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Academic year: 2017



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Syadwina Hamama Dalimunthe (NIM 408141113)


The aim of this research is to know about the effect on Crossword Puzzle used as evaluation tool in the mean subject of Environmental Management toward the VII grade students learning outcome and academic English mastery at SMP Negeri 1 Medan academic year 2011/ 2012 by using two sample groups. Experiment group thought with Crossword Puzzle assignment and Control group thought with regular assignment.


Syadwina Hamama Dalimunthe (NIM 408141113)


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang efek pada Teka-teki silang yang digunakan sebagai alat evaluasi dalam mata pelajaran Manajemen Lingkungan terhadap hasil belajar dan penguasaan bahasa Inggris akademis siswa kelas VII di SMP Negeri 1 Medan tahun akademik 2011/2012 dengan menggunakan dua sampel kelompok. Kelompok eksperimen diberikan tugas dengan Teka-teki silang dan kelompok Kontrol diberikan tugas dengan tugas regular.



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah for the strengths and blessing in completing this thesis properly on time with entitled: “ The Effect of Crossword Puzzle on Students’ Academic English Mastery and Learning Outcomes for Environmental Management Topic for Grade VII SMP Negeri 1 Medan Academic Year

2011/2012 “. It is impossible to writer’s to complete this thesis, so the writer’s able to succeed in presenting this academic work as one of the requirements to obtain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan.

Sincere appreciation goes to writer’s supervisor, Mr. Syarifuddin, M.Sc. Ph.D., for the valuable guidance, careful reading and constructive comments. His timely and efficient contribution helped the writer’s to shape the thesis into its final form and sincerest appreciation for his assistance in any way that writer’s may have asked. Countless thanks to, Dr.rer.nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si, Dr. Hj. Ely Djulia, M.Pd, Dr. Hasruddin, M.Pd, as writer’s examiner, for their suggestion and constructive critics for this thesis. The writer’s also thanks to her academic supervisor, Dra. Rasita Tarigan, M.Pd, for the advice and guidance during the course and to Drs. H. Tri Harsono, M.Si., as Head of Biology Department which has provided assistance for the completion of this thesis.

The writer’s acknowledgement also goes to Mr. Drs. Ahmad Siregar, as headmistress of SMP Negeri 1 Medan for his kindness to allow the writer in conducting her research at the school, Mrs. Khairani, M.Si, as biology teacher of Grade VII SMP Negeri 1 Medan for the assistance in conducting this research and also all students’ of VII - Archimedes and Thomas A. Edison Class (A.Y. 2011/2012) that have participated during the research.


Writer’s also deeply thankful to her best well-wisher, Verronicha Crysty and Dewi Sartika, for the friendship and belief, as well as iridescent of cheerfulness and enjoyment, thank you for the great moments we have shared together. Also for Dina Kharida, Asruri, Yeni, Syahriani and all friends on Biology Education Bilingual ’08 for their understanding, kindness, memories, guidance and moral support during the writer’s study.

Last but not least, special thanks to writer’s long last friends: Vioni Agustin, Delpi, Yusuf, Fadli, Susanti and all friends on XII A 6 ’08 SMA Negeri 5 Medan for the friendship and pleasure of all this years.

May love, bless, and joy of God always be with us. Finally, with all humility this thesis hopefully gives beneficial to contribute ideas in education, especially for the writer’s.

Medan, August 2012 The writer,

Syadwina Hamama D. NIM. 408141113 .



2.1. Problem of Second Language Acquisition 6

2.1.1.Other factors which affect Second Language Acquisition 7

2.2. Role of Media on English Acquisition 8

2.3. Crossword 10

2.4. Role of Crossword 10

2.5. Crossword for Teaching, Learning and Studying 11

2.6. Conceptual framework 12

3.4. Research Method and Design 14

3.5. Data Collection Technique 17

3.6. Research Instrument 18

3.6.1. Instrument of Data Collection 18

3.6.2. Instrument test 19

1. Empirical Validity of Objective Test 19

2. Reliability Tests 20

3. Discrimination Index 20

4. Difficulty Tests 21

5. Validity of Essay Test 22

6. Reliability of Essay Test 22


3.7.1. Descriptive Statistics 25

3.7.2. Inferential Statistics 25

1. Normality Test

2. Homogeinity Test 26

3. Testing for Hypothesis 27


4.1. Research Instrument Data Analysis 28

4.1.1. Validity Test 28

4.1.2. Reliability Test 28

4.1.3. Difficulties Index Test 28

4.1.4. Discrimination Index Test 29

4.2. Characteristic of Data Analysis 29

4.2.1. Data Normality Test 29

4.2.2. Data Homogeneity Test 30

4.3. Data Description 31

4.3.1. Objective Test Result 31 Effect of Crossword Puzzle on Students’ Students’ ability in answering questions based on Bloom taxonomy of cognitive domain (C1

to C4) 31

4.3.2. Writing Ability Result 35

4.3.3. Vocabulary Use Result 37

4.3.4. Correct Spelling Result 38

4.4. Research Finding 40

4.5. Discussion 41


5.1. Conclusion 44

5.2. Recommendations 45



Table 3.1 Research Design 15

Table 3.2 Environmental Management Objective Test Contain 17 Table 3.3 Environmental Management Essay Test Contain 18 Table 3.4 Table of Data Organization of Students’

