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T IPA 1303038 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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A Teacher’s Guide For Grades 6 Through 8. (2008). Learning About Acid Rain. United States: Environmental Protection Agency.

Adodo, S O Ph.D. (2013). Effect of Mind-Mapping as a Self-Regulated Learning Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Basic Science and Technology. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(6), hlm. 163-172.

Akcay, B. