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An Innovative Advertisement Of Baskin Robbins To Introduce 'Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Shake' in An American Magazine 'Seventeen' Targeting At The Teenager Market.


Academic year: 2017

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Tugas akhir ini merupakan pemenuhan syarat kelulusan di program studi English For Business Professionals di Universitas Kristen Maranatha.

Tujuan penulisan proyek ini adalah untuk mencari jawaban yang dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan mengenai aspek-aspek yang berperan penting dalam pembuatan sebuah iklan. Aspek-aspek tersebut berkaitan dengan karakteristik perusahaan seperti citra dan target market perusahaan, serta berhubungan dengan aspek-aspek penulisan dan kreatifitas dalam iklan. Aspek-aspek tersebut berperan penting karena dapat menentukan kesuksesan sebuah iklan untuk target market yang dituju.

Untuk menjawab masalah di atas maka saya melakukan penelitian baik melalui literatur maupun internet yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui penelitian ini adalah untuk menyatukan hal-hal penting seperti disebutkan diatas untuk menghasilkan sebuah iklan yang dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan.




ABSTRACT ………... i


PREFACE ……… iii



I.1. Background of the Project I.2. Project Identification I.3. Objectives I.4. Layout of the Thesis CHAPTER II : JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT ……….. 7

II.1. The Type of Advertisement II.2. Advertisement Appeal II.3. The Elements of Printed Advertisement CHAPTER III : PROJECT REALISATION ………... 19






I.1. Background of the Project

All nations are facing global economic era where companies’ products are

targeting for global market as it is stated that, ‘A global economy is one in which

goods, services, people, skills, and ideas move freely across geographic borders’

(Hitt, 2005: 10). Considering this situation, I believe that advertising plays an

important role as a tool to communicate messages concerning a product to the

society. This statement is in line with a quotation in a book entitled Advertising by

Design that says, ‘An advertisement is a specific message constructed to inform,

persuade, promote, or motivate people on behalf of a brand or social cause’

(Landa, 2004: 34).

In other words, without advertising, the society would be lacking in

information which will cause the products or services hard to be accessed by

society as it is asserted that, ‘Without advertisement, many products, either

goods or services will not be able to flow smoothly to the distributors or sellers,

let alone to get to the consumers or users’ (translation, Jefkins, 1997:1).

Furthermore, the success of advertising in a nation could develop a nation

economically, as it is stated that, ‘The success of a certain economy in a nation



is determined by a lot of advertising activities …’ (translation, Jefkins, 1997: 1).

Concerning the important role of advertising nowadays, I choose to make

an advertisement of ice cream because it is a special kind of sweet. Ice cream is

the only sweet that is celebrated every July as ‘National Ice Cream Month’ in

America (http://www.idfa.org/facts/icmonth /page1.cfm). Moreover, ice cream is

the only sweet that is chosen by NASA for their astronauts to be taken to space

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Astronaut _ice_cream). Furthermore, ice cream is

the only sweet that is chosen to gain the life quality of the people who suffer from

cancer in the American Cancer Society (http://www.catholic.org/prwire/headline.

php?ID=20 2062).

Regarding the brand of the ice cream, I choose Baskin Robbins, as one of

the ice cream companies in America, for two reasons. First, all Americans love

ice cream especially Baskin Robbins as stated that, ‘Whether they’re 8 or 80,

Americans love their ice cream, and they love Baskin-Robbins

(http://www.baskinrobbins.com/about/LatestScoop.aspx). Second, Baskin

Robbins has got several achievements as it is reported that, ‘We've been voted

the #1 Choice in Treats Chains by Restaurants & Institutions 13 of the last 17

years. And we're currently ranked #10 by Entrepreneur Magazine (the #1 ice

cream brand) on its 2004 Top Franchise List’ (http://


Moreover, dealing with the product, I decide to make an advertisement of

Reese’s® Peanut Butter Cup Shake; hence-forth ‘RPBCS’, because this is a new

product that has recently been launched in March 2007. Furthermore, it has just



been introduced to the public in America through the advertisements. An article

on March 12th , 2007, stated that Baskin Robbins together with Hershey

Company made ‘Candy Bar Madness’ program consisting of nine flavors of

candy-inspired ice creams including ‘RPBCS’. Moreover, Baskin Robbins has just

made several advertisements to introduce their latest product ‘RPBCS’

(http://www.baskinrobbins.com/about/pdfs/candybar madnessRelease.pdf).

