered before the researcher began the teaching learning process in both classes and post test was administered after six times of meetings.

The findings of this research were that was 2.714 and of degree of significance 5% (0.05) was 2.021. It means that the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and null hypothesis (H0) was rejected because ≥ . Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching English vocabulary by using VOA Articles had a significant influence and it was more effective than teaching English vocabulary by using the Jakarta Post.



In order to understand the language, vocabulary is very important to be

mastered by the student. Vocabulary is needed to express our ideas and to be able to

understand other people’s saying. According to Alqahtani, vocabulary mastery is an

individual’s great skill in using words of a language, which is acquired based on their

own interest needs and motivation1. Vocabulary mastery plays an important role in

four language skills and have to be considered that vocabulary mastery is one of the

needed components of language. According to Simanjuntak at al, people cannot

master a language well unless they have a good mastery on vocabulary we are

learning. Learning a foreign language is basically a matter of learning the vocabulary

of language2, while Brown states that “the larger the vocabulary size one has, the

better one’s performance in all aspect of English language work will be”3. The exact

choice of word is helpful to have a good communication in language. One of the

component that links the listening, speaking, reading, and writing is vocabulary. If the

students have limited vocabulary, it means that they will find difficulties in

understanding English. However, English vocabulary is diffrent from Indonesian


Mofareh Alqahtani, “The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to be Tauught”, Journa,l Vol. III, no. 3, (2015), p. 26


Elisabeth Gracia Simanjuntak et al, “The Effect of Students’ Reading Inerest and Vocabuary Mastery on Students’ Reading Comprehension”, Journal, Vol. 4, no. 4, (2015), p.4



vocabulary, so the student sometimes find some difficulties in mastering vocabulary,

such as how to pronounce the word correctly, how to write and spell it, how to use it

in grammatical pattern, and so on. In addition, they also have to know the meaning of

the word. There are many concequences or impacts that probably arise when they do

not know the meaning of the word, for example they misinterpret the meaning of the

message or cannot understand the content of what they are reading. To overcome the

problems, many methods, technique and media can help the students in acquiring new

vocabulary. One of the technique is by using media. Here the researcher used Voice

of America (VOA) and the Jakarta Post Articles.

Voice of America (VOA) Article is one of part from VOA Special English.

This article comes with audio report, the sentences are short, and the speed of the

audio report is slower than normal. In addition, this article also contains many

English vocabulary, and most of the vocabulary consists of high frequency words.

This programs present the latest world news as well as information about science,

medicine, education, economics, American history and life in United States. So, by

using this program, the students not only learn about the word but also learn how to

pronounce it from the audio report.

Meanwhile, the Jakarta Post is the most famous daily English newspaper that

is published in Indonesia. According to Joe Pemagbi, newspaper can used to teach

many aspects of language and communication skills. Editorials and gossip colums

can be used to teach formal and informal varieties of English; editorial and feature


contain material for teaching various types of writing: description, analysis and

synthesis, comparason and contrast and process description; and they provide models

of good written form: paragraphing, topic sentence, introductions, conclutions, etc4.

From the statements, the researcher concludes that English newspaper article is one of

the media in teaching vocabulary to the students. It does not only help the reader to

know the recent news but also help the students to improve their vocabularies.

That is the reason why the researcher used Voice of America (VOA) Articles

and the Jakarta Post in teaching vocabulary, because there are so many things that the

students can get from the VOA Articles and the Jakarta Post, such as up to date news

and other interesting topics. From the articles, the studets can enhance their

vocabulary by reading it. Furthermore, students can learn vocabulary from VOA

Article and the Jakarta Post because it is a rich authentic material. Thus, VOA Article

and the Jakarta Post can help instil the reading habit among students with its

interesting news as well as help them in language learning. The purpose of this

research is not emphasized to improve students’ vocabulary, but to know and to

describe about the influence of using VOA Articles and the Jakarta Post on students’

english vocabulary mastery at SMAN 4 Gowa.



B. Research Problem

Based on the previous background, the researcher formulated problem

statements as follow:

1. Is there any influence of using VOA Article on students’ English vocabulary

mastery at SMAN 4 Gowa?

2. Is there any influence of using Jakarta Post Article on students’ English

vocabulary mastery at SMAN 4 Gowa?

3. Is there any different on students’ English vocabulary mastery between the

group that uses VOA article and the group that uses Jakarta Post article at

SMAN 4 Gowa?

C. Research Objectives

Based on the research problem above, the researcher formulated that the

specific objective of the research are:

1. To express the influence of using VOA Article on students’ english

vocabulary mastery at SMAN 4 Gowa.

2. To examine the influence of using Jakarta Post Article on students’ english

vocabulary mastery at SMAN 4 Gowa.

3. To compare the difference on students’ english vocabulary mastery between

the group that uses VOA Article and the group that uses Jakarta Post Article


D. Research Significance

The result of this research is expected to be useful theoretically and


1. Theoretical Significance

The result of this research is expected to be able to add empirical evidence to

support the learning theory of vocabulary, especially in using Voice of America

(VOA) and Jakarta Post Article.

