• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Index of /enm/images/dokumen


Academic year: 2017

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Teks penuh



Kayu Kanada












L l,lasalah




kayu yang memasuki



dalam peraturan



ke-7 tanggal

6 Juli 2007, tedamplr)

yang mengatur



sepefl tong,



olsb yang dibLrat

dari kayu yang tidak diolah,

dan dlgunakan





ini dlkenakan



mitra dagang



AS. Perlakuan






(a) pemanasan





kayo mencapai

56 derajat



30 menit,

atau (b) fumigasi






sbb I

3 .

Suhu Cticsis (g/me!er kubik)

Konsentrasi minimal (g/meter kubik) dalam

2 iarn 4 iam 12 iam 24 iam

2l derarat C atau lebih 48 36 3 l 2A 24

15 deraiat C atau lebah 42 36 28

10 deraFt C atau l€bih


48 42


1 Peraturan



yang digunakan


10 derajat

C, sedangkan




24 jam

Tefiitung mulai 5 Juli 2006, bahan kemasan

kayu yang memasuki


dan dinyatakan





ke negara




atau dipanasi

atas biaya


di Kanada.








yang kami hubungi,



dalam peraturan


ini telah sesuai







(ISPM) No 15 (Revisi


Annex 1 2006). Pengecekan

yang kami




No 15 menunjukkan





tsb (tedampir).





kayu, sebagaimana

dimuat dalam website





7 April



sbb :




Suhu Kayu







2 )am


4 lam

16 jam


atau lebih



1 7

1 4

16"C atau lebih



1 7

11'C atau lebih





1 9



tidak boleh


dari 16 jam (tedampir).


ini adalah




No 15 pada





1 dilakukan).

tjntuk dimaklumi,

dalam dua tahun terakhir

telah dua kali ekspor


ke Kanada


















dan sektor





dj atas,



4 .







Dokom.n ini dihaksudkt 3€b.ga p6doman d.Lm ,iclrksanka €9i3t blned'p F.@h6an vang tka' dnuniuk

penatlan d.n sdtirit.si !m.d.p kdnsn ksvu vsng dLglnakan dalam F ge'gklla' lododite ebpo' sGsu'i !nt.n.6ond SLnddd to. Py'osett n M.asuFs (lsPirrl 5).

http :/Aaft ntina.deptan. go.id/bahan-kemasao-kay\r'htm

Pagc I of 3

p6nggunaan kaen kayu Mik b€rupa pe! tong kavu pallel, dunnale dan s6baganva wsu' vang penlnq dalam oenla^gkuan be;;.i kFodilas Pad. umwnva kna$n kavu vang di gunak'n leDual dai k3vu rnenleh dan bemltu 6ndah seningga sangar b€rpo;nsi d6njadi fr.aa p.nb.wa o.ga.ism p€'99t'g9u t!mb!ha^ (oPT) daLam p€rdagangan Lnle'nasional khlsusnva bagl .",ang!"-","n9ga p"ngq",er kavu dan beb€€p. c€ndaen Ol€h karemnya bebe'ap' negara me^etaPkan 6vate1_sv4:1&n tindakan kalantina lumbuhan tang c!*up ketat t€rhad.P kemasan kavu t66ebul

P.neGPa. syar3rsydal dan irndakan kadnltna tlmbuhsn b'nadap kehasan tavu baik se@rt imLah maupln etunn-aluran i.1eriaso.al, mruplkln s!at! hal yang logis dan dapat dib€'aftan P'da umun'va p€neBpan svarat{va6l ddn tindakan lG6ntna rlmbuhan dibeb66pa oegara naiz b€Bftl lonwrc on.l ianp' moliohal lenis comod ta6 veng dir€ma3 Kondid inL m'ngakibatkan hambatan yang cutup saius bagi k.lancaro Fdagangan


untlk he;aat.3a hal1.66but, FAo m€dand.ng p€.1! mneltpkan 3ustu 5la'dar*b5gai podohan bagi emua negaE 'nqgobiva deLah me.gaM ;ya6t-sy.r.r dan undakrn kaBnrina tumbuhan bagi t.ma5an kat! y!n! digln.k.n !.tuk nEn$nqklr komodGs dalah psd;.ngan n1eoa3ion5t. pad. bllan 6a|it 2002, tntedn cdnAsi,l o. pr'yrbsrn,lrr irarsdEs {lcPM) mnshkan /nr€Drl'mar

sdMd;,n-w pylosu,itati M.rs,Ds (tspit l5) bniang Glrdolin os br R'guttlitq wdd M.?itg Ma/F nal i.lntefiacion.t rrcde.





