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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

in the English and Educational Department





Perpustakaan STAIN Salatiga

07T D 3010893.01




Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

in the English and Educational Department







SEKOLAH TINGGI AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp. (0298) 323706, 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721

Website : w w w .stain.sit.ac.id E-mail : admjmsirasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id



Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini tidak berisi materi yang pernah ditulis oleh orang lain atau pernah diterbitkan. Demikian juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pikiran-pikiran orang lain, kecuali informasi yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan bahan rujukan.

Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran orang lain di luar referensi yang peneliti cantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup mempertanggung jawabkan kembali keaslian skripsi ini di hadapan sidang munaqosyah skripsi.

Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Salatiga, 06 Februari 2007 Peneliti



SEKOLAH TINGGI AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp. (0298) 323706, 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721

Website : www.stain.slt.ac.id E -m ail: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id




NARTIYANI NIM : 113 02 037

Has been brought to the board of examiners in March 27th 2007 M, and hereby considered to completely fulfilled the requirements of the degree of saijana in the English and Education Department.




Jl. Stadion 3 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721

Website : www.Stainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail : administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id

Ruwandi, M.A.

The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Salatiga, March 06th, 2007

Case : Nartiyani’s Thesis


The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalaamu 'alaikum wr. wb



'I T H -IN K ., T H - g R -e F O K te I A M '



1. My beloved mother and father (Mr. H. Abukhori and Mrs. Hj. Umi), who always give advice, knowledge, love and teach me to love Allah SWT, thanks for all. 2. My old brother and sister, yu Har, mbak Supri, mas Mad, mas Gothenk, thanks

for your motivation and your love.

3. My soulmate “S.A.Y” thanks for your attention, guidance, help and love. 4. My best friend “Asti” thanks for your motivation and help.



In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, blesses, and praises always go to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Alhamdulillah everlasting thanks to Allah. The writer must be deeply grateful to Allah for His blessing, whose without help the writer would have not been able to finish the thesis. Those who ask help to Allah will never feel disappointed.

The thesis is presented to English Department of States Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Sarjana Degree. It is the most important the writer should thanks to people’s behind the making of the thesis. The writer would like thanks to:

1. Drs. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag., as the head of state Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga.

2. Ruwandi, M.A., as consultant thanks for his patience and guidence.

3. Hanung Triyoko, M.A., as the chief of English Department thanks for your motivation and help.

4. To all lecturers of English Department thanks for all the knowledge you have given to me.

5. My family in Tuksongo, thanks for your guidence, attention, encourage material, spiritual and love in my life.

6. To my best friends Arum, Yeni, Ristra, keep fighting. 7. To my friend in Ampel City, “Be my best friend, always”.


9. To my soulmate “Say” thank you very much for your attention, motivation, help, love, suggestion, guidance, and always company me in sad and happy, together with you make my life colorful.

10. To Bo wo “Klik” thanks for your help.

11. To my younger brother and sister, Zali, Ja’far, Pendi, Ambar, Alga, Alda, thanks for your motivation.

12. To all my friend in English Department ’02, its impossible for mention one by one, thanks for the help and guidance.

Although we have effort as maximum as possible in finishing this thesis, but the writer hopes the critique and suggestion for the completion of this thesis be able to give the function for the writer and reader.

Salatiga, 06 Maret 2007






MOTTO... v




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Limitation of the Problem... 2

C. Reason for Choosing the Topic... 2

D. Statement of the Problem... 3

E. Research Objectives... 3

F. Research Benefits... 4

G. Thesis Outline... 4


1. Terms of Translation... 5

2. Technique of Translation... 7

3. Language Elements in Translation... 9



B. Grammar... 11

1. Terms of Grammar... 11

2. Types of Grammar... 12

3. Present Perfect Tense... 13

4. Difficulties o f Present Perfect Tense Mastery... 15

C. Theoritical Framework... 16


B. Research Method... 19

C. Population... 20

D. Sample... 24

E. Sampling Technique... 25

F. Data Collection Method... 25

G. Data Analysis... 29

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS A. Statistical Analysis... 34

B. Non Statistical Analysis... 41

CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion... 48

B. Suggestion... 49


APPENDIX... ... 52




A. Background of the Study

Language is complex and unique. Each language has its own norms, including its grammar or structure. Language is also more than apparently simple stream of sounds that flows from the tongue of the speaker. It is a complex system of communication with various level of complexity involving intricate selection and ordering of meaning, sounds, and larger units and arrangements (Gibbon, 1990:14).

Making meaning in a new context or a new language is a difficult task for language learners, who have also to make sense of it as well as in it. That’s what “grammar” deals with. Grammar is a theory of language, of how language is put together and how it works (Gerrot & Wignell, 1994: 1). Therefore, the achievement of grammar plays a crucial role to develop understanding the language we are learning and to be able to use it effectively.

As an international language, English has many important roles in the world. That’s why English is introduced into the curriculum and considered as the first foreign language to be taught at schools in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, translation means not only transferring words from certain language to their semantic equivalent in another language but also transferring the structure of the source and then, for obtaining translation of Indonesia in English or the reverse. Indonesian language can be called as the first language or


the source language and English is called as the second language or the target language and also the reverse (Sofia Rangkuti Hasibuan, 1991: 1).

The achievement of English is not only to succeed informing sentence, but also to succeed translation. Thus, the writer wants to know more about the factors which play an important role to master them. The lackness of achievement in translation may happen because of some reasons, as the lackness of motivation, the different grade of intelligence, the talent and others. As the knowledge possessed by the teachers themselves and the students’ understanding.

B. Limitation of the Problem

The writer limits the problems into the following:

1. The writer is going to observe the achievement o f present perfect tense by the 1st year students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur in Academic Year of 2006/2007.

2. The translation of the present perfect tense into Indonesian language.

C. Reason for Choosing the Topic

English has been taught in schools for many years, but the English teachers find out that most of the students are still poor in forming the sentences and translating them into Indonesian language.

Most of people think that teaching grammar is difficult. There are a lot of grammatical divisions. One of them is present perfect tense. Indonesian students usually get difficulties to comprehend and practice it. For the reason, the writer stresses the study of the students’ achievement on present perfect tense, since, it


is one o f the difficult structures whether its form or its meaning. Though it is not everything but it plays one of the important roles in mastering English. From the reason above, it is enough to know why the writer chooses the research topic entitled “The Translation Problem on Present Perfect Tense Into Indonesian Language by the First Year Students o f SALK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur in Academic Year of2006/200T\ The translation must be mastered by the students since they have to know the sentences they learn.