2. Practical Significance

The result of this research is expected to be valuable information and give

valuable contribution for teachers and students. The detailed practical benefits of this

research are as follows:

a. Teacher

This research is expected to help the teachers guiding their students in

enhancing student’s vocabulary. In addition, the researcher also expects the result of

this research can give positive contribution for all teachers in teaching vocabulary.

b. Students

The researcher expects that all of students can master English vocabulary,

because it is a base of language. By knowing vocabularies, the students will be able


E. Research Scope

This research focused on finding out the influence of Voice of America

(VOA) and the Jakarta Post Articles on students’ vocabulary mastery. It includes the

students’ mastery in verb, adjective, noun, and adverb. This research conducted at

SMAN 4 Gowa.

F. Operational Definition of Terms

To understand the topic of this research easily, the researcher would like to

present the operational defintion of terms.

1. Voice of America (VOA) Article

Voice of America (VOA) Article is an English factual essay about science,

education, economics, American history, and life in the United States that is

published by VOA Special English.

2. The Jakarta Post Article

The Jakarta Post is an English newspaper that consist of a particular issues or

topic, such as: education, economic reports, cultures or other recent news occure in

the world which are published daily or weekly.

3. English Vocabulary Mastery

English vocabulary mastery is the understanding or ability about the words,

such as: how to pronounce the word correctly, how to write and spell it, how to use it


7 A. Literature Review

1. Previous Related Research Findings

In this research, there are some reviews of related research findings from

previous researchers, they are:

Rohmatillah (2016) conducted a research about: “The Effect of Using The

Jakarta Post Newspaper Articles in Enhancing Vocabulary of English for University

Student : an Experimental Research”. The subject of this research is the first semester

of English Education program at IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. The objective of this

research are to know and to describe about the effect of using Jakarta Post newspaper

articles in enhancing vocabulary of English. In the end of the research, the researcher

found that there is significant effect of using the Jakarta Post newspaper articles to

enhance vocabulary of English for university students.1

Umam (2010) conducts a research about: Improving the Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery with the Jakarta Post Newspaper Article. The subject of his research is the

students at second grade of MTs. Al-Khairiyah Jakarta. The aim of his research is to

find out the empirical evidence whether there is significant influence between the use


of the Jakarta Post newspaper articles toward the students’ vocabulary mastery at the

second grade of MTs. Al-Khairiyah Jakarta. It includes the students’ mastery in verb,

adjective, and noun. In the end of the research, the researcher found that teaching

English vocabulay by using the Jakarta Post newspaper articles has a significant

influence and it is more effective than teaching English vocabulary by using


Based on some previous finding, the researcher concludes that the use of

articles in teaching vocabulary has a significant influence and it is more effective than

teaching vocabulary by using textbook.

Phoung Thao (2017) conducts a research about: A Study on Using VOA

Special English Program to Improve Vocabulary for the Second-Year English Major

at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education. The subject of his research is

the the second-year students of English major at Hung Yen University. The objective

of this research is to help students find language classes, specially get easier to learn

listening vocabulary more interesting by using VOA special English. In the end of the

research, the researcher found that VOA special English can be used to improve

students’ listening vocabulary and the researcher recommends that the teachers


should usually use VOA to teach students more appropriate tasks and activities and

be active creative as well to maintain the learners’ interest in learning3.

Nan and Mingfang (2009) in their research entitled: Using VOA Special

English to Improve Advanced English Learners’ Productive Use of High Frequncy

Words. The subject of their research is the student of non-English majors in China.

The objective of their research are to deal with the students difficulties to express

their ideas in speaking and writing and illustrates how to use the Voice of America

(VOA) Special English program to increase advanced students’ vocabulary and

improve their spoken and written skills. In the end of the research, the researchers

found that after two months of using the VOA Special English reports as a means to

focus on high frequency words and collocations, the students began to see progress in

their speaking and writing.4

Based on some previous findings above,the researcher which focused in using

VOA Special English can help the students to improve their vocabulary, especially

high frequency words and collocation.

Al-Seghayer (2001) in his research entitled: The Effect of Multimedia

Annotation Modes on L2 Vocabulary Acquisition: A Comparative Study. The

participants of this research are 30 ESL students. This study examines which of the

image modalities – dynamic video or still picture – is more effective in aiding


Le Phuong Thao, “A Study on Using VOA Special English Program to Improve Vocaulary for the Second-Year English Majors at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education”, Journal, (Vietnam: Hung Yen University, 2017), p. 1


vocabulary acquisition. In this study, 30 participants being measured under three

conditions: printed text definition alone, printed text definition coupled with still

pictures, and printed text definition coupled with video clips. In the end of the

research, the researcher found that a video clip in combination with a text definition is

more effective in teaching unknown vocabulary than a picture in combination with a

text definition. Participants learned and recalled more words when video clips were

provided than when pictures were made available.5

As the conclusion of the researcher, the finding of the researcher above

printed text definition coupled with video clips is more effective in teaching unknown

vocabulary than printed text definition alone and printed text definition coupled with

still picture . In this research, the researcher focused on finding out the influence of

Voice of America (VOA) Articles in combination with audio from VOA Special

English and the Jakarta Post Articles on students’ English vocabulary mastery. The

researcher conducted this research with different subject, setting and design. This

research took place at SMAN 4 Gowa and the design of this research is

quasi-experiment, that is nonequivalent control group design with pre-test and post-test.