07 t04n008


kndasan hrklm penyele.gFraan nndatan pdakwl dtn senifkasilerhadap temasan k'YL dal'm pe'dag'ng'n 1:enas ona! *caqal r uada.g-undang Nomor 16 T'h!n 1992 lenl.n Ka6nth' He*an lk'n &n Tumblha1

, ,*".r'-*"4 **" k Ind.nes' No 7 Tahln 1994 tentang tulilka$P6gam O'93 EasiPe'daganga' D!4'a (WTO) 3 Pe€i!;af Pemein:af Nonor 14Tahun 2m2Enlang karanhaTLrmbutun

; Ke2rusah Repubrik ndon€s'a No 22Ta\!r 1977 iu'cto k6putusah P'e3den RepJbr ( lndoresa No 45 TahJn 1990leltanq Pengesahan Konvensl P.nlndlngan Tanemal l'ternaoonal (ln lenadonat Plant Prclectt@ Ca'vehlian)

s i.puusan wcnren peru.ian No o1/Kpb/oT 210/1/2001 Lnlang o€a'iss3r dan lata veia Depanemen Penan an sebtgarman relah dub€h deng.n K€pLtusan M.'bn Penani'n No 35"KptdOI210.72001

o. - _

x"pur"*n u-1". p"danran No 99fipl6/Or'21012/2001 ieittng kele'gk' Fn otgenresi dan Ttla K'rla Oepaneden PetunEn seb.g.;dana telai dubah deng.n kepurFan Menlen P'nani'n No 3541/XpwOT 210/7,2ooi

7 ;$53al N Arar 1 Hurll (a) Konvensi Pedmdunqan Tsnanan l'lemasional ('nteD6tion d "tsnl Pat'ction ConvahLon)

s lspMrls lnremabonat sr.ndad tor pytosan an Measure! bnrang Gudelkes lu Regrlatkg wotd Packaging Maleatt in tnlenacbnal ftd.

l. fonrodlt ! drn s.rirnb3i

K o h o d i | a s y a n g p e d ! d $ n i f r a s i a d 6 | a h s d u 6 k e m a $ n k a y u y a n g i e b u a t d a i k a y u f l e i t a h b a k b € r u p a p € t . b n E k e y u ' p e n o P a n g ' penlganjal dan3Een6nt.yang d€lnaka. d.lan pengtngkutan kqnod |as eksPor

oike;likan dari telentuan le6ebd di .tab adabh kanassn kay! vang i'6!at da kavu yang diolah dengan denggunsk3n percfiat p6n.s, darvatau Lkrna. s6p€d kavu apc (pi^Md) v6Eer. da' pt id€ board attu kevu vang kelebatan klranE dan 6 hm

Pe.|ak!a.blnadapkfr.sankayuy.ngdbliakanda|adPenginmankdnod{as€kspo.di|aklrand.nga.sa|ehs.t!dan|edua€ra sebaq.inaB €Bebtn drbawah in ;

a Pemanen(H..1lEtnonl)

P4ana6anh,rusd|.kuk.nd.hmgaknjd6nst)huy.ng@kup3ghin€g,lempeEfureinllka'!(yoodco6t6m0€fa|u|e)nl.nc.p.l s€tu6ng*urang.ydnniroI55!c*|.maseto6ng*UEngny./minima|30nEnits!n.renuru.tank.da'ai'kayohingga*l|ng. insinya 20 %. Kh4.tiog IKO\ dan cJsm,b.i Asssure tnpF,gnatin lCPl) dap't drangqap lGtlakutn pema'$an tpabia mamenuhi slandatd dan cp€silik.si 6€p.rli l66.bu1 dittr3

Fuhgasi mo.ggunakan m.!.lbtmir. (CHrgr) dengan dosi! 3dtgr bonkut:

Senilikasi Bahln Kemasan Kalu Page 2 ofi


0 , 5 j . m 2 i.m tg/m!)pd i6 irm

:13 36 71 1 7 ta

56 12 2A 20 1 f

4A 32 1 9

s u h u r u a . g . n d . n s l h u t . y u p . d . ! 3 a t f u m ' 9 6 i h s D s b e n d . d i n a 3 1 0 . c d . n * . k f u p . | . k s , n a a n | U h i g a s i t d a * b o | a h x u 6 n 0 d . d 1 6 j a m , F u m i l B i h . f u s d | | ' k s s m k a n o t h P € r u 3 a h 6 a n f m | g , 6 i ( F u m i g a t o 4 y a n g t . | a h d i r . g i . u . s l o | . h B . d d K & a n t i n a

