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THE EFFECT OF COMPOSITION OF COMPOST AND SOIL PLANTING MEDIA ON GROWTH OF Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Pengaruh Komposisi Kompos dan Tanah Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Oldenlandia corymbosa L.


Academic year: 2018

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GROWTH OF Oldenlandia corymbosa L.

Pengaruh Komposisi Kompos dan Tanah Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan

Oldenlandia corymbosa L.


Purwodadi Botanic Garden-Indonesian Institute of Sciences Jl. Raya Surabaya-Malang KM 65, Pasuruan, East Java

e-mail: solikin@lipi.go.id; lipisolikin@gmail.com


Oldenlandia corymbosa (rumput mutiara) merupakan tanaman obat yang termasuk dalam famili Rubiaceae. Pe-nelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan komposisi pengaruh kompos dan media penanaman pada pertumbuhan tanaman ini dilakukan di rumah kaca Puwodadi Botanic Garden di Oktober 2013 - Januari 2014. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan komposisi kompos dan tanah Media tanam , yaitu: D1 = tanpa kompos (tanah); D2 = kompos + tanah (1: 4), D3 = kompos + tanah (2: 1), D4 = kompos + tanah (1: 1), dan D5 = kompos + tanah (1: 2). Setiap pengobatan diulang tiga kali. Kompos yang berasal dari tandu di taman Purwo-dadi Botanic Garden sementara tanah yang digunakan “Katel” (sungai tanah sedimen). Hasil penelitian

menunjuk-kan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifimenunjuk-kan antara perlakuan terhadap pertumbuhan Rumput mutiara corymbosa.

Pabrik tertinggi berat kering dan daun daerah diperoleh pada perlakuan D4, yaitu 1.197 g. tanaman 1 dan 204,925 masing-cm2.plant 1. Sedangkan berat kering dan daun daerah terendah diperoleh pada perlakuan D1 yaitu 0,794

g. tanaman 1 dan 103 954 cm2.plant-1 masing-masing. Kandungan klorofil terendah adalah perlakuan D1 yaitu 1379,55 μg.g-1.

Kata kunci: media, kompos, pertumbuhan, Oldenlandia corymbosa, tanaman obat.


Oldenlandia corymbosa is herb plant belonging to family Rubiaceae which has potential as medicinal plant.

Re-search aimed to determine effect composition of compost and soil planting media on growth of this plant was conducted in a glass house of Puwodadi Botanic Garden in October 2013 - January 2014. This experiment used a Completely Randomized Design with treatments of composition of compost and soil planting media, namely : D1 = without compost (soil) ; D2 = compost + soil (1:4), D3 = compost + soil (2:1), D4 = compost + soil (1:1), and D5 = compost + soil (1:2). Each the treatment was replicated three times. The compost was derived from litters in the garden of Purwodadi Botanic Garden while the soil used “ katel “ (river soil sediment). The results showed that there was significant effect among the treatments on the growth of Oldenlandia corymbosa. The

highest plant dry weight and leaf area were obtained on the D4 treatment, namely 1197 g. plant-1 and 204.925 cm2.plant-1 respectively. Whereas the lowest dry weight and leaf area were obtained on the treatment D1 i.e. 0.794 g. plant-1 and 103 954 cm2.plant-1, respectively. The lowest chlorophyll content was D1 treatment i.e. 1379,55 µg.g-1 .


Oldenlandia corymbosa belongs to fam-ily of Rubiaceae which has potential as a

me-dicinal plants (Aquilar and Lemmens, 1999).

This species contains hentriakontan, stigmas-terol, ursolic acid, oleonic acid, beta-sitosstigmas-terol,

p-cumaric acid, flavonoids, tannins. This plant

contains coumarin that has potential for

cur-ing cancer, scrotal pain, scalded pain (Soejono, 1993) and anti-malarial (Mishra et al., 1993).

Hsu (1998) reported that ursolic acid com -pounds contained in the plant has a growth inhibitory activity against hep-2B cells.