2. Some Partinent Ideas

a. Concept of Vocabulary

1) Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is all the words used or understood by a person.6 Meanwhile

Allen stated that many of the vocabulary in English text-books must be learned.

Without it, no one can speak or understand the language.7 It means that people cannot

write a word or make a sentence well, when they do not master it.

Talking about vocabulary, there are many definition of vocabulary according

to some expert. Richards and Renandya stated that vocabulary is a core component of

language proficiency and provide much of the basis for how well learners speak,

listen, read, and write.8 In the other words, vocabulary is index of words that is used

by people to communicate, and it is a part of language component. By mastering

vocabulary, it will help the students to communicate easily both of written and oral.

Meanwhile, according to Kridalaksana as quoted by Zaenuri in Jannah stated that

vocabulary is a component of language that containts all information about meaning

and using word in a language.9 Other definition of vocabulary is according to Flower.

He stated that learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning English. If you

6 D.J. Henry and Susan Pongratz, Mastering Vocabulary, (New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2007), p. 6

7 Virginia French Allen, Technique in Teaching Vocabulary, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983), p.7

8 J.C.Richard & W.A.Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching, (USA: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 255


make grammar mistake, it may be “wrong” but very often people will understand you

anyway. But if you do not know the exact word that you need, it is very frustrating

for you, and the person you are talking to. Good English means having a big


From the definition above, it can be concluded that vocabulary not only

consist list of words but also containts all of information about using word, and it also

containts meaning of word in a language. In the other words, it becomes a basic for

people to communicate, because without vocabulary no one can speak or understand

the language.

2) Kinds of Vocabulary

There are many kinds of vocabulary according to some expert. Behlol stated

that vocabularies can be divided into two categories: (a) Passive Vocabulary consist

of the words that the students may recognize and understand when they occure in the

context but which they cannot produce or use correctly in different context; (b)

Active Vocabulary consists of the words which the students understand, recall, write

with the correct spellings, pronounce them correctly, and use constructively in

speaking and writing.11 Meanwhile, Aebersold and Lee devides vocabulary into two

categories: (a) Receptive Vocabulary is vocabulary that readers recognize when they

10 John Flower, American Vocabulary Program 1: Lower Intermediate, (Boston: Heinle, 2002), p. 5



see it but do not use when they speak or write; (b) Productive Vocabulary is

vocabulary that the people actually use to speak and write.12 Gate devides vocabulary

into two categories: (a) Function words are closed class. We can not add to the

preposition or auxiliaries or modals or any other structure word of the language; (b)

Content words are on the other hand, can be added to any time as new scientific

advances make new words and communication about new inventions necessary.13 In

the other hand, Fries classified English Vocabulary into four froups: (a) Content word

represent the name of the subject or thing, that is concrete noun(book, scissors, and

bag). Action done by with these things, that is verb (go, find, and run), and the

qualities of these things, that is adjective (small, tall, and far); (b) Function words are

those, which are used as a means of expressing relation grammar structure, such as

conjunction (but, or, and), article (a, an, and the), and auxiliaries (are, be, is); (c)

Subtitute words are those, which represent the individual things or specific action as

substitute for whole from classes of words, that is, identifies (anything, anyone); (e)

Distribute words are those are distribute in use according to grammatical matter as

presence of negative such as either, too, or, yet.14

According to Djalus Syah and Azimar Enong in Jannah classifies vocabulary

into: (a) General Vocabulary is the words that are used in general, and; (b) Special


Jo Ann Aebersold & Mary Lee Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher, (USA: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 139


Edinburgh Gate, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, International Edition, (England: Pearson Educational Limited, 2003), p. 1843



Vocabulry is the words that are used in the certain foeld or job, profession or special

science and technology.15

According to Herrel in Mukoroli states that there are four types of vocabulary:

(a) Reading vocaulary, this refers to all the words an individual can recognize when

reading a text; (b) Listenng vocabulary, it refers to all the words an individual can

recognize when listening to speech; (c) Writing vocabulary, this includes all the

words an individual can employ in writing; (d)Speaking vocabulary, this refers to all

the words an individual can use in speech.16

From the definition above, it can be concluded that there are vocabulary that

the people know, but they do not use it, and there are vocabulary that the people not

only know but also use it, especially in speaking and writing. In addition, there are

vocabulary that are used in general, and there are vocabulary that are used in the

certain field.

b. Concept of Voice of America (VOA) Article

1) Definition of VOA Article

The Voice of America (VOA) is a dynamic international multimedia

broadcaster with service in more than 40 languages. It is funded by U.S. Goverment

through the broadcasting board of the Governor. On October 19, 1959, the Voice of


Miftahul Jannah, “Using Games in Improving Students’ Vocabulary”, p. 8 16


America broadcast the first Special English program.17 VOA Article is one of part of

VOA Special English program. Special English is VOA’s method of communicating

with English learners around the world in a way that is easy to understand.18 It

provides news, information, and cultural programming through the internet, mobile

and social media, radio, and television. This program uses many English words to

deliver article with audio and video on news, music, culture, and other interesting


