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Submitted to State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Magister in English Education





1444 H/2023 M




First of all, the researcher would like to express the deepest praise and gratitude to God, Allah SWT who has given his blessings and mercy to complete this academic requirement. Then, Shalawat and Salam to the final chosen religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companion and followers.

This thesis is written and intended to submit in part of the requirements for the Magister Program in English Education concentration at the Postgraduate Program of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. The thesis entitled “The Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Speaking Skill:

A Case Study at Islamic Senior High School 1 in Pekanbaru.”

Therefore, the researcher would like to express gratitude and special thanks to all persons below who have given the meaningful advice, guidance and assistance to finish this thesis. They are:

1. Prof. Dr. Hairunas Rajab, M.Ag as the Rector of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Ilyas Husti, MA as the Director of Postgraduate Program of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

3. Dr. Zaitun, M.Ag Vice Director of Postgraduate Program of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

4. Dr. Alwizar, M.Ag as the Chairperson of Islamic Education Study of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau and all staff for



the services, advice and kindness to convey the ideas to improve this thesis.

5. Dr. Bukhari, S.Pd.I., M.Pd as the first supervisor. Thank you so much for the opportunity to guide, suggestions, feedback, support, kindness, give many advice and corrections for this thesis.

6. Dr. Riza Amelia, M.Pd as the second supervisor who had responsibility for his patience, suggestions, advice and guidance to finish this thesis.

7. The researcher‟s sincere gratitude is also extended to all lecturers of English Language Education, Islamic Education Department of Postgraduate Program State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau for the kindness and invaluable suggestion and thoughtful advice as well.

8. Norelinda, M.Pd, The Headmaster of Islamic Senior High 1 Pekanbaru and his staff and teachers who have given their kidness as long as the researcher took the data.

9. The deepest gratitude for my beloved parents, Azwar Arief and Salmiati who have given their affection, attention, motivation and inspirations.

Besides that, support to me mentally and financially. I am proud them.

Without them I am nothing. I love them just the way they are.

10. My beloved sister and brothers, Zalia Utami, M.Pd, Kurnia Illahi, S.Si and Fajar Islami Rahman, SE who have supported, reminded to me to finish the thesis as soon as possible, prayed and motivated to me.



11. My beloved nephews M. Gibran Syaqiri, M. Khalif Alfatih and My beloved nieces Adzkiya Nesya Shaqeena and Khansa Sabrina Rahman.

12. Thank you most warmly of my classmates PBI A 2020, my juniors and seniors of UIN SUSKA RIAU. Thank you for inspiring me and along the time we were together.

13. Thanks to all the participants that the researcher can not mention one by one for your motivation, advice, and cooperation to complete this thesis as soon as possible. May Allah Almighty bless them all. Amiin ya rabbal alamin.

Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from perfection. Furthermore, comments, critiques and suggestions will be appreciated. Hopefully this thesis would be beneficial to everyone.

May Allah SWT bless us. Aamiin.

Pekanbaru, December 22nd 2022

Anaknda Putri SIN. 22090122369









ABSTRACT ... xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 6

1.3 Limitation of the Problem ... 7

1.4 Purpose and Objectives of the Study ... 8

1.5 Research Questions ... 8

1.6 Significance of the Study ... 8

1.7 Rational of the Study ... 11

1.8 Definition of Key Terms ... 13

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The Concept of Scientific Approach ... 16

2.1.1 Curriculum ... 16

2.1.2 The Revision of the 2013 Curriculum ... 17

2.1.3 The Structure of Cientific Approach ... 19



2.1.4 The Nature of Scientific Approach ... 19

2.1.5 The Learning Characteristics of the Scientific Approach 21 2.1.6 The Learning Models of Scientific Approach ... 21

2.1.7 The Steps in Scientific Approach ... 28

2.1.8 The Characteristics of Scientific Approach ... 32

2.1.9 Advantages and Disadvantages of Scientific Approach 32 2.1.10 Procedures of Scientific Approach ... 34

2.2 Teaching and Learning Speaking ... 38

2.2.1 Teaching Speaking in English as a Foreign Language ... 38

2.2.2 Principles of Teaching Speaking ... 39

2.2.3 Characteristics of a Successful Teaching Speaking Activity ... 42

2.2.4 Roles of the Teachers in the Speaking Activities ... 43

2.2.5 Activities to Promote Speaking ... 45

2.2.6 The Goal of Teaching Speaking ... 50

2.2.7 Problem in Teaching Speaking ... 53

2.2.8 Teacher‟s Problem in Teaching Speaking ... 54

2.2.9 Procedures of Scientific Approach in Teaching Speaking Skill ... 56

2.3 Implementation Scientific Approach in Teaching Speaking ... 58

2.4 Factors Influencing Teachers‟ Impelentation in Teaching Speaking skill by Using Scientific Approach ... 62



2.5 Related Studies ... 64

2.6 Conceptual Framework ... 69


3.2 Research Site ... 73

3.3 Participants of the Study ... 73

3.4 Data Collection Technique ... 74

3.5 Data Analysis Technique ... 78

3.6 Trustworthiness ... 82


4.1.1 The Implementation of Scientific Approach By English Teachers in Teaching Speaking Skill ... 86

4.1.2 The Problems Faced by The English Teacher and Students in Implementing Scientific Approach in Teaching Speaking Skill ... 126

4.2 Discussions ... 132

4.2.1 The Implementation of Scientific Approach by English Teachers in Teaching Speaking Skill ... 111 4.2.2 The Problems Faced by The English Teacher and Students in Implementing Scientific Approach in Teaching Speaking



Skill ... 145


5.2 Recommendations ... 149






Figure 2.1 Conceptual Frameworks of the Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Speaking Skill……... 69




Table 4.1 The Organization Presentation of Research Findings ... 85 Table 4.2 The Summary of Research Findings ... 132 Table 4.3 The Summary of The Implementation Scientific Approach in Teaching Speaking Skills by Teacher 1 ... 133 Table 4.4 The Summary of The Implementation Scientific Approach in Teaching Speaking Skills by Teacher 2 ... 135




