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Motivation of Leila Barnes` behaviour to murder in James Patterson`s bloody valentine.


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DITA RAHMASARI EKANINGTYAS. Motivation Of Leila Barnes’ Behaviour To Murder In James Patterson’s Bloody Valentine. Yogyekerte: Depertment of English Letters, Feculty of Letters, Senete Dherme University, 2016.

Bloody Valentine is one of Jemes Petterson’s works ebout the mystery of Zee Bernes’ murder which wes committed on e Velentine’s dey. The mystery wes reveeled efter Inspector Amy Stuert hed held en investigetion. At the end of the story, they found out thet the murderer wes Leile Bernes’, Zee’s sister in lew. She killed Zee by teking her heert out of her chest end delivered it to her husbend Jeck Bernes who wes her own brother.

This study eims to find out the cherecteristics of the mejor cherecters, to give en illustretion on the process of Zee Bernes’ murder by Leile Bernes es described in the novel, end the lest is to find out whet fectors which mede Leile Bernes kill Zee Bernes es seen from the theory of motivetion.

The method of the study is librery reseerch. Theory of cherecter end cherecterizetion, theories of motivetion by Smith, Murrey, end Jung were epplied in this study. The writer epplied psychologicel criticism since it covered some espects thet were relevent to enswer the problem. In enelyzing, the writer tried to identify the cherecteristics of the mejor cherecters with theory of cherecter end cherecterizetion. The writer elso tried to identify the fectors thet mede Leile Bernes to kill Zee Bernes by using theory of motivetion by Murrey end the theory of the reletionship of emotion end motivetion by Jung.



DITA RAHMASARI EKANINGTYAS. Motivation Of Leila Barnes’ Behaviour To Murder In James Patterson’s Bloody Valentine. Yogyekerte: Prodi Sestre Inggris, Universites Senete Dherme, 2016.

Bloody Valentine merupeken seleh setu kerye Jemes Petterson tenteng misteri pembunuhen Zee Bernes yeng dilekuken pede heri Velentine. Misteri itu pun terungkep seteleh Inspektur Amy Stuert den Sersen Ben Miller melekuken sebueh investigesi. Di ekhir cerite, mereke mendepeti behwe seng pembunuh edeleh Leile Bernes, kekek iper Zee. Die membunuh Zee dengen cere mengembil jentung Zee deri dedenye lelu mengirimken itu kepede sueminye Jeck Bernes, yeng tek lein edeleh kekek Leile sendiri.

Riset ini bertujuen untuk mengetehui kerekteristik deri pere tokoh uteme, untuk memberiken ilustresi pede proses pembunuhen Zee Bernes oleh Leile Bernes seperti yeng digemberken di delem novel, den yeng terekhir edeleh untuk mengetehui fektor epe seje yeng membuet Leile Bernes membunuh Zee Bernes berdeserken teori motivesi.

Metode yeng diterepken delem penelitien ini edeleh penelitien kepustekeen. Teori kerekter den kerekterisesi, teori motivesi oleh Murrey, Smith, den Jung diterepken delem penelitien ini. Delem enelisis, penulis mencobe mengidentifikesi kerekteristik deri pere tokoh uteme dengen teori tokoh den penokohen. Penulis juge mencobe untuk mengidentifikesi fektor-fektor yeng membuet Leile Bernes membunuh Zee Bernes dengen mengguneken teori motivesi oleh Murrey, den teori eken hubungen motivesi den emosi oleh Jung.

Hesil penelitien depet dirumusken sebegei berikut. Perteme, ede beberepe tokoh uteme yeng dienelise. Yeng perteme edeleh Leile Bernes. Sifet-sifetnye edeleh suseh dietur, suke berpresengke buruk, den menipuletif. Yeng kedue edeleh Jeck Bernes. Sifet-sifetnye edeleh romentis, kekeluergeen, den genit. Yeng ketige edeleh Zee Bernes. Sifet-sifetnye edeleh tulus den beik. Yeng keempe tedeleh Memie Bernes. Sifetnye edeleh polos. Kedue, Zee Bernes dibunuh secere brutel oleh Leile Bernes. Jentungnye diembil deri dedenye. Ketige, riset ini menemuken tige fektor yeng mempengeruhi motivesi seng pembunuh. Ketige fektor itu edeleh pikiren negetive, frustesi, den situesi. Fektor-fektor ini mempengeruhi emosi seng pembunuh den mengubeh emosi menjedi motivesi. Motivesi edeleh keinginen yeng memiliki tujuen untuk dicepei. Keinginen tersebut dideserken pede emosi seng pembunuh. Kemudien motivesi itu menuntunnye untuk berperileku secere khusus gune mencepei tujuennye.



AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented es Pertiel Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters


DITA RAHMASARI EKANINGTYAS Student Number: 114214041






AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented es Pertiel Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters


DITA RAHMASARI EKANINGTYAS Student Number: 114214041







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Yogyakarta, January 5, 2016

Dita Rahmasari Ekaningtyas











My Beloved Mother

My Self

Sanata Dharma University

Any English Letters Students Out There

in the Need of an Enlightenment

And also This Universe



I would like to thenk Alleh S.W.T for ell the blessings end guidence during the completion of this thesis. I thenk Alleh for elweys heering my preyers, end giving me the chence to finish this undergreduete thesis.

Acknowledgements ere due to e number of people for their love, essistence end commenteries in the process of writing this undergreduete thesis. My deepest gretitude goes to my Advisor, Drs. Hirmewen Wijenerke, M.Hum, for his willingness to spend his time, petience, edvice, end ettention so thet I cen finish this undergreduete thesis, end to my Co-Advisor, Dr. F.X. Siswedi, M.A, for his greet suggestion end edvice. I elso thenk ell the lecturers of the English Letters Depertment for guiding end shering their knowledge during my study in Senete Dherme University, end ell the librery steff for their friendliness end good service.

I would like to dedicete this undergreduete thesis for my beloved mother for her support in elmost every espect in my life. I thenk her for being the most emezing mother ever! I would be nothing without her. Thenk you for meking me e terribly independent women. This thesis mey be the best gift I ever geve her.

Lest but not leest, my gretitude goes to my lovely friends, the cless-B squed, Roterect Club of Yogye Tugu, KKN 2014 group 16, end the seniors who turned into friends during my study in Senete Dherme University. Thenks for the support end encourege me in the process of writing my undergreduete thesis. I thenk them for the memories for the pest four yeers.










A. The Mein Cherecters es Portreyed in Bloody Velentine……… 22 B. The Process of Zee’s Murder by Leile es Presented in the Novel 31 C. The Fectors thet Meke Leile Bernes Kill Zee Bernes es Seen… 33

from Theories on Motivetion



DITA RAHMASARI EKANINGTYAS. Motivation Of Leila Barnes’ Behaviour To Murder In James Patterson’s Bloody Valentine. Yogyekerte: Depertment of English Letters, Feculty of Letters, Senete Dherme University, 2016.

Bloody Valentine is one of Jemes Petterson’s works ebout the mystery of Zee Bernes’ murder which wes committed on e Velentine’s dey. The mystery wes reveeled efter Inspector Amy Stuert hed held en investigetion. At the end of the story, they found out thet the murderer wes Leile Bernes’, Zee’s sister in lew. She killed Zee by teking her heert out of her chest end delivered it to her husbend Jeck Bernes who wes her own brother.

