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Module 6 – Working as a Tour Guide


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The Indonesian Way

Module 6 – Working as a Tour Guide

George Quinn & Uli Kozok


“The Indonesian Way” by George Quinn and Uli Kozok is licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)” license.

Under the license you are free to:

● Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format ● Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

➢ Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

➢ NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

➢ ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

Please note that the license covers the text and the sound files, but excludes the illustrations.

Date of Last Revision: 13 February 2015

The development of “The Indonesian Way” was sponsored by grant P017A090375-10 from the US Department of Education, International Research and Studies Program.


Working as a Tour Guide

The basic aim of Module 6 is to provide you with the vocabulary, grammatical resources and sentence shells that will enable you to talk descriptively about the history and characteristics of places. “Characteristics” includes weather and location, as well as the relative merits of places. The module will also help you further consolidate the skill of stringing sentences together into ex-tended narratives, with emphasis on simple forms of public speaking.

There is special emphasis in the Module on developing mastery of the passive-voice form of the Indonesian verb. You will also learn how to express the superlative degree of comparison. You will continue to get practice in expressing opinions and preferences. The Module also provides some basic information about traditional medicines, the history of Jakarta and places of interest in the centre of Jakarta.


Mata Angin


• To introduce and practise using the terms for the points of the compass.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous les-sons. Make sure that you remember their meanings.

bandar udara airport luas wide

barat west panas hot

cuaca weather permisi excuse me

daerah region pindah move

di antara between pulau island

di antaranya such as sedikit a little

di sebelah next to selatan south

hutan forest, jungle taman park

lapangan field, court terletak be situated

The Points of the Compass

Here are the main points of the compass (mata angin) in In-donesian. These terms can be attached to the names of places:

Asia Tenggara Amerika Selatan

South East Asia South America

Jakarta Barat Laut Utara

West Jakarta North Sea

To say, “in the north / south / east / west of...” that is, in the northern /southern/ eastern / westernpart of a region, usually the wordkawasan (region) or sometimes bagian (part) are used followed by the term for the point of the compass. Study these examples.


Iklim cukup panas di kawasan utara Australia.

The climate is pretty hot in the north of Australia.

Di kawasan timur Kanada ada beberapa kota besar.

In the eastern region Canada there are several big cities.

Di Sumatra bagian utara masih ada hutan yang luas.

There are still extensive forests in the north of Sumatra.

Baru-baru ini di kawasan selatan Italia cuaca agak dingin.

In the southern region of Italy recently the weather has been rather cold.

To say “to the north/south/east/west of...”usually the termdi sebelah... is used followed by the term for the point of the compass. Here are a few examples.

Papua Niugini terletak di sebelah utara Australia dan di sebelah timur Indonesia.

Papua New Guinea is situated to the north of Australia and to the east of Indonesia.

Kota Canberra terletak kira-kira 300 kilometer di sebelah barat daya Sydney.

The city of Canberra is situated about 300 kilometres to the south-west of Sydney.

Selandia Baru terletak di sebelah tenggara Australia.

New Zealand is situated to the south-east of Australia.

Di sebelah barat daerah Banten, di antara Jawa dan Sumatera, ada beberapa pulau kecil, di antaranya pulau Krakatau yang terkenal.

To the west of the Banten region, between Java and Sumatra, there are several small islands, among them the famous island of Krakatoa.

Cara Indonesia: Points of the Compass in Everyday Life

In some parts of Indonesia people use the points of the compass in everyday life to orient themselves and indicate direction. This is especially the case in the Javanese heartland around Yogyakarta and Solo in the centre of the island of Java. Here it is not at all unusual to hear people say things likeRumah Pak Kuncoro di se-belah barat rumah saya (Mr Kuncoro’s house is to the west of my place). In English we would probably say something like “Mr Kuncoro’s house is just down the street from my place” or “Mr Kuncoro’s house is to the right of my place.” If you are sitting in a bus orbemo and someone wants you to make room so they can sit down be-side you, don’t be surprised if they say something like Permisi, bisa pindah ke timur sedikit? (Ex-cuse me, could you move east a little?). When someone really “loses the plot”, behaving inappro-priately or unpredictably, Javanese say that the person tidak mengerti utara selatan (doesn’t know where north or south is).


northern and southern latitudes). People grow up with these signs and are aware of them almost unconsciously.

Exercise 77-01

Look closely at this map of Central Jakarta. Note that Jl. stands for Jalan (Street).

In good, simple Indonesian, and referring to the map above, answer these questions about the location of places in Jakarta. Follow this pattern: first state the general area where the place is located (use Medan Merdeka, the large square with the Monumen Nasional in the middle, as ref-erence point, e.g.di sebelah utara Medan Merdeka, then‚‚ state where the place is in relation to another place (usedi sebelah followed by a point of the compass), thenƒƒ give the name of a place that is near by (usedi dekat ortidak jauh darifollowed by the name of a place). Study these


Pertanyaan: Di mana Rumah Sakit Bersalin Angkasa?

Jawaban: Rumah Sakit Bersalin Angkasa di Jalan Majapahit, di sebelah Timur Lapangan Merdeka, tidak jauh dari Milenium Hotel Sirih.

Pertanyaan: Di mana Jl. Pintu Air 4?

Jawaban: Jl. Pintu Air 4 di sebelah selatan Pintu Air 5, di dekat Stasiun Juanda. 1. Di mana Monumen Nasional?

2. Di mana Masjid Cut Mutia?

3. Di mana SDS Kristen II Bpk Penabur? 4. Di mana Museum Taman Prasasti? 5. Di mana Istana Merdeka?

6. Di mana Hotel Borobudur Jakarta? 7. Di mana Gereja Katedral Jakarta? 8. Di mana Gedung Kesenian Jakarta? 9. Di mana Jl. Ir. H. Juanda?

10. Di mana Rumah Sakit Jiwa Dharma Sakti?

Saying Where a Place is Located (Javanese Style)

Following the pattern in Exercise 77-01 and working with your teacher/tutor or a fellow student, ask and answer questions about the location of places, streets, buildings, shops, landmarks etc. in your own vicinity. Answers should make use ofutara,selatan,timur andbarat (and maybe even tenggara, barat daya, barat laut andtimur laut), so make sure you know where places in your neighbourhood are located relative to the points of the compass. There are two main kinds of question you can ask, di mana questions and apakah questions.

Di mana Toko David Jones?

Where is David Jones’ Store?

Apakah Gedung Shell di sebelah utara atau selatan Jalan Wattle?

Is the Shell Building to the north or south of Wattle Street?

Eh, Sarah, rumahmu di mana sih?

Hey, Sarah, where’s your place, eh?

John, kamu tinggal di kawasan barat kota apa di sebelah timur?

John, do you live in the western part of town, or to the east?

As always, your answers should be as detailed as possible and should be accompanied by fol-low-up questions that trigger an extended conversation.

When you feel you can do this fluently, correctly and with authentic detail, try this somewhat

stranger, more “Javanese” exercise.

If you are in a classroom, look around you. Do you know where north, south, east and west are? Going from person to person in your class/group and using the verb duduk (to sit), have each person say short Indonesian phrases that describe where the other people in the group are sitting. Use points of the compass, but add other prepositions of place too:di samping,di depan,di be-lakang, di dekat and agak jauh dari. Your round-robin of phrases might sound something like this:

Kim duduk di sebelah utara Peter, di belakang Taeko.


Ainun duduk di sebelah timur Hassan, di samping Alan.

...and so on.

See how often you can repeat these sequences of phrases with variations in the names of places, the names of people and the prepositions of place that you use.