Pictures Page

Picture 4.1 The Material of Intoduction Expression……….…………..93

Picture 4.2 The Material of Congratulation Expression………..95

Picture 4.3 The Material of Congratulation Expression………..98

Picture 4.4 The Material of Complement Expression………....………..100

Picture 4.5 The Material of Topic Congratulation Card………..124




1. Single Consonant

Arabic Alphabet Name Latin Alphabet

ا Alif A

ب Ba B

ت Ta T

ث Tsa Ts

ج Jim J

ح Ha H

خ Kha Kh

د Dal D

ذ Dzal Dz

ر Ra R

ز Zai Z

س Sin S

ش Syin Sy

ص Shad Sh

ض Dhad Dh

ط Tha Th

ظ Zha Zh

ع „ain „

غ Ghain Gh



ف Fa F

ق Qaf Q

ك Kaf K

ل Lam L

م Mim M

ى Nun N

و Waw W

ه Ha H

ء Hamzah ”

ي Ya Y

2. Double Consonant

The double consonant is written double, for instance ةهاعلاwritten al-ammah.

3. Short Vowel

Fathah is written as a, for instance ةعيرش (Syari’ah). Kasrah is written I, for instance لابجلا (Al-Jibaly). Dhommah is written u, for instance اهولظ (Zhuluman).

4. Double Vowel ا

و is written aw, او is written uw, يا is written ay, and يا is written i.

5. Ta’ Marbuthah

The stopped Ta‟ Marbuthah in the last verse H, for instance ةعيرشلا is written Asy-Syari’ah, unless it has been taken into the Indonesian standard,



for instance mayyit. However, when it is read out, it is written t, for instance Al-Maytatu in Arabic is ةتيولا.

6. Article Alif Lam

The article Alif Lam followed by Qomariyah and Syamsiah letter is written al, for instance نلسولا is written al-Muslimu, unless when it is the name of person followed by the word Allah, for instance, „Abdullah (اللهدبع).

7. Capital Letter

The capitalization is adjusted with the enhanced Indonesian spelling.



Anaknda Putri, (2022): “The Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Speaking Skill: A Case Study of English Teachers at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru”

The objective of this study was to find out (1) How the teachers‟

implementation of scientific approach in teaching speaking skill and to explore (2) the problems faced by the English teachers and students in implementing the scientific approach in teaching speaking skill. This study was conducted under the qualitative case study design. This study took the data in Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru. The populations of this research were two English teachers and some students as the participants of this study. The data were collected from the observation, interview and documents. The data were analyzed and interpreted through qualitative procedures. The findings of the study showed that (1) The implementation of scientific approach in teaching speaking skill at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru by two English teachers were good, because was appropriate with the regulation and the strategies were discussion, role play, dialogue and picture describing. In applying scientific approach, the two English teachers used five stages in scientific approach; those are observing, questioning, collecting, associating and communicating. (2) The problems faced by the English Teachers were limited time, lack of facilities and students‟ low motivation. The problems faced by the students were lack of vocabulary, not self-confidence such us felt nervous, afraid, ashamed when they were presented their work in front of class and made mistaken in arranging the English sentences.

Keywords: Scientific Approach, Teaching, Teaching Speaking Skill.



Anaknda Putri, (2021): “Implementasi Pendekatan Ilmiah dalam Pengajaran Keterampilan Bebicara: Studi Kasus Guru Bahasa Inggris di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru”

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) Bagaimana implementasi guru bahasa inngris dalam penerapan pendekatan ilmiah dalam pengajaran keterampilan berbicara dan (2) Menyelidikan permasalahan yang dihadapi guru dan siswa dalam menerapkan pendekatan ilmiah didalam pengajaran keterampilan berbicara. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain studi kasus penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini juga mengambil data di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. Populasi penelitian ini dua orang guru bahasa Inggris dan beberapa siswa sebagai partisipan pada penelitian ini. Data pengumpulan yang dilakukan yakni dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumen. Data dianalisis dan diinterpretasikan melalui prosedur kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Penerapan pendekatan scientific didalam keterampilan berbicara oleh dua guru baik karena sesuai dengan peraturan dan strategi yang digunakan guru adalah diskusi, bermain peran, dialog dan mendeskripsikan gambar. Dalam menerapkan pendekatan ilmiah kedua guru mengunakan tahap mengamati, bertanya, pengumpulan, mengasosiasi dan bekomunikasi, (2) Masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru berupa keterbatasan waktu, keterbatasan fasilitas dan rendahnya motivasi siswa. Masalah yang dihadapi siswa berupa keterbatasan kosa kata, tidak percaya diri seperti merasa gugup, takut, malu ketika menampilkan hasil kerja didepan kelas dan membuat kesalahan dalam mneyusun kata

Kata kunci: Pendekatan Ilmiah, Mengajar, Mengajar Keterampilan Berbicara



ثحبلا صلختسم

،يرتوف ادنكانأ 0202



قيبطت يملعلا لخدملا يف

سيردت ةراهم ملاكلا : ةسارد ةلاح يسردمل ةغللا

ةيزيلكنلإا يف

ةسردملا وراب ناكب ةدحاولا ةيموكحلا ةيلاعلا


فدهلا نم ثحبلا اذه وه

ةفرعم 2( ) ةٌفٌك قٌبطت جهانملا ىدل ةٌملعلا

ًملعم ةٌزٌلكنلإا ةغللا



سٌردت ةراهم و ملاكلا (

0 ) قٌقحت تلاكشملا

ًتلا اههجاوٌ

نوسردملا ذٌملاتلاو

ًف قٌبطت لخدملا ًملعلا

ًف سٌردت ةراهم ملاكلا . مت ءارجإ اذه

ًفصولا ثحبلا عون ىلع

ةسارد ةلاح . ذخأ اذه ثحبلا هتاناٌب


ةسردملا ةٌموكحلا ةٌلاعلا

2 وراب ناكٌب .

