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: Sdr. Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto : Sdr. Heru Budi Hartono : Sdr. Andin Hadiyanto


Academic year: 2022

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Direksi PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. (“Perseroan”) berkedudukan di Jakarta Pusat, dengan ini memberitahukan kepada para pemegang saham Perseroan, bahwa Perseroan telah menyelenggarakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (“Rapat”) dengan rincian informasi sebagai berikut:

A. Hari/Tanggal, Waktu, dan Tempat Pelaksanaan Rapat Hari / Tanggal : Rabu / 02 Maret 2022

Waktu : Pukul 10.36 WIB s.d 14.08 WIB

Tempat : Menara BTN Jalan Gajah Mada No.1, Jakarta Pusat – 10130 B. Anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan Komite Audit Perseroan yang hadir dalam Rapat

Rapat dipimpin oleh Sdr. Chandra Hamzah, selaku Komisaris Utama/Independen, sesuai keputusan Rapat Dewan Komisaris tanggal 16 Februari 2022 yang disampaikan melalui surat Dewan Komisaris No. 16/KOM/BTN/II/2022 tanggal 16 Februari 2022 perihal Pimpinan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan Tahun Buku 2021 PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk., dan dihadiri oleh seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris, seluruh anggota Direksi dan seluruh anggota Komite Audit Perseroan sebagai berikut:

Dewan Komisaris

Komisaris Utama/Independen : Sdr. Chandra Hamzah

Wakil Komisaris Utama/Independen : Sdr. Iqbal Latanro

Komisaris Independen : Sdr. Ahdi Jumhari Luddin

Komisaris Independen : Sdr. Armand B. Arief

Komisaris : Sdr. Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto

Komisaris : Sdr. Heru Budi Hartono

Komisaris : Sdr. Andin Hadiyanto


Direktur Utama : Sdr. Haru Koesmahargyo

Wakil Direktur Utama : Sdr. Nixon L.P. Napitupulu

Direktur Finance, Planning, and Treasury : Sdr. Nofry Rony Poetra Direktur Wholesale Risk and Asset Management : Sdri. Elisabeth Novie Riswanti

Direktur Compliance and Legal : Sdr. Eko Waluyo

Direktur Risk Management and Transformation : Sdr. Setiyo Wibowo Direktur Distribution and Retail Funding : Sdr. Jasmin

Direktur Operation, IT, and Digital Banking : Sdr. Andi Nirwoto Direktur Consumer and Commercial Lending : Sdr. Hirwandi Gafar


Komite Audit

Ketua : Sdr. Iqbal Latanro

Anggota : Sdr. Ahdi Jumhari Luddin

Anggota : Sdr. Andin Hadiyanto

Anggota : Sdr. Adi Prakoso

Anggota : Sdr. Peter Eko Budi Darwito

C. Kehadiran Pemegang Saham

Rapat tersebut telah dihadiri oleh para pemegang saham dan/atau kuasa para pemegang saham termasuk di dalamnya saham seri A Dwiwarna yang seluruhnya mewakili 7.998.662.634 (tujuh miliar sembilan ratus sembilan puluh delapan juta enam ratus enam puluh dua ribu enam ratus tiga puluh empat) saham atau sebesar 75,5303365% (tujuh puluh lima koma lima tiga nol tiga tiga enam lima persen) dari jumlah seluruh saham dengan hak suara yang sah yang telah dikeluarkan Perseroan sampai dengan hari Rapat, yaitu sejumlah 10.590.000.000 (sepuluh miliar lima ratus sembilan puluh juta) saham yang terdiri dari:

● 1 (satu) saham seri A Dwiwarna; dan

● 10.589.999.999 (sepuluh miliar lima ratus delapan puluh sembilan juta sembilan ratus sembilan puluh sembilan ribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh sembilan) saham seri B;

dengan memperhatikan Daftar Pemegang Saham Perseroan per tanggal 07 Februari 2022 sampai dengan pukul 16.15 Waktu Indonesia Bagian Barat.

D. Kesempatan Untuk Mengajukan Pertanyaan dan/atau Memberikan Pendapat

Dalam pembahasan setiap mata acara Rapat tersebut telah diberikan kesempatan kepada para pemegang saham dan kuasa para pemegang saham Perseroan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan/atau pendapat.

E. Mekanisme Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Rapat

Mekanisme pengambilan keputusan dalam Rapat dilakukan secara musyawarah untuk mufakat.

Namun apabila musyawarah untuk mufakat tidak tercapai, maka keputusan akan diambil dengan perhitungan suara, yang disetujui oleh Pemegang Saham Yang Berhak atau kuasanya yang sah yang mewakili lebih dari 1/2 (satu per dua) bagian dari jumlah seluruh saham dengan hak suara yang hadir dalam Rapat. Khusus untuk mata acara Rapat kedua, keempat, dan ketujuh, keputusan diambil jika turut disetujui oleh pemegang saham seri A Dwiwarna.

F. Pihak Independen Penghitung Suara

Hasil pengambilan keputusan dihitung oleh PT Datindo Entrycom selaku Biro Administrasi Efek (“BAE”) yang ditunjuk oleh Perseroan dan selanjutnya divalidasi oleh Notaris Ashoya Ratam, SH, MKn.


G. Keputusan Rapat

Bahwa dalam Rapat tersebut telah diambil keputusan yaitu sebagaimana dituangkan dalam Ringkasan Risalah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan PERUSAHAAN PERSEROAN (PERSERO) PT BANK TABUNGAN NEGARA Tbk. atau disingkat PT BANK TABUNGAN NEGARA (PERSERO) Tbk. No. 60 tanggal 02 Maret 2022, yang dibuat oleh Notaris Ashoya Ratam, SH, MKn., yang pokoknya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Mata Acara Pertama Rapat

Persetujuan Laporan Tahunan dan Pengesahan Laporan Keuangan Perseroan, Persetujuan Laporan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris serta Pengesahan Laporan Tahunan Pelaksanaan Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Perseroan untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021, sekaligus pemberian pelunasan dan pembebasan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya (volledig acquit et de charge) kepada Direksi atas tindakan pengurusan Perseroan dan Dewan Komisaris atas tindakan pengawasan Perseroan yang telah dijalankan selama Tahun Buku 2021.

Jumlah Penanya

Tidak terdapat penanya dalam pembahasan mata acara pertama Rapat, namun terdapat tanggapan dari pemegang saham Seri A Dwiwarna sebagai berikut:

No Tanggapan/Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Dalam rangka peningkatan kinerja Perseroan dan efektifitas pembinaan PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk/”BTN”, bersama ini kami sampaikan tanggapan Pemegang Saham Seri A Dwiwarna sebagai berikut:

1. Atas capaian kinerja Perseroan pada Tahun Buku 2021, kami ucapkan terima kasih dan apresiasi kepada segenap jajaran Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Pegawai BTN atas :

a. Peningkatan capaian kinerja dan komitmen Perseroan dalam menjaga sustainability Bank di tengah pandemi Covid-19 antara lain:

1) Pertumbuhan kredit sebesar 5,66% yoy, dan terealisasi lebih tinggi dari pertumbuhan kredit industri Perbankan sebesar 4,9% pada tahun 2021.