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

bandar udara including luas a little bit

lapangan forest panas field

cuaca on one side of permisi island

daerah airport pindah to shift, to move

di antara region pulau hot

di antaranya excuse me sedikit big, broad

di sebelah weather terletak park, garden

hutan between taman located, sited

Latihan 2—Menjodohkan: Mata Angin

Jodohkan kata di kolom kiri dengan artinya di kolom kanan

timur north timur laut north-west

selatan north-east tenggara south-west

barat daya east barat laut west

utara south barat south-east

Latihan 3—Menyimak

Listen to Sound File 077-01. You will hear five questions. For each of the five questions, an answer is provided in the right column of the following table. Select the order of the answers as they appear in the sound file.

1. a. Kecamatan itu terletak di Jakarta.

2. b. Perubahan iklim terjadi di beberapa kawasan Indonesia baru-baru ini.

3. c. Pulau itu di sebelah barat daerah Banten, di antara Jawa dan Sumatra.

4. d. Indonesia mempunyai iklim tropis.


Latihan 4—Pemahaman

Refer to the passage to answer the following questions.

Kampung Saya

aya tinggal di Desa Sukamaju, Kecamatan Bogor Raya. Desa ini ada di kawasan Jawa

Barat. Desa ini indah sekali. Saya mempunyai rumah yang cukup besar di sini. Di

sebe-lah utara rumah saya ada Gunung Salak yang tinggi sekali. Setiap pagi saya bisa melihat

gu-nung itu dari jendela kamar saya. Di sebelah barat daya, ada sawah yang luas sekali. Banyak

petani di sawah itu. Mereka bekerja hampir setiap hari. Di selatan rumah saya, ada sungai

yang cukup besar. Anak-anak kecil suka berenang di sana. Airnya dingin sekali. Waktu saya

masih kecil, saya juga suka berenang di sungai itu. Sekarang, saya hanya suka berjalan-jalan

di tepi sungai setiap sore.


1. Where does the writer live? Select all that apply A. Bogor

B. Desa Sukamaju C. Gunung Salak D. Sungai Ciliwung

2. How does the writer describe his house? A. Very small

B. Quite small C. Not too small D. Extremely small

3. Where is Gunung Salak located? A. South of his house

B. South west of his house C. North west of his house D. North of his house

4. Where is the rice field located? A. North of his house

B. South of his house C. South west of his house D. North west of his house

5. How does the writer describe the rice field? A. It is small but many farmers work there. B. It is big but not many farmers work there. C. It is big and lots of farmers work there. D. It is small and only a few farmers work there.

6. What is to the south of his house? A. Mountain

B. River C. Rice field D. Street


A. No, because he is not a child anymore. B. No, because the water is so cold.

C. No, because the there are too many children swimming there. D. No, because the water is polluted.

8. What does the writer like to do every afternoon? A. Cultivating rice

B. Swimming in the river C. Reading a book D. Walking around

Latihan 5—Isian

Dengarkan Rekaman 077-02 dan lengkapi teks berikut:

Saya tinggal di Desa Sukamaju, _________Bogor Raya. Desa ini ada di _________

Jawa Barat. Desa ini indah sekali. Saya _________ rumah yang cukup besar di sini. Di

sebelah _________ rumah saya ada Gunung Salak yang _________ sekali. Setiap pagi

saya bisa melihat _________ itu dari jendela kamar saya. Di sebelah _________, ada

sa-wah yang luas sekali. Banyak petani di _________ itu. Mereka bekerja hampir setiap hari.

Di _________ rumah saya, ada sungai yang cukup besar. _________ kecil suka berenang

di sana. Airnya dingin sekali. Waktu saya _________ kecil, saya juga suka berenang di

sungai itu. _________, saya hanya suka berjalan-jalan di _________ sungai setiap sore.

Latihan 6—Jawab Singkat

Write the English equivalents of the following place/country names.

1. Korea Utara ...

2. Timor Timur ...

3. Eropa Barat ...

4. Asia Timur ...

5. Tepi Barat (Palestina) ...

6. Pulau Utara (Selandia Baru) ...

7. Afrika Selatan ...

8. Jawa Timur ...

9. Kalimantan Selatan ...


Latihan 7—Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti:

1. “The climate is rather hot in the eastern part of Indonesia.” Iklim—di—cukup—panas—timur—kawasan—Indonesia.

2. “France is situated in the western Europe.” Negara—di—ada—Eropa—Prancis—Barat.

3. “New Zealand is situated to the south-east of Australia.” Selandia Baru—tenggara—terletak—sebelah—di—Australia.

4. “To the west of the Banten region there are several well-known islands.”

Di—yang—beberapa—daerah Banten—ada—pulau—sebelah—barat—terkenal.

5. “Do you live in the western or eastern part of town?”


Latihan 8—

Pengetahuan Geografi Anda

If your knowledge of geography is less than perfect you may need to consult an atlas.

1. Sri Lanka terletak di ... India. A. sebelah selatan

B. sebelah barat

2. Tasmania terletak di ... kota Melbourne. A. sebelah selatan

B. bagian selatan

3. Di bagian ... Nepal ada gunung-gunung, di antaranya gunung Everest. A. selatan

B. utara

4. Di ... kota Rio de Janeiro ada hutan yang luas dan indah, hutan Amazon namanya. A. sebelah timur

B. sebelah barat

5. Moskwa terletak di kawasan ... Rusia. A. barat

B. timur

6. Bali terletak di ... pulau Jawa. A. sebelah timur

B. kawasan timur

7. Provinsi Papua di ... pulau Papua. A. bagian barat


8. Indonesia terletak di ... A. Asia Tenggara B. Asia Timur

9. Pulau Mindanao di kawasan ... Filipina. A. Utara

B. selatan

10. Vietnam terletak di ... Republik Rakyat Cina. A. sebelah barat

B. sebelah selatan

Latihan 9—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)


5. famous

7. south

10. situated 11. cold 13. region 15. forest 16. east 18. west 20. island 21. weather 22. sub-district


1. side

2. several

3. hot

4. head of a sub-district

6. mountain


Iklim dan Cuaca


• To practise talking about climate and weather conditions.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remem-ber their meanings.

agak rather, a bit khusus special

bagaimana how iklim climate

besok tomorrow kemarin yesterday

bulan month, moon memang indeed

cuaca weather pada in, at

danau lake panas hot

dingin cold para plural marker for people

enak delicious, comfy pulau island

gunung mountain suka like

jelek ugly, bad untuk for

katanya it is said that utara north

kawasan area, district



and the dry season is extreme while in Sumatra or Kalimantan the rainy season is just slightly wet-ter than the dry season.

Iklim di kota Padang (Sumatra Barat)

Bulan Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des Tahun

Suhu Maks °C 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

Suhu Min °C 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 24 23 24 24

Curah Hujan mm 340 250 300 370 300 270 270 320 380 480 510 460 4290

Iklim di kota Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

Bulan Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des Tahun

Suhu Maks °C 32 32 32 31 32 31 31 30 33 33 33 32 32

Suhu Min °C 24 24 24 25 24 24 23 23 23 24 24 24 24

Curah Hujan mm 327 275 283 181 159 101 22 15 17 47 105 219 1750

Discussing the Weather / Climate

The Indonesian word for climate isiklim. The wordcuaca is usually used like the English “weather” to talk about a particular situation on a certain day. Like the English words “climate” and “weather”,iklim and cuaca also quite of-ten overlap in meaning.

When you talk about the weather in English you often use the word “it”. For example:

It is raining.

It is dry in Bangkok. How cold is it today?