ناك عمتجم اذه ثحبلا نانثا نم

ًسردم ةغللا ةٌزٌلجنلإا دٌدعلاو

نم نٌكراشم مهفصوب ذٌملاتلا

ًف ثحبلا اذه .

مت امك عمج تاناٌبلا للاخ نم ةظحلاملا

ةلباقملاو قئاثولاو

لٌلحت عم تاناٌبلا كلت

اهرٌسفتو قٌرط نع

تاءارجلإا ةٌفصولا

. لصاحلا نأ

( 2 ) قٌبطت

ًملعلا لخدملا

ًف ملاكلا ةراهم نم

لبق نٌنثا نم نٌسردملا قٌبطت

دٌج هنلأ قفاوتٌ

عم ماظنلا . تاٌجٌتارتسلاا نم


اهمدختسا وسردم

ةغللا ةٌزٌلكنلإا مٌلعت ًف


ًه ةشقانملا بعلو راودلأا راوحلاو فصوو

روصلا .

ًف قٌبطت جهنلا

،ًملعلا مدختسٌ

لاك نٌسردملا لحارم

ةظحلاملا لاؤسلاو

عمجلاو طابترلااو


( 0 ) تلاكشملا

ًتلا اههجاوٌ


ًه تقولا دودحملا قفارملاو ةدودحملا

ضافخناو عفاد

لا ذٌملات .


ًتلا اههجاوٌ


ًه ةٌدودحم تادرفملا

، مدعو روعشلا ًف لثمتت سفنلا ةقت رتوتلاب

فوخلاو لجخلاو

دنع ضرع لمعلا مامأ لصفلا باكتراو أطخلا

ًف مٌظنت تاملكلا

يساسلأا تاملكلا ة

،ًملعلا لخدملا : ثدحتلا ةراهم ،مٌلعتلا




1.1 The Background of the Problems

Speaking is a productive skill. The term of productive skills according to Harmer (2007) is where the students produce the language skills based on the language themselves. When we speak, we produce the text and it should be meaningful. In line with Widdowson (1984) states speaking is an active productive skill and makes use of oral communication. In the nature of communication, we can find the speaker, the listener, the message and the feedback by face-to-face interaction. So, speaking is one of the language skills that must be mastered by English learners to interact with other people.

Teaching speaking is one of the important aspects that must be given to students. The teaching speaking process requires several abilities, strategies, skills and approaches to improve students' speaking skills in English. The process of teaching speaking skill is also regulated in the curriculum. As we know the curriculum is a major part of the education system. This becomes a guideline for teachers to understand what they have to achieve in the teaching and learning process.

The curriculum is important because it is the key to the success of education in every country where each curriculum maps the needs and possible outcomes of the educational process. So, with this curriculum, it can describe


learning objectives, methods to achieve goals, teaching materials and evaluation procedures, especially for teaching speaking skill.

The Ministry of National Education issued a new curriculum known as the 2013 Curriculum for Elementary and High Schools curriculum 2013 based on the Regulation of Republic Indonesia No. 20 the year 2003 about National Education System and Government Arrangement and the Government Regulation No. 65 the year 2013 about the Process Standard of Education for Elementary and High School. According to Kemendikbud (2013), the 2013 curriculum uses a scientific approach to educate future competency, communication skills, the ability to think clearly and critically, and the ability to consider the moral aspects of a problem.

The government expects students to develop critical thinking skills and to use the scientific method to solve life's problems through the Scientific Approach.

Students are expected to be able to survive life's challenges if they have the ability to think critically and solve problems. Students can actively develop their potential, particularly in speaking skills. Teeachers are expected to use the Scientific Approach in an effectively and creatively.

The writer has already found two previous studies which investigated about the implementation of scientific approach. Pahlevi (2014) found in his research that teachers have implemented five learning phases of the scientific approach in two meetings. They were observing, questioning, collecting information, associating, and communicating phases. In his study, the teacher's efforts in the asking and associating phases were less successful since the students'



interest to enquire was unsatisfied in the questioning phase, and he departed the associating phase without evaluating or comparing the collected material.

However, the students' replies were successful in all three learning phases:

observation, knowledge gathering/exploration, and communication. In contrast, the students' replies to the asking and associating stages indicated that they were unable to learn effectively because to the teacher's lack of creativity. According to the findings, the teacher is having difficulty using a scientific method, particularly when it comes to questioning and associating. It is the obligation of professors to encourage students to participate in the classroom.

According Suharyadi (2013) contends in his study that Curriculum 2013 differs from the preceding one, KTSP, in various ways. "A scientific approach" is one of the distinctions. Despite the fact that this technique has been utilised in science for a long time, it is relatively new in English language instruction (ELT).

This technique is not yet apparent to language English teachers, resulting in some difficulties. As a result, his research attempts to investigate the concepts of scientific method and its potential use in English language education. Both previous research revealed that there are still challenges to implementing a scientific approach.

Based on national curriculum 2013 Senior High School of students in class X until XII are expected to be able to comprehend and to communicate English in daily communication. The English teaching and learning process in tenth grade is allocated 90 minutes for 2 meetings in a week (Curriculum SMA/K2013:2013).


Islamic Senior High 1 Pekanbaru is one of the high schools that applied the scientific approach of the 2013 Curriculum. In applying the scientific approach, English teachers use modules that have been prepared beforehand. In this module, the English teacher divides sections for each skill, including speaking skill. In speaking skill, the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) standard for students is 78, especially speaking skill. In which the learning of speaking skill which is carried out in a sustainable manner is expected to be able to improve students' speaking skill. The learning speaking skill at each grade level has different goals. According to the Ministry of National Education (200, p. 18), the purpose of learning speaking skills for class X is that students are able to express thoughts, ideas, opinions, criticisms, feelings in various forms of non-literary oral discourse through stories, delivery of descriptions or research results, and interviews. These learning objectives are then translated into several competency standards (SK) and basic competencies (KD) that must be achieved. Based on the syllabus, for speaking skill indicated with core competency 4 (KI. 4) are processing, reasoning, and presenting in concrete realms and abstract realms related to the development of what one learns at school independently, acts effectively and creatively, and is able to use methods according to scientific rules.

