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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


LUISA NASTITI WIKANINGTYAS Student Number: 134214131










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


LUISA NASTITI WIKANINGTYAS Student Number: 134214131





Impossible is just an opinion.






There is no journey that is completely perfect, there is no road that is

completely smooth, and so does thesis. It has been such a journey for me to pass

through all the process of finishing this thesis from the beginning until now. I would

like to express my gratitude toward God and Mother Mary for the blessing and grace

so that I am able to finish my thesis. I want to state my biggest gratitude to my father,

my mother, and my little sister who always be there to support me.

I would like to thank Mrs. Th. Enny Anggraini, Ph.D. as my thesis advisor for

the guidance, support, and patience along my working process on this thesis so that I

can finish this thesis in time. I would also like to thank Mrs. Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani,

M.Hum. as my co-advisor. I thank you for the very helpful advices. I also want to

thank Van-Deventer Maas Stichting for supporting and helping me finishing my

study at this college through scholarship. And last but not least I want to thank my

greatest friends for the support help toward the process of finishing this thesis: Dayu,

Desi, Donna, Disa, Rahel, Ula, Nino, Satya, and Halim. Thank you very much for the

push and mental support.



A. Characters and Characteristics in the Novel ... 29

1. Red’s Characters ... 31

2. Silver’s Characters ... 46

B. Settings of Place in the Novel ... 60

1. Red’s Setting of Place ... 61

2. Silver’s Setting of Place ... 64

C. The Discrimination of Class Revealed on the Novel ... 69

1. Discrimination seen from the Characters ... 70

2. Discrimination seen from the Setting of Place ... 76

CHAPTER V ... 79




AVEYARD’S NOVEL RED QUEEN. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters,

Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2018.

Victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen is a story about two different classes of people who have completely different conditions. The higher class is Silver family and the lower class is Red family. Other than their physical differences which is the superpower owned by the Silvers, readers may find the other different conditions in

the characters’ characteristics and the setting of place in this novel, and later on may find out whether these differences happen because of discrimination or not. This study specifically discusses the discrimination towards the lower class that is done by the higher class.

There are three objectives of the study. First of all, the study discusses about how the characters and characterization are described in the novel. Second of all, the study discusses how the setting of places are described in the novel. Lastly, based on the discussion of characters, characterization, and setting of places, it can be seen whether there is any discrimination in the novel.

Library research method is conducted in order to find the proper theories and the related studies. Moreover, theories from reliable websites are also collected to support the discussion of this study. The approach used in this study is Marxism. The Marxism approach is used in order to find out the discrimination between classes in this novel based on the intrinsic elements which are the character and the setting.

Discrimination is a condition where there is a group of people who are treated differently and poorly because they are considered as disgraced people that it leads to condition when they find difficulty to fulfill their fundamental needs. In this research, it is proven that the discrimination can be seen from the characters of Reds and Silvers. Red people have to go to conscription as soldiers for Silver’s war, they have to work for Silvers without enough payment to fulfill their needs, and they have certain hurtful and hatred feelings toward Silvers as the result of being treated badly, while Silvers get everything they need from their Red workers and they do not feel bad at all. Discrimination also can be seen from the setting of places. While Red’s

places are very improper to be lived, chaotic, messy, and prone to disease, Silver’s




AVEYARD’S NOVEL RED QUEEN. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters,

Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2018. diskriminasi. Studi ini secara khusus membahas tentang diskriminasi yang terjadi terhadap masyarakat kelas bawah yang dilakukan oleh kelas atas.

Dalam skripsi ini, ada tiga tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Pertama-tama, studi ini membahas tentang bagaimana karakter dan karakterisasi dijelaskan dalam novel. Kedua, studi ini membahas tentang bagaimana keadaan setting tempat yang diceritakan dalam novel. Dan terakhir, berdasarkan diskusi tentang karakter, karakterisasi, dan setting tempat, dapat dilihat apakah ada diskriminasi yang benar-benar terjadi dalam novel.

Studi pustaka dilakukan untuk mendapatkan teori dan penelitian terkait yang sesuai. Pengumpulan teori melalui situs yang terpercaya juga dilakukan untuk mendukung pembahasan pada skripsi. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Marxisme. Pendekatan Marxisme digunakan untuk menemukan adanya diskriminasi kelas dalam novel dilihat dari unsur intrinsik novel yaitu karakter dan setting.




A. Background of the Study

When reading a literary work, readers will be brought into their imagination

related to the work they read. Sometimes the story in a literary work can be

related to the experiences of the readers, and sometimes it is not. If it happens to

readers’ experience, then they can relate to the story easily – but when it is not,

the readers will have their imagination as wild as it might be in order to get the

story deeper. G. Armour Craig, Frank M. Rice, and Edward J. Gordon in

Literature said that:

We read, and we enter a mysterious world that is both near to us and remote from us. It is a world in which we sometimes find our own concerns—our own hopes and fears, loves and hatreds (1970: 2).

It can be understood that human beings as readers can relate to things happening

to the literature they read. Even though things happening on the work has never

happened to the readers, they still can relate it with their own concerns of their


One interesting fact about reading a literary work is that the readers can be

brought into the things that has never happened to them, and later on it also can

bring them to wider understanding on other aspects of life even though they never

experience it before. It is written in Literature:


of difficulties, about the desperation of men and women frightened by great events, about what it feels like to meditate upon a great idea, about the way in which comedy dissolves our anxieties and refreshes our presence of mind. When we understand a work of literature we discover powers of judgment and insight in ourselves that we had not known we possessed. We become aware of ranges of experience that we share with every imaginative writer who speaks to us in our language (1970: 2).