2) The Advantages of VOA

Some advantages of the Special English program include: (a) It is easily

accessible on the Internet at www.voanews.com/specialenlish. This saves learner

much time and effort in finding appropriate English learning materials; (b) The

Special English program exposes learners to a large amount of comprehensible input

using high frequency words; (c) The Special English program arouses the learners’

enthusiasm for English learning with its interesting, informative, and detailed


17 Kornelius Ujang Sabinus, “Increasing Students’ Listening Comprehension by Using VOA: Special English Video,” Thesis, (Pontianak: Universitas Tanjungpura, 2013), p. 4

18 VOA Special English, Word Book: A List of Words Used in Special English Programs on Radio, Television and the Internet, (Wasington, D.C. : 2009), p. 7


c. Concept of the Jakarta Post

1) Definition of the Jakarta Post

The Jakarta Post is the most famous daily English newspaper that is published

in Indonesia. According to the Oxford dictionary, newspaper is a printed publication

appearing daily or weekly and containing, and articles on various subjects20.

Meanwhile, according to Encyclopedia Americana, a newspaper is unbound

publication issued at regular intervals that seek to inform, explain and interprate,

influence and entertain. It also serves readers and its own financial viability by

publishing advertising.21

From the definition above, there are so many things that students can get from

the newspaper article, such as the recent news and advertising. From the articles, the

students can improve their vocabulary by reading it.

2) The Advantages of the Jakarta Post

According to Sanderson, there are several advantages of using English

newspaper articles in the classroom, such as: (a) Varieties of English; (b) Reader

Interest; (c) Authentic Materials; and (d) Teaching Materials.22


A.S.Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 782


Opium Navajo, Encyclopedia Americana, (New York: Grolier Incorporated, 1995), vol.20 22


Newspapers contain a wide variety of text types and language styles that is not

easily found in convenctional language-learning materials such as general course

books. The enemours variety of subject-matter in newspaper, for example real-life

events will arouse our natural curiosity about the world around us. Using newspaper

materials in the classroom will also particularly helpful for those students who may

go to live or work in the target language community, and it also provide language

teachers with a limitless supply of teaching materials which can be used to develop

their students’ language skills.

B. Theoretical Framework

Vocabulary is one of language components that is very important in learning

English, because it is a base of language. It also helps students write easily, and

understand what they read or hear if they has enough vocabulary and has a capability

of using it correctly. Without good mastering in vocabularies, no one can speak or

understand the language. But, to teach or to develop students’ vocabulary, it is not

easy. Sometimes the teacher gets some difficulties to improve or to develop students’

vocabulary especially for growing students’ interest. It can be caused by several

factors. One of them is the students feel bored because there is not new fun strategy.

Therefore, the teacher should be creative in teaching vocabulary. In this case, the

researcher will teach vocabulary by using VOA Article as a media. It is one of part of

VOA Special English program. This program uses many English words to deliver


means that, VOA can be used to improve the students’ vocabulary because it contains

of varieties of oral and written English. In the other words, it is assumed that there is

any influence of using VOA Article on students’ vocabulary mastery.

Newspapers contain a wide variety of text types and language styles that is not

easily found in conventional language-learning materials (e.g. general course books),

and students need to become familiar with such language forms. Newspapers provide

a natural source of many of the varieties of written English that become increasingly

important to students and valuable for language study as they progress. Newspaper

report real-life events and this arouses our natural curiosity about the world around

us23. It means that, English newspaper can be used to improve students’ vocabulary

because it contains of varieties of written English. In addition, English newspaper is

an interesting reading because it consists of variety of subject-matter that can increase

the readers’ curiosity. In the other words, it is assumed that there is an influence of

using the Jakarta Post on students’ vocabulary mastery.

The use of VOA and Jakarta Post article in the classroom as a media to teach

vocabulary can be useful, because they uses many English words and there are so

many things that students can get from the newspaper and VOA article, such as news,

culture, advertising, and other topics. From the articles, the students can improve their

vocabulary by reading it. However, there is any different between VOA Articles and

the Jakarta Post Articles. In VOA Article the students not only learn about the word



but also learn how to pronounce the word, because this program not only provides

written report but also audio report. It is assumed that there is any different on

students’ English vocabulary mastery between the group that uses VOA Article and

the group that uses Jakarta Post source.

Based on the explanation above, the schema of theoretical framework of this

research are as follows:

Figures 1 The Schema of Theoretical Framework

C. Hypothesis

1. Statistical Hypothesis

H0 : Voice of America (VOA) Article is not effective to improve students’

vocabulary at SMAN 4 Gowa.

H1 : Voice of America (VOA) Article is effective to improve students’

vocabulary at SMAN 4 Gowa. VOA Article

The Jakarta Post


2. Research Hypothesis

a. There is any influence of using VOA Article on students’ English vocabulary

mastery at SMAN 4 Gowa.

b. There is any influence of using the Jakarta Post Article on students’ English

vocabulary mastery at SMAN 4 Gowa.

c. There is any different on students’ English vocabulary mastery between group

that uses VOA Article and the group that uses Jakarta Post Article at SMAN 4





A. Research Method

1. Research Design

The design of this research is quasi-experiment design, exactly Nonequivalent

Control Group Design. The research design would be presented as follows:

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-Test 1

E 01 x 02

C 01 - 02

Where :

E = Experimental Group C = Control Group 01 = Pre-test 02 = Post-test X = Treatment

In this design, involve two groups of classes. One of the classes is the

experimental group (E) and the other one is the control group (C). There was the

treatment (X) to the experimental group and control treatment to the control group.

