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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Arranged by: Faiqa Mahafut Baziher Reg Numbers A93212184









Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Arranged by: Faiqa Mahafut Baziher Reg Numbers A93212184





Mahafut Baziher, Faiqa. 2016. A93212184. An Appraisal Analysis of Attitude of Gender Stereotypes in Indiabix.Com’s Group Discussion. Thesis: English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sunan Ample State Islamic University Surabaya.

The Advisor : Dr. A. Dzo’ul Milal, M.Pd

Key Terms : Attitude, Affect, Judgement, Apreciation, The Realization of

Attitude, Gender Streotypes, India, Online’s group Discussion.

In 21st century, the people still put a big question to the ability of women in a managerial job in India. In daily life, they share their opinion that contains a gender stereotypes toward the ability of man and woman in managerial job. The discussion of the people exists in the online’s group discussion namely indiabix.com. The writer analyzes the respondents of website’s opinion based on attitude theory by J.R Martin and R.R White (2005). The writer uses describe design to analyze the data and to describe the meaning of phenomenon’s context.

This research aims to describe (1) the types of attitude applied in indiabix.com group discussion “do women make good managers” (2) the way attitude expressed in indiabix.com group discussion “do women make good managers” through negative or positive.



Mahafut Baziher, Faiqa. 2016. A93212184. An Appraisal Analysis of Attitude of Gender Stereotypes in Indiabix.Com’s Group Discussion. Thesis: English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sunan Ample State Islamic University Surabaya.

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. A. Dzo’ul Milal, M.Pd

Kata Sandi : Attitude, Affect, Judgement, Apreciation, Realisasi dari attitude, Streotip gender, India, Grup diskusi online.

Dalam abad 21 ini, masyarakat masih mempertanyakan tentang kemampuan perempuan di manejemen profesi. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, mereka menyebarkan opini mereka yang berkaitan tentang streotipe gender kepada pria dan wanita di manejemen profesi. Diskusi ini juga terjadi di dalam diskusi online di Indiabix.com. Penulis menganalisis pendapat-pendapat perespon di website berdasarkan teori attitude oleh J.R Martin dan R.R White (2005). Penulis mengunakan desain qualitatif untuk menganalisis data dan menjabarkan konteks fenomena.




Inside Cover Page ... i

Inside Title Page ... ii

Declaration Page ...iii

Advisor’s Approval Page ...iv

The Examiner’s Approval Page ... v

Motto ... vi

Dedication Page ... vii

Acknowledgments ...viii

Table of Contents ... x

List of Tables...xiii

List of Figures ...xiii

Abstract ... xiv

Intisari ... xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems ... 6

1.3 Objectives of the Study ... 6

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 7

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 7

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 8

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 10

2.2 Relevant Theories... 12

2.2.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) ... 12

2.2.2 Appraisal Theory ... 14


xi Affect ... 19 Judgement ... 21 Appreciation ... 24

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design ... 27

3.2 Instrument ... 27

3.3 Data and Data Source ... 28

3.4 Data collection ... 28

3.5 Data Analysis ... 30


4.1.1 Types of Attitude... 33 Affect ... 34 Dis/inclination... 34 In/security ... 35 Judgement ... 36 Normality ... 36 Capacity ... 37 Tenacity ... 39 Veracity ... 40 Propriety ... 41 Appreciation ... 43 Reaction ... 43

4.1.2 The Realization of Attitude Subtypes ... 44 The Positive Realization ... 44 The Negative Realization ... 46




5.1 Conclusion ... 58 5.2 Suggestion ... 60 REFERENCES




2.1 Affect Types ... 20

2.2 Judgement-Social Esteem ... 22

2.3 Judgement-Social Sanction ... 23

2.4 Appreciation Types ... 25

2.5 Sub-types of Appreciation... 26

3.1 The Example of Data Classifying ... 30

3.2 Classification of the Frequency of Attitude Types ... 31

3.3 Classification of the Frequency of the Realization of Attitude Types . 31 4.1 The Data Finding of Type of Attitude ... 33

4.2 The Data Finding of the Realizations of Attitude ... 44

4.3 Data Classifying ... 47

LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 SFL and Attitude subtypes of Appraisal ... 12

2.2 An Overview of Appraisal Resources ... 17



This chapter examines background of study, statement of problem, objective of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

The appraisal theory has been used to analyze gender stereotype which came from Igger Lassen on the book Discourse, of Course (2009) edited by Jan Renkema. She analyzes the opinion of male and female employee in Danish bank which discuss about female prospective in management position in the financial sector containing gender stereotypes. The dominant employees of Danish bank are men. The result found that female is portrayed as negative way through the appraisal theory. However, it is also found in India but in another way.



Economic Forum that Gender Gap Index India is in the 113 out of 135 countries (Community Business in Anand 2013).

The high level of gender gap in India has motivated the researchers to take research in gender stereotypes (Murthi, 1995, Bhattacharya, 2006, Basu, 2008; Anand: 2013). The latest research by Anand (2013) in his research entitled Gender stereotyping in Indian recruitment advertisements found that recruitment advertisement contains gender stereotype in particular job such as secretary, call centre, sales, management job and teaching. The gender stereotypes in India do not only in recruitment advertisement but gender stereotypes also exits in the opinion of the people in their social interaction.

The ability of women for competition with men in managerial job field is interested to discussed. Sometimes, the assessment of people towards the ability women in work place is affected by the society’s assumptions and each culture. The perceptions always exist and carry from generation to generation. It is related to the socio cultural perspective of stereotypes by Hamilton and Sherman (in Anand 2013) said that the public media, parents, teachers, and adult bring someone to the perspective of stereotypes of different groups in their formative years.


stereotype. Within their opinion, they also share their positive or negative feeling toward women in managerial job and their positive or negative normative assessment.

These assumptions can also be changed based on the change of the culture and society. It means a shift away from traditional views, stereotypes and societal attitudes, with increasing opportunities for Indian women in management. The writer also wonders that this opinion or assumption by the members of discussion in Indiabi.com can bring the opportunities to women in the management job or not.