By this explanation it can be seen that reading a literary work can bring readers

into deeper understanding about life through awakening the unconscious

knowledge the readers might already have. This happens not only in one aspect of

life, but in many aspects – love, desperation, happiness through comedy, and so


As readers understand this consciousness inside the literary work through

their imagination deeply, then they also can see these things in their daily life that

is related to their social life. The function of literature that is very beneficial for

human kind is its function on understanding the social life in daily life with people

around the world. Raymond A. Mar and Keith Oatley on their journal entitled The

Function of Fiction is the Abstraction and Simulation of Social Experience said


Narrative fiction also creates a deep and simulative experience of social interactions for readers. This simulation facilitates the communication and understanding of social information and makes it more compelling, achieving a form of learning through experience (2008: 173).

By “simulation” it means that the readers can refer the story in two ways:

the first is by their imagination of the story – they can give abstract imagination

on the situation, the feelings of characters in the story, the settings, and so on; and


somewhere in this world so that the readers may know a little real picture of the

situation in the story (Mar and Oatley, 2008).

The imagination of the readers is significant to the effect on how they

perceive the world based on their point of view that might be affected by the

literature they read – how they see people from around the world that they never

meet before, how they see cultures they do not know, how they feel the

experiences of certain people with “specialty” (example: depression,

discrimination, and so on) even though they never experience it themselves,

believing into some stereotypes that is written on the literature, or otherwise

realizing that the stereotypes that they have always believed are actually wrong

because of the explanation on the literature they read. Furthermore, their mindset

that is affected by literatures they read can lead to their behavior on the real life –

how they understand certain people and situation that leads into how they treat

people and situations they are into. The readers will also begin to understand the

social life in the different circumstances from them. Based on this explanation, it

can be concluded that literature can be used as an entertainment and also for

understanding the social life for both the author in her or his process of writing

and for the reader in the process of reading it. The entertainment part of the

literature can give stress relief for both the author and the readers. Other than the

entertainment, literature also contributes to further understanding about the

different condition of social life to the readers – giving them more understanding


Red Queen is a story about two different families – or clans – living in the

year of 302 after New Era. One of the families is the Silvers – demi-god people

who have superpower, living in wealth and prosperity, with peaceful circumstance

that they have. They are the noblemen of the world, the leader, the kings and

queens. Their superpowers are various – they are the controller of land, air, water,

fire, mind reader, and so on. Another family who live with the Silvers are the

Reds – the common human being, without any superpower. The Reds live in a

poor condition, without enough guarantees on foods, health, proper living,

education, and other parts of life. They are the workers, servants, and soldiers in

wars. Even they work at the Silvers’ cities without proper payment. The Reds

fight for the victory of the Silvers – the Reds’ blood is spent, the victory of the

Silvers is gained. As stated in the novel, the main difference of the Silvers and the

Reds is their blood; while the Silvers have a silver-colored blood, the Reds have a

red-colored blood.

It is interesting to see the issue happening between the Reds and Silvers, to

see how different their situation is. Some parts of the novel show the grudge felt

by the Reds to the Silvers. For example, in Chapter I of the novel, there is a Silver

competition between two different clans of Silver – the competition is held only

as a show in an arena in the middle of Red buildings (2015: 4). Kilorn, one of the

characters in this novel, is really interested to watch the show only to see the

blood split from the Silvers – for there is never any Silver blood split for any

things happen to them related to their superpower (2015: 6). The truth is that this


to the Reds about their superpower, as written in the novel: “You are no match for

us. We are your betters. We are gods” (2015: 6).

The case about discrimination between two classes in this novel is

interesting because the issue of discrimination between classes case can be seen in

daily life. To understand that issue, it is important to analyze what kind of

differences happening between the Silvers and Reds and how these classes cope

with one another – the higher class to the lower class and vice versa.

In Weber’s book entitled Economy and Society (1978), it is explained that a

group of people can be linked into the same one class when they have similar or

same chances on their lives related to economic interests with the same share of

possession of goods and jobs, and is also represented under the conditions of the

commodity or labor markets. It means that a class can be seen from its particular

people’s strength in society – measured by how powerful and how rich they are,

and then they will be grouped based on the level of their power and wealth. In the

case of this novel, the class of the society divided with the Reds and the Silvers

who has significantly different power and wealth.

In a book entitled American Ethnicity: The Dynamics and Consequences of

Discrimination, Adalberto Aguirre stated that discrimination is an action when

superior group of people restricts the other group from getting and having their

fundamental rights. Aguirre continued in his book that the member of the

dominant deny the people of the different group who are less powerful, and

restricts them from many necessary access like “jobs, income, education, health,


These powerful people are actually able to give the less powerful people help or

giving them ways to necessary rights, but they choose not to do it. Instead, these

powerful people let the inferiors go lower.

In the novel Red Queen, the discrimination between classes happens at the

Silvers to the Reds. The Reds live in a very different condition environment with

the Silvers. While the Silvers live in proper condition and live as wealthy people,

the Reds live in a very bad condition place with broken houses and mud without

getting enough food to eat. Things they know is only how to survive in living in

poverty, how to have enough money to eat, and how to serve the Silvers well so

that they will not be punished. One of the characters, Gisa, works for the Silvers

inside the Silver’s area without enough payment, representing a Red being

enslaved by the Silvers. She works there because she has talent on tailoring. One

interesting thing about the discrimination for the Reds working at the Silvers

society is that when the Reds enter the gate of the Silvers’, they will have a kind

of temporary stamp on their skin as a sign of being Red, and this stamp cannot be

detached until they are out from the gate of Silvers. This stamp is made as the

reminder for the Reds that they do not come from the same world and are not the

same family with the Silvers. They are workers, they are weak, and they are

nothing for the Silvers. It also happens at the war. When the Silver is having a war

with other kind of Silvers out there, they use the Reds to be the soldiers. It is the

Reds’ blood that is split, the Reds’ lives that are gone. Only some of the Silvers


them are prepared for the war, they only wait for the Reds in the camp, letting the

Reds fight and bleed for them.

