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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Inayatul Nur Rosyidah

Reg. Number: A73212115










Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Inayatul Nur Rosyidah

Reg. Number: A73212115







Rosyidah, Inayatul Nur. 2016. “Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-tweets on Twitter”. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Raudlotul Jannah, M. App. Ling

Key Words: Deixis, Liverpool FC, Live-tweets, Twitter

This research analyzes about deixis. Deixis is reference of an expression that points to the time, place, or situation in which a speaker is speaking. The means of pointing and indicating has close relation with how words are put into the context. In this research, the researcher focuses on deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter. This research tries to answer two research problems. First, what types of deixis are used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter? Second, what are the interpretations of deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter?

In this research, the researcher uses theory from Stephen C. Levinson (1983). He stated that there are five types of deixis, they are person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. This research uses a descriptive method in analyzing the data because the researcher describes and explains each type of deixis in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter.



Rosyidah, Inayatul Nur. 2016. “Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-tweets on Twitter”. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Raudlotul Jannah, M. App. Ling

Kata Kunci: Deixis, Liverpool FC, Lini Masa, Twitter

Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang deixis. Deixis adalah referensi dari sebuah ekspresi yang menunjuk ke waktu, tempat, atau situasi dimana pembicara berbicara. Cara menunjuk dan menunjukkan memiliki hubungan dekat dengan bagaimana kata-kata dimasukkan ke dalam konteks. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti berfokus pada deixis di lini masa Liverpool FC di twitter. Penelitian ini mencoba menjawab dua masalah penelitian. Pertama, apa jenis deixis yang digunakan di lini masa Liverpool FC di twitter? Kedua, apa interpretasi dari deixis yang digunakan di lini masa Liverpool FC di twitter?

Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan teori dari Stephen C. Levinson (1983). Dia menyatakan bahwa ada lima jenis deixis, yaitu person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixisdan social deixis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dalam menganalisis data karena peneliti menggambarkan dan menjelaskan setiap jenis deixis di lini masa Liverpool FC di twitter.















CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of The Study...1

1.2 Research Problems...5

1.3 Research Objectives...5

1.4 Scope and Limitation... 6

1.5 Significance of the Study...6



2.1.Theoretical Framework...8

2.1.1 Pragmatics ... 8

2.1.2 Deixis...9

2.1.3 Types of Deixis...11

1. Person Deixis...11

a. First Person...11

b. Second Person...12

c. Third Person...12

2. Place Deixis... 13

3. Time Deixis...14

4. Discourse Deixis...14

5. Social Deixis...15

2.1.4 Twitter... 16

2.2.Review of the Related Studies... 17


3.2 Research Instruments...19

3.3 Data and Data Source...20

3.4 Data Collection...20

3.5 Data Analysis...21




a. First Person...23

b. Second Person... 28

c. Third Person... 31

4.1.2 Place Deixis...35

4.1.3 Time Deixis...40

4.1.4 Discourse Deixis...43

4.1.5 Social Deixis...46

4.2 Discussion...48


5.2 Suggestion...53




This chapter presents background of study, research problems, research

objective, significance of the study, scope and limitations and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Spoken or written language sometimes can be ambiguous to a hearer or a

reader. Some people deliver their utterances with direct meaning, but others may

deliver their utterances by using the words that cannot be understood directly. Some

people may deliver utterances to convey a certain meaning but, the others interpret it

with different meaning. People might become misinterpret about what speaker says.

Such cases deal a lot with pragmatics.

Pragmatics studies about intended meaning of the utterances which is not

obviously spoken. Pragmatics focuses on utterance meanings which are used in

communication between a speaker and a hearer. The speaker suggests a meaning, and

the listener assumes the correct intention. Leech (1983:1) said that pragmatic is about

how language is used in real or actual communication. It also can be defined as the

study of how utterances have meaning in certain situations.

In certain situations, words can have a certain meaning. Meaning is the idea

that delivered to convey what the speaker says. Getting meaning is an important thing



phrases can be understood directly but, sometimes it cannot be understood directly

and should be interpreted well in order to get the goal of the context used.

One of the cases above is often related to deixis. Deixis is reference of an

expression that points to the time, place, or situation in which a speaker is speaking.

The use of reference in an utterance that is not clear or lacking of description often

makes a hearer confused or even makes a hearer do not understand the conversation.

Unclear reference can cause the ambiguity of the utterance that will make the

conversation becomes misunderstanding and the message of the conversation could

not be achieved.

Deixis refers to the situation which needs contextual information in

understanding the meaning of certain words and phrases in an utterance. Levinson

(1983:54) stated that deixis means pointing or indicating. The means of pointing and

indicating has close relation with how words put into the context. It is often and best

described as verbal pointing, that is to say pointing by means of language. For

example, I want this dish, this dish, and this dish. To interpret this utterance, the

writer must have information about who I refers to, about the time at which the

utterance is produced, and about what the three noun phrasesthis dishrefer to.

It is easy to understand a context of discourse if the reference is clear, but it is

difficult to comprehend if the reference is not clear. A hearer occasionally is not

familiar with expression used by speaker. Sometimes the speaker assumes that the

hearer understands about what is talked about, meanwhile the hearer doesn’t



words in the situational terms, related to the context of the participants such as

temporal, spatial, social and so on in communication process. It makes it easier to

view the thought of the speaker that is being delivered in the communication.

Deixis is not only found in spoken language but also in written language. In

the past, people have a conversation by direct contact. Nowadays, people do not only

communicate with each other face to face. Since the development of the technology

in this global era, people can communicate through the screen of their gadgets.

Almost all people have mobile phone that allows them to speak with somebody

whenever and wherever they want. They do not have to meet to communicate and

talk about what they want to share. They simply log into their social media account

and have a chat with their friends and families.

Social media is a trend and very popular these days, often described as what

people post on sites and applications which is required an internet connection like

facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat, line, and others. Social media does not just

give people information, but interacts with others while giving that information.

Almost all people these days have a social media account that allows them to connect

and communicate with all the people around the world no matter how far apart they


One of the social media sites where many deictic expressions are found is on

twitter. Twitter is one of the most popular social networks in the world today. People

use it to talk with friends and to be update with the news over the world. Twitter



which is status update that posted during ongoing event such as in a football match,

press conference, TV show, etc. Sometimes the live-tweets that contain deixis cannot

be understood directly and should be interpreted to avoid misunderstanding. This

research has done to analyze live-tweets in one of the football club official account,

namely Liverpool Football Club.

The study of deixis has done several times before. There are many researchers

did this research on the same field, yet they had different subjects and different or

similar theories. The study of deixis was conducted by Yuliawati (2009). The purpose

of her study was to identify the deixis in poems. She found that deixis often used in

poems to make the lyrics more beautiful. Ali (2012) also has done a research about

deixis and found that there are three types of personal deixis, they are first personal

deixis, second personal deixis and third personal deixis. Afiyah (2014) found five

types of deixis in Ernest Hemmingway’s A Farewell to Arms. The mostly type that

appears in the novel is person deixis. Meanwhile, Zulkarnaen (2014) found 87 deictic

expressions in Editor’s Choice of the Jakarta Post Online Edition. His study was

conducted to find out deixis types contained in sentences of the article and

interpretations of deixis in sentences of the article.

This current research is different with other researches because this research

used the data from social media. Social media facilitates people with the new way to

communicate without meeting physically. This research focused on the deixis used in

Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter. Liverpool FC is a football club based in



what happen during the football match or the club event. As twitter only allow their

user to post in 140 characters, Liverpool FC usually shorten their message to make a

post appropriate with the character limit. It will make the posts ambiguous and will

not be understood without a clear explanation.

1.2 Research Problems

After reading the live-tweets, the researcher concludes that there are many

deictic expressions in the live-tweets of Liverpool FC. The researcher can illustrate

the problems of the research:

1. What types of deixis are used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter?

2. What are the interpretations of deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on


1.3 Research Objectives

The Objectives of the research are:

1. To find out the types of deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter.

2. To describe the interpretations of deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on


1.4 Significance of the Study

By doing the research, the researcher hopes that the study would have both

theoretical and practical values. Theoretically, the results of the study will give



will be a reference for the next researcher who is interested in analyzing deixis. For

English teacher, this research will add the variation in teaching deixis and giving

examples. Significantly, this research will help the reader to understand clearly about

deixis that used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets based on its context. Since, the written

language sometimes is quite different with the spoken language.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

This research focused on analyzing the types of deixis and its interpretations

in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets. To make the research manageable, the researcher

limited the data only on Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter from May 2016.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

Deixis : a word or phrase (such as this, that, these, those, now, then)

that points to the time, place, or situation in which a speaker is speaking. i.e. I lived in Surabaya for five years. I love that city so much. The underlined word is place deixis that explains the

specific place in speech.

Live-tweet : status update that posted on twitter during ongoing event such

as in a football match, press conference, TV show, etc.

Liverpool FC : Liverpool Football Club; premier league football club based



Twitter : an online social networking service that enables users to send




This chapter presents several theories related to this research. Those are

definition of pragmatics, definition of deixis, types of deixis which consist of five

kinds, as follows person deixis, time deixis, person deixis, discourse deixis and social

deixis, and related studies to support the analysis.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Pragmatics

Pragmatics is a study about meaning of utterances that uttered by the speaker

and interpreted by the listener. It means that pragmatics concerns with how the

listener concludes or interprets what the meaning of utterance that uttered by the

speaker. Hansen and Visconti (2009:5) stated pragmatic concerned with the

redefinitions of the respective roles of speaker or writers and addressee or readers in

the process of innovation. When the speaker says something, it is important to the

listener to know what the speakers meant by the utterance. Because there is some

interpretation by the listeners or readers and it needs to be understood what the

speaker means exactly.

Pragmatics studies about intended meaning of the utterances which is not

obviously spoken. Pragmatics focuses on utterance meanings which are used in



the listener assumes the correct intention. In addition, Crystal (1997:301) said that

pragmatics is the study of language from the point of view of users, especially of the

choices they make, the constraints they encounter in using language in social

interaction and the effects their use of language has on other participants in the act of

communication. It also can be defined as the study of how utterances have meaning in

certain situations in communication.

From the explanation above, pragmatics can be defined as the study of

meaning that concerns to interpret the meaning of someone’s utterance in order to

understand the intended meaning of it. In everyday language, the meanings of words

and phrases are usually not directly spoken. In certain situation, words can have a

certain meaning which is quite different with another situation. Pragmatics studies

how words can be interpreted in different ways based on the situation.

2.1.2 Deixis

The word deixis is derived from the Greek word “Deicticos” means to point

or to indicate. The means of pointing and indicating has close relation with how

words put into the context. It is often and best described as “verbal pointing”, that is

to say pointing by means of language. Deixis is used to refer to elements in language

that referred directly to the situation. According to Levinson (1983:54), deixis

concerns the ways in which language encode or grammatical features of the context

of utterance or speech event. It also concerns the way in which interpretation of



word, phrase or sentence which point who is speaking, the time or place of speaking,

the gesture of the speaker, or the current location in the discourse.

The function of deixis is to point or indicate something, identification of

person, objects, events, processes, etc. Richards (2010:75) stated that deixis is a term

for a word or phrase which directly relates an utterance to a time, place, or person. It

is also related to the use of certain referring device, such as demonstratives. For

example, this book, that woman, these fruits, etc. Fromkin (1998: 199) added that in

all languages there are many words and expressions whose reference relies entirely

on the situational context of the utterance and can only be understood in light of these

circumstances. This aspect of pragmatics is called deixis. From the explanation above,

the researcher concludes that deixis refers to the phenomenon where in understanding

the meaning of certain words and phrases in an utterance requires contextual


Examples of deixis:

a) I am very happy

b) I found this in the house

In the first utterance (a), the word “I” refers to the person who uttering the

sentence. In example (b), there are two deixis in one utterance. The first word “I” is

used to refer to the speaker who utters it and the second word “this” refer to a certain



2.1.3 Types of Deixis

There are several opinions about types of deixis based on linguist. In this

research, the discussion is focused only on five types of deixis by Stephen Levinson

(1983), include:

1. Person Deixis

Levinson (1983:62) stated that person deixis concerns with the

encoding of the role of participants in the speech event in which the

utterance in question is delivered. Yule (1996:9-10) described that person

deixis involves the speaker and the addressee and operates in a basic

three-part division they are:

a. First Person (I)

First person deixis is a reference that refers to the speaker or both

speaker and referent grouped with the speaker which is expressed in

singular pronouns (I, me, myself, mine) and plural pronouns (we, us,

ourselves, our, ours). The singular pronoun is represented to the

person or speaker in speech event. Meanwhile, the plural pronoun is

represented to a group of speaker or more people in speech event.