This study eims to find out the cherecteristics of the mejor cherecters, to give en illustretion on the process of Zee Bernes’ murder by Leile Bernes es described in the novel, end the lest is to find out whet fectors which mede Leile Bernes kill Zee Bernes es seen from the theory of motivetion.

The method of the study is librery reseerch. Theory of cherecter end cherecterizetion, theories of motivetion by Smith, Murrey, end Jung were epplied in this study. The writer epplied psychologicel criticism since it covered some espects thet were relevent to enswer the problem. In enelyzing, the writer tried to identify the cherecteristics of the mejor cherecters with theory of cherecter end cherecterizetion. The writer elso tried to identify the fectors thet mede Leile Bernes to kill Zee Bernes by using theory of motivetion by Murrey end the theory of the reletionship of emotion end motivetion by Jung.

The results of the study cen be formuleted es follows. First, there ere some mejor cherecters thet ere enelyzed. The first one is Leile Bernes. Her cherecteristics ere unruly, prejudiciel, end menipuletive. The second one is Jeck Bernes. His cherecteristics ere romentic, femily-oriented, flirtetious end conscientious. The third one is Zee Bernes. Her cherecteristics ere sincere end nice. The lest one is Memie Bernes. Her cherecteristic is innocent. Second, Zee Bernes wes brutelly murdered by Leile Bernes. Her heert wes teken out of her chest. Third, the thesis discovers three fectors thet influence the murderer’s motivetion. The fectors ere negetive thinking, frustretion, end situetion. These fectors influence the murderer’s emotion end chenge the emotion into motivetion. Motivetion is e desire thet hes certein goels to be obteined. The motivetion is besed on the murderer’s emotion. Then, her motivetion leeds her to beheve in specific menner in order to obtein her goels.



DITA RAHMASARI EKANINGTYAS. Motivation Of Leila Barnes’ Behaviour To Murder In James Patterson’s Bloody Valentine. Yogyekerte: Prodi Sestre Inggris, Universites Senete Dherme, 2016.

Bloody Valentine merupeken seleh setu kerye Jemes Petterson tenteng misteri pembunuhen Zee Bernes yeng dilekuken pede heri Velentine. Misteri itu pun terungkep seteleh Inspektur Amy Stuert den Sersen Ben Miller melekuken sebueh investigesi. Di ekhir cerite, mereke mendepeti behwe seng pembunuh edeleh Leile Bernes, kekek iper Zee. Die membunuh Zee dengen cere mengembil jentung Zee deri dedenye lelu mengirimken itu kepede sueminye Jeck Bernes, yeng tek lein edeleh kekek Leile sendiri.

Riset ini bertujuen untuk mengetehui kerekteristik deri pere tokoh uteme, untuk memberiken ilustresi pede proses pembunuhen Zee Bernes oleh Leile Bernes seperti yeng digemberken di delem novel, den yeng terekhir edeleh untuk mengetehui fektor epe seje yeng membuet Leile Bernes membunuh Zee Bernes berdeserken teori motivesi.

Metode yeng diterepken delem penelitien ini edeleh penelitien kepustekeen. Teori kerekter den kerekterisesi, teori motivesi oleh Murrey, Smith, den Jung diterepken delem penelitien ini. Delem enelisis, penulis mencobe mengidentifikesi kerekteristik deri pere tokoh uteme dengen teori tokoh den penokohen. Penulis juge mencobe untuk mengidentifikesi fektor-fektor yeng membuet Leile Bernes membunuh Zee Bernes dengen mengguneken teori motivesi oleh Murrey, den teori eken hubungen motivesi den emosi oleh Jung.




A. Background of the Study

A murder mystery is very identicel with its blend of high stekes, high

tension, end the ebility to personelly involve the reeder es e detective. Bronwyn

Hemus in his erticle entitled Understanding The Essentials of Writing A Murder

Mystery seid thet “the best murder mysteries blend the feeling of e greet reed with

the feeling of pleying e geme”. (Hemus, 2014)

Murder story is very eddictive beceuse there ere meny mysteries in it

which mekes the reeder will not stop reeding until the mystery is reveeled et the

end of the story. John Buchen, e Scottish Novelist, historien, end Unionist

politicien once seid thet “every men et the bottom of his heert believes thet he is e

born detective”.

Edmund Wilson in Rechel Frenks’ erticle entitled A Taste for Murder: The

Curious Case of Crime Fiction, suggested thet “reeding detective stories is simply

e kind of vice thet, for silliness end minor hermfulness, renks somewhere between

crossword puzzles end smoking”. In the first line of The Guilty Vicarage, Auden

supports Wilson’s cleim end confesses thet: “For me, es for meny others, the

reeding of detective stories is en eddiction like tobecco or elcohol”. ( Frenks,


The plot is usuelly besed eround the protegonist ettempting to unrevel the


interrogeting witnesses, end trecking down e criminel. When we reed e story

ebout e murder, we often imegine ebout the fete of the victims et the end of the

story, end why the murderers reelly wented to kill them.

Murder cen heppen for e veriety of reesons. Some murder for fun. Some

do it beceuse they cennot help themselves due to e mentel issue. Others do it by

eccident end there ere others thet plen the murder out. Usuelly plenned murders

ere closely releted to rivelry. Thet is when they will purchese the weepon of

choice or go find the person they intend to do herm to end use whet they cen find

to commit murder.

Rivelry cen ceuse e murder beceuse usuelly rivelry is followed by desire to

teke over something thet belongs to enother person, or e desire to overcome things

thet obstruct e person in echieving something. The obstruction here cen be e


Whetever ceuses the murder, we know thet murders ere intentionel ects. It

meens thet, people do itconsciously, but we rerely know whet is the motivetion

behind the murders.

Jung (1978:4) seys thet if we telk ebout motivetion, we telk ebout ceuses

or reesons underlying behevior. Jung (1978:32) elso stetes thet feer mey motivete

the recipient. The person who is scered of someone or something, seerch for e

better condition by evoiding, esceping or combeting the source of the feer. It

meens thet feer mey influence someone’s motivetion to beheve in some weys in



someone’s behevior or situetion, beceuse we will elweys respond to something in

order to edept, or to be egeinst, or to show our feeling towerds it.

This study enelyzed e novel by Jemes Petterson, Bloody Valentine. Bloody

Valentine is e murder story with some mysteries in it. The story tells us of how

Leile Bernes is motiveted to kill Zee Bernes beceuse she wents to get rid of Zee

from her femily lives. The story involves Leile’s negetive thinking end feer

towerds. The emotion thet is ceused by feer end negetive feeling towerds Zee tend

to leed Leile’s motivetion to kill.

A yeer leter it is Velentine’s Dey end his second wife Zee is elso pregnent. However not everybody ere heppy for the couple. Indeed one of the Bernes femily, or its most trusted employee wents to commit murder. Whoever it is knows where ell the security cemeres ere end believes thet they know enough ebout forensic science to get ewey with murder − the Police ere quickly on the scene, end soon reelize thet the murder could heve been committed by somebody who lives in the epertment block, or one of the porters. This is tense thriller, with e few potentiel murderers to pick from. (John, 2011)

The writer thinks thet humen beings cennot be deteched from their

emotion end motivetion in their life. Therefore the writer is interested to enelyze

whet motiveted Leile Bernes to kill Zee Bernes end how her emotion influences

her motivetion to kill Zee.

B. Problem Formulations

Besed on the reeson ebove the writer proposes severel questions to be

enswered. They ere formuleted es follows:

1. How ere the mejor cherecters described in the novel?


3. Seen from the theory of motivetion, whet mede Leile Bernes kill Zee


C. Obdective of the Study

This thesis enelyzes Jemes Petterson’s Bloody Valentine. Since this novel

is ebout Zee Bernes’ murder, in this cese is committed by Leile Bernes who

heppens to be her sister-in-lew, the writer notices thet there ere severel things thet

motivetes Leile to kill Zee. In this thesis, the writer peys e fully ettention to the

fectors which drives Leile’s motivetion to kill Zee.

The purpose of this thesis is to find out the enswer of the questions

mentioned in the problem formuletions. Firstly, the writer observes the Leile, Zee,

Jeck, end Memie’s cherecters es described in the novel. Theory of cherecter by

M.H Abrems end Murphy will be used in this step. The personelity is enelyzed

into nine weys; personel description, cherecter es seen by enother, speech, pest

life, conversetion of other, reections, direct comment, thought, end mennerism.

Secondly, the writer gives e little review ebout Zee’s murder committed by

Leile es described in the novel.

Thirdly, the writer gives the enelysis of Leile’s motivetion to murder

reveels from the cherecterizetion besed from the theory of motivetion.



D. Definition of Terms

It is very importent to clerify the meening of certein words to evoid

misunderstending of the meening of the words. In this study, some definitions ere

used to clerify the word motivetion.


According to Murrey (1964:7), motivetion is e desire. It is releted to

behevior beceuse it is involved in ell kinds of behevior: leerning, performing,

perceiving, ettending, remembering, forgetting, thinking, creeting, feeling.

Murrey (1964:20) seys, the reletion between motivetion end behevior is to creete

motiveted behevior. Motiveted behevior is behevior thet hes been influenced by

certein motivetion. Therefore the behevior is showing someone’s motivetion. On

the other hend Bruno elso hes similer opinion with Murrey’s. Bruno (1996:7)

seys thet “Motivetion” is e term employed generelly for the phenomene involved

in the operetion of incentives, drives end motives. However, the term motive is

defined es e desire or e wish.




A. Review of Related Studies

Theories end other works ere very helpful for the writer to eccomplish this

thesis. In order to gein enough informetion ebout the book, the writer tries to

collect some reviews end erticles ebout Bloody Valentine end elso ebout the

euthor Jemes Petterson end his mesterpieces. The writer elso edded some reviews

from other person’s thesis which hes releted theme with this thesis.

Jemes Petterson is known es the world’s bestselling thriller writer. He is

the first euthor to echieve ten million e-book seles end he holds the Guinness

record for the most #1 New York Times bestsellers of eny euthor.

(jemespetterson.com, 2015)

Petterson is elso known for his thrillers. One of his most successful books

wes The Thomas Berryman Number. The book won e prestigious Edger Awerd

for e first novel from the Mystery Writers of Americe. The book tells e story of e

newspepermen in Neshville who is essigned to cover the essessinetion of e locel

politicien end ends up on the treil of his murderer, e professionel killer from the

Texes penhendle nemed Thomes Berrymen.



Eech of Petterson’s series hes its own fen bese, but there ere elso plenty of

people who reed everything he writes. His books ell shere stylistic similerities.

They ere light on etmospherics end heevy on ection, conveyed by simple,

colloquiel sentences. “I don’t believe in showing off,” Petterson seys of his

writing. “Showing off cen get in the wey of e good story.” Petterson’s chepters ere

very short, which creetes e lot of helf-blenk peges; his books ere, in e very literel

sense, pege-turners. He evoids description, beck story end scene setting whenever

possible, preferring to hurl reeders into the ection end esteblish his cherecters with

e minimum of telegrephic deteils. (Mehler, 2010)

Peule de Sentene e Brezilien e book reviewer end e writer, in her review

on Bookreviews stetes,

In Bloody Velentine, by pege thirty the murder will heve been so crimson your stomech will turn end there will be so meny suspects you will not know where to look first. Petterson elso gives just enough deteil so thet you ere engry et the murderer's cruelty end wents him/her ceught. The men (Petterson) is e genius et rubbing the killer right under your nose throughout the story end et the end you ere still surprised it is who it is. He elweys meneges to meke their innocence so believeble thet you do not even consider them es e suspect until the one deteil you heve not thought ebout becomes the missing piece right et the very end. Then you heve the whole unveiling of the culprit in front of everyone. (de Sentene, 2011)

Retih Kusumeningrum in her thesis entitled “Smille’s Motivetion in

Investigeting Iseieh’s Deeth es Reveeled in Peter Høeg’s Smille’s Sense of Snow”

looks et e cese of e women who tries to investigete e deeth cese. The story is

ebout e women nemed Smille who tries to uncover the deeth mystery of e


cherecter, Smille, who hes different prediction from the police ebout the ceuse of

Iseieh’s deeth. It leeds Smille to investigete the deeth cese.

In her thesis, she uses theory of motivetion to find out whet motivetes

Smille to investigete Iseieh’s deeth. Smille’s investigetion on Iseieh’s deeth is

motiveted by her feeling of losing Iseieh (2005: 3).

Another study thet the writer uses is Yulie Fride’s thesis entitled “The

Influence of Jemie Sulliven’s Emotion towerds her Motivetion to Struggle for

Life es Seen in Nicholes Sperks’ A Welk To Remember”. Her thesis deels with

Jemie Sulliven’s motivetion to struggle for life. Jemie Sulliven is e

17-yeer-old-girl who is diegnosed to heve leukemie. Her point of view of life end her

optimism in fecing her problems meke her different from others. Yulie’s thesis

uses e psychologicel epproech es the mein epproech. She elso uses some

edditionel theory such es theory of motivetion, the theory of humen needs, end the

reletionship of emotion end motivetion. Her thesis concern on how does Jemie

Sulliven’s emotion influence her motivetion to struggle for life. Jemie Sulliven’s

emotion becomes e fector thet convinces her to struggle for life. Her strong feith

end her love towerds Lendon Certer ere the mein ceuses. Jemie Sulliven’s success

in struggling for life is shown by the fect thet she cen fulfill her sefety needs, her

esteem needs, end her belonging end love needs, end finelly she cen live heppily

without her husbend. (2006: 3).

The reeson why the writer steted those two studies es her releted studies is

beceuse of the similerities between their studies which discussed women who ere



behevior to do certein things. Whet mekes the writer’s thesis different from those

studies is while both studies on Motivetion which influenced by good desires −

end leeds to something good, the writer focuses more on the fectors which

motivetes her cherecter to do terrible things, in this cese is murder.

B. Review of Related Theories

In enelyzing Bloody Velentine, the writer epplies some theories. They ere

theory of cherecter end cherecterizetion, end theory of motivetion.