D. Statement of the Problems

For making a systematic approach to the objective of the study, the writer limits the problems into the following:

1. How far is the present perfect tense achievement by the first year students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur in Academic Year o f 2006/2007.

2. How far is the translation achievement by the first year students SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur in Academic Year o f 2006/2007.

E. Research Objectives

Based on the statement of the problems, the writer proposes the objectives of the study as follows:

1. To describe the present perfect tense achievement by the first year students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur Academic Year of 2006/2007.

2. To describe the translation achievement by the first students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur in the Academic Year of 2006/2007.


F. Research Benefits

The writer expects that the result of this research could develop and enrich the knowledge in translating the present perfect tense sentences so that we can make use the sentences correctly. She also hopes that this research result can be used as a reference for any one who is interested in studying further about translating English into Indonesian language.

G. Thesis Outline

Chapter I is an introduction. This consists of six sub chapters namely background of the study, limitation, reason for choosing the topic, statement of the problem, research objectives, research benefits, thesis outline.

Chapter II is review of related literature. This chapter reviews translation, grammar, and theoritical framework. In the translation reviews consists of the terms of translation, the technique of translation, and the language elements in translation. In the grammar reviews consists of the terms of grammar, the types of grammar, present perfect tense, the difficulties of perfect tense achievement.

Chapter III is research methodology. This chapter reviews research approach, research method, population, sample, sampling technique, data collection method, and data analysis.

Chapter IV is data analysis. This chapter reviews statistical analysis, and non statistical analysis.




A. Translation

1. Terms of Translation

Translation is very important because this is one of the ways to understand the meaning of foreign languages being learned.

The definition of translation is explained in many reference books, as in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. The word “translation” (a noun) comes from the word “to translate” (a verb) which means giving the meaning of another language (Hornby, 1974: 919). In his book entitled “Seni Meriterjemahkan” Widyamartaya says translation is to reproduce the receptor language into the closest natural equivalent of the source language message; first, in the terms of meaning, and secondly in the terms of style. In the same book, Catford gives the explanation that translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (the source language) by equivalent textual material in another language.

The above definitions require the translator to be able to synchronize both source language and target language on the syntatic, semantic, and pragmatic-stylistic level, so he would have a craft to translate. Another definition arises from a linguistic point of view. A psycholinguist, C.J. Catford, says that translation has been defined as the replacement of textual material in one language (called source language or SL) by equivalent textual


material in another language (called target language of TL) (C.J. Catford, 1965: 20).

From the definition above, we know that translation is not merely the replacement of word by word from one language to another. Moreover, this definition is supported by Nida and Tabet who say that translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language (another name of TL) the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style (Nida & Tabet, 1969: 12).

The last two definitions above stress on the same thing that is the equivalence. In fact, to find the translation equivalence is the central problem of translation. This is because, ideally, the translation should give the sense of original so the reader is unaware that he is reading a translation. In the same book, Catford (1965: 21) says that a central task of translation theory is that of defining the nature and conditions of translation equivalence; because it required some aspects as syntactic aspect, semantic aspect, or even cultural aspect of how to compose a sentence or sentences. Cultural aspect is the aspect related to what people think or imagine, what and how they act.

The main concept of the above definition is that translation is the ability or the craft to transfer the main ideas from a language (source language) into another language (target language) by using statement of message as nearly as possible with the original language and, of course, obeying the rule of grammar.


Translation is always concerning with the meaning to be translated from source language to target language. There are many kinds of meaning in translation, including communicative meaning, and cognitive meaning. Communicative meaning is what the speaker wants to say to his audience or listener. Associative meaning is the changes of meaning that has actually been said. Those definitions above explain that we must not change the original ideas from source language to the target language. For this, Brislin states as follows: translation is the general term referring to the transfer of thought and ideas from one language (source language) to another language (target language), whether the languages are in written or oral form; whether the languages have established orthographies or do not have such standardizations or whether one or both languages are based on signs, as with sign languages of the deaf (Brislin, 1976: 1).

2. Technique of Translation

Catford (1965: 21) states that there are three types of translation related to the rank of grammatical hierarchies, namely (1) word-for-word for translation, (2) literature translation, and (3) free translation,

a. The word-for-word translation

The word-for-word translation is usually difficult to be understood by readers. This type of translation only translates the words taken from the source language and translators do not put more emphasis on the messages which are expressed in the target language texts. The following is an example taken from Teknik Membaca Text Book dan Penerjemahan


(Kamil, 1990: 62). Modem means of communication are so rapid that buyer can discover what price a seller is asking, and can accept it if he wishes, although he may be thousand of miles away.

The text to be translated into Indonesian language:

Alat komunikasi modern sedemikian canggih, sehingga pembeli dapat mengetahui harga yang ditawarkan penjual dan ia bisa mendapatkannya apabila ia menghendaki walaupun mungkin ia berada ribuan mil jauhnya.

The result of word-for-word translation above is difficult to be

understood. The vocabulary is taken from the target language, but the word order and sentence follow the source language. So the readers will not easily understand the messages of the text,

b. Literal Translation

Concerning literal translation is useful if one is studying the structure of the source text as an interlinear translation but a literal translation does not communicate the meaning of the source text (since translation attempts to follow of the source language). Literal translation may start from a word-for-word translation but make changes in conformity with the target language grammar. This type of translation maybe in a group-group or clause-clause translation. The following is an example of a group-group or clause-clause translation taken from Kamil (1990: 63). From the text, translator may make the grouping. The Indonesian language translation may follow:


pembeli / / minta /

Alat komi sehingga

apabila ia kmendaki / walaupun ia mungkin / berada ii ribuan mil jauhnya. i

c. Free Translation 1

expressed in theitranslator’s own words. A free transition is very important, becausi it will profit information that is easy to tft understood

is important. So, te resulted messages will not be differ it from the original text.