Example:I am sitting in the living room

The use of word “I” is the first person and as a person who uttering

the sentence. It can be said that the word “I” is to point the writer



b. Second Person (You)

The second person deixis is a deictic reference to a person or

persons identified as addressee, such as you, yourself, yourselves,

your, yours. In other word, second person deixis is a person who

takes direct contact with the first person and being a listener.

Example:You love me everyday

The use of word “you” is the second person and person who take

direct contact with the first person or person whom the first person

talk with.

c. Third Person (He, She, It)

Third person deixis is deictic reference to a referent not identified as

the speaker or addressee in the speech event. It also can be singular

or plural. The example of singular pronoun such ashe, his, himself,

she, her, herself. Whereas for plural pronoun such as they, them,

themselves. The pronoun he/she can be indicated as gender

distinction in which He represents as male while pronoun She

represents as female.

Example:He comes from England.

The use of word “He” is the third person and as a person who is

being talked by first person and second person.

Renkema (2004:122) added that person deixis is realized with



the listener as second person (You), and could be talking about a third

person (He, She, and It). In other words, person deixis is described as

expression in which to refer to person who the speakers intend to refer.

2. Place Deixis

Levinson (1983:79) stated that place or space deixis concerns with

the specification of locations in the speech event and typically the speaker,

and there are two basic ways of referring objects by describing or naming

them on the one hand and by locating them on the other.

Example:Fina was born in Surabaya. She lived there for 10 years.

The underlined word of sentence above is place deixis in which explains the

specific space of the speech event happen.

Renkema (2004:123) added that in place deixis a speaker can refer

to something that is in the vicinity or further away:this, theseas opposed to

that, those. Place deixis also can be realized not only by the use of

demonstrative pronouns, but also by the use of adverbs of place: here,


3. Time Deixis

Time deixis is also called as temporal deixis. Renkema (2004:123)

stated that time deixis is a reference to time relative to a temporal reference



32) stated another important time deixis is tense system. In fact, almost

every sentence makes reference to an event time. Often this event time can

only be determined in relation to the time of the utterance. Moreover, Yule

(1996:14-15) said that the basic type of temporal deixis in English is in the

choice of verb tense.

Example:Today is my birthday

The underlined word of the example above is the time deixis. It is

shown the special time of the speech event happens. In other words, time

deixis is an expression in relation to point to certain period when the

utterances produced by the speaker.

4. Discourse Deixis

According to Levinson (1983:85), Discourse deixis deals with the

orientation in the text through the writer or the speaker, the relation of the

text passages to the current utterance. In other words, discourse deixis is an

expression used to refer to certain discourse that contain the utterance or as

a signal and its relation to surrounding text.

Example:I buy a new book. This is the expensive one.

From that example, the word “this” refers to specific one. It refers to



5. Social deixis

Levinson (1983:90) stated that social deixis concerns with the

aspects of sentences which reflect or establish or determined by certain

realities of participants or the social situation in which the speech event

occurs. Social deixis does not deal with three main components (person,

place and time) of the coordinate system of subjective orientation, but they

show how different social rankings and the participants of communication

utter relationships within society via language.

According to Levinson (1983: 90-91) the relational social deixis is

manifested through this certain relationship:

1. Speaker and referent (addressee honorifics by referring him)

2. Speaker and addressee (addressee honorifics without referring him)

3. Speaker and bystander (bystander of audience honorifics)

4. Speaker and setting (formality level or social activity)

He also adds that there are two basic kinds of social deictic

expression that can be encoded in language around the world, they are

relational and absolute.

a. Relational social deixis is a deictic reference to some social

characteristic of referent apart from any relative ranking of referents

deictic reference to a social relationship between the speaker and



b. Absolute social deixis is a deictic reference usually expressed in

certain forms of address which will include no comparison of the

ranking of the speaker and addressee. For example:your honoured, Mr.

President, etc.

2.1.4 Twitter

Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and

read short 140-character messages called "tweets". Registered users can read and post

tweets, but those who are unregistered can only read them. Users access Twitter

through the website, SMS or mobile device application. It was created in March 2006

by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass and launched in July

2006. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with more than 100 million

users posting 340 million tweets a day in 2012. As of March 2016, Twitter has more

than 310 million monthly active users.

The posts on twitter called tweets. Tweets are publicly visible by default, but

senders can restrict message delivery to just their followers. Users can tweet via the

Twitter website, compatible external applications (such as for smartphones), or

by Short Message Service (SMS) available in certain countries. Users may subscribe

to other users' tweets. This is known as "following" and subscribers are known as

"followers" or "tweeps", a portmanteau of Twitter and peeps. Individual tweets can be

forwarded by other users to their own feed, a process known as a "retweet". Users can



Users can group posts together by topic or type by use of hashtags. It is words

or phrases prefixed with a "#" sign. Similarly, the "@" sign followed by a username

is used for mentioning or replying to other users. To repost a message from another

Twitter user and share it with one's own followers, a user can click the retweet button

within the Tweet. In late 2009, the "Twitter Lists" feature was added, making it

possible for users to follow ad hoc lists of authors instead of individual authors.

Users sometimes post live-tweets on twitter. It is is defined as posting on

Twitter during an event in an ongoing way. For example, an actor live-tweeting about

what they see at the Academy Awards. Live-tweets can be a trending topic on twitter

when the users use hashtag in posting their live-tweets. Trending topics become

popular either through a concerted effort by users, or because of an event that

prompts people to talk about a specific topic. These topics help twitter and their users

to understand what is happening in the world and what people's opinions are about it.