“It” in these sentences is often called an “expletive” or “false subject” because it doesn’t seem to stand for anything semantically identifiable. Rather it serves the purely grammatical function of “getting the sentence going” by filling a slot in the sentence where you would normally expect a subject to be.

In Indonesian there is no false subject, so you can say:

Hujan. It is raining.

Kering di Bangkok. It is dry in Bangkok.

Sudah terang.

It has stopped raining (literally: “already clear”). Kemarin panas di sini.

It was hot here yesterday.


Bagaimana iklim di Kalimantan?

What is the climate like in Kalimantan?

Bagaimana cuaca kemarin?

What was the weather like yesterday? Bagaimana cuaca besok?

What will the weather be like tomorrow? Bagaimana cuaca di Tokyo pada musim dingin? What’s the weather like in Tokyo in winter?

Bagaimana cuacanya? Panas atau hujan?

How is the weather? Is it sunny or is it raining?

Note that the wordpanas (hot) is often used to refer to sunny weather regardless of the actual temperature. The official terminology used by theBadan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, the Indone-sian National Weather Service, is:

Study these substitution tables and practise generating sentences from them. Although it is not always easy to do when working with substitution tables, as you say each sentence try to imagine a particular conversation or situation in which you might say that sentence. In other words, try to avoid generating the sentences merely mechanically, without an imaginable context.


 Indonesia Lembab.

Australia Barat Panas sekali.

pulau Lombok Sering hujan.

Bagaimana iklim di pulau selatan Selandia Baru ? Cukup kering.

Timor Timur Dingin sekali.

Tasmania Cukup baik.

Amerika Utara Agak panas.


‚ hujan

kota Darwin dingin

provinsi Jawa Barat pada musim panas

kota Ambon kemarau

Bagaimana cuaca di pulau utara Selandia Baru --- ?

Indonesia Agustus

Australia Selatan pada bulan Juli



ƒ tadi malam Mendung

hari Rabu yang lalu Cerah

kemarin Jelek

Bagaimana cuaca hari ini Berawan ?

nanti malam Dingin

besok malam Panas dan lembab

hari Sabtu yang akan datang Berangin

Exercise 78-01

Each of the sentences in the dialogue below requires you to make choices between two or more possibilities. Within the context of each sentence, all the choices are right choices: there are no wrong options. But when you look at the dialogue as a whole some choices may be better than others. To put it another way, each choice you make should follow logically from the choice you made in the previous sentence, so that the dialogue is not just a sequence of random sen-tences, but hangs together and makes sense as a coherent conversation. Bearing this in mind, write out a coherent dialogue generated from the 10 sentences below.

1 suka Indonesia

Apakah Ibu tidak suka cuaca di Canberra ? London

2 Suka. Tidak suka.

3. Agustus

Mengapa? Bagaimana cuaca di sana pada bulan Januari ? September

4. bagus

Wah! Cuaca di sana pada bulan itu jelek sekali. enak

5. dingin

O ya? Apakah cuaca pada bulan itu panas ? kering

6. Indonesia Indonesia

Ya. Saya lebih suka cuaca di Canberra daripada di Canberra .

London London

7. Selandia Baru dingin

O begitu. Apakah cuaca di Darwin lebih panas ?

Amerika Serikat kering

8. dingin


9. Oktober berangin. O begitu. Katanya cuaca di sana pada bulan Juni juga cukup banyak hujan.

Februari berawan.

10. Memang

Kadang-kadang . Biasanya tidak


Listen toSound File 078-01—a dialogue between Andri and Ria, discussing the city where they live. Pay attention to the vocabulary of weather and climate which are used in this conversation. Consult the vocabulary list if you encounter any difficulties. When you have finished, do Latihan 3–4.

Nur Andri

Di mana Anda tinggal? Saya tinggal di Surabaya

Bagaimana cuaca di sana? Di Surabaya betul-betul panas.

Cuacanya bisa mencapai lebih dari tiga puluh enam derajat Celsius.

Wah, panas sekali! Ya memang. Anda tinggal di mana?

Saya tinggal di Bandung. Bagaimana cuaca di Bandung? Apakah di sana dingin?

Ya, udaranya dingin di malam hari. Suhunya kira-kira delapan belas derajat Celsius. Bagaimana dengan Surabaya?

Surabaya sama sekali tidak dingin pada malam hari. Di sana juga jarang hujan. Saya tidak suka cuaca Surabaya.

Apa Anda ingin pindah ke Bandung? Ya, saya rasa. Saya suka cuaca di Bandung.

Role Play: Ramalan Cuaca di Televisi

Here is the text of a television Weather Forecast (Prakiraan Cuacaor Ramalan Cuaca). Read it

through carefully first, checking that you know all the words. (Check the vocabulary cards in this lesson to familiarise yourself with words you don’t know.)

elamat malam para pemirsa. Inilah ramalan cuaca untuk pulau Sulawesi untuk besok

tanggal tiga puluh Agustus tahun dua ribu sepuluh. Di kawasan Sulawesi Utara cerah

dengan suhu 24 sampai 30 derajat Celsius. Untuk kawasan Sulawesi Selatan cuaca lembab

dan berawan dengan suhu 25 sampai 31 derajat Celsius. Khusus untuk kota Makassar

hu-jan deras dengan petir dan suhu antara 26 sampai 33 derajat Celsius. Sekian ramalan cuaca

untuk besok. Selamat malam.


This weather forecast can be tailored to different places, dates and weather conditions. Here it is again, with the things that can be changed highlighted in italics.

elamat malam para pemirsa. Inilah ramalan cuaca untuk

Pulau Sulawesi untuk besok


tiga puluh Agustus tahun

dua ribu sepuluh. Di kawasan

Sulawesi Utara cerah

de-ngan suhu 24 sampai 30 derajat Celsius. Untuk kawasan Sulawesi Selatan cuaca lembab dan

berawan dengan suhu

25 sampai

31 derajat Celsius. Khusus untuk

kota Makassar hujan

de-ras dengan

petir dan suhu antara

26 sampai

33 derajat Celsius. Sekian ramalan cuaca untuk

besok. Selamat malam.


Practise saying this weather forecast out loud replacing the highlighted parts of it so that the forecast fits with the weather where you are now.

Using a computer or felt-tip pen, write out the forecast on a big prompt card. Get a large wall map that shows the area where you live. Standing in front of the wall map (maybe holding a point-er), pretend that you are a glitzy TV personality and present the weather forecast “on camera”. Run through the forecast several times until you can present it fluently and correctly without refer -ring too much to the “prompt card” you have prepared.

Flesh out the forecast you have been practising with one or two items of comment on people and/or places. With a video camera, record weather forecasts with your teacher/tutor or class-mates. The prompt card can be held up next to the camera, but remember that a good TV presenter looks straight into the camera as he/she talks and does not glance shiftily back and forth between prompt card and camera. Replay the recordings to judge who has the best televi -sion presence (and whose Indonesian is most correct, smooth and authentic).

Minta Perhatian!!

Three nations have not officially adopted the International System of Units as their primary or sole system of measurement: Burma, Liberia, and the United States. If you are from one of those countries you need to familiarise yourself with the International System of Units (SI) because nobody in Indonesia, and in fact

anywhere outside those three countries, will understand you if you tell someone that the temperature is 84 degrees Fahrenheit. Likewise, don’t expect people to


Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

agak bad, ugly khusus climate

bagaimana clear kemarin dry

besok cloudy memang dry season

danau cold suka for

dingin good, pleasant musim dingin hot

bulan how para indeed

cuaca humid musim panas island

enak lake pada like, enjoy

gunung month, moon untuk north

jelek mountain utara on, at, in

katanya people say that... iklim plural marker

kawasan rainy season musim kemarau rain,rainy

lembab rather hujan special, in particular

terang region, district pulau summer

musim hujan tomorrow panas winter

berawan weather kering yesterday

Latihan 2—Menyimak

Listen to Sound File 078-01. You will hear ten questions. For each of the ten questions, an answer is provided in the right column of the following table. Select the order of the answers

as they appear in the sound file.