Seninka3t dit.tukan ot6h proui.n y.ng momproduksi tenassn tayu Oacr€giig hous) .las penu.jutrn Kep.L. aadan K.6rlin. Pedania. d.ngt. mdbubuhke. togorcap (m.!king) pad. kenae. kay! s€ba9imln va'g itlc3nlum b€r kut ini :


http ://karantina.deptan. go.id,6ahao-kemasan-kayu htm


to ttoo IIT DB




Se(ifikasi Bahan Kemasan KaYu Pagc I ofl

c /z'1

07 /04t2008

rD ooo : Nodor reg stEsi Perusan Keoasan Kayu HT HeatTcatrenl

M8 Me arom'da 0B r hbtrk.d

ooc{oo{oo ld.ntrikasi x.mrsan lqyu

hnp ://karantina.dcplan.Bo.id,6ahan-kcmasan-kaF.htn


iuid.lin.s lot t F lding totd Ptr.EkF ertoi b i^kdttia"I ttcd'

,r'IIiI | (FcCifi.d it 10tf) A : i , j . a i , ; O l l f l ^ S . R i a / ' ! S ; i n : i i ? - t : ; ' l i 3 : l l ? / ' ' L ' 1 : ; : ' l G ' r ' ' I : ! P : 4 i

-Wood pa.kaging narcrisl slaruld be h€alcd in a@rd.nce sirh a speciic rn'*knF:'lrtrc schedulc rh achirlc\ a

r;"i^,,'r *"ia i-" "rp".*. of56'c ror aminimumol30 hinur6r'

Liln-dflin! (KDl, chenicd prctsud implegMlron (CPI). or oftd ucarnenb n') h' ansidded HT !e'hcnl3 lo lhc

"ii*r 'i'"ir'." .*' *" lr .F<.ilicarbN For crdplc. cPl na) nttt th' HI sFtificalion dmud' dc usc orsr@

I lcar rcaftcnt is iftli@led bt rh. mdl HT. (s. Amc\ il)

:t't.rir; brniaiil4tsl rcriSltiotr [o: eoo.i ]i.krs:ry r.l.i.: (rcdili.d in 23'6')

The wood pact tins dalctial sholld bc inirate! $irh meihvl brumidc. Th. r'athcnt is indicarcd bv rhc Drk Ma rr'e mlnin'n soOuO fot mclhy! bromid. tumi8arion ltcatn.d for w@d packaging maEial n 6 follows:

il i.:d!m 6!c.d:81!oE (r/;'1.::

l r n . l . r a l l 2 5 a . l 1 ! ! q

48 l 6 l t 28 24

5 5 35 t2 2E

t0.c 64 4E 36 32

The nininun t.mp.ratw slDuld mr b.lcs rhe l0"C.nd th. ni.imum exposw tm. should b.21hou* ofconc.dralioN should becmi.dolnara miniBumat 2,4 dd 24 h]s.

!-sr oa ms! tlErilic.r! ?a3l! t rB.lcd by HT .!d M 3

Mmbc6 of rh. follovins pcsl groups ssociorcd wirh $@d palllgin8 marcdal c p.a.ticdlv eliminalcd MB rcarhol in a.cotdm with th. spdifiqliont littcd abovc:

Llctida. {sith somc cxc.DtioN fq HT)

R'B@het.rchB nloDhtl6

t A -inin'n 6E rMtsEM ol56'C for r minihur ofSO Diu, i! chos in mBids.lid oflhc !i& elc oft6$ ror {ich lns onbinijo. is &@...d ro bc l.rh.l ud ! @hhcrcidly tsibL @lEn Arhdd n i r@8nn.! rhd sd. Ftt rc knoM lo h!( r tistF rn nd rol.dc., qldr'F FsB in lhie .i.8ory t neagcd bt NPPO! on | @ bt @ ba's '

wh@ ! Evi!.d !.hcdd. it adopLd fot ucuncnl ofe@d P!*.€in8" |!.l.nd ulc.d od.r lh. PEvioa Ed,Dal eh.dur. do.3 n.r n.cd !o b. @.d.{ cftd.n or !@rifi.<l

tnt.^cL,C 96d.Ebto. Ptt@u.,, MNra

Vcv-oogr.BB BAG B.max


lrl ilH,H"



This dirccrive ptovidcs the requiremcnts fol the entry for all wood packaging materials including dunnage, pallcis or crating madc {iom non_manufactuEd wood entcring Canada ftom all are3s exceDt the contin.ntal Unitcd St tls (US)

Thh reekion ts,o provi.L oplioful dkposol Pmcedures lor siiP bone dutnag' nol "Ec ng the antry ftqub.a''nls,