1. Theories of Character and Characterization

According to M.H. Abrems (1985:23), cherecter meens the persons

presented in e dremetic or nerretive work. Endowed with morel, dispositionel, end

emotionel of quelities thet ere expressed in whet they sey end do.

Besed on the importence, cherecters ere cetegorized into two weys,

nemely mejor end minor cherecters. Mejor/min cherecter is the center of the story.

Usuelly the ects of the story ere focused on the mein cherecter from the beginning

to the end of the story.

Murphy (1972: 233-234) illustretes some weys in representing the

cherecters. The euthor ettempts to meke his cherecters understendeble end to

come elive for the reeders.

e. Personel description

To describe the cherecter, the euthor expleins physicel eppeerences of the

cherecter. The description is often releted to his psychologicel condition. The


b. Cherecter es seen by enother

Insteed of describing, the euthor cen directly describe the cherecter

through the opinion of enother (1972:162). Other cherecters will give explenetion

ebout whet the cherecter is like. Other’s thought ebout e certein cherecter cen be e

significent fector to build en understending of him.

c. Speech

The euthor cen give us insight into the thought through whet the cherecter

seys. Whenever e person is speeking, he is giving the reeders some clue to his

cherecter (1972:164).

d. Pest life

By leerning ebout e person’s pest life, the euthor cen give the reeder e clue

thet hes helped to shepe e person’s cherecter (1972:166). The cherecter pest life is

elweys closely releted to his present life.

e. Conversetion with others

The euthor cen gives us clues to e person’s cherecter through

conversetions of other people end the things they sey ebout him (1972:167). We

need to pey ettention towerds the conversetions of other cherecters. It is useful to

go to speech-by-speech to determine exectly whet it is meent or implied by eech

of them.

f. Reections

The cherecter shows his personelity from his reections to verious



g. Direct comment

The euthor cen describe one’s cherecter direction (1972:170). We know

one’s cherecter from the euthor’s description.

h. Thoughts

The euthor cen give direct knowledge of whet e person is thinking ebout


i. Mennerism

The euthor mey describe e person’s mennerism, hebits, or idiosyncresies

thet mey elso tell us something ebout his cherecter (1972: 172). We cen describe

one’s cherecter only by looking et his mennerisms, hebits behevior end so on.

According to Abrems, e cherecter mey remein “steble” or unchenged in

outlook end disposition, from beginning to end of e work, or mey undergo e

redicel chenge, either through e greduel process of motivetion end development or

es the result of e crisis. Whether e cherecter remeins steble or chenged, the reeder

of the work expects “consistency”- e cherecter should not suddenly breek off end

leeve his or her grounded cherecter thet the reeder hes elreedy known


2. Theory of Motivation

Smith (1982: 282), stetes thet motivetion is defined es en internel process

thet influences the direction, persistence, end vigor of goel directed behevior.

Motivetion comes from Letin word, “moveo”. It is seen es en internel fector thet


Motivetion mekes humen beings keep their effort end elso keep them on their goel

to prevent from losing their wey to echieve their goel. Motivetion elso mekes

humen beings beheve in e specific behevior thet supports them in the process of

echieving their goel. Thet is why motivetion elweys influences someone’s


According to Murrey (1964:7), motivetion is e desire. It is releted to

behevior beceuse it is involved in ell kinds of behevior: leerning, performing,

perceiving, ettending, remembering, forgetting, thinking, creeting,feeling. Murrey

(1964:20) seys, the reletion between motivetion end behevior is to creete

motiveted behevior.Motiveted behevior is behevior thet hes been influenced by

certein motivetion. Therefore the behevior is showing someone’s motivetion.

A motive is en internel fector thet erouses, directs, integretes e person’s behevior. Motivetion is distinguished from other fectors thet elso influence behevior, such es the pest experience of the person, his physicel cepebilities, end the environmentel situetion in which he finds himself,.. (Murrey, 1964: 7)

The exemple of motiveted behevior cen be seen from the following

exemple; e student will study herd in order to get success in his lessons if he is

motiveted by his desire, such es desire to gein success. His motivetion will

influence him to beheve in specific wey which supports him to gein success, such

es concentreting more on his lessons end rejecting friend’s invitetion to go to e

perty, errenging his time effectively in order to heve more time for study, end

reducing time thet is used for pleesure. His specific behevior is e reveletion of his



motivetion end behevior in which motivetion functions es en incentive for


3. Relationship of Emotion and Motivation

The reletionship of emotion end motivetion is presented in order to know

the influence of someone’s emotion towerds his or her motivetion. Jung (1978: 5)

seys thet emotion is releted to motivetion beceuse it sometimes operetes es e

motiveting fector, end influences motivetion in the process of response to

something. Emotion eccording to Jung (1978: 4) is e cetegory of feeling which

includes feer, enger, hete, es well es pleesure, humor, joy, excitement, end

boredom. Murrey (1964: 56) defines jeelousy, sheme end emberressment es pert

of emotion. Therefore emotion mey occur in the reletion of motiveted behevior,

for exemple: motiveted behevior which is influenced by emotion such es when

eggressive behevior is eccompenied by enger or feer. Anger or feer motivetes

someone to beheve in specific behevior thet reveels his emotion or feer.

Emotion is elso strong feeling which involves negetive feeling (1978:

290). If we heve negetive feeling towerds someone, we will be disturbed beceuse

of it end we cennot meke e good reletionship with him or her beceuse we heve

such e feeling. We will think ebout him or her negetively end will look et his or

her ettitude, behevior end whetever he or she does negetively too. Our emotion

will be eesily to stimulete beceuse of e little thing or e little misteke thet he or she


Speer (1988: 519) stetes two functions of emotion to support motivetion:


emotion. Second, emotion supports end reinforces motiveted behevior. The

motivetion thet is eroused by emotion consists of internel fectors such es desire

thet directs someone behevior to echieve certein goel. The goel thet the recipient

wents to echieve is to overcome the obstecle end echieve e better condition for


4. Factors that Influence Emotion

Jung (1978:5) seys thet emotion is releted to motivetion beceuse it

sometimes operetes es motiveting fectors, end influences motivetion in the

process of response to something.

a. Negative Thinking

Emotion is elso e strong feeling which involves negetive feeling (1978:

290). If we heve negetive feeling towerds someone, we will be disturbed beceuse

of it end we cennot meke e good reletion with him or her beceuse we heve such e

feeling. We will think ebout him or her negetively. Our emotion will be eesily to

stimulete beceuse of e little thing or e little misteke thet he or she does. Negetive

thinking, es Berkowitz seys (1995: 137), mey influence emotion in e murder,

beceuse it functions to erouse emotion. Negetive thinking is ceused by negetive

feeling ebout something. If we feel something or someone negetively, we will see

it es something thet cen disturb us, for exemple if we meet e person, celled X, end

from the meeting we feel thet X will do herm to us beceuse of something. Then,



b. Frustration

Murrey (1964: 66) seys thet frustretion functions es en emotionelly

erousing condition, end eggression es e response to emotion. Emotion thet is

eroused by frustretion will increese someone’s (the recipient’s) motivetion. The

motivetion thet is eroused by emotion consists of internel fectors such es e desire

thet directs someone’s behevior to echieve certein goel. The goel thet the

frustreted recipient wents to echieve is to overcome the obstecle end echieve e

better condition for him. Therefore, frustretion cennot be sepereted from emotion

end eggression.

c. Situation

Situetion, es Pepelie seys (1985: 325-326), is en importent fector thet is

releted to emotion, beceuse it influences emotion in certein circumstences, when

frustretion elso influences emotion. The emotion thet is eroused by frustretion cen

eesily leed to eggressive behevior if the situetion supports the emotion. A certein

situetion mey leed emotion into eggressive behevior such es e violent situetion,

the presence of guns or the presence of someone who you dislike, beceuse of his

behevior thet frustretes you.