B. Problem Formulation

In conducting the study, three problems are formulated as written below.

1. How are the characters and their characteristics described in the novel?

2. How are the settings of place described in the novel?

3. How is the class discrimination revealed through the characters and the

settings of place?

C. Objectives of the Study

To know and understand about the class discrimination happens on this

novel, it is important firstly to know the characters and their characteristics.

Characters and characteristics are important in order to know the differences of

the Reds and the Silvers' characteristics in facing things.

Besides the characters, the setting is also important to understand about the

class discrimination between the Silvers and the Reds. The setting is important to

understand how different the setting of place is between the Silvers and the Reds

that is related to their classes – upper and lower class.

After knowing the differences of the characters’ characteristics and the

settings of the Silvers and the Reds, it can be seen whether there are any class


D. Definition of Terms

Definition of terms is important in order to give a deeper understanding for

the reader about this study. The term class and discrimination is needed to be

explained since this study is about this term.

In Weber’s Economy and Society (1978), he explained that a group of

people can be linked into the same one class when they have similar or same

chances on their lives, especially when it is related to economic interests with the

same share of possession of goods and jobs, and is also represented under the

conditions of the commodity or labor markets.

Adalberto Aguirre, Jr. and Jonathan J. Turner in their book entitled

American Ethnicity: The Dynamics and Consequences of Discrimination said that

discriminationis “the process by which an individual, group, or subpopulation of

individuals acts in ways that deny another individual, group, or subpopulation

access to valued resources” (2010: 6). Based on the explanation above, it means

that discrimination is about the different and unequal treatment that was done by




A. Review of Related Studies

The novel Red Queen takes place in an imaginary place called Norta and is

more focused on The Stilts, the city where the Reds live. The division of class in

this novel is divided into higher and lower class which are known as the Silvers

and the Reds.

There are some studies that have similar topic with the researcher’s topic

about class discrimination. The first study is from the undergraduate thesis by

Kumala Dewi, the student of English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma

University entitled “The Class Discrimination in India as Seen through the

Characters and Settings in Vikas Swarup’s Slumdog Millionaire”. This study

proves the existence of class discrimination happening in India through the novel

Slumdog Millionaire. In her study it is stated that:

Class system divides the society members according to their economic prosperity. The difference of economic prosperity undeniably creates the gaps of the society. This gap is the most important factor influencing the existence of discrimination towards people from the lower classes (2011: 15).

This explanation gives an understanding that the main reason of the

existence of class discrimination in India lays on the difference on the economic

condition of the people: the gap of the economic condition creates the gap on the


The second related study is an undergraduate thesis by Angelin Elizabet


University entitled “Bhima’s Struggle against Class Discrimination in Thirty

Umrigar’s “The Space between Us””. In this study the researcher talked about the

lower and upper class in this novel that happens between the servant and her

mistress. The researcher’s study results in a conclusion that the discrimination

happens because of Bhima’s uneducated society, and Bhima’s characteristics

shows her struggle to face the problem of being discriminated by her society

(2016: 44).

The third related study that has similar topic with this study is a study held

by Anna Guðjónsdóttir from University of Iceland entitled ”Magical Minority:

Social Class and Discrimination in the Harry Potter Novels”. In this study, she

divided the class of the characters – wizards and witches – into upper, middle, and

lower class that would help the researcher to find out where the power lied (2014:

2). She focused on the treatment between characters. It is stated that:

Muggleborn wizards and witches must struggle to prove their worth and fight to hold on to their right to practive magic after Lord Voldemort and his followers wish to eliminate all those that they deem unfit to use magic, that is, those that do not have the right blood. Two notable characters, the half-breeds Rubeus Hagrid and Remus Lupin, show the discrimination people out of the norm of the wizard community must face and how it influences their life and at the same time the story itself. The characters and the treatment of them gives the reader a deeper look into the society and how the wizard world works as it becomes evident that discrimination is a ruling power in the wizard community like in any society (2014: 23).

Here she explained that the discrimination on Harry Potter novels lays on the

differences of the people who are “out of the norm of the wizard community”,

meaning that there might be some norms and if there is something unfit to the


This research is different from three related studies above. While the first

study focuses on the difference of the economic condition of the people, the

second research focuses on the discrimination that happens because of different

education given to the society, and the third research focuses on the different

treatment between different class of the characters, this research aims to find out

the proof of class discrimination happening on the novel Red Queen by focusing

on the setting of place and on the characters. After taking a look at the characters

and setting of place deeper, than it can be concluded whether there is a

discrimination on class happening on this novel.

B. Review of Related Theories

In conducting this research, researcher uses some theories that are related to

the study. Some reviews of the related theories are needed for deeper

understanding about the theories used in this research.

1. Character and Characterization

Character is one important part in criticizing this novel as one intrinsic

element. In A Glossary of Literary Terms, Abrams stated the definition of


Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the dialogue – and what they do – the action (1993: 23).

By this statement, Abrams wanted to say that the character is the figure that is


readers which is brought by the character’s dialogue to other characters and their

action in the events on the story.