KrA 0t9{T.l: 6ll-22t2342: FAX: 613'228-6602)




July 6' 2007

(7n Revision)

Iitlc: Entry Requiremcnts for wood Packaging Materials Produced in All Ar€a5 othet Than

lhe Continental United Statcs

-VCV-0081'BB BAG 8-max


I of 20



Table ofContcnts


A m e n d m e n t R e c o r d . . . . - , . . . 3

D i s t r i b u t i o n . . . . . . . . . 3

I n r o d u c l i o n . . . . . . 1

S c o p € . . . - . . . - . . - . . . . . 4

References . . . . . . 4

Definitions, Abbreviations and AcroDyms . . . . . . - . . . . 4

1 . 0 G e n c r a l R e q u i r e m e n l s . . . 6

l . l L e g i s l a t i v c A u l h o r i t y . . . . . . 6

1.2 Fccs . . . . 1 . 3 R € g u l a t e d P e s t s , . , . . . . . . . 7

1.4 Rcgulaicd Commoditics . . . 8

1.5 Commoditics Exempt . . . 8

1 . 6 R e g u l a t e d A r € a s . . . 8

2 . 0 s p e c i f i c R e q u i r c m c n b . . . 8

2.1 Entry of Urtreated Non-Msnufacturcd wood Packaging Materials . . . E 2.2 Enlry ofTrcared Non-Manufa.turcd wood Packaging Malerials ... 8

3 . 0 I n s p e c t i o n R e q u i r c m e n b , . . . 9

4 . 0 N o n C o m p l i a n c € . . . l 0 5.0 Lisl ofAppcndices Appendix I - Approv.d Mcthods ofTrcatment for Entry into Canada . . . . Appendix 2 . Systcms Acccptable for lhc Marking ofTrcded wood packaging m a t c r i a l s . . . . . . 1 3 Appcndix 3 - Mcthods for the Disposal or P.ocessilg ofNon-Complia Ship Bome D u n n a g e . . . . . . 1 5 Appendix 4 . Application for Padicipation in a Designated Facility in the Non-Compliant Ship Bome Dunnage Disposal and Proccssiog Program . . , . . . , . . . 18

Appendix 5 - Samplc ofcertificatc Authodzing Movsment ofNon{ompliant Ship Bomc DunMgc . . . 20



VCV-0081-BB BAG B-max

PaBc 2 of20



lhis dircctive willbe t€vie$'ed cvery five ycars, unless otherwise needed The next date ofreticw is July z. 1012. The conbcl for this directive is Joanne Rousson For funher information or clarificarion, pleasc conlact thc Forcstry S€ction


l .

2-1. .4.

Amendncnt Rccord

Amcndmeots to lhis dircctive will be dated and disttibutcd as ourlincd in the distribution bclow' Distdbulion

Directivc mail list (Regions, PHRA, USDA) Provincial Govemrnent, Industry (via Arcas)

National Industry Organiz tions (dctcmin.d by Aulhor) Intcmet


The risk rcpresented by q,ood packaging matcrials and dunlage varies depcnding on the quality, conditioning and dcgrce offinishing ofthc wood Th€ better lhc quality ofwood uscd, the less likely il is thar thc w;od packaging materials may tlc infested wilh serious pc$s. Many cxotic plant pcsls have becn itterceptcd on wood dunnagc, pallets, crating oi othet wood packaging matcrials. Exampfes of pfanl quarantine pcsts interc'.pteA inc|udei AnoPlophoro chinensis' ,lnoptophon glabripennis, Ips tyPograPhus, Hylastes ater, Monochamus sp., Trichgferus aazrpasnis and others. The introduction ofthc Asi3,I.long'ho'l|,edbaetle (A tplophoru gloiripemis), pinc shootb('',tL (Tonicus piniperdal, cmcrald ash borcr (lgrihlt planipennk\ -and

otlcr cxotic pests now establishc-d in pans ofNorth Am€rica can b€ linkc-d lo inrcmarional shipmenls containing wood Packaging materials.

vcv-0081.88 BAG B.mar

Page 3 of20


p""i.gi"e t^rctirl. rn"t ing in r ntcrn3tionr l com mcr' c Thiq documcnt tirled -ISI'lI il5 E"ii,iinl" fo, nrt:,tot,ng t+ood Patk'tgng Marerial M tntc ational Trude r€cognizcs rhe ii"""i *'.i .ltit'".t* iited *irh rhc iiremarional movement ofuntreatcd t!ood paclaging rn"i"a"Ll eitf'""gft trtit "andard docs nol obliEate countries lo cslablish regulatory conlrols thc cuidelinc represents a mcchanism b) $hich any country may cstablish reg u lalor). conlrols .rn a ;anncr fiat is internalionally harmonized lhis Canadian impon polic) rcllecl! thc gur'lellnes cstablished in 1SPM,\b. .15.