Leaning Outcome 22

Table 3.5 Table of Data Organization of Students’ Leaning Outcome Based on Cognitive Domain 22 Table 3.6 Table of Data Organization of Students’

Writing Ability 23

Table 3.7 Table of Data Organization of Students’

Vocabulary Use 23

Table 3.8 Table of Data Organization of Students’

Correct Spelling 24

Table 4.1 Summary of Normality Test 29

Table 4.2 Summary of Homogeneity Test 30


LIST OF FIGURE Figure 4.1. Pretest Score Comparison of Both Groups Figure 4.2. Learning Outcome Comparison of Both Groups

Figure 4.3. Percentage of Completeness C1 Cognitive Domain Score Figure 4.4. Percentage of Completeness C2 Cognitive Domain Score Figure 4.5. Percentage of Completeness C3 Cognitive Domain Score Figure 4.6. Percentage of Completeness C4 Cognitive Domain Score Figure 4.7. Score of Writing Abilities Comparison of Both Groups Figure 4.8. Histogram of Students’ of Both Groups on Writing Ability

Figure 4.9. Histogram of Students’ of Both Groups on Vocabulary Use Ability Figure 4.10. Score of Vocabulary Use Comparison of Both Groups



Appendix 1 Syllabus Appendix 2 Lesson plan

Appendix 3 Pre-Test/Post-Test Sheet

Appendix 4 Answers of Multiple Choices Test Appendix 5 Essay Test Answer Rubric Appendix 6 Vocabulary Rubric

Appendix 7 Writing Rubric Appendix 8 Spelling Rubric

Appendix 9 Crossword Puzzle for Experiment Group Appendix 10 Regular Assignment for Control Group

Appendix 11 Answer of Entire Questions for Experiment and Control Group

Appendix 12 Table of Validity Instrument Test Appendix 13 Table of Validity Instrument Test Appendix 14 Table of Reliability Instrument Test Appendix 15 Table of Data Difficulty Index Appendix 16 Table of Data Difficulty Index Appendix 17 Table of Data Discrimination Index Appendix 18 Table of Data Discrimination Index

Appendix 19 Experiment Group Score Recapitulation (Crossword Puzzle Assignment)

Control Group Score Recapitulation (Regular Assignment) Appendix 20 Score Average and Standard Deviation of Both Groups Appendix 21 Normality Test of Each Variable

Appendix 22 Homogeneity Test Of Each Variable Appendix 23 Hypothesis Testing

Appendix 24 Non – Parametric Test of Question Based On Cognitive Domain



1.1. Background

Learning is the acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience or instruction, or learning is relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice (Brown; 2000), because of it, the learning process can be happened every time and everywhere. And, of course each the learning process expected led the people to the better change, i.e. increasing their knowledge and the learning result value.

According to the Legal base of SBI/RSBI (international standard school) are: (1) Law No. 20 of 2003, article 50, verse 3, which declares that the central government and/or local Government at least, held one unit of each education levels to be develop into an international standard education unit, (2) PP No. 19 of 2005, article 61, verse 1, which states together central governments and local government organized at least one unit of education on the elementary and secondary education level to be develop into an international education unit (3) 2005-2009 Renstra Mone Chapter V, p. 58, about SBI which stated, to improve the Nations competitiveness it need to develop the SBI at Regency/ City level, through the consistent cooperation between governments and the local government of regency /city, to develop the elementary, junior, senior high school, and SMK international school.


English in their daily teaching and learning activity is not fully practical. Lack of student interest for learning in English is occurring.

International Standard School (RSBI) is the national standard school (SSN) that will prepare the student based on education national standard (SNP). And wish all the RSBI graduation have the international competitive ability. SBI or RSBI expect the student to understand, explain, write and present topics they learn in English especially object like mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Based on international school standard levels, the characteristics of teacher educators such as the science subjects group (biology, chemistry, and physics), math, and vocational core, should capable to conduct the learning with English. And also in criteria international standard of junior high school, should applied the international level curriculum (SNP the enriched curriculum from developed countries). And the learning process based technology, using various models learning (CTL, grip, CBSA, etc.), using a foreign language (English is gradually) (Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional: 2010).


with interesting packaged (using learning media) and the student and teacher situation itself also can influence it. To enhance the student value, the variation of learning is applied in teaching and learning process. There are several kinds of media that can be used, such as puppets, picture cards, card games, crossword, toys and etc. These mediums are appropriate to teach the children. The children can study through playing so they are more interested in teaching-learning process (Daryanti: 2008).

Biology is the living science that consists of so many vocabularies that’s different from other science. Most of biology vocabularies are adopted from Greek’s. For RSBI students they have to understand and memorize both Greeks and English languages in one subject, the biology vocabulary that usually use Greek’s and the definition for each term in English. It needs to find way out, to ease the mastery of both languages at the same time.