2.2 Review of the Related Studies

The study of deixis has done several times before. There are many researchers

did this research on the same field, yet they had different subjects and different or

similar theories. The study of deixis was conducted by Yuliawati (2009). The purpose

of her study was to identify the deixis in poems. She found seven kinds of deixis by

William Wordsworth poems include 14 person deixis, 2 time deixis, 3 place deixis, 7

social deixis, 2 discourse deixis, 0 gestural deixis and 0 symbolic deixis. She found



“The Little Mermaid’ Fairy Tale of Disney’s Princess Treasury Book” found that

there are also five types of deixis. Person deixis are dominant appear with 55,1 % of

the whole data.

Afiyah (2014) found five types of deixis in Ernest Hemmingway’s A Farewell

to Arms. The mostly type that appears in the novel is person deixis. Ali (2012) also

has done a research about deixis and found that there are three types of personal

deixis, they are first personal deixis, second personal deixis and third personal deixis.

Meanwhile, Zulkarnaen (2014) found 87 deictic expressions in Editor’s Choice of the

Jakarta Post Online Edition. His study was conducted to find out deixis types

contained in sentences of the article and interpretations of deixis in sentences of the

article. Siswanto (2016) analyzed deixis in Thomas hardy’s “The Return of the

native”, his analysis of place deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis showed that

every word in the sentence of target language is translated into equivalent concepts in

the target language to give accurate of meaning.

Over all previous research, this research explained more about deixis that

found in the object of study. The writer is not only identifying each type of deixis, but

also showing the readers the results in the diagram and table and also the

interpretations of each type of deixis that happened in the data source: Liverpool FC’s




This chapter discusses the method used in the study which includes research design, research instruments, data sources, data, data collection and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This research used a descriptive approach in analyzing the data because the researcher described and explained each type of deixis in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets. Descriptive research is a method which involves observing and describing the data. The term descriptive research refers to the type of research question, design, and data analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive research is primarily concerned with finding out "what is”.

Glass and Hopkins (1984:65) stated that descriptive reserach studies in which the researcher does not interact with the participant include observational studies of people in an environment and studies involving data collection using existing records. The researcher concerned on the interpretation and analysis on the object with some helps of library research. Thus, the researcher applied descriptive research method based on library research.

3.2 Research Instruments



also used some supporting instruments such as smartphone and the captures of the live-tweets.

3.3 Data and Data Source

The data source of this research was Liverpool Football Club’s live-tweets from May 2016. The researcher captured the live-tweets via computer. The captures were taken from Liverpool Football Club official account on twitter namely@LFC. Data of this research focused on sentences in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets that contain five types of deixis include person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis.

3.4 Data Collection

The researcher collected the data in some steps. They are:

1. The researcher logged in to twitter and went to Liverpool FC account, then captured the live-tweets from Liverpool FC from May 2016 via smartphone. 2. The researcher printed the captures and read the sentences from live-tweets

carefully to find out the data which is going to be analyzed.



3.5 Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data and answered the statement of problems by doing these following steps:

1. The researcher identified five types of deixis that appear in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets from May 2016 applied it in a percentage by using this formula: Percentage of each type: X 100 %

x: The frequency of each type of deixis

y: The total number of frequency



2. The researcher categorized which one of deixis found in the data is included in person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis and put the results into the table.

3. The researcher described each types of deixis and intrepreted the reference meaning of its deixis based on the context used in Livepool FC’s live-tweet. 4. The researcher concluded the result of the whole data analyzed to answer the




This chapter presents about findings and discussion. The purpose of this

chapter is concerned with the analysis of the data in order to answer the statement

of problems presented in Chapter I.

4.1 Findings

After reading Liverpool FC’s live-tweets, the reasearcher found that there

are five types of deixis applied in it. They are person deixis, place deixis, time

deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. All of them will be explained as the

following below.

Types of Deixis in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on Twitter

Diagram above shows the number of deixis found in the data. each type of



4.1.1 Person Deixis

Person deixis concerns with the encoding of the role of participants in the

speech event. Person deixis involves the speaker and the addressee and operates in

a basic three-part division, they are first person, second person and third person.

a. First Person

First person deixis is a reference that refers to the speaker or both speaker

and referent grouped with the speaker which is expressed in singular pronouns (I,

me, myself, mine) and plural pronouns (we, us, ourselves, our, ours). The singular

pronoun is represented to the person or speaker in speech event. Meanwhile, the

plural pronoun is represented to a group of speaker or more people in speech


The researcher found that there are 32 first person deixis in the data. First

person deixis is usually used to indicate the speaker directly. Some speakers

speak to represent themselves, but sometimes they speak to represent many people.

Discussions below are first person deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on


Table 1: First Person Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on Twitter.

No First Person Sentences

1 We Weneed to be clever enough

2 We Wedon’t have 20 minutes,wehave 90 minutes 3 We We’re disappointed to concede in last minute 4 We Weneed to be patient



7 Us It’s a wonderful oppotunity forus

8 Our Ourleague position isn’t fixed 9 We Wewill try everything for sure. 10 We That’s whatwe’re doing

11 We We’ll use these experiences next year 12 We Wecame together into the final

13 I IhopeIhave to make difficult decisions 14 We we’ll try to find a line-up to win at West Brom 15 We weneed to be good in the final

16 Us It’s an outstanding opportunity forus

17 We Wewill be ready 100 per cent 18 We we’ve had great atmospheres 19 We as long aswelift that trophy 20 I, me Idon’t care if it’smeor no 21 I That’s whatIbelieve

22 We Wewill see.Wehave two more sessions. 23 Us you can watchusin training

24 We Wehave to prepare like normal 25 I WhenIcame here

26 I Idon't feel pressure.Ifeel opportunity

Most of first person used is “we” because the data were taken from

Liverpool FC live-tweets which usually discussed about Liverpool FC team so

that when they talk about Liverpool FC they use “we” to represent the whole

Liverpool FC team.



