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A study on students` problem in citing the online sources on academic essay class.


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Rosari, Maria Primaningtyas.(2010). A Study on Students’ Problems in Citing the Online Sources on Academic Essay Class. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

The development of technology, especially internet brings big influence to education. University students use internet as one of the sources to find materials for their tasks. It also happens in Academic Essay class in Sanata Dharma University. Students often use online sources for their tasks. The ease of the internet often leads to plagiarism.

This present study investigated students’ problems in citing the online sources in Academic Essay class. The research question was: What are students’ problems in citing the online sources to their work in class?

The researcher employed document analysis method. There were two instruments to obtain the data. The first instrument was students’ work. The researcher analyzed students’ work by comparing students’ work to the original sources written in references. It aimed to find out whether students had cited the online sources correctly or not and also to find out students’ problems in citing. The second instrument was interview. This interview aimed to obtain additional information related to students’ problems in citing the online sources. The researcher took ten students’ papers for the analysis and eight students for the interview respondents. All respondents were semester five students who took Academic Essay class. They were randomly selected from class A, C, D, and E.




Rosari, Maria Primaningtyas.(2010). A Study on Students’ Problems in Citing the Online Sources on Academic Essay Class. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Perkembangan teknologi, khususnya internet membawa pengaruh yang besar dalam bidang pendidikan. Tidak terkecuali para mahasiswa, mereka menggunakan internet sebagai salah satu sumber untuk mencari bahan tugas kuliah. Seperti halnya di kelas Academic Essay di Universitas Sanata Dharma, mahasiswa sering menggunakan sumber online sebagai sumber tugas mereka. Penggunaan sumber online yang mudah, sering kali menimbulkan masalah seperti plagiarisme.

Studi ini bertujuan mengetahui kesulitan-kesulitan mahasiswa di kelas Academic Essay dalam mengutip sumber online. Permasalahan yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini adalah : Kesulitan- kesulitan apakah yang dihadapi mahasiswa dalam mengutip sumber online dalam tugas mereka di kelas?

Peneliti menggunakan metode analisa dokumen. Alat yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah analisa pekerjaan mahasiswa dan interview. Dalam analisa, peneliti menggunakan sumber dalam referensi sebagai pembanding untuk mengetahui apakah mahasiswa telah mengutip sumber dengan benar dan juga untuk mencari tahu kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi mahasiswa dalam mengutip sumber online. Interview bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan mengenai kesulitan-kesulitan mahasiswa dalam mengutip sumber online. Peneliti mengambil sepuluh tugas mahasiswa untuk dianalisa dan delapan responden dalam interview. Seluruh responden adalah mahasiswa semester lima yang mengambil kelas Academic Essay. Mereka dipilih secara acak dari kelas A, C, D, dan E.



A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Maria Rosari Primaningtyas Student Number: 051214016





A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Maria Rosari Primaningtyas Student Number: 051214016





“If you don’t like who you are, don’t worry about it because you’re

not stuck either with who you are or where you are. You can grow.

You can change. You can be more than you are.”

(Zig Ziglar)

I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents and all the people whom I love.






Rosari, Maria Primaningtyas.(2010). A Study on Students’ Problems in Citing the Online Sources on Academic Essay Class. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

The development of technology, especially internet brings big influence to education. University students use internet as one of the sources to find materials for their tasks. It also happens in Academic Essay class in Sanata Dharma University. Students often use online sources for their tasks. The ease of the internet often leads to plagiarism.

This present study investigated students’ problems in citing the online sources in Academic Essay class. The research question was: What are students’ problems in citing the online sources to their work in class?

The researcher employed document analysis method. There were two instruments to obtain the data. The first instrument was students’ work. The researcher analyzed students’ work by comparing students’ work to the original sources written in references. It aimed to find out whether students had cited the online sources correctly or not and also to find out students’ problems in citing. The second instrument was interview. This interview aimed to obtain additional information related to students’ problems in citing the online sources. The researcher took ten students’ papers for the analysis and eight students for the interview respondents. All respondents were semester five students who took Academic Essay class. They were randomly selected from class A, C, D, and E.




Rosari, Maria Primaningtyas.(2010). A Study on Students’ Problems in Citing the Online Sources on Academic Essay Class. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Perkembangan teknologi, khususnya internet membawa pengaruh yang besar dalam bidang pendidikan. Tidak terkecuali para mahasiswa, mereka menggunakan internet sebagai salah satu sumber untuk mencari bahan tugas kuliah. Seperti halnya di kelas Academic Essay di Universitas Sanata Dharma, mahasiswa sering menggunakan sumber online sebagai sumber tugas mereka. Penggunaan sumber online yang mudah, sering kali menimbulkan masalah seperti plagiarisme.

Studi ini bertujuan mengetahui kesulitan-kesulitan mahasiswa di kelas Academic Essay dalam mengutip sumber online. Permasalahan yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini adalah : Kesulitan- kesulitan apakah yang dihadapi mahasiswa dalam mengutip sumber online dalam tugas mereka di kelas?

Peneliti menggunakan metode analisa dokumen. Alat yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah analisa pekerjaan mahasiswa dan interview. Dalam analisa, peneliti menggunakan sumber dalam referensi sebagai pembanding untuk mengetahui apakah mahasiswa telah mengutip sumber dengan benar dan juga untuk mencari tahu kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi mahasiswa dalam mengutip sumber online. Interview bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan mengenai kesulitan-kesulitan mahasiswa dalam mengutip sumber online. Peneliti mengambil sepuluh tugas mahasiswa untuk dianalisa dan delapan responden dalam interview. Seluruh responden adalah mahasiswa semester lima yang mengambil kelas Academic Essay. Mereka dipilih secara acak dari kelas A, C, D, dan E.





First of all, I thank Jesus Christ, my savior for His blessing and wonderful life He gives to me. He gives me love and chances to work on this thesis as a worth

life experience. Without His blessing I cannot accomplish this piece of work. My

gratefulness is also given to Mother Mary for her love in my life.