1. a. Kemarin di gunung-gunung cuacanya hujan deras disertai petir.

2. b. Di Singapura biasanya cuacanya berawan pada bulan Januari.

3. c. Pada musim hujan iklimnya kadang-kadang lembab.

4. d. Iklim di Australia Utara panas.

5. e. Pada bulan Januari biasanya dingin sekali.

6. f. Biasanya cuacanya berawan pada bulan Februari.

7. g. Tidak, saya tidak suka karena selalu hujan.

8. h. Sebaiknya jangan pergi besok karena besok akan hujan deras dengan petir.

9. i. Besok saya kira cuacanya akan berawan dan hujan.


Latihan 3—Pemahaman

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan Rekaman078-02.

1. In what city does the woman live? A. Singapore

B. Surabaya C. Semarang D. Surakarta

2. How does the woman describe the city where she lives? A. Very cold

B. Rather hot C. A little bit cold D. Extremely hot

3. How hot does it get there?

A. The average daily mean is 36 degrees Celcius. B. It is usually above 36 degrees Celcius.

C. It never reaches above 36 degrees Celcius. D. It is usually below 36 degrees Celcius.

4. Where does the man live? ...

5. How does he describe the weather? A. It is always cold, night and day. B. It is always cold at daylight. C. It is cold at night.

D. It is very hot at daylight.

6. It’s rather hot at night time. A. True

B. False

7. What is the night temperature in Bandung? (Answer in Indonesian!)


8. What is the expression for “rarely” in Indonesian? ...

9. Does the woman want to move to Bandung? A. No, because she does not like cold weather. B. Yes, because she likes cool weather.


Latihan 4—Isian

Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: bagaimana—betul-betul—Celcius— cuaca—derajat—jarang—memang—pindah—rasa—sama sekali—sekali—suhu—tinggal

Nur Andri

Di mana Anda tinggal? Saya _________ di Surabaya.

Bagaimana __________ di sana? Di Surabaya __________ panas!

Cuacanya bisa mencapai lebih dari tiga puluh enam __________ Celcius.

Wah, panas ____________! Ya, _________. Anda tinggal di mana?

Saya tinggal di Bandung. ___________ cuaca di Bandung?

Ya, udaranya dingin di malam hari. _________nya kira-kira delapan belas derajat _________. Bagaimana dengan Surabaya?

Surabaya ______ tidak dingin pada malam hari. Di sana juga _________ hujan. Saya tidak suka cuaca di Surabaya.

Apa Anda ingin _________ ke Bandung? Ya, saya _________. Saya suka cuaca di Bandung.

Latihan 5—Iklim dan Cuaca

Choose the correct translation.

1. Too bad it will be raining tomorrow. We won’t be able to go to the park. A. cerah

B. mendung C. hujan D. berawan

2. It’s very dry here in the mountain. A. hujan

B. panas C. kering A. basah

3. Look! The sun is shining! Let’s dry the clothes! A. mendung


4. It is very hot in Arizona! A. panas

B. hujan C. kering D. basah

5. It’s overcast. Don’t forget to bring your umbrella, just in case. A. hujan

B. mendung C. berawan D. panas

6. It’s very bright outside! I better get my sunglasses. A. panas

B. berawan C. kering D. cerah

7. It’s cloudy today so I think I will just stay at home. A. mendung

B. hujan C. basah D. berawan

Latihan 6—Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti:

1. “What was the weather like in Manado yesterday?” Bagaimana—cuaca—Manado—di—kemarin?

2. “What is the temperature like in East Timor in August?”

Bagaimana—Timor Timur—pada—di—bulan—suhu—Agustus?

3. “People say that Bogor is rather cloudy in December.”


4. “I think the weather tonight will be rather cold.” Saya—ini—agak—kira—malam—cuaca—dingin.


Latihan 7—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)


1. temperature 4. season 5. climate 8. yesterday 10. bright 13. humid 15. that’s all

16. this is..., here is...


1. to like, enjoy 2. rain

3. normally, usually 6. indeed

7. plural marker (for humans)

9. dry 11. cloudy


Yang Mana Yang Lebih... ?


• To provide practice using the interrogative pronoun yang mana. • To practise forming noun phrases with yang.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous les-sons. Make sure that you remember their meanings.

atau or luas wide, broad

bilang to say mata kuliah university course

menjawab to answer membosankan boring

keren fashionable, cool memilih to choose

kok how come? memperbaiki to repair

kompor stove mengambil to take, fetch

kuat strong menjual to sell

kuning yellow mewah luxurious

lho wow tempat place

Asking and Answering

Yang Mana


The phraseyang mana is the equivalent of the English “which” meaning “which one” when you want to ask about a choice between two or more things. When you are asking about things and places (and sometimes people) yang mana follows the noun it is asking about.

Rumah yang mana? Which house?

Dosen yang mana? Which lecturer?

Anda lebih suka hotel yang mana? Which hotel do you prefer?

If you are speaking informally, you can drop the yang.


Kamu pilih mana? Heh? Ayo, jawab!

Which do you choose. Eh? C’mon, answer!

In some contexts where the thing you are asking about is already clear and understood, you can simply say:

Yang mana? Which?

Ibu Astuti memilih yang mana? Which did Ibu Astuti choose?

Now look at this fragment of scintillating English dialogue.

I want to buy a shirt.

Which shirt do you want to buy? I want the red shirt.

Okay. The red shirt is certainly a nicer shirt than the blue shirt.

Although these are all correct sentences, when we look at the sequence as a whole there’s something a bit strange about them. The word “shirt” is repeated too often. In actual conversation we might say something more like this:

I want to buy a shirt.

Which one do you want to buy? I want the red one.

Okay. The red one is certainly a nicer one than the blue one.

In this dialogue the wordone functions as a pronoun—it is a kind of shorthand substitute for the nounshirt. Usingone means you don’t have to repeatshirt over and over. Andone can be part of a noun phrase like “the red one” that begins withthe,a,an, some and various other de-terminers that mark nouns in English.

In Indonesian yang can be used to create similar noun phrases. Check the occurrences ofyang in this Indonesian rendering of the above dialogue.

Saya mau membeli baju. I want to buy a shirt.

Anda mau membeli yang mana? Which one do you want to buy?

Saya mau membeli yang merah. I want to buy the red one.

Baik. Memang yang merah lebih bagus daripada yang biru. Okay. The red one is certainly nicer than the blue one.

Yang can also form noun phrases with ini, itu, di sini, di situ and di sana.

Anda minta yang ini atau yang itu? Do you want this one or that one? Saya minta yang di sana saja. I’d like the one just over there.

Exercise 79-01


sini,di situ ordi sana) to refer back to the thing asked about in the question. Begin your answer withsaya as if each question were directed at you personally. Study the examples first before do -ing the exercise. If you need to, you can scan the words and phrases below to see if any of them

fit. Remember, you can double the number of adjectives at your disposal by negating them with


baru—lama—murah—mahal—bagus—biru—putih—hitam—merah—kuning—hijau—cepat— mudah—sukar—keren—kecil—besar—dingin—panas—dekat—menarik—biasa—kasar—


menyenangkan—ini—itu—di sini—di situ—di sana

Pertanyaan: Ibu mau membeli kompor yang mana?