Example 1

Klopp: “WhenIcame here some people doubted these players. Now they have the opportunity to achieve something special. Let’s try it.(posted on May 17, 21:52)

The sentences above talk about Klopp’s opinion. Klopp is Liverpool FC

head coach. He spoke at press conference before Europa League final match

against Sevilla. He told about his experience of what people think about Liverpool

FC players. Many people doubted Liverpool FC players can play well, but then

Liverpool FC players proved that they are not like what people think as they reach

the final and they want to win it. The word I is classified as first person singular

which refers to Klopp as the speaker. Here, Klopp used the pronoun Ito indicate

himself as the speaker.

Example 2

Klopp on @DivockOrigi: “We will see. We have two more sessions. Unfortunately you can watchusin training after this press conference.(posted on May 17, 21:48)

The sentences talk about Klopp’s statement on one of Liverpool FC player

Divock Origi in press conference. He told about Origi’s condition and he added

that the reporters who came can watch the players include Divock Origi in

training after the press conference. The word weis classified as first person plural

which refers to the whole Liverpool FC. Whereas, the word us is object pronoun

of the first person plural which also refers to the whole Liverpool FC team. Klopp

used first person plural because he spoke to represent the whole Liverpool FC



Example 3

Klopp: “It’s not about next Thursday. If you think about that now thenwehave no chance on Sunday.Wealways respect the @premierleague.”(posted on April 29, 19:02)

The sentences above are about Klopp’s statement in press conference. He

told the reporters that Liverpool FC will focus on premier league match on

Sunday. They do not think about Europa League match on next Thursday at this

moment because the match they will face first is premier league match. The word

weis first person plural which refers to the whole Liverpool FC team. Klopp used

pronounwebecause he represented the whole Liverpool FC team as he is the head

coach of the team.

Example 4

Lovren: “Wewere disapppointed to concede in last minute.Weneed to be patient. We will have our chances.Ibelieve in this team. (posted on May 4, 21:12)

The data above is about Lovren’s statement in press conference. Lovren is

one of the Liverpool FC players who plays as a defender. He told that Liverpool

FC was disappointed toward the result of the game, but he was sure that the team

will improve their performance. The wordweis first person plural which refers to

the whole Liverpool FC team. Meanwhile, the wordouris possesive adjectives of

the first person plural which refers to the whole Liverpool FC team. And the last,

the wordIis also first person singular which refers to Lovren as the speaker. Here,

Lovren used first person plural and singular at the same time. He used first person



who took place in press conference. Whilst, he used first person singular I to

stated about his own opinion in press conference.

Example 5

Dejan Lovren on facing @VillarealCF: “We need to be clever enough.We don’t have 20 minutes, we have 90 minutes. Anything is possible.” (posted on May 4, 21:10)

The sentences above are Dejan Lovren’s opinion about Liverpool FC next

match against Villareal in Europa League. He said that Liverpool FC need to be

clever enough in the match. It means that they should use the strategy to win the

match. He added that they have 90 minutes in the game. It is a long time so that

they can win it. The word weat those sentences is first person singular. It refers to

the whole Liverpool FC team. Dejan Lovren used first person plural because he

was the one who took place in press conference as a representative of Liverpool


b. Second Person

The second person deixis is a deictic reference to a person or persons

identified as addressee, such as you, yourself, yourselves, your, yours. In other

word, second person deixis is a person who takes direct contact with the first

person and being a listener. Second person can be plural or singular based on the

context. Discussions below are second person deixis used in Liverpool FC’s



Table 2: Second Person Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on


No Second Person Sentences

1 You youhave to develop

2 You the longeryougo without winning anything 3 You the harderyoutry and the more likelyyouare to


4 You Unfortunatelyyoucan watch us

5 Your Thanks foryoursupport tonight and all season

The researcher found 6 second person deixis in the data and all of them are

second person plural. It is because the live-tweets are delivered to Liverpool FC

followers which are more than one person and the live-tweets are also delivered to

all Liverpool FC players and the reporters in the press conference. Look at these

dicussions below.

Example 1

Thanks foryour support tonight and all season, Reds. Safe journey home to those in Basel. (posted on May 19, 05:22)

The sentence above describes that Liverpool FC expressed their

thankfulness to all of their supporters who have supported them in Europa League

final match. Liverpool FC also remind their supporters to go home safely from

Basel. The word your is possesive adjectives of the second person plural which

refers to Liverpool FC supporters. It can be seen that it is second person plural



Example 2

Jurgen Klopp: “Youhave to develop. That’s what we’re doing. We’ll use these experiences next year.”(posted on May 13, 18:43)

The sentences above talk about Jurgen Klopp’s statements. He instructed

Liverpool FC team to develop from what they have achieved. They will learn

from the tournament this year and will improve their performance next year. The

word you is second person plural which refers to Liverpool FC team. It also

means that the wordyourefers to all Liverpool FC players. It can be seen that it is

second person plural because Jurgen Klopp’s statement refers to all Liverpool FC


Example 3

Klopp on @DivockOrigi: “We will see. We have two more sessions. Unfortunatelyyoucan watch us in training after this press conference.(posted on May 17, 21:48)

The sentences talk about Klopp’s statement on one of Liverpool FC player

Divock Origi in press conference. He told about Origi’s condition and he added

that the reporters who came can watch the players include Divock Origi in

training after the press conference. The word you is classified as second person

plural which refers to the reporters who came in press conference. It can be seen

that the word you refers to the reporters because Klopp was speaking in press



Example 4

Jurgen Klopp: “The longer you go without winning anything, the harder you try and the more likelyyouare to succeed. That’s what I believe.”(posted on May 17, 21:46)

The sentences above describe that Jurgen Klopp delivered his wise words

in the press conference to encourage his players before they play in the final

match againts Sevilla. He believed that if we do not win anything in our lives, our

effort to be successful will be harder. The word you is second person plural

because he delivered his wise word to more than one person. You refers to all

people who hear his wise words or all people who read his wise words via

Liverpool FC’s live-tweet on twitter.

c. Third Person

Third person deixis is deictic reference to a referent not identified as the

speaker or addressee in the speech event. It also can be singular or plural. The

example of singular pronoun such as he, his, himself, she, her, herself. Whereas

for plural pronoun such as they, them, themselves. The pronoun he/she can be

indicated as gender distinction in which He represents as male while pronoun She

represents as female. Discussions below are third person deixis used in Liverpool

FC’s live-tweets on twitter.