I would like to express my gratitude to C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. my major sponsor for her attention, suggestions, guidance and support to me during the

finishing process of my thesis. I owe so much to all of my friends in Academic Essay class academic year 2009-2010 for their willingness to be respondents of my research. I am greatly indebted to Hanandyo Dardjito, S.Pd., M.Hum. and Yuseva Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. the Academic Essay lecturers Academic year 2009-2010 for their permission to conduct my thesis on their class. My sincere appreciation goes

to all PBI lecturers for their patience and guidance during the last four years.




I am very grateful to my beloved parents, Albertus Supriadi and Yulia Markaristi. Thank them for their endless support, care, warmth, and love until now. I also would like to thank my beloved sister Annis Yunita and aunty Florentina Kristiani. I also give my sincere thanks to Andreas Prasetyo for the love and unending support.

My appreciation also goes to Sasmoyo Hermawan, S.Pd. for helping me find the topic of this thesis and for Priyatno Ardi, S.Pd for his willingness to read my thesis. Lastly I would also thank everyone whose names cannot be mentioned one by

one for supporting me accomplishing this thesis.









E. Benefits of the Study ... 3

F. Definitions of Terms ... 4


b. Plagiarism in Paraphrasing... 22


e. Incorrect References... 44

f. Copy-pasting ... 51

2. Interview... 54

B. Discussions ... 60


B. Suggestions ... 64

1. Writing Lecturers ... 64

2. Students ... 65

3. Future Researchers ... 65






2.1 The Graphic of Internet Users in the World... 8

2.2 The Relation between Internet and Web... 9

3.2 The Research Procedures ... 34





2.1 The Differences Between APA and MLA ... 12

3.1 Points of Interview ... 32

4.1 The Data of Students’ Work ... 36

4.2 Results from Students’ Work ... 53




Appendix 1: Syllabus of Academic Essay Class ... 69

Appendix 2: Guiding Questions for Interviewing the Participants... 72




This chapter is an introduction which provides background of the subject

matter related to students’ problems in citing the online sources on Academic

Essay class of the English Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma

University. In order to achieve the purpose of the study undertaken, the writer

intends to present six important sections including: background of the study,

problem formulation, problem limitation, objectives of the study, benefits of the

study, and also definitions of terms.

A. Background of the Study

Nowadays, the development of information and communication

technology (ICT) is growing so fast especially the internet. The development of

information technology affects people all over the world to use internet so easy

and cheap. Because of the internet, people are able to find out any information

they need and also they are able to share it fast with other people all over the

world. In the internet, people are able to find a lot of kinds of information, such as

electronic books book), electronic journals journal), electronic newsletter

(e-newsletter), and electronic magazine (e-magazine). These facilities are always up

to date based on the situation in this world.

Internet has a big role for students, especially for university students.

There are many subjects that need additional information from internet. Some


lecturers ask their students to browse information from some sources in the

internet. This condition makes students really close to internet. Besides, the

development of technology especially in the use of the internet brings some

disadvantages. People can take the online sources freely but on the negative side,

people do not understand the rule to take the source. This problem leads to a

critical issue named plagiarism. Related to the use of online sources in class, it is

really necessary to know about students’ problems in using online sources to their

writing project. Some use the sources as references but some directly copy it.

A national survey published in Education Week found that 54% of students admitted to plagiarizing from the internet; 74% of students admitted that at least once during the past school year they had engaged in "serious" cheating; and 47% of students believe their teachers sometimes choose to ignore students who are cheating. (“Facts about plagiarism,” 2009).

The issue becomes wider because it is related to someone’s right of

intelligence. In Indonesia this right is stated in Copyright Law of Indonesia. This

right guarantees that every citizen has right to keep the originality of their

creativity and other people are not able to use it as free as they want. If plagiarism

really happens, it will bring disadvantages to the creator of the work. Besides,

university is the highest learning institution. It is necessary for university students

to understand clearly about plagiarism and its effects. Students are studying in

university to cultivate their knowledge, hopefully after they graduate they have

responsibility to contribute to their field of study and have higher appreciation to


B . Problem Formulation

In this study, the problem is formulated as follows:

What are students’ problems in citing the online sources to their work in


C . Problem Limitation

The research is limited and focused on students’ problems in citing the

online sources and was conducted to the fifth semester of PBI academic year

2009-2010 students in Sanata Dharma University who were taking Academic

Essay. In Academic Essay class students are required to produce a more complex

writing than the previous semester. In Academic Essay class, the students will

produce papers with 5-7 pages in-length.

D . Objectives of the Study

The study intends to find out the answers to the question stated in the

problem formulation. It is to find out what students’ problems in citing the online

sources to their work in class are.

E . Benefits of the Study

This study hopefully will be beneficial for those who deal with language

teaching and learning, especially lecturers, students, and future researchers.

1. Writing Lecturers

This study investigates students’ problems in citing the online sources in


sources on their writing. Further, the lecturers need to give rules relating to the

issue of plagiarism. It is very important because lecturers have to keep the

originality of their student’s writing projects. Besides that, lecturers have to give

the students clear instruction in citing the online sources.

2. Students

Students are the major user of the internet facility in Sanata Dharma

University. They need internet to browse some information related to their study.

By knowing the result of this study about students’ problems in citing the online

sources in their writing project, the students might have new strategy in citing the

online sources but still keep the originality of their writing projects.

3. Future researchers

Hopefully this study would inspire the other researchers who are interested

in researching about students’ problems in citing the online sources in their

writing project.

F. Definitions of Terms

This section presents the definition of terms which is intended to avoid

misconception and confusion.

1. Citation

Citation has the same meaning as quotation. It is also the same if we put

the word ‘to cite’ and ‘to quote’ in sentences. Both of them are similar in

meaning. Hornby in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary states the meaning to


whereas, the meaning of quote is “to repeat the exact word that another person has

said or written.” (Hornby, 2000:1083).

2. Online sources

Students have many references to be read to support their learning in class,

such as books and journals. From the website thefreedictionary the word online

means: connected to a computer or computer network.(2009). In this study, online

refers to something that we are able to find in the internet. So, online sources here

mean sources or data which are available in the internet. Students are able to

access online sources and take the sources as references.