Jawaban: Saya mau membeli yang di sana. (I want to buy the one over there.) Pertanyaan: Anda akan mengambil mobil yang mana?

Jawaban: Saya akan mengambil yang baru. (I’m going to take the new one.)

1. Anda akan mengambil mata kuliah yang mana?

2. Ibu akan memakai baju yang mana?

3. Bapak akan naik bus yang mana?

4. Ibu mau memilih lemari es yang mana?

5. Anda akan mencoba rumah makan yang mana?

6. Bapak ingin membaca majalah yang mana?

7. Anda akan menanam bunga yang mana?

8. Bapak akan memperbaiki televisi yang mana dulu?

9. Anda akan menyapu kamar yang mana dulu?

10. Ibu mau menjual sepeda yang mana?

Which is the bigger/better/higher/faster?

To ask which of two choices is better you can say:

Yang mana yang lebih baik? Which is better?

Slightly more informally you can drop the lebih without changing the meaning: Yang mana yang baik?

Which is better?

And even more informally, you can drop the yang:

Mana yang baik? Which is better?

Your answer to these kinds of questions usually (but not always) echoes the pattern of the question.


Yang mana yang lebih mahal?

Which is more expensive? (or: Which one is the more expensive one?) Yang biru yang lebih mahal.

The blue one is more expensive. (or: It is the blue one that is more expensive.)

Tempat yang mana yang lebih enak? Which place is nicer?

Menurut pendapat saya, Brisbane jauh lebih enak. In my opinion, Brisbane is far nicer.

Yang mana is often used to ask about the differences between two things or places using the adverb lebih and the conjunction atau (or).

Kota yang mana yang lebih luas: Los Angeles atau New York? Which city is larger: Los Angeles or New York?

Hmmm, saya kira Los Angeles yang lebih luas. Hmmm, I think Los Angeles is larger.

Pulau yang mana yang lebih indah: Sulawesi atau Jawa? Which island is more beautiful: Sulawesi or Java?

Yang mana ya? Barangkali pulau Sulawesi yang lebih indah. Which one, I wonder. Probably Sulawesi is more beautiful.

Kompor yang mana yang lebih mahal: kompor minyak atau kompor gas? Which stove is more expensive: a kerosene or a gas stove?

Katanya, kompor gas yang lebih mahal.

They say that gas stoves are more expensive.

Exercise 79-02

Imitating the pattern in the model sentences above, write some questions comparing two al-ternatives. Each question should begin with the word given. Study the examples below before starting to write.

Gedung Gedung yang mana yang lebih indah: Gedung Pena atau Menara Imperium? Dosen Dosen yang mana yang lebih membosankan: Pak Hassan atau Bu Sudibyo?

1. Negara

Look at the questions you have written in Exercise 79-01. With your teacher/tutor, or with a fel-low student, use these questions as the beginning point for a dialogue. Preface your question with one of these phrases:

Menurut pendapat Anda… Menurut Anda…


Preface the answer with one of these phrases:

Menurut pendapat saya,… Saya kira,…

Kalo aku,…

When you have heard the answer, ask a follow-up question or make a follow-up comment that presents a different opinion. If you are speaking formally you might say:

O begitu. Tetapi maaf, saya kurang setuju. Menurut pendapat saya…

If you are speaking informally you might say…

Lho, kamu kok bisa bilang gitu! Kamu salah… salah banget! Kalo aku,…

Try to create momentum in the dialogue by calling on every resource that you have studied so far. When eventually you exhaust the possibilities of the topic, choose another question from

Ex-ercise 79-01 and re-boot the conversation. See how long you can keep going in fluent, clear In -donesian.

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

atau cool, stylish menjawab to sell

bilang course at university membosankan boring

keren or memilih luxurious

kok stove memperbaiki place

kompor strong mengambil to answer

kuat to say menjual to choose

kuning why?, how come? mewah to go and get sth.

luas wide, broad tempat to repair

mata kuliah yellow

Latihan 2—Pertanyaan dan Jawaban

Jodohkan pertanyaan di kolom kiri dengan jawabannya di kolom kanan.

1. Kamu suka ikan goreng yang mana? a. Yang kebunnya besar.

2. Anda mencari restoran yang mana? b. Yang tidak pedas.

3. Rumahmu yang mana? c. Yang tidak membosankan.

4. Mobilnya yang mana? d. Yang cepat.


Latihan 3—Menyimak:Pertanyaan dan Jawaban

Listen to Sound File 079-01. You will hear ten questions. For each of the ten

questions, an answer is provided in the right column of the following table. Select the order of the answers as they appear in the sound file.

1. a. Yang kuning saja.

2. b. Yang menulis tentang berita politik.

3. c. Yang baru dibeli di Toko Baju Keren kemarin.

4. d. Yang warnanya putih dan dijual di Toko Elektronik Jaya.

5. e. Yang dosennya tidak membosankan.

6. f. Yang memasak masakan Indonesia.

7. g. Yang harga tiketnya murah.

8. h. Kamar saya dulu.

9. i. Saya rasa saya akan memperbaiki yang kecil dulu.

10. j. Saya rasa sepeda kakak karena miliknya sudah rusak.

Latihan 4—Pemahaman

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaannya.

Baju yang Mana?

ari ini saya, Tika, dan Andin pergi ke pusat perbelanjaan. Kami pergi ke Pacific Place.

Di dekat Pacific Place ada Plaza Senayan, Plaza Semanggi, dan Plaza Indonesia yang

juga pusat perbelanjaan. Namun kami memilih Pacific Place karena tempatnya lebih

me-wah dan enak. Pertama-tama, kami pergi ke toko baju karena Andin ingin membeli baju

baru. Banyak sekali jenis baju di sana.“Kamu mau beli baju yang mana, Andin?” tanya

Tika.“Saya mau beli baju yang berwarna merah dan kuning karena saya suka dua warna

itu.” “Saya rasa baju yang di sana itu bagus,” kata saya sambil mengambil baju berwarna

merah.“Betul.” Andin mengambil baju itu. “Tapi saya kurang suka warnanya,” kata

Tika.“Bagaimana kalau yang ini?” tanya saya sambil mengambil baju warna kuning.“Ya,

yang ini bagus juga tapi saya lebih suka baju yang itu.”



1. On what day do they go to the department store? A. Yesterday

B. Tomorrow C. Today

D. The day after tomorrow

2. What department store do they go to? A. Pacific Place

B. Plaza Senayan C. Plaza Indonesia D. Plaza Semanggi

3. Why do they choose that department store?

A. Because it is the nearest department store from their house. B. Because the prices there are much cheaper.

C. Because the place is more convenient and luxurious. D. Because they usually meet their friends there.

4. What colour of t-shirt does the writer first suggest to Andin? A. Red

B. Yellow C. Blue D. Orange

5. Why does Tika disagree with Andin and the writer about the t-shirt? A. Because she wants Andin to choose another t-shirt.

B. Because she wants to buy the t-shirt for herself. C. Because she wants Andin to choose another colour. D. Because she thinks the price is too expensive.

6. Andin finally bought a t-shirt in what colour? A. Red

B. Blue C. Orange D. Yellow

7. Why do they eat a lot in the restaurant? A. Because the price is extremely cheap. B. Because they get a discount for the food. C. Because the food is really delicious.