Characters are always related to characterization. In his book, Abrams

shows two alternative methods in characterizing as quoted below:

a. In showing (also called “the dramatic method”), the author simply presents the characters talking and acting and leaves the reader to infer the motives and dispositions that lie behind what they say and do. The author may show not only external speech and actions, but

also a character’s inner thoughts, feelings, and responsiveness to

events (1998: 34).

b. In telling, the author intervenes authoritatively in order to describe, and often to evaluate, the motives and dispositional qualities of the characters (1998: 34).

According to Murphy in his book Understanding Unseens: An

Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students, there

are some ways that the author does to make the characters become more

understandable for the readers (1972: 161-173), which are: Personal description:

the author describes the character by their physical appearance; Character as seen

by another: one character describes another characters in his/her point of view;

Speech: insight to the character as seen by his speech – when the character is in

conversation, speech, or gives opinion; Past life: the character that is shaped by

his/her past experiences – can be seen from the direct explanation from the author,

his conversation, or the view from another character/person; Conversation of

others: the personality of the character can be seen from what people or other

characters talk about him/her; Reactions: the character seen through his/her

reaction to certain events or situations happening around; Direct comment: the


Thoughts: a character is explained through his/her own thoughts about

himself/herself; and Mannerism: the author tells about the character by his/her

habits, or unique things that he/she usually does.

These ten ways are helpful to determine the characterization of each

character in the story. After the readers understand the personalities of the

characters, they will understand why these characters give certain behavior to

certain conditions they are involved into (Murphy, 1972: 161).

Getting to know better about what kind of a character described in the story

and the way they are described helps the writer to make analysis about the class

discrimination happening in the story.

2. Settings

Theory on setting is important in this study as setting is one of the intrinsic

elements of a novel. In his book Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to

English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students, Murphy (1972)

stated that:

The setting of the novel is the background against which the characters live out their lives. In some novels the setting is important, whilst in others it is less so. The setting can be concerned with the place in which the characters live and also the time in which they live. These have a great effect upon the personalities, actions and way of thinking of the characters.

According to this statement, Murphy wanted to say that setting is the

surrounding situation where the characters live. The setting influences the

characters in many ways – their personalities, their decisions, and their opinions


In his book, Murphy gave three points that can be considered as setting

which are time, place, and atmosphere (1972: 143-148). The explanations about

setting are presented below:

a. Time, which are divided into three parts of time: Present time: the author writes

his/her book based on his own lifetime that it makes the setting of time more

familiar to the readers; Past time: the author writes his/her book based on the time

before him/her (historical events or to attempt to recreate the past to the readers),

Future time: the writer brings the readers to the futuristic image based on his/her

imagination; and No specific time: there is no picture of when the story takes

place, usually used in old fairy stories or first chapter begun with ‘once upon a


b. Place, setting of place is divided into three kinds: Familiar place: the author

chooses places that are possibly familiar to most of his or her readers from his or

her own nation, meaning that the author chooses the places for the novel which

information is easily found by readers from his or her own nation, who can be said

as the writer’s main market, in other sources such as newspapers, conversations,

television, and so on – for example, if the writer is from England than the setting

of place he uses is cities at England; Unfamiliar place: the author chooses places

that are not familiar to the readers from his or her own nation – for example, the

author is from England but the setting of place that is chosen is location at Asia or

America; and Imaginary place: the authors chooses or creates his or her own


example, Hogwarts the school of magic in Harry Potter series written by J.K.


c. Atmosphere, which is the surrounding situation of the characters. Murphy said


A person might say, for instance, ‘The meeting between the workers and the management was conducted in a genial atmosphere.’ This means that the

person considered that the general feeling he got from the meeting was one of geniality or friendliness. Thus we can talk of the atmosphere of a novel or of apart of it as being: gloomy, sombre, terrifying, evil, cheerful, happy, sordid pessimistic, optimistic, and so on (1972: 146).

This means that atmosphere is the real situation about how the characters feel

about certain condition happening on them, and furthermore, atmosphere is also

about how the characters cope with the situation or condition they are within –

whether it is related to their relationship with other characters, the setting of place,

their own economic or social status or situation, their job, and so on.

Edgar V. Roberts in his book Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and

Writing explained that there are two types of setting (1987: 190-191), which are:

a. Natural, which is the outdoor place that is used by the author as the setting.

Roberts stated in his book:

Nature herself is seen as a force that shapes action and therefore directs and redirects lives. A deep woods may make walking difficult or dangerous, or may be a place for a sinister meeting of devil worshipers. The open road may be a place where one person seeks flight, other face showdown, and still others may meet their fate. A lake may be the location where one person literally rescues another and also silently and unconsciously makes a direct commitment to the saved person (1987: 190-191).

This means that the natural condition where the characters might live or pass will


b. Manufactured, which means the places built by the people in the story and this

will reflect all people who make them and furthermore in will also explain the

other condition of the people – the economic, politic, or social environment.

Roberts stated:

A richly decorated house shows the expensive tastes and resources of the characters owning it. A few cracks in the plaster and some chips in the paint may show the same persons declining in fortune and power. Ugly and impoverished surroundings may contribute to the weariness, insensitivity, negligence, or even hostility of the characters living in them (1987: 191).

This means that the condition of buildings made by the people can determine their

condition in many aspects such as their fortune and power.

In his book, Roberts also explained about studying the uses of setting. He

said that it is important to firstly discover all the details that might be a part of the

setting, and then after that it can be determined how the author uses these details

on the setting. Roberts also explained that “the setting may be so prominent that it

may almost be considered as a participant in the action” (1987: 191). There are

many uses of setting, but this research will only use two of them, which are:

a. Setting and Character. In this part Roberts wanted to show that there is a part of

the setting that might be intersected with the character that in the end will help

readers understand the character deeper. Roberts explained to the story he referred



This explanation shows clearly that the setting of place is related closely to the

character and their characteristics and this fact will help readers to understand

deeper about the character.

b. Setting and Atmosphere. The atmosphere here refers to the mood of the story.