Language Elements in Tanslation

There are som knowledge of language elements of tra slation that should be understooc should be fulfilled by the students to succeed in translating,

a. Source Language

The source inguage is the language of the sentence texts to be translated. Student have been studying this language in he formal education since the are in elementary levels. Students should e aware of the structures used the sentences/texts. On the other hand, t ey have to be able to translafc the sentence in accordance with the m ssage. An understanding of th< source language, the grammatical structu : and their Free tranmtion puts more emphasis on the messages which are expressed in tK source language text in the translation which is


implication for tl meaning is required, because Indonesian anguage and English have the own grammatical structures. English ai 1 Indonesian language also ha\ different cultures, sometimes we cannot nd the exact meanings of wore . So, the equivalence between Indonesian anguage and English must be c veloped. The recognition of words and < aracteristics including the vi iety of their meanings must be de sloped. An understanding of 1 e culture or the source language is very iportant, so

students will be ble to choose words that exactly ha1 : the same meanings. Student also must be acknowledged with the culti e where the language is spok n. As mentioned above, English anefl Indonesian language come fro different cultures,

b. Target Language

Target lanj age is the language which the sentenclltext to be translated into. Altl >ugh students have mastered their own language since a long time, they s 11 have to understand the relevant abilities in target language that shoul be possessed, including the following:

1) Comprehend th type of language that is appropriate with H particular subject of the sentence/text: whether it deals with ||chemistry, engineering, bu: ness, biology, etc.

2) Understand the iroper choice of words (adverbs, nouns, ||djectives, and verbs).

3) Capable to recoinize the parts of speech so they can tnjjsfer their ideas in good seiiences.


4) Understand tie proper choice of word orders. It w ill be used to choose the jjpropriate words with the meaning of| the source language.

c. Knowledge of the ubject

Students s ould be informed that it is difficult translate a sentence or furthe a text of a source language into the targ t if they do not have knowledj about the source. Besides, they should a o be aware that an understandi g of the subject matters is also very impoi mt.

The further nowledge of the subject is needed for the reason that they will not only f :e a subject but also have to acquire some cnowledge of translation subje :s such as economics, engineering, accoi tancy, etc. From these subject; students are expected to be able to transft meanings according to the me|pages of sentences being translated.

B. Grammar

1. Terms of Grammar

Grammar is mulh more than just a set of exercises to git right in English class. Based on |ne Oxford advanced learner’s dictionarieslgrammar means the rules in a language for changing the form of words and ||)mbining them into sentences.

This definition is l i line with what is explained by Gerrot a n i Wignell that grammar is a theorjlbf language, of how language is put toglther and how it works. More parftularly, they say that it is the study of wordings.


Wording is the wore and their order and the wording in tu m j|s realized or expressed through so nds or letters.

English learn s need a theory of grammar or languagJIwhich helps them understand hov. entences or texts work. As teachers, they le ed to know how texts work so th y can explicitly help learners learn how If understand and produce sentenc|p and texts, whether spoken and writteH in various contexts for various purposes.

Grammar is n it the only elements that must be fulfilllb to master English. But, it plays aft important role because in scientific writillg, grammar is totally used. TherefJfte, grammar as one pillar of studying E n jjsh must be known by the studentsf

2. Types of Grammar

Grammarians hive different points of view in how they ttiaracterize language. A number ftf grammar are caused by these diffenlnces. The characterizing of langulge depends on the purposes of the user. Mow people have characterized woiiings that is the theory of grammar, depdmds on the kinds of questions theyflave asked about language on what they \|^nt to find out about it.

The different theiries of language or grammar are not inheiintly good or bad, right or wrong, iu e or false. Rather, grammars are v alid ate by their usefulness in describing Ind explaining the phenomenon called language.

There are 3 gramlnars which have had a major influence onflchools in this century (Gerrot and Wignell, 1994: 4). These are as follows:


a. Traditional Grammar

Tradition# grammar aims to describe the gramm;

English by com pjhng it with Latin. As such, it is prescriplve. Students learn the names m parts of speech (nouns, verbs, preposit:

adjectives), pars# textbook sentences and learn to use correctly. Traditional grammar focuses on ruler for prod

sentences. b. Formal Grammar

Formal gralhmar concerns to describe the structure

ns, adverbs, ■ie structure ing correct o f standard

individual sentences. Such grammars view language as a set of rules wlj|ch allow or

disallow certain sellence structures. It does not really stress ||ie point on the meaning of the im tence.

c. Functional Gramms

Functional Ihunmars view language as a resource H)r making meaning. These grammars attempt to describe language in actllal use and so focus on texts a d their contexts. They concern not o n # with the structures but also with how those structures construct meaning

3. Present Perfect Tense

Learning EnglisHIhs a second or a foreign language is not eBsv. Every


Present perfJh tense is used if we wish to refer to con ilete activities

that take place w ith» a period of time that extends to the pr sent moment, without giving a de: Bite point or period of time for any of thes< activities.

The present w rfect tense is formed by using the presen tense of have (have, has) and the Jast participle of the main verb. In this p tern, have is used as an auxiliaryiverb before the past participle of the n in verb. For

regular verbs, the pasl participle form is the same as the past te ;e form. The past participle forms ||f irreguler verbs, must have been taught before because they are various.

The present pdBfect tense is used to indicate:

a. An action or a statithat is begin in the past and continues int||the present. Since and for is ofBn used.

1) I have had a tojfth since last week.

2) The patience hJH been in the hospital for 2 hours.

b. An action was or \ ^ s never done or completed recently (at anl|mspecified time in the past)

1) I have complete! my term paper. 2) The dentist has lulled my wisdom tooth.

From the examples abfl|/e, we can see the constructions of p re^nt perfect tense that is:

S u b je c t have/has + past participle + object


4. Difficulties of Presell Perfect Tense Achievement

Most of the|||students o f high school face the sam< problem for understanding gramr||ar They feel difficult to understand an e’ :ry pattern in grammar. Also, theylltannot use it in a sentence and they som times do not know when they use flat sentence.

The present pflrfect is probably the commonest tense i the English language, but it is tip one the student o f English usually fi||ds the most difficult to learn (Standard Allen, 1974: 77).

The most imnlrtant thing the students have to know flo u t present perfect tense is that itf l not interested in the action but in the completed fact

and its relationship t l a given general time aspect. Present flrfect tense expresses this idea, wlfln someone say, for example:

‘I’ve bought a new hat”

The students are payini attention to the present possession of thj| article and not the previcious act cflbuying. But, if the sentence is

T bought a hat yesterday”

The mention of the pall time automatically throws our mind b4|k into the time when the action ta|ps place

Here, most of tllb students find the difficulties. They are l o t able to

distinguish the d iffe re n t o f the sentence meaning between preflnt perfect tense and past tense.