This study do not takes appraisal in the whole types. This study focuses on the attitude types of appraisal theory. The writer uses deep analyze to take how the respondent feeling toward men and women in management job, the judgment of the character of men and women in the management job and how they appreciate men and women in management job. Other researchers have taken an attitude as theory of analysis (Li and Gao, 2013; Page, 2003; De Souza, 2006).

The first study is conducted by Anderson Alves De Souza (2006) from Universidad Federal de Santa Catharina. He analyzes 24 national anthems of English speaker country. He investigates the types of attitude and how the types realize in inscribing attitude (direct) or invoke attitude (indirect). The result is most of 24 national anthems use inscribing judgment. It shows that the purpose of national anthems is to align the character and share moral values to the listeners.

The second is the study by Page (2003) from Text-Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Discourse. This study uses attitude to real gender comparison between man and woman in expressing childbirth experience. The result found that man and woman have the difference style emotion through affect.


Judgment. This shows that the speakers concern more about the affective domain and the evaluation of human behavior in the material world.

After reviewing the previous studies, the writer noticed these studies above used attitude analysis but each of the study has the different focuses and purposes. The first study focuses in examining how attitude negotiates in the listener. The second focuses on revealing the different between men and men by using their language and the third is in revealing the explanatory of appraisal theory. However, my study is to investigate how gender stereotypes can influence the opinion of indiabix.com respondent of group discussion. It can be positive or negative attitude toward men or women. Besides, attitude subtype is proper because in attitude there are three types such as affect, judgment and appreciation. Affect and judgment discuss about feeling and normative assessment towards their opinions, appreciation focuses on appreciation toward women in managerial job by their opinions.

This study is also to continue Lassen’s study but my focus is not only management in bank, but more complex in workplace. The writer takes group discussion with the topics do women make good management in indiabix.com group discussion that is India website. Most visitors are Indian. This website provides some categorizes such as general aptitude, verbal and reasoning, programming, online tests, interview, puzzles, general knowledge, engineering, and medical/science.



participant is considered as a real group discussion, so the participant will share their individual opinion and judgment about women in management. Indiabix.com is educational website that is used by people from different occupation such as student, teacher, and employees. The variation of occupations in this website provides the diversity opinion in focus group discussion.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on background of study, the writer investigates two problems as follows: 1. What attitude types are applied in idiabix.com group discussion “do

women make good managers”?

2. How is the attitude expressed in idiabix.com group discussion “do women make good managers”?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on those research problem above, the writer writes some research purpose for using appraisal theory especially attitude to investigate group discussion about do women make good manager? :

1. to describe the various types of attitude : affect, judgment and appreciation that is used to reveal how the members of the group discussion share their feelings, including emotional reactions, judgments of behavior and evaluation of women in management.


1.4 Significance of the Study

The significance of result of the research is divided in two points: theoretical significance and practical significance. As theoretical significance, the result of this research is expected to give contribution and additional references for Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), appraisal theory especially attitude. This study provided the realization of the types system.

As practical significance, the result of this research can guide the next researcher to conduct the research about the way people use their feeling, normative assessment and appreciation in their language as the language of evaluation through appraisal theory especially attitude. The next researcher can be guided to collect and to identify the data of attitude subsystems of appraisal theory by using qualitative method. This study also is expected to enrich of Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) among student of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University of Surabaya.

This study is expected to support women reach their career in the management job and to support many women to give contribution in global economic development.

1.5 Scope and Limitation



managerial job through attitude subsystem of appraisal namely (1) affect, (2) judgement, and (3) appreciation.

The limitation comes from the data. There are many group discussion websites, the writer limited the study to use the group discussion from Indiabix.com that is Indian website so it directly present the opinions or assumptions Indian people. The writer also limits the topic discussion entitle do women make good managers?. The writer does not analyses the entire data, but only on the data that contain of gender stereotypes.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

Appraisal is a theory to describe and explain how the speaker/the writer uses language to show their feeling, and their relationship to the listener/the reader.

Attitude is one type of appraisal theory that focuses on the feeling. There are three types of attitude namely affect, judgement and appreciation. Affect focuses on feeling assessment, judgement deals with normative judgement and appreciation focuses the writer appreciate.

Indiabix.com is a educational website that is used by student, teacher, and employees. This website provides some categorize such as general aptitude, verbal and reasoning, programming, online tests, interview, puzzles, general knowledge, engineering, and medical/science.


Stereotypes is generalized view or preconception about attributes or characteristics that are or ought to be possessed by members of a particular social group or the roles that are should be performed by members of a particular social group (women’s right and gender section, 2014).




The chapter is divided into two theoretical framework and relevant theory.

The theoretical framework describes the structure of the theory used and the

phenomenon. The relevant theory describes the theory that we uses to analyze the


2.1 Theoretical Framework

This study is based on the phenomena of our social life. The use of

assumptions or perceptions that are made by people in social interaction to share

their assessment about women in managerial jobs. It creates gender stereotype in

managerial jobs field. It also exists in the opinion of the responders towards a topic

discussion about do women make good manager? in indiabix.com. In their opinion,

they also share their positive or negative feeling toward women in managerial job

and their positive or negative normative assessment.

This study uses developed systemic functional linguistic (sfl). SFL has

three function of linguistics namely ideational, interpersonal, and textual.

Interpersonal function is divided into three mood, modality, and appraisal. Attitude

is one of type of appraisal. Attitude type of appraisal theory is used to describe the

stereotyped value of the assumptions or perceptions in their opinion. The study

investigates attitude types to describe the way speakers or writers express their



thing and the way it is portrayed by positive or negative (Martin, 2015). This study

presents the theoretical framework as diagram below:

Figure 2.1 Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) and Attitude subtypes

of Appraisal (Martin & White, 2005)

Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL)

Ideational Interpersonal Textual

Appraisal Mood Modality




Appreciation Judgement


dis/inclination un/happiness in/security dis/satisfaction


(normality, capacity, tenacity) sanction

(propriety, veracity)

reaction composition valuation

negative positive


Gender Stereotype

Indiabix.com FGD

An Appraisal Analysis of Attitude of Gender Stereotypes in Indiabix.Com’s Group Discussion

Graduation Engagement



2.2 Relevant Theory

2.2.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) theory is introduced by M.A.K

Halliday. SFL is a theory to analyze text and their context of use. In another way,

SFL aims to explain how people use language and how language is structured

differently for its usage. The word systemic refers to language as a set of choice

systems which provides how the speakers/writers express their intended meaning

in the varied ways. The functional aspect serves language as functional purposes

(Halliday, 1979: 57).

This study presents that language is a resource for making meaning and

text is a process of making meaning in context (Halliday and Matthiessen, 2014: 3).

Text cannot stand by itself, it always occurs in two contexts, context of culture and

context of situation. Context of culture describes how a text relates to the particular

culture. Whereas, context of situation describes how a text relates to the social

process. They combine and make differences and similarities between one piece of

language and another. According to Systemic Functional Linguistics, there are three

aspects of context of situation as field, tenor and mode of discourse. Generally, we

can define these three terms as follows: Field, what is to be talked or written about

or the long and short term goals of the text; Tenor is the relationship between the

speaker and hearer or writer and reader; Mode is the kind of text that is being made



The three parameters of context of situation affect our language choices

precisely because they reflect the three main functions of language (Butt, 2003: 5).

They are ideational meaning, interpersonal meaning, and textual meaning.

As ideational meaning, the speaker or writer express in language his

experience of the phenomena of the social world. The experiences include his

reactions, cognitions, and perceptions, and also his linguistic acts of speaking and

understanding (Halliday, 1971: 332 in Wang, 2010: 255). The ideational function

is represented by the transitivity system in grammar. There are six processes of

transitivity system namely material process, mental process, relational process,

behavioral process, verbal process, and existential process.

Material process shows action verb such as eat, go, give. Mental process

expresses mental phenomena namely perception, reaction and cognition, as

perception using the verbs such as see, look, reaction using the verbs such as like,

please and cognition using the verbs such as know, believe, convince, relational

process shows the process of being using the verbs such as is, become, stand for.

Behavioral process refers to physiological and psychological behavior using the

verbs such as breathing, coughing, smiling, laughing, crying, staring, and

dreaming. Verbal process shows the exchanging information using the verbs are

say, tell, talk, praise, boast, describe, etc. Existential process refers to something

exists or happens using the verbs such as is, am, go by (Wang, 2010: 255).

Textual meaning deals with the way text is organized in relation to its

context and its message. The relationship between language and context make a



language (clause) is realized by the theme system of language (clause). This system

is represented by the thematic structure of the clause which comprises two major

elements: theme and rheme (Wang, 2010: 256).

The interpersonal meaning describes language usage to express social and

personal relations (Hu Zhuanglin, 1988: 313 in Wang, 2010: 255). As Halliday

(1997: 333 in Wang, 2010: 255) said that the speaker uses language to express the

speech event as the relation of the social and himself. The speech event can be the

expression of his comments, attitudes and evaluations, and it also can be the

relationship that he sets up between himself and the listener in particular, and the

communication role that are informing, questioning, greeting, persuading, and the

like. The interpersonal meaning can be analyzed using two element: mood and

modality. Mood expresses what role the speaker selects in the speech situation and

what role he give to the addressee and modality refers to the intermediate ranges

between the extremely positive and the extremely negative (Wang, 2010: 256). The

concepts of mood and modality construct the appraisal theory by Martin.

2.2.2 Appraisal Theory

Appraisal theory is based on tenor in context situation and interpersonal

meaning in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). This theory is taken from

M.A.K Halliday’s interpersonal meaning in language at the level of discourse

semantics (Martin & White, 2005: xi) for expressing the speaker writer opinion in

particular context and expressing linguistic meaning with whom they communicate

(Martin, 2000: 142). Appraisal theory concerns into three point (1) the way



values and the linguistic mechanisms share emotion, taste and normative (3) the

way speaker/writers construe their particular authorial identities or personae

(Martin & White, 2005: 1). In addition, Martin said (2015), appraisal is a theory to

describe and explain how the speaker/the writer uses language to show their feeling,

and their relationship to the listener/the reader.

Appraisal has three types namely attitude, engagement, and graduation as

the interacting domains (Martin & White, 2005: 35). Below is the example of

realization appraisal in ABC Radio Interview taken from www.grammatics.com:

Well, there's a lot of [graduation: force] anger [attitude: affect] about many [graduation: force] of the fees and this is really why, I say again, [engagement: proclamation] the more competition we can have the better [attitude]. And there's no doubt that [engagement: probability] home loan interest rates, in particular, are lower now because of competition.

From the example above, engagement is realized in the clause, I say again,

there’s no doubt, that. Engagement itself deals with how speakers/writers deliver

their meanings, the way they or disagree the diversity of view-points as risk and

negotiation by their utterances (Martin, 2015). Graduation attends to grading

feeling are amplified into two (1) speakers graduate (raise or lower) the

interpersonal impact, force or volume of their utterances, and (2) by which they

graduate (blur or sharpen) the focus of their semantic categorizations (Martin,



Attitude is found in the words anger, the better Attitude is divided into

three regions of feeling affect namely affect, judgement, and appreciation. Affect

deals with resources for construing emotional reactions, judgement is concerned

with resources for assessing behavior according to various normative principles,

appreciation as the resources for construing the value of things resources (Martin &

White, 2005: 38).

A monogloss

P Engagement

P heterogloss

R Affect

A Attitude Judgement

I Appreciation

S Force

A Graduation

L Focus

Figure 2.2 An overview of Appraisal resources (Martin & White, 2005:


This study only focuses on one appraisal subtypes, attitude. It will be

explained more in the below.

sharpen lower raise



2.2.3 Attitude

Attitude will discuss about the way people use their feeling more or less

instance and amplified. It explores feeling into two realization namely the positive

(or, the likable) attitude and the negative (or, the unlikable attitude). The negative

feeling is differentiated from the negation of positive feeling and vice versa. This is

because the two are different, although on certain contexts they may look similar.

For example sad (which is a negative attitude) is differentiated from not happy

(which is a negated positive attitude) because in the fact, a person can be not happy

without being sad (Martin & White, 2005: 73)

As simply, attitude refers to the three semantic regions covering emotion,

ethics and aesthetics. Attitude itself is divided into three types:

AFFECT : the characterisation of phenomena by reference to emotion. JUDGEMENT : the evaluation of human behaviour with respect to social norms. APPRECIATION : the evaluation of objects and products (rather than human behaviour) by reference to aesthetic principles and other systems of social value (Martin, 2015 ).

Affect take role as the basic of systems or the heart of organized feelings.

As Judgement, Affect takes part as an evaluation framework for behavior, with a

view to controlling what people do, how we should behave or not; some of these

proposals get formalized as rules and regulations administered by church and state.

As Appreciation, affect take part as an evaluation framework for products of

behavior that evaluate what people achieve, what they are worth or not; some of

these valuations get formalized in systems of awards (prices, grades, grants, prizes,



feeling as proposals (about behavior), whereas appreciation institutionalizes feeling


as propositions (about things). (Martin & White, 2005: 45, Martin, 2000: 147)

Figure 2.3 Judgement and appreciation as institutionalized affect (Martin &

White, 2005: 45)

Three types of attitude, affect, judgement, and appreciation commonly

realizes in the adjective form. Martin and White (2005: 58-59) make different each

type from grammatical frames. For affect and judgement is relational clause and

mental clause for appreciation. In affect, person feels affect about something and it

makes person feel affect, for example:

 I feel happy (about that/that they’ve come).

 It makes me feel happy that they’ve come.

For judgement, it was judgement for person/of person to do that and for

person to do that was judgement, for example:

 It was silly of/for them to do that



For appreciation, people consider something appreciation and people see

something as appreciation, for examples:

 I consider it beautiful

 They see it as beautiful.

Besides the grammatical frame, we can distinguish three regions attitude

from target evaluation and points of evaluations. For affect, the targets are human

and conscious being, the point of evaluations are emotion, feelings, things that

happen in the heart. For judgement, the targets are human and conscious being, the

point of evaluations are behavior, conduct, characters. For appreciation, the targets

are things/phenomena, the point of evaluations are value, composition, and the

things impact on speakers. Affect

Affect is the evaluation of people’s feeling or emotion. We can have good

or bad feeling, so affect can be positive or negative. There are six factors that

construct the types of affect: (1) Are the feeling positive or negative? (2) Are the

feeling a surge of emotion or an ongoing mental state? (3) Are the feeling reacting

to some specific external agency or an ongoing mood? (4) Are the feeling as more

or less intense? (5) Do the feeling involve intention rather than reaction? (6) Are

the feeling to do with un/happiness, in security or dis/satisfaction?

From the six factors above, it can be clearly divided affect into four types



1. dis/inclination deals with the way the speakers/writers inclined or

disinclined to something. The typical words classified in this region are

miss, long for, etc.

2. un/happiness deals with emotional feeling of the speakers/writers whether

they are happy or sad. The typical words classified in this region are

cheerful, gloomy, buoyant, etc.

3. in/security deals with how the speakers/writers share their peace, anxiety,

fear, confident and trust emotion in relation to our environs. The typical

words are: confident,comfortable, trusting, etc.

4. dis/satisfaction deals with feelings of the speakers/writers about

achievement and frustration that can be displeasure, curiosity, respect. The


typical words are: engrossed, satisfied,pleased, etc.

Table 2.1 Affect types

Affect Positive Negative

dis/inclination miss, long for, wary, fearful, terrorized yearn for

un/happiness cheerful buoyant, sad, melancholy, despondent; jubilant; like, cut-up, heart-broken … love, adore broken-hearted, heavyhearted,

sick at heart; sorrowful … grief-stricken, woebegone dejected, joyless, dreary, cheerless, unhappy, sad; gloomy, despondent, … downcast, low, down, down in the mouth, depressed …; weepy, wet-eyed, tearful, in tears …



dis/satisfaction involved, absorbed, flat, stale, jaded; cross, engrossed; satisfied, angry, furious; bored with, pleased, chuffed/ sick of, fed up with impressed, charmed,

thrilled Judgement

Judgement is the evaluation of human behavior towards how they behave

and how they measure their characters up. Judgement deals with attitude towards

behavior, which we admire or criticize and praise or condemn. Generally,

judgement can be divided into two. They are social esteem and social sanction

(Martin & White, 52: 2005).

Social esteem usually occurs in the oral culture, through chat, gossip, jokes

and stories of various kinds (Martin & White, 52: 2005). The negative values of

social esteem will not be estimated as sins or crimes but they will be seen as

something inappropriate or to be discouraged (Martin, 2015).

Judgement of esteem divided into three subtypes namely normality,

capacity and tenacity. Normality focus on how special someone is using verb such

as normal, natural, familiar, cool, etc, capacity focus on how capable they are using

verb such as clever, gifted, fit, experienced, etc and tenacity focus on how

dependable they are using verb such as tireless, persevering, resolute (Martin &



Table 2.2 Judgement- Social Esteem

Social Esteem Possitive (admire) Negative (critise)

normality lucky, fortunate, charmed …; unlucky, hapless, star-crossed …; ‘how special?’ normal, natural, familiar …; odd, peculiar, eccentric …;

cool, stable, predictable …; erratic, unpredictable …; in, fashionable, avant garde …; dated, daggy, retrograde …; celebrated, unsung … obscure, also-ran … capacity powerful, vigorous, robust …; mild, weak, whimpy …; ‘how capable?’ sound, healthy, fit …; unsound, sick, crippled …;

adult, mature, experienced …; immature, childish, helpless …; witty, humorous, droll …; dull, dreary, grave …;

insightful, clever, gifted …; slow, stupid, thick …; balanced, together, sane …; flaky, neurotic, insane …; sensible, expert, shrewd …; naive, inexpert, foolish …; literate, educated, learned …; illiterate, uneducated, ignorant …; competent, accomplished …; incompetent; unaccomplished …; successful, productive … unsuccessful, unproductive … tenacity plucky, brave, heroic …; timid, cowardly, gutless …; ‘how dependable?’ cautious, wary, patient …; rash, impatient, impetuous …;

careful, thorough, meticulous hasty, capricious, reckless …; tireless, persevering, resolute …; weak, distracted, despondent …; reliable, dependable …; unreliable, undependable …; faithful, loyal, constant …; unfaithful, disloyal, inconstant …; flexible, adaptable, stubborn, obstinate, wilful … accommodating …

Besides social esteem, the next types of judgement is social sanction.

Social sanction is different from social esteem. Social sanction is more often known

in writing, as rules, regulations and laws (Martin, 2015). Judgements of social

sanction concerns with legal and religious rule. From the religious perspective,

breaking of social sanction will be seen as sins, from the legal perspective they will



punishment, hence the term “sanction”. Clearly, we can conclude that if you breach

social sanction you may well need a lawyer or a confessor but if you breach social

esteem you may just need to try harder or to practice more or to consult a therapist

or possibly a self-help book. (Martin & White, 2005: 52, Martin, 2015).

Judgement of sanction deals with veracity and propriety. Veracity focus


on how truthful someone is and propriety focus on how ethical someone is.

Table 2.3 Judgement- Social Sanction

Social Sanction Possitive (praise) Negative (condemn) veracity [truth] truthful, honest, credible …; dishonest, deceitful, lying …;

‘how honest?’ frank, candid, direct …; deceptive, manipulative, devious…;

discrete, tactful … blunt, blabbermouth …

propriety [ethics] good, moral, ethical …; bad, immoral, evil

‘how far beyond law abiding, fair, just …; corrupt, unfair, unjust …;

reproach?’ sensitive, kind, caring …; insensitive, mean, cruel …;

unassuming, modest, humble …; vain, snobby, arrogant …;

polite, respectful, reverent …; rude, discourteous, irreverent …;

altruistic, generous, charitable … selfish, greedy, avaricious …

As interpersonal meaning, modal also works on attitude. Below

explanation how modal can realize in judgement subtypes (Martin & White, 54-55;


1. As Judgements of veracity, modalities of probability using modal such

as surely, maybe, probably, certainly. For example:

He’s certainly naughty.



2. As Judgements of normality, modalities of usuality using modal such as

often, usual, normal, average. For example:

He’s often naughty.

It’s usual for him to be naughty. [Judgement: normality]

3. As Judgements of capacity, modalities of ability using modal such as can,

able, strong enough, capable of…. For example:

He can go.

He’s able to go. [Judgement: capacity]

4. As Judgements of tenacity, modalities of inclination using modal such as

will, intend to, resolved. For example:

He will go

He intend to go. [Judgement: tenacity]

5. As Judgements of propriety, modalities of obligation using modal such

as should, supposed, expected. For example:

You should go.

You’re supposed to go. [Judgement: propriety] Appreciation

Appreciation deals with how people appreciate something. It is closely

related to Martin & White (2005: 43) statement that appreciation is the evaluation

of object and products that relate to aesthetic principle and other systems of social


There are three types of appreciation namely reaction, composition, and



1. Reaction describe the emotional impact of the work on the

reader/listener. The product/process is evaluated into impact

(whether the phenomena grabs our attention) that use words such as

arresting, captivating, engaging and quality (whether the

phenomena is liked by the speaker) that use words okay, fine, good.

2. Composition describes our view texturally. The product/process is

evaluated into balance (whether the phenomena is orderly, has a

sense of balance and connectedness in it) that use words such as

balanced, harmonious, unified.. and complexity (whether the

phenomena is easy or difficult to comprehend) that use words such

as simple, pure, elegant.

3. Value deals with cognition or our considered opinion using wprds


such as penetrating, profound, deep.

Table 2.4 Appreciation types

Appreciation Possitive Negative

Reaction: arresting, captivating, engaging…; dull, boring, tedious …; impact ‘did it fascinating, exciting, moving …; dry, ascetic, uninviting …; grab me?’ lively, dramatic, intense …; flat, predictable, monotonou remarkable, notable, sensational … unremarkable, pedestrian …

Reaction: okay, fine, good … bad, yuk, nasty …; quality ‘did I lovely, beautiful, splendid …; plain, ugly, grotesque …; like it?’ appealing, enchanting, welcome … repulsive, revolting, off-putting …

Composition: balanced, harmonious, unified, unbalanced, discordant, irregular, balance ‘did it hang symmetrical, proportioned …; uneven, flawed …;

together?’ consistent, considered, logical …; contradictory, disorganised …; shapely, curvaceous, willowy… shapeless, amorphous, distorted …



Complexity lucid, clear, precise …; arcane, unclear, woolly …; ‘was it hard to follow?’ intricate, rich, detailed, precise … plain, monolithic, simplistic

Valuation penetrating, profound, deep …; shallow, reductive, insignificant ‘was it worthwhile?’ innovative, original, creative …; derivative, conventional, prosaic timely, long awaited, landmark …; dated, overdue, untimely …; inimitable, exceptional, unique …; dime-a-dozen, everyday, common; authentic, real, genuine …; fake, bogus, glitzy …;

valuable, priceless, worthwhile …; worthless, shoddy, pricey …; appropriate, helpful, effective … ineffective, useless, write-off

Three of the types are realized in mental process, so Suzanne Eggins (as

cited in Martin & White, 2005: 57) describes how to identify three types of attitude

with metafunction. Reaction is related to affection and related to interpersonal,

composition is related to perception and related to textual, and valuation is related


to cognition and related to ideational.

Table 2.5 Sub-types of appreciation

Appreciation Mental process type metafunction

reaction affection interpersonal

composition perception textual



The chapter discusses the way of processing this study. There are five parts those are; research design, data and data source, instrument, data collection and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The writer used the descriptive research design to analyze the data. This descriptive research design helped the writer to analyze the data and to describe the meaning of phenomenon’s context. In this study, the writer investigated gender stereotype in the managerial job field phenomenon. The gender stereotype was based on the opinion of the responders towards a topic discussion do women make a good managers? in indiabix.com.

The writer classified the utterance of the responder’s opinion into each type appraisal and the realization. The writer also used the descriptive design to explain and describe the funding of this study.

3.2 Instrument



3.3 Data and Data Source

The data was taken from the utterances in the form of words, clauses and sentences related to gender stereotypes in the managerial field. Based on Subroto (1992:35) the data of descriptive research research appears in the form of discourse, sentences, clauses, phrases or words.

According to Arikunto (2002: 107) states that data source in a research is the subject in which data is obtained. The data source in this study was taken from group discussion about do women make good managers? in http://www.indiabix.com/group-discussion/do-women-make-good-managers/

3.4 Data Collection

In this study, the writer did some following steps to collect the data: 1. Identifying man stereotype and women stereotype.

The writer read the opinions of the member’s discussion and the writer identified the clauses that contain of man and woman stereotypes by giving a code to the clauses that contain of man and woman stereotypes. The codes as below:

The code is MS (Man Stereotype) The code is WS (Woman Stereotype) 2. Underlining the attitude in woman and man stereotype.


3. Coding the subtypes and the realizations.

In this step, the writer classified the clauses that had been identified into subtypes of attitude namely: affect type, judgement types, and appreciation type by giving the codes. The codes were presented below:

a. The codes for affect: inc : dis/inclination affect hap : un/happiness affect sec : in/security affect sat : dis/satisfaction affect b. The codes for judgement:

norm : normality judgement cap : capacity judgement ten : tenacity judgement ver : veracity judgement prop : propriety judgement c. The codes for appreciation:

reac : reaction appreciation comp : composition appreciation val : valuation appreciation



3.5 Data Analysis

There were the following steps to analyze the data: 1. Classifying the data


After the data are coded, the writer classified the data into one tables. The writer grouped the data into six columns. The six columns consist of number of clause, appraising items, three types of attitude namely affect, judgement, and appreciation, appraised and the realization. The series of number of clause can be seen in the appendix.

Table 3.1 The Example of Data Classifying No


Appraising items Affect Judgement Appreciation Appraised Realization

1a. I know women’s

having patience, clam and good decision making skills. Women makes good Manager and leaders etc,

tenacity Women Positive

The writer also presented the frequency of each types of attitude and the realization of attitude into table. The writer used this formula to count the percentage of the frequency:

Percentage of each kind: ௫

௬ X 100 %


Table 3.2 Classification of the frequency of attitude types

No Attitude Sub Types Total Frequency



Dis/inclination 1 1,25% Un/happiness -

In/security 2 2,5%

Dis/satisfaction - 2 Judgement

3 Appreciation

TOTAL 80 100%

Table 3.3 Classification of the frequency of the realization of attitude types No The Realization of Attitude Total Frequency

1 Positive Realization 65 81,25%

2 Negative Realization 15 18,75%

TOTAL 80 100%

2. Describing

The next steps, the writer described the finding and the realization of attitude in depth based on the table. The writer also discussed the study related to the phenomenon in the real world.

3. Concluding




In 21st century, the people still put a big question to the ability women in a

managerial job in India. In daily life, they share their opinion that contain a gender

stereotype toward the ability of man and woman in managerial job. The discussion

of the people is existed in the online’s group discussion namely indiabix.com. The

chapter is divided into two parts namely findings and discussions. As the finding,

the writer analyzed their opinion based on attitude theory so the writer can find the

realization of their opinion in the positive realization or in the negative realization

toward man and woman in a managerial job. Meanwhile, as the discussion part, the

writer discussed the relationships between the study and a phenomenon in the real


The writer analyzed and applied the attitude of the appraisal theory based

on a book (2005) “The Language of Evaluation: Appraisal in English by Martin and


4.1 Findings

According to statement of the problems, the finding of the study is divided

into two parts. The first part, the writer described the attitude subtypes that

expressed by the responders of indiabix.com discussion topic “Do Woman Make

Good Managers?”; and the second part, the writer described the realization of



4.1.1 Types of Attitude

Based on the data collections, the writer had identified the opinion that

contain man and woman stereotypes. The data is classified into attitude subtypes

based on the data analysis. The attitude subtypes is divided into three types affect,

judgement, and appreciation. Affect is divided into four subtypes namely

dis/inclination, un/happiness, in/security, and dis/satisfaction. Judgement is divided

into two part, social esteem for normality type, capacity type and tenacity type; and

social sanction for veracity type and propriety type. Appreciation is divided into

three types, namely reaction, composition, and value. The writer presents the table


of frequency of types of attitude as below:

Table 4.1 The data finding of type of attitude

No Attitude Sub Types Total Frequency



Dis/inclination 1 1,25%

Un/happiness -

In/security 2 2,5%

Dis/satisfaction -



Normality 4 5%

Capacity 41 52,5%

Tenacity 18 22,5%

Propriety 9 11,25%

Veracity 3 3,75%

3 Appreciation Reaction 1 1,25%

Composition -

Valuation -


34 Affect

Affect focus on the feeling of the people towards their target of evaluation.

In this type, the speaker or the writer can express their feeling. Affect is divided

into four sub types. They are dis/inclination, un/happiness, in/security, and

dis/satisfaction. In this study, the writer only found two types of affect. Those are

dis/inclination and in/security. Dis/inclination

Dis/inclination is the type of affect that expresses the way the speaker or

the writer incline or disincline to something. The speaker or writer used the word

miss to state his/her inclined. The word fearful usually was used by the speaker or

the writer to show his/her disinclined. The writer found one clause that contain of

disinclined in clause number 9 which is used by the respondent towards a topic

discussion do women make good managers? of indiabix.com.

Excerpt 1 (No clause 9)

Womans most of times brings emotions to workplaces which may

harmful many times.

In clause number 9, the respondent of website gave appraisal to the

women. The word harmful is as disinclination of affect. The respondent of

indiabix.com website expresses his disinclined of women as mangers because he

think that the emotions of women can cause trouble in their management job.

Women stereotypes also exists in these sentence, the writer considered that all of

women will bring their emotion to the workplace and the emotions can cause a bad


35 In/security

How the speaker or writer feels his/her achievement and frustration which

is included in/security of affect. It can be found such as words displeasure,

curiosity, and respect. There are three in/security of affect which is used by the

respondents towards a topic discussion do women make good managers? of

indiabix.com. They are clause number 2, and 59.

Excerpt 2 (No clause 2)

women are becoming more & more confident & capable to handle

any situation, any status, any level, any tasks, any challenges.

The clause contains contain of security of affect. The word confident

indicate to security affect, the respondent appraises women as confident person to

handle any situation, any status, any level, any tasks, any challenges. This clause

also indicates women stereotypes where women is confident so they can be good

`managers. Another example of in/security is occurred in clause number 59.

Excerpt 3 (No clause 59)

because the men manager doing any work in without mistake, fear

which processed are do in quickly.

The clause fear points out the type of affect namely insecurity but in this

clause before the word fear, it is the word without. In other word, the respondent

wants express that men do their work with unfear. This also expresses men


36 Judgement

When we evaluate of human behavior towards how they behave and how

they measure their characters up, it is called judgement. Judgement is one of types

of attitude that can show how we admire or criticize and praise or condemn. In other

word, we make appraise or evaluate to the act of somebody. There are five subtypes

of judgement. There are normality, capacity, tenacity, veracity and propriety. Normality

Normality occurs when the speaker or writer express how special someone.

The word normal, natural, familiar, cool, are the examples of normality of

judgement. In the respondent’s opinion of indiabix.com towards a topic discussion

do women make good managers? , the writer found four causes that contain of

normality of judgement. There are clause number 38, 47b, 49, and 53. The writer

take three example to discuss the normality of judgement.

Excerpt 4 (No Clause 47b)

In my view women can also be a good manager because they are

talented and capable, & they can contribute to the growth of that


The clause contains the word talented which is indicated the normality of

judement. The respondent of indiabix.com website expresses the special of women

with the word talented. The special of women or their talented can support them to

be a good manager. This also the stereotype that occur to women toward the



Excerpt 5 (No Clause 49)

Women are born manager because whether it's a mom or a daughter

or a wife.

This clause expresses the special of women with the word born. In this

sentence, the respondent of website states women have their inner ability about

being manager. The stereotype of women also works where the respondent want to

said that women can be a good managers effortless. Another example also occurred

in clause number 53

Excerpt 6 (No Clause 53)

Women have the inbuilt ability to manage things efficiently. The

example is the housewife.

In the clause number 53, the word inbuilt is indicated as normality of

judgement. The respondent of the website expresses the special of women to be

manager because women have natural ability to manage thing. The stereotypes of

women can be manager because women is the housewife that usually mange things. Capacity

Capacity is the type of judgement that focus on how capable someone is.

The speaker/writer shows their capacity using verb such as clever, gifted, fit,

experienced, etc. In the respondent’s opinion of indiabix.com towards a topic

discussion do women make good managers?, the writer found 41 causes that contain

of capacity of judgement. They are in the clause number 1b, 3a, 6, 10, 13, 14, 15,

16a, 17, 18, 19a, 22b, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 43, 45, 47a, 48, 51,

52, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68,69, 70, and 72. Capacity of judgement also



36, 47a, 48, 54, 55, 60, 66, and 68. Based on this number of occurrence of

judgement’ capacity. We can conclude that capacity of judgement is the most type

used by the respondents. The respondents use capacity of judegement to express

their opinion and to evaluate the capability of men and women in the managerial

job and also show the stereotype. The writer took three examples to discuss.

Excerpt 7 No Clause 13

women are having all the capabilities to manage everything and

anything and men is not.

In the clause number 13, the respondent use the word capabilities to show

that women is capable. The word capabilities is signaling capacity of judgement.

The respondent of Indiabix.com that women is capable to manage everything. The

women stereotype is women have capability to manage everything.

Excerpt 8 (No clause 26)

women are considered more balanced on emotional aspect than

indian men

The word balanced realizes in the clause number 26. The respondent

evaluate the women through the word balanced. The word balanced indicates

capacity of judgement. The respondent wants to express that women have the

capable to make proportional their emotional. The respondent also make women

stereotypes where women make balance their emotional.

Excerpt 9 (No clause 33)

woman managing job and home together, she doing everything



In the clause number 33, the respondent use the word perfect. The word

perfect is signaling capacity of judgemet. The respondent of Indianabix.com

evaluate the women through the word perfect. The word perfect explain the capable

of women in all field such managing job and home. The women stereotype is

women have the perfection in any field. Tenacity

Tenacity is the type of judgement which focus on how the speaker/writer

expresses how dependable someone is. The verb such as tireless, persevering,

resolute are the examples of tenacity of judgement. In the respondent’s opinion of

indiabix.com towards a topic discussion do women make good managers?, the

writer found 18 clause that contains of tenacity of judgement. They are clause

number 1a, 8, 12, 20, 22a, 24, 25, 28, 32, 37, 39, 44, 46, 57, 64, 65, 71 and 73. The

writer took three clause as examples.

Excerpt 10 (No Clause 1a)

I know women’s having patience, clam and good decision making

skills. Women makes good Manager and leaders etc,

In this clause, the respondent of website give appraisal to the women. The

word patience, calm indicates as tenacity of judgement. The respondent express

the dependable of women with the word patience and calm. The word patience and

can also support how the stereotypes of women occurs. The respondent consider

that all women have patience and calm so they can be a good managers.

Excerpt 11 (No Clause 24)

Most of the women are emotional while taking some serious



In daily life, woman always considers as emotional person. This is the

reason of women can be dependable to manage thing. The word emotional express

tenacity of judgement. The respondent creates the stereotypes that women can be

managers because the people always consider them as emotional person.

Excerpt 12 (No Clause 25)

women are so good and quick in managing things even more than


The word quick is the example of tenacity. In this clause, the respondent

wants to express that women can manage things quickly. Women have quick

character and it make they are dependable. The stereotypes of women also exists to

consider women as a good managers.

Some tenacity of judgemen also realizes in the form modal. There are

clause number 37 and 57.

Excerpt 13 (No Clause 37)

women are good managers because no men will not run the family

as well as a women

Excerpt 14 (No Clause 57)

back in ancient days men would go into the forest for hunt.

In clause number 37 and 57, the respondent use modal will and would that

are the modal of inclination. These are indicated as tenacity of judgement. Veracity

Veracity occurs when the speaker or the writer expresses how truthful

someone is. The word truthful, honest, blunt are the examples of veracity of



do women make good managers?, the writer only found three clause that contain of

veracity of judgement. They are clause number 3b, 50, and 63. The writer took one

example to discuss.

Excerpt 15 (No Clause 3b)

She can manage all my home needs with the money that is given

by my father.

In the clause number 3b, the respondent of the website give appraisal to

the women. Women is portrayed as honest person within this clause She can

manage all my home needs with the money. This clause shows veracity of

judgement. Women stereotypes is formed by the respondent that women can

manage money and it makes them as honest person. Propriety

Propriety is the types of judgement which focus on how ethical someone

is. The examples of propriety words are moral, caring, bad and etc. In the

respondent’s opinion of indiabix.com towards a topic discussion do women make

good managers?, the writer found 9 clause that contain of propriety of judgement.

They are clause number 4, 5, 11, 16b, 19b, 21, 41, 42, and 46.

Excerpt 16 (No Clause 5)

She has to take care all my family members and at the same she has to give respect to our thoughts and sometimes she decides which

is suitable to us without any hesitation.

In the clause number 5, the respondent uses the word respect. The word

respect shows the propriety of judgement. The respondent gives appraisal to the



she respect the opinion of the member of family. This character is need to be a good

managers. The word causes women stereotype that all women have the respect


Excerpt 17 (No Clause 11)

When it comes to a difficult situation women handle it very


In the clause number 11, the respondent uses the word sensitively. The

word sensitively shows propriety of judgement. The respondent give appraisal to

the women. It looks women a ethical person. The sensitive women can handle

difficult situation well.

Excerpt 18 (No Clause 16b)

women are good managers because they can handle all the problems easily & effectively with care & affection.

In this clause, the respondent uses the words care and affection. These

word care and affection shows propriety of judgement. The respondent give

appraisal to the women. Women have care and affection character. The care and

affection character is the character of women when they handle all problem. Some

people said that women should have these character and it cause women stereotype.

Some of propriety of judgement also realize in the form obligation modal.

It shows in number clause 19b, 21, 42 and 46. Those clause uses should to show

propriety of judgement as follows:

Excerpt 19 (No Clause 19b)

every women cannot be a good manager she should have the all



Excerpt 20 (No Clause 21)

women are the good manager but they should have the

effectiveness and efficiency

Excerpt 21 (No Clause 42)

women should be given proper chance of letting out her views and

trying her techniques of management

Excerpt 22 (No Clause 46)

women possess the capacity to be a good manager but thing is they

should get chance to show their capabilities Appreciation

Appreciation is one types of attitude which deals with how people

appreciate something. Appreciation is divided into three subtypes namely reaction,

composition, and valuation. In this study, the writer only found one types of

appreciation namely reaction. Reaction

Reaction is one of appreciation sub types which describe the emotional

impact of the work on the reader/listener. The writer found impact which deal

whether the phenomena grabs our attention. The words arresting, captivating,

engaging are the examples of reaction of appreciation. This types occurs once out

80 data clause. It is clause number 7.

Excerpt 23 No clause 7

women play an important role though the number

In the clause number 7, the respondent uses the word important. The word

important shows reaction of appreciation. The respondent give appreciation to the



reaction to the women as important. The respondent creates women stereotypes

that women is important because some women get high position in organization.

4.1.2 The Realization of Attitude Subtypes

Based on the data analysis, the writer also divide the data into the realization

of attitude. There are two realization namely positive and negative realization. The

writer found 65 data containing of positive realization and 15 for negative



Table 4.2 The data finding of realizations of attitude

No The Realization of Attitude Total Frequency

1 Positive Realization 65 81,25%

2 Negative Realization 15 18,75%

TOTAL 80 100% The Positive Realization

Positive realization is when the speaker expressed the types of attitude

containing positive feeling. The words of positive realization are. In the

respondent’s opinion of indiabix.com towards a topic discussion do women make

good managers? , positive realization occurs times 65 out of 80 data. They are

clause number 1a, 1b, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16a, 16b, 17, 18,

19b, 20, 21, 22a, 22b, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45,

46, 47a, 47b, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, 69,

70, 71, 73. The writer took three examples out of 80 data.

Excerpt 24 (No clause 8)

The patience and perseverance that you find in women is rare to



The respondent of the website expresses positive tenacity attitude using

the word patience and perseverance. The words patience and perseverance

indicates tenacity attitude in the positive way. The respondent considers that women

have patience and perseverance character. Those character is positive character as

dependable of women. The women stereotype is women have to had patience and


Excerpt 25 (No clause 20)

to monitoring the employees to interaction with each and every person in the concern

The respondent shows the positive attitude of women using the clause to

monitoring the employees … in the concern. This shows the positive tenacity

attitude. Women do it in the concern so women is dependable to be a good

managers. The respondent show women is focus person and it cause stereotypes but

in the positive way.

Excerpt 26 (No clause 63)

women's are most of time effectively handle all domestic

responsibilities even in the financial domain

The respondent delivers positive attitude using the clause responsibilities

even in the financial domain. Responsibilities even in the financial domain is

signaling veracity attitude. The respondent considers that women is honest person

because they can handle financial domain with responsibilities. It also creates


46 The Negative Realization

Negative realization is when the speaker expressed the types of attitude

containing negative feeling. The words of negative realization are. In the

respondent’s opinion of indiabix.com towards a topic discussion do women make

good managers? , negative realization occurs 15 times out of 80 data. They are

clause number 9, 15, 19a, 23, 24, 29, 34, 37, 38, 41, 59, 65, 66, 67 and 73. Five is

the number of negative attitude for men and ten for women. The writer took three

examples out of 15.

Excerpt 27 (No clause 23)

the failure of women's to be as par as men has been greatly

attributed to the men domination in the past

The respondent of website expresses negative attitude to women through

the word failure.Failure is one of words signaling negative capacity of judgement.

The respondent expresses negative to women because the respondent have

assumption that women can be part of men. This also contribute negative stereotype

to women and make unlucky of women in the management job.

Excerpt 28 (No clause 24)

Most of the women are emotional while taking some serious


Emotional is one of the word signaling negative tenacity attitude. The

respondent delivers negative attitude trough the word emotional. The respondent

expresses that women are emotional and make undependable. It cause negative



Figure 2.1 Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) and Attitude subtypes
Figure 2.2 An overview of Appraisal resources (Martin & White, 2005:
Figure 2.3 Judgement and appreciation as institutionalized affect (Martin &
Table 2.1 Affect types


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