Table 3:Third Person Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on Twitter

No Third Person Sentences



3 His Ibe shift the ball ontohisleft foot 4 It it’s an easy take for Fabianksi

5 It Get in! The Reds levelitup on aggregate 6 It Milner’s superb delivery anditgoes wide. 7 It Goal! Joe Allen makesit1-0 to #LFC 8 His hispowerful shot is blocked.

9 He helooks certain to score.

10 He heis replaced by Nordin Amrabat.

11 Their Watford are enjoyingtheirbest spell of the match 12 His Roberto Firmino trieshisluck from distance. 13 He hedrives at the Watford defence

14 It Firmino gets in behind and squaresitaccross 15 It It’s a short time before the @europaleague final 16 It It’s a wonderful oppotunity for us.

17 Himself Pedro creates space forhimselfjust inside the #LFC box

18 His hiseffort is blocked by Toure.

19 His, him histouch lets him down ashedoes in on Begovic. 20 His curls wide of the post withhiseffort.

21 His Mignolet is able to savehislow strike at goal. 22 He buthecan’t generate the power required to beat


23 He he’s unable to turn the ball over the line 24 His Hisside-footer is saved by begovic 25 It Itends 1-1 at Anfield between #LFC and


26 It It’s all about the best performance & the best line-up



29 He heburst into the box.

30 He heis replaced by Tyler Roberts.

31 His, he Sergi Canos makeshis#LFC debut ashereplaces Sheyi Ojo.

32 Their endtheirBarclays Premier League season with a 1-1 draw

33 It I don’t care ifit’s me or not 34 It It's a special situation 35 It Let's tryit

36 He heclears and the Reds get the ball back

37 He Big chance for Sturridge asheis played in behind 38 His the outside ofhisboot into the far corner

39 Its turn the game onitshead 40 Him ball breaks tohimin the box

41 His Origi sees yellow for puttinghisarm up 42 His hisleft-footed strike is over the bar

The researcher found 44 third person deixis and it is the second dominant

appear in the data. it is because the live-tweets usually talk about the players that

is not as speaker or addressee. There are subject pronouns, object pronouns,

possesive adjective, possesive pronouns and reflective pronouns in the data. the

researcher also found that there is only male pronouns in the data, because the

live-tweets only discuss about men football. Here are some examples of third

person deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets:

Example 1



The sentence above explains that Sergi Canos played for Liverpool FC for the

first time. He played as a subtitute of Sheyi Ojo. The word his is possesive

adjective of the third person singular of he which refers to Sergi Canos’ Liverpool

FC debut. While, the word he is subject pronoun of the third person singular

which refers to Sergi Canos who makes his Liverpool FC debut.

Example 2

Jordon Ibe’s goal ensures #LFC end their Barclays Premier League season with a 1-1 draw at the Hawthorns.(posted on May 15, 22:50)

The sentence tells about Liverpool FC last match in premier league which

ended up draw 1-1 as Jordon Ibe scored for Liverpool FC. The word their is

possesive adjectives of the third person plural of they which refers to Liverpool

FC’s Barclays Premier League season of 2015-2016.

Example 3

Pedro creates space for himself just inside the #LFC box with some nimble footwork, buthiseffort is blocked by toure.(posted on May 12, 02:16)

The sentence describes about Pedro’s action during the match between

Liverpool FC and Chelsea FC. He made a chance in the Liverpool FC deffensive

area with his skills, but his effort was failed because Toure stopped him. The word

himself is reflextive pronouns of the third person singular. It refers to Pedro own

himself. Meanwhile, the word his is possesive adjectives of the third person

singular of he. It refers to Pedro’s effort.



Ibe shifts the ball ontohis left foot on the edge of the box and shoots low, butit’s an easy take for Fabianski. (posted on May 1, 18:24)

The sentence talks about how Ibe showed his action trying to make a goal,

but his action was stopped easily by Fabianski as the goal keeper. The wordhisis

possesive adjectives of the third person singular of he which refers to Ibe’s left

foot. And the word it is third person singular which refers to Ibe’s action in the


Example 5

Goal for Sevilla 2-1. Coke curls in a brilliant effort from the edge of the box to turn the game onitshead.

The sentences tell about Sevilla’s player action in making a goal which

makes them leading the match against Liverpool FC. The word its is possesive

adjectives of the third person singular of it which refers to Sevilla team.

4.1.2 Place Deixis

Place deixis concerns for the specification of locations in the speech event

and typically the speaker, and there are two basic ways of referring objects by

describing or naming them on the one hand and by locating them on the other.

Discussions below are placed deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter.

Table 4: Place Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on Twitter

No Place Deixis Sentences

1 The edge of the area

Ayew bundles his way beyond Lovren onthe edge of the area



3 The area Ayew neatly lays the ball off for sigurdsson inside

the area

4 The left Ayew meets a corner fromthe left

5 The edge of the box

Ibe shift the ball onto his left foot onthe edge of the box

6 The right, the crossbar

A free-kick fromthe rightis headed overthe crossbar

7 Here Bright start by the Redshere

8 The area Firmino’s fired across intothe area

9 The box Coutinho sends a flat chipped pass intothe box

10 Behind Deeney escapes his man and plays Ighalo in


11 The edge of the Watford box

A slick exchange at theedge of the Watford box

12 Behind Allen picks up the ball inbehind

13 The left Ojo breaks before picking out Coutinho onthe left

14 The edge of the box

Benteke’s fee-kick fromthe edge of the box

15 The right Gameiro gets in behind Clyne onthe right

16 The box Coutinho chips a ball intothe box

17 The path of Allen Benteke nods brilliantly intothe path of Allen

18 Behind, the box Coutinho plays Benteke inbehindand gets inthe box

19 The box The ball falls to Ighalo inthe box

20 Here Herecomes Roberto Firmino

21 Behind, the box Firmino gets inbehindand squares it accrossthe box

22 france @Jhenderson will be 100% fit for the Euros in



23 The edge of the area

Lallana’s low drive fromthe edge of the area

24 The #LFC box Pedro creates space for himself just insidethe #LFC box

25 The area A great ball from Sturridge sends Firmino Speeding intothe area

26 The edge of the box

Moreno lays the ball off to Coutinho onthe edge of the box

27 Anfield Second-half: #LFC re-start the game atAnfield

with Chelsea FC.

