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S ING 1104304 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Afifah, L. (2012) An analysis of student’ s pronunciation errors in reading texts

at the sixth grade students of sdn 3 cisauheun bandung barat. STKIP

Siliwangi. Retrieved from


Amador, Y. (2008). Learner attitudes toward error correction in a beginners English class. Revista Comunicación. 17(1), 18-28

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Brown, H. Douglas. (1994). Principles of Language and Teaching. New York: Prentice Hall Regents.

Brown, H.D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2nd Ed.). New York: Addison Wesley Longman,Inc.

Burgos, J. (2011). Efl students´ attitudes and preferences toward corrective feedback at university of quintana roo. Unpublished thesis, Universidad

de Quintana Roo. Retrieved from


Calsiayo, I. (2015). Corrective Feedback in Classroom Oral Errors among Kalinga-Apayao State College Students. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 3, 394-400

Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D., & Goodwin, J. (1996). Teaching Pronunciation: A reference for teachers of English to speakers of other languages. In Gilakjani, A. (2012). A Study of Factors Affecting

EFL Learners’ English Pronunciation Learning and the Strategies for

Instruction. International Journal oh Humanities and Social Science. 2(3), 119-128

Chaudron, C. (1977). A descriptive model of discourse in the corrective treatment of learners' errors. In Mendez, E.H., Cruz, R.R., Loyo, G.M. (2010). Oral Corrective Feedback by EFL Teacher at Universidad de Quintana Roo. Memorias Del Vi Foro De Studios En Lengu As International. Retrieved from http://fel.uqroo.ms


Learning. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

Chu, R. (2011). Effects of Teacher’s Corrective Feedback on Accuracy in the Oral English of English-Majors College Students. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1(5) 454-459. doi:10.4304/tpls.1.5.454-459

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Corder, S. (1967). The significance of learners' errors. In Tomczyk, E. (2013). Perceptions of Oral Errors and Their Corrective Feedback: Teachers vs. Students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(5), 924-931. doi:10.4304/jltr.4.5.924-931

Corder, S. (1991). Error Analysis and Interlanguage. Valero, A., Fernandez, E.,

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Gilakjani, A. (2012). A Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners’ English Pronunciation Learning and the Strategies for Instruction. International Journal oh Humanities and Social Science. 2(3), 119-128

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Moghaddam, M.S., Nasiri, M., Zarea, A., & Sepehrinia, S. (2012). Teaching Pronunciation: The Lost Ring of the Chain. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 3(1), 215-219,10.4304/jltr.31.215-219

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Tomczyk, E. (2013). Perceptions of Oral Errors and Their Corrective Feedback: Teachers vs. Students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(5), 924-931. doi:10.4304/jltr.4.5.924-931

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