2) Cost of Fund turun dari 5,39% pada tahun 2020 menjadi 3,81% tahun 2021.

3) Efisiensi biaya yang ditunjukkan dengan turunnya rasio BOPO dari 91,61% tahun 2020 menjadi 89,27% tahun 2021.

4) Laba Bersih Perseroan tercapai sebesar Rp2.376 miliar meningkat 48,30% yoy.

Capaian kinerja tersebut hendaknya dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan pada periode berikutnya sehingga perusahaan dapat meningkatkan kontribusi kepada Pemegang Saham.

2. Hal-hal yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi BTN untuk perbaikan kinerja di masa mendatang sebagai berikut:

a. Mempertajam strategi dalam mengoptimalkan Cost of Fund, antara lain dengan:

Meningkatkan komposisi dana murah pada tabungan dan giro (CASA), dengan menawarkan end to end product dan layanan bagi nasabah.

Melakukan re-negosiasi dan reprofiling tingkat bunga dana wholesale dan deposito nasabah yang masih cukup tinggi dibanding dengan tingkat bunga pasar saat ini.

b. Memperkuat permodalan untuk mendukung pengembangan bisnis secara sustainable.

c. Mengantisipasi penurunan kualitas kredit pada akhir masa relaksasi

Terimakasih atas

tanggapan dari

Pemegang Saham Seri A Dwiwarna. Hal dimaksud akan menjadi perhatian dan catatan kami.


kredit terdampak pandemi Covid-19, antara lain dengan:

Meningkatkan Cadangan Kerugian Penurunan Nilai dan Rasio Coverage.

Senantiasa konsisten dalam menerapkan prinsip prudential banking dalam penyaluran kredit untuk meningkatkan kualitas kredit agar tingkat Loan at Risk (LaR) maupun Non Performing Loan (NPL) dapat diturunkan dan mencegah adanya surprise downgrade di akhir periode relaksasi kredit.

d. Memperbaiki interface dan menyempurnakan fitur-fitur dari aplikasi BTN Properti dan Digital Channel lainnya agar dapat lebih user-friendly, serta dapat memudahkan masyarakat, khususnya Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah dan Kaum Millenial untuk dapat mengajukan KPR Subsidi maupun Non Subsidi.

e. Mempertajam fokus strategi dalam mengembangkan ekosistem digital property dan digital mortgage sebagai upaya optimalisasi perolehan CASA dan fee-based income, serta mampu menciptakan competitive advantage di segmen pembiayaan properti dan perumahan.

f. Mengantisipasi potensi pengetatan likuiditas dan peningkatan suku bunga di tahun 2022 sebagai dampak kebijakan tapering off the Fed Amerika.

g. Memberikan dukungan terhadap inisiatif Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) baik dalam program kerja Perseroan maupun melalui peningkatan penyaluran kredit pada sektor industri yang turut mendorong realisasi program ESG.

h. Menyelesaikan tindak lanjut temuan audit/pemeriksaan internal maupun eksternal (OJK, BPK, PPATK, KAP dan SPI), mengoptimalkan efektifitas implementasi three line of defense dalam operasional Perseroan, serta senantiasa mengedepankan prinsip good corporate governance dan ketentuan Anti Pencucian Uang dan Pencegahaan Pendanaan Terorisme.

Hasil Penghitungan Suara

Setuju Tidak Setuju Abstain

7.986.413.743 (99,8468633%) 200 (0,0000025%) 12.248.691 (0,1531342%) Keputusan mata acara pertama Rapat

1. Menyetujui Laporan Tahunan Perseroan termasuk Laporan Tugas Pengawasan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Dewan Komisaris untuk tahun buku 2021, dan mengesahkan Laporan Keuangan Perseroan yang didalamnya mencakup Laporan Pelaksanaan Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan, yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021 dan telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja sesuai Laporan Nomor 00054/2.1032/AU.1/07/0240-1/1/II/2022 tanggal 7 Februari 2022, dengan pendapat wajar dalam semua hal yang material.

2. Menerima Laporan Keuangan dan Pelaksanaan Program Pendanaan Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil (PUMK) yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021 dan telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja sesuai Laporan Nomor 00053/2.1032/AU.2/07/0240-1/1/II/2022 tanggal 7 Februari 2022 dengan pendapat wajar dalam semua hal yang material.

3. Dengan telah disetujuinya Laporan Tahunan Perseroan, termasuk Laporan Tugas Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris, dan disahkannya Laporan Keuangan yang mencakup pula Laporan Pelaksanaan Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan dan Laporan Keuangan Pelaksanaan Program Pendanaan Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2021, maka RUPS memberikan pelunasan dan


pembebasan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya (volledig acquit et de charge) kepada seluruh anggota Direksi atas tindakan pengurusan Perseroan dan kepada seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris atas tindakan pengawasan yang telah dijalankan selama tahun buku yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2021, termasuk pengurusan dan pengawasan terhadap Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan BUMN yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2021, sepanjang tindakan tersebut bukan merupakan tindak pidana dan tercermin dalam Laporan tersebut di atas.

2. Mata Acara Kedua Rapat

Penetapan penggunaan Laba Bersih Perseroan untuk Tahun Buku 2021.

Jumlah Penanya

Tidak terdapat penanya dalam pembahasan mata acara kedua Rapat.

Hasil Penghitungan Suara

Setuju Tidak Setuju Abstain

7.988.462.434 (99,8724762%) 10.200.200 (0,1275238%) 0 (0%

Keputusan mata acara kedua Rapat

Menetapkan penggunaan laba bersih Perseroan tahun buku 2021 sebesar Rp2.376.225.756.803,- (dua triliun tiga ratus tujuh puluh enam miliar dua ratus dua puluh lima juta tujuh ratus lima puluh enam ribu delapan ratus tiga rupiah) sebagai berikut:

1. Sebesar 10% (sepuluh persen) atau Rp237.622.575.680,- (dua ratus tiga puluh tujuh miliar enam ratus dua puluh dua juta lima ratus tujuh puluh lima ribu enam ratus delapan puluh rupiah) ditetapkan sebagai Dividen Tunai kepada para pemegang saham yang akan dibayarkan dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

a. Khusus dividen bagian Pemerintah atas kepemilikan 60% (enam puluh persen) saham sebesar Rp142.573.545.408,- (seratus empat puluh dua miliar lima ratus tujuh puluh tiga juta lima ratus empat puluh lima ribu empat ratus delapan rupiah), akan disetorkan ke Rekening Kas Umum Negara.

b. Memberikan wewenang dan kuasa kepada Direksi Perseroan dengan hak substitusi untuk menetapkan jadwal dan tata cara pembagian dividen Tahun Buku 2021 sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.

