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Index of /enm/images/dokumen


Academic year: 2017

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sem akin m em an tapkan posisiny a sebagai Gerban g Pasar Eropa. Bongkar m uat di

pelabuhan Rotterdam term asuk salah satu y ang tersibuk dan terbesar di dunia. Fasilitas pergudan gan kaw asan

berikat pelabuhan in i dapat m en jadi pusat


dan distribusi bagi kom oditi dan produk Indonesia dengan

biay a y an g kom petitif. Lebih dari itu, ban y ak fasilitas dan kem udahan bagi eksporter In donesia untuk m asuk ke

pasar Eropa y an g luas dengan day a beli y an g tinggi. Eksporter dapat m enjalin kerja sam a y ang sin ergistik

dengan perusahaan -perusahaan dagan g N egeri Belan da y ang diken al m em iliki jaringan pasar y ang kuat dan

luas ke negara-n egara Eropa lainn y a, dan bahkan ke negara-n egara di Afrika dan Am erika. Un tuk m em ban tu

pen gem bangan ekspor negara-n egara berkem ban g, n egeri tulip in i m em berikan ban tuan in stitusion al dengan

m en dirikan Ce n tre fo r Pro m o tio n o f Im p o rts fro m D e ve lo p in g Co u n trie s y an g dapat dikun jun gi m elalui

internet pada situs

w w w .cbi.nl






sebagai suatu pasar tunggal y an g terdiri atas negara-n egara Eropa Barat plus m erupakan pasar

y ang paling potensial dalam perdagan gan intern asion al. Dapat m enjalin hubun gan dagan g dengan salah satu

chain -store di sesuatu negara an ggota Un i Eropa, berarti m em pun y ai peluang m enerobos pasar Un i Eropa

secara keseluruhan.



in i kam i m uat alam at-alam at im porter produk pakaian luar di N egeri Belanda dan negara-n egara

Un i Eropa lainn y a. Im porter dikelom pokkan atas ( 1)

Age n ts a n d W h o le s ale rs / Im p o rte rs , ( 2 )

Ma n u fa ctu re rs / Im p o rte rs , ( 3 ) Clo th in g Mu ltip le S to re s , ( 4 ) Ce n tra l Bu yin g Orga n is a tio n s , ( 5 )

D e p a rtm e n t S to re s , ( 6 ) Te xtile S u p e rm a rke ts / D is co u n te rs , ( 7) Ma il-o rd e r H o u s e s ,


( 8 )

Le is u re w e a r Ch a in s ( o r J e a n s S to re s ) .

Pada bagian akhir dican tum kan beberapa situs intern et y ang

terkait. Disaran kan kon tak aw al dilakukan m elalui e-m ail atau faksim il.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut dan inform asi bisnis lain n y a dari Kadin Indonesia, silakan m enghubun gi

Direktur Lay anan Dun ia Usaha, Ir. Djun iardjo Abdulgani pada telepon 0 21-9163754, atau Kepala Seksi H um as

Kadin In don esia, John Mart Ton y pada telepon 0 21-527448 6. (H BT)






/ I


Actio n W e a r B V

Address: Maalderij 21a, 118 5 ZB Am stelveen , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 9166, 118 0 MD Am stelveen , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 20 620 4444 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 640 5555 E-m ail: in fo@action wear.n l Assortm ent: leisure-, sports-, and casualw ear

Am e rin ge n e n Zn , B V

Address: Bouwerij 50 , 118 5 XX Am stelveen , The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 20 645 5422 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 647 4579 Assortm ent: m en’s knitw ear, leisurew ear, sportsw ear

B e m o n te x B V

Address: Morsebaan 2, 3439 NA Nieuwegein , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 138 9, 3430 BJ Nieuwegein , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 30 60 52 260 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 60 51 334

Assortm ent: casualw ear and jeans

B e s a n ge r & Co . B V

Address: Schipholweg 8 71, 2143 CC Boesin gheliede, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 23 5551 8 58 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 23 5551 90 7

Assortm ent: sports-, leisure-, and casualw ear

B in d u Te xtie l B V

Address: Koraalrood 37, 2718 SB Zoeterm eer, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 131, 270 0 AC Zoeterm eer, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 79 3613 40 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 79 3616 40 8 E-m ail: an ju.m adan @bin du-textielbv.com

In tern et: www.bin du-textielbv.com Assortm ent: blouses, skirts, trousers, dresses

B o ga a rd D o n o va n

Address: Daalm eerstraat 3, 2131 H D H oofddorp, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 23 5628 464 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 23 5651754

Assortm ent: casualw ear and jeans

Va n d e n B ro e k B V

Mail address: P.O. Box 11378 , 30 0 4 EJ Rotterdam , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 10 298 3 8 8 8 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 10 2623 922 E-m ail: in fo@vd-broek.n l Assortm ent: children’s w ear

B u s a x In te rn a tio n a l

Address: Touwslagersweg 6, 3449 H X Woerden , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 319, 3440 AH Woerden , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 348 410 555 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 348 422 0 78 E-m ail: busaxin t@wxs.n l

Assortm ent: knitw ear (sw eatshirts, pullov ers, t-shirts, jogging suits)