3. Internet

People all over the world are familiar with the internet. They also had

various definitions about the internet itself. There is no patent definition about the

internet. Hahn on his book The Internet Complete Reference said that “the internet

is the name of worldwide information resources” (1994:2). He also added that

“the internet is much more than a computer network or an information service.

The internet is living proof that human beings who are able to communicate freely

conveniently will choose to be social and selfless.” (1994:3) People all over the

world are able to communicate and share each other every time and everywhere.

In this study, the internet refers to the facilities where students are able to get all


4. Academic Essay class Academic year 2009-2010

Academic Essay is one of the subjects which should be taken by students

of the English Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University. In the

book Panduan Akademik Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris year 2004

stated the goal of this subject. The goal is to develop student’s analysis of

characteristics of analytical essays: expository, argumentative, and persuasive,

and then write the essays in the genres using process approach. This research will

be conducted to some students as the representatives from Academic Essay class

academic year 2009-2010.

5. Plagiarism

Nowadays, plagiarism becomes one of debatable issues in the world. Many

people talk about plagiarism, but in a real life, they do not understand what the

plagiarism is exactly. Education institution becomes a place where there are many

cases related to plagiarism. But most of all university as the highest educational

institution holds the first place in plagiarism. It is because university students

often access internet even to find references for their tasks. From the

encyclopedia, the definition of plagiarism is “the act of taking the writings of

another person and passing them off as one's own. The fraudulence is closely

related to forgery and piracy-practices generally in violation of copyright laws.”

(dictionary.reference.com, 2009) In this study, the writer intends to investigate




This chapter is intended to review some theories related to the issue of the

study and to formulate the theoretical framework. The researcher divides this

chapter into two major areas; they are theoretical description and theoretical

framework. The theoretical description provides the theoretical review of the

issues, whereas the theoretical framework summarizes and synthesizes relevant

theories to solve the problem of this study.

A. Theoretical Description

There are three main issues developed in this study, they are accessing

online sources, documentation style in writing, and plagiarism. Further those three

issues are discussed based on related theories and previous researchers.

1. Accessing Online Sources in Education

The activity of accessing internet is really common in education. The

internet becomes one of many sources to gather information. People all over the

world are accessing internet easily and the result is the internet users in this world

are growing so fast. Figure 2.1 below is showing the tremendous growth in the

use of the internet:


Figure 2.1 The Graphic of Internet Users in the World

From the finding above, it shows that the growth of internet users is tremendous.

It can be predicted that the graphic is going to be higher in every year.

In this study, the researcher focuses on online sources, but before

knowing what online sources are, it is necessary to understand about internet.

Internet is “the name for a group of worldwide information resources.” (Hahn,


state “the Internet-alias the Net-is also known as cyberspace, the information

superhighway, the online community, the electronic library and the digital

revolution: all a series of creative metaphors trying to define it.” (2000:1). If we

talk about internet, people may talk about web. World wide web, or it is

commonly known as web is “an ambitious project whose goal is to offer a simple,

consistent interface to the vast resources of the internet.” (Hahn, 1994:495). The

other researchers also try to define what the web is. Dudeney and Hockly define

“The web is a source of content which can be used as a window on the wider

world outside your class, and is-of course- a readily available of authentic

material.” (2007:27) To understand the relation between internet and web, the

researcher illustrates it in a picture below:

Figure 2.2 The Relation between Internet and Web

As the researcher wrote before internet is a “group of worldwide”. The


google, hotmail, usd.ac.id (Sanata Dharma’s website). Those webs are grouped

together in an unlimited place named internet. By browsing those webs and many

more webs, students are able to access information and get the references for their

tasks. Nowadays, students and language professionals become more familiar with

internet. Teeler and Gray also state “…the internet becomes more popular, but for

the moment English is the common language. This is what makes it such a perfect

tool for English Language Teaching.” (2000: 3)

Language professionals such as lecturers in universities use internet as

tools to get additional materials to teach their students, it is because internet is

easy to use and most of webs in the internet use English, ”English, as an

international language, is being used in technologically mediated contexts.”

(Dudeney & Hockly, 2007:8) Because of the use of the internet, it influences the

development of English language teaching. Dudeney and Hockly say ”using the

range of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools can give

learners exposure to and practice in all of the four main language skills-speaking,

listening, writing and reading.” (2007:8) This reason motivates the researcher to

see more deeply the influence of the internet among students by investigating

what are students problems in citing the online sources especially in writing class.

2. Documentation Style in Writing

In writing a paper, it is necessary to add additional information as the

references and also to strengthen the topic written. As a consequence, it is


Memering in his book conveys “Documentation refers to the method by which

writers tell their readers where information came from.” (1989:145)

There are various documentation styles in writing that writers use: MLA (Modern

Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association), APSA

(American Political Science Association), Chicago/Turabian, CBE (Council of

Biology Editors), and numbered references. Sanata Dharma also has a rule in

writing especially for those who write their thesis; it is called undergraduate thesis

and final paper guidelines. In this chapter, the writer only discusses two

documentation styles that are widely and commonly used in the academic field.

They are MLA and APA documentation style. Here the writer reviews some rules

in citing based on MLA, and APA style.

As the writer wrote before, the writer discusses two widely used

documentation styles, MLA and APA. The important thing to remember is that

students or writers need to understand the consistency in writing. In other words,

if students choose a certain writing style, they have to stick with that. So before

students compose their writing project, it is necessary to understand the

documentation style in writing. Choosing a documentation style is based on the

field of writing. In writing a thesis, MLA style is used in a literature field, but

APA is used in non-literature field. Both documentation styles were similar, but

they have differences. Mc Connell library conveyed differences between those


Table 2.1 The Differences Between APA and MLA


Parenthetical Citation in Text

Uses author name, date of publication, and page number

Uses author name and page

Authors/editors Uses last name and first initial. Lists all authors

Spells out available names. If more than 3 list first and et al.