2. Sebesar 90% (sembilan puluh persen) atau Rp2.138.603.181.123,- (dua triliun seratus tiga puluh delapan miliar enam ratus tiga juta seratus delapan puluh satu ribu seratus dua puluh tiga rupiah) ditetapkan sebagai saldo Laba Ditahan.

3. Mata Acara Ketiga Rapat

Penunjukan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) untuk mengaudit Laporan Keuangan Perseroan dan Laporan Keuangan Pelaksanaan Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Tahun Buku 2022.

Jumlah Penanya

Tidak terdapat penanya dalam pembahasan mata acara ketiga Rapat.


Hasil Penghitungan Suara

Setuju Tidak Setuju Abstain

7.660.751.562 (95,7754054%) 337.911.072 (4,2245946%) 0 (0%) Keputusan mata acara ketiga Rapat

1. Menetapkan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, sebagai Kantor Akuntan Publik yang akan mengaudit Laporan Keuangan Perseroan serta Laporan Keuangan dan Pelaksanaan Program Pendanaan Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil (PUMK) dan laporan lainnya untuk Tahun Buku 2022.

2. Memberikan wewenang dan kuasa kepada Dewan Komisaris Perseroan menunjuk Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk melakukan audit atas Laporan Keuangan Perseroan periode lainnya pada Tahun Buku 2022 untuk tujuan dan kepentingan Perseroan.

3. Memberikan kuasa kepada Dewan Komisaris Perseroan untuk menetapkan imbalan jasa audit dan persyaratan lainnya bagi KAP tersebut, serta menetapkan Kantor Akuntan Publik pengganti dalam hal KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, karena sebab apapun tidak dapat menyelesaikan audit Laporan Keuangan Perseroan Pelaksanaan Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Perseroan untuk Tahun Buku 2022, termasuk menetapkan imbalan jasa audit dan persyaratan lainnya bagi Kantor Akuntan Publik pengganti tersebut.

4. Mata Acara Keempat Rapat

Penetapan remunerasi/penghasilan (gaji/honorarium, fasilitas dan tunjangan) Tahun 2022, serta tantiem Tahun Buku 2021 bagi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan.

Jumlah Penanya

Tidak terdapat penanya dalam pembahasan mata acara keempat Rapat.

Hasil Penghitungan Suara

Setuju Tidak Setuju Abstain

7.866.975.417 (98,3536421%) 131.686.617 (1,643579% 600 (0,0000075%) Keputusan mata acara keempat Rapat

1. Memberikan wewenang dan kuasa kepada Pemegang Saham Seri A Dwiwarna untuk menetapkan bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris besarnya tantiem untuk kinerja Tahun Buku 2021 dan gaji/honorarium, fasilitas dan tunjangan untuk Tahun 2022.

2. Memberikan wewenang dan kuasa kepada Dewan Komisaris Perseroan dengan terlebih dahulu mendapatkan persetujuan tertulis dari Pemegang Saham Seri A Dwiwarna untuk menetapkan bagi anggota Direksi besarnya tantiem untuk Tahun Buku 2021 dan gaji/honorarium, fasilitas dan tunjangan untuk Tahun 2022.

5. Mata Acara Kelima Rapat

Persetujuan Pengkinian Rencana Aksi (Recovery Plan) Perseroan sesuai Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 14/POJK.03/2017 tentang Rencana Aksi (Recovery Plan) bagi Bank Sistemik.

Jumlah Penanya

Tidak terdapat penanya dalam pembahasan mata acara kelima Rapat.


Hasil Penghitungan Suara

Setuju Tidak Setuju Abstain

7.998.662.434 (99,9999975%) 200 (0,0000025%) 0 (0%) Keputusan mata acara kelima Rapat

Menyetujui Pengkinian Rencana Aksi Perseroan dalam rangka memenuhi regulasi Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 14/POJK.03/2017 tanggal 4 April 2017 tentang Rencana Aksi (Recovery Plan) Bagi Bank Sistemik.

6. Mata Acara Keenam Rapat Pengukuhan Pemberlakuan atas:

a. Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor PER-05/MBU/04/2021 tanggal 8 April 2021 tentang Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Badan Usaha Milik Negara;

b. Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor PER-11/MBU/07/2021 tanggal 30 Juli 2021 tentang Persyaratan, Tata Cara Pengangkatan, dan Pemberhentian Anggota Direksi Badan Usaha Milik Negara; dan

c. Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor PER-13/MBU/09/2021 tanggal 24 September 2021 tentang Perubahan Keenam Atas Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER-04/MBU/2014 tentang Pedoman Penetapan Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara.

Jumlah Penanya

Tidak terdapat penanya dalam pembahasan mata acara keenam Rapat.

Hasil Penghitungan Suara

Setuju Tidak Setuju Abstain

7.998.662.434 (99,9999975%) 200 (0,0000025%) 0 (0%) Keputusan mata acara keenam Rapat

Mengukuhkan pemberlakuan atas:

a. Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor PER-05/MBU/04/2021 tanggal 8 April 2021 tentang Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Badan Usaha Milik Negara dan perubahan-perubahannya;

b. Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor PER-11/MBU/07/2021 tanggal 30 Juli 2021 tentang Persyaratan, Tata Cara Pengangkatan, dan Pemberhentian Anggota Direksi Badan Usaha Milik Negara dan perubahan-perubahannya;

c. Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor PER-13/MBU/09/2021 tanggal 24 September 2021 tentang Perubahan Keenam Atas Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER-04/MBU/2014 tentang Pedoman Penetapan Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara dan perubahan-perubahannya.

7. Mata Acara Ketujuh Rapat

Persetujuan atas Perubahan Susunan Pengurus Perseroan.


Jumlah Penanya

Tidak terdapat penanya dalam pembahasan mata acara ketujuh Rapat.

Hasil Penghitungan Suara

Setuju Tidak Setuju Abstain

6.951.162.908 (86,9040642%) 982.921.026 (12,2885671%) 64.578.700 (0,8073687%) Keputusan mata acara ketujuh Rapat

1. Memberhentikan dengan hormat nama-nama tersebut di bawah ini sebagai anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan sebagai berikut:

a. Sdr. Eko D. Heripoerwanto sebagai Komisaris;

b. Sdr. Nixon L.P. Napitupulu sebagai Wakil Direktur Utama;

yang diangkat masing-masing berdasarkan keputusan RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2018 tanggal 17 Mei 2019 dan RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2016 tanggal 17 Maret 2017 jo RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2020 tanggal 10 Maret 2021, dengan ucapan terima kasih atas sumbangan tenaga dan pikirannya selama memangku jabatan tersebut.