Thk policy does nol r€gulalc wood packa8ing matcrials originaling in lhe US As-prcscribed in lsf,li.vo. i.l, crnoou ttis cstablished bilaleral ph,4osaniLary measurcs $ith lhe US 'q-ddilionally' existing ph)rcsanitary imPon measures apPl)ing to forest prcducts Produced in lhe US provrd€s su{Icrent ph}losanitary prolection lo Canada

t n | , t o , . t ' z o o : . ' t . " I n ' . , i m c . ' m m | 5 s | c n ( , n P h ) l o s 4 n . l 3 D l \ l e a s u r c j o I t I c I n t e r n a | i o n : ' l P l ' r n t Proteitiun Conr enrion endorsed a stairJrtd Prrscribing uniform Icgulrr.\r!. t9"ll:1.:1."::"

This dircctive is for use by Canadian impoders' Canadian cusloms brokers' CIIA inspecrors, Canada Border Senices ASedcy' foreign exporters and national plant protection o€anizations.




D-98-08 Rer'ision

The e\1emal laycr ofa woody plant not including thc vascular carnbium which has ihe potential to hatt our pests.

Refcrcnccs - ISPM #I5, Cuidelines lor Regulating Wood PockzSing llfoterial in

Internaio;na! Trade (2 02) with modifications 10 Annex I (2006) Rome, 2002'


- Canadian Food lnsPectiot Agency D'02'12,Inpo require ents oJ non-nanulacrured wood and orher rcn-propagative wood products, except solid wooi packaging naterial' lrom all arean other thun the continental Uniled Srarer. Odawa, 2005

- Canadian Food Inspcctior Agency. D'03'02, Conadian Heot Treated wood Products Ce iication Progran (CHTVPCP)' O'trawa. 2005

This diredivc sup€rsedes D-9t-06 (6't Revision), drted July 24' 2006'

Th€ requiremetts for the importrllon ofolhcr for€st products (including lumber, decorative wood itcms, eac.) are providcd id policy directive D-02_12'

Defi nitions, Abbrevhtions end Acroryms

Alldcfiiitionsconlain€detithinthePlantPrclectionAclandPlantPrctectionRegulations'the North American Plan! Ptotcction Orgsnizatiorl Glossary of Phtlosaniury Terms' ISPM, Pub' 5'

2006 are included in rhis document

vCV'0081-BB BAG B.max

Page 4 of20


Jul\ 6.20{ll

BarL-free $ood





Deshnsted facilify


Her3 Trerltrr€trt


(7" Revision

Wood fronl Nhich all barl c\cluding the vas.ular cambium, ingro\r'n barl around knots, and barl pocke(s bct\\'een rinSs ofannual gro$lh has been removed. (ISPM Pub. No.5, F-AO, 2006)

Canada Border Seflices Agcncy canadian Food Inspcction Agency.

A type ofplant. plart product, or otber aniclc being moled for lrade or other purposc, (ISPM Pub. No. 5. FAO. 2006)

Removal of bark from round wood (debarling does oot necessarily make the wood bark-f.cc), (ISPM Pub. No. 5, FAO, 2006)

A facility oflicially approvcd by the CFIA to perform activities staled in ftis policy,

wood packaging malerials us€d to secure or support a commodily but which docs Dot reDain associal€d wilh the commodity. (ISPM Pub. No. 5, FAO, 2005)

The process in which a commodi9 is healcd until it r€ches a minimum temperaturc for s minimum pciod oflime according to an omcially recognized technical spccification. (ISPM Pub. No. 5, FAO, 2006)

Intcmational Staidard for Ph)tosanitary Measures No. 15, Guidelircs lor Regulatint Wood Pactaging Material in InlematioMl Trode

A proc-css in which wood is dried in a closed chambcr usinS heat and/or humidity control to achicve a rcquircd moisturc content. (ISPM Pub. No. 5, FAO, 2006)

Ship bome dunnage

Anicles comprised $'holly ofwood-based products such as plyrvood, patiiclc board, oricntcd strand board, veneer, wood wool €rc., which have bccn cr€atcd using gluc, heat and prrssurc or a combination thereof. Na(ional Plant Protection Orgrmization.

tsPM 15


I,06. Wood Du!nage

Marufacturcd rood


VCV-0081-BB BAG B.mar

Page 5 of20


Iulr 6.1ttl?