Co tto n h o u s e B V

Address: Gem een schapspolderweg 44, 138 2 GR Weesp, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 197, 138 0 AD Weesp, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 294 411 158 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 294 416 367

E-m ail: in fo@trpjean s.n l

Assortm ent: leisure and casualw ear

Em e ra ld Tra d in g BV

Address: J osephin e Bakerstraat 7 C, 1311 GB Alm ere, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 10 256 130 1AG Alm ere, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 36 5364 148 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 36 5364 139 E-m ail: em erald1@chello.n l Assortm ent: leisure and casualw ear

Em e rgo Fa s h io n / Elm i

Address: H oofdstraat 25, 3971 KA Driebergen , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 260 , 3970 AG Driebergen -Rijsen burg, The

Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 343 538 0 96 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 343 532 956

Assortm ent: casualw ear including shirts

Em e rgo S p o rts w e a r

Address: Prin cen hof pk 22, 3973 NG, Driebergen , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 30 698 8 0 0 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 698 8 0 0 1 Assortm ent: sportsw ear

Fa ir Tra d e

Address: Beesdseweg 5, 410 4 AW Culem borg, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O.Box 115, 410 0 AC Culem borg, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 345 545151 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 345 521423 Assortm ent: T-shirts


Address: Kuipersweg 16, 3449 J A Woerden , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 522, 3440 AM Woerden , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 348 431 8 78 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 348 431798 E-m ail: in fo@goutex.n l Assortm ent: sportsw ear and casualw ear

Va n H a p p e n B V

Address: J am es Wattlaan 7, 5151DP Drun en , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 416 38 4 48 8 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 416 38 4 48 0 E-m ail: m ibo@vhf.n l

Assortm ent: babies’ and children’s w ear

H e ijzo o B V

Address: Pastoor van H aren straat 52, 5464 VH Mariaheide, The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 413 364 278

Fax: + 31 (0 ) 413 367 750 E-m ail: in fo@heijzoo.n l In tern et: www.heijzoo.n l Assortm ent: sw eatshirts, t-shirts

H e n d riks Te xtie lgro o th a n d e l B V

Address: Econom iestraat 1, 6433 KC H oen sbroek, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 45 5212 10 3 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 45 5225 292 Assortm ent: casualw ear

H MZ Fa s h io n Gro u p BV

Address: In dustrieweg 43, 238 2 NT Zoeterwoude, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 (0 ) 71 5413 641 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 71 58 93 10 7 E-m ail: in fo@hm z.n l In tern et: www.hm z.n l Assortm ent: sportsw ear and casualw ear

IB O Te xtile s B V

Address: Weg en Bos 17, 2661 DG, Bergschen hoek, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 99, 2660 AB Bergschen hoek, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 10 5212 38 8 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 10 5217 48 3 E-m ail: ibo@ibotextiles.n l Assortm ent: sportsw ear and casualw ear

J a go S h a w ls / J a n va n Go o l B V

Mail address: P.O. Box 960 9, 10 0 6 GC Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 6199 8 0 5 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 6199 10 9 E-m ail: m an agem en t@ljago.n l In tern et: www.jagoaccessories.com Assortm ent: shaw ls an d other accessories

J u co te x BV

Address: In dustrieweg 74-76, 5145 PW Waalwijk, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 127, 5140 AC Waalwijk, The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 416 336 28 4

Fax: + 31 (0 ) 416 341 476 E-m ail: in fo@leopard.n l In tern et: www.leopard.n l

Assortm ent: sport- and leisurew ear

Kle im S p o rtkle d in g BV

Address: Wilgen kade 9, 3992 LL H outen , The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 30 6341171 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 6351178 E-m ail: in fo@kleim .com In tern et: www.kleim .com Assortm ent: sportsw ear

Le m m Azu ri BV

Address: Derkin deren straat 48 , 10 62 BJ Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O.Box 920 8 , 10 0 6 AE Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 6152 179 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 6151 8 60 Assortm ent: leisurew ear

Lis s a u e r Te xtile s B V

Address: Pam puslaan 60 , 138 2 J R Weesp, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 20 4, 138 0 AE Weesp, The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 294 415 464 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 294 418 726 Assortm ent: shirts and T-shirts

Lu xo r B V

Address: Nucleonweg 10 , 470 6 PZ Roosen daal, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 165 535 957 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 165 559 8 31 E-m ail: in fo@shiwi.com In tern et: www. shiwi.com

Assortm ent: casualw ear, sportsw ear

Me llo n e H a n d e ls m ij. B V

Address: Kon . Wilhelm in apl. 29/ 3.0 1.0 1, Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 69365, 10 60 CK Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 6173344 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 6143931

Assortm ent: casual shirts, blouses, trousers, jogging suits

Me n ’s Clu b Fa s h io n B V

Address: H oofdveste 9, 3992 DH H outen , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 30 6355 60 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 6355 68 8 Assortm ent: m en’s casualw ear

Micro B V

Mail address: P.O. Box 50 99, 290 0 EB Capelle aan de IJ ssel, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 10 2643 8 8 8