D. Because the food is really delicious and the price is affordable.

8. Why does the writer want to buy some books? A. Because she has read all her books at home.

B. Because she is assigned to read some books by her professor. C. Because she enjoys reading.


Latihan 5—Isian

Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: akhirnya—betul-betul—cerita—enak —juga—kurang—majalah—membaca—membeli—memilih—mengambil—pulang—pusat perbelanjaan—sesudah—toko buku—yang di sana—yang ini—yang itu—yang mana

Hari ini saya, Tika, dan Andin pergi ke __________. Kami pergi ke Pacific Place. Di dekat Pacific Place ada Plaza Senayan, Plaza Semanggi, dan Plaza Indonesia yang __________ pusat perbelanjaan. Namun kami __________ Pacific Place karena tempatnya lebih me -wah dan __________. Pertama-tama, kami pergi ke toko baju karena Andin ingin

__________ baju baru. Banyak sekali jenis baju di sana.

“Kamu mau beli baju __________, Andin?” tanya Tika.

“Saya mau beli baju yang berwarna merah dan kuning karena saya suka dua warna itu.”

“Saya rasa baju __________ itu bagus,” kata saya sambil mengambil baju berwarna


“Betul.” Andin __________ baju itu.

“Tapi saya __________ suka warnanya,” kata Tika.

“Bagaimana kalau __________?” tanya saya.

“Ya, yang ini bagus juga tapi saya lebih suka baju __________.”

Akhirnya Andin membeli baju warna merah itu. __________ dari toko baju kami makan di

Restoran Indonesia. Kami makan banyak sekali karena makanan di situ __________

enak. Sesudah makan kami pergi ke __________. Saya ingin membeli buku __________

dan Tika ingin membeli majalah. Saya suka __________. Di rumah saya punya banyak

sekali buku cerita. __________ saya membeli dua buku cerita dan Tika membeli tiga

__________. Sesudah dari toko buku kami __________ ke rumah naik bus.

Latihan 6—Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti:

1. “Which lectures are you going to take?”



3. “My car is much faster than yours."


4. “Which city is bigger: Jakarta or Surabaya?”


5. “According to you, which place is nicer?”


Latihan 7—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)

Mendatar: 1. interesting 3. oil

6. lecture 7. which 9. red

11. big, broad 13. shirt 14. luxurious

Menurun: 1. to choose 2. nice, cozy, tasty 4. stove


Yang Paling...


• To practise using yang paling to express the superlative degree of comparison

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings.

acara programme, event mari let’s, come on

aman safe membosankan boring

aneh weird, strange menang to win

angka number milik property of

berani brave muda young

bermacam-macam various pantai coast, beach cepat fast, quick pemirsa viewers, audience

danau lake pertama first (1st)

dunia world, earth pertanyaan question

gunung mountain selesai finished, completed

jawaban answer semua all

kanan right sukar difficult

kiri left sungai river

lengkap complete tengah middle, central luas wide, broad terletak be situated

manis sweet

Danau Toba—Danau yang paling besar di Asia Tenggara. © Johnny Siahaan


How to Say “The Most ...”

In English there are two main ways to express what is called the superlative degree of comparison. (The superlative degree is the form of an adjective indicating that what is de-scribed by the adjective has “the most of” some quality com-pared to anything or anyone else.) If the adjective is a short word (one or two syllables) usually we add the ending “-est”, and if the adjective concerned has more than two syllables we put “the most...” in front of it. For example:

Cilacap is the neatest city in Central Java. Tokyo is the most expensive city in Asia.

In Indonesian this degree of comparison is expressed with the phraseyang paling. Yang paling always comes in front of the adjective it refers to.

I. Which is the most…?

To ask“which (place) is the most…” your question fol-lows this four-step pattern:

1 geographical term/kind of place2 yang mana 3 yang pa-ling 4 adjective + …?

For example:

1 Gunung 2 yang mana 3 yang paling 4 tinggi + di Jepang?

Which mountain is the highest in Japan?

Practise generating questions like this from this substitution table. Don’t forget, as you say each sentence try to imagine a particular conversation or situation in which you might say that sentence. In other words, try to avoid generating the sentences merely mechanically, without an imaginable context.

Kota yang mana yang paling bersih di ... ?


Jalan menyenangkan

Kawasan terkenal

II. Who is the most… ?

To ask “who is the most…” your question follows this three-step pattern:

1 siapa 2 yang paling 3 adjective + …? For example:

1 Siapa 2 yang paling 3 lucu + di kelas Anda?

Who is the funniest in your class?

Now practise generating questions like this from the following substitution table. Don’t forget, as you say each sentence try to imagine a particular conversation or situation in which you might say that sentence. In other words, try to avoid generating the sentences merely mechanically, without an imaginable context.



kuat kelas Anda

pandai di keluarga Anda

bodoh sekolah Anda

tinggi rumah Anda

pendek cantik

Siapa yang paling lucu --- ? sabar


muda teman-teman Anda

menyenangkan di antara saudara-saudara Anda

berani guru-guru Anda

aneh orang yang tinggal di desa Anda

sederhana terkenal

III. Answering these questions

Your answers to the questions in I and II above will follow this basic three-step form:

1 personal name or place name 2 yang paling 3 adjective + … For example:

1 Gunung Fuji 2 yang paling 3 tinggi + di Jepang.

Mount Fuji is the highest (mountain) in Japan. 1 Nyoman 2 yang paling 3 lucu + di kelas kami.

Nyoman is the funniest (person) in our class.


Pabrik Semen Padang populer

Universitas Widya Buana tua

Tempat ini menarik

Rumah Wahyuni ramai

Sungai Musi panas

Desa Kemiri maju

Daerah selatan kotor

Gedung Lippo kecil

Gunung Rinjani dingin

Kota Ambon yang paling besar di ... ?

Jepang bersih

Pulau Sumba indah

Sekolah Budi Luhur bagus

Stasiun Tawang baru

Terminal Kalibata baik

Toko Sami Jaya aman

Pantai Parangtritis berbahaya

Jalan Sam Ratulangi menyenangkan

Kawasan Timur Indonesia terkenal

Note that the subjects here are almost all use a classifier such asGunung, Jalan etc. You can always insert the classifier before yang paling:

Pabrik Semen Padang pabrik yang paling besar di Sumatra.

The Padang Cement Factory is the largest factory in Sumatra.

Desa Kemiri desa yang paling bersih di Jawa Barat.

Kemiri is the cleanest village in West Java.

If the classifier is missing such as in the example with Jepang, it may be added:

Jepang negara yang paling kaya di Asia.

Japan is the richest country in Asia.

Likewise, the classifier orang can also be inserted in the examples listed below:

Bu Warouw orang yang paling pintar di sekolah kami.

Mrs. Warouw is the smartest person in our school. Instead of orang, you can of course also use her profession:

Bu Warouw guru yang paling pintar di sekolah kami.


menarik manis

kuat kelas kami

pandai di keluarga kami

bodoh sekolah kami

Bu Warouw tinggi rumah kami

Noriah pendek

Kartini cantik

Nyoman yang paling lucu

---Pak Abubakar sabar

David tua

muda teman-teman kami

menyenangkan di antara saudara-saudara kami

berani guru-guru kami

aneh yang tinggal di desa kami

sederhana terkenal pintar

Study these examples of questions and answers using yang paling ... Kota yang mana yang paling luas di Australia?

Which city is the biggest (in area) in Australia?

Sydney kota yang paling luas di Australia.

Sydney is the biggest city in Australia.

Toko yang mana yang paling lengkap di Yogyakarta?

Which shop is the best stocked in Yogyakarta?

Toko Sami Jaya yang paling lengkap di Yogyakarta.

Sami Jaya is the best stocked shop in Yogyakarta.

Siapa mahasiswa yang paling lucu di kelas Anda?

Who is the funniest student in your class?

Julius yang paling lucu di kelas saya.

Julius is the funniest in my class.

Siapa yang paling tinggi di antara saudara-saudara Anda?

Who is the tallest among your brothers and sisters?