According to Ministry of Education No. 22, 2006, the objective of teaching English in schools is to arrange students to develop English skill and knowledge. It is recognized that English is one of the topics that students should grasp when they complete their education. The reality is that the teaching and learning of English in some schools is not always acceptable, particularly in terms



of speaking ability (Annisa, 2017, P.11). The students still do not have a good ability in communicating with the English language in both oral and written form, although having mastered it for a long time. The majority of English students, particularly those in high schools, are still having difficulty with their speaking abilities.

Another issue was that some students were disinterested in studying English speaking skills. The majority of students are usually confused about how to practise their English, particularly their speaking skill. They are frightened to begin a discussion or share an idea. Therefore, only a little number of can speak English as expected. To make all students interested in speaking English, teachers can use various methods such as strategies or techniques to develop students' potential in the process of learning English speaking skills in the classroom.

Based on the discussion above, it is necessary to conduct a research to exploring the implementation of scientific approach in teaching speaking skill.

Thus, the writer regards that researching this speaking skill is very important.

Therefore, the writer is interested in carrying out research entitled:

“Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching Speaking Skill: A Case Study of English Teachers at Islamic Senior High School 1 in Pekanbaru”.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In this study, the problem states the teacher's activity about the implementation of scientific approach and what activities are practiced by the


teachers in the classroom. Furthermore, this study explored how the implementation of scientific approach in the classroom, especially for teaching speaking. Speaking skill is the first problem that the teacher found in the classroom.

One of the teaching approaches is appropriate for the process of teaching and learning. It is a scientific approach that may be used to develop speaking skills. This approach includes various aspects that can help teachers teach English and increase students' performance. In this situation, the teacher can use this approach in all strategies and activities, particularly speaking, while teaching English to students in the classroom (Brown, 2003, p.16). However, research on teachers' use of scientific approaches in teaching speaking skills in Indonesia and around the world is exceedingly limited.

In the last decade, many conducted research related to the implementation of the scientific approach to teaching and learning in the classroom (e.g.

Atmarizon, 2016; Sarwanti’ 2016; Intan & Didi, 2017; Zaim, 2017; Ratnaningsih, 2017; Imam, 2017; Nindya, 2018; Liah, Gusti, Durotul, Mohamad, 2018; Haerazi

& Rully, 2019; Rian and Odo, 2019;). From these studies, the researchers only focused on the implementation of the scientific approach generally. However, previous research on the scientific approach to teaching speaking in Indonesia and globally is still very limited (e.g. Indah and Juwita, 2019; Junipisa and Nimade, 2019; Ardiansyah, 2020). There is still minimal research about teachers’



implementation of scientific approach in teaching speaking skill especially in teaching speaking skill rather than other skills such as reading and writing.

Overall, this research focuses on the implementation of scientific approach in teaching speaking at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru. Therefore, it needs to be investigated by researcher regarding the implementation of scientific approach including how the implementation of scientific approach in teaching speaking skills by the English teachers at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru.

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

By considering the time, facilities and funding needed, it is necessary to limit the problems. This research focuses on the teachers’ activities in developing students’ speaking skill using scientific approach at Islamic Senior High School Pekanbaru. The subject of this study is limited at the English teachers and some students at Islamic Senior High School Pekanbaru.

1.4 Purpose and Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is to describe the English teachers’ activities of scientific approach in teaching speaking skill in the classroom. Specifically, this study is conducted to fulfill the following objectives:

1. To describe how the English teachers’ implement scientific approach in teaching speaking skill at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru.


2. To explore what are the problems faced by the English teachers and students in implementing Scientific Approach in teaching speaking skill at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru.

1.5 Research Questions

Based on the purpose and objectives above, thus, the problems of this research are formulated into the following research questions:

1. How do the English teachers’ implement scientific approach in teaching speaking skill at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru?

2. What are the problems faced by the English teachers and students in implementing Scientific Approach in teaching speaking skill at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru?

1.6 Significance of the Study

This is one of the first initiatives to investigate the use of a scientific approach to teaching speaking skills at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru.

The findings of this study are predicted to have some implications for teaching and learning English. The outcomes of this study are intended to provide more information to English teachers concerning the implementation of the scientific approach recommended in Curriculum 2013, particularly for speaking skill.

Theoretically, for the development of knowledge in the implementation of the scientific approach to teaching speaking skill. Furthermore, this research can



determine the results of the challenges that students confront when speaking.

Moreover, the findings of this study can be utilised as a reference for future researchers who desire to do similar research. The researcher will be able to develop and strengthen her understanding in implementing the Scientific Approach, particularly in teaching speaking, as a result of this research.

Practically, for the teachers can use the fundings of this study as a reference when they want to improve students speaking skill and get more various activities to teach speaking skill, especially within scientific approach of curriculum 2013.

For students, the importance of carrying out this research is to be able to give positive things about the variety of suitable activities and be able to improve students' speaking skills in English. Which later students will be able to speak English well. In addition, the results of this study can be used as a reference for future researchers whether they want to carry out similar research like this one or using other skill.

Especially in teaching and learning, the results of the research are expected to be a good contribution for English teachers to see a variety of suitable activities to improve the process of students' speaking skills. So, teachers can use the results of this research as additional information about the appropriate English teacher strategies in teaching skills in the classroom.

Finally, for schools, it can be useful to describe the implementation of Scientific Approach to teach speaking skills for students in schools where various


variations of these activities can be applied in the English teaching and learning process and can improve the competence of speaking English for students at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru.

1.7 Rational for the Study

The study was carried out to investigate how English teachers at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru implementing scientific approach in teaching speaking skill. As a reason, it is one of the most difficult tasks for English learners. Speaking is still one of the skills that is undervalued in the teaching of English as a second language. Teachers' lack of expertise potentially influences how and what they teach their students to speak English.

