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Aliran Teori Kepribadian Klasik. 1. Psikodinamik 2. Behavioristik 3. Humanistik


Academic year: 2021

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Teori Kepribadian Klasik

1. Psikodinamik 2. Behavioristik 3. Humanistik


Levels of Personality Analysis:

Kepribadian dapat dilihat dari 3 analisis

1. Human Nature: kepribadian orang memiliki kesamaan satu sama lain  mis: kemampuan untuk mencintai, kebutuhan sosial, kemampuan

berbahasa, berempati dll.

2. Individual and Group Differences: kepribadian orang memiliki sebagian kesamaan dengan sebagian orang yang lain, tetapi juga berbeda dengan sebagian lainnya :

 Individual differences: sebagian orang extravert, suka olang raga berbahaya, senang membaca dll

 Group differences: mis, kelompok etnis tertentu memiliki ciri kepribadian tertentu yang berbeda dengan etnik lainnya. Kelompok pendukung politik tertentu berbeda dengan kelompok lain.

3. Individual Uniqueness: kepribadian orang tidak memiliki kesamaan dengan orang lain. Tidak ada individu yang sama mis: cara

mengekspresikan kesenangan, efek kesedihan berbeda pada tiap-tiap orang.


• 3 level analisis ini termuat dalam teori kepribadian, hanya tokoh-tokohnya bisa berbeda dalam penekanan level analisis.

• Persoalan: masih ada gap antara level human nature dengan level individual dan group differences.

 Teori yang digunakan berada pada level human nature, tetapi riset yang dilakukan adalah pada level individual dan perbedaan kelompok.

Levels of Personality Analysis:


Levels of Personality Analysis:

Kepribadian dapat dilihat dari 3 analisis

• Sebagian besar Grand Theories of Personaliy (Psychodynamic,

Behaviorism, Humanistic)  melakukan analisis pada level human nature: “atempt to provide a universal account of the fundamental

psychological processes and characteristics of our species” (Larsen &

Buss, 2010).

• Misalnya: Freud  adanya instink universal, struktur id, ego, superego dll


• Riset-riset: banyak terfokus pada penelitian mengenai perbedaan individu dan kelompok, seperti extraversi, introversi, self esteem, kecemasan, shyness dll, yang lebih cenderung menunjukkan

perbedaan individu dan perbedaan kelompok.

• Saran: hendaknya lebih fokus pada menjawab pertanyaan misalnya apakah self esteem, trust, bagaimana berkembangnya, bagaimana

memeliharanya, bagaimana fungsinya dalam interaksi sosial (Larsen & Buss, 2010)

Levels of Personality Analysis:


Teori dan Produk

Teori Kepribadian Asesmen Kepribadian Alat Ukur Penelitian





Sejarah Psikodinamik

• Pandangan psikodinamik berasal dari kerja (pemikiran) Sigmund Freud (Psikoanalisa).

• Menekankan pada studi tentang the psychological forces that underlie human behavior, feelings, and emotions and how they might relate to early experience. • Freud dididik dalam bidang sains, namun sistem pemikirannya tidak banyak

menggunakan empirisme sistematik. Tetapi lebih banyak menggunakan kekuatan observasi, dan mendasarkan teorinya pada berbagai studi kasus individual.

 psikoanalisa tidak lahir dari penelitian akademis, namun merupakan produk dari terapan praktik klinis.



• Asumsi kunci:

• Proses-proses psikologis yang tidak disadari (seperti, keinginan-keinginan, dan ketakutan-ketakutan pada hal-hal yang tidak disadari)  selanjutnya, perilaku dan perasaan kita dipengaruhi secara kuat oleh alam tidak sadar kita • Pengalaman masa anak-anak adalah penting dalam membentuk kepribadian

masa dewasa  Perilaku dan perasaan kita (termasuk problem-problem psikologis) sebagai orang dewasa berakar dari masa anak-anak.

• Hubungan (terutama dengan orang tua) sangat penting dalam menentukan cara kita berperilaku dan berperasaaan.