To show the significant effectiveness by comparing the result of pre-test (01) and

post-test (02).


2. Research Variables

This research consist of two variables, dependent and independent variable.

Independent variables is the presumed cause of an effect. Whereas, dependent

variable is the response or outcome of the independent variable.2 The independent

variable (X) in this research is Voice of America (VOA) and the Jakarta Post Articles.

Meanwhile, the dependent variable (Y) in this research is students’ vocabulary.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was the first grade students of SMAN 4 Gowa.

The total numbers of population are 215 students, consists of 6 classes. X MIA 1

consists of 36 students, X MIA 2 consists of 36 students, X MIA 3 consists of 35

students, X MIA 4 consists of 36 students, X IIS 1 consists of 36 students, and X IIS

2 consists of 36 students.

2. Sample

The technique sampling of this research is purposive sampling. The researcher

used two classes as the sample to get representative data and divide it into two

groups, that is experimental class and control class. The researcher used X.MIA 3 as



experimental class and X.MIA 2 as control class. The total numbers of sample are 40

Test is a series of exercises that is used to measure skill, knowledge, attitude,

inteligence, ability or talent that the individual or group have3. There are several types

of test, such as true-false test, matching test, multiple choice test, and so on. In this

research, the researcher will used multiple choice test, especially vocabulary test. It

consists of 20 items. This test will be used in pre-test and post-test.

Table 1 Instrument grid of test



of words in the

A questionnaire is a self-report instrument used for collecting information

needed for the survey. It consist of a number of questions or items on paper that

respondents reads and gives answers in written form.4

The researcher used structured questionnaire to collect information about

students’ interest in learning vocabulary by using VOA Articles.

Table 2 Instrument grid of Questionnaire

No Aspect Number of items Total

1. The students’ response about

teaching-learning process 1 and 3 2 2. The result of the students’

vocabulary learning activity 7 and 10 2 3. Students’ response about VOA

Articles 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 6

Total 10 10



D. Data Collection Procedure

1. Pre-test

The Pre-test conducted at the first meeting. This pre-test apply for measure

students’ vocabulary before treatment.

2. Treatment

Treatment is a way to improve students’ vocabulary through Voice of

America (VOA) Article. After pre-test, the students were taught by using Voice of

America (VOA) Article as a media. It took place eight meetings. Each meeting spent

90 minutes. There are some steps in treatment process, that are:

The treatment to the experimental group:

Step 1: Introduction, the researcher explains to the students about Voice of America

(VOA) and the importance of learning vocabulary.

Step 2: Classroom vocabulary activities:

a) The researcher selects article or reports for vocabulary activities.

b) The students listen to the audio of the article three times with the script to

know how to pronounce the words that is contained in the article.

c) The students do oral exercise in groups without the script, such as asking

and answering questions and translating the vocabulary to make sure they


Step 3: Vocabulary notebook, throughout the course students are instructed to keep a

pocket-size notebook to collect both new and familiar words that they are

encountered in the VOA article or from other source.

Step 4: Garding and testing, in this step the researcher regularly collect and grade

their writing and vocabulary notebooks. The researcher also take some time to

give an oral test to the students, the researcher gives Indonesian translation

about the vocabulary in their notebook and the students tell the researcher

what they are in English.

The treatment to the control group:

Step 1: Introduction, the researcher explains to the students about the importance of

learning vocabulary.

Step 2: Classroom vocabulary activities:

a) The researcher gives the students some vocabularies from the Jakarta Post


b) The researcher explains to the students the meaning, how to use and how

to pronounce the words.

c) The students do oral exercise in groups, such as asking and answering

questions and translating the vocabulary to make sure they can use the

words correctly.

Step 3: Vocabulary notebook, throughout the course students are instructed to keep a


Step 4: Grading and testing, in this step the researcher regularly collect and grade

their writing and vocabulary notebooks. The researcher also take some time to

give an oral test to the students, the researcher gives Indonesian translation

about vocabulary in their notebook and the students tell the researcher what

they are in English.

3. Post-test

The Post-test conducted at the last meeting. This post-test apply for measure

students’ vocabulary after treatment.

E. Data Analysis Technique

To analyze the data, the researcher used the formula as follows:

1. Scoring the students’ correct answer of pre-test and post-test 5

Score =

100 %

2. Classifying the score of students answer6

Scale Classification

95 to 100 Excellent

85 to 94 Very Good


Sudjana, Dasar-dasar Proses Belajar Mengajar, (Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindo, 2008), 6


75 to 84 Good

65 to 74 Fairly Good

55 to 64 Fair

45 to 54 Poor

0 to 44 Very Poor

3. The formula used in calculating percentages in students’ score7


P = X 100% N


P = Rate percentage

F = Frequency of the score correct answer N = The total number of students

4. Mean score8

Χ = Ʃ


Χ = Mean score

Σx = The sum of all score N = The number of students


Muzakkir Nur, “Improving the Students’ Vocabulary by Using Treechart at the Second Year of Madrasah Aliyah Disamakan Palattae Kab. Bone,” Thesis, 2011, Makassar: Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty UIN Alauddin,



The researcher used the formula to know the mean score of the whole students.