Viktor yang paling tinggi di antara kami.

Viktor is the tallest of us.

Exercise 80-01


1. Menurut pendapat Anda, kota yang mana yang paling indah di Eropa? 2. Menurut pendapat Anda, hotel yang mana yang paling mewah di kota ini?

3. Menurut pendapat Anda, siapa yang paling pandai berbahasa Indonesia di antara teman-teman Anda?

4. Menurut pendapat Anda, toko yang mana yang paling murah?

5. Menurut pendapat Anda, mata kuliah yang mana yang paling menarik? ✶✶✶

6. Menurut pendapat saya, pulau Jawa yang paling indah di Indonesia.

7. Menurut pendapat saya, buku Belajar Akuntansi dengan Cara Baru yang paling membosankan di perpustakaan kita.

8. Menurut pendapat saya, Tawangmangu kota yang paling dingin di Jawa Tengah.

9. Menurut pendapat saya Rumah Makan Samudra Jaya yang paling enak di Yogya karena di rumah makan itu ada bermacam-macam makanan dan harganya murah.

10. Menurut pendapat saya bahasa Rusia yang paling sukar di antara semua bahasa di dunia.

Exercise 80-02

To answer the questions in this exercise you will have to examine the information in the boxes below.

Lima Danau yang Paling Luas di Dunia

Nama Danau Terletak di… Luas

Laut Kaspia Asia Tengah 394.299 km persegi

Danau Superior Amerika Utara 82.413 km persegi

Danau Victoria Afrika 69.484 km persegi

Danau Aral Asia Tengah 66.456 km persegi

Danau Huron Amerika Utara 59.595 km persegi

Lima Danau yang Paling Luas di Indonesia

Nama Danau Terletak di ... Luas

Danau Toba Sumatra Utara 1.130 km persegi

Danau Towuti Sulawesi Selatan 578,1 km persegi

Danau Prian Kalimantan 548,5 km persegi

Danau Poso Sulawesi Tengah 281,3 km persegi


Lima Gunung yang Paling Tinggi di Dunia

Nama Gunung Terletak di ... Tinggi (meter)

Gunung Everest Nepal / Cina 8.848

Gunung Godwin Austen Pakistan / Cina 8.611

Gunung Kangohenjinga Nepal / India 8.603

Gunung Lhotse Nepal 8.501

Gunung Makalu Nepal / Cina 8.470

Lima Gunung Api yang Paling Tinggi di Indonesia

Nama Gunung Terletak di ... Tinggi (meter)

Gunung Kerinci Provinsi Jambi di Sumatra 8.848

Gunung Rinjani Pulau Lombok di NTB 8.611

Gunung Semeru Jawa Timur di Pulau Jawa 8.603

Gunung Slamet Jawa Tengah di Pulau Jawa 8.501

Lima Pulau yang Paling Besar di Dunia

Nama Pulau Negara Terletak di ... Luas

Tanah Hijau Denmark Lautan Atlantik Utara 2.175.597 km2

Pulau Papua Indonesia / PNG Lautan Pasifik Barat-Daya 820.032 km2

Pulau Kalimantan Indonesia / Brunei/ Malaysia

Laut Cina Selatan 743.107 km2

Pulau Madagaskar Madagaskar Lautan India Barat 587.041 km2

Pulau Baffin Kanada Lautan Atlantik Utara 476.967 km2

Lima Pulau yang Paling Besar di Indonesia

Nama Pulau Luas

Pulau Papua 820.032 km2

Pulau Kalimantan 743.107 km2

Pulau Sumatra 425.000 km2

Pulau Sulawesi 174.000 km2


Lima Sungai yang Paling Panjang di Dunia

Nama Pulau Terletak di... Panjang (km)

Sungai Nil Afrika Utara 6.690

Sungai Amazon Amerika Selatan 6.300

Sungai Missisippi Amerika Utara 6.210

Sungai Yangtse Asia Timur 5.530

Sungai Ob Rusia Timur 5.200

Lima Sungai yang Paling Panjang di Indonesia

Nama Pulau Terletak di... Panjang (km)

Sungai Kapuas Kalimantan Barat 1.143

Sungai Mahakam Kalimantan Timur 980

Sungai Barito Kalimantan Tengah 900

Sungai Batang Hari Jambi (Sumatra) 800

Sungai Musi Sumatra Selatan 750

Minta Perhatian!!

In the boxes above, notice how some adjectives likeluas (extensive),tinggi (high) andpanjang (long) can function like nouns. In some contextsluas can be translated as “extent” or “area” or “size”,tinggi as “height”, andpanjang as “length”. They are a bit like the English adjectiveshigh andlow when you say “I enjoy the highs and endure the lows of language study.” Other similar adjectives in Indonesian are:berat(heavy / weight),dalam (deep / depth), andlebar (wide / width). Look at these examples:

Berat badan saya 60 kilo. (not keberatan)

My body weight is 60 kilos.

Dalam laut dapat diukur, dalam hati siapa tahu? (not kedalaman)

The depth of the sea can be measured, but the depth of the heart… who knows?

Often these adjectives have –nya attached to them to emphasise that they are being used as nouns.

Gunung Lawu tingginya kira-kira 3.000 meter.

Mount Lawu is about 3,000 metres in height.

Dalamnya laut dapat diukur, dalamnya hati siapa tahu?

The depth of the sea can be measured, but the depth of the heart… who knows?

Back to the quiz. Answer the following questions:

1. Pulau yang mana yang paling luas di dunia? A. Pulau Madagaskar


2. Sungai yang mana yang lebih panjang: Sungai Barito atau Sungai Kapuas? A. Sungai Barito

B. Sungai Kapuas

3. Apakah Danau Huron di Amerika Utara danau yang paling besar di dunia? A. Betul

B. Salah

4. Gunung yang mana yang paling tinggi di Indonesia? A. Gunung Rinjani

B. Gunung Slamet C. Gunung Kerinci D. Gunung Semeru

5. Di mana gunung api yang paling tinggi di Indonesia? A. Jambi

B. Jawa Tengah C. Jawa Timur

D. Nusa Tenggara Barat

6. Danau yang mana yang paling luas di dunia? A. Danau Huron

B. Danau Victoria C. Laut Kaspia D. Danau Superior

7. Danau Poso di pulau yang mana: Sulawesi atau Kalimantan? A. Sulawesi

B. Kalimantan

8. Sungai yang mana yang paling panjang di pulau Kalimantan? A. Sungai Barito

B. Sungai Kapuas C. Sungai Mahakam

9. Gunung yang mana yang paling tinggi di Nepal? A. Gunung Makalu

B. Gunung Kangohenjinga C. Gunung Everest

10. Sungai yang mana yang paling panjang di Afrika? A. Sungai Amazon

B. Sungai Ob C. Sungai Nil


Role Play: A General Knowledge Quiz (Kuis Pengetahuan Umum)

With your teacher/tutor or with members of your class, role play a general knowledge quiz. There are plenty of ways you can do this. For example the class may simply be divided into two competing groups with a “quiz master” or compere (in Indonesianmoderator /mod.dèr.rā.TOR/) putting the questions, judging the correctness of the answers, and keeping the score. Or you may wish to be inspired by the various formats of popular TV quiz shows. If you do this, the moderator may begin by saying something like this (learn this intro by heart if you play the role of moderator).

Listen to Sound File 080-01.

elamat siang para pemirsa. Selamat datang pada acara kuis

Cepat Menjawab. Nama saya

Erwin Gay. Hari ini ada dua tim yang akan bertanding. Di sebelah kanan saya Saudara

Melissa dan Saudara Iwan, di sebelah kiri saya Saudara Dian dan Saudara Yudi. Mari kita

mulai. Pertanyaan yang pertama untuk Saudara Melissa.