Fax: + 31 (0 ) 10 458 6 221 E-m ail: m icrodassen @wxs.n l Assortm ent: ties

Mille r B V

Address: Dr. Ir. van Veen weg 35, 4612 PE Bergen op Zoom , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O.Box 625, 460 0 AP Bergen op Zoom , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 164 2658 50 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 164 258 8 8 8 Assortm ent: casualw ear and leisurew ear

N o Exce s s B V

Address: Bijlm erm eerstraat 14, 2131 H G H oofddorp, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 661, 2130 AR H oofddorp, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 23 5621616 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 23 56218 98 E-m ail: in fo@n o-excess.com In tern et: www. n o-excess.com Assortm ent: casualwear

S te in ku h le r Im p o rt/ Exp o rt B V

Address: J ohan J on gkin dstraat 99, 10 62 CR Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 6140 0 0 1

Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 6691 28 6 E-m ail: freds@stein kuhler.com Assortm ent: T-shirts for children and babies

S to n e brid ge BV

Address: Groen eweg 3 A, 60 41 AX Roerm on d, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 41, 60 40 AA R Roerm on d, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 475 315 936 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 475 319 732 Assortm ent: m en’s casualw ear

S u s a n Fa s h io n BV

Address: Kon . Wilhelm in apln . 13-2.0 3.0 9, 10 62 H H Am sterdam , The Netherlands

Mail address: P.O. Box 69231, 10 60 CE Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 6175 20 4 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 6172 38 1

Assortm ent: leisurew ear, T-shirts, etc.

Te xs p o rt B V

Address: Veerpolder 6 A, 2361 KV Warm on d, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 72, 2360 AB Warm on d, The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 71 30 12 273 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 71 30 11 470 Assortm ent: children’s w ear

Te id e m B V

Address: Touwbaan 38 , 2352 CZ Leiderdorp, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 18 0 , 2350 AD Leiderdorp, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 71 58 99245 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 71 58 96353 E-m ail: in fo@teidem .n l

Assortm ent: leisure and sportsw ear

To m zi Kid s In te rn tio n a l

Address: De Grote Beer 37, 5215 MR ‘s H ertogen bosch, The Netherlands


U TI In te rn a tio n a l BV

Address: Mosterdm olen weg 1, 3417 XM Mon tfoort, The Netherlands Mail address: P.O. Box 19, 3417 ZG Mon tfoort, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 348 47190 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 348 47290 9

Assortm ent: jeans, sw eaters, T-shirts

Va d o te x

Address: Arrestruwe 39, 6218 BE Maastricht, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 39 Maastricht, The Netherlands

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 43 3434 0 90 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 43 3438 577

Assortm ent: leisurew ear, sportsw ear

Ve rb u rgt Im p o rt B V

Address: Zekerin gstraat 19, 10 14 BM, Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 58 16 240 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 58 16 246 E-m ail: js@verburgt.n et Assortm ent: babies’ & children’s knitted w ear

W ie s ke ’s Te xtie la ge n tu re n B V

Address: Kon . Wilhelm in aplein 13, 1717, 10 62 H H Am sterdam , The Netherlands

Mail address: P.O. Box 96228 , 10 60 CE Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 6173 141 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 6141 534

Assortm ent: children’s and teenagers’ clothing

2 .






Bo W e e vil BV

Address: H arderwijkerweg 38a, 38 52 AD Erm elo, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 236, 38 50 AE Erm elo, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 341 562 0 67 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 341 562 913

Assortm ent: certified organic cotton and cotton textiles

D o n D igge r

Address: Cargadoorweg 7, 6541 BT Nijm egen , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 68 8 6, 650 3 GJ Nijm egen , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 24 3772 215 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 24 378 9 427 Assortm ent: children’s w ear

Eth ics B V

Address: Oud Eem n esserweg 5 d, 3741 MP Baarn , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 35 548 2 971 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 35 5430 0 0 5 E-m ail: ethics@kn oware.n l Assortm ent: ladies’ and m en’s casualw ear

J o lo H a n d e ls o n d e rn e m in g

Address: Watertoren straat 4, 4921 XG Made, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 18 3, 4920 AD Made, The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 162 68 6 634 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 162 68 6 638 E-m ail: jolo@jolo.n l In tern et: www.jolo.n l

J o m o In t. H o ld in g B V

Address: Twekkeler Es 30 , 7547 SM En schede, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 1343, 750 0 BH En schede, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 53 48 77511 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 53 48 77515 E-m ail: jom on l@worldaccess.n l Assortm ent: casualw ear

Lo ba tto Fa s h io n BV

Mail address: P.O. Box 228 56, 110 0 DJ Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 3428 0 0 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 3428 0 0 9 E-m ail: in fo@lobatto.com In tern et: www.lobatto.com Assortm ent: casualw ear

Lo ve Fa s h io n Gro u p BV

Address: Multatulistraat 8 , 7575 EB Oldenzaal, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 319, 7570 AH Oldenzaal, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 541 510 0 0 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 541 519245

Assortm ent: casualw ear and jeans for m en

Me xx N e d e rla n d B V

Address: Peppelkade 62, 3993 AK H outen , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 30 6347 50 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 6347 555

Assortm ent: casual and leisure w ear for m en, w om en, children and babies

Olly’s B V

Address: Marterkoog 1, Alkm aar Mail address: P.O. Box 8 0 77, 18 0 2 KB Alkm aar, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 72 5662 266 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 24 5662 222