• Dalam mencari informasi tentang diri seseorang psikodinamik menelusurinya melalui mimpi, simtom-simtom, perilaku irasional, and perkataan klien



Sigmund Freud

Alfred Adler Carl G Jung

Jung and Adler were “Neo-Freudians”, who used some Freudian ideas but developed many ideas of their own...


• Teori yang digagas Freud  teori Psikoanalisa

• Setelah Freud, teoritis lain memodifikasi teori Psikodinamika dan memasukkan pengaruh budaya (Jung), kebutuhan sosial (Adler & Horney), mengintegrasikan psikodinamika dengan pendekatan

lapangan (Sullivan), dan lainnya seperti Erich Fromm, Erik H. Erikson. • Teori-teori lain yang dikembangkan dari psikodinamika ini yang sering

disebut sebagai Neo-Freudian.

Disebut neo-Freudian karena pada umumnya mereka merupakan murid dari Freud dengan pengembangan-pengembangan teori menurut pandangan

mereka tentang kepribadian.


• Sebagai gerakan kontemporer, psikoanalisa masih berpengaruh besar dalam psikiatri dan psikologi klinis, meskipun akhirnya gerakan ini


Pandangan Psikoanalisa tentang Manusia

• Pada dasarnya manusia memiliki insting yang sifatnya cenderung negatif  konflik

• Motif dan konflik tak sadar merupakan sentral dari tingkah laku individu


Dasar filsafat


• Sesuatu yang dapat dipelajari hendaklah hal jelas keberadaannya/wujudnya. • Jiwa tidak jelas wujudnya karena itu tidak dapat dipelajari.

• Yang bisa dipelajari adalah perilaku karena memiliki wujud yang nyata.

• Perilaku terjadi juga karena sebab-sebab yang nyata, dan bisa diukur, seperti, karena adanya hadiah (reward) yang hendak diperoleh, atau hukuman

(punishment) yang hendak dihindari. • John Lock  tabula rasa



• Merupakan teori belajar yang berbasis pada ide bahwa semua perilaku diperoleh melalui pengondisian.

• Pengkondisian terjadi melalui interaksi dengan lingkungan.

• Respon kita terhadap stimulus dari lingkungan membentuk perilaku kita.

• Penjelasan behaviorisme tentang kepribadian berfokus pada belajar (learning)


• Behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner regardless of internal mental states.

• Basically, only observable behavior should be considered— cognitions, emotions, and moods are far too subjective.

• Any person can potentially be trained to perform any task, regardless of genetic background, personality traits, and internal thoughts

(within the limits of their physical capabilities). It only requires the right conditioning.


A Brief hystory of behaviorism

Behaviorism was formally established with the 1913 publication of John B. Watson's classic paper, "Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It." It is best summed up by the following quote from

Watson, who is often considered the "father" of behaviorism:

"Give me a dozen healthy infants,

well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents,

penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.“ (Watson, 1913)


Tipe Pengkondisian

1. Classical conditioning is a technique frequently used in behavioral training in which a neutral stimulus is paired with a naturally occurring stimulus. Eventually, the neutral stimulus comes to evoke the same response as the naturally occurring stimulus, even without the naturally

occurring stimulus presenting itself.

2. Operant conditioning (sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning) is a method of learning that occurs through reinforcements and punishments. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior. When a

desirable result follows an action, the behavior becomes more likely to occur again in the future. Responses followed by adverse outcomes, on the other hand, become less likely to happen again in the future.


Beberapa Konsep Penting Behaviorisme

1. Belajar dapat terjadi melalui asosiasi.

• Pengkondisian klasik (classical conditioning) terjadi melalui asosiasi antara stimulus lingkungan dengan stimulus netral.

• Contoh: Dalam eksperimen Pavlov, anjing mengasosiasikan kemunculan makanan (stimulus

lingkungan yang menimbulkan air liur) dengan bunyi bel (stimulus netral), and kemudian dengan jas putih petugas lab, akhirnya kehadiran jas lab sudah dapat menimbulkan air liur pada anjing.