Medicinal plant demand tends to in-crease during the early global trade and its

val-ue about US$ 60 billion (Barwa, 2004). Market of herbal medicines in Indonesia reaches Rp 5 trillion in 2006 and increase to Rp 13 trillion in 2012 (Saleh, 2013). Puspandari (2014) re -ported that Indonesia is one of herbal medi-cine supplier in the world with total value US$

10.5 million in 2011. This should be followed

by preparation of the plant materials to meet the market demand such as by the plants culti-vation. The cultivation of the medicinal plants is important to meet the needs of herbal medi-cines and standardized medicinal plants for health and safety. Organic cultivation by avoid-ing the use of pesticides or synthetic fertiliz-ers should be applied to ensure the safety and

health products of medicinal plants (Barwa, 2004).

Fertilization is needed to increase plant growth and yield. Organic fertilizer use is highly recommended and even required on the medicinal plants cultivation. It aims to en-sure the health and safety of herbal products that are not harmful to human health. The use of organic fertilizers such as animal manure, green manure and compost have been used

by the farmers. This way is very beneficial to

environmental health and sustainable plant production. Giving organic matter into soil will improve the soil fertility by improving biologi-cal, chemical and physical soil also as a

nutrients provider for a long time.

Studies of the organic fertilization on some plant species showed that the plant growth and yield which were fertilized by the

organic fertilizer and inorganic did not differ

at the same dose of N level, as reported by

So-likin (2006). The dry weight of Andrographis paniculata fertilized by cow manure (organic)

at dose of 105 kg N ha- 1 did not differ from the dry weight on urea fertilizers (inorganic) at the same N dose. Purwati (2003) also reported that bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) yield fertilized by chicken manure at the same dose did not

differ from inorganic fertilizer.

The application of organic fertilizer on

the medicinal plants affects the plant growth

and yield. The dry weight of ‘poko’ (Mentha arvensis L.) increased by increasing the dose

of cow manure up to 0.5 kg/plant (Fauzi dkk., 2002).

The cow manure also increased the

ex-tract yield of “bengle” (Zingiber purpureum

Roxb) rhizome up to 17.61 % compared to no fertilizer, that is only 11.18 % and increased the rhizome weight (Katno dkk., 2000). Nitro

-gen fertilization up to 60 kg N/ha on Trigonella foenumgraecum L. increased linearly alkaloid

content in seeds (Hendrison et al., 2000). Dar

-usman dkk. (2004) also reported that the in

-creasing doses of green manure on Coleus am-boinicus Lour. was followed by the increasing of secondary metabolites and vanilat kumarat acid weight.

This research aimed to determine the ef-fect composition of compost and soil planting

media on the growth of (Oldenlandia

corym-bosa L.).


Research was conducted in a glass house

of Purwodadi Botanic Garden in October 2013 - January 2014 with treatment of compost and


namely D1 = without compost (soil), D2 = compost + soil (1:4), D3 = compost + soil (2:1), D4 = compost + soil ( 1:1 ), and D5 = compost + soil (1:2 ).

Experiment used a Completely

Ran-domized Design with three replications of

each the treatment. The compost derived in nursery until they grew about six leaves. This consisted of two stages: the stage I, ger-minating the seeds on seedbed until opening

cotyledons (October); stage II, transplanting the seedlings from the stage I to polybags (6 cm long x 4 cm wide) containing “katel

me-dium (October-November). Seedlings were planted on the polybags (14 cm long and 12

cm wide) with media according to the treat-ments after they have six leaves. The poly-bags were moved into pots with diameter

about 14 cm and 9 cm high. Each plant was given a palm leaf rib stake as high as 30 cm

to hold the plant and tied them in order not to collapse.

Watering was applied twice a week by

giving the water 50 ml/polybag on the me

-dia surfaces. sured from the base of the stem to the lon-gest part of the plant after the plant was established. The leaf area was measured

ac-cording to punch method (Agustina, 2004)

by the formula :

The chlorophyll content were diter-mined by spectophotometre method. Plant dry weight was determined based on fresh

plant weight (Agustina, 2004) due to limited

sample for measurement of chlorophyll

con-tent. Dry weight was calculated by the for -mula:

Analysis of soil and compost planting me-dia was shown on Table 1.