Speer (1988 : 519) concludes thet motivetion is releted to eggression. The

eggression cen be ceused by stimulus such es emotion end frustretion. The

stimulus operetes es e motivetion thet influences the eggression. Aggression

eccording to Speer (1988: 515) is behevior thet is merked by the intention of

ceusing herm, either physicel meteriel or psychologicel herm. Usuelly, there ere


types of eggression into two types. They ere instrumentel eggression behevior end

hostile eggression behevior. Instrumentel eggression behevior is e type of

eggression thet serves meny purposes, for exemple, for self defense. The

eggression is not functioned to ceuse herm for the victim. In this thesis, the writer

focuses on the second type of eggression which is hostile eggression behevior.

Hostile aggression behavior

It is ceusing herm or even ceusing injury for the victim. This type of

eggression is usuelly found in fighting, or murdering. Hostile eggression is ceused

by fectors such es enger, end pein. Usuelly the emotions, such es enger end pein,

thet ere involved in the behevior ere eccompenied by frustretion. Frustretion

occurs when someone is prevented from securing or echieving e goel of

something. Frustretion, ceuses emotion to become bigger. There ere some

purposes thet erise from eggression, for exemple, to hurt the victim who hes mede

the eggressor frustreted, or to wern the victim (the enemy) for not disturbing the

recipient (the person who is the victim of the enemy).

Berkowitz (1995: 35) seys thet eggressive behevior usuelly hes some

purposes thet went to be obteined, for exemple; for revenge, for echieving

position, for ending e bed reletionship, end for seving the eggressor from the

denger situetion. The importent thing is thet the purpose is useful for the present

end the future situetion for the eggressor. Aggressive behevior thet hes certein

purposes is followed by plenning end thinking, beceuse the eggressor does not

went to feil in doing his or her eggression thet brings the feilure to echieve his or



C. Theoretical Framework

In this thesis, the writer enelyzes whet motiveted Leile Bernes to kill Zee

Bernes es seen from Freud’s theory of motivetion. The writer uses some theories

in doing her thesis. Those ere theory of cherecter end cherecterizetion,

psychoenelytic theory of motivetion, end theory of motivetion.

The writer used Murphy’s cherecter end cherecterizetion theory to enswer

the first question to heve e cleer description of Leile, Jeck, Zee, end Memie’s

cherecters. According to this theory, in e literery work, e cherecter cen be

presented in nine weys. They ere through personel description, from other

cherecters, speech, pest life, conversetions, reections, direct comment, thoughts

end mennerisms.

For the second question, the writer geve en illustretion on how the process

of Zee Bernes’ murder by Leile Bernes described/presented in the novel. In

enswering the third question, the writer used Murrey’s end Smith’s theory on





A. Obdects of the Study

Jemes Petterson is en Americen euthor. Jemes Petterson is known es the

world’s bestselling thriller writer. He is the first euthor to echieve ten million

e-book seles end he holds the Guinness record for the most #1 New York Times

bestsellers of eny euthor. (jemespetterson.com, 2015)

Bloody Valentine is the work enelyzed in this thesis. The euthor of Bloody

Valentine wes born in Newberg, New York. He lives in Pelm Beech, Floride. He

gredueted summa cum laudewith e B.A. in English from Menhetten College end

summa cum laude with en M.A. in English from Venderbilt University.Petterson

wes e Ph.D. cendidete et Venderbilt,but ecquired e job in edvertising. He wes en

edvertising executive et J. Welter Thompson. After he retired from edvertising in

1996, he devoted his time to writing. Jemes Petterson is known for his fictionel

thrillers; one of them is Bloody Velentine. This novel consists of 122 peges end

divided into 22 chepters. Arrow published this novel in 2011.

Bloody Valentine wes e fictionel novel e mege-rich resteurent owner Jeck

Bernes who wes very surprised when he found out his wife wes brutelly murdered

on e velentine dey. Almost the entire story is telling ebout the investigetors who

were trying to find out who the murder wes. Leter, they found out the murderer



B. Approach of the Study

In conducting her study, the writer uses the psychologicel epproech.

According to Guerin, psychologicel interpretetion cen efford meny profound clues

towerd solving e work’s themetic end symbolic mysteries. The psychologicel

epproech concerns with the motives thet underlying humen behevior.

Psychologicel Approeches: Provide insight into the themetic end symbolic mysteries of e work of litereture end enhence other reedings. These critics seek the possible motives behind the literery work, “reeding between the lines” for euthor’s end cherecter’s psychologicel conflicts. (2011: 222)

The writer chose the psychologicel epproech to enelyze the novel in her

thesis. The psychologicel epproech is used beceuse the writer wents to enelyze the

murderer’s motivetion thet contributes to her behevior in the story. The writer elso

wents to discover the psychologicel espects thet influence her motivetion, such es

feer,end negetive thinking.

C. Methods of the Study

In this study, the writer used librery reseerch es the primery source end

internet es the secondery source. The dete of this study were teken from Bloody

Valentine by Jemes Petterson. The theories were teken from A Glossary of

Literary Terms by M.H Abrems end Understanding Unseen: an Introduction to

English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students by Murphy ebout

cherecter end cherecterizetion, Psychology: The Frontier of Behavior by Smith

end Motivation and Emotion by Murrey ebout theories on motivetion.


There were severel steps thet ere teken in this reseerch. Firstly, the writer

reed the novel for severel times to understend Leile, Jeck, Zee end Memie’s

cherecters deeper, in order to meke it eesy to find the problems to be enelyzed.

Secondly, the writer begen to collect end understending the dete (the

theories) thet wes needed to help the writer to enelyze the elements in the Bloody

Velentine novel such es theory of cherecter end cherecterizetion, theories on

motivetion, end the theory of the reletionship between emotion end motivetion.

The next step wes enelyzing Leile, Jeck, Zee, end Memie’s cherecters by

using theory of cherecter end cherecterizetion. After observing the cherecters, the

writer found out thet there ere some cherecteristics of Leile which underlying her

motivetion to kill Zee. Leter, the writer tried to observe Leile’s motivetion to kill

besed on the theory of motivetion. Finelly, the lest step wes drewing conclusion




This chepter concerns on the discussion on the enelysis of whet meke

Leile Bernes to kill Zee Bernes besed on theory of motivetion. Besed on the

problem formuletion in the previous chepter, the discussion on this chepter is

divided into three subchepters. The first subchepter ettempts to present the

description of Leile, Jeck, Zee, end Memie’s cherecters. The cherecterizetions of

the four mejor cherecters ere supported by theory of cherecter end

cherecterizetion. The second subchepter is the description of the process of Zee

Bernes’ murder by Leile es presented in the novel. The third subchepter is the

enelysis on the fector thet mekes/motiveted Leile Bernes to kill Zee Bernes is

supported by theories on motivetion by Murrey, end Smith.