Teachers play a crucial part in the teaching learning process by supporting, guiding, and motivating their students to attain the teaching goals. The teacher, as the essential person in the educational world, should have the essential basic skills in the teaching learning process. As a matter of fact, teachers should master the material to be taught, do various activities, and be competent in order to easily transfer the material to their students. Brown (1994, p.136) defined speaking as the ability to use sounds to precisely or verbally express thoughts, ideas, or feelings. Speaking could be a linguistic skill that develops in childhood as a result of listening ability, and speaking skill is gained at that time. Speaking is the most significant skill in language learning, as it is one of the types of oral language abilities that are productive performance skills, particularly in English.



Speaking activities in the classroom should include students in order for them to get experience with the target language. During the actual implementation in the classroom, the activities do not truly help the students to speak up. The activities are uninteresting and lack of communication. As a result, students frequently become nervous and bored when learning English. The teacher should use interacting, stimulating, and challenging strategies or techniques to help students enhance their speaking skills. As a result, teachers' strategies are important in teaching speaking skill at school.

It is reasonable to assume that an approach includes all methods and strategies for teaching and learning in the classroom. Brown (2003, p.16) defined activity as "everything that students actually do in the classroom, both inside and outside of school," and that these activities are within the responsibility of the school teacher, particularly in speaking skill. In this context, the activities used determine the success or failure of the learning process, including whether or not the students understand and receive the learning materials. If the activities are well organised, systematic, complete, and essential to all of the students' learning and development needs in order to prepare them for life, especially speaking, the output or result will undoubtedly be satisfactory. There is one teaching technique that is appropriate for the teaching learning process for reaching these goals. It is a scientific approach that is frequently used in the teaching of speaking skill. This approach includes various aspects that will help teachers teach English and improve students' performance. In this situation, the teacher can use this strategy


in all activities, particularly speaking, when teaching English to students in the classroom.

Rationally, strategies by using scientific approach in teaching speaking skill have big influences to the students’ achievements in speaking. Because, besides as an international language, speaking skill is one of the skills that is integrated through scientific approach which must be required by the students and one of the issues in Education National Standard Board (BSNP). Learning outcomes of scientific approach can produce productive, creative, innovative and effective students through the integration of the strength attitude, skill and knowledge.

As a result, if teachers can apply a variety of strategies while using a scientific approach to teaching speaking, students' achievement in speaking would be improved as well.

1.8 Definition of the Key Terms

Based on the key terms of this research, five terms are defined to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation. The title of this research is The Implementation of Scientific Approach In Teaching Speaking Skills: A Case Study At Islamic Senior High School 1 In Pekanbaru. The definition of the key terms are as follows:



a. Implementation

Implementation is generally defined as a specified set of planned and intentional activities designed to integrate evidence-based practices into real- world settings (Mitchell, 2011). In this study, implementation refers to teaching and learning activities of speaking skill namely: pre activities, while activities and post activities within the scientific approach of curriculum 2013 at Islamic Senior High 1 Pekanbaru.

b. Teaching

Brown (2007, p.7) said that teaching is teachers’ activity in guiding and facilitating students in learning English and a complex and controversial profession Teaching is the process of guiding and encouraging learning, as well as enabling the learner to learn and establishing the learning environment.

Teaching speaking is sometimes considered a simple process. Then, teaching speaking is provide speaking skill, such as fluency, accuracy and interaction to the students. (Brown, 2001). In this study, teaching refers to the activities in guiding and facilitating students to improve their speaking skill at Islamic Senior High 1 Pekanbaru.

c. Speaking skill

Richards (2008) states that in speaking, we are getting things done, exploring ideas, working out some world issues, or simply being together.

If the students are good at English, it will be easier for them to communicate and develop their ideas.


Hornbury (2005) states that speaking is so much a part of daily In line with life that we take it for granted. It should be considered this new global era cannot be separated from English. In this study, speaking is students’ ability to explore ideas fluently to easy communication at Islamic Senior High 1 Pekanbaru.

d. Scientific Approach

Longman (2014) defines the Scientific approach is as a way of collecting data in science that entails putting theories to the test through experiments and making judgments based on the findings. Curriculum 2013 has a scientific approach as one of its principles, to improve students' knowledge, attitude, and skill (Kemendikbud, 2013). In line with Permendikbud No.81A in 2013, there explains that the scientific approach applies is give five steps they are observing, asking, gathering information, associating and communicating.

In this study, a scientific approach is an approach that is carried out by the teacher which includes technique or strategies and all activities carried out by students both inside and outside the school where these activities are the responsibility of school teachers in teaching speaking skills at Islamic Senior High School 1 Pekanbaru.



1.1 The Concept of Scientific Approach 2.1.1 Curriculum

According to Richard (2010, p. 6) defines a curriculum reference for a plan or design, and how the plan is turned into a teaching and learning document that enables for the achievement of the targeted learning outcomes. In education, the curriculum is crucial. The curriculum should be considered the heart of education and how well the curriculum is organized and applied determines the standard of education as well as the outcomes. In line with, Pater (1982) mention that curriculum is the strategy or plan for all interactions that students have when under the supervision of the school.

Furthermore, according to Kunandar (2011), the concept of curriculum is

"a collection of plans and arrangements concerning the aim, content, teaching material, and methods as a guide for the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational goals" as defined by Government Regulation Number 19 the year 2015 on National Education Standards. Cahyono and Widiati (2011) define the curriculum as a collection of plans and programs that cover educational objectives, content, and learning. Materials and learning strategies are meant to serve as instructions for applying the teaching and learning process to meet the objectives. It means that everything relating to the


educational system has been registered and has served as a guideline for conducting classes.

According to those principles, a curriculum is a set of general plans and arrangements of instructional activities that span educational objectives, topics, learning resources, and learning methods, as well as strategies that serve as teaching instructions for reaching the intended results.