Table 1. Analysis of the planting media



Number of the leaves

Composition of compost and soil planting

media resulted in significant effect on the leaf

number of Oldenlandia corymbosa at the age

of 60 and 67 days after transplanting (DAT) (Table 2). Table 2 shows that the lowest num

-ber of the leaves at the age of 67 DAT was pro -duced on the planting media without the com-post treatment

This shows that lower N level in the

me-dia without compost (D1) (Table 1) were not sufficient to support the plant growth normal -ly. This was also indicated on the lowest leaf chlorophyll content at the last observation

(Table 6) and the leaves indicated yellowish

green symptom which showed the occurrence of chlorosis. On other hand, the composting treatment in the planting media did not show the chlorosis symptom till the last observation. So the leaf number in these treatments were

higher than the D1 treatment. The leaf number on the D4 treatment was highest with 394.667 leaves/ plant at 67 DAT. There was not signifi

-cant effect among the treatments on the leaf number at of 25 DAT - 53 DAT, except at 32 DAT. This might be caused by contained nutri

-ent in the media was suffici-ent for the plant growth at this age. The difference on the leaf number at 32 DAT was due to early growth as

a result of the recovery speed of the seedling after planting.

Table 2. The leaf number of Oldenlandia corymbosa on the composition of compost and soil planting media

Age (DAT) Treatments

25 32 39 46 53 60 67 D1 12.000a 18.000b 34.667 a 70.000 a 125.333 a 169.333 a 174.667 a

D2 10.667a 15.333 a 32.000 a 60.667 a 124.667 a 223.333 b 318.667 b

D3 11.333 a 12.667 a 30.667 a 52.667 a 116.667 a 223.333 b 350.000 b

D4 13.333 a 18.000 b 34.000 a 54.000 a 152.667 a 266.667 b 394.667 b

D5 11.333 a 14.000 a 26.000 a 54.667 a 119.333 a 236.667 b 328.333 b

Note: the numbers accompanied by the same letter in the same column do not differ at LSD 5% test DAT: Days After Transplanting

Number of the generative organs (flower/fruit )

The generative organs came up at about

32 DAT which was characterized by the ap

-pearance of flowers on axillary leaf. There was a significant effect among treatments on gen -erative organ number of Oldenlandia corymbo-sa at 67 DAT (Table 3). Table 3 showed that the

lowest number of the generative organs were

produced by D1 treatment, namely 78.333 stalks/plant. Whereas the composting treat

-ments (D2, D3, D4 and D5) did not show sig

-nificant effect among treatments although D3

treatment yielded the highest generative

or-gan number (119.333 stalks/plant). This was

due to the content of the nutrients of K and P that played an important role on the growth and development of the generative organs.

At 25 DAT-60 DAT flower was not affect

-ed by compost and except at 39 DAT. This was


Plant lenght

The treatment composition of the

com-post and soil has no significant effect on the

plant length from the age of 25-67 DAT (Ta

-ble 4). It shows that until the last observation at the age of 67 DAT there was no different

the plants length on the each treatment. The

shortest plant on D4 (Table 4) was caused by a plant tend to grow horizontally and differ from

the other plants.

The leaf area and the plant dry weight

The leaf area, the leaf dry weight and

the total plant dry weight were effected

Table 3. The generative organ (flower/fruit) number of Oldenlandia corymbosa on the composition of compost and soil planting media

Age (DAT) Treatments

25 32 39 46 53 60 67 D1 0.000 1.667a 3.000ab 7.333a 16.667 a 48.333a 78.333 a D2 0.000 1.333 a 3.667 b 8.333 a 15.333 a 41.000 a 106.333 b D3 0.000 1.333 a 2.333 a 8.000 a 14.667 a 42.667 a 119.333 b D4 0.000 1.000a 2.333 a 7.667 a 23.333 a 47.000 a 114.667 b D5 0.000 1.000 a 2.000 a 6.667 a 14.333 a 45.000 a 105.000 b

Note: the numbers accompanied by the same letter in the same column do not differ at LSD 5% test