5. Calculating of standard deviation of the students’ score in pre-test and

post-test, the researcher will use the following formula:9

SD =

− 1,, where SS = ƩX2 - Ʃ

Where :

SD : Standar Deviation SS : The sum of square

N : Total number of the subject

ƩX2 : The sum of all square, each score is squared and all the s quares added up

∑! : The square of the sum; all the scores are added up and the sum is square, totals

The researcher used the formula to find out whether there is any deviation or

not in the data.

6. Finding out the significant difference between pre-test and post-test of both

experimental and control class. The following formula is employed:10

" = x%1 − x%2

' SS1 + SS2n1 + n2 − 2+ 'n1 +1 n2+1


L.R. Gay, Education Research: Competence for Analysis and Applications, p. 321 10



t : test of significance

x%1 : Mean score of experimental group x%2 : Mean score of controlled group

SS1 : Sum square of experimental group

SS2 : Sum square of controlled group

n1 : Number of students of experimental group n2 : Number of students of cotrolled group 2 : The number of class involved

1 : Constant number.

7. To analyze the hypothesis of this research is formulated as follows:11

H0 : " < "

H1 : " ≥ "


" : t-observation " : t-table

Based on the formula above, the researcher conclude that:

a. If t-observation (" ) is lower than t-table (" ) then nol hypotheses (H0) is

accepted, it means that Voice of America (VOA) Article is not effective to

improve students’ vocabulary.



b. It t-observasion (" ) is equivalent or higher than t-table (" ) then

alternative hypotheses (H1) is accepted, it means that Voice of America





A. Findings

The finding of this research related to the students’ score from pre-test and

post-test, the frequency and the rate percentage of the students’ score, the mean score

and standard deviation of pre-test and post-test, the t-test value and the hypothesis

testing. The findings were describe as follows:

1. The Classification of the Students’ Pre-test Score in Experimental and

Control Class

Before the treatment, the researcher conducted the test. The result of

pre-test was acquired to know the students’ degree in mastering vocabulary. All the

students’ score could be seen in the data in Table 3.

Table 3

The Rate Percentage of Score Experimental Class in Pre-test

No Clasifications Score Frequency Percentage

1. Excellent 95 – 100 - -

2. Very Good 85 – 94 - -

3. Good 75 – 84 10 50%

4. Fairly Good 65 – 74 4 20%

5. Fair 55 – 64 2 10%

6. Poor 45 – 54 1 5%

7. Very Poor 0 – 44 3 15%


The Table 3 shows that there was 10 (50%) students classified into good.

Furthermore, there were 4 (20%) students classified into fairly good, 2 (10%)

classified into fair, 1 (5%) student classified into poor, and 3 (15%) students

classified into very poor score. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the

students’ vocabulary achievement on pre-test range from very poor to good


Table 4

The Rate Percentage of Score Control Class in Pre-test

No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1. Excellent 95 – 100 - -

2. Very Good 85 – 94 1 5%

3. Good 75 – 84 5 25%

4. Fairly Good 65 – 74 2 10%

5. Fair 55 – 65 3 15%

6. Poor 45 – 54 5 25%

7. Very Poor 0 – 44 4 20%

TOTAL 20 100%

Table 4 shows the rate percentage of the score of the control class in the

pre-test from 20 students. None of student classified into excellent score. There were 1

(5%) student classified into very good, 5 (25%) students classified into good, and 2

(10%) students classified into fairly good score. Furthermore, there were 3 (15%)

students classified into fair, 5 (25%) students classified into poor, and 4 (20%)

students classified into very poor score. Following this, it can be concluded that the

students vocabulary achievement on pre-test ranges from very poor to very good


2. The Classification of the Students’ Post-test Score in Experimental and

Control Class

Table 5

The Rate Percentage of Score Experimental Class in the Post-test

No Classification Score Frequency Percentage

After six treatments, the researcher conducted the post-test. The students’

score could be seen into the data in Table 5 above. There were 4 (20%) students

classified into excellent and 16 (80%) classified into very good score. Based on the

data, it can be concluded that the students’ voacbulary achievement on post-test

ranges from very good to excellent classification.

Table 6

The Rate Percentage of Control Class in the Post-test

No Classification Score Frequency Percentage


While the rate percentage of the score of the control class in the post-test from

the 20 students as Table 6 above shows that there were 6 (30%) students which was

classified into excellent, 5 (25%) students classified into very good, and 5 (25%)

students classified into good score. Furthermore, there were 2 (10%) students

classified into fairly good, 1 (5%) student classified into poor, and 1 (5%) student

classified into very poor score. As a conclusion, the students’ vocabulary

achievement on post-test ranges from very poor to excellent classification.

It can be seen that the rate percentage in the post-test was higher than the rate

percentage in the pre-test.

Based on the data above, there was improvement of the students who were

taught using VOA Articles and the Jakarta Post source. However, using VOA

Articles has been improved the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary than the

Jakarta Post source.

3. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Experimental

and Control Class

Table 7

The Mean Score of Experimental and Control Class of the Students’ Pre-test and Post-test

Types Mean Score Ranges

Pre-test Post-test

Experimental 64 91.5 27.5


The table above showed that the mean score of experimental class in pre-test

was 64 classified as fair score and post-test of experimental class was 91.5 classified

as very good score. There were ranges between pre-test and post-test of experimental

class that was 27.5. The mean score of control class in pre-test was 56.75 classified as

fair score and mean score of post-test in control class was 81.5 classified as good

score. Furthermore, there were ranges both of pre-test and post-test in control class

that was 24.75.

Based on the table above explained that there was a different significance

vocabulary achievement in the table of mean score between experimental and control


Table 8

The Mean Score and the Standar Deviation of Experimental and Control Class of the Students’ Pre-test and Post-test

Types Mean Score Standard Deviation Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

Experimental 64 91.5 325.26 10.79

Control 56.75 81.5 19.75 16.15

After calculating the results of the students’ pre-test and post-test from the

experimental group and the control group, the mean score and standard deviation of

their scores are presented in Table 8. The mean score of the students’ pre-test of

experimental group which was shown from the table was 64 classified as fair score


control group which was shown from the table was 56.75 classified as fair score with

standard deviation was 19.75.

The mean score of the students’ post-test of the experimental group which was

shown from the table was 91.5 classified as very good score with standard deviation

10.79. Furthermore, the mean score of students’ post-test of control group which was

shown from the table was 81.5 classified as good score with standard deviation 16.15.

It revealed that the mean score and standard deviation of pre-test and post-test of

experiment group and control group were different which was obtained from the


Based on the data above, the result achieved from both tests, the pre-test and

the post-test, were different. The students’ ability of experimental group in mastering

vocabulary was higher than the control group. Based on the result above, the

researcher has considered VOA Articles could be one of the effective media to

improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. It based on the mean score of experimental

group’s post-test was higher than control group.

4. Hypothesis testing and the Difference Significance between the

Experimental and Control Class

Although, the mean score improved after treatment but the hypothesis in

Chapter II must be tasted again with the statistical calculation. The statements of the


H0 : Voice of America (VOA) Article is not effective to improve students’

vocabulary at SMAN 4 Gowa.

H1 : Voice of America (VOA) Article is effective to improve students’

vocabulary at SMAN 4 Gowa.

To know whether the mean score of the experimental group and the control

group was statistically different, the t-test applied with the level significance (P) =

0.05 and the degree of freedom (df) = N-2, where N1 = 20 and N2 = 20. The result of

t-observation after calculation can be seen in the following Table 9

Table 9

The Result of t-test Calculation

Variable t-observation Value t-table Value

X1 – X2 2.714 2.021

The Table 9 indicated that the value of t-observation was 2.714 and the value

of table was 2.021 with significant level (P) = 0.05 and df=38. Then the value of

t-observation was higher than t-table (2.714 > 2.021). It means that H1 > H0. The

alternative hypothesis was accepted.

5. The Result of Questionnaire

The questionnaire was conducted on Saturday, 26 May 2018. This

questionnaire used to collect information about the students’ interest in learning


revealed in three categories: the students’ response about teaching learning process

(number: 1 & 3), the result of the students vocabulary learning activity (number: 7 &

10), and the students’ response about VOA Articles (number: 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, & 9). The

table below showed the result of questionnaire.

Table 10

The Result of Questionnaire No The students’ response about

teaching-learning process Yes No 1. Are you happy when you learn

vocabulary learning activity Yes No 7. Do you feel that VOA Articles can

help you to develop your English vocabulary mastery

2. Do you feel that learning English vocabulary by using VOA Articles is better than learning English VOA Articles than from text book

9 45% 11 55%

6. Do you like learning English


8. Do you feel that learning English vocabulary by using VOA Articles fasilitate your learning style

16 80% 4 20%

9. Do you feel that it is easier to remember new vocabulary from VOA Articles than from textbook

9 45% 11 55%

Mean 75% 25%

The first category in Table 10 was the students’ response about

teaching-learning process in teaching-learning English vocabulary. From the data above, it indicated

that 100% student said yes, it indicated that in the table that all of the students were

interested in the learning process. Next item is students’ motivation in learning

vocabulary using VOA Articles, shows that 100% of the students understood the

teacher’s explanation. It means that all of the first grade students of SMAN 4 Gowa

like English vocabulary lesson.

The second category is the result of students’ vcabulary achievement. The first

data above indicated that 55% of students were helped in retaining their vocabularies

through VOA Articles. The second item is the students’ vocabulary was enriched by

VOA Articles is about 45%.

The third category asks the students’ response about VOA Articles. The first

item in this category asks about the students feel better in learning vocabulary

through VOA Articles it was indicated that 100% students agreed that they feel better

in learning vocabulary through VOA Articles than using textbook. The second item


vocabulary. The third item it indicated that 45% of students said that they are easier

to understand English vocabulary from VOA Articles than from textbook. The fourth

item indicated that 90% of students like learning vocabulary by using VOA Article.