The Curriculum has a different function from each other, such as teachers, students, principals, supervisors, parents, and the community. The program should act as a guide for teachers as they introduce the learning process. The program acts as a study guide for students. The curriculum acts as a manual for principals and managers in conducting supervisors. The program acts as a guide for parents in guiding their children to learn at home. Meanwhile, the curriculum acts as a reference for the group in assisting with the introduction of the educational process at school.

1.1.2 The Revision of 2013 Curriculum

Curriculum is evolving in Indonesia as well. The government is continually making additional attempts to modify and change the present curriculum, particularly to fulfill the most recent needs of society. In Indonesia, some curriculums have already been developed and implemented, including the Basic School Curriculum, School Pioneer Development of Project Curriculum (PPSP), the 1984 Curriculum, the 1994 Curriculum, Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), School Based Curriculum (KTSP), and the 2013 Curriculum.



The implementation of this curriculum in select Indonesian schools began in the 2014-2015 academic year.

Curriculum 2013 is the latest curriculum in use in Indonesia. This program was developed as a result of improvements made to the previous one. The aim of Curriculum 2013 is to organize Indonesians to be loyal, productive, creative, imaginative, and successful citizens who can contribute to society and the environment. To put it another way, those elements of curriculum reform are intended to provide the best curriculum possible in order to enhance the educational system. (Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 70, 2013, pp: 7).

Curriculum 2013 focuses on education based on competences and characters. Accoding to Mulyasa (2014, p. 68-69) mentioned Some of the highlighted factors are in the learning phase and the aspects assessed, which include integrated behaviors (affective), abilities (psychomotor), and intelligence (cognitive). The learning process in the 2013 Curriculum is primarily concerned with positive and contextual learning, in which students are accustomed to building their own information based on relevant contexts (Kemendikbud, 2013b).

Thus, curriculum is designed to make students more capable of gaining and applying their comprehension in the learning process on their own. Furthermore, it raises the worth of Indonesia as a country that implements Curriculum 2013 in order to compete with other countries.


1.1.3 Structure of the 2013 Curriculum

Every education unit and programme has a curriculum framework that organises core competencies, fundamental competencies, learning material, learning subjects, and learning load (Fadlillah, 2014). The curriculum framework is a basic and organised learning subject that students must complete as part of their learning activities.

The curriculum framework is a description of the curriculum application that includes specific principles about the role of the student in completing learning in a unit or level of school (Majid and Rochman, 2014). It signifies that the curriculum structure is made up of core competencies, fundamental skills, learning load, and courses that all students in the educational unit are required to take. As a result, the 2013 curriculum's contents and time allocation have altered.

Furthermore, the learning load in senior high school for English subject has increased in terms of weekly time allocation for all classes. Previously, the X class was 38 hours a week; however, the 2013 program would be 42 hours a week. The previous XI and XII classes lasted 38 hours a week; however, the 2013 program would last 44 hours per week. In senior high school, one hour of study time equals 45 minutes.



1.1.4 Nature of Scientific Approach

The scientific approach is one of the learning techniques adopted by the 2013 Curriculum. This approach frequently emphasises the technique of seeking for knowledge and students as subjects of learning through the application of scientific principles. The scientific approach is described as the process of verifying information in science that includes testing ideas through experiments and making conclusions based on the outcomes of the study (Longman, 2014).

This implies that a scientific method might be a set of tools for investigating phenomena, acquiring new information, and correcting and integrating prior knowledge.

According to Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 65 (2013) about Senior High School Process Standard, a scientific method is employed to control the learning process. The scientific approach is a method of thinking that is based on scientific principles. It is used to help students develop their attitudes, skills, and awareness. Some experts believe that using a scientific method would encourage students to participate more actively in the learning process. Furthermore, it can assist students in proving the veracity of an occurrence or phenomenon. The learning process would be more involved and efficient if a scientific method is used.

In additiaon, Lazim (2013) stated that, the empirical method has a few main characteristics. They are students - centred learning, involving science process skills in instructing the concept of learning, using cognitive aspects to


stimulate intellectual growth of students, especially their capacity in higher order thought, and improving students' character development. According to the Minister of Education and Culture's Curriculum Regulation 2013 Number 81A Attachment IV, a scientific approach is a study experience based on systematic and logical learning procedures that include observing, questioning, gathering knowledge, associating, and communicating (Depdiknas: 2013).

1.1.5 The Learning Characteristics of the Scientific Approach

According to Hosnan (2014), there are some characteristics of scientific method in teaching and learning. Those are as follows:

a. Involving the cognitive process of potential in simulating the development b. Can develop students‟ character.

c. Student centred.

d. Involving the science process skill in constructing concepts, laws or principles.

1.1.6 Learning Models in Scientific Approach

According to Permendikbud No.22 of 2016, disclosure/research-based learning (inquiry/discovery learning) is required to enhance the scientific approach. Other learning methods, such as project-based learning and problem- based learning, can be used in addition to the scientific approach. So there are three learning models that might help to increase the use of the scientific method in the classroom learning process. Here are the explanations in order:



a. Model Inquiry/Discovery Learning

Learning Model (Discovery Learning) is a learning process that presents problems that are not real or the result of teacher engineering as a means to lead students to find solutions to these problems. According to Musfiqon and Nurdiansayah (2015, p. 145), enquiry learning is a learning activity that involves all students' abilities to search for and investigate something (objects, people, or events) systematically, critically, logically, and analytically so that they can confidently formulate their own findings. The process of seeking and discovering is emphasised in enquiry learning. The topic is not stated directly. Students' roles in this learning are to seek out and discover subject matter on their own, while instructors serve as facilitators and mentors for students to learn.

In the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 22 of 2016 concerning Standards for the Primary and Secondary Education Process (Permendikbud No. 22/2016 concerning the Standards of the Educational Process) it is stated that inquiry learning is called discovery.

Discovery through a systematic thought process. Knowledge is not just a collection of facts resulting from remembering, but the result of the process of finding or constructing. In other words, learning is a process of facilitating inquiry activities so that students acquire knowledge and skills through their own discovery (discovery).