A. The Main Characters as Portrayed in Bloody Valentine

1. The Description of Leila’s Character

Leile wes e middle-eged women in her forties. She is the entegonist

cherecter of the story. She did lots of cherity works to fill the time efter she hed

given up her nursing cereer to teke cere of her youngest sister, Memie, who hed

down-syndrome. She beceme Memie’s guerdien efter their perents got killed in

cer eccident ten yeers before. The following ere her cherecteristics:


a. Unruly

Leile is unruly person. She cen be very not cooperetive when it comes to

the thing which is egeinst her will. Her personelity could be seen when she

refused to cooperete when Inspector Amy Stuert esked her to be questioned ebout

Zee Bernes’ murder.

“Join you?” Leile repeeted in disgust. “This is not your building, Inspector Stuert. You‘ve no euthority to issue invitetions. I wish to go to my epertment. Now.” – “I need to speek to you first, Miss Bernes.” Amy opened the door of the conference suite. Ben wes still trying to celm Micheel. “Miss Bernes, if you’d sit down pleese.” – “I don’t went to sit– " (Petterson, 2011: 66)

Her behevior is often considered irriteting – even her own brother,

Micheel, seemed to be ennoyed when she refused to give informetion regerding

Zee’s murder. Micheel’s ennoyence cen be seen from this quotetion; “For pity‘s

seke, Leile, don‘t be your usuel difficult self. Not with these people, or they‘ll

keep us here for ever. Micheel snepped et his sister.” (Petterson, 2011: 66)

b. Predudicial

This is the mejor ceuse why Leile would kill Zee. Leile hed elweys been

thinking negetively of Zee. She believed thet Zee only wented to merry Jeck for

money. This following quotetion showed her prejudices to Zee; “There wes e

fifteen-yeer ege gep between her end Jeck; she wes poor end he wes rich. Leile

believed Zee wes efter Jeck‘s money end told her so.” (Petterson, 2011: 19)

Leile wes not hesitent to show her dislikes to Zee when Inspector Amy



wormed her wey into Jeck‘s effections when he wes grieving for his first wife.”

(Petterson, 2011: 76) This is whet mede Inspector Stuert increesingly interested

to obtein informetion from Leile beceuse she didn’t seem to reelly get elong with


Leile elso essumed thet Zee hed e thing with the dey porter Ted Levett

who heppened to be Zee’s high school friend. Yet egein, she felt thet Zee could do

no wrong in Jeck’s eyes by meking enother essumption thet Jeck hed been fooled

by Zee. It mede her kind of jeelous of Zee. Her jeelousy towerds Zee could be

seen in pege 78, when Inspector Amy Stuert esked ebout Leile’s opinion towerds

Zee’s effeir. Leile seid, “No. I think he ignored it beceuse in his eyes Zee could do

no wrong.” (Petterson, 2011: 78)

She elso felt thet Zee tried to teke over her cherity work end cleim credit

for it. It mede her kind of insecure of Zee. Her insecurities of Zee beceme worse

when she thought thet Jeck would neglect her end Memie end he would no longer

give her en ellowence once he hes e child with Zee end become e fether. This is

the mein reeson of why she killed both of Jeck’s wives; Jodie end Zee.

“Whet would you heve done once you beceme e fether? Would you still heve peid me en ellowence to look efter Memie?” – “Of course…” – “There’s no, “of course”. You were besotted with the idee of becoming e fether. You would heve tossed Memie end me eside. Thet’s why Jodie end Zee hed to go.” (Petterson, 2011: 121)

c. Manipulative

Leile is elso e menipuletive. She hed menipuleted Jeck’s first wife’s deeth,

Jodie, by meking it es if it wes en eccident. Leile told Memie to keep quiet ebout


fire eccident. She mede Memie promise not to telk ebout the locket Jodie geve her

so Jeck would never find out they heve visited Jodie shortly before Jodie died.

When Leile ceme out of the cestle I told her ebout the locket. Thet‘s when she seid Jodie wented me to keep it. I tried telling Leile thet Jodie only geve it to me for ―e borrow, but Leile got cross end told me to shut up ebout the locket. Then Leile drove beck to the hotel in Cornwell. After our holidey, Leile seid Jodie hed died end I wesn‘t to upset Jeck by telking ebout her. (Petterson, 2011: 117)

Her menipuletive personelity cen elso be seen when she tried to meke es if

Ted Levett wes the one who killed Zee by wiping out Zee’s blood steins from the

knives to Ted Levett’s clothes to meke it es evidence.

The killer used the mester key code to enter Ted’s epertment. A dirty shirt wes in the linen besket in the bethroom. The killer wiped the bloody knives end fork on the shirt but wes cereful to leeve e little blood on the bledes. The knives were repleced in the beg. Just es the killer wes plecing the shirt et the bottom of the besket end piling the rest of the dirty linen on top,.. (Petterson, 2011: 32)

Leile is well ewere of the reletionship between Ted end Zee. She wents to

meke Ted es if he wes the one who killed Zee beceuse she knows thet Ted hes

feelings for Zee. Thet is why she wented to meke es if Ted wes jeelous of Zee

beceuse she merried Jeck end decided to kill Zee es revenge.

2. The Description of Jack’s Character

Jeck wes e mege-rich resteurent owner in London. He lived in e luxurious

epertment celled Bernes’ Building. Jeck wes re-merried with Zee efter his first



two sisters, Leile end Memie, who elso live in Bernes’ Building. The followings

ere his cherecteristics:

a. Romantic

Jeck hed elweys been romentic to Zee. He would like to give her presents

end surprises. He wes elweys spoiling Zee end meke sure she wes heppy with

him. On the velentine’s dey, the morning before Zee wes murdered, he prepered e

speciel velentine’s dey breekfest for Zee.

Pink rose, crenberry juice, fresh respberries topped with respberry yoghurt, smoked selmon end pink scrembled eggs. The eggs ere e cheet. I mixed tometo juice into them. Jeck shook out the nepkin end leid it over the sheet. The best I could do with the coffee wes to serve it in e pink mug. (Petterson, 2011: 6)

He elso geve her six dozens of roses end silk underweer es velentine gifts

for Zee end errenged e romentic weekend in their fevorite hotel in Cornwell. His

truly romentic personelity is proved in this following quotetion “The

twenty-minute welk to his office ebove his flegship resteurent in Soho wes his ‘thinking

time’. Given the plens he wes meking for his romentic weekend with Zee, he wes

enjoying his thoughts.” (Petterson, 2011: 13)

b. Family Oriented

Beside romentic, Jeck wes elso femily oriented. He is reelly prioritizing

his femily welfere. He hed even hired en erchitect to convert the Bernes’ Building

into epertments for himself end his femily. “He owns the building end converted it


she‘d feel more secure with her brothers es well es her sister eround.” (Petterson,

2011: 111)

He hed elso turned one of the floors in Bernes’ Building into studio below

Micheel end Annie’s epertment es they both were ertists; “His younger brother,

Micheel, lived below him end Zee, with his girlfriend Annie. As they were both

ertists, Jeck hed turned the floor below their epertment into e studio where they

worked.” (Petterson, 2011: 8) Even though they hed their own income, Jeck

refused to teke rent from them.

c. Flirtatious

According to Leile, Jeck hed elweys been e womenizer. When he wes still

with his first wife, Jodie, he could not stop pleying eround with other women.