Assortm ent: w om en’s and children’s casual and leisure w ear

S to n e Fa s h io n BV

Address: Wiegerbruin laan 8 , 1422 CB Uithoorn , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 242, 1420 AE Uithoorn , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 297 544 999 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 297 531 333

Assortm ent: casualw ear for m en and w om en

Vile n zo BV

Address: Kraaiven straat 21, 50 48 AB Tilburg, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 716, 50 0 0 AS Tilburg, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 13 5946 70 0

Fax: + 31 (0 ) 13 5946 8 8 8 Assortm ent: m en’s, w om en’s and children’s casual and leisure w ear

Va n W in ke l Fa s h io n s B V

Mail address: P.O. Box 20 0 3, 60 20 AA Budel, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 495 498 8 0 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 495 498 8 0 1 E-m ail: in fo@van win kel.n l Assortm ent: m en’s shirts

3 .







Pré n a ta l

Address: Vlotbrugweg 10 , 1332 AH Alm ere, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 30 0 0 4, 130 3 AA Alm ere, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 36 53220 0 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 36 5321912 E-m ail: in fo@pren atal.n l In tern et: www.pren atal.n l

Outlets: 8 0 (incl. 12 Prén atal Welcom e Warenhuis)

B e te r B a b y

Address: Fron tstraat 5a, 540 5 AG Uden ,

The Netherlands

Mail address: P.O. Box 152 540 0 AD Uden , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 413 331361 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 413 331364 E-m ail: beterbaby@beterbaby.n l Outlets: 15

J a m b e lle

Address: Kon in gin n eweg 1, 38 71 J Z H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 150 , 38 70 CD H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532325 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532299 Outlets: 44

S o cks & S o cky

Address: Waterstraat 8 4, 40 0 1 AR Tiel, The Netherlands

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 344 631441 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 344 635171 Outlets: 14 (partly fran chise)

Th e B o x Fa s h io n

Address: Rön tgen straat 18 , 3261 LK Oud-Beijerland, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 18 6 6458 8 8 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 18 6 6458 92 Outlets: 26

D id i Fa s h io n


Outlets: 96 (partly fran chise)

Elys io

Address: Param aribostraat 77, 7333 PA Apeldoorn , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 20 0 48 , 730 2 H A Apeldoorn , The Netherlands Phone: + 31 (0 ) 55 599990 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 55 5999950 Outlets: 45

Es s e n tio

Address: Kon in gin n eweg 1, 38 71 J Z H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 150 , 38 70 CD H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532775 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532372 Outlets: 42

Note: Essen tio is part of buyin g an d sellin g cooperation In tres BV, H oevelaken

Firs tla d y

Address: Kon in gin n eweg 1, 38 71 J Z H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 150 , 38 70 CD H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532 767 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532 372 Outlets: 90

Note: Firstlady is part of buyin g an d sellin g cooperation In tres BV, H oevelaken

La Lign a

Address: In dustrieweg 5, 98 0 4 TH Noordhorn, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 129, 98 0 0 AC Zuidhorn , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 594 50 490 6 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 594 50 520 6 E-m ail: lalign a@lalign a.n l In tern et: www. lalign a.n l Outlets: 28

La d y S tin g

Address: Ellen Pan khurststraat 21, 50 32 H D Tilburg, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 910 , 50 0 0 AX Tilburg, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 13 465930 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 13 465930 1 Outlets: 20

Le o n

Address: Spaarn eweg 16f, 2142 EN Cruquius, The Netherlands Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 23 528 360 3 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 23 528 3459 Outlets: 24

M&S Mo d e

Address: Basisweg 52, 10 43 AP Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 8 40 2, 10 0 5 AK Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 58 0 9911 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 58 0 930 4 Outlets: 130

Mis s Eta m

Address: Oostweg 2, 2723 RH Zoeterm eer, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 10 1, 270 0 AC Zoeterm eer, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 79 797 20 0 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 79 797 20 96 E-m ail: in fo@m issetam .com In tern et: http:/ / m issetam .com Outlets: 120

Pro m is s

Address: Oostweg 2, 2723 RH Zoeterm eer, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 8 31, 270 0 AV Zoeterm eer, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 79 797 220 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 79 797 2345 E-m ail: in fo@prom iss.n l In tern et: http:/ / prom iss.n l Outlets: 52

P u lls

Address: Arn sbergstraat 2, 7418 EZ Deven ter, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 8 47, 740 0 AV Deven ter, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 570 636727 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 570 630 70 8 Outlets: 39

S PS S u p e rs ta r

Address: Celsiusstraat 2, 170 4 RW H eerhugowaard, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 134, 170 0 AC H eerhugowaard, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 72 575150 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 72 5751420 E-m ail: in fo@coltex.n l

In tern et: www.sps-superstar.n l Outlets: 54

Note: Superstar is part of Coltex BV

W e W o m e n ( Zij)

Address: Reaktorweg 10 1, 3542 AD Utrecht, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 30 20 0 , 350 3 AD Utrecht, The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 30 2479212 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 241150 5 In tern et: www.we.n l Outlets: 44

W itte ve e n

Address: Meidoorn kade 24, 3992 AE H outen , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 115, 3990 DC H outen , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 30 634940 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 634940 1 In tern et: www.euretco.com Outlets: 64

Note: Wittteveen is part of buyin g an d sellin g cooperation Euretco Fashion .