2. Faktor yang berbeda dapat mempengaruhi proses classical conditioning.

• Cepat atau lambatnya asosiasi terbentuk (acquisition) ditentukan oleh antara lain keunggulan stimulus dan timing (tepat waktu) kehadirannya.

• Asosiasi bisa menghilang (extinction), yang dapat menyebabkan perilaku melemah secara perlahan. Kekuatan respon awal berpengaruh dalam menentukan cepat atau lambatnya extinction terjadi. makin kuat perilaku yang terbentuk makin sulit hilangnya.


3. Belajar dapat terjadi melalui adanya hadiah (rewards) dan hukuman (punishments).

• Behaviorist B.F. Skinner describedoperant conditioning as the process in which learning can occur through reinforcement and punishment.

• More specifically, by forming an association between a certain behavior and the consequences of that behavior, you learn. For example, if a parent rewards their child with praise every time they pick up their toys, the desired behavior is

consistenly reinforced. As a result, the child will become more likely to clean up messes.

4. Reinforcement schedules are important in operant conditioning.

• This process seems fairly straight forward—simply observe a behavior and then offer a reward or punishment. However, Skinner discovered that thetiming of these rewards and punishments has an important influence on how quickly a new behavior is acquired and the strength of the corresponding response.

• Continuous reinforcement involves rewarding every single instance of a behavior. It is often utilized at the beginning of the operant conditioning process. But as the behavior is learned, the schedule might switch to one of partial reinforcement. This involves offering a reward after a number of responses or after a period of time has elapsed. Sometimes, partial reinforcement occurs on a consistent or fixed schedule. In other instances, a variable and unpredictable number of responses or time must occur before the reinforcement is delivered.


5. Several thinkers influenced behavioral psychology.

• In addition to those already mentioned, there are a number of prominent theorists and psychologists who left an indelible mark on behavioral psychology. Among these

are Edward Thorndike, a pioneering psychologist who described the law of effect, and Clark Hull, who proposed the drive theory of learning.

6. There are a number of therapeutic techniques rooted in behavioral psychology.

• Though behavioral psychology assumed more of a background position after 1950, its principles still remain important. Even today, behavior analysis is often used as a

therapeutic technique to help children with autism and developmental delays acquire new skills. It frequently involves processes such as shaping (rewarding closer

approximations to the desired behavior) and chaining (breaking a task down into smaller parts and then teaching and chaining the subsequent steps together). • Other behavioral therapy techniques include aversion therapy, systematic

desensitization, token economies, modeling, and contingency management.


Kekuatan dan kelemahan Behaviorisme

• Behavioral psychology has some strengths. Behaviorism is based on observable behaviors, so it is sometimes easier to quantify and collect data when conducting research. Effective therapeutic techniques such as intensive behavioral

intervention, behavior analysis, token economies, and discrete trial training are all rooted in behaviorism. These approaches are often very useful in changing maladaptive or harmful behaviors in both children and adults.

• It also has some weaknesses. Many critics argue that behaviorism is a one-dimensional approach to understanding human behavior. They suggest that behavioral theories do not account for free will and internal influences such as moods, thoughts, and feelings. Also, it does not account for other types of

learning that occur without the use of reinforcement and punishment. Moreover, people and animals can adapt their behavior when new information is introduced even if that behavior was established through reinforcement.


Behavioral psychology differs from other


• One of the major benefits of behaviorism is that it allowed researchers to investigate observable behavior in a scientific and systematic manner. However, many thinkers believed it fell short by neglecting some important influences on

behavior. Freud, for example, felt that behaviorism failed by not accounting for the unconscious mind's thoughts, feelings, and desires that influence people's actions.

• Other thinkers, such as Carl Rogers and the other humanistic psychologists, believed that behaviorism was too rigid and limited, failing to take into consideration personal agency. More recently, biological psychology has emphasized the power the brain and genetics play in determining and influencing human actions. The cognitive approach to

psychology focuses on mental processes such as thinking,

decision-making, language, and problem-solving. In both cases, behaviorism neglects these processes and influences in favor of studying just observable behaviors.