Titles Capitalizes first word Capitalizes every important word

Publisher Uses full name Shortens name

Place of publication Lists state abbreviations when city is lesser known

Only lists city

Pages Lists first page and additional pages

Uses + for pages after the first one

Dates Follows authors name Placed at end of citation

Indentions First line of an entry is indented, second and subsequent lines are flush with the left margin

First line is flush with left margin, second and subsequent lines are indented

(Source Mc Connell Library, 2005)

This research reviews more about online sources based on those two

documentation styles. Here, the writer provides the information in citing online

sources based on APA and MLA documentation style.

a. APA Style

American Psychological Association (APA) style published by American

Psychological Association is really common in educational field especially if

students write non-literature research paper. APA is often used in science,


every little part in writing, such as period, comma, verbs, and nouns. Further the

researcher reviews some theories related to APA documentation, including direct

quotation and writing bibliography from online sources. Before that the researcher

reviews about quotation. UW-Madison (2009:5) conveyed some reasons for


• To show that an authority supports your points

• To present a position or argument to critique or comment on

• To include especially moving or historically significant language

• To Present a particularly well-stated passage whose meaning

would be lost or changed if paraphrased or summarized

This review of quotation and bibliography focuses on which the source derived

from online. “In general, you should cite an electronic source within your paper in

the same way as you would a print source.” (“Cite an Electronic Source”, 2009)

1) Direct Quotation

Here some ways on citing works based on certain conditions that students

often find in citing online sources.

(1) Citing a Work by an Author

In citing a work by an author, APA documentation style uses the surname

of the author followed by the year of publication separated by a coma. In

Publication Manual of American Psychological Association book, it was written

“Within a paragraph, you need not include the year in subsequent references to a

study as long as the study cannot be confused with other studies cited in the


Incorrect In 2000 Walker compared reaction times

Correct Walker (2000) compared reaction times

In a recent study of reaction times (Walker, 2000)

(2) Citing a Work by Multiple Authors

Citing a work by multiple authors in APA documentation style has a little

difference with MLA documentation style, especially in citing a work by more

than three authors. When citing a work with two authors, the surname of the

authors should be written followed by the year. For a work written by three to five

authors, Dees conveyed “Name each author the first time the work is cited, but in

subsequent citations, give only the first author’s last name, followed by a comma

and et al.” (2003:308) The word et al. was not italicized and it was written with a

period after “al”.

First citation:

DiMaggio, Hargittai, Neuman, and Robinson (2001) believe that

sociologists could do more extensive research on Internet usage.

Subsequent citation:

…while Link and Phelan (2001) identify five components of stigma.

When citing a work by six or more authors, APA unveils that “cite only surname

of the first author followed by et al. (not italicized and with a period after “al”)

and the year for the first and subsequent citations.” (2002:209)

Example: (Source from Dees, 2003:308)


(3) Citing a Work with No Author

Sometimes writers find some works with no author, writers have to “cite in

the text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the

year. Use double quotation marks around the title of an article or chapter, and

italicize the title of a periodical, book, brochure, or report.” (APA, 2002:210-211),


On free care (“Study Finds,”1982)

The book College Bound Seniors (1979)

(4) Citing a Specific Parts of a Source

To cite a specific part of a source, there are some differences between

APA and MLA. Dees find “APA documentation style uses the abbreviations p.

and pp. for the words page and pages, ch. for chapter, and sec. for section

(respectively).” (2003:311) Example:

French (2002) concludes that “the persistence of extreme poverty in the

face of unprecedented plenty … calls into question the durability of our

current globalization path” (p.198)

2) Bibliography from Online Sources

In writing the bibliography, especially when the source comes from

online, there are some notes that writers need to understand. APA gives the form

in writing the bibliography when the source comes from online (2002:233):


Sometimes students find no date of the online sources, Dees (2003:322) wrote

“Indicate sites that are not dated with the abbreviation ‘n.d.’” example:

Tobacco use among youth (n.d.) Retrieved December 15, 2001, from


In writing the title of the article, the writer should capitalize only the first word of

the title. And for the website address, it is written at the end of the retrieval

statement (APA, 2002:229).

b. MLA Style

Manual Language Association (MLA) is “a nationwide association of

teachers and scholars that sets standards for publishing papers about literature and

modern and classical languages.” (Dees, 2003:231) This documentation style

requires three methods of acknowledging sources in a research paper, they are:

(1) parenthetical intext citation of sources, (2) full documentation in the Works

Cited page(s), and (3) content notes.(232)

Intext citation is also known as parenthetical documentation. Intext

citation is important in writing a paper because it shows exactly what the

researcher writes and the reader will be easier in finding where the information

comes from. Intext citation means “identifying the source of any borrowed

material immediately as it appears, right in the text of the paper.” (Dees,

2003:232) To make it clear, here the example of intext citation:

(from Dees, 2003:233)


with a past heritage or a genealogical history”

Page number (119).

Full documentation in the Works Cited page(s) or people know it as

references, are a page or some pages where the writer of the research paper writes

all of the sources he or she gets. This part is necessary to show the validity and

originality of the paper. The reference aims to identify and retrieve each source in

the paper. In MLA documentation style, there is some information that should be

written in reference page, such as: author’s name, titles, place of publication,

shorten publisher’ name, and copyright date.

Memering says that “content note is a note from you to your readers.”

(1989:147). The content note is used to give additional explanation or information

to the text written on a paper. Content notes are known as end notes or foot notes.

Nowadays most of writers of research paper do not use content notes, they use

quotation or citation (in-text citation) in their paper because of its effectiveness.

The content notes are written raised half a line (with number). But, some

researchers thought that writers should have few content notes, Memering find “If

you have more than three, you should reconsider what you are doing: too much

material is being treated as incidental when its sheer quantity seems to suggest

otherwise.” (1989: 148). Dees (2003:241-243) conveyed that there are some

conditions if writers want to use content notes:

(1) To elaborate on matters not strictly relevant to the text discussion.

(2) To add clarification.


(4) To provide statistics.

(5) To explain methods or procedures.

(6) To cite additional sources.

(7) To shorten major source citations

(8) To define important terms.

Here the example of content note written in Memering (1989:149)

Holden can be thought of as a model of lost and confused adolescence,


but he is a prototype for a very small, privileged class of modern people.