Ad a m H e re n m o d e

Address: Meidoorn kade 22, 3992 AE H outen , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 115 3990 DC H outen , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 30 634928 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 634928 1 E-m ail: adam @euretco.n et

In tern et: www. adam .n l Outlets: 40

Note: Adam s Heren m ode is part of buyin g an d sellin g cooperation Euretco Fashion .

Firs t Ma n

Address: Kon in gin n eweg 1, 38 71 J Z H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 150 , 38 70 CD H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532 770 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532 372 Outlets: 20

Note: First Man is part of buyin g an d sellin g cooperation In tres BV, H oevelaken

Lo rd H a m ilto n

Address: Kon in gin n eweg 1, 38 71 J Z H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 150 , 38 70 CD H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532 78 7 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532 372 Outlets: 52

Note: Lord H am ilton is part of buyin g an d sellin g cooperation In tres BV, H oevelaken

N e w B o n d s tre e t

Address: Kon in gin n eweg 1, 38 71 J Z H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 150 , 38 70 CD H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532 765 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532 372 Outlets: 79

Note: New Bon dstreet is part of buyin g an d sellin g cooperation In tres BV, H oevelaken

S e tp o in t

Address: Busken sdries 5, 6673 DA An delst, The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 48 8 471411 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 48 8 471412 Outlets: 24

Te xto n

Address: Koehorstm aat 11, 7561 BM Deurn in gen , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 74 2777555 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 74 2777539 Outlets: 30

W e Me n

Address: Reaktorweg 10 1, 3542 AD Utrecht, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 30 20 0 , 350 3 AD Utrecht, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 30 2479211 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 241150 6 In tern et: www.we.n l Outlets: 96

Kre ym b o rg


Fax: + 31 (0 ) 35 68 8 0 699 Outlets: 50

S h o e by S h o p

Address: Middelweg 34, 5253 CA Nieuwkuijk, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 73 5118 0 19 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 73 51130 78 Outlets: 25

Th e S tin g

Address: Ellen Pan khurststraat 21, 50 32 H D Tilburg, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 910 , 50 0 0 AX Tilburg, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 13 465930 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 13 465930 1 Outlets: 20

Fa m ily fa s h io n s to re s

C & A N e d e rla n d

The European buyin g departm en ts are located in Belgium an d Germ an y Buyin g office: m en’s w ear, children and babies’ w ear

Address: Senneberg J ean Mon n etlaan , 18 0 4 Vilvorde, Belgium

Phon e: + 32 2 2576960 Fax: + 32 2 2576611 E-m ail: in fo@c-an d-a.be In tern et: www.c-an d-a.com Buyin g office: w om en’s w ear

Address: H an s-Gün ther-Sohl Strasse 8 , 40 235 Düsseldorf, Germ an y

Phon e: + 49 211 6930 Fax: + 49 211 6931 0 60 E-m ail: in fo@Cun dA.de In tern et: www.c-an d-a.com

D u th le r In te rm o d e

Address: H uygen sweg 28 , 548 2 TG Schijn del, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 199, 548 0 AD Schijn del, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 73 5431431 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 73 543140 0 Outlets: 22

Ma rca Mo d e

Address: Ran dstad 22-137, 1316 BW Alm ere, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 1269, 130 0 BG Alm ere, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 36 548 10 8 1 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 36 548 10 90 In tern et: www.m arca.n l Outlets: 33

S u p e rco n fe x

Address: Mauritsweg 134, 6171 AK Stein , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 66, 6170 AB Stein , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 46 4359435 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 46 4331951 In tern et:

www.m acintosh.n l/ supercon fex Outlets: 7

4 .







In tre s (In tern ation al Retail Support) Address: Kon in gin n eweg 1, 38 71 J Z H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 150 , 38 70 CD H oevelaken , The Netherlan ds Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532911 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 33 2532299 E-m ail: in fo@in tres.n l In tern et: www.in tres.n l

Eu re tco Fa s h io n

Address: Meidoorn kade 22, 3992 AE H outen , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 115 3990 DC H outen , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 30 634920 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 634920 1 E-m ail: in fo@euretco.n et In tern et: www.euretco.n l.

Ce n tu rio n

Address: Schouwstraat 4, 1435 KN Rijsen hout, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 254, 1430 AG Aalsm eer, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 297 326655 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 297 34340 0

D e co ( Mo d e Re ta il Ma n a ge m e n t)

Address: En ergieweg 7, 340 1 MD Ysselstein , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 8 0 , 340 0 AB Ysselstein , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 30 68 60 90 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 30 68 8 4270

H a d a c

Address: Kon . Wilhelm in aplein 13, 1.0 9.0 2, Am sterdam

Mail address: P.O. Box 690 98 , 10 60 CB Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 6153374 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 6157245

5 .