2. Mengubah nomenklatur jabatan anggota-anggota Direksi Perseroan sebagai berikut:

No Semula Menjadi

1) Direktur Consumer & Commercial Lending

Direktur Consumer 2) Direktur Finance, Planning & Treasury Direktur Finance

3) Direktur Compliance & Legal Direktur Human Capital, Compliance, &

Legal 4) Direktur Wholesale Risk & Asset


Direktur Assets Management 5) Direktur Operation, IT, & Digital Banking Direktur IT & Digital

6) Direktur Distribution & Retail Funding Direktur Distribution & Funding 7) Direktur Risk Management &

Transformation Direktur Risk Management

3. Mengalihkan penugasan nama-nama tersebut di bawah ini sebagai anggota Direksi Perseroan sebagai berikut:

No Nama Semula Menjadi

1) Hirwandi Gafar Direktur Consumer &

Commercial Lending Direktur Consumer 2) Nofry Rony Poetra Direktur Finance, Planning &

Treasury Direktur Finance

3) Eko Waluyo Direktur Compliance & Legal Direktur Human Capital, Compliance, & Legal 4) Elisabeth Novie


Direktur Wholesale Risk &

Asset Management

Direktur Assets Management 5) Andi Nirwoto Direktur Operation, IT, &

Digital Banking

Direktur IT & Digital 6) Jasmin Direktur Distribution & Retail


Direktur Distribution &

Funding 7) Setiyo Wibowo Direktur Risk Management &

Transformation Direktur Risk Management


yang diangkat masing-masing berdasarkan Keputusan RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2020 tanggal 10 Maret 2021, Keputusan RUPSLB Tahun 2019 tanggal 29 Agustus 2019, Keputusan RUPSLB Tahun 2019 tanggal 27 November 2019 dan Keputusan RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2017 tanggal 23 Maret 2018, dengan masa jabatan meneruskan sisa masa jabatan berdasarkan Keputusan RUPS tersebut.

4. Mengangkat nama-nama tersebut di bawah ini sebagai anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris sebagai berikut:

1) Herry Trisaputra Zuna - sebagai Komisaris;

2) Himawan Arief Sugoto - sebagai Komisaris;

3) Sentot A Sentausa - sebagai Komisaris Independen;

4) Nixon L.P. Napitupulu - sebagai Wakil Direktur Utama.

5. Masa jabatan anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris yang diangkat sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka 4, sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan dengan memperhatikan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang Pasar Modal dan tanpa mengurangi hak RUPS untuk memberhentikan sewaktu-waktu.

6. Dengan adanya pemberhentian, perubahan nomenklatur jabatan, pengalihan tugas, dan pengangkatan anggota-anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka 1 sampai 4, maka susunan keanggotaan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan menjadi sebagai berikut:

a. Dewan Komisaris

1) Komisaris Utama/Independen : Chandra Hamzah 2) Wakil Komisaris Utama/Independen : Iqbal Latanro

3) Komisaris : Heru Budi Hartono

4) Komisaris : Andin Hadiyanto

5) Komisaris : Herry Trisaputra Zuna

6) Komisaris : Himawan Arief Sugoto

7) Komisaris Independen : Armand Bachtiar Arief 8) Komisaris Independen : Ahdi Jumhari Luddin

9) Komisaris Independen : Sentot A. Sentausa

b. Direksi

1) Direktur Utama : Haru Koesmahargyo

2) Wakil Direktur Utama : Nixon L.P. Napitupulu

3) Direktur Consumer : Hirwandi Gafar

4) Direktur Finance : Nofry Rony Poetra

5) Direktur Human Capital, Compliance, & Legal : Eko Waluyo

6) Direktur Assets Management : Elisabeth Novie Riswanti 7) Direktur IT & Digital : Andi Nirwoto

8) Direktur Distribution & Funding : Jasmin

9) Direktur Risk Management : Setiyo Wibowo

7. Anggota-anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris yang diangkat sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka 4 baru dapat melaksanakan tugasnya setelah mendapat persetujuan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) atas Penilaian Kemampuan dan Kepatutan (Fit & Proper Test) dan memenuhi peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Dalam hal anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk, kemudian dinyatakan tidak disetujui sebagai anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dalam Penilaian Kemampuan dan Kepatutan (Fit & Proper Test) oleh OJK, maka anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris tersebut diberhentikan dengan hormat sejak tanggal ditetapkannya keputusan hasil Penilaian Kemampuan dan Kepatutan (Fit & Proper Test) OJK dimaksud.


8. Anggota-anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris yang diangkat sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka 4 yang masih menjabat pada jabatan lain yang dilarang oleh peraturan perundang-undangan untuk dirangkap dengan jabatan anggota Direksi atau anggota Dewan Komisaris Badan Usaha Milik Negara, maka yang bersangkutan harus mengundurkan diri atau diberhentikan dari jabatannya tersebut.

9. Meminta kepada Direksi untuk mengajukan permohonan tertulis kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan untuk pelaksanaan Penilaian Kemampuan dan Kepatutan (Fit & Proper Test) atas anggota-anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris yang diangkat sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka 4.

10. Memberikan kuasa dengan hak substitusi kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk menyatakan yang diputuskan RUPS ini dalam bentuk Akta Notaris serta menghadap Notaris atau pejabat yang berwenang, dan melakukan penyesuaian atau perbaikan-perbaikan yang diperlukan apabila dipersyaratkan oleh pihak yang berwenang untuk keperluan pelaksanaan isi keputusan rapat.


Sesuai dengan keputusan Mata Acara Rapat Kedua sebagaimana tersebut di atas, dimana Rapat telah menetapkan dividen tunai tahun buku 2021 sebesar Rp237.622.575.680,- (dua ratus tiga puluh tujuh miliar enam ratus dua puluh dua juta lima ratus tujuh puluh lima ribu enam ratus delapan puluh rupiah) atau sebesar Rp22,43839 (dua puluh dua koma empat tiga delapan tiga sembilan rupiah) per lembar saham yang akan dibagikan kepada Pemegang Saham Perseroan, maka dengan ini diberitahukan jadwal dan tata cara pembayaran dividen tunai tahun buku 2021 sebagai berikut:

Jadwal Pembagian Dividen Tunai



Akhir Periode Perdagangan Saham Dengan Hak Dividen (Cum Dividen)

● Pasar Reguler dan Negosiasi

● Pasar Tunai

11 Maret 2022 15 Maret 2022

2 Awal Periode Perdagangan Saham Tanpa Hak Dividen (Ex Dividen)

● Pasar Reguler dan Negosiasi

● Pasar Tunai

14 Maret 2022 16 Maret 2022 3 Tanggal Daftar Pemegang Saham yang berhak Dividen (Record Date) 15 Maret 2022 4 Tanggal Pembayaran Dividen Tunai Tahun Buku 2021 31 Maret 2022 Tata Cara Pembayaran Dividen Tunai

1. Dividen Tunai akan dibagikan kepada Pemegang Saham yang namanya tercatat dalam Daftar Pemegang Saham Perseroan atau record date pada tanggal 15 Maret 2022 dan/atau pemilik Saham Perseroan pada Sub Rekening Efek di PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (“KSEI”) pada penutupan perdagangan tanggal 15 Maret 2022.