Table 4. The plant lenght of Oldenlandia corymbosa on the treatment composition of the compost and

the soil planting media

Age (DAT) Treatments

25 32 39 46 53 60 67 D1 7.433a 9.9a 15.667a 18.667a 21.167a 25.667a 27.500a D2 7.000a 9.6a 15.467a 19.000a 23.500a 27.667a 30.833a D3 7.100a 9.5a 14.600a 17.667a 22.500a 27.667a 29.833a D4 7.067a 9.33a 14.400a 17.833a 22.333a 23.000a 26.000a D5 7.100a 9.4a 14.400a 18.667a 22.833a 27.000a 30.000a

Note : The numbers accompanied by the same letter in the same column do not differ from LSD 5% test.

respectively 1.197 g.plant-1and 204. 925 cm2. plant-1, although there was not different from the D2, D3, and D5 treat-treatments at the last observation (Table 5). The leaf area is very im -portant to accept light to photosynthesis for plant growth and producing plant biomass. Increasing the leaf area will be followed by in-creasing of the plant dry weight as shown in Figure 1. It was also shown on Andrographis paniculata that the increasing of the leaf area was followed by the increasing its plant dry

weight (Solikin, 2006). The increasing of the

plant dry weight on Oldenlandia corymbosa

significantly by the treatments. The total plant dry weight and the leaf area of the D1 treat

-ment (without compost) were the lowest among the treatments, respectively of 0.794

g.plant-1and 103. 957 cm2.plant-1; while the highest total plant dry weight and leaf area

was obtained at the treatment of D4,

is more determined by the dry weight of the


Table 5. The dry weight and leaf area of Odenlandia corymbosa on the treatment composition of the com-post and thesoil planting media

Dry weight (g.plant-1)

Treatments Leaf area cm2.plant-1

Leaves Stems Flowers/fruits Total

D1 0.228a 0.320a 0.246a 0.794a 103.957a

D2 0.330ab 0.360a 0.183a 0.873a 150.700ab

D3 0.392b 0.417a 0.183a 0.991ab 178.810ab

D4 0.449b 0.442a 0.306227a 1.19659b 204.9254b

D5 0.376b 0.373a 0.216a 0.965a 171.783ab

Note : The numbers accompanied by the same letter in the same column do not differ rom LSD 5% test.

Figure 1. Relationship between The Leaf Area and Dry Weight of The Plant on Oldenlandia corymbosa

Chlorophyll content of the leaves

The chlorophyll is an important the plants

organ to photosynthesis. Diffeciencies of the

chlorophyll is characterized by the symptom of chlorosis which can reduce the plant growth

and yield. Table 6 showed that the total chlo

-rophyll content on the D1 treatment is the

lowest among the other treatments, namely

1379,55 µg.g-1, whereas the highest total chlorophyll content was on the D3 treatment namely 1681,59 µg.g-1. The lowest chloro

-phyl content on the D1 treatment caused the

plant growth decrease as shown on the lowest plant dry weight, the leaf area and the organ

generative number of this treatment (Table 5).

Table 6. The chlorophyll content of Oldenlandia corym-bosa on the treatment composition of the compost and

thesoil planting media

Treatments Chlorophyl Chlorophyl Total

a (µg.g-1 b µg.g-1 (µg.g-1)



The treatment composition of compost

and soil planting media has significant effect

on the gro-growth of Oldenlandia corymbosa. The highest plant dry weight and leaf area was

obtained on the treatment D4 (compost + soil (1:1), each 11.97 g. plant-1 and 204. 925 cm2.

plant-1. Whereas the lowest plant dry weight and leaf area was obtained on the treatment

D1(without compost), each of 0.794 g. plant-1

and 103. 954 cm2.plant-1. The lowest chloro

-phyll content was on D1 treatment i.e. 1379,55 µg.g-1 and the highest was D3 treatment i.e. 1681,59 µg.g-1 .


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Table 1. Analysis of   the  planting media
Table 2. The leaf number of Oldenlandia corymbosa on the composition of compost and    soil planting media
Table 3. The generative  organ (flower/fruit) number of Oldenlandia corymbosa on  the composition of  compost and  soil planting media
Figure 1. Relationship between The Leaf Area and Dry Weight of The Plant on Oldenlandia corymbosa


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