(7" RelisioD

Oflicial scrvice eshblished b) a governmcnl lo discharge lhe functions specified by the lnlernational Planl Proleclion Convenlion.

The proccss ofevaluating biologicalor otbet scientific and cconomic cvid;nce to determine whether a pest should be regulated and the suenglh ofany ph''tosanitary me-asures to be taken against it (ISPM Pub. No. 5' FAO, 2006)

wood packaging compliant whh the slandards oflSPM l5 in $hich a ponion oflhe \lood packaging is replaced with Dew $ood.

Wood *hich has not undcrSone processing o.treatnen(. (ISPM Pub No. 5, FAO,2006)

Wood not sa\{4l longiludinally, carying its natural rounded surface, with or without bark. (lsPM Pub. No. 5, FAO, 2006)

Wood cariied on a mdrinc vessel and used lo secure or suppon a commodity

bul docs not rcmain with thc commodity.

Unueate4 raw wood fragments broken or shrcddcd from logs or branches

wood or wood prodocts (cxcluding paper producs) tlscd in supponing, protecting or carrying a commodity (includcs dunnagc). (ISPM Pub. No. 5, FAO,2006)

Wood chips, sawdust or other ocess€d wood producl used to stabilize a commodity.

i\_alionel Planl Prot€ction Organi7ltion

Pest risk rtrrlysis

Reco'lditioned Wood Packagitrg

Raw rrood

Rouod wood

Sbip Borne Durnrg.

Wood chips

Wood prckrging m.terial

Wood prckitrg

1 . 0

l . l

Gen€ral Requiremcrts

Legisl.tive Autbority

ne Pbnl Protection Act, S.C. 1990, c 22 The Plant Ptutection Regulatiot\s, S.O.R./g 5-2 ) 2

Canadian Food Inspect ion ,lgency Fees Notice, Conada Gazzoe, Pa I (05/l3/2000)

VCV.0081.BB 8AG B.mar

Page 6 of20


lnlv 6.2001





The CFIA is chatging fees in accordancc with thc ('dnodian Food Inspection lSenc) ties ,vortu€, \ahich may also be collccted by CBSA FoT information regarding fees associated with irnponed products, please contac! the Impon Se^ice C€ntres (lSC) at the following ohonc numbers: Eastem ISC l-677-493-0468; CentrallSC I-800-835'4486; Westem ISC

l-888-732-6222. Anyoo€ .equiring other information rcgarding fees may contacl any local CFIA ollice or visit our Fecs Nolice web Sile :


R€!lat€d Pests

Numerous. Thc following are examplcs ofquarantine pests rcgulated by Canada and ofien associalcd with rvood packaging:


Asi.n long-homcd bcelf e (4noplophoru Slabripennist

Barkbeetlcs (lps Oqgaphus, Hyla es ater,Tonicla piniperda)

Boi^gbcetles (Tetnpium caslanermt Tetropium futcun. Tricholetus canpest s, Monochanus altenatus, Monochamus sp.,

Emc6ld Ash Borer (lgths plonipennis (Failln,airc)), Cygsy moth (Lynantria dtrpar, Asian biotype)

Mulberry whit-spotted longicofi (Arnplophon chinetLtis) N,rn moLh (Lwant a nonacha)

Rosy gypsy moth (Lynatio malhurd) Sircx woodwasp (Sirer ttodl,o) Other wood boring wasps (Si/er spp.)


Wal.rmark disease of willo\\ (Eruinia salicis\ Baclerial canker of poplar (Xanlhononas populi\

An unnamed dis€ase affecting alde, in Enrope (Phytophthora sp., Sudden Oak Dead (Prltoprlhora nmomm\

Dulch Elm Discasc (Opliostomd ulml, O, noro-ulm,

Any orher pcst listed on Canada's list ofregulat€d pests. Caoada's list ofrcgulaled pests may be oblained on the world widc web at:

www.inspcction.gc.calenglisl/plavcg/prctecl,4istpespare.shlml. 1.3

VCV-0081-88 BAG B.max

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l'' Rcrision

I . 4 Regula(cd Commodilies

\\'ood packaging materials conslrucled from thc tlood otan) plant species lhal are not manufallued. including dunnage, Pallels. spacers. bearcrs. craling ?1c

Nole: $ood packaging materiab uscd for tbc lraosport oflombcr are also regulNtcd by lhis policy. Ho$cver, logs, wood with bark allached, lumbcr, rlood chips' brrk cirips, b.mboo products, dccorelive wood items, concs rr-ithout seed rod other forest pioduct impo s ar€ r€gulated by policy direcrir'€ D-02-12.