28 The #LFC box Hazard runs intothe #LFC boxagain 29 The right Pedro cuts in fromthe right

30 The back post Moreno’s cross finds Lallana atthe back post

31 Anfield Three minutes of added time to be played at


32 Anfield Full-time: It ends 1-1 atAnfield

33 West Brom we’ll try to find a line-up to win atWest Brom

34 West Brom half Brad Smith is booked for going down too easily under a challenge in theWest Brom half

35 The inside of the post

Rondon heads a free-kick delivery ontothe inside of the post

36 The #LFC box, there

West Brom send a corner intothe #LFC boxbut Flanagan isthereto head clear.

37 Here When I camehere

38 The #LFC box Sevilla send a free-kick intothe #LFC box

39 The far corner the outside of his boot intothe far corner

40 The Sevilla box Clyne fires a ball acrossthe Sevilla box

41 The edge of the box

Coke curls in a brilliant effort fromthe edge of the box



the box

43 The bar his left-footed strike is overthe bar

The researcher found 47 place deixis in the data. it is the most dominant

appear. Place deixis used the specific location of the utterances where the speaker

talks about. It can be adverb of place or words associated with certain place. The

live-tweets usually talk about football match which use place deixis to indicate the

location of the ball in the match

Here are some examples of place deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on


Example 1

Coutinho chips a ball into the box and Benteke nods brillianty into the path of Allen, who slides in to finish.(posted on May 8, 22:36)

The sentence above talks about what happened in the match. Coutinho was

playing the ball in penalty area, then he passed the ball to Benteke. Benteke also

passed the ball accurately to Allen who kicked the ball to make a goal after the

ball pass. The word the boxis the specific place where Coutinho played the ball.

The box is a term which means penalty area in football field. Meanwhile the word

the path of Allenpoints to the place where Allen was when he receieved the ball.

Example 2

Bright start by the Redshereand Lallana was almost handed a tap-in as Villareal



The sentence above describes that Liverpool FC played well at the

beginning of the match. Lallana almost made a goal, but his action was stopped by

Villareal goalkeeper who let himself fall to make a save. The words here is

classified as place deixis which explains the specific place of something. The

word here refers to the field where the football match was ongoing that is El

Madrigal Stadium.

Example 3

Thanks for your support tonight and all season, Reds. Safe journey home to those inBasel.(posted on May 19, 05:22)

The sentence above describes that Liverpool FC expressed their

thankfulness to all of their supporters who have supported them in Europa League

final match. Liverpool FC also remind their supporters to go home safe from

Basel. The word basel is classified as place deixis. Basel is one of the city located

in Switzerland. It was the place where the Europa League final match were


Example 4

Here comes Roberto Firmino, who replaces fellow Brazilian Philippe Coutinho for #LFC.(posted on May 8, 23:16)

The sentence above tells that Roberto Firmino came to the field for

Liverpool FC by replacing Philippe Coutinho. The word here is identified as place



Example 5

West Brom send a corner into the #LFC box but Flanagan isthereto head clear.

(posted in May 15, 22:13)

The sentence above talks about Wes Brom made a corner kick and it was

bounced inside Liverpool FC penalty area. But, Flanagan was heading the ball to

keep it away from the goal. The word there is place deixis which refers to

Liverpool FC box. It means Liverpool FC penalty area.

4.1.3 Time Deixis

Time deixis is a reference to time relative to a temporal reference point

and it is typically the moment of utterance. Grundy (2000:31-32) stated another

important time deixis is tense system. In fact, almost every sentence makes

reference to an event time. Often this event time can only be determined in

relation to the time of the utterance. Discussions below are time deixis used in

Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter.

Table 5: Time Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on Twitter.

No Time Deixis Sentences

1 Last minute We’re disappointed to concede inlast minute

2 Early The Boss enjoyed thatearlygoal 3 Now Berghuisnowgoes in the book

4 Before It’s a short timebeforethe @europaleague final 5 Last Thursday,


Playinglast Thursdayand thenWednesday

6 Next year We’ll use these experiencesnext year



8 Before beforeblasting the rebound over. 9 After afterthis press conference 10 The past two


Nobody has asked about a @premierleague match

the past two weeks

11 Now Nowthey have the opportunity

12 Now Baneganowalso sees yellow for a foul on Toure 13 After Coke smashes inafterthe ball breaks to him 14 Tonight, all


Thanks for your supporttonightandall season

The researcher found 16 time deixis in the data. Time deixis in the data are

used to indicate the specific time when the utterance occurs. It is usually indicated

by adverb of time, the period of days and the tenses used in the utterance.

Here are some examples of time deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on


Example 1

Jurgen Klopp: “You have to develop. That’s what we’re doing. We’ll use these experiencesnext year.”(posted on May 13, 18:43)

The sentences above talk about Jurgen Klopp’s statements. He said that

the team will develop from what they achieved. They will learn from the

tournament this year and will improve their performance next year. The wordnext

yearis classified as time deixis. It explains the time when Liverpool FC team will

develop and improve their performance. It also means next season of the league.



Klopp: “We’ll try to find a line-up to win at West Brom. At this moment it’s the most important thing in the world. (posted on May 13, 18:46)

The sentences above talk about Klopp’s strategy to beat west Brom

because at that moment Liverpool FC need to win the match to secure their

position in the league. The underlined bold is time deixis. It refers to the time

when the team should win the match.