Functional description of a setting is required to describe an action. Roberts said

that the clear description of something like the trees, the shapes, the shadows, the

animals, the winds, the sounds, different shades of colors used for the buildings or

settings –“warm” colors for happiness or “cooler” colors for gloom – can be the

fact that the author is trying to create certain moods for the action. He also

explained that “the setting of a story on a farm or in a city apartment may evoke a

response to these habitats that may contribute to a story’s atmosphere” (1987:


Getting to know better about the settings of the story and the way they are

described helps the writer to make analysis about the class discrimination

happening on the story.

3. Theory of Discrimination

Theory of discrimination is important in order to reveal the discrimination

between classes that happens on the story.

In a book entitled American Ethnicity: The Dynamics and Consequences of

Discrimination, Adalberto Aguirre stated that:


This explanation means that the discrimination happens to certain group of people

done by another group of people that the superior group restricts the other group

from getting and having their fundamental rights. Aguirre continued in his book

that the member of the dominant deny the people of the different group who are

less powerful, and restricts them from many necessary access like “jobs, income,

education, health, prestige, power, or anything else that the members of a society

value” (2010: 6-7). These powerful people are actually able to give the less

powerful people helps or giving them ways to necessary rights, but they choose

not to do it. Instead, these powerful people let the inferiors go lower.

It is also written in a book Compasito written by Council of Europe:

To discriminate against someone is to exclude that person from the full enjoyment of their political, civic, economic, social or cultural rights and freedoms. Discrimination contradicts a basic principle of human rights: that all people are equal in dignity and entitled to the same fundamental rights (2009, 224).

According to this explanation, discrimination gives different treatments for

different people – discrimination restricts some people for having and enjoying

their rights which supposedly can be enjoyed by all people in the world.

Compasito also explains about the elements on discrimination which are

explained on and summarized from many articles related to human rights (these

articles are from Universal Declaration of Human Rights, European Convention of

Human Rights, International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of

Racial Discrimination, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of

Discrimination against Women). Compasito summarizes it into three elements


a. the cause of discrimination: the child’s or his or her parents’ or legal

guardian’s race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion,

national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth, or other status

(social class, occupation, sexual orientation, or preferred language).

b. The action of discrimination: rejection, restriction, exclusion (a pattern of

discrimination that denies members of certain group certain positions on

some aspects such as in politics or economic or simply having the

fundamental rights (Agguire and Turner, 2010: 9)) of a person or a group of

persons, genocide (members of certain group are killed or exterminated),

slavery (using certain group as workers or slaves without equal payment and

right treatment), ethnic cleansing (related to genocidal behavior – which

tries to get rid of a certain group) or religious persecution.

c. There are consequences in discrimination: this action can prevent people

from having and/or enjoying the human rights which are their basic needs of

freedom. Later on, discrimination leads to many impacts on society which

are reinforcing prejudice and racist attitude.

These three elements go hand in hand, when one happens, the other follows.

According to Compasito, discrimination might happen because of people’s

ignorance, prejudices, and negative stereotypes. When these things happen on

people’s mind and still continue for sometime, then discrimination to certain

situations is possible to happen. “Because many people fear what seems strange or

unknown, they react to suspicion or even violence to anyone whose appearance,


Theory of Discrimination is important for this research in order to

determine which action can be considered as a discrimination between the Silvers

and the Reds.

4. Theory of Class

Theory of Class is important for this research. This theory will help in

determining which one is the upper class and which one is the lower class seen in

the differences of the characters and the setting of place happening in this novel.

In his book entitled The Communist Manifesto, Marx (1971) grouped the

social class into two different divisions, which he called as the bourgeoisie – the

owner, and the proletariat – the workers (1971: 80). As quoted in his book:

By bourgeoisie is meant the class of modern Capitalists, owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labour. By proletariat, the class of modern wage-labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live (1971: 79).

The bourgeoisie is the person who is on higher class – the owner, the boss,

the ruler, the person who gives jobs for the workers. Marx also explained in his


The bourgeoisie has subjected the country to the rule of the towns. It has created enormous cities, has greatly increased the urban population as compared with the rural, and has thus rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life (1971: 84).

It means that the bourgeoisie has such a great power that it can be used to rule a

country, from the development of the cities to the increasing amount of the people

live there.

On the other hand, the proletariat is the working class or lower class – the


energy and all to work for the boss in order to live and to continue their lives.

Marx explained:

In proportion as the bourgeoisie, i.e., capital, is developed, in the same proportion is the proletariat, the modern working class, developed – a class of labourers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital (1971: 87).

The proletariat really lives under the rule of the bourgeoisie – this lower

class works for them. They are, as Marx determined them on his writing, the

“commodity” for the bourgeoisie or things that are very important for the

development and betterment of the bourgeoisie. The proletarians work so hard and

are being exposed for the importance of the bourgeoisie while they do not get

their life and economic condition better.

This theory of class is important for this research in order to differ the

higher and lower class, and furthermore it will show what happens to the higher

class and the lower class.

C. Theoretical Framework

Each one of the theories above is important in criticizing the novel. The first

theory which is theory on character is important in order to understand their

position in the story, their condition, their experience through the story, and how

the Silvers and the Reds treat one another as different families with different

physical and economic condition. Theory on character is used to answer the

problem formulation number one. Theory on setting also has its own importance.