From the explanation above, we may conclude that wB can use this tense when we do n it simply any definite fine in the past a |p are merely interested in the com ieted fact as we know it now.

The characteiptics of present perfect tense that a Student must eventually grasp, but m fact they have not is that the 3 perfect teflses (present,

past, and future) that Ixpress the completion o f “perfection” o ||an act by a given time; not an act lo n e at a given time.

The present nftrfect tense therefore expresses the ccjlnpletion or “perfection” of an actilh by NOW. Present perfect tense is WHE J the action took place, but rather iierested in the present state of completion or example

the effect NOW. So, Inis tense must never be used if someo e states or suggests a definite tim iin the past. This is perhaps the commonc t misuse at the tense more over, w lin the students are asked to translate the s itencc into Indonesian language. Tlley will have a confusion of the differem ;s between

present perfect tense anil past tense.

C. Theoretical Framework

Students’ achievemdit to present perfect sentence is importan They are demanded to understand nolpnly the use or the function but also the i eaning of

the sentences. Translation irffi> the students’ first language, therefore, i :eds to be taught. Through this way, thlk understand the messages hidden in the entences. However, the teachers camftt deny that they should understand th form of

present perfect tense first, bewre we ask them to translate.


There are some uses of present perfect tense sentence: Each has a different with others wl n we translate these kinds of sentences i to Indonesia. The different meanings oint to one function of present perfect snse. One of them is to show past acti is/completed past actions while time is n< definite.

One who does no understand the use of present perfect ten: will always translate all present perf ;t tense sentences by the word “sudah/te rh", because the word has or have sh vs a completed action. In fact, not all p sent perfect tense sentences can be anslated by the word “sudahielah". B ow are the examples.

1. The present perfect te||se with an adverb “just” shows a recent|| completed action; for example:

“He has just gone oull’ This sentence is can be translated int<J|lndonesian language: “Dia baru sqfa p erg i'

2. The present perfect is|psed for past actions if its time is not flefinite; for example:

a. “I have read the instructions.” The meaning is: “Aku su d a \ membaca instruksinya."

b. “Have you ever goi|S abroad?” That means: “Pernahkah kart||v pergi ke luar negeri?”

c. “I have never seen | | giraffe.” That means: “Aku belum perntyi melihat jerapah."

d. “He hasn’t come yet.i That means: “D/a belum datang'


From the different meanings of present perfect sentences wove, we can also recognize the dififffent ways of how to translate them info Indonesian language.

If the present pettect tense sentences do not use such adtterb as: just, already, yet, ever, never!etc., they are easily translated by by teBn “sudah + VIII” or “sudah + been -«non verb”. However, they have differenflmeanings if they use such kind adverb! mentioned above.

From the explanllion and the examples given, it is clJkr that the correctness of translatinalthe present perfect tense sentence intonlndonesian language depends on the achievement of forming the sentence, the urtterstanding of the use and also the undlrstanding of its function. The translation rllult will be awful when the students d<!not understand the present perfect tense \B2ll. This is




A. Research Approach Quantitative reses this approach, the planni based on the planning b the form of statistic/num free from the study to researcher in qualitative situation and setting of tl

B. Research Method According to Ibn Kuantitatif dalam Pendi are: Descriptive Meth Investigative Method.

Descriptive me happened and treat the the variables. This inve investigation.

While differen al observation in a group

ch aims to test a theory through a deducti j process. In steps are decided in detail. The process Hiust be done g decided before. The result then will presented in c. In doing the research, the researcher’flrole must be revent the bias, and it is different froill the role of

search because the researcher must be i#olved in the phenomena being investigated.

Hajar in his book “Dasar-dasar Metodol gi Penelitian kan”, there are four methods in doing a jlsearch, there , Co-Relational Method, Differential Method, and

od aims to describe the phenomena which have riables freely. It means that there is no re tion between igation is occasionally used as a source H>r the further

method investigates the differei ;es between or between observation in the same gr< ip. The other


11 method being explained population based on the researcher is free to use explanation.

Based on the expl to do the process of anal} collect the descriptive and we can investigate th

here is the investigative method. It ir||,estigates a ta taken from the sample. In investigativflmethod, the descriptive and co-relational, even the cdfiparative or


rer C. Population

Population is the can be explained as a nu characteristics. It can be general. It can be a perso elements, which is able problems.

In this case, th Muhammadiyah 2 Borob chooses them as populat since the first semester. Il in her investigation.

To complete the Muhammadiyah 2 Borob

lation above, the writer choose the descri is. The descriptive method is an analysis In other words, the descriptive data an as well (Suryadi Suryabrata, 1989:94).

ist hole subject of the research. Furthermor

of people or individual who have at mcluded that population is a subject of tl

a group of people or something else. It o give information to clarify how to

writer chooses the first year studeills of SMK dur in the Academic Year o f 2006/200 The writer in, because they have got the subject b^|ng analyzed s the reason why the writer choose them population


L The profile of SMK 1. The name of the s

School’s address

Regency Province 2. School’s Status 3. School’s History

a) Being built b) The name of ii c) Date and Numt d) Date and Numl 4. The lesson schedi 5. The lesson hours 6. Headmaster

a. The name b. Address

c. Education d. Graduate

uhammadiyah 2 Borobudur

iool : SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur : Jl. Syailendra Raya Bordludur 56553

(0293) 788102 : Magelang : Central Java : Private School

: June 4th 1997

itution : Muhammadiyah, MajelillDikdasmen r of the Decree : 4 Juni 1997/No.0943/10Bl/1997 r of Notary : 8 September 1976/No.J- -5/160/4

: Morning to Afternoon r a week : 48 hours

: Drs. Sugino

: Perum PGRI Jl. Elang 3 0 Sumberrojo Mertoyudai||Magelang (0293)325159

: SI, Faculty of Technica|pEducation : on 1986


II. Teacher’s Profile SMK Muhamrr competence teachers teachers. Besides they taught. Thus, they are 1

the reason, the teache following is the profile

diyah 2 Borobudur has some criteria to consider the d. All subjects must be handled by the tonceming

ust have some skills to support the su ects being only to be smart academically, but also Bkillful. For ’ academic tallent is suitable with theii skills. The f teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Boftbudur:

No Name Profession Subjects

1 Drs. Sugino Head Master

-2 Nurhadi,Bsc Vice Head Master of M hematics

Curricullum Affairs

3 Drs. Yusuf Effe li Teacher In rpreunership

4 Titin Sulistyowc i, S.Pd. Homeroom Teacher of I Ci il Education Automotive B

5 Drs. Zaran Teacher A dah, A1 Qur'an

6 Yus Listiawan I S.Pd. Teacher Fi ih/Tarih

7 Dra. Ridaryati Homeroom Teacher of III Sc tool Healt Unit Engineering

8 M. Makmuri S. i. Teacher Si >rt

9 Suyanto Homeroom Teacher of II P; ;ics/Automotive Automotive

10 Nida Ulkhasam S.Ag. Teacher A ibic

11 Drs. Zainuri Teacher h thematics

12 M. Rosidin, S.F Teacher C emistry

13 Asti Zulaina Tc fan, S.S. Homeroom Teacher of I E glish Engineering

14 Begja Rahaija, .T Homeroom Teacher of I c mputer Automotive A

15 Ramelan, S.Pd. Teacher E awing Technigue


1 7

The Head of Engineering Homeroom Teachers of II Engineering A

The Head of Automotive Homeroom Teachers of II Engineering B

PI )/Automotive Ei ineering Ei ineering, CNC

Ai omotive the students’ parents area, Borobudur is al

Most of the graduated from som< graduated from a state by seeing the files o students’ background needed to be explain distribution of the stuc

diyah 2 Borobudur is located in a rural alfea. Most of labors, farmers and vendors. Beside, as Agricultural

tourism resort.

udents of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bo )budur are private unqualified schools. Only sodfe who are r private qualified schools. This conclusiBn comes up students describing, the location of theflschool, the and the school it self. The writer thinHs that it is because it will also affect the writer’: study. The nts can be seen in the following table:


No Class Male Female Total

1 I Automotive A 35 - 35

2 I Automotive B 29 - 29

3 I Machine 33 - 33

4 II Automotive A 33 - 33

5 II Automotive B 32 - 32

6 II Machine 39 - 39

7 III Machine A 34 - 34

8 III Machine B 29 - 29

9 III Automotive 27 - 27

The first grade students, and the third Academic Year of 200

D. Sample

Sample is a part (Suharsimi Arikunto, 198 year students SMK Muha The chosen sample must generated toward the wh assumed having adequate sample.

consists of 97 students, the second grdle has 104 jade has 91 students. Thus, there are 293|students in '2007 in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobu< ir

r a representative population that is nvestigated 144). The sample is Automotive A clas of the first madiyah 2 Borobudur Academic Year o 2006/2007.

represent the population because the suit will be e population. The writer chose 35 studdlits who are >asic competency of present perfect te n s j This is the illy


E. Sampling Technique The writer uses pr choose sample from the probability of each popu generate the result of the p This kind of sam systematic, gradual, and Cluster sampling chooses individuals that exist in th<

The 35 students being seen from the rate o the most adequate score i the consideration to chc translation mastery of the

The writer got Muhammadiyah 2 Bore understanding present



F. Data Collection Method The instruments documentation.

m e ability sampling to choose a sample. It i ulation that exists through a certain way s tion member will be recognized (It w Dulation being accurate),

ing technigue can be obtained by simj luster. Here, the writer used the eluste i group to represent population and inv group as a subject.

ig chosen are considered as a representa he score. The first year students of Auton understanding present perfect tense. Th se them because this study search tl


:his evidence from English teacher udur and investigating the students


1. Test

students of SMK Mu’ After conduct

n ;; Test is a series >f questions or exercises that is used to knowledge, intelligen< ability and aptitude possessed by an

group. Through this te t, the writer will be able to recognize the translating present pe ect tense into Indonesian language by

madiyah 2 Borobudur,

g the test, the writer scores the te

some crucial factors ir teaching and learning a second language

of teaching and learn

s at is ii level o f the student’s

distinguish students sc weak, and fail. In this means that the lowest 2. Documentation

The student aifl the community in which he lives are ns, 1990:13). Gibbons statement above v astery. Through this scoring, it will also

es, that are out standing, very good, oase, the writer uses the standard of sc cannot ignore these fac ors to succeed.


be through questions; aware about the com are expected to hear prepare the various appropriate materials The factors an a. Age

Are your students prefer to learn whose native lan adults who can b. Ability

Are there wide you use the abilit students? Can yoi because they live c. Aspirations and

Particularly with further study, cor English quickly ii being taught in E in an

English-to| |make you, especially one who teaches lore deeply ;xity of learning and teaching a language.lihe teachers mind the answers of some of these queJIions as they irts of the lessons and as they gather ogether the f instruction.

the questions that need to be answered ar



oung children who can imitate you eas through games, songs, etc.? Ar< uage habits are more deeply establish* ielped tc analyze the new language?



. b

'erences among the students in your of the bright students? How can you appeal to the ear alone? Do you need to

an English-speaking community? ds


d. Native Language completely differ present at and not sound system? language use to function words, e How is the culti address are used? e. Previous Languag

Have they studie< they know ahead} reasonably expec you are familiar?

It is obvious needs answers to thes students’ background o assist.) What are the basic phonemic fixtures of the do these contrast with English? What deBice does the how meaning? (Intonation, word orde inflection, What writing system is used? (Alphab* ? Pictures?) reflected in the language? (How ma y forms of

fliat are these based on-sex, age, social st|fus?) Experience

any other foreign language? How muc English do Did they study English in a school whe ; you might methods and materials to be the one with which

tl it an effective teacher or learning and teafln and to other similar questions. It is neede f study and their result study,


G. Dat? Analysis 1. Statistical Analysis

To analyze tl translating present pe writer uses a statistical

percentage of students’ translation ect tense sentences into Indonesian li N = Total number

The writer con problems to find out mastery in translatin Therefore, the writer 2. Non Statistical Analy

a. Factor Analysis According to Seli that are regarded They are: first, strategies of sec language commun linguistic material

a juage

ion square

icts this study by investigating and anab :ing all the aspects that most dominantly influence students’ present perfect tense sentences into| Indonesia. 1 find out the ways to minimize these pro||ems.