For my printed advertisement I choose teenagers as the target market

because of two reasons. First, ‘RPBCS’ advertisements are also about teenagers

as stated in the quotation that, ‘…Baskin Robbins introduces their Reese’s®

Peanut Butter Cup shakes. The adverts show teens try to tempt their parents

with Baskin Robbins’ (http://www.baskinrobbins.com/about/pdfs/candy

barmadnessRelease.pdf). Second, I believe that it will be beneficial to go along

with Baskin Robbins marketing strategy to focus on teenager market. Joe Adney,

the senior director of Baskin Robbins marketing, explains that Baskin Robbins

has done some studies and found that teenagers play an important role

in making the decision to purchase something. Moreover, since in 2001

Baskin Robbins has increased their investment on teenager market

(http://www.qsrmagazine.com/issue/53/ marketing_teens.phtml).

Additionally, in terms of the media of advertising, Baskin Robbins has

already chosen several media as it is reported that, ‘Baskin-Robbins has made in

store, website, radio and TV advertisements and in the adverts, Baskin Robbins

introduces their latest product the Reese’s® Peanut Butter Cup shake’

(http://www.baskinrobbins.com/about/pdfs/candybarmadness Release.pdf).



However, I propose to make an advertisement in a magazine as a great

opportunity because of three reasons. First, ‘TRU’ (Teenage Research

Unlimited), a market research firm in America that specializes in teenagers,

states that eighty percent of girls and sixty percent of boys read a magazine for

pleasure every week (Belch and Belch, 2004: 397). Second, ‘Teen Market

Research’, an American research firm that delivers a complete research about

American teenagers in 2004, affirmed that, ‘Magazines appeal to Teens, with

eight out of ten Teens reading magazines’ (www.magazine.org/marketprofiles).

Third, Neopets Youth Study, a firm that conducts some research on American

teens, stated that, ‘… magazines are generally found to be the medium in which

advertising is trusted the most. Internet advertising is trusted the least, with

broadcast media trust levels falling between magazines and the internet’


Furthermore, I choose ‘Seventeen’ Magazines because of two

reasons. First, according to ‘TRU’ (Teenage Research Unlimited), the big

Five teen magazines in America are ‘Seventeen, YM, Teen, Teen People,

and Cosmo Girl’ (Belch and Belch, 2004 : 397). Second, from the 50 largest

U.S. magazines which listed many kinds of magazines for public, there are only

three teen magazines that are included in the list. ‘Seventeen’ is in number 29,

followed by ‘YM’ in number 30, and ‘Teen’ in number 48

(http://newslink.org/mtopus.html). Considering its popularity among teenagers in

America, I choose to make an advertisement in ‘Seventeen’ Magazine.

In addition, I choose to make the advertisement for teenagers in America



for three reasons. First, based on my observation, I found out that Baskin

Robbins has not made a ‘RPBCS’ advertisement in the American

‘Seventeen’ magazine. Second, ‘RPBCS’ is available in every franchisee in

America as stated in the quotation that, ‘Baskin Robbins new Candy Bar

Madness offerings are available at participating stores nationwide now’

(http://www.baskinrobbins.com/about/pdfs/candybarmadnessRelease.pdf). Third,

Mr. Firdaus A. Rosyid, the Area Manager of PT. Naryadelta Prarthana, a

company that holds the license of Indonesian Baskin Robbins franchise, states

that the product availability of Baskin Robbins in its franchisees depends on the

number of sales in the American sales. If the number of sales is good then the

other franchisees are able to sell the product. Therefore, since ‘RPBCS’ is a new

product that has just been introduced, this product will only be available in

America for the time being, it will not be relevant to promote the product in other


Based on those reasons above, I choose ‘An Innovative

Advertisement of Baskin Robbins to Introduce ’Reese’s® Peanut Butter Cup

shake’ in An American magazine ‘Seventeen’ Targeting at the Teenager Market’

as my thesis title. This project is an innovative one because the advertisement

has a different design, story line and media from the ‘RPBCS’ advertisements

made by Baskin Robbins.

I.2. Project Identification

I would like to make an innovative magazine advertisement of one



Baskin Robbins product ‘RPBCS’. This advertisement is targeted at teenager

market and for that, I will put a picture of a teenager model also a picture of a

dog, a picture of the product and slang words which are effective to be put in an

advertisement for teenagers. Moreover, the advertisement will be a colorful one

page advertisement.

I.3. Objectives

The objective of this project is to make an innovative advertisement of

Baskin Robbins in ‘Seventeen’ magazine in order to introduce ‘RPBCS’ and the

advertisement will target at the teenager market in America.