Conmodities Drempt

All uood packaging mat€nals construcled endrely from manufacored wood including: dunnage, patlets, spaccrs, bearets, crating, etc. All wood packaging mderials construclcd ofwood ofless than 6mm in lhickness

Wood packing

Regulat€d Areas

All countries olherthan thc conlinental Us.

Specific R€quiremetrts

EDtry of Udtreated Non-MrDufectured Wood Packrgi!8 Materials

The importation or movement in-transil through canada ofnon_manufactured wood packaging malctials which has not b€en trealed in accordatce with APpcndix I (or thos€ prescribed in th€ lnlemational Srandard for Phyosanitary Mcasurcs No. 15) from any area oflhe world excluding the continenral US is prohibited.

The importation ofnon-manufaclured wood packaging materials which has not been trearcd in accordance with Appendix | (or those prescribed in the lntemational Standard for Ph)losanhary Measures No. l5) originating from arcas other than lhe con(inenlal US but trdnsiting lhrough the continental US and enter;ng Canada is prohibit€d.

Enlry of Trceted NoD-Medufrctured Wood Peckegirg Materials A Permit to lmport is not requir€d.

A Ph),losanitary Certificaie is not .equired. A Phytosanilary Certificate may be used as an allcmalive to the marking syslems prescribed below.

1 . 5

1 . 6


2 . 1


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rh R(\ision

6. lo0'7


All non-nunufactured $ood packaging nratcrials (as delincd in section I 1) maj'entcr Canada Drovidcd the nralerial has been ofticiall) lrcalcd b! one ofthc mcthods sPecified in Appcndix L A togo or mark, oflicially cndorscd by thc NPI'O oflhe country ftonr whi;h the wood packaging matcrials originales must be permanently afllxed lo each unil ofwood packaging materials. Morc delails on lhc mark are provided in Appendix 2 A Ph)tosanitary Cedificale may be used in lieu ofa loSo or mark as prescribcd aboYc.

Replacemcnl $ood used in reronditioned wood packaging materials must b€ trealcd prior 1o cxport by a facility endoNed by lhe NPPO ofthc exponing country. The ollicial mark oflhe facility conducting $e treatment oflhe replacement Nood musl be affixcd lo thc wood packaging materials.

The NPPO oflhe country from which lhe wood packaging materials originates must havc a ccrtillca(ion system in place for lhe approval and moniloring oflacililies producing wood packaging malerials to meel intemational standards. This ccniflcation systcm musl ensurc that the wood packaging materials or wood uscd in re'conditioned rvood packaging materials arc trcated in accordance with one oflhe nethods specified in APpendix I Facilities must be approved by the NPPO to affix a mark to fic t.eated wood packaging malerials. Tlc syslem ofmarking musl conform to thc spccificalions laid oul in Appendix 2. The NPPO musl arrange to providc to CFIA on regulat basis an uPdated list of

facilities endorsed by lh€ NPPO (e.& an NPPO may atrange to provide a web_sile address where lisls are mainlaincd).

Importers may determinc cligible shippers of wood packaging ma(erials by Yisiting the CFIA web site al:

http://www. inspection.gc.calenglish/plaveg/for/cwpc/ispmn imp I 5e.shtml.

Ship borne dunnage should bc ofiicially trealed by one ofthc mcthods spccificd in

Appcndix L It is recognized thal not all countries possess lhe capacity to treat ship-born€ dunnage as per thc specificalions identified in this policy. Non-compliant ship-bome dunnage must bc rctained aboard lhe marine vess€l or djsposcd offin lhe manner specified in Seclion 4.1 .

ldspccliotr Rcquiremc[ts

Inspcctors will veriry rhat non-manufaclured wood packaging materials are marked appropriately or accompanied by appropriate c€nification documents and lhat the non-manufactured wood packaging matcrial docs not contain any pcsls or signs ofliviDg pcsls.

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VCV'0081-BB BAG Lmax



7'r Relision

tu\ t :firl

l .

3 .