D e B ije n ko rf

Address: Fran kem aheerd 6, Am sterdam -ZO, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 128 70 , 110 0 AW Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 312970 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 6973926 In tern et: www.bijen korf.n l Outlets: 7

H e m a

Address: Fran kem aheerd 2, Am sterdam -ZO, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 23220 , 110 0 DS Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 20 3114411 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 31140 0 0 In tern et: www.hem a.n l Outlets: 250

Ma kro

Address: Dalstein dreef 10 1-139, Diem en , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 22579, 110 0 DB Am sterdam ZO, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 398 0 20 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 398 0 20 1 In tern et: www.m akro.n l Outlets: 7

Vro o m & D re e s m a n n

Address: Spaklerweg 52, 10 96 BA Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 276, 10 0 0 AG Am sterdam , The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 20 5959111 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 20 6926150

In tern et: www.vroom en dreesm an n .n l Outlets: 70

6 .








B e n te x

Address: Kadijk 2, 8 531 XD Lem m er, The Netherlands

Mail address: P.O. Box 23, 8 530 AA Lem m er, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 514 568 956 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 514 568 966

In tern et: www.m acin tosh.n l/ ben tex Outlets: 39

H a n s Te xtie l & Mo d e

Address: Kolenbran derstraat 10 , 298 4 AT Ridderkerk, The Netherlands Mail address: P.O. Box 4169, 298 0 GD Ridderkerk, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 18 0 4420 20 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 18 0 4420 29 Outlets: 130

H e n k te n H o o r Te xtie l

Address: Stephen son straat 57, 790 3 AS H oogeveen , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 20 60 , 790 0 BB H oogeveen , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 528 2720 22 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 528 273548 E-m ail: in fo@hten hoor.n l In tern et: www.hen kten hoor.nl Outlets: 55

W ibra

Address: H am m erstraat 9, 8 161 PH Epe, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 192, 8 160 AD Epe, The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 578 676333 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 578 6150 70 Outlets: 18 8

Ze e m a n Te xtie lS u p e rs


In tern et: www.zeem an .com Outlets: 350








W e h ka m p

Address: Meeuwen laan 2, 8 0 11 BZ Zwolle, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 40 0 , 8 0 0 0 AK Zwolle, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 38 4973311 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 38 4973495 E-m ail: webm aster@wehkam p.n l In tern et: www.wehkam p.n l

8 .












B o e tie k ‘3 2

Address: Delta 132, 68 25 MV Arn hem , The Netherlands

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 26 3633232 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 26 363320 0 Outlets: 30

B o ’s ( D u n ca n & B ro w n B V)

Address: Galvan istraat 6-8 , 38 61 NJ Nijkerk, The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 33 2474211 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 33 247420 2 E-m ail: m wdf@dun can .n l Outlets: 65

Va n B re e J e a n s & Ca s u a ls

Address: De Vest 24, 5555 XL Valken swaard, The Netherlands Mail address: P.O. Box 493, 5550 AL Valken swaard, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 (0 ) 40 20 720 20 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 40 20 720 21

Outlets: 23

Co o l Ca t

Address: Broekdijk West 18 , 3621 LV Breukelen , The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 245, 3620 AE Breukelen , The Netherlan ds

Phon e: + 31 (0 ) 346 266344 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 346 26628 4 E-m ail: in fo@kahn sm ode.n l Outlets: 58

At the sam e address: Won der Wom an with 15 outlets

Cru m s

Address: Meeuwen sin gel 10 1, 290 3 TE Capelle a/ d IJ ssel, The Netherlands

Mail address: P.O. Box 65, 290 0 AB Capelle a/ d IJ ssel, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 10 28 45678 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 10 450 18 8 1 E-m ail: bitouk@costerbv.n l Outlets: 24

Fe tte r Fa s h io n Re ta il Gro u p

Address: Versterkerstraat 12, 1322 AP, Alm ere, The Netherlan ds

Mail address: P.O. Box 128 8 , 130 0 BG Alm ere, The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 36 5460 60 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 36 5358 0 30 Outlets: 91

This group covers the chain s: Boebie Blue, Can adian Stock an d Fooks Outlets: Boebie Blue 10 , Can dadian Stocks 31 an d

Fooks 50

J e a n s Ce n tre

Address: Vim m erik 12, 5253 CB Nieuwkuijk, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 73 5130 155 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 73 5130 140

E-m ail: in fo@jean scen tre.n l In tern et: www.euretco.com Outlets: 8 0

S co re

Address: Cen terpoort-Noord, Marketin g 35, 6921 RE Duiven , The Netherlan ds

Phone: + 31 (0 ) 26 3193450 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 26 31210 8 8 E-m ail: in fo@score.n l In tern et: www.score.n l Outlets: 22

S n u ffe l

Address: Legolaan 1, 98 61 AT Grootegast, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 594 28 38 8 8 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 594 621911 Outlets: 71

S te p s

Address: Sterren bergweg 44, 3769 BT Soesterberg, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 1, 3769 ZG Soesterberg, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 346 3568 11 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 346 352265 E-m ail: stepsinfo@steps.n l In tern et: www.steps.n l Outlets: 145

Ve t J e a n s S to re

Address: Celsiusstraat 2, 170 4 RW H eerhugowaard, The Netherlan ds Mail address: P.O. Box 134, 170 0 AC H eerhugowaard, The Netherlan ds Phone: + 31 (0 ) 72 575150 0 Fax: + 31 (0 ) 72 5751420 E-m ail: in fo@coltex.n l In tern et: www.vet.n l Outlets: 50