I.4. Layout of the Thesis

This thesis starts with the Abstract, a concise summary of the entire paper

in Indonesian. This Abstract is followed by the Preface, in which

acknowledgements are given to those contributing and involved in the work. After

that is the Table of Contents and the Appendices, followed by its three chapters :

Chapter I is the introduction to the analysis

Chapter II contains the literary research

Chapter III deals with the performance of the innovative project

In the final part, I present alphabetically the Bibliography.




Books :

Arens, William F. Contemporary Advertising, 9th ed. New York : McGraw - Hill companies. Inc, 2004.

Belch, George E. and Michael A Belch. Advertising and Promotion, an Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 6th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2004.

Bolen, William H. Advertising 2nd ed. Canada : John Wiley and sons, Inc, 1984.

Duncan, Tom. Principles of Advertising and IMC, second ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2005.

Hitt, Michael A., R. Duane Ireland and Robert. E. Hoskisson. Strategic Management 6th ed. USA : Thomson Corporation, 2005.

Jefkins, Frank. Periklanan ed 3. Jakarta : Erlangga, 1997.

Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management eleventh edition. New Jersey : Pearson Education, Inc., 2003.

Landa, Robin. Advertising by Design, Creating Visual Communication with Grapic Impact. Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & son, Inc, 2004.

Siegel, Judith M. Pet Ownership and the Importance of Pets Among Adolescents. Anthrozoos 8.4 (1995)

Electronic Publications :

Baskin Robbins press release. March 15th 2007.


Baskin Robbins Franchise Opportunities. July 13th 2007

<http://www.baskinrobbins.com/FranchiseOpportunities/WhyBaskinRobbi ns.aspx>

Baskin Robbins History. July 13th 2007


Baskin Robbins Fun Facts. July 13th 2007


Baskin Robbins Indonesia. August 26th 2006. <http://www.baskin31.com/profile.htm>

Baskin Robbins Latest Scoop. July 20th 2007.


Baskin Robbins Wikipedia. April 11th 2007.


Cabrera, Carlo. 10 Mind Altering Words That Make People Buy. March 4th 2007.<http://www.yourhotelinfo.com/online/10Mind_Altering_Words_That Make_People_Buy.html>

Child Population USA 2003. April 20th 2007.


Color Psychology. May 12th 2007 <http://cvcl.mit.edu/SUNSlides/SUNS-Tatarchuk-Suggestive Contours.pdf>

Color Psychology. October 6th 2006.


Cuthbert, Wendy. Marketing to Teens. March 4th 2007.


DeGeyter, Stoney. Clever New Basin Robbins logo. April 20th 2007. <http://www.emarketingperformance.com/:/1099/business-principles/friday-clever-new-baskin-robbins-logo/trackback/.>

Engagement: Understanding Consumers’ Relationships with Media 2006. July 13th 2007 <www.magazine.org/engagement>

Heidke, Kristine. Teen dollars prove elusive for marketers. April 6th 2007. <http://www.uwec.edu/larsoja/CJ427/heidkefinal.htm.>

Hip Hop Slang. April 11th 2007. <http://www.uic.edu/orgs/kbc/hiphop/slang.htm>

Ice Cream Cure Cancer. july 23rd 2007


Ice Cream Wikipedia. July 23rd 2007


ITC Tremor. April 20th 2007.


Kingston, Keith. Dogs-Man’s best friend. May 12th 2007.


Lynch, Fred. Slang Dictionary. April 11th 2007.


National Ice Cream Month. July 23rd 2007

<http://www.idfa.org/facts/icmonth /page1.cfm>

News Link. Top Circulation U.S Magazines. April 20th 2007. <http://newslink.org/mtopus.html>

Psychology of Color. October 6th 2006


Roth, Mark. 99-cent pricing hooks shoppers. March 4th 2007. <http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06351/746545-28.stm>

Teen Market. April 6th 2007 <http://www.rab.com/sales_meetings/7-022.html >

Teen Market Profile. March 21th 2006. <www.magazine.org/marketprofiles>

The Last Best Page-advice on closing pages of magazines. April 9h 2007. <http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3065/is_4_30/ai_72704599>

Urban dictionary. July 20th 2007.

<http://www.urbandictionary .com/define.php?term=n>

Urban dictionary. July 20th 2007.


Urban dictionary. July 20th 2007.

<http://www.urbandictionary.com/define .php?term=gonna>

Urban dictionary. July 20th 2007.


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