It is used in order to understand the places lived by and the social life lived and


problem formulation number two. The third theory which is theory on class

discrimination is also important. It is used in order to find out the different

condition of the two different families – the Silvers and the Reds – in relation with

the huge contrast of their economic condition. This theory is used to answer the




A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a novel entitled Red Queen, written by Victoria

Aveyard who is currently an author and screenwriter. Red Queen is the first book

of trilogy series novel, which are followed by Glass Sword and Queen Song. This

novel was published for the first time in 2015 by HarperTeen, the imprint of

HarperCollins Publishers. This novel has 388 pages, consists of 28 chapters,

followed by an epilogue and acknowledgements at the last part. This first edition

novel of the Red Queen was chosen as The #1 New York Times Bestseller.

This story of this novel is about two different families – the Reds and the

Silvers – who live in very different environment and therefore creates a very

different personalities. The Silvers are the people who were born with superpower

on them. They can control elements around them: land, air, water, fire, mind,

metal, and so on – each person controls one element. On the other hand, the Reds

are the common people with no superpower. The Silvers and the Reds live in a

very different environment. The Silvers live in wealth and prosperity. They are the

government of all including the Reds. They get enough education and have

nothing to worry about their economic condition. The Silvers have a huge gate

and wall which separate their living area with the Reds. They will not let the Reds

come easily to their area. They have special stamp for the Reds if they want to


Silvers. The Reds live in poverty. They live in miserable environment: houses

made of moldy woods, muddy lands, and pathetic economic condition, and they

do not get enough education as the Silvers get. If they are lucky enough for having

certain skill, they will be able to work at the Silvers’ area as servant or other

workers. If not, then they will be sent to the Silver’s war as soldiers – men and


The main character of this novel as well as the narrator, Mare, is a girl who

was born as a Red. Mare firstly wants to help Kilorn, her best friend, to not be

sent to the war as a soldier. Her effort to help Kilorn leads her to enter the Silver

area. In short, she is caught by the Silvers and is forced to act as a Silver because

suddenly she has a superpower – the same as the Silvers. Even though she has a

superpower, she does not want to be with the Silvers – in fact, she still wants to be

with the Reds because her heart is for them and her family who are also Reds.

This story then leads to Mare’s, Kilorn’s, and their Red friends’ fight to oppose

the Silvers with the aim of getting equal treatment as the Reds and not to be

discriminated and treated differently.

This novel shows clearly the class discrimination happening on the different

families. Even though the final of the whole story will be told in the final series of

the Red Queen series, still the purpose of the writer to show the discrimination

and the fighting of the lower class can be seen in this story. The story brought by

Mare as the narrator leads to the understanding that gaining equality in life by


B. Approach of the Study

This study uses Marxism approach specifically in his theory about class as

the suitable approach to be used in analyzing this literary work. This theory of

class was introduced and also developed by Karl Marx (1818 – 1883). As

explained above, Marx wrote in his book entitled The Communist Manifesto

(1971) that the social class is grouped into two different divisions, which he called

as the bourgeoisie – the owner, and the proletariat – the workers (1971: 80). As

quoted in his book:

By bourgeoisie is meant the class of modern Capitalists, owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labour. By proletariat, the class of modern wage-labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live (1971: 79).

The bourgeoisie is the person who is on higher class – the owner, the boss, the

ruler, the person who gives jobs for the workers. Marx also explained that the

bourgeoisie has such a great power that it can be used to rule a country, from the

development of the cities to the increasing amount of the people live there. On the

other hand, the proletariat is the worker for the higher class. The energy and

works of proletariat are used by the higher class or the bourgeoisie in order to

fulfill the needs to live. The proletariat really lives under the rule of the

bourgeoisie – this lower class works for them. They are, as Marx determined them

on his writing, the “commodity” for the bourgeoisie or things that are very

important for the development and betterment of the bourgeoisie. The proletarians

work so hard and are being exposed for the importance of the bourgeoisie while


The reason behind choosing this approach is that the approach of Marxism is the

most suitable one to analyze this novel. His definition of class – which is the

higher and lower class – is the basis of determining the different condition

between these two classes and how these classes cope with the situation they are

into and also about what they do toward each other.

The Marxism approach will help in finding out the class discrimination

happened between the Silvers as the upper class and the Reds as the lower class

by seeing the differences of the characters’ characteristics and the settings of


C. Method of the Study

The study of class discrimination in Red Queen was a library research. The

main source of this study is the novel Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. The

secondary sources were books as well as some websites which were related to the

theories and approach used to analyze the problem.

Some steps were done in order to analyze this literary work. The first step to

start this study was reading the whole novel as careful as possible in order to get a

thorough understanding about the story. From the comprehensive reading, the

case of class discrimination happened in the novel revealed by the characters and

the settings was the most interesting part to be discussed by the writer.

The second step taken was collecting the data about this novel and some

references on the theories and studies related to this novel. These data and


were collected by listing all the evidences about class discrimination that are

related to the characters, their characterization, and the settings of the story.

The third step taken in conducting this study was answering the problems in

the problem formulation. This step was done by using the theory on character,

setting, and class discrimination in order to reveal the existence of class




The novel Red Queen has two main different families which are the Reds

and the Silvers. These two families have completely different lives – the Reds

with their poverty and difficulties and the Silvers with their wealth, prosperity,

and superpowers. The novel mainly tells the readers about how different these

families are related to their personality and their live condition, and also about

how the Silvers who are the higher class treat the Reds who are the lower class.

The first part of the discussion talks about the characters and

characterization of the Reds and the Silvers, revealing their big differences

between one another. The second part discusses the settings of both families, also

revealing the differences between one another. The third part discusses about the

discrimination between classes happening on this novel based on the characters,

characterization, and the settings of both families.