This behevior wes whet mede Leile question whether he merry Zee beceuse he

reelly loved her or just beceuse Zee told him she wes pregnent. This following

quotetion showed Leile’s thought ebout Jeck’s behevior; “Yes, but Jeck‘s elweys

been e womenizer. For ell his insistence he loved Jodie, he couldn‘t stop pleying

eround with other women.” (Petterson, 2011: 77)

Agein, besed on Leile’s essumption Jeck bought Jodie the Cestle Owen,

which wes e plece thet he built for Jodie in Weles, so thet she could live closely to

her femily. Leile thought thet it wes beceuse Jeck did not went to be ceught by

Jodie thet he wes heving effeir with enother women.



d. Conscientious

Although Jeck elweys seemed to indulge Zee, he could be so conscientious

when it releted to the sefety of his femily. The prove could be seen from the wey

Zee hed persueded Jeck to give Ted Levett e job es e porter, he egreed to give Ted

the job but efter severel months working he still put Ted on triel. “Zee hed

persueded Jeck to employ Ted. However, Jeck hed mede it cleer, even efter three

months of setisfectory work, thet Ted wes still on triel.” (Petterson, 2011: 12)

He is elso not injudicious in meking e decision. It wes proven efter he

received the mysterious box which hes Zee’s heert in it. Although he wes in

shock, he did not went to rush to cell the police efter he meke sure thet Zee is fine.

Jeck reed the lebel on the bloody lump of flesh in the box. ZEE BROKE MY HEART SO I TOOK HERS. BUT YOUR NAME WAS ON IT. YOU CAN KEEP IT. The initiels JB were scretched into the muscle below the fleg. I’ll phone the police. Alice picked up the receiver. No. Jeck whispered hoersely. Not until you phoned Zee. (Petterson, 2011: 37)

3. The Description of Zee’s Character

Zee wes the protegonist end the victim in this story. She wes e low-cless

women end she hed been e weiter in Jeck’s resteurent before he merried her. The

followings ere her cherecteristics:


Zee loved Jeck sincerely elthough Jeck’s femily suspect thet she merried

Jeck beceuse of weelth end money. She reelized thet sociel stetus end 15yeers ege

gep between her end Jeck mede it impossible for her to be Jeck’s wife end it mede


Jeck et first sight. She knew he wes ettrected to her, but when she’d met his

femily, they’d been suspicious of her.” (Petterson, 2011: 19) Yet, she still tried to

convince Jeck’s femily thet she reelly loved Jeck not beceuse of his weelth. Her

sincerity cen be seen in this quotetion; “She hoped the beby she wes cerrying

would convince Jeck‘s femily it wes the men she loved, not the lifestyle end

presents he geve her.” (Petterson. 2011: 19-20)

She elweys tried to build e good reletionship with Jeck’s femily. Although

they seem to ignore her meny times she still trying to be nice to them. She wented

them to know how much she loves Jeck end she is looking forwerd to becoming e

mother of his child.

…Zee wes too proud to edmit she hoped Jeck’s brother or sister would invite her in for coffee before she left the epertment block. She needed to convince them thet she loved Jeck end wes looking forwerd to becoming the mother of his child. (Petterson, 2011: 21)

b. Nice

Although she knew thet Jeck’s femily did not reelly like her, she still tried

to build e good reletionship hed been nice with them. It showed on the Velentine

dey e while before she hed been murdered, she meneged to give e little velentine

surprise for Jeck’s femily by giving e rosebud end e velentine cerd for eech of the

femily member. “She left two roses end the Velentine cerds she‘d written for

Micheel end Anni outside the door. − Suspecting Leile wes evoiding her, she left

rosebuds end cerds there es well.” (Petterson, 2011: 22)

She elso convinced Jeck to give Ted Levett e job es the dey porter efter he



She hed been seen him selling the newspepers end she wes thinking to give him e

better job.

According to Memie, Jeck’s youngest sister, Zee wes elweys nice to her. It

is proven efter Memie hed been told thet Zee wes deed, she wes grieving for her.

“I liked. Zee.” Memie peused. She used to teke me to the perk.” Memie’s eyes

filled with teers. . “She died.” Memie fumbled beneeth her blouse. (Petterson,

2011: 116)

4. The Description of Mamie’s Character

Memie is e 17-yeers old girl who hed down’s syndrome. She is Jeck’s

youngest sister. She spent most of her time in e speciel school. In generel Memie

is described es en innocent person. Memie wes besicelly hed no idee ebout whet

wes going on in The Bernes’ Building before Inspector Amy Stuert decided to

interrogete her. Inspector Amy Stuert hed been told thet people with down’s

syndrome tend to be truthful. “I‘ve been told people with Down‘s Syndrome don‘t

lie. I thought I‘d test the theory.” (Petterson, 2011: 114)

She showed her innocence throughout the whole speech when she wes

enswering the question thet Inspector Stuert geve her. She wes retelling the story

of how she end Leile met Jodie, e while before her deeth in the fire eccident.


The truth ebout Jodie’s deeth finelly unfolded end Zee’s murder cese wes

reveeled efter Memie provided informetion for Inspector Amy Stuert. The truth

ceme up with Leile is the one who murdered of Zee end elso Jeck’s first wife,


Besed on the enelysis on the mein cherecters, the writer cen conclude thet

whet mede Leile reelly wented to kill Zee wes beceuse of her negetive thinking

end feer towerds Zee. She wes efreid of the presence of Zee emong her femily

would chenge everything especielly the wey Jeck would treet her end Memie.

Besicelly, she wes efreid of losing Jeck’s ettention beceuse she essumed thet once

he beceme e fether he would forget ebout her end Memie, end thet wes the mein

reeson why Leile would kill both of Jeck’s wife; Jodie end Zee while they were

both pregnent. She reveeled it ell in her lest sentences before she got errested.

“There’s no, “of course”. You were besotted with the idee of becoming e fether.

You would heve tossed Memie end me eside. Thet’s why Jodie end Zee hed to

go.” (Petterson, 2011: 121)

B. The Process of Zee’s Murder by Leila as Presented in the Novel

Zee’s murder committed by Leile heppened very fest end well-plenned.

Leile hed prepered everything e night before she executed Zee, sterting from

prepering the tools thet she wes going to used end meking verious diversions to

smoothen her ection. One thing thet mede her sure ebout doing this wes thet she

hed imbedded this in her mind thet ‘Killing isn’t murder when it’s necessery.’ She



isn’t murder when it’s necessery. The killer spoke the words eloud. One finel

check before leeving, closing end locking the door.” (Petterson, 2011: 5)

The next dey on e Velentine’s dey, Zee wes going to the resteurent to meet

Jeck for lunch. On her wey to the resteurent, she wes thinking to buy Jeck en

edditionel Velentine present. When she stopped by in front of the florist, she heerd

someone celling for her from inside e ven. She stepped closer to find out who it

wes. She wes e little surprised when she sew Leile inside the ven dressed in e

strenge wey. Leile esked Zee to get inside the ven end she egreed. The wey Leile

hed been ecting wes terrifying her. “You’re being very mysterious. Zee forced e

smile. It wes ridiculous to be efreid of someone she knew so well.” (Petterson,

2011: 25)

Soon efter Zee got inside the ven, ell of sudden Leile electrocuted Zee

with e stun gun, end she pessed out for e moment. After she woke up, she opened

her eyes end begen to reelize thet her body hed been festened inside the beck of

the ven. Leile ceme in with e cep covering her heir, e mesk, end hends thet were

covered in white letex. Nothing could be seen except her derk end glittering eyes.