2. Bagi Pemegang Saham yang sahamnya dimasukkan dalam penitipan kolektif KSEI, pembayaran dividen tunai dilaksanakan melalui KSEI dan akan didistribusikan pada tanggal 31 Maret 2022 ke dalam Rekening Dana Nasabah (RDN) pada Perusahaan Efek dan atau Bank Kustodian dimana Pemegang Saham membuka rekening efek. Sedangkan bagi Pemegang Saham Perseroan yang sahamnya tidak dimasukkan dalam penitipan kolektif KSEI, maka pembayaran dividen tunai akan ditransfer ke rekening Pemegang Saham Perseroan.


3. Dividen tunai tersebut akan dikenakan pajak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan yang berlaku.

4. Berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan yang berlaku, dividen tunai tersebut akan dikecualikan dari objek pajak jika diterima oleh pemegang saham wajib pajak badan dalam negeri (“WP Badan DN”) dan Perseroan tidak melakukan pemotongan Pajak Penghasilan atas dividen tunai yang dibayarkan kepada WP Badan DN tersebut. Dividen tunai yang diterima oleh pemegang saham wajib pajak orang pribadi dalam negeri (“WPOP DN”) akan dikecualikan dari objek pajak sepanjang dividen tersebut diinvestasikan di wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Bagi WPOP DN yang tidak memenuhi ketentuan investasi sebagaimana disebutkan di atas, maka dividen yang diterima oleh yang bersangkutan akan dikenakan pajak penghasilan (“PPh”) sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, dan PPh tersebut wajib disetor sendiri oleh WPOP DN yang bersangkutan sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 9 Tahun 2021 tentang Perlakuan Perpajakan Untuk Mendukung Kemudahan Berusaha.

5. Pemegang saham Perseroan dapat memperoleh konfirmasi pembayaran dividen melalui perusahaan efek dan atau bank kustodian dimana Pemegang saham Perseroan membuka rekening efek, selanjutnya pemegang saham Perseroan wajib bertanggung jawab melakukan pelaporan penerimaan dividen dimaksud dalam pelaporan pajak pada tahun pajak yang bersangkutan sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan yang berlaku.

6. Bagi Pemegang Saham yang merupakan Wajib Pajak Luar Negeri yang pemotongan pajaknya akan menggunakan tarif berdasarkan Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda wajib memenuhi persyaratan Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pajak No.PER-25/Pj/2018 tentang Tata Cara Penerapan Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda serta menyampaikan dokumen bukti rekam atau tanda terima DGT/SKD yang telah diunggah ke laman Direktorat Jenderal pajak kepada KSEI atau BAE sesuai peraturan dan ketentuan KSEI. Tanpa adanya dokumen dimaksud, dividen tunai yang dibayarkan akan dikenakan PPh Pasal 26 sebesar 20%.

Jakarta, 4 Maret 2022







Board of Directors of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (hereinafter referred to as the

“Company”), domiciled in Central Jakarta, hereby announce to the Company's shareholders that the Company convened the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter referred to as the

“Meeting”) with the following detail information:

A. Day/Date, Time, and Venue of Meeting Day/Date : Wednesday / March 10th, 2021

Time : 10:36 AM to 14:08 PM Western Indonesian Time

Venue : Menara BTN Jalan Gajah Mada No.1 - Central Jakarta - 10130

B. The Attendance of Members of the Company's Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and Audit Committee at the Meeting

The Meeting was chaired by Mr. Chandra Hamzah, as the President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner, based on the resolution of the Board of Commissioners dated 16 February 2022 that was conveyed through the letter of the Board of Commissioners No. 16/KOM/BTN/II/2022 dated 16 February 2022 regarding Chairman of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for Financial Year 2021 of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk, and attended by all Members of the Board of Commissioners, all members of the Board of Directors, and all members of the Audit Committee of the Company as follows:

Board of Commissioners:

President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner : Mr. Chandra Hamzah Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner : Mr. Iqbal Latanro

Independent Commissioner : Mr. Ahdi Jumhari Luddin

Independent Commissioner : Mr. Armand B. Arief

Commissioner : Mr. Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto

Commissioner : Mr. Heru Budi Hartono

Commissioner : Mr. Andin Hadiyanto

Board of Directors

President Director : Mr. Haru Koesmahargyo

Vice President Director : Mr. Nixon L.P. Napitupulu

Director of Finance, Planning, and Treasury : Mr. Nofry Rony Poetra Director of r Wholesale Risk and Asset Management : Mrs. Elisabeth Novie Riswanti Director of Compliance and Legal : Mr. Eko Waluyo

Director of Risk Management and Transformation : Mr. Setiyo Wibowo Director of Distribution and Retail Funding : Mr. Jasmin


Director of Operation, IT, and Digital Banking : Mr. Andi Nirwoto Director of Consumer and Commercial Lending : Sdr. Hirwandi Gafar

Audit Committee

Chairman : Mr. Iqbal Latanro

Member : Mr. Ahdi Jumhari Luddin

Member : Mr. Andin Hadiyanto

Member : Mr. Adi Prakoso

Member : Mr. Peter Eko Budi Darwito

C. Shareholders in Attendance

The Meeting has been attended by the Shareholders and/or their proxy included Serie A Dwiwarna Shares representing 7,998,662,634 (seven billion nine hundred ninety eight million six hundred sixty two thousand six hundred thirty four) shares or constituting 75.5303365% (seventy five point five three zero three three six five percent) of the total shares with valid voting rights that have been issued by the Company up to the date of the Meeting, with a total of 10,590,000,000 (ten billion five hundred and ninety million) shares consisting of:

 1 (one) Serie A Dwiwarna shares; and

 10,589,999,999 (ten billion five hundred eighty nine million and nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine) Serie B share;

Based on the Company's Shares Registrar dated 7 February 2022 until 04:15 PM Western Indonesian Time.

D. Opportunity to Ask Questions and/or Express Opinions

In the discussion of each agenda item of the Meeting, the shareholders of the Company as well as their proxies have been given opportunity to ask questions and/or express opinions.

E. Mechanism of the Resolution-making in the Meeting

The mechanism of the resolution-making in the Meeting was carried out by deliberation to reach consensus. However, if deliberation to reach consensus was not reached, the resolution would be taken by voting, which should be approved by the Eligible Shareholders or their legal proxies who represent more than 1/2 (a half) portion of the total shares with voting rights present at the Meeting.

Especially for the second, fourth, and seventh agendas of the Meeting, resolution was taken if it is also approved by the shareholders of series A Dwiwarna.

F. Independent Parties to count and/or validate the vote

The results of the voting were calculated by PT Datindo Entrycom as the Securities Administration Bureau (“BAE”) appointed by the Company and subsequently validated by Notary Ashoya Ratam, SH, MKn.