There could be a number of ways to make student easier to improve their understanding and master biology taught in bilingual class. Teaching method or media is the main focus to look, and media which is believed to play bigger role on student learning process. Overall the crosswords were a useful ancillary learning tool; benefit in identifying key concepts, contributing to their learning, and engaging them in collaborative practice (Sexena, et al: 2009). Because, before the learners answer the crossword puzzle, they have to analyze the questions first, number of empty boxes, and fit the guesses answer with the boxes. It will enhance the student ability of biology terminology, and spelling in joyful way.

1.2. Problems Identification

Based on the above background can be identified a problem that is:

Legal laws that obligatory all the RSBI/SBI learning and teaching process should capable conduct in English and Environmental management topic is one of the topics that should teach in English.


2. Initial knowledge of the student and difference or difficult term of academic English with daily English spoken on the biology textbook is confusing the student especially on an Environmental management topic that consist of biology terminologies.

3. The teacher usually uses the lecturing method in teaching and learning process on the Environmental management topic.

4. There are some attractive method games likes that can enhance and solve the student learning problem like the vocabulary mastery, spelling and writing ability in academic English that is the crossword puzzle.

1.3. Research Scope

In order to solve the student problem in the English learning acquisition, there need way out to overcome the student difficulties in topic mastery, new topic with unfamiliar word and understanding the academic English with difficult term both from English and Greek word. The scope of this study will be limited to the effect of crossword as an evaluation tool on biology subject especially for the Environmental management topic, like student learning output, English vocabulary, test scores, spelling and writing ability score.

1. This research will be carried on SMP Negeri 1 Medan.

2. Research is conducted at VII grade Thomas A. Edison and Archimedes class of SMP Negeri 1 Medan.

3. The topic is limited to Environmental management topic.

1.4. Research Question

The formulation of the problem in this research is:

1. Is crossword puzzle effect the students learning outcomes compared to those who were assigned by the regular assignment on Environmental Management topic academic year 2011/2012?


who were assigned by the regular assignment on Environmental Management topic academic year 2011/2012?

3. Does crossword puzzle affect the student’s English vocabulary compared to those who were assigned by the regular assignment on Environmental Management topic academic year 2011/2012?

4. Does crossword puzzle affect the students spelling ability compared to those who were assigned by the regular assignment on Environmental Management topic academic year 2011/2012?

5. Does crossword puzzle affect the students witting ability compared to those who were assigned by the regular assignment on Environmental Management topic academic year 2011/2012?

1.5. Objectives

The purposes of this research include:

1. To see the effect of crossword puzzle assignment to increase student learning outcomes compared to those who were assigned by regular assignment, grade VII SMP Negeri 1 for Environmental management topic academic year 2011/2012.

2. To see the effect on crossword puzzle used to enhance the students ability to answer C2 (Comprehension), C3 (Application) and C4 (analysis-synthesis) questions compared to those who were assigned by regular assignment, grade VII SMP Negeri 1 for Environmental management topic academic year 2011/2012.

3. To see the effect of crossword puzzle used to improve students writing abilities compared to those who were assigned by regular assignment, grade VII SMP Negeri 1 for Environmental management topic academic year 2011/2012.


5. To see the effect of crossword puzzle used to improve students spelling abilities compared to those who were assigned by regular assignment, grade VII SMP Negeri 1 for Environmental management topic academic year 2011/2012.

1.6. Significance of Study The benefits of this research are:

a. Researcher, give some information about the leaning media that can be used to improve bilingual learning and teaching class process, where the English is having a role as Second Language

b. Teacher, as contribute to the teachers in selecting teaching strategies and methods that appropriate and suitable to achieving learning objectives, also to make an active class and enhance the student achievement in biology subject





Based on the research data analysis and discussion, concluded, there are differences of students learning outcome, answering Bloom taxonomy of cognitive domain (C1 to C4) questions, writing abilities, vocabulary use, and correct spelling between the Crossword Puzzle treatment and Regular Assignment on Biology subject grade VII of SMP Negeri 1 Medan on Environmental Management topic, year 2011/2012;

1. Crossword puzzle assignment has affected the student’s learning outcomes compared to those who were assigned by regular assignment. 2. Crossword puzzle assignment has affected the student’s ability in

answering C2 (Comprehension), C3 (Application) and C4 (analysis-synthesis) questions compared to those who were assigned by regular assignment.

3. Crossword puzzle assignment has affected the student’s writing abilities compared to those who were assigned by regular assignment.

4. Crossword puzzle assignment has affected the student’s ability in vocabulary use compared to those who were assigned by regular assignment.

5. Crossword puzzle assignment is affected the student’s spelling ability compared to those who were assigned by regular assignment.


1. Teacher could consider the Crossword puzzle as innovation tool in each learning subject.



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Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 3.3
Figure 4.1.  Figure 4.2.
Table of Validity Instrument Test Table of Validity Instrument Test Table of Reliability Instrument Test


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