On a notes page, the note will be like this:

1 see Sara Birkfeld, “A Jungian Look at Catcher in the Rye,”PsychologyToday, May 1975: 72-77, for the interpretation of Holden Caulfield as an archetype.

1) Direct Quotation

Nowadays, modern writers prefer to use parenthetic quotation or direct

quotation to content notes. There are some ways to cite or to quote sources in

certain conditions:

(1) Citing a Work by an Author

In citing a single author using MLA documentation style, the name of the

author is placed in the text or after the quotation. Dees (2003: 234) conveyed “An

author’s name should appear only once in any intext acknowledgement. Include

the author’s name in the text or in the parentheses following, but not in both.”

Incorrect: (source from Dees, 2003:234)

Ex-ambassador to Japan Mike Mansfield believes that the relationship


nations and peoples around the world” (Mansfield A12).

The example above is incorrect because it includes double authors’ name. It

should be just once like in:

Correct: (Source from Memering, 1989:155)

“These apes likewise signal ‘come here’ or ‘walk quickly past me,’ with

gestures that are amazingly human” (Droscher 208).

(2) Citing a Work by Multiple Authors

Citing works by multiple authors is not really different from a single

author. When citing two or three authors, writers have to write all authors’ last

name. MLA documentation style has special treatment in citing works by more

than three authors, Dees writes “If there are more than three authors, cite only the

first author’s last name followed by et al. (“and others”)” (2003: 235) here the

example: (Source from Memering, 1989: 156)

How the chimps are housed and raised—in cages or free to move about –

significantly influences their language learning (Mathieu et al.).

Example of citing a work by two or three authors: (Source from Dees, 2003:235)

Naisbitt and Aburdene claim we are approaching the day when “virtually

all women will work except for a few months or years when they are

raising children full-time” (7).

(3) Citing Work with no Author

When citing online sources, for example from a certain website,


sometimes have difficulties to solve this problem. Dees (2003: 249) provides an

example on his book by writing the title of the source if there is no author of the


…In a survey of 1,200 undergraduates, one-third reported they know

someone they believe is addicted to the internet (“But Can It Lead”).

2) Bibliography from Online Sources

Writing the bibliography in academic work is very important for other

people to check the information and validity of our work. Relating to write the

bibliography from online sources, Dees (2003:297) found:

To cite an information base, scholarly project, journal, or professional Internet site, list the site title (underlined), followed by the name of the site editor (if given), electronic publication information, including version number (if relevant and not part of the title), date of publication or latest update, and the name of the sponsoring institution. Conclude this information with the date of access and URL.


Electronic Text Center. Ed. Michael Engle. 10 Dec. 2002. Cornell U. 10

Jan. 2003 < http://www.library.cornell.edu/okuref7cet/cet.html>.

3. Plagiarism in Writing a. Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism becomes one of the big issues among educational fields. The

definition of plagiarism may be different from one another. This big issue has to

be understood for people especially for those who are involved in educational


as quoted in Gibaldi on the book MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Paper

suggests the definition of plagiarism “derived from the Latin word plagiarius

(“kidnapper”), plagiarism refers to a form of cheating that has been defined as ‘the

false assumption of authorship: the wrongful act of taking the product of another

person’s mind, and presenting it as one’s own.” (2003:66). American Heritage

Dictionary quoted in UW-Madison also unveils the definition of plagiarize as “to

use and to pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one’s own.” (2009) From

many sources that define about plagiarism, we are able to say it as the activity of

stealing someone’s else work. It is harmful, especially in education field.

Moreover the development of technology, such as the free use of internet makes it

easier for people to do this dishonest activity.

There is an issue raised related to unintentional plagiarism. Unintentional

plagiarism often happen among elementary students because they do not

understand about plagiarism but unfortunately, sometimes college students also

do the plagiarism even they know it exactly. Relating to the issue of plagiarism,

Gibaldi argues “plagiarism sometimes happens because researchers do not keep

precise records of their reading, and by the time they return to their notes, they

have forgotten whether their summaries and paraphrase contain quoted material

that is poorly marked or unmarked.” (2003:70)

Dees (2003) unveils six guidelines for avoiding unintentional plagiarism, the

guidelines are as follows:

1) Understand and use correct notetaking methods.


3) Know what to document.

4) Make a bibliographic card for every note source.

5) Be particularly careful about text and any other information you download

from the internet.

6) Acknowledge sources in your paper.

b. Plagiarism in Paraphrasing

Students often do the activity of paraphrasing as one of the documentation

method in acknowledging the source. Dees suggests “a good paraphrase clarifies a

source’s content by rewriting it into your own words,…the paraphrase is usually

about the same length as the original, but the words are your own.” (2003:101).

Although paraphrase is using our own words, it is important not to forget to give

acknowledgement to the writer by giving a proper citation following the

paraphrases. There are some conditions why students should paraphrase:

1) What you want from the source is the idea expressed, and not the specific

language used to express it.

2) You can express in fewer words what the key point of a source is.

(“Should I Paraphrase or Quote?,” 2009)

Because paraphrasing allowing writers to use their own words, sometimes it

also leads the writer to plagiarism. The followings are some plagiarism made by


1) Word-for-Word Plagiarism

This kind of plagiarism is very obvious to check. The plagiarized work

directly copy the same word as the original source with no acknowledgement.

UW-Madison (2009) provides the example of word-for word plagiarism

compared with the original one:

The original text:

Critical nurses function in a hierarchy of roles. In this open heart surgery unit, the nurse manager hires and fires the nursing personnel. The nurse manager does not directly care for patients but follows the progress of unusual or long-term patients. On each shift a nurse assumes the role of resource nurse. …. (Chase, 1995, p. 156)

The word-for-word plagiarism:

Critical care nurses have a hierarchy of roles. The nurse manager hires and fires nurses. S/he does not directly care for patients but does follow unusual or long-term cases. On each shift a resource nurse attends to the functioning of the unit as a whole,….

The phrases underlined above are directly copied from the original text.