G. Resolutions of the Meeting

Whereas the Meeting has resolved the following resolutions as set forth in the deed of, “Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PERUSAHAAN PERSEROAN (PERSERO) PT BANK TABUNGAN NEGARA Tbk or PT BANK TABUNGAN NEGARA (PERSERO) Tbk”, No. 60


dated 2 March 2021, which was drawn up before Notary Ashoya Ratam SH, MKn., that substantially as follows:

1. The First Agenda of Meeting

Approval of the Company’s Annual Report and ratification of the Company’s Financial Report, Approval for the Board of Commissioners’ Supervisory Report and Ratification of the Annual Report of the Implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility Program for the financial year ending December 31st, 2021, and discharge of liability (volledig acquit et de charge) to all members of the Board of Directors for the actions of managing the Company and to all members of the Board of Commissioners for the actions of supervising the Company carried out during the Financial Year of 2021.

Number of Questioners

There is no questioner in the first agenda of the Meeting, but there was only responses from the shareholder of Serie A Dwiwarna, as follows:

No Responses/Questions Answer

1. In order to improve the performance of the Company and the effectiveness of the development of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk/”BTN”, we hereby convey the response of the Shareholders of Series A Dwiwarna as follows:

1. For the achievement of the Company's performance in the 2021 Fiscal Year, we express our gratitude and appreciation to all levels of the Board of Commissioners, Directors and Employees of BTN for:

a. Improvements in the Company's performance achievements and commitments in maintaining the sustainability of the Bank in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic include:

1) Credit growth of 5.66% yoy, and realized higher than the banking industry credit growth of 4.9% in 2021.

2) Cost of Fund decreased from 5.39% in 2020 to 3.81% in 2021.

3) Cost efficiency as indicated by the decrease in the BOPO ratio from 91.61% in 2020 to 89.27% in 2021.

4) The Company's Net Profit reached Rp2,376 billion, an increase of 48.30% yoy. This performance achievement should be maintained and improved in the next period so that the company can increase its contribution to shareholders.

2. Matters that need attention from the Board of Commissioners and Directors of BTN for future performance improvement are as follows:

a. Sharpen the strategy in optimizing the Cost of Fund, among others by: Increasing the composition of low-cost funds in savings and current accounts (CASA), by offering end-to-end products and services for customers. Re-negotiating and reprofiling the interest rates for wholesale funds and customer deposits which are still quite high compared to the current market interest rate.

b. Strengthening capital to support sustainable business development.

c. Anticipating a decline in credit quality at the end of the credit relaxation period affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, among others by: Increase Allowance for Impairment Losses and Coverage Ratio.

Always be consistent in applying prudential banking principles in lending to improve credit quality so that the level of Loan at Risk (LaR) and Non Performing Loan (NPL) can be lowered and prevent a surprise downgrade at the end of the credit relaxation period.

d. Improve the interface and improve the features of the BTN Properti and other Digital Channel applications to make it more user-friendly, and to make it easier for the public, especially Low-Income Communities and Millennials, to be able to apply for subsidized and non-subsidized mortgages.

e. Sharpen the strategic focus in developing the digital property and

Thank you for the response from Serie A Dwiwarna Shareholder.

There will be our concern dan notes.


digital mortgage ecosystem as an effort to optimize the acquisition of CASA and fee-based income, as well as being able to create a competitive advantage in the property and housing financing segment.

f. Anticipating the potential for tightening liquidity and increasing interest rates in 2022 as a result of the US Fed's tapering off policy.

g. Provide support for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives both in the Company's work programs and through increased lending to the industrial sector which also encourages the realization of the ESG program.

h. Completed follow-up on audit findings/internal and external audits (OJK, BPK, PPATK, KAP and SPI), optimizing the effectiveness of the implementation of the three lines of defense in the Company's operations, and always prioritizing the principles of good corporate governance and provisions on Anti-Money Laundering and the Prevention of Terrorism Financing.

Voting Results

Affirmative Vote Non-Affirmative Vote Abstain

7.986.413.743 (99,8468633%) 200 (0,0000025%) 12.248.691 (0,1531342%) Resolution of the first agenda of the Meeting

1. Approved the Company's Annual Report including the Supervisory Task Report that has been carried out by the Board of Commissioners for the financial year 2021, and ratified the Company's Financial Statements which includes the Report on the Implementation of the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program, which ended on 31 December 2021 and has been audited by the Public Accounting Firm of Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja in accordance with Report Number 00054/2.1032/AU.1/07/0240-1/1/II/2022 dated 7 February 2022, with fair opinion in all material respects.

2. Accepted the Financial Statements and Implementation of the Program of Micro and Small Business Funding (Pendanaan Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil - PUMK) which ended on 31 December 2021 and was audited by the Public Accounting Firm of Purwantono, Sungkoro

& Surja in accordance with Report Number 00053/2.1032/AU.2/07/0240-1/1/II/2022 dated 7 February 2022 with a fair opinion in all material respects.

3. With the approval of the Company's Annual Report, including the Report on the Supervisory Tasks of the Board of Commissioners, and the ratification of the Financial Statements which includes the Report on the Implementation of the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program and the Financial Statements on the Implementation of the Micro and Small Business Funding Program for the financial year ended on 31 December 2021, the GMS granted full acquittal and discharge of responsibilities (volledig acquit et de charge) to all members of the Board of Directors for the management actions of the Company and to all members of the Board of Commissioners for supervisory actions that have been carried out during the financial year ended on 31 December 2021, including management and supervision of the BUMN Social and Environmental Responsibility Program ended on 31 December 2021, as long as the action is not a criminal act and is reflected in the Report mentioned above.

2. The Second Agenda of Meeting

Determination for Appropriation of the Company’s Net Profit for the Financial Year of 2021.

Number of Questioners

There is no questioner in the second agenda of the Meeting.


Voting Results

Affirmative Vote Non-Affirmative Vote Abstain 7.988.462.434 (99,8724762%) 10.200.200 (0,1275238%) 0 (0%

Resolution of the second agenda of the Meeting

Determined the use of the Company's net profit for financial year of 2021 amounting to Rp2,376,225,756,803.00 (two trillion three hundred seventy six billion two hundred twenty five million seven hundred fifty six thousand eight hundred and three Rupiah) as follows:

1. 10% (ten percent) or Rp.237,622,575,680.00 (two hundred thirty seven billion six hundred twenty two million five hundred seventy five thousand six hundred and eighty Rupiah) shall be determined as Cash Dividend to shareholders which will be paid under the following conditions:

a. In particular, dividends which are part of the Government's ownership of 60% (sixty percent) shares in the amount of Rp. 142,573,545,408.00 (one hundred and forty two billion five hundred seventy three million five hundred forty five thousand four hundred and eight Rupiah), will be deposited into Account of the State General Treasury.

b. Granted authority and power to the Board of Directors of the Company with substitution rights to determine the schedule and procedure for the distribution of dividends for the Financial Year of 2021 in accordance with applicable regulations.