A. Characters and Characteristics in the Novel

Characters are one of the most important part on a literary work. In A

Glossary of Literary Terms, Abrams stated the definition of character:


By this statement, Abrams wanted to say that the character is the figure that is

made by the writer to show the emotional qualities that will be interpreted by the

readers which is brought by the character’s dialogue to other characters and their

action in the events on the story. It is also explained in his book that there are two

alternative methods in characterizing, which are by showing and by telling (1998:

34). Furthermore, Murphy wrote in his book that there are many ways to make the

characters of a literary work become more understandable by readers, which are

by the personal description, characters as seen by another, speech, past life,

conversation of others, reaction, direct comment, thoughts, and mannerism (1972:


This novel has many characters who come from different families – the

Reds and the Silvers. The Reds are the people who are just common people with

no superpower. They live in poverty and in unpleasant condition – improper

houses, limited education, uncertain economic condition, and so on – under the

government and lead of the Silvers. The Reds also work for Silvers – as soldiers

or workers at Silver’s market or as servants in the castle. The Silvers are the

characters of this novel who have superpower. They live in wealth and prosperous

condition with magnificent castle and houses, proper education, and everything

greater than the Reds have. Below will be explained deeper about the Red’s and

Silver’s characters, what they face in their lives, and what they feel toward each


1. The Reds’ Characters

There are many characters of the Reds, as well as the Silvers. The main

character of this novel is Mare Barrow, a girl who was born at The Stilts, one of

the settlements for the Reds provided by the Silvers – who were also the

government for both the Reds and the Silvers. Mare Barrow was the biological

daughter of a Red family. She lived with her family – which consisted of her

father, mother, three older brothers and one younger sister – in a house which was

not so feasible to be lived. All of her brothers were sent out from home to serve

for the government – which was the Silvers – as soldiers to fight Lakelanders in a

war (2015: 2). Mare’s sister, Gisa, worked at the Silvers’ settlement which was

called as Summerton (2015: 29). Her mother was a housewife and her father was a

retired from serving as a soldier for war. Mare also had one best friend, Kilorn –

an orphan and a fisherman apprentice. As he was already had a job, he did not

have to serve for the Silvers in wars. But soon after his master died, which meant

that he lost his job, he had to serve as a soldier after he was eighteen years old.

Below will be explained clearer about the Red’s characters.

a. Mare Barrow

Mare Barrow is the main character of the novel Red Queen. The story is told

in first point of view which is from Mare’s point of view. The first information

readers know about Mare Barrow is written on the beginning part of the novel:

Not that I’ll be in school much longer. My eighteen birthday is coming, and

with it, conscription. I’m not apprenticed,I don’t have a job, so I’m going to

be sent to the war like all the other idle ones. It’s no wonder there’s no work


Based on this description, readers will know that Mare has no job, and that

there is an obligation for any man or woman with no job to take part as a soldier

and later on he or she will be sent to the war. Next fact that the readers will know

is that it is so hard for Mare and the people around her to find a job.

The more complete basic information about Mare is explained by the King –

who is a Silver – as written below in the novel:

“Mare Molly Barrow, born November seventeenth, 302 of the New Era, to

Daniel and Ruth Barrow,” Tiberias recites from memory, laying my bare

life. “You have no occupation and are scheduled for conscription on your next birthday.” (2015: 83)

Murphy in his book Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to English

Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students said that there are many ways

the author does to make the characters become more understandable for the

readers, and one of them is by the personal description (1972: 161-173). Here, the

King gives his personal description about Mare – where he describes her by the

clearest outer view. The King’s explanation emphasizes the basic situation of

Mare that she possibly will face in front: she is designated to be one of the

soldiers and will be sent to the war by her birthday because that is the rule given

to the Reds from the government – who are Silvers.

First part of the novel explains more about the neighborhood condition

where Mare lives. She lives in Reds’ settlement named the Stilts. Mare already

explains about herself from the first page of the novel. She is not a girl who is

usually called as a good girl – instead, she tries to find money by being a thief to


The market deflates, with everyone closing up their stalls for the day. The

merchants are distracted, careless, and it’s easy for me to take whatever I

want from their wares. By the time I’m done, my pockets bulge with trinkets

and I’ve got an apple for the road. Not bad for a few minutes’ work. As the throng of people moves, I let myself be taken away by the human current. My hand dart in and out, always in fleeting touches. Some paper bills from a

man’s pocket, a bracelet from a woman’s wrist – nothing too big. Villagers are too busy shuffling along to notice a pickpocket in their midst (2015: 1).

Based on the theory of character and characterization, Mare’s speech makes it so

obvious that she is really used to be a thief – she does everything very carefully

and smoothly, showing that she has already done that many times. The next

explanation shows what she usually takes and what those things are used for:

I drop my pouch of stolen goods next to her, letting the coins jingle as much

as they can. “I think I’ve got enough to get a proper cake for Dad’s birthday.

And more batteries, enough to last the month” (2015: 13).