Buyin g office: m en’s, children’s and babies’ w ear

Address: Senneberg J ean Mon n etlaan , 18 0 4 Vilvorde, Belgium

Phon e: + 32 (0 ) 2 2576960 Fax: + 32 (0 ) 2 2576611


Buyin g office: w om en’s w ear

Address: H an s-Gün ther-Sohl Strasse 8 , 40 235 Düsseldorf, Germ an y

Phone: + 49 (0 ) 211 6930 Fax: + 49 (0 ) 211 6931 0 60

H e n n e s & Ma u ritz

Address: Norrlan dsgatan 15, Stockholm , Sweden

Mail address: P.O. Box 1421, 1118 4 Stockholm , Sweden

Phone: + 46 (0 ) 8 796550 0 Fax: + 46 (0 ) 8 20 9919

In tern et: www.hm .com


Qu e lle

Quelle Karstadt Gruppe

Buyin g office: Quelle Schickedan z H olding

Address: Nürn berger Strasse 91-95, 90 762 Fürth, Germ an y

Phon e: + 49 (0 ) 911 140 Fax: + 49 (0 ) 911 142 4361 In tern et: www.quelle.de

Turn over: € 3,549 m illion of which 40 % in textiles

Ka rs ta d t/ H e rtie

Karstadt Quelle Gruppe Buyin g office: Karstadt AG Address: Theodor-Althoffstrasse 2, 45133 Essen , Germ an y

Phone: + 49 (0 ) 20 1 7271 Fax: + 49 (0 ) 20 1 7275 216

In tern et: www.karstadt.de

Turn over: € 7,8 18 m illion , of which 38 % textiles

Ka ta g

Buyin g office: Katag AG Textilein kaufsverban d

Address: Stralsun derstrasse 5, 3360 5 Bielefeld, Germ an y

Phone: + 49 (0 ) 521 2920 Fax: + 49 (0 ) 521 29210 1 In tern et: www.katag.n et Turn over: € 1,636 m illion (10 0 % textile)

Ka u fh o f / H o rte n

Metro Gruppe

Buyin g office: Kaufhof Warenhaus AG Address: Leonhard Tietz strasse 1, 50 676 Köln , Germ an y


Turn over: € 4,60 1 m illion , of which 60 % textile

U n ite x

Buyin g office: Un itex Ein kaufsverban d Gm bH

Address: Albrecht-Berblin ger Strasse 11, Neu-Ulm , Germ an y

Mail address: P.O. Box 20 29, 8 9229 Neu-Ulm , Germ an y

Phone: + 49 (0 ) 731 70 7 940 Fax: + 49 (0 ) 731 70 7 9446

Turn over: € 61 m illion , of which textile 98 %

Tch ib o

Buyin g office: Tschibo Frisch-Röst-Kaffee Gm bH

Address: Uberseerin g 18 , 22297 H am burg, Germ an y

Phone: + 49 (0 ) 40 638 70 Fax: + 49 (0 ) 40 638 72 60 0 In tern et: www.tchibo.de

Turn over: € 2,930 m illion (non -food) of which 21% textile

S ü te x

Buyin g office: Sütex Textil Verbun d AG Address: Eschen brün n lestrasse 12-14, 710 65 Sin delfin gen , Germ an y Phone: + 49 (0 ) 70 31 610 20 Fax: + 49 (0 ) 70 31 610 2336 In tern et: www.suetex.de Turn over: € 144 m illion


Ca rre fo u r

Buyin g office: Carrefour Fran ce Address: ZI Sain t-Guén ault, Evry Courcouron n es, Fran ce

Mail address: P.O. Box 75, 910 0 2 Evry Courcouronnes, Cedex- France Phone: + 33 (0 ) 1 60 91 37 37 Fax: + 33 (0 ) 1 60 78 0 2 91 In tern et: www.carrefour.com Turn over: € 25,794 m illion of which 10 % in textiles

La Re d o u te

PPR Group

Buyin g office: Redcats

Address: 57 Rue de Blan chem aille, 590 8 2 Roubaix, Fran ce

Phon e: + 33 (0 ) 3 20 69 60 0 0 Fax: + 33 (0 ) 3 20 30 5939

Daughters: Em pires Stores (UK), Ellos (Spain ) an d Brylan e (USA)

Turn over: € 1,464 m illion of which 60 % in textiles

Kid Co o l

Buyin g office: Kid Cool Europe Address: 25-27 Square de l’aviation , 10 70 Bruxelles, Belgium

Phone: + 32 (0 ) 2 558 18 90 Fax: + 32 (0 ) 2 523 2335 Turn over: un kn own

Pro m o d

Address: Chem in du Verseau, 598 47 Marq en Baroeul, Fran ce

Phon e: + 33 (0 ) 3 20 0 1 10 0 0 Fax: + 33 (0 ) 3 20 0 1 140 4 In tern et: www.prom od.fr Turn over: € 222 m illion