They are clearly seen because no word is changed, also the pattern of the

sentences. The plagiarized texts also do not give acknowledgement to the author

by quoting the special words and credit the author at the end of the paraphrase.

2) Patchwork Paraphrase

This kind of paraphrase is nearly seen as non-plagiarism work. There are

some words copied from the original one but with a little modification. Here the

example of patchwork paraphrase and the source will be taken from the previous


The original text:

Critical nurses function in a hierarchy of roles. In this open heart surgery unit, the nurse manager hires and fires the nursing personnel. The nurse manager does not directly care for patients but follows the progress of unusual or long-term patients. On each shift a nurse assumes the role of resource nurse. …. (Chase, 1995, p. 156)

The patchwork plagiarism:

Chase (1995) described how nurses in a critical care unit function in a hierarchy that places designated experts at the top and the least senior staff nurses at the bottom. The expert-the nurse manager, nurse clinician, and clinical nurse specialist-are not involved directly in patient care.

The work above is not obviously seen as plagiarism. The original phrases

are modified and rearranged into a new pattern. The writer of the work has

acknowledged the original author, but still there are no quotation marks to

indicate the borrowed phrases from the original one.

c. Penalty of plagiarism

The activity of plagiarism could be categorized as the activity of “stealing”

someone’s’ work. Although it is not as big as a robbery, but still, this activity

harms other people. Gibaldi argues that “plagiarism is almost always seen as a

shameful act, and plagiarists are usually regarded with pity and scorn. They are

pitied because they have demonstrated their inability to develop and express their

own thoughts.” (2003:66)

Indonesia also fights against plagiarism. The president declared a law

about copyright, this right regulates someone’s intellectual property so that it is


of the law of copyright, chapter one about general provisions by the president of

Republic of Indonesia: (sources from www.dgip.go.id)

Point one:

1. Hak Cipta adalah hak ekslusif bagi Pencipta atau penerima hak untuk

mengumumkan atau memperbanyak Ciptaannya untuk memberikan izin

untuk itu dengan tidak mengurangi pembatasan-pembatasan menurut

peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

(1 Copyright shall mean an exclusive right for an Author or the recipient of

the right to publish to reproduce his Work or to grant permission for said

purposes, without decreasing the limits according to the prevailing laws

and regulations.)

Point five:

5. Pengumuman adalah pembacaan, penyiaran, pameran, penjualan,

pengedaran, atau penyebaran suatu Ciptaan, dengan menggunakan alat

apapun, termasuk media internet, atau melakukan dengan cara apa pun

sehingga suatu Ciptaan dapat dibaca, didengar, atau dilihat orang lain.

(5 Publication shall mean the reading, broadcasting, exhibition, sale,

distribution, or dissemination of a Work, by utilizing whatever means

including the Internet, or by any manner so that such Work is capable of

being read, heard or seen by any other person.)

Point six:

6. Perbanyakan adalah penambahan jumlah sesuatu ciptaan, baik secara


menggunakan bahan-bahan yang sama ataupun tidak sama, termasuk

mengalihwujudkan secara permanen atau temporer.

(6 Reproduction means to increase the number of a Work, either as a whole or

its substantial parts using either the same or different material, including the

changing of the form or mode of a work permanently or temporarily.)

Three points unveiled above are some parts of the copyrights law which

are suitable for the issue studied here. Point one states about persons who are the

owner of a work have the right to publish their own work. Point five talks about

ways to publish a work. And the last, point six explains about the border of


B.Theoretical Framework

The development of the technology is global and tremendous. It also leads

the development of the internet as the part of technology. Internet gives big

influence in education. Internet provides unlimited information that students need.

English as a universal language is widely used in the internet. This helps students

in writing class to gather information to do their tasks.

This study aimed to find out students’ problems in citing the online

sources on Academic Essay writing class. Academic Essay writing or writing five

is a writing class on the fifth semester which prepares students of the English

Education Study Program to write their paper and also thesis. The lecturers of

Academic Essay class permit their students to gather data from various sources,


online sources is the process of documentation. This study helps to investigate

students’ problems in giving credit to the original author of certain work based on

APA documentation style which is widely used in education field. Lecturers of

Academic Essay class stated that APA documentation style will be used as the

standard. This study was focused to the problems in citing the online sources. The

documentation includes direct quotation, paraphrase, and also the bibliography.

Basically, writing direct quotation and paraphrase from online sources are the

same as quoting sources from printed works. The difference is clearly seen in the

bibliography. There are some rules in writing the bibliography from online

sources. Further, to obtain the data from students’ work, the researcher used APA

documentation style as the standard.

Gathering information from internet is much easier than from books or

printed works. It leads students to use online sources more often than from books.

The easy-used of online sources also brings consequences. One of them is the case

of plagiarism. It is easy to directly copy and paste the original paper to students’

work without giving acknowledgement to the original author. It is a harmful

activity, especially in educational field. University students have to understand

about plagiarism seriously. Academic Essay as one of the writing classes in the

English Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University may be potential

for students to do the plagiarism action. Because of this issue, the researcher also

provides the copyright in Indonesia. Plagiarism becomes a serious issue that is

difficult to solve in this country, but as educated people especially university



In this chapter, the researcher will discuss the process of gathering and

analyzing the data. There are six areas that will be explored, namely: research

method, research respondents, research instruments, data gathering technique,

data analysis technique and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The writer conducted the research by employing document analysis

method. At first, the researcher conducted library study to find out some issues

and related theories to the study. Afterwards by field research, the writer explored

the real condition and fact about what is going to be discovered in this research. In

this study, the writer conducted the research based on qualitative approach.

Document analysis as a part of qualitative approach was used in this study. The

writer applied document analysis method because she thought that it was

appropriate to this study. Krathwohl (1993) cited in Wiersma stated that:

“Qualitative research: research that describes phenomena in words instead of

numbers or measures...Quantitative research: research that describes phenomena

in numbers and measures instead of words.(p.740)” (1995:12) There are three

standards that researchers can use to decide if qualitative methods are appropriate

for their particular research questions: “(1) the phenomenon under investigation is


researcher has little control over the phenomenon being studied.” (Yin, 1991,

cited in RELT, 2008:427). Some researchers said that qualitative research is

natural and based on the respondents’ views. Erickson also stated:

What qualitative research does best and most essentially is to describe key incidents in functionally relevant descriptive terms and place them in some relation to the wider social context, using the key incidents as a concrete instance of the workings of the abstract principles of social organization. (1981, cited in Hyland, 2002: 157)

This research also belonged to a survey research. The important purpose of

survey research is “to examine the interrelationship between the variables

measured or the differences between samples in their response patterns.