The enquiry learning model is often more appropriate for mathematics learning, however other courses can employ the origin model based on the qualities of KD or learning resources. The steps in the enquiry model are as follows: 1. Observation / observation of natural phenomena. This practise teaches students how to observe facts or events in a variety of areas. 2.

Inquiring about the phenomena observed. This stage prepares the learner to investigate the phenomena by doing a good questioning activity on instructors, acquaintances, or other sources. 3. Filing allegations or potential responses.

Learners can now associate or reason about probable responses to the questions asked. 4. Gathering facts linked to the allegations or questions posed, so that learners may forecast the claims or the most appropriate as a foundation for creating a conclusion during the exercise. 5. Draw conclusions based on processed or analysed data so that learners may show or display the findings.

Model Discovery Learning :

1) Stimulation (giving stimulus). In this activity, the teacher provides stimulation, which can be readings, pictures, or situations related to the learning materials / topics / themes that will be discussed, so that students can gain experience learning observed conceptual knowledge through reading activities, observing the situation, or viewing the picture.

2) Problem Statement (identify problem). From these steps, learners are needed to determine what issues exist, so that in this activity, learners gain



experience asking questions, seeking information, and formulating difficulties.

3) Data collecting (collecting data). At this stage, learners get expertise in searching for and gathering data / information that may be utilised to solve problems. This task will also train learners' correctness, accuracy, and honesty, as well as familiarise them with the ability to research or construct alternate alternatives if one option fails.

4) Data Processing (process data). Data processing exercises will educate learners to attempt and explore the capacity of their conceptual knowledge to be applied in real world situations, hence this activity will also train logical and applied thinking abilities.

5) Verification (verify). This stage guides learners via numerous actions such as questioning friends, talking, or discovering relevant materials from books or media, and associating it with a conclusion.

b. Project- Based Learning

PjBL (Project-Based Learning) is a learning activity that use projects or activities as a learning process to develop attitude, knowledge, and skill competencies. The emphasis of learning is on students' actions to develop products through studying, analysing, generating, and presenting learning products based on real-world experience. The product in issue is


the end result of a project that includes designs, schemes, literary works, works of art, technological/craft works, and other elements. This type of learning enables students to work individually or in groups to actually create products.

This learning model aims at learning that focuses on complex issues that learners require in exploring and comprehending learning through investigation, directing learners in a collaborative project that integrates the different topics (materials) in the curriculum, giving opportunities for learners to investigate the content (material) by using different means that are meaningful to him, and conducting collaborative experiments.

According to Musfiqon and Nurdyansyah (2015, p.132) The learning steps in project-based learning are as follows:

1) Make a list of project questions or assignments. This stage serves as a first step for students to pay closer attention to the questions that come from the existing occurrence.

2) Project planning for design. As a practical step, after answering the questions, a project plan may be tested.

3) Create a project schedule as a tangible step. Scheduling is critical in order for the project to be completed within the time frame and within the budget.



4) Keep track of project activities and developments. The teacher keeps track of the project's execution and development. Learners assess the current project.

5) The outcomes of the tests. Facts and experimental data or study are connected to data from other sources.

6) Assess activities and experiences. This stage is used to review activities as a reference for future project tasks on the same or different issues.

c. Problem-Based Learning

Problem-based learning model at a glance is the same as project-based learning. But in fact, there are fundamental differences that have become their own characteristics. According to Musfiqon and Nurdiansayah (2015, p. 145) argue that Problem Based Learning (PBL) is designed by presenting problems which then students gain important knowledge of the problems that arise.

Furthermore, students are expected to be proficient in solving problems and have their own learning models and have the skills to participate in teams to solve problems in groups. The learning process uses a systemic approach to solve problems or face relevant challenges in life. This concept is in accordance with the definition of a problem, which is something that is difficult to deal with or understand.

Characteristics of problem-based learning is Students are challenged to

"learn how to learn" by working in groups to solve real-world challenges. This


challenge is intended to pique students' interest in the learning in question.

Before students acquire ideas or materials related to issues that must be solved together, problems are assigned to them.

This learning model attempts to encourage learners to learn through diverse real-world issues in everyday life, and it is related with information that has or will be gained through the following processes of learning:

1) Orienting learners to the problem. This stage focuses learners on the problem that will become the object of learning.

2) Organize learning activities. One of the activities is to organise learning so that learners may transmit various enquiries (or enquire) to the troublesome review.

3) Guiding independent and group investigations. At this level, students experiment (attempt) to collect data in order to address or fix the topics they have learned.

4) Develop and present the work. Students correlate data from experiments with data from different other sources.

5) Analysis and evaluation of problem-solving process. When students have a solution to an issue, they must examine and evaluate it.

1.1.7 The steps in scientific approach

According to the Ministry of National Education and Culture (2013), the scientific approach to learning consists of five stages; they are (1)



observing, (2) questioning, (3) experimenting, (4), associating (5) communicating.

a. Observing

Based on the Syllabus of 2013 Curriculum, the teacher can do several observing activities. Observing, like listening, reading, and seeing, is a type of learning practise (with or while not tools). Teachers instruct pupils to look at photographs, videos, or power point presentations. Items, real objects, or phenomena are presented to students and instructors here.

According to Hosnan (2014), observing is one learning theme that employs a discourse approach and actual media within the framework of learning, emphasising the importance of the learning technique. Students view evidence, look for details, and listen to or read about the object of observation in this stage.

According to Majid and Rochman (2014), learning activities objective to observe closely associated with the setting of real scenario tackled in existence. Thus, the aim of observant is that the scholars get a lot of understanding concerning anything discovered, the scholars get a lot of info and establish understanding by themselves on the results of observations acquire from supply that aren't clear. Then observant will contribute to developing the students‟ seriousness, carefulness, and competency of seeking information.


b. Questioning

Questioning is the process of seeking knowledge that cannot be grasped simply on what is witnessed (from factual to theoretical questions). During this stage, the teacher should encourage students to ask questions. The teacher will utilise a strategy to motivate students during the questioning part. According to Kemdikbud no. 81a from 2013, teachers can conduct several actions to guide the questioning process, such as giving students the opportunity to enquire about the observation's object and leading them to be able to provide questions dealing with it.