Mo n o p rix/ P ris u n ic

Galeries Lafayette Group

Address: Tour Ven dôm e, 20 4 Ron d Poin t du Pon t Sèvres, 92516 Boulogn e Billan court, Fran ce

Phone: + 33 (0 ) 1 5520 770 0 Fax: + 33 (0 ) 1 5520 8 20 7 In tern et: www.m on oprix.fr Outlets: 360

Turn over: € 3,40 0 m illion , of which 20 % textile


B u rto n Me n s w e a r

Arcadia Group

Address: Colegrave H ouse, 70 Bern ers Street, Lon don W1P 3AE,

Un ited Kin gdom

Phon e: + 44 (0 ) 20 7 636 8 0 40 Fax: + 44 (0 ) 20 7 927 1715

In tern et: www.burton m en swear.co.uk

To p S h o p

Arcadia Group

Address: Colegrave H ouse, 70 Bern ers Street, Lon don W1P 3AE,

Un ited Kin gdom

Phon e: + 44 (0 ) 20 7 6368 0 40 Fax: + 44 (0 ) 20 7 2912165 In tern et: www.tos.co.uk Turn over: € 38 0 m illion

To p Ma n

Arcadia Group

Address: Colegrave H ouse, 70 Bern ers Street, Lon don W1P 3AE,

Un ited Kin gdom

Phon e: + 44 (0 ) 20 7 636 8 0 40 Fax: + 44 (0 ) 20 7 927 1715 In tern et: www.tos.co.uk Turn over: € 38 0 m illion

Te s co

Buyin g office: Tesco Stores Ltd Address: 44 Cirrus Buildin g C- Schire Park- Welwyn Garden City-Herts AL7 1ZR, Un ited Kin gdom

Phon e: + 44 (0 ) 1992 632222

Fax: + 44 (0 ) 170 7 297574 (achats UK); + 44 (0 ) 170 7 297645 (achats hors UK) In tern et: www.tesco.co.uk

Turn over: € 19,510 m illion of which 3.8 % textile



Gruppo La Rinascente

Address: Strada 8 , Palazzo N, 20 0 8 9 Rozzan p Milano, Italy

Phone: + 39 (0 ) 2 5758 1 Fax: + 39 (0 ) 2 90 65 90 55 Outlets: 366

Turn over: € 50 0 m illion , of which 50 % textile


h ttp :/ / w w w .w o rld ch am be rs .c

o m

World Cham bers of Com m erce

Network with an in dex of

cham bers of com m erce world-wide

(n ation al, region al an d local). The

feature ‘In tern ation al Trade

Opportun ities’ is a business

m atchm aking platform and has a

search en gin e. Each feature can be

searched by con tin en t an d gives a

country list in alphabetical order.

h ttp :/ / w w w .ca rgo w e b.n l

After selecting country and

destin ation an overview is given as

to which logistical supplier is

offerin g suitable tran sport


h ttp :/ / w w w .e xp o ba s e .co m

The ExpoBase exhibition an d trade

show directory gives an world-wide

overview of trade fairs (n am e an d

date), fair-related in form ation like

hotels, stan d-buildin g com pan ies,

etc.; busin ess travel in form ation

an d services like statistics, forum

etc. More detailed in form ation is

not accessible for free, however, in

m any cases links to web sites of

trade fair organ isers is possible.

h ttp :/ / w w w .ia fn e t.o rg

The International Apparel

Federation (IAF) publishes

n ewsfacts, directories of textile an d

clothin g organ isation s; papers an d

presen tation s of the last

con ven tion an d program of the

com in g con ven tion . Lin ks with web

sites of m em ber organ isation s an d

associate m em ber com panies are

in cluded.

h ttp :/ / w w w .a e d t.o rg


gives in form ation an d statistics per

EU coun try, brand n am es

databan k, travel service, calendar

of fashion fairs and fashion press

in Europe.

h ttp :/ / w w w .o e th .co m

The OETH (L’Observatoire é du

Textile et de l’H abillem ent) is an

in dependent organ isation set up by

the European Com m ission . It

works towards increasing

kn owledge and un derstan din g of

the European textile and clothin g

in dustry an d distribution .

Searchin g by subject categories

such as: publication s an d reports,

brief in form ation about its

con tents and possibilities to order;

special topics (list of published

OETH reports and bulletins).

h ttp :/ / w w w .e u ra te x.o rg

Euratex’s sole objective is to

prom ote the in terest of its

m em bers (the apparel and textiles

in dustry in the EU). Subjects

con cern prin cipally com m ercial

an d in dustrial policies, research

an d in n ovation s, en viron m en tal

and social issues. This web site

shows statistics in trade,

con sum ption, em ploym en t an d

other relevant inform ation. An

exten ded overview of reports an d

n ewsletters is available to view or

to down load un der ‘Publication s’.

h ttp :/ / w w w .m o d in t.n l

Modin t (form er n am e Fenecon ,

after a m erger in August 20 0 0 with

NKC chan ged to Modin t) is the

association of The Netherlan ds

clothing and knitwear industry.

The 330 m em bers can be foun d in

the Directory by searchin g via

activities, products etc. In the

publication ‘Fen econ an d the

in tern ation al clothin g m arket’ a lot

of in form ation can be found an d

highlights the position of The

Netherlan ds as gateway to Europe.


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