From this passage, it can be seen that she actually steals things from people for

good, even though it is wrong, meaning that she does that to make her family

happy even though her younger sister, Gisa, and her father realize that what she

does is wrong and that they do not like it (2015: 13-14). It seems that she is so

desperate for not having any skills to find any job so she chooses to steal things as

she says “I can’t do anything but steal from people who can actually do things”

(2015: 14). This part uses the theory of character and characterization about the

reaction of certain things happening to her. As seen from Mare’s reaction towards

her inability to do things and her family economic condition, she knows that she

needs to help her family’s economic condition that she tries to do anything, even


The beginning of this novel also explains the relationship between Mare and

her siblings – three older brothers and one younger sister. She has a pretty good

relationship with them as she says from her direct speech in the novel:

I was thirteen when Bree left. He kissed me on the cheek and gave me a single pair of earrings for my little sister, Gisa, and me to split. They were dangling glass beads, the hazy pink color of sunset. We pierced our ears ourselves that night. Tramy and Shade kept up the tradition when they went. Now Gisa and I have one ear each set with three tiny stones to remind us of our brothers fighting somewhere. I didn’t really believe they’d have to go, not until the legionnaire in his polished armor showed up and took them

away one after another. And this fall, they’ll come for me. I’ve already

started saving – and stealing – to buy Gisa some earrings when I go (2015: 2-3).

Mare’s speech about her relationship with her family in this passage shows how

Mare and her siblings really love each other: they are affectionate to one another,

even her brothers gave her earrings as remembrances when they left for wars, and

even though Mare wants to do something bad – steal – to give earrings to Gisa,

she still loves her. Furthermore, the mannerism of her – the fact that Mare also

steals something for her gift to her father’s birthday and for the house’s needs

along the month – shows that she loves her father and she cares for her family

even though what she does is wrong.

So far, it can be seen that Mare has a good relationship with her family and

her siblings – this can be seen from her being a thief to help fulfilling her family’s

needs and her brothers giving her and her sister earrings as remembrances of their

leaving for wars.

Mare has a kind of hatred and negative feelings towards the Silvers. These


something to the Reds even though it was just the beginning of the novel. It is

written on the novel:

The usual call rings out over the arena. Many rises to their feet, eager to watch, but I stay seated in silent protest. As calm as I might look, anger boils in my skin. Anger, and jealousy. We are gods, echoes in my head (2015: 8).

This part Mare shows her hatred characteristic through her reaction to the

situation she is in and her thoughts about the set. The set of this passage is when

the Silvers wants to start First Friday event: a competition between two Silvers

with their superpower in front of the Reds in an arena located in Red’s settlement

(2015: 4). The purpose of this competition is merely to show the Reds how

powerful Silvers are. Mare’s reaction to this competition shows what she feels for

Silvers. She feels such a huge anger and jealousy for the Silvers: how they have

the superpower Mare and other Reds do not have, how they can show it off to her

and the other Reds freely, and how they arrogantly equal themselves to gods

because they have superpower. In one hand, Mare hates Silvers for doing such

horrible things to Reds and to show off their powers to people who do not have

superpower. On the other hand, she feels jealous for not having the same

superpower just like the Silvers.

The next part of the story tells about how the two Silver competitors fight

each other, then when one of the competitor loses – which means dead – the

Silver’s officers work so fast to hide his death in front of Reds, because Silvers

are not supposed to die – at least not in front of the Reds (2015: 10-11). Showing

Reds that they are able to die shows that Silvers have a weakness, and that is not


Murphy, the reaction of to this fact shows that Mare feels the unfairness of life

between Reds and Silvers. Mare explains on this novel:

In school, we learned about the world before ours, about the angels and gods that lived in the sky, ruling the earth with kind and loving hands.

Some say those are just stories, but I don’t believe that.

The gods rule us still. They have come down from the stars. And they are no longer kind (2015: 11).

Abrams in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms explained that one of the

methods of characterizing is in showing the character’s talking and acting,

external speech, inner thoughts, feelings, and responsiveness to events (1998: 34).

This part shows the example of showing. Mare’s speech and reaction shows that

she feels that gods are being so unkind to her. The passage above shows that it is

hard for Mare now to believe the loving hand and kindness of gods because of the

different condition between the Silvers and the Reds. When the Silvers were born

with superpower, the Reds were born with nothing special. The superpower that

the Silvers get leads them into acting higher and putting Reds lower than them,

treating Reds unequally. There is a gap between the knowledge Mare gets from

the school and the reality she lives in: in school she was taught about the kind and

loving gods, but in reality she feels no kindness and no love from gods. All she

feels are the ruthless Silvers and the unfairness of live between the Silvers and the

Reds, and this drives Mare into a conclusion that the gods that are taught at school

as kind and loving are no longer that way.

Mare has her own way in reminding herself that she is a Red who is being

treated unfairly by Silvers. Her identity as a Red is at her hair. She says:


life. Most keep their hair short to hide their gray ends but I don’t. I like the reminder that even my hair knows life shouldn’t be this way (2015: 13-14).

This part shows the characteristic of Mare which is her hatred to the Silvers

through her thoughts. This section shows what Mare really feels toward her

situation as a Red and the Silver’s action to Reds. She keeps her hair that way –

not cutting it short or whatsoever – as a reminder that having a life as the Reds is

so stressful and so hard that it gives bad effect to the people’s hair. Her hair

condition reminds her of how bad Silvers treat Reds, about how Silvers let the

condition of the Stilts that way that it makes the people’s hair become bad – pale

gray ends of hair. Her hair keeps her on her feet, keeps her remember about how

bad Silvers are.

Mare also has a kind of sarcastic thought to the Silvers. One part is when

she points out about Silvers’ need of embroidered silk. It is very rare for the Reds

to have a good quality of clothes with their poor economic condition, and having

silk that is embroidered must be such a luxury that only can be enjoyed by rich

people – and in this case, it is only the Silvers who are able to have that privilege.

When Mare says “But the Silvers love their silk, don’t they?” she says that as if

embroidered silk is one of the most important things for the Silvers.

Next, there is a part when she explains about the war Silvers has. The war

between Silvers is something out of her mind. She says:


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