Emerging of Humanistic Approach in Psychology

• Pendekatan Humanistic muncul pada akhir 1960’s,

terutama sebagai reaksi terhadap dua pandangan besar

tentang kemanusiaan, yaitu Freudian (psikodinamik)

dan behavior yang populer pada saat itu:

• The Freudian perspective and its emphasis on unconscious sexual and aggressive instincts

• The behavioral perspective, and its emphasis on the mechanical nature of responses to stimuli in the

environment. The humanistic perspective, thus, as been called the “third force”.


• We make conscious decisions about the direction of

our lives

• We look forward, not controlled by a past history of

reinforcement/punishment or repressed trauma


Humanistic Psychology

• It emphasizes an optimistic view of human beings, as persons who have the ability to grow (human potential)

• Though it does not deny the effect of the environment, it sees human beings as able to transcend it to some degree

• It stresses health and actualization


• Discards the limits of behaviorism – no experiments

• Denies the negativity of psychodynamics – we are, at our core, good and striving to get better

• Focuses on our natural progress towards fully developing our potential


Roots of the Humanistic Approach

1. Existential Philosophy

• Existential philosophy addresses many of the questions that later became the cornerstone of the Humanistic approach, such as, the meaning of our existence, the role of free will, and the uniqueness of each individual.

• The existentialists, such as Rollo May, focused on existential

anxiety- the feeling of dread associated with the realization that there is no meaning to one’s life.


2. The clinical experiences of Carl Rogers and Abraham



• The founders of the Humanistic Approach, Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, were both therapists

• At that time, the Freudian model of therapy was popular, viewing the therapist as an expert who tells the client what is the problem

• Rogers maintained that it was only the client that is responsible for the therapeutic direction


Materi Presentasi Kepribadian

1. Sejarah hidup singkat tokoh

2. Pandangan umum tentang manusia dan kepribadiannya 3. Struktur kepribadian

4. Dinamika kepribadian

5. Perkembangan/terbentuknya kepribadian 6. Produk teori


Kelompok Presentasi

Behaviorisme 5. Ivan P. Pavlov 6. B. Frederic Skinner 7. Albert Bandura 8. Rotter dan Mitchel Psikodinamik 1. Sigmund Freud 2. Alfred Adler

3. Carl Gustav Jung 4. Karen Horney Humanisme 9. A. Maslow 10. C. Rogers 11. V. Frankl 12. Rollo May


Dokumen terkait

Kongruensi tipe kepribadian siswa kelas 3 SMAN 1 Kabupaten X Kalimantan Timur dengan pilihan jurusan kuliah di perguruan tinggi memiliki derajat kesesuaian yang

Karakteristik yang khas dari seeorang dapat kita sebut dengan kepribadian. Setiap orang memiliki kepribadian yang berbeda-beda yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor bawaan

• Semakin beragamnya organism hidup yang dipelajari dan untuk menghindari kesamaan nama untuk organism yang berbeda atau nama yang berbeda untuk organism yang sama maka Carolus

Individu dengan gangguan identitas disosiatif (dissociative identity disorder) setidaknya memiliki dua identitas atau kepribadian yang berbeda, masing-masing mempersepsi,

Orang yang memuiliki tipe kepribadian ini terlalu menekankan rasa aman, memiliki komitmen, bertanggung jawab, dapat bekerja keras, sering meragukan diri sendiri, kurang percaya

Jika perilaku seseorang telah bisa menggambarkan perbedaan dengan orang lain, maka ia telah memiliki kepribadian yang berbeda dengan orang tersebut (Sumarwan. b)

: Mahasiswa mengetahui biografi Gordon Allport sebagai landasan untuk memahami teori Psikologi Individual yang dibangunnya.. Pendekatan Allport terhadap

Berdasarkan tabel 1.8 didapatkan data bahwa sebagian besar lansia di UPT PSLU Blitar yang memiliki tipe kepribadian ekstrovert tidak mengalami kejadian