The fifth item is about 80% of students feel that learning English vocabulary by using

VOA Articles facilitate their vocabulary learning, it means that they agree that VOA

Articles help them in retaining their vocabulary. The last item indicated that 45% of

students are easier to remember new vocabulary from VOA Articles than from


B. Discussion

1. The Influence of VOA Article on Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery

The finding of the research proved that VOA Article can affect students’

vocabulary. It can be seen from the improvement of the students score of pre-test and

post-test in experimental class. The result of pre-test is categorized as fair, which is

the high score is 80 and the lowest score is 20. In the pre-test score is found the mean

score is 64. Meanwhile, the result of post-test is categorized as very good, which is

the high score is 100 and the lowest score is 90. In the post-test score is found the

mean score is 91.5. Based on findings above, it showed that the mean score of

pre-test and post-pre-test was increased. This finding is related to Nan and Mingfang’s

research that using VOA special English to improve advanced English learners’

productive use of high frequency words. The VOA special English program offers


four skills, with a special emphasis on making that vocabulary available for speaking

and writing. As the result, Nan and Mingfang make a conclusion that VOA special

English can improve advance English learners’ productive use of high frequency


2. The Influence of the Jakarta Post source on Students’ English

Vocabulary Mastery

The finding of the research proved that the Jakarta Post source can affect

students’ vocabulary. It can be seen from the improvement of the students score of

pre-test and post-test in control class. The result of pre-test is categorized as fair,

which is the high score is 85 and the lowest score is 15. In the pre-test score is found

the mean score is 56.75. Meanwhile, the result of post-test is categorized as good,

which is the high score is 100 and the lowest score is 40. In the post-test score is

found the mean score is 81.5. Based on findings above, it showed that the mean

score of pre-test and post-test was increased. This finding is related to Umam’s

research that improving the students’ vocabulary mastery with the Jakarta post

newspaper articles. The Jakarta post newspaper article is one of the alternative ways

that can be used by the teacher in teaching and improving students’ vocabulary

mastery because it has a various types of English writing including formal or

informal language and it will also be particularly helpful for those students who may



go to live or work in the target-language community. As the result, Umam make a

conclusion that the Jakarta post newspaper articles can improve students’ vocabulary


3. The Difference between Using VOA and the Jakarta Post Articles on

Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery

The finding of the research proved that there were significant differences

between experimental class that used VOA Article and control class that used the

Jakarta Post source. It can be seen from the mean score of the group that used VOA

Article that is 91.5 and the group that used the Jakarta Post source that is 81.5. It

means that the post-test score of experimental class that uses VOA Article is higher

than the post-test score of control class that uses the Jakarta Post. In addition, from

the calculation the researcher found that t-observation is 2.714 and t-table with degree

of significance 5% (0.05) is 2.021. It means that alternative hypothesis (H1) is

accepted and null hypothesis (H0) is rejected because ≥ . It means that

teaching English vocabulary by using VOA Article with audio has a significance

influence and it is more effective than teaching English vocabulary by using the

Jakarta Post article. This finding is related to Al-Seghayer’s research about the effect

of multimedia annotation modes on L2 vocabulary acquisition: a comparative study.

This research examines which of the image modalities – dynamic video or still



picture – is more effective in aiding vocabulary acquisition. In this research,

participants were being measured under three condition: printed text definition alone,

printed text definition coupled with still pictures, and printed text definition coupled

with video clips. As the result, Al-Seghayer make a conclusion that a video clip in

combination with a text definition is more effective in teaching unknown vocabulary

than a picture in combination with a text definition. Participants learned and recalled

more words when video clips were provided than when pictures were made







A. Conclusion

1. There is an influence of using VOA Article on students’ English vocabulary

mastery at SMAN 4 Gowa. It is proved by the result of pre-test and post-test.

The mean score of the pre-test is 64 while the mean score of the post-test is

91.5. It means that the students get improvement after being treatment using

VOA Article.

2. There is an influence of using the Jakarta Post source on students’ English

vocabulary mastery at SMAN 4 Gowa. It proved by the result of pre-test and

post-test. The mean score of the pre-test is 56.75 and the mean score of the

post-test is 81.5. It means that the students also get improvement after being

giving treatment using the Jakarta Post.

3. There is any different on students’ English vocabulary mastery between

group that used VOA Article and the group that used the Jakarta Post source

at SMAN 4 Gowa. It is proved by the mean score of the group that used

VOA Article that is 91.5 and the group that used the Jakarta Post source that

is 81.5. It means that teaching English vocabulary by using VOA Article has

a significance influence than teaching English vocabulary by using the


B. Suggestion

From the research findings, the researcher give some suggestions:

1. As the the English teacher, she/he should be creative in teaching English

vocabulary because the more the students master the vocabulary the better

their performance in all aspect of English language.

2. VOA Articles is one of the alternative ways that can be used by the teacher

in teaching and improving students’ vocabulary mastery because this article

comes with audio report, the sentence are short, and the speed of the audio

report is slower than normal, and it also contains many English vocabulary.

So, by using this program, the students not only learn about the word but

also how to pronounce it from the audio report.

3. This research can be useful at the reference for further researcher in all of

skill because the VOA Articles can be implemented for all materials, skills,




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Table 1 Instrument grid of test
Table 2 Instrument grid of Questionnaire
Table 3 The Rate Percentage of Score Experimental Class in Pre-test
Table 4 The Rate Percentage of Score Control Class in Pre-test


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