Melhods for the Disposalor Proccssing of r'_on_complianl Ship Borne Dunnage

CSSA may pennit rbe movement, disposal or processing ofnon-compliant ship bome dunnage provided $at facilities capable ofnreeting the standards prescrib€d hcrcin exist to conduct the disposal or processing. All costs incuned in the certification, inspection, moniloring, lransport, disposal and/or proccssing ofthis malerial must bc absorbed by the pemon or organization having custody oflhe ship bome dunnage al lhc timc ofentry inlo Canada. The malerial musl be disposed ofor processed in a manner that ptcvcnts thc en(ry or introduclion ofpests into Canada. The following methods may be used lo dispose or paocess non-compliant ship bome dunnage:

. incinemtion orj

. deep burial within a period prcscribed by an inspeclor but not exceeding 3 days lo a deplh ofno less than thrce metres that will not be dislurbcd, {non-compliant ship bome dunoage musl be immedialely covered with soiVdin) or,

. processing to producc wood by-products such as wood dust. wood mulch (where the mulch is not to bc distribut€d into the environment as a soil addilive), wood fucl, paper mulch, recycled fibrc wood and orient€d strand board or;

The CBSA is responsible for moniloring the disposalofsiip bome dunnage.

Slor-age ofNon-Complianr Ship Bome Dunnage While Awailing Disposal or Processing Non-compliant ship bomc dunnage must be, at all times slorcd in a closcd conbin€r that is effective in prevenling pesls from entering into the cnvironment. Storage arcas ofnon-compliant ship trome dunnag. musl b€ isolated from othcr domestic wood commodities, marerial that has already uadergonc p.ocessing and adjacenl forcsted lands by no less than 30 mclrcs. Storage is only permitted until lhe m6terial can be appropriately disposed ot processed as specificd iD I above. An inspcclor will spe.ify the rime limit for storage on a Movement Ccnificai. issued to the peKon or organization having cuslody ofthc ship bome dunnage.

Transponation ofNon-complianl Ship Bome Dunnage from Poinl ofEntry to the Site of Disposal or Processing.


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D-98-08j'r RerisioD





in section

I 0fAppcndi\


b) trhich


shii bome dunnage is lo be handled. $c materiol may only be rnorcd by a transnortcr lhal is aoorored br CFIA 3s speciilcd on a Movemtnl ( cnilicatc issued (o thc person ol oreun;rution trrting currody of thc n,rn-comphanl ship bomc dunnage'lhe\\ood must bc -Jved in a closed ionrainer direclly to th€ sile at wbich dispo$l or processing is go'ng 1o take Dlace.

slecific ReqLirements fot Dispo\al or Procc\\in8

Facili(ies sloring, disposing or processinS non'compliant shiP bome dlnnagc by the methods describcd in Seclion I ofAppendix 3 must comply \rilh the follo\\ing

. The d€signalcd facility undenaking disposal or processing must have completed an Application for Participation as specified in Appendix l This application, if a;cepted by CFIA, shall bE signed by an inspcctor con firming $e facility's pan;ipatioo in the program Untit rhe tacility is aPproved, non-complianl imported ship bome dunnage may not be moved to thc facility'

. Designatcd facililics must undcrlakc all disposal or processing in a Caoadian establishment designated on the APplication for Panicipalion

. Dcsignated facilities must afford inspeclion stalT full co'operatioo for fte purposcs ofcarrying out audits, inspeclion, sampl. collcction, pmduct inspcctions'

interviews of stafr, elc.

. CFIA will only permil dcep burial, iflhe non-compliant ship bomc duntlage is buried al a minimum depth of3 mclres (musl be covered with 3 metscs ofsoil) The wood mun be buried at a sitc where lhe re-excavation oflhe material will not occur and whcre any covcnanls required on land title 1o ensuae that re<xcavation does not occur can be complcted. Wood must not be leR exposcd wilhin the bur;al pit

. Any sbip bome dunnagc that is nol processed, including secondary producls produccd during processing, musl bc disPoscd ofin $re manner aPproved by a CFIA inspecto. as specified in lhc Applicalion for Panicipation in the Non-compliant Ship Bome Dunnagc DisPosaland Processing Program (Appendix 4) . Thc period in *hich disposal or proc€ssing may be caricd oul may b€ extended by

a cBSA inspeclor, provid€d the designated facility has additional m€chanisms 10 mitigale thc distribution ofPests or ther€ exisls environmenlal condilions which prcciude the distribution of pcs15 (e g Pcriods may bc extcnded during thc winter in some pa(s ofthe country). A CBSA inspector wiU provide in writing thc pcriod by which disposal or processing must b€ comPleled

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D-98-087tr Revision l)csignalcd facililies must immcdiatell notil'a local CllA ofl'ice upon lhe dereclion ol any unusual pests on non'compliant shiP borne dunnage a1 the disposal or processing faciliry.

'fhe designated facility musl maintain records pertaining lo the handling. sloragc, processing or disposal ofnon'comPliant ship bornc dunnage for a minimum of2

)ears-V C )ears-V - 0 0 8 1 - B B B A G B m a x

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