Gunung yang mana yang paling

tinggi di Afrika?


Prepare your questions carefully. As many as possible (but not all) of your questions should echo the models studied in this lesson, so go back to the sentence shells on previous pages to get help in framing your questions. Don’t forget that when a contestant gives a wrong answer, the moderator may have to respond to that wrong answer using bukan. For example:

Moderator: Pantai yang mana yang paling populer di Bali?

Jawaban: Hmmmm, saya kira Pantai Lovina.

Moderator: Bukan! Pantai Lovina bukan pantai yang paling populer di Bali.

The moderator may also respond the answers by sayingBetul! (Correct!) andSalah! (Wrong!). To end the quiz the moderator might say something like this: Kuis sudah selesai. Melissa dan Iwan mendapat angka 6, Dian dan Yudi mendapat angka 8. Dian dan Yudi yang menang!

Rambu di Jalan Raya Bahasa

In Lesson 3 we have learned that mari means :”good bye”

Mari, Bu.

Good bye, Ma’m

Mari. Selamat pagi

Good bye. Have a nice day.

The basic meaning ofmari is “hither”. In all Polynesian languagesmari lost its /r/ and is renderedmai. It occurs in common phrases such as in the HawaiianE komo mai! (Come inside! Welcome!) or the Maori Haere mai! with the same meaning.

In Indonesian, the wordmari has multiple functions. In leavetaking after a visit it has the mean-ing “good bye”. In response to a phrase like “Mari, Pak.” you will often hear it uttered twice: “Mari, mari.”


Mari minum.

Please have a drink OR Let’s have a drink

Mari masuk.

Come on in. OR Let’s go in.

Mari kita mulai.

Let us begin.

The original meaning of “hither” is preserved in: Tadi dia datang ke mari.

A while ago he came here.

Waktu semula saya datang ke mari. When I first came hither.

Mereka lari kian ke mari.

They ran hither and thither.

Ke mari (also written kemari) is very frequently used, about as frequently as the synonym ke sini

Danau Toba

Lake Toba is the largest lake in South East Asia, and the largest volcanic lake in the world. The lake is 100 kilometres long, 30 kilo -metres wide, and 505 -metres (1,666 ft) at its deepest point. The lake has a surface elevation of about 900 metres (2,953 ft), and hence a very mild climate with night temperatures between 18 and 25C.

Lake Toba is the site of a supervolcanic eruption that occurred 69,000-77,000 years ago. It is believed to be the largest explosive eruption anywhere on earth in the last 25 million years.

Located in the middle of the lake is the island Samosir which at 630 km² is the largest island within an island, and the fifth largest lake island in the world.

Lake Toba can be reached from Medan either through Pematang Siantar to Parapat (175km) or via Berastagi to Tongging (150km). The major tourist spots are the town of Parapat and the small peninsula Tuktuk on Samosir.


Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu 1

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

acara brave, dare manis difficult

aman right membosankan young

aneh number menang sweet

angka programme, event milik coast, beach berani fast, quick muda to win

cepat lake pantai the property of

dunia audience, viewer pertama question danau world, earth pertanyaan finished gunung strange, weird selesai various

jawaban answer semua first

kanan mountain sukar located

kiri safe sungai boring

lengkap complete terletak river luas left bermacam-macam all pemirsa big, broad

Latihan 2—Yang Paling

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. The oldest a. Yang paling aman


Latihan 3—Pertanyaan dan Jawaban

Listen to Sound File 080-02. You will hear ten questions. For each of the ten

questions, a response is provided in the right column of the following table. Select the order of the responses as they appear in the sound file.

No. English Translation

1. a. Menurut pendapat saya, Jepang negara yang paling maju. 2. b. Saya tidak tahu tapi barangkali kota Yogyakarta.

3. c. Saya rasa Nenek Ana karena dia tidak pernah marah.

4. d. Saya rasa Annisa karena dia selalu nomor satu dalam semua pelajaran. 5. e. Menurut pendapat saya Universitas Gajah Mada yang paling tua. 6. f. Menurut buku ini Gedung Fatahillah.

7. g. Farida, teman saya. Dia lucu sekali.

8. h. Saya tidak tahu tapi mungkin pensilnya Mira. 9. i. Baju milik Asha.

10. j. Rumah Ibu Dina.

Latihan 4—Isian

Lengkapilah teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: a. yang paling bagus—b. yang paling tinggi—c. yang paling berbahaya—d. yang paling lucu—e. yang paling

membosankan—f. yang paling murah—g. yang paling populer—h. yang paling ramai

1. Gedung Pena gedung _______ di Jakarta. Anda bisa melihat kota Jakarta dari sini. 2. Saya tidak suka lewat Jalan Anggara. Itu jalan _______ di sini. Banyak sekali penjahat. 3. Semua teman saya ingin kuliah di Universitas Indonesia. Itu memang universitas _______

di Jakarta.

4. Pasar ini pasar _______ di Surabaya. Setiap hari banyak orang datang untuk membeli sa-yur dan daging.

5. Mobil ini mobil _______ yang pernah saya punya. Harganya hanya Rp. 100.000.000,-6. Andina teman saya _______. Dia suka sekali membuat saya tertawa.

7. Mata kuliah Logika mata kuliah _______. Dosennya tidak menarik dan kuliahnya sangat sulit.


Latihan 5—Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti: 1. “Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.”

Gunung Everest—di—tertinggi—gunung—dunia.

2. “This is the most interesting quiz on TV.”


3. “What is the most famous beach on this island?”


4. “In my opinion, Ciliwung River is the dirtiest river in Indonesia.”

Menurut—saya,—sungai—paling—pendapat—di—kotor— Sungai Ciliwung— yang—Indonesia.

5. “What is the most crowded city in India?” Kota—paling—yang—ramai—di—apa—India?

Latihan 6—Pilihan Ganda: Kosa Kata

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar.

1. Dia itu __________ sekali! Tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan yang paling mudah! E. bodoh

F. pandai G. menarik H. berbahaya

2. Siapa yang __________ di pertandingan sepak bola besok malam? A. pergi

B. bertanding C. menjawab D. membeli

3. __________ ___________ di Jakarta! A. Selamat pagi

B. Apa kabar C. Selamat tinggal D. Selamat datang

4. Di _________ Danau Toba ada Pulau Samosir A. bawah


5. Kamu harus ____________ pertanyaan bapak itu. A. bertanya

B. menjawab C. menjual D. membeli

Latihan 7—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)


Kata Kerja Dengan Di-


• To introduce and practise the passive form of the verb with a di- prefix

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous les-sons. Make sure that you remember their meanings.

acara programme, agenda mulai start

anggur wine, grape oleh by

bioskop cinema pakaian clothes

dipanggil be called para plural marker for humans

harga price pertanyaan question

hilang disappear, vanished pesta party, fest

karcis ticket pintu door

kata kerja verb pohon tree

kaya rich roti bread

lupa forget surat letter

minuman a drink

The Passive in Indonesian: Verbs with a



As you have seen, Indonesian has intransitive and transitive verbs. You practised transitive verbs in the active voice in Module 5. Transitive verbs have asubject (the “doer” of the action) and anobject (the “receiver” of the action). Transitive verbs occur in two main “voices”: the active voice and the passive voice. If a transitive verb occurs in a sentence in which the emphasis, or fo-cus of attention, is on the subject or doer, the verb is said to be in theactive voice and it usually has a meN- prefix attached to the front of it.

Bapak Purwanto membaca surat-surat.

Mr Purwanto read some letters.


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