(Sprinthall, Schmutte and Sirois,1991:93). According to Wiersma, “surveys are

used to measure attitudes, opinions, or achievements-any number of variables in

natural setting.”(1995:169). Based on this method, the researcher of this study

wanted to know what are students’ problems in citing the online sources in their

writing project in Academic Essay class.

B. Research Respondents

Since the research was conducted in Academic Essay class in the academic

year 2009-2010 of the English Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma

University, the researcher investigated some students as the respondents to this

research. Because the research was conducted in Academic Essay class, the

respondents of the research were the fifth semester students of the English

Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University especially who take the


Education Study Program, class A, B, C, D, and E. Academic essay classes were

held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. However, the researcher only took

four classes as the respondents; class A, C, D, and E. There were ten respondents

from those four classes who would be the respondents. Those ten respondents

were students who wrote their writing project using online sources. The reason for

taking them as respondents was because the students in Academic Essay class

were competent enough in writing; they have passed Basic Writing (Writing 1)

until Short Essay (Writing IV). In Academic Essay class, students are expected to

produce a more complex writing in the form of paper with 5-7 pages in-length.

There was no exception for the shoppers-students who retook Academic Essay to

be included in this research.

C. Research Instruments

In carrying out the study, the researcher used the following instruments:

1. Students’ Work

Students’ work here was the students’ final writing projects. The lecturers

of Academic Essay classes gave chances for students to take the online sources as

the references of their writing projects. Further, the researcher observed the

students’ writing project. To analyze the data, the researcher used some standard

according to APA documentation style as a comparison. It was used as a guidance

to know students’ understanding in citing the online sources on their writing

projects. Afterwards, the researcher tried to find students’ problems in citing the


2. Interview

After the analysis of students’ work, the researcher used the interview as

the second instrument. This interview was conducted to obtain additional

information. “Interviews and observations interact-observations provide new

meanings to the interviews, and interviews suggest new things to look at or attach

new meanings to the observations.” (Krathwohl, 2004: 285). The researcher

prefers using the interview to questionnaire as one of the instruments because in

her opinion, interview would provide rich data. Also, direct interview enabled

respondents to express their feeling freely and it gave a real information from the

respondents than the questionnaire. “As contrasted with the questionnaire, which

provides no immediate feedback, the interview permits the research worker to

follow-up leads and thus obtain more data and greater clarity.” (Borg & Gall,


The interview section was conducted after the analysis of students’ work

was finished. The interview aimed to obtain confirmation from some students

who have followed the Academic Essay class for the whole semester. Some

selected students were the representatives of the class. The researcher took eight

students as respondents. To record the data from interview, the researcher used an

MP4 player. In this research, the MP4 player was an effective tool to help the

researcher to analyze the data. By using MP4 player, the researcher was able to

rewind or repeat the recording. As a result, the researcher would not miss any


Sanata Dharma University. Table 3.1 below provides the summary of the major

points of the interview.

Table 3.1 Points of Interview

No. Points

Students’ source in writing an essay.

Students’ understanding in attaching the source.

Concept of plagiarism.

Copy-pasting activity in writing.

Difficulties and problem solving.


D. Data Gathering Techniques

To make the research data more accurate, the writer conducted a research

using two instruments. The two instruments were students’ work and interview.

The researcher asked permission to the lecturers who taught Academic Essay

class, especially class A, C, D, and E. The students’ work here meant the students’

final writing assignment whose source was from the internet. Then the researcher

copied the students’ writing project to make the analysis easier. The data were

gathered from ten students from class A, C, D, and E. After conducting the

analysis of students’ work, the researcher needed additional information to

strengthen the result of the first instrument. Direct interview was applied in


took eight respondents to the interview section from class A, C, D, and E. In the

interview section, the researcher gave some questions and recorded it.

E. Data analysis Technique

The researcher obtained the data from students’ work as the main sources

in this research. Hence, to measure the analysis of the students’ work, the

researcher used APA documentation style as the standard. The researcher

downloaded the original sources from the references that students wrote on their

paper and compared it to the students’ final paper. It aimed to check the

originality of students’ work. From this analysis, it would be seen students’

problems in citing, especially from online sources.

After gathering data from students’ work, the researcher conducted the

interview as the second instrument in checking the data. It was needed to check

the data from the first instrument, the interview section was also important

because students could express what they were thinking directly and freely. The

researcher recorded the interview using mp4 player. Afterwards, the researcher

wrote down the interview transcript as the data.

F. Research Procedures

There were some steps in doing this study on investigating students’

problems in citing the online sources on Academic Essay class. The first step was

a library study. The researcher tried to find some issues related to writing.


especially in writing class, the researcher found a specified topic about online

sources. The third step was formulating a research question. The research question

of this study is: What are students’ problems in citing the online sources to their

work in class? The data of this research came from two instruments. The first one

was students’ work, and the second instrument was interview. In analyzing the

data, the researcher took the original sources as the comparison. After that, the

interview transcripts were used to check the result and obtain additional

information of the data. Finishing all the process, the researcher reported the

research findings.

To understand the process, the writer provides the figure 3.2 below:




In this chapter, the researcher presents and analysis the data based on the

methodology discussed in chapter three. This chapter consists of two major

sections, namely research results from students’ work and from interview, and the

last is discussion. In the first section, the researcher presents the result data from

students’ work, afterwards the researcher reported the interview result. The

interview result discusses what the researcher found and obtained from the

interview as additional or secondary data to verify what the researcher found from

students’ work. In the discussion section, the researcher discusses the results both

from students’ work and interview to answer the formulated research question on

the first chapter.