Example 3

Klopp: “Spain is the best football country in this moment. They play at the highest level. Hopefullytomorrownobody will see it”.(posted on May 17, 22:08)

The sentences above explain about Klopp’s statement. He said about

Liverpool FC next match againts Spanish Club. He added that football league in

Spain was the best at that time, but he hoped that his team will play well in the

match. In this moment and tomorrow are time deixis. In this moment refers to

the time when Klopp stated his statement, meanwhiletomorrow refers to the time

when Liverpool FC play the match.

Example 4

Klopp: “It’s not about next Thursday. If you think about that now then we have no chance onSunday. We always respect the @premierleague”. (posted on April 29, 19:02)

The sentences above explains about Klopp’s statement in press conference.

He told the reporters that Liverpool FC will focus on premier league match on

Sunday. They do not think about Europa League on next Thursday at this moment

because the match they will face first is in premier league. Next Thursday and



will play their Europa League game, whereas Sunday points out the time when

Liverpool FC will play their Premier League game.

Example 5

Thanks for your supporttonightandall season, Reds. Safe journey home to those in Basel.(posted on May 19, 05:22)

The sentences above tell that Liverpool FC expresses their gratitude to

their supporters for supporting them in the Europa League final and for the whole

season. Liverpool FC also remind their supporters to go home safe from Basel.

Tonightandall seasonare classified as time deixis.Tonightshows the time when

Liverpool FC played their final match in the Europa League. All season refers to

the time when Liverpool FC played all their matches in one football season that is

2015-2016 season from August 2015 until May 2016.

4.1.4 Discourse Deixis

Discourse deixis deals with the orientation in the text through the writer or

the speaker, the relation of the text passages to the current utterance. In other

words, discourse deixis is an expression used to refer to certain discourse that

contain the utterance or as a signal and its relation to surrounding text.

Discussions below are discourse deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on


Table 6: Discourse Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on Twitter.

No Discourse Deixis Sentences



2 That The Boss enjoyedthatearly goal.

3 This butthistime the Brazillian’s shot is saved 4 This Let’s not have 1% of negativity aroundthisfinal 5 These We’ll usetheseexperiences next year.

6 That That’s what we’re doing.

7 This Atthismoment it’s the most important thing 8 This, these Thisteam has giventhesemoments back 9 That as long as we liftthattrophy

10 That That’s what I believe 11 This afterthispress conference

12 These some people doubtedtheseplayers 13 this with Redsthishalf

Here are some example of discourse deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on


Example 1

“As long as we lift that trophy, I dont care if it’s me or not!” Milner meets Didi.

(posted on May 16, 21:51)

The sentence above describes Milner’s opinion. He said that Liverpool FC

really want to win Europa League. As long as Liverpool FC win the match, he did

not care wether he play or not in the match. The word that is discourse deixis

which refers to the Europa League trophy which they tried to win.

Example 2



The sentences above explain that Jurgen Klopp delivered his wise words

in the press conference to encourage his players before they play in the final

match. The underlined bold is categorized as discourse deixis which refers to the

wise words which delivered by Jurgen Klopp.

Example 3

Klopp: “Both teams tookthistournament as really important. Now we are in the final.It’swell deserved.”(posted on May 17, 22:03)

The sentences above describe Jurgen Klopp’s opinion about final match.

He said that Liverpool FC and their rival took the tournament as really important.

He added that both team were deserved to reach the final. This and it’s are

categorized as discourse deixis. This refers to the tournament that is Europa

League, whileit’srefers to the achievement of both teams which entered the final.

Example 4

Klopp: “We’ve had great atmospheres, the best in the world.Thisteam has given thesemoments back.”

The sentences above describe Klopp’s opinion. He said that Liverpool FC

has best atmospheres in the world. It means that their supporters came to support

their game. He added that his team feel like they have returned to the times when

they were champions after they reached the Europa League final. The word this

andthese are descourse deixis.This refers to Liverpool FC, while theserefers to



4.1.5 Social Deixis

Social deixis concerns with the aspects of sentences which reflect or

establish or determined by certain realities of participants or the social situation in

which the speech event occurs. Social deixis is connected with the social

distinction and participant who has role. There are two basic kinds of social deixis.

They are relational social deixis and absolute social deixis. Relational social

deixis is a deictic reference to some social characteristic of referent apart from any

relative ranking of referents or deictic reference to a social relationship between

the speaker and adressee. While, absolute social deixis is a deictic reference

usually expressed in certain forms of address, which will include no comparison

of the ranking of the speaker and addressee. Discussions below are social deixis

used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on twitter.

Table 7: Social Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on Twitter

No Social Deixis Sentences

1 The boss The bossenjoyed that early goal

2 Captain captain Jordan Henderson takes the place of Joe Allen.

3 The young winger butthe young wingeris tackled by Jacob

4 The boss the boss previews @WBAFCofficial & @SevillaFC

The researcher only found 4 social deixis in the data. It is used to show the



Here are some examples of social deixis used in Liverpool FC’s live-tweets on


Example 1

The bossenjoyed that early goal. (posted on May 6, 02:21)

The sentence above describes that Jurgen Klopp was very happy because

Liverpool FC scored at the beginning of the match. The underlined bold is

absolute discourse deixis. It shows the degree relationship between the speaker

and adressee.The bossrefers to Jurgen Klopp as Liverpool FC head coach.

Example 2

#LFC also make a second change as fit-again captain Jordan Henderson takes the place of Joe Allen.(posted on May 15, 22:22)

The sentence above describes that Liverpool FC made their second player

change. Captain Jordan Henderson who was just recovery from his injury was

replaced by Joe Allen. The word captain is absolute social deixis. It refers to

Jordan Henderson who is the leader of Liverpool FC team.

Example 3

Benteke plays Ojo in behind after a slip from Leko but the young winger is tackled by Jacob as he burst into the box.(posted on May 15, 21:35)

The sentence above tells that Benteke cooperated with Ojo in the game,

but Ojo was tackled by jacob in the penalty area. The underlined bold is relational

social deixis. It refers to Ojo as he is Liverpool FC young player who plays as


Table 1: First Person Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on Twitter.
Table 2: Second Person Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on
Table 3:Third Person Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on Twitter
Table 4: Place Deixis Used in Liverpool FC’s Live-Tweets on Twitter


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