1) Language tra ;fer

by the mothe may exhibit i

The error soij||ce of language transfer means the errors flat are caused get language tongue interfence. The sentence in the

:erfence from the another tongue. Concerning v th the term, Richard and Samson explain

“...G< rge (1971) found that one-third senter es from second language learners could langur ;e transfer, a figure is similar to that gi (1969|and Brudhiprabha (1972).”

It would be

systematic lai ;uage interfence at this time. The role of other factors more clearly understood, it is not possil the amount oflystemic interference due to the transfer a#ne. 2) Transfer of trs ning

The transfer training is a process, which is quite language tranfler. It underlies the source of a difficulty


of t

most impossible to access the precise cBntribution of

)me of those to evaluate

Croatian spea ers at all levels of English proficiency with the he/slfl distinction, producing in their English he on almost ||very occasion wherever he or she would according to norm of English. In this case, then, error is due ( iginally to a type if transfer of tramin

ategy of second language communicatior


3) Strategies of One exampl widespread ii learners to re< According to while attempt: has, then his s speakers to be 5) Overgeneraliz:

Overgenerali o ver general iza



of cond language learning

of strategy of second language lea iany interlingual situations is a tendency ce the target language to a similar system in the result of this strategy is manifest le inter language of Indian speaker verbal or non-verbal mechanism. For vailable to the learner at the point of co

strategy due to the past experiences o m him that if he thinks about grammati g his express in English meaning whic jech will be hesitant and disconnected, npatient with him.

on of target language linguistic material on of target language linguistic material on of target language rule. It is

ting that is >n the part of


lanj known to sentence of th< Overgeneraliz interlingual e

“Richa 1 found systematic interlingual errors overge ;ralization, ignorance of rule restriction applica on of rules and semantic errors

tran: For finding the c based on the dat students. The erroi

1) Type A is achievement by expresses various

translate form lette

ge teachers. Speakers of many languag||s produce a bllowing kind in their English interlanguJfce

on of target language rules is invoked in the r, is explained by Richard:

ide of errors, the writer uses non statis performance. That is the real errors represent the problem face by students, tion error caused by language transfer, ation error caused by overgeneralization tic material.

anslation error caused by strategy of secc||d language le ming.

anslation error caused the strategy of secdld language

ical analysis, the writer classifies students’ letter symbol A, B, C, D, and E. I'h e system of achievement. In addition, it is relat: ely easy to


Percentage of dprrect

Answerf Grade Level of chievement

93-100 percent cc -ect 85-95 percent cor :ct 75-84 percent cor :ct 60-75 percent cor ct Bellow 60 percen ;orrect

A. Out standing B. Very good C. Satisfactory D. Very weak E. Fail

Out standindlachievement Above aven

Average ach Bellow aver Insufficient

;e achievement vement ;e achievement hievement

b. Problem AnalysiJro Overcome




Before analyzing and uses two ways in analyzing t In analyzing the data, the wi the data which are accurate, A. Statistical Analysis

In this study, the year of SMK Muhammad


P = — xl00% N

The above formul by the students in trans language.

Below are the rest 1) I have lived here for tl

nterpreting the data, it is better to know tHat ; data. Those are statistical and non stati

r has been so very careful to get the int to understand and will be useful.

writer collected the data from 35 student! by the first ah 2 Borobudur by using this following fflrmula:

is used to find out the percentage of thqlerrors made .ting English Present Perfect Tense int Indonesian

s of the statistical analysis: ee years.

the writer

analyse, pretation of

20 students answer coli'ectly and 15 students answers wrong. Th|| percentage of the achievement is:

— xl00% = 42,8% 35

The correct translatioi s: “A ku sudah tinggal disini selama tiga i hun


2) Simon has eaten chick n noodle twice in the dining table.

21 students answer cc -ectly, 14 students answer incorrectly. T1 of the achievement an vers is:


35x 100% =40% The correct translatiol


3) This is the most intere

13 students answer percentage of the achi


ing novel I have ever read.

orrectly and 22 students answer inctflrectly. The 'ement answers is:

35x 100% = 62,85%

Only 3 students ans\ percentage of the achf


xl00% =91,42% 35

The correct translation

is: “Simon sudah makan mie ayam 2 ali di meja

The correct translation vill be: “Ini adalah novel paling menarik

aku b aca"

4) Our guests have just afflived

r correctly. The others 32 answer inc<

ement answers is:

s: “

Tamu-tamu kita baru saja tiba'



•ang pernah


5) I have found my favoulte food in this city.

There are 14 answers the percentage of the a

21 x 100% =60%

hich are correct and the 21 answers are

evement answers is:

correct, so,


The right translation H: “Aku sudah menemukan makanan kesukaanku di

kota in i”

6) Taufik has j ust retumell from Bandung.

There are 6 answers w' ch are correct and there are 29 incorrect ^Iswers. The percentage of the achie ement answers is:


35x 100% = 82,85%

The right translation w 1 be: “Taufik baru saja kembali dari Banc 7) They have known each )ther since childhood.

7 answers are correc achievement answers i


— X100% =80% 35

The right translation

and 28 answers are false. The percei

‘Mereka sudah saling kenal sejak r, isa


age of the


8) Have we met before?


35x 100% =57,14%

The correct translat

15 answers are com t, 20 answers are incorrect. The perce tage of the achievement answers

‘P e rn a h k a n k ita b e rte i u s e b e lu m n y a

9) He is the best teacher

The right translation i 10)Tyas has waited for

n is: “Sudahkah kita bertemu sebel mnya?” or

have ever had.

19 answers are corre< and 16 answers are incorrect. The percflitage of the achievement answers

— xl00% =45,71% 35

‘Dia adalah guru terbaik yang pernah ai HiHi in front of the school.

35xl00% =37,14% The correct translatior

22 students answer cojflectly and 13 answer incorrectly. The perc achievement answers


s: “

Tyas sudah menunggu Hedi di depan ikolah



27 answers are correc achievement answers i


11) The baby has slept for

35xl00% =22,85%

The right translation is 12)Rino has not sing an


35x 100% =42,85% The right translation is 13)1 have not seen him si


and 8 answers are incorrect. The perce tage of the

‘Bayi itu sudah tidur selama 2 jam .' lish song.

b :

20 students answer fl^rrectly and 15 students answer incoi||ectly. The percentage of the achieiement answers is:

‘Rino belum menyanyi lagu berbahasa In Pns. last winter.