2. 90% (ninety percent) or Rp.2,138,603,181,123.00 (two trillion one hundred thirty eight billion six hundred and three million one hundred eighty one thousand one hundred and twenty three Rupiah) is determined as the balance of Retained Earnings

3. The Third Agenda of Meeting

The appointment of Public Accountant Firm (KAP) to audit the Company’s Financial Report and the Financial Report on the Implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Financial Year of 2022.

Number of Questioners

There is no questioner in the third agenda of the Meeting.

Voting Results

Affirmative Vote Non-Affirmative Vote Abstain 7.660.751.562 (95,7754054%) 337.911.072 (4,2245946%) 0 (0%)

Resolution of the third agenda of the Meeting

1. Determined the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) of Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, as the Public Accounting Firm that will audit the Company's Financial Statements as well as the Financial Statements and Implementation of the Program of Micro and Small Business Funding (PUMK) and other reports for the Financial Year of 2022.

2. Granted authority and power to the Board of Commissioners of the Company to appoint a Public Accounting Firm to audit the Company's Financial Statements for other periods in the Financial Year of 2022 for the purposes and interests of the Company.

3. Granted power to the Board of Commissioners of the Company to determine the fee for audit services and other requirements for the KAP, as well as appoint a replacement Public Accounting Firm in the case of KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja, due to any reason, is unable to complete the audit of the to audit the Company's Financial Statements and the Financial Statements of the Implementation of the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program for the Financial Year of 2022, including determine fee for audit services and other requirements for the replacement Public Accounting Firm.


4. The Fourth Agenda of Meeting

Determination of remuneration/income (salary/ honorarium, facility and benefit) for the Year of 2022 and tantiem of the Financial Year of 2021 for the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company.

Number of Questioners

There is no questioner in the fourth agenda of the Meeting Voting Results

Affirmative Vote Non-Affirmative Vote Abstain 7.866.975.417 (98,3536421%) 131.686.617 (1,643579% 600 (0,0000075%) Resolution of the fourth agenda of the Meeting

1. Granted authority and power to the Series A Dwiwarna Shareholder to determine, for members of the Board of Commissioners, the amount of tantiem for the performance of the Financial Year of 2021 and the salary/honorarium, facilities and allowances for the Year 2022.

2. Granted authority and power to the Company's Board of Commissioners by first obtaining written approval from the Series A Dwiwarna Shareholder to determine, for members of the Board of Directors, the amount of tantiem for the Financial Year of 2021, and salary/honorarium, facilities and allowances for 2022.

5. The Fifth Agenda of Meeting

Approval for the Update of the Company's Recovery Plan According to the Regulation of the Financial Services Authority Number 14/POJK.03/2017 (Recovery Plan) for Systemic Bank.

Number of Questioners

There is no questioner in the fifth agenda of the Meeting.

Voting Results

Affirmative Vote Non-Affirmative Vote Abstain 7.998.662.434 (99,9999975%) 200 (0,0000025%) 0 (0%)

Resolution of the fifth agenda of the Meeting

Approved the Update of the Company's Recovery Plan in order to comply with the provisions of the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 14/POJK.03/2017 dated 4 April 2017 concerning the Recovery Plan for Systemic Banks.

6. The Sixth Agenda of Meeting Enforcement:

a. Regulation of Minister of State-owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER-05/MBU/04/2021 dated 8 April 2021 on the Partnership and Community Development Program of the State-owned Enterprises;

b. Regulation of Minister of State-owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER-11/MBU/07/2021 dated 30 July 2021 on the Requirements, Procedures for Appointment, and Dismissal of Members of the Board of Directors of State-Owned Enterprises; and

c. Regulation of Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER-13/MBU/09/2021 dated 24 September 2021 on the Sixth Amendment to the Regulation of Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number PER-04/MBU/2014 on the Guidance for Determination of Income of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and the Supervisory Board of the State-Owned Enterprises.


Number of Questioners

There is no questioner in the sixth agenda of the Meeting.

Voting Results

Affirmative Vote Non-Affirmative Vote Abstain 7.998.662.434 (99,9999975%) 200 (0,0000025%) 0 (0%)

Resolution of the sixth agenda of the Meeting Confirmation of the Enforcement of:

a. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER-05/MBU/04/2021 dated 8 April 2021 concerning the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program of State-Owned Enterprises as well as the amendments thereof;

b. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER-11/MBU/07/2021 dated 30 July 2021 concerning Requirements, Procedures for Appointment, and Dismissal of Members of the Board of Directors of State-Owned Enterprises, as well as the amendments thereof;

c. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER-13/MBU/09/2021 dated 24 September 2021 concerning the Sixth Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number PER-04/MBU/2014 concerning Guidelines for Determining the Income of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and Supervisory Board of State-Owned Enterprises, as well as the amendments thereof.

7. The Seventh Agenda of Meeting

Approval for the Changes in the Composition of the Company’s Management.

Number of Questioners

There is no questioner in the seventh agenda of the Meeting Voting Results

Affirmative Vote Non-Affirmative Vote Abstain

6.951.162.908 (86,9040642%) 982.921.026 (12,2885671%) 64.578.700 (0,8073687%) Resolution of the seventh agenda of the Meeting

1. Honorably dismissed the names below as members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company as follows:

a. Mr. Eko D. Heripoerwanto as Commissioner;

b. Mr. Nixon L.P. Napitupulu as Vice President Director;

who were appointed respectively based on the resolution of the Annual GMS for the Financial Year of 2018, dated 17 May 2019 and the Annual GMS for the Financial Year 2016 dated 17 March 2017 in conjunction with the Annual GMS for the Financial Year of 2020 dated 10 March 2021, with gratitude for the contribution of their energy and thoughts during their tenure.

2. Change the position nomenclature of the members of the Company's Board of Directors as follows:

No Formerly To become

1) Director of Consumer & Commercial

Lending Director of Consumer

2) Director of Finance, Planning & Treasury Director of Finance

3) Director of Compliance & Legal Director of Human Capital, Compliance,


& Legal 4) Director of Wholesale Risk & Asset

Management Director of Assets Management

5) Director of Operation, IT, & Digital

Banking Director of IT & Digital

6) Director of Distribution & Retail Funding Director of Distribution & Funding 7) Director of Risk Management &

Transformation Director of Risk Management

3. Transferred the assignments of the names below as members of the Company's Board of Directors as follows:

No Name Formerly To become

1) Hirwandi Gafar Director of Consumer &

Commercial Lending Director of Consumer 2) Nofry Rony Poetra Director of Finance, Planning

& Treasury Director of Finance 3) Eko Waluyo Director of Compliance &

Legal Director of Human Capital,

Compliance, & Legal 4) Elisabeth Novie Riswanti Director of Wholesale Risk &

Asset Management Director of Assets Management 5) Andi Nirwoto Director of Operation, IT, &

Digital Banking Director of IT & Digital 6) Jasmin Director of Distribution &

Retail Funding Director of Distribution &

Funding 7) Setiyo Wibowo Director of Risk Management

& Transformation Director of Risk Management

who were appointed respectively based on the Resolution of the Annual GMS for the Financial Year of 2020 dated 10 March 2021, the Resolution of the EGMS for the Year of 2019 dated 29 August 2019, the Resolution of the EGMS for the Year of 2019 dated 27 November 2019 and the Resolution of the Annual GMS for the Financial Year of 2017 dated 23 March 2018, with a term of office continuing remaining term of office based on the resolution of the GMS.