Furthermore, questioning can help to develope inventiveness, curiosity, and the capacity to construct questions essential for intelligent living and lifetime learning. Questioning practise, according to Majid and Rochman (2014), serves three purposes in the classroom learning process.

The first function of questioning is to stimulate students' interest in the subject, curiosity, and concern about a subject or topic; the second function of questioning is to stimulate and inspire students to actively participate in teaching and learning; the third function of questioning is to analyse and solve students' learning difficulties; and the fourth function of questioning is to provide opportunities for the students to demonstrate attitude.



c. Experimenting

Experimenting is entails conducting an experiment, reading additional resources, witnessing an item, case, or behavior, and conducting an interview with an informant. A teacher must have engaging media in order for students to participate in experiments.

According to Majid and Rochman (2014), various actions should be carried out in order to achieve the goal of experimenting. First, the teacher must define the goal of the experiment that the students will do.

Second, the teacher and students gather the necessary equipment. Third, the teacher and students must determine the location and time. Fourth, the teacher supplies a worksheet to guide the students' activities. Fifth, the teacher discusses the issues that will be addressed during the natural sciences. Sixth, the teacher gives the students worksheets. Seventh, the students do the experiment with the assistance of a teacher guide. Finally, the teacher gathers and analyses the students' work. If it is required, it will be discussed in a traditional manner.

d. Associating

Associating is a learning activity that involves processing knowledge gathered as a result of watching and gathering information. In this situation, the students attempt to apply the knowledge. They must answer questions based on the observation results or perform additional duties. To describe teachers' and students' enthusiastic participation in the


classroom. Students must be more active in order to provide more possibilities for learning.

In line with, Kemdikbud No. 81a notes from 2013 identifying as learning activities the information gathered from the observation's results.

Associating in the context of learning focused on students' learning activities.

e. Communicating

Communicating is the presentation of observations and conclusions based on analytical results through spoken, written, or other medium.

Students should be able to communicate effectively in order to explain their ideas. According to Kemdikbud No. 81a of 2013, communication is the activity of conveying the result and conclusion of observations based on analysis in the form of written, oral, or other forms. Furthermore, Hosnan (2014, p. 76) adds that the students will transmit their conclusion regarding the content offered to be presented to the audience during the communication process. It means that pupils may express themselves in front of the class.

In other words, the students show their knowledge of what they have learned in the final exercise. Furthermore, the students share their findings from group or individual research. This exercise can be done visually, vocally, or through other media.

1.1.8 The Characteristics of Scientific Approach



A characteristic of someone or something is a frequent or prominent attribute. The scientific method to teaching and learning is meant to assist students in realising and appreciating that resources or information can originate from a number of sources other than the instructor. As a result, the scientific approach to learning will encourage students to seek knowledge from a variety of sources. The instructor is the most important aspect in enhancing students' success when using a scientific approach. According to Lazim (2013, p. 2), the scientific approach to learning has the following characteristics: (1) applying student-oriented learning, (2) involving the skill to construct concepts or principles, (3) involving the cognitive process in intellectual development, and (4) developing the students' characters.

1.1.9 Advantages and Disadvantages of Scientific Approach

Every teaching approach or method has advantages and disadvantages.

Even though it is commonly employed in Indonesia, the scientific method offers both pluses and minuses. According to Abidin (2014, p. 148), the following are the advantages and disadvantages of a scientific approach:

The advantages of scientific approach are:

a. Improving students‟ ability in mastering the learning material.

b. Developing students‟ ability in solving problems.

c. Building students‟ sensibility of the life context.

d. Improving students‟ ability in communication.


The scientific method is ideal for learning to speak since it is meant to engage students in the process of teaching and learning. Furthermore, the scientific method fosters student independence. It is because, with the Scientific Approach, students must independently get knowledge from a variety of sources rather than relying on their teacher. Furthermore, the teacher's role is that of a facilitator. It implies that he or she will coach and assist students throughout teaching and learning activities. The teacher assists students in observing and training them to read, listen to, and comprehend the subject of study. The teacher also guides students to ask questions based on facts, concepts, and processes concerning the results of their observations.

The disadvantages of scientific approach are:

a. It takes a long time to develop learning materials and learning exercises.

b. The scientific approach necessitates greater effort and expense.

c. Finally, in order to adopt a scientific approach, both the teacher and the students must be creative.

1.1.10 Procedure of Teaching Scientific Approaches

Throughout the learning process, a scientific approach is used to all levels of study. This method is employed in all courses, including English (Mulyasa, 2013). The learning process must address three competencies:



attitude, skill, and knowledge. The issue of "why" is related to attitude. The issue of "how" is referred to as skill. Furthermore, knowledge addresses the

"what" issue.

According to Lazim (2013, p. 1-9), there are five stage in scientific approach: observing, questioning, collecting information, associating, and also communicating. Furthermore, Kemdikbud (2013) claims that the teaching and learning process employs a scientific approach during the teaching portion. As we all know, the teaching process is divided into three stages: pre-teaching (follow-up), main-teaching (while), and post-teaching. So, the scientific method to learning contains three sections: pre-teaching activity, while activity, and post-teaching activity.

It is composed of learning processes that include watching, inquiring, gathering information/experimenting, associating, and communicating (Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2013d). The phases of the scientific method correspond to the while section in this scenario. They are as follows:

(1) Observing based on the 2013 Curriculum Syllabus, the teacher can engage in a variety of observing activities. Teachers instruct students to look at photographs, videos, or powerpoint presentations. Events, real objects, or phenomena are presented to both students and teachers.

Furthermore, according to Hosnan (2014, p.41), the instructor enhances students' observations by educating them to pay attention (see, read, listen) to the important characteristics of an item. (2) Questioning Kemdikbud


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