24 students answer cflfrectly and 11 students answer incorrec y, so, the percentage o f the achie||;ment answers is:

— xl00% =31,42% 35

The right translation is Aku belum melihatnya sejak musim dingi. lalu.


14) He has already finish*

20 students answer percentage of the achj v


35xl00% = 42,85% The right translation i

15) The students have vis

28 answers are corre<

achievement answers

— xl00% = 20% 35

22 answers are correc

achievement answers 13

his first assignment.

orrectly and 15 students answer inc< [Tectly. The ement answers is:

Dia sudah menyelesaikan tugas pertamt, iy a '

d that museum 3 times.

and 7 answers are incorrect. The perct tage of the

“.Murid-murid sudah mengunjungi m The right translation


16)Rony has met many pelple since he came here last June.

sewn itu 3

and 13 answers are incorrect. The perce tage of the

35x 100% =37,14%

The right translation is ‘Rony sudah bertemu banyak orang s eja, dia datang


26 students answer cc achievement answers


17) Mrs. Sofie has taught

35xl00% =25,71% The correct translati bulan.'’’

18) We have just met Adi

6 students answer cor achievement answers

— xl00% =82,85% 35

The right translation i 19) My Math teacher has dflven

liology for 8 months.

ectly and 9 answers incorrectly. The perc ntage of the

l is: “Bu Sofie sudah mengajar Biolo i selama 8

i Yogyakarta.

ctly and 29 answers incorrectly. The perc ntage of the

Kita baru saja bertemu Adi di Yogyakar our class 5 tests.

:ctly and 8 answers incorrectly. The perc itage of the 27 students answer co

achievement answers

— xl00% =22,85% 35

The correct translations: “Guru Matematikaku sudah memberi tes."

das kami 5


20) David Beckam has joi


some famous football clubs so far.

9 answers are correct answers is:


35x 100% = 74,28% The right translation i

nd 26 are incorrect. The percentage of le incorrect

‘David Beckham sudah bergabung deng n beberapa klub sepakbola terkenc sejauh ini.

B. Non Statistical Analysis

In order to find ou he causes o f errors, the writer employs n ti statistical analysis based on the da i performance, that is the real errors r ide by the students.

1) Type A of translatio transfer.

2) Type B of translation

error is the translation error caused l ' language

rror is the error caused by overgeneral izj|tion of the target language linguis’ : material.

3) Type C, is the translition error caused by strategy o f secor ! language teaching and learning.

4) Type D, is the transla :>n error caused by the strategy of secoi i language communication.


Percentage of Correct _______ Answer_______

93-100 percent correct 85-95 percent correct 75-84 percent correct 60-75 percent correct bellow 60 percent correct

Grade Out standing 3. Very good 3. Satisfactory ). Very weak i. Fail

Level of Achiev< lent Out standing achiever ent Above average achie\ ment Average achievement Bellow average achielfcment Insufficient achievemliit

(in Test Interpretation 1) I have lived here for t

From 35 samples, 20 15 samples answer inc 1st question is “E” (i of the correct answers 2) Simon has eaten chick 22 samples answer in 3rd question is “E” (in of the correct answers.

ee years.

idents answer correctly and the percenta meetly and the percentage is 42,8%. The

fficient achievement). It is seen from th

i noodle twice in the dining table, idents answer correctly and the percentag

tly and the percentage is 40%. The veak). It is seen from the percentage o


ng novel I have ever read


4) Our guests have just Irrived. From 35 samples, 3 samples answer inco question is “E” (ins 29 samples answer in 6th question is “E” (i of the correct answers 7) They have known eac From 35 samples, 7 s samples answer incor question is “E” (insu the correct answers. 8) Have we met before?

From 35 samples, 15 20 samples answer in

idents answer correctly and the percental ictly and the percentage is 91,42%. The gjjd icient achievement). It is seen from the

/oirite food in this city.

tudents answer correctly and the percenta 5 is 40%, 21 ctly and the percentage is 60%. The gr; le of the 5th Icient achievement). It is seen from the Jfercentage of

from Bandung.

idents answer correctly and the p ercental is 17,14%, >rrectly and the percentage is 82,85%. Thflgrade of the ufficient achievement). It is seen from tl percentage

other since childhood.

idents answer correctly and the percentad| is 20%, 28 ctly and the percentage is 80%. The grac0 of the first cient achievement). It is seen from the dlrcentage of

udents answer correctly and the percentag| is 42,85%, rrectly and the percentage is 57,14%. Thdtrade of the

is 8,5%, 32 e of the 4th ;rcentage of


9) He is the best teacher From 35 samples, 19 16 samples answer i 9th question is “E” (i of the correct answers 10) Tyas has waited for

From 35 samples, 22 8 samples answer in 11th question is “C” ( the correct answers. 12) Rino has not sing an

From 35 samples, 20 15 samples answer inc 12th question is “D answers.

8th question is “E” (i of the correct answer

ufficient achievement). It is seen from t e percentage

have ever had.

tudents answer correctly and the percenta e is 54,28%, )rrectly and the percentage is 45,71%. Th grade of the lufficient achievement). It is seen from tl ; percentage

HHdi front o f the school.

udents answer correctly and the p e r c e n t a i s 62,85%, n< >rrectly and the percentage is 37,14%. Thflgrade of the ry weak). It is seen from the percentage the correct


udents answer correctly and the percenta* is 77,14%,

C( rectly and the percentage is 22,85%. TheHrade of the erage achievement). It is seen from the rj|rcentage of

glish song.

idents answer correctly and the percentag xectly and the percentage is 42,85%. The (vlky weak). It is seen from the percentage




(v y

st 13) 1 have not seen him

From 35 samples, 24 s 11 samples answer inc 13th question is “D answers.

14) He has already finishec From 35 samples, 20 15 samples answer in 14th question is “D answers.

15) The students have visit* From 35 samples, 28 samples answer i question is “C” (averag correct answers.

16) Rony has met many pe From 35 samples, 22

13 samples answer inco 16th question is “D” (ve answers.