A. Research Results

1. Students’ Work

The researcher took ten Academic Essay students from class A, C, D, and

E. The researcher randomly chose students’ paper from class A, C, D, and E but

only from those who were using online sources. To keep the secrecy of students’

data, the researcher did not use the real name of the ten respondents, the

researcher used the term Paper 1 until Paper 10. The table 4.1 below shows the

data of ten papers:


Table 4.1

The Data of Students’ Work

No. Name Title

Keep Away Your Children from Stress Learning Environment

National Examination in Indonesia Should it be Applied?

The Use of Non-Renewable Natural Sources Should be Reduced

Full Day Kindergarten is Good for Both Children and Parents in Modern Life

Should Children Experienced Learning Outside the Classroom

Should There be any Acceleration Class in Indonesia?

Using Computer in the Teaching of Reading on Elementary School

Learning English for Kindergarten Students

Internet as a Source in Teaching-Learning Activities

Using L1 in Learning L2

To investigate students’ difficulties in citing the online sources, the

researcher downloaded the original sources to compare with students’ work.

During the analysis of students’ work, the researcher found students’ problems in

citing the online sources, they were:

a. Citing Works by no Author

The first problem that the researcher found was that six students did not

know how to cite sources with no author. Students wrote the whole website


original source, writers are able to write the title of the article followed by date of

the last update. For example:

Students are doing their tasks in class. (“Activity in Class,” 2009)

Here the researcher provides the evidence from students’ paper from Paper 1 until

Paper 10 by showing the pieces on students’ problem in citing works by no


Paper 1:


The researcher did not provide the piece from the original source because she did

not find the website or the address of the website was temporary.

Paper 3:


To cite from www.tropical-rainforest-animals.com, student who wrote Paper 3

could only write:

… the ozone holes which is in the upper atmosphere allows the

ultraviolet to enter the earth which can damage tree and plant to

prevent the process of respiration. (“Pollution Effects,” 2008).


The information “Pollution Effects” came from the shorten title of the original

article, the year 2008 was the last update of the website.

Paper 4:


The original source:

Herman (1984) describes in detail the advantages of full-day kindergarten. He and others believe full-day programs provide a relaxed, unhurried school day with more time for a variety of experiences, greater opportunity for screening and assessment to detect and deal with potential learning problems, and more occasions for good quality interaction between adults and students.

The correction of the quotation: (“Full-Day Kindergarten,” 2008)

Paper 5:


The researcher could not find the original sources because of the incorrect website


Paper 6:


The researcher could not find the original source because the website address was


Paper 9:


The researcher could not find the original source because of the incorrect website


b. Citing a Quoted Source

Two students (Paper 1 and Paper 7) directly wrote an incorrect name of

the original author. The name that student wrote has been quoted before by the

original author. This problem was not obviously seen if lecturers did not compare

students’ work with the original sources. At first, the researcher did not know

where the citation came from, but after reading the original source, the researcher

found that it was quoted by someone else. Here is the citation from students’


Paper 1:


This quotation seems correct, but when the researcher compared it with the

source, there were no Rhodes and Jasisnski on the references. The quotation

above was quoted in Berkowitz. So the writer of Paper 1 should include the

information “quoted in”.

Original source:

The correct citation: (Rhodes and Jasinski qtd. In Berkowitz, 2004)


Paper 7:

The long citation above also had the same problem as the previous


be like the citation: (Hoffman qtd. in Alkahtani, 1996)

The original source:

c. Unknown Citation and References

During the analysis of students’ work, the researcher found that some

citations were not included in references. This condition made the researcher

difficult to analyse the work. Apart from that, the researcher also did not find

some website addresses which were written on references page. This problem was

found in two the of students’ paper. It sometimes happened because the websites

were under construction or students did not write the website address completely.

Paper 1:

Using computers in ESL classroom is important for both teachers and learners. Computers can handle a range of activities and carry out programmed functions at amazing speed. They can check exercises after they are done, move students gradually from easier to more difficult exercises according to their levels and abilities. When students fail to answer questions correctly or perform activities, the computer can simulate, drill, or explain the phenomenon in a way that makes it easier for the learner to understand (Hoffman, 1996).


From the article, there was no Hannaford in the references, it makes the reader


Paper 3:


In the example from paper 3, the student wrote the source (www.ket.org) but there

was no information about (www.ket.org) on the references page.

d. Incorrect Citation

There are some differences in documenting between short citation and long

citation. In short citation, writers are able to write the citation part within

quotation marks (‘’…..”) but in long citation there are no quotation marks. On the

book Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, it was

stated “Display a quotation of 40 or more words in a freestanding block of

typewritten lines, and omit the quotation marks. (2002: 117).

Paper 2:


The quotation above is a short quotation because there are not more than 40


should not be indented or in a freestanding block of typewritten lines.

Paper 5:



The quotation above should be a long quotation because there are more

than 40 words. The writer of paper 5 wrote it as a short quotation. The correct

quotation should be indented and written in a freestanding block of typewritten


Paper 10:



The researcher found that student who wrote Paper 10 wrote the long

quotation within quotation marks. In a long quotation, the quotation marks should

be omitted.

e. Incorrect References

After the researcher analyzed all paper, this point came out as the biggest

problem for students. The problems that the researcher found were:

1. Students directly wrote the website address.

2. Student capitalized all the first letter of each word on the title.

3. The second and third line of each reference was not indented.

4. The website address was not written in the end of each reference.

Four students (Paper 1, Paper 3, Paper 5, and Paper 7) directly wrote the

website address of the source without giving information about the writer of the

source, the last update and the date of access. It was difficult for readers to check

the source. Ten students (Paper 1 until Paper 10) capitalized all the first letter of

each word on the references. Eight papers (except Paper 6 and Paper 9) were

found that the second and third lines of the references were not indented. The

website address on Paper 2, Paper 8, Paper 9, Paper 10 were not written at the end

of the retrieval date. Here the references those students wrote:


Figure 2.1 The Graphic of Internet Users in the World
Figure 2.2 The Relation between Internet and Web
Table 2.1 The Differences Between APA and MLA
Table 3.1 Points of Interview


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