4. Appointed the following names as members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners as follows:

1) Herry Trisaputra Zuna - as Commissioner;

2) Himawan Arief Sugoto - as Commissioner;

3) Sentot A. Sentausa - as Independent Commissioner;

4) Nixon L.P. Napitupulu - as Vice President Director.

5. The term of office of members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners who were appointed as referred to in number 4, shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company with due observance of the laws and regulations in sector of the Capital Market and without prejudice to the right of the GMS to dismiss such member at any time.

6. With the dismissal, change of nomenclature position, assignment of duties, and appointment of members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company as


referred to in numbers 1 to 4, the composition of the membership of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company shall be is as follows:

a. Board of Commissioners

1) President Commissioner/ Independent Commissioner : Chandra Hamzah 2) Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner : Iqbal Latanro

3) Commissioner : Heru Budi Hartono

4) Commissioner : Andin Hadiyanto

5) Commissioner : Herry Trisaputra Zuna

6) Commissioner : Himawan Arief Sugoto

7) Independent Commissioner : Armand Bachtiar Arief 8) Independent Commissioner : Ahdi Jumhari Luddin 9) Independent Commissioner : Sentot A. Sentausa

b. Board of Directors

1) President Director : Haru Koesmahargao

2) Vice President Director : Nixon L.P. Napitupulu

3) Director of Consumer : Hirwandi Gafar

4) Director of Finance : Nofry Rony Poetra

5) Director of Human Capital, Compliance, & Legal : Eko Waluyo

6) Director of Assets Management : Elisabeth Novie Riswanti 7) Director of IT & Digital : Andi Nirwoto

8) Director of Distribution & Funding : Jasmin 9) Director of Risk Management : Setiyo Wibowo 7. The appointed members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners as referred

to in number 4 can only carry out their duties after obtaining approval from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) for the Fit & Proper Test and complying with the applicable laws and regulations. In the event that a member of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk, is later declared of being disapproved as a member of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners in the Fit

& Proper Test conducted by the OJK, then the relevant member of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners is honorably dismissed since the date of the decision on the results of the OJK Fit & Proper Test.

8. Members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners who are appointed as referred to in number 4 who are still serving in other positions prohibited by laws and regulations from concurrently serving as members of the Board of Directors or members of the Board of Commissioners of State-Owned Enterprises, then the relevant person must resign or dismissed from his position.

9. Requested the Board of Directors to submit a written application to the Financial Services Authority for the implementation of the Fit & Proper Test for the appointed members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners as referred to in number 4.

10. Granted authority with substitution rights to the Board of Directors of the Company to declare what was decided by this GMS in the form of a Notary Deed and before a Notary or authorized official, and make necessary adjustments or improvements if the same is required by the competent authority for the purposes of implementing the contents of the resolution of the meeting.



In accordance with the resolution of the Second Agenda of the Meeting as mentioned above, where the Meeting has determined a cash dividend for the financial year of 2021 amounting to Rp237,622,575,680.00 (two hundred thirty seven billion six hundred twenty two million five hundred seventy five thousand six hundred eighty Rupiah) or Rp22.43839 (twenty two point four three eight three nine Rupiah) per share to be distributed to the Shareholders of the Company, it is hereby notified the schedule and procedure for the payment of cash dividends for the financial year of 2021 as follows:

Schedule of Distribution of Cash Dividend


1 End of Trading Period of Shares with Dividend Rights (Cum Dividend)

● Regular and Negotiation Market

● Cash Market

11 March 2022 15 March 2022 2 Beginning of Trading Period of Shares Without Dividend Rights (Ex Dividend)

● Regular and Negotiation Market

● Cash Market

14 March 2022 16 March 2022 3 List of Shareholders entitled to Dividend (Record Date) 15 March 2022 4 Cash Dividend Payment Date for Financial Year of 2021 31 March 2022

Procedure for Payment of Cash Dividend

1. Cash Dividend will be distributed to Shareholders whose names are recorded in the Company's Shareholders Register or record date on 15 March 2022 and/or owners of Company's Shares in Sub Securities Accounts at PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (“KSEI”) at trading closing date, 15 March 2022.

2. For Shareholders whose shares are placed in KSEI's collective custody, the payment of cash dividend will be made through KSEI and will be distributed on 31 March 2022 into the Customer Fund Account (Rekening Dana Nasabah - RDN) at the Securities Company and/or Custodian Bank where the Shareholders open a securities account. As for the Shareholders of the Company whose shares are not included in the collective custody of KSEI, the payment of cash dividend will be transferred to the account of the Shareholders of the Company.

3. The cash dividend will be taxed in accordance with the applicable tax laws and regulations.

4. Based on the prevailing tax laws and regulations, the cash dividend will be excluded from the tax object if it is received by the shareholders of the resident corporate taxpayer (“Resident Corporate Taxpayer”) and the Company does not deduct Income Tax on the cash dividends paid to the Resident Corporate Taxpayer. Cash dividends received by shareholders of resident individual taxpayers (“Resident Individual Taxpayer”) will be excluded from the tax object as long as the dividends are invested in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. For Resident Individual Taxpayer that does not meet the investment provisions as mentioned above, the dividends received by the person concerned will be subject to income tax (“PPh”) in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and the PPh must be paid by the Resident Individual Taxpayer concerned in accordance with the provisions of Government Regulation No. 9 of 2021 concerning Tax Treatment to Support the Ease of Doing Business.

5. Shareholders of the Company can obtain confirmation of dividend payments through a securities company and or custodian bank where Shareholders of the Company open a securities account, then the shareholders of the Company must be responsible for reporting the dividend receipts referred to in tax reporting for the relevant tax year in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable taxation.


6. Shareholders who are Non-Resident Taxpayers whose tax withholding will use the rate based on the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement are required to comply with the requirements of the Director General of Taxes Regulation No. PER-25/Pj/2018 concerning Procedures for Application of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement and submit proof documents record or receipt of DGT/SKD that has been uploaded to the website of the Directorate General of taxes to KSEI or BAE in accordance with KSEI rules and regulations. Without such document, the cash dividend paid will be subject to Article 26 Income Tax of 20%.

Jakarta, March 4th, 2022



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