17) Mrs. Sofie has taught Bi From 35 samples, 26 s 9 samples answer inco

last winter.

idents answer correctly and the percentag is 68,57%, rectly and the percentage is 31,42%. Theftrade of the weak). It is seen from the percentage o |th e correct

s first assignment.

ents answer correctly and the percentag* effrectly and the percentage is 42,8%. The (v^|y weak). It is seen from the percentage o


is 57,14%, rade of the the correct

that museum 3 times.

dents answer correctly and the percentage is 80%, 7 y and the percentage is 20%. The grad^lof the 15th achievement). It is seen from the perceijlage of the



since he came here last June,

ents answer correctly and the percentage s 62,85%, ectly and the percentage is 37,14%. The dfade of the weak). It is seen from the percentage of he correct

logy for 8 months.


st ie 29 samples answer i 18th question is “D answers.

19) My Math teacher has From 35 samples, 27 8 samples answer inco 19th question is “C” (a the correct answers 20) David Beckam has join

From 35 samples, 9 26 samples answer inco 20th question is “D” (v answers.

From the statistical be seen clearly that the errors writer finds 8 questions by statistical analysis, there are achievement), “D” (below aver; From this result, grade “C” is

17th question is “D answers.

(v y weak). It is seen from the percentage


nts answer correctly and the percentage is 17,14%, 'ectly and the percentage is 82,85%. TheHrade of the weak). It is seen from the percentage olthe correct

n our class 5 tests,

ents answer correctly and the percentagi ctly and the percentage is 22,85%. The rage achievement). It is seen from the


some famous football clubs so far.

nts answer correctly and the percentage s 25,71%, ectly and the percentage is 74,28%. The Jlade of the weak). It is seen from the percentage ol#he correct

and on statistical analyse have been done e often found out. From the statistical ich the most students answers error, 3 grades that appear, they are: “C ;e achievement), and “E” (insufficient acl re ulted from 3 questions, grade “D'’ is resu


questions, and grade “E” is aken from 8 questions. Therefore, the > riter can see clearly that the errors are

sentences into Indonesian 1

11 found in ease of translating Present lar|^uage.

erfect Tense





B A. Conclusion

This research i Perfect Tense sentence i SMK Muhammadiyah 2 1. The achievement of t

SMK Muhammadiyah “poor”. It can be seen in grade “D” (means “• 2. The achievement of t language is also still b' shows the percentag( percentages result in h 50%. Therefore, the Muhammadiyah 2 Bo: Present Perfect Tense i Sources of Difficulti a. the difficulties tak

Indonesian langua

to find out the students’ errors in transk ing Present Indonesian language by the first year students of obudur.

Present Perfect Tense by the first yeal| student of Borobudur in Academic Year of 2005/ 006 is still om the analysis that the most questions l^hich result ry weak” or “poor”) are frequently found

; translation Present Perfect Tense into Indonesian ow the average. It can be seen from the rnlysis that of students’ achievement. Most of question h percentage of achievement answers, it more than vriter concludes that the first studenlll of SMK budur have a weak achievement/poor ii translating

0 Indonesian language

centage from language transfer, in this case, 18% 1 interference


b. the difficulties ta language and linj c. the the difficultie

teaching and lear d. the error from str

It is clear tha material is the domin; all difficulties. The second most difficult difficulties on 18% communication, that i

overgeneralization of the target langua t case or source of students’ difficulties ategy of 2nd language teaching and le s that is 25%. The language transfer id the 4th case is the strategy of 17% of the difficulties.

ho B. Suggestion

1. For the teachers The writer difficulties in translate a. Giving the materi known by the stud< b. Giving clear expk material, so that rules.

c. Giving more practi language.

of overgeneralization of the target istic material

take from strategy of 2nd language


:egy of 2nd language communication




s the English teachers will minimize students’ the English into Indonesian language

about the present perfect tense that ha its.

ation of every present perfect tense in students do not get confused to apply

i to translate the present perfect tense inti


2. For the students

Ten a. The writer hopes

Present Perfect b. The students alway

Indonesian languag

e students know their difficulties in tra

practise to translate the present perfect te


lating the



ess. A. Widyamartaya, Seni Mene Arikunto, Suharsimi, Prosea

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Laidon: E.J. Brill Paulina & Gibbon, Learning Sofia Rangkuti Hasibuan, Teot

Rakyat, 1991 Suryabrata, Suryadi, Psikologi


W. Stannard Allen, Living Eng


mahkan, Kanisius, 1989.

Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Prakte

m: Application and Research, New York

e o f Functional Grammar, Gerd Stabler, I t 94. odologi Penelitian Kuantitatif dalam Pd\didikan, ifindo Persada, 1996.

Learner 's Dictionary o f Current E n g lish Oxford: , 1974.

Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition k: Longman, 1974.

>ok dan Penerjemah, Yogyakarta: Kanisi ;, 1990. les R., The Theory and Practice o f Translation, 5s, 1969.

earn in a Second Language, 1990. dan Kaitannya dengan Tata Bahasa Ingg



}endidikan, Jakarta: PT. Radja Grafindo

sh Structure, Longman, 1979.




.v. Dian


Table 1

Name of Sample

Class : X Mesin

No i Name Numbdl

1 Agus Sulistyailp 0678»

2 Ahmad Arifin 1 0679™

3 Ahmad SarifuJm 0679»

4 Anang Priyadiffl 0 6 7 9 |

5 Anas Yuliantai 06790

6 Andi PratamaHf/idiatmoko 06790

7 Cahyanto 1 06800

8 Dedi Adyssa Ipistiawan 068 l l

9 Eko FebriantaB 06811

10 Fatpul Azis i 068 l l

11 Febriyanto



12 Heri Sulistio III 0682*

13 Idam M askurl 0682b

14 Jefri Ahmad 1 06831

15 Juniarto 1 06811

16 Kholip I 0 6 8 »

17 Mafbruri PriBktin 0 6 8 »

18 Masruchi Iskwidar 0 6 8 »

19 Muhammad Iflasrur 0 6 8 »

20 Mujahid Jaejlni Sidiq 06815

21 Paryono 1 068l9

22 Predianto 1 06810

23 Rahardian Hlsain 06812

24 Rifqi Kharisidin 068*4

25 Romdoni


0 6 * 5

26 Supriyadi III 0 6 » 4

27 Suripno 1 0 6 » 7

28 Usmanto


0 6 0 2

29 Yuliawan AKani 0 6 * 7

30 Yudiyantorll 06®0



Name : Nartiyan

Place/Date of Birth : Magelanj

Adress : Tuksond

Education : - TK R - MI IvJ - MTsffl

- s m k|

- State!


Table 1Name of Sample
Table 1Name of Sample


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