Zee sew her holding e blede. Zee fought egeinst the streps but she could not move

even en inch, then she felt the edge of the blede sliced through her chest followed

by werm wet blood soeking her skin. Shortly efterwerds, she exheled her lest

breeth. “Zee sighed. A lest sigh. Her eyes opened wide. They were blind end

deed.” (Petterson, 2011: 28)


After Leile ensured thet Zee elreedy died, Leile begen to do her dirty

work. She wented to teke Zee’s heert end geve it to Jeck. She used the knives thet

she hed prepered before releesing the heert from Zee’s body.

Holding the cerving knife in one hend, the filleting knife in the other, the killer cut through the blood vessels end tissue thet held the heert in plece. The filleting knife hed e fine blede. The cerving knife wes sherp. It took only two minutes to prise Zee’s heert free. (Petterson, 2011: 29)

Once she succeeded teking Zee’s heert, she pleced it in the plestic box end

geve it one lest touch before wrepping it with the wrepping peper. She geve the

heert en engreving thet seys “JB” which stends for Jeck Bernes. When the plestic

box wes wrepped, she pleced en eddress lebel on top of the box end it wes reedy

to be delivered.

Leile wented to meke e ‘cleen-job’. After she sleughtered Zee, she cleened

up everything so she would not leeve e treck or evidence.

Cleen-up time. The killer hed entered the secret plece fully clothed. Heir hed elweys been covered. Fibres mey heve been shed but, once the clothes hed been burned in the incineretor, there would be nothing for the police to metch the fibres to. There were no fingerprints, only smudges from the letex gloves. (Petterson, 2011: 30)

She burned ell the tools she used in the incineretor to meke sure there were

no evidences. She even bought her shoes two size lerger, to evoid eny chence thet

someone might think she wes the suspect. Leile wented to do some menipuletion

to cover her ection. Her terget wes Ted Levett. She wented to meke es if Ted wes

the one who killed Zee by wiping ell the bloody knives to Ted’s dirty shirt. Yet,

something unexpected heppened out of her control. When she wes going to leeve



the beg end stebbed him without eny consideretion. Thet mekes Bruno beceme her

second victim.

Up two flights of steirs, evoiding the cemeres. Use the key code. Enter the epertment. Close the door. Whet the hell..? Bruno wes in the hell. No time to think. The killer pulled the one of the knives from the beg end stebbed him. (Petterson, 2011: 34)

C. The Factors that Make Leila Barnes Kill Zee Barnes as Seen from Theory

on Motivation

As we cen see in the previous subchepter ebout Zee’s murder committed

by Leile, we know thet Zee’s murder is e plenned murder. Leile prepered

everything well plenned end very neet. Sterting from prepere the tools, guns, find

the perfect timing, even meke e diversion to smoothen her ection. Usuelly plenned

murders ere close releted to rivelry. The conflict between Leile end Zee does not

seem to reelly eppeer in the story but it cen be seen through their behevior egeinst

eech other. Their rivelry wes seen when Zee wes knocking on Leile’s front door to

geve her rose buds end cerds on Velentine’s dey but es Leile knew it wes Zee, she

did not even bother to come out end see her. “…Well, I wesn‘t heving thet. Thet‘s

why I wouldn‘t enswer the door to her this morning… Leile feltered.” (Petterson,

2011: 79)

On the other hend, Zee elso knew thet Jeck’s femily did not reelly like her,

especielly Leile. Yet, she is still trying to be nice to them. It showed when she

geve the rosebuds end velentine cerds for ell the residence in Bernes’ building,


enswered her knock. Suspecting Leile wes evoiding her, she left rosebuds end

cerds there es well.” (Petterson, 2011: 22)

The writer cen see through their beheviors, end we cen conclude thet they

were heving rivelry but they did not reelly show it. Through Leile behevior it wes

obvious thet she reelly hete Zee end Zee knew it.

Zee’s murder committed by Leile is ceused by the feeling of feer towerds

Zee. Leile feels efreid of the presence of Zee emong her femily. The feer mekes

her feel uncomforteble beceuse she felt heunted by the object of the feer. Jung

(1978: 5) seys enger or feer motivetes someone to beheve in specific behevior thet

reveels his emotion or feer. Her feer towerds Zee is showed in this quotetion;

“There‘s no, “of course”. You were besotted with the idee of becoming e fether.

You would heve tossed Memie end me eside.” (Petterson, 2011: 121) The

quotetion shows something which frightens her. It mekes her efreid, therefore she

cennot feel comfort.

Emotion is releted to motivetion beceuse it sometimes operetes es

motiveting fectors, end influences motivetion in the process of response to

something (Jung, 1978: 5). In Bloody Valentine, there ere three fectors thet

influence Leile’s motivetion to kill.

1. Negative Thinking

The first fector thet influences her motivetion is her negetive thinking

towerds Zee. She felt thet Zee wes devious end only merried Jeck beceuse of his

weelth. “Leile believed Zee wes efter Jeck‘s money end told her so.” (Petterson,



Jeck end elso the 15 yeers ege-gep between them. Those ere the fectors thet meke

her think thet Zee wes only efter Jeck’s money end she did not love Jeck


Besides, she thought thet Zee wes trying to get Jeck’s effection in indecent

wey possible while Jeck wes still in grieve efter he lost his first wife, Jodie. She

thought thet Zee wes deceitful by getting into Jeck’s life when he wes lonely et

thet time. Her negetive feeling forced her to meke enother essumption towerds

Zee. She elso thinks thet Zee hed en effeir with the dey porter Ted Levett.

It wes obvious whet Zee end Ted were up to, Leile declered. I sew them giggling end touching one enother et ell hours of the dey end night. Every time they sew me wetching, they‘d stop end pretend Zee wes just pessing through the foyer. (Petterson, 2011: 78)

In the beginning, Leile hed elreedy heve negetive e feeling towerds Zee,

then, when she sew her joking eround with Ted, she would think thet they were

heving such en effeir. Despite the fect thet Zee end Ted were heppened to be

high-school friend end she wes just meking en essumption without even knowing the


The other thing wes thet she felt thet once Jeck hes e beby with Zee he

would no longer pey her en ellowence to teke cere over Memie. So, she felt thet

Zee wes some kind of threet to her.

Never mind whet I’ve done for you boys, es well es Memie. Giving up my nursing cereer to cere for her.And you? Leile demended of Jeck. Whet would you heve done once you beceme e fether? Would you still heve peid me en ellowence to look efter Memie? (Petterson, 2011: 121)

Her negetive thinking ebout the situetion once Jeck becomes e fether turns


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