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t ing 0605371 bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Somekh, B. (1996) Teachers investigate their work; An introduction

to the methods of action research. London: Routledge.

Alvermann, D.E., & Hagood,M.C. (2000) Critical Media Literacy: Research, Theory, and

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Alwasilah, A. Chaedar (2002) Pokoknya Menulis. Bandung: Pustaka Jaya.

Barron, J.B., & Sternberg.R.J. (Eds). (1987) Teaching Thinking Skills: Theory and Practice. New York: Freeman.

Blackledge.A. (2000) Literacy, Power and Social Justice. Staffordshire, England: Trentham Books.

Burke, Catherine G. (2003) What is Critical Thinking. School of Policy, Planning and Development.

Cadaeiro-Kaplan, K. (2002) Literacy Ideologies: Critically Engaging the Language Arts

Curriculum. Language Arts Journal. Vol. 79.

Cervetti, G., Pardales. M.J., & Damico J.S. (2001) A Tale of Differences: Comparing the Traditions, Perspectives, and Educational Goals of Critical Reading and Critical Literacy. Journal Reading Online. Vol. 4

Chaffee, J., McMahon, C., Stout, B.(2002). Critical thinking, Thoughtful writing. Second edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Cohen, L., & Manion, L. (1986). Research Methods in Education. London: Croom Helm.

Ellis, Rod. (1985). Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford University Press.

Emilia, Emi. (2005) A Critical Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Academic Writing in a

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of Melbourne.

Ennis, H. R. (1987). ‘A taxonomy of critical thinking dispositions and abilities.’ In Baron, J. B., and Sternberg, R. J. (1987). (Eds). Teaching thinking skills: Theory and practice. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company.


Flynn, L. L. (1989). Developing Critical Reading Skills through Comparative Problem Solving. Reading Teacher, 42(9), 664-68.

Fraenkel, J. R., and Wallen, N. E. (2000). How to design and evaluate research in education. 4 th

edition. Boston: McGraw Hill.

Freire, P., and Macedo, D. (1987). Literacy. Reading the word and the world. Massachusetts: Bergin and Garvey Publishers, Inc.

Freire, P. (1970) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum.

Gibbons, P. (2002). Scaffolding language and scaffolding learning. Teaching second language

learners in the mainstream classroom. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Hadley, Alice Omagio (2001) Teaching Language in Context. Heinle&Heinle, Thomson Learning. Inc.

Harmer, Jeremy (2001) The Practice of English Language Teaching. Pearson Edcuation Limited.

Hawkins, Lise (2006) Critical Literacy: Policy and Practice. Orbit Magazine. Volume 36,

Number 1. Canada. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.

http://www.bridgew.edu/Library/CAGS_Projects/LDUBIN/Definition%20of%20Literacy.htm. (accessed in 2009). Definition of Critical Literacy.

http://www.perfectfit.org/CT/giroux2.html (accessed in 2009). Definition of Critical Pedagogy.

http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/PD/instr/strats/explicitteaching/index.html (accesed in 2009). Instructional Strategies Online.

http://pandora.cii.wwu.edu/gened/dialogue/White_Papers_Final.pdf. (accesed in 2009). White Papers on General Education.

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Hull, G. (2000). Critical literacy at work. "Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 43" (7), 648-652.


Keene, E. & Zimmerman, S. (1997). Mosaic of Thought. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Knobel, M., and Lankshear, C. (2002). Critical cyberliteracies: What young people can teach us

about reading and reading in the world. Keynote address delivered to the National Council of

Teachers of English Assembly for Research.

Kress, G. (2003). Literacy in the new media age. London: Routledge.

Kellner Douglas. (2000) Multiple Literacies and Critical Pedagogies in Revolutionary

Pedagogies - Cultural Politics, Instituting Education, and the Discourse of Theory, Routledge.

Kurland, Dan (2000). What is Critical Reading?. How the Language Really Works: The Fundamentals of Critical Reading and Effective Writing.

Langer, J.A. (1995). Envisioning Literature: Literary Understanding and Literature Instruction. New York: Teacher College Press.

Lankshear, C., & McLaren, P. (Eds.). (1993). Critical literacy: Politics, praxis, and the

postmodern. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.

Moll, L. (1994). Literacy Research in Community and Classrooms: A Sociocultural Approach. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Morgan, W. (1996) Critical Literacy: Readings and Resources. Norwood, A.A.T.E

Nosich, R. M. (2001). Learning to think things through. A guide to critical thinking in the

curriculum. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Norris, S. P. and Ennis, R. H. (1990). The Practitioners’ Guide To Teaching Thinking Series.

Evaluating Critical Thinking. Melbourne: Hawker Bronlow Education

Nunan, D (1988). The learner-centred curriculum. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.

Nunan, D., and Lamb, C. (1996). The self-directed teacher. Managing the learning process. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Pattison, Robert. (1984). On Literacy: The Politics of the Word from Homer to the Age of Rock. Oxford UP.

Perkins, J. (1998). ‘Developing critical literacy with post-beginner learners.’ In Burns, A. and Hood, S. (1998). (Eds). Teachers’ Voices 3. Sydney: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research. Macquarie University.


Paul. R. (1993). Critical Thinking. What every person needs to survive in a rapidly changing

world. Melbourne: Hawker Bronlow Education.

Rosenshine, B. , Mesiter, C., Chapman S., (1996) Teaching Students to Generate Questions: A

Review of the intervention studies. Review of educational Research.

Simpson, A. (1996). Critical questions: Whose questions? The reading teacher [Online] 50 (2), pp. 118-127. Available: Proquest Database, ISSN: 00340561.

Shor, I. (1999). What is critical literacy In Shor, I., and Pari, C. (1999). Critical literacy in

action. Writing words, changing worlds. Portsmouth, N. H.: Boynton/Cook; see also Journal for

pedagogy, pluralism and practice. http://www.lesley.edu/journals/jppp/4/shor.html

Van Duzer, Carol & Florez, MaryAnn Cunningham. (2001) Critical Literacy for Adult Literacy in Language Learners. ERIC Digest.

Wallace, C. (2001). Critical literacy in the second language classroom: Power and control. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

Wray, David. (2008) Developing Critical Literacy: A Priority for the 21st Century. United Kingdom: University of Warwick, Coventry, CV1 4AL.

Yin, K. Robert., (1994) Case Study Research. Design and Methods. 2nd Edition. Thousands Oaks: Sage.

Zhang, Lawrence Jun. (2008) EFL Teacher Professional Development through Critical Reading

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Nanyang Technological University.

Zimmerman, S. & Hutchins. (2003) Seven Keys to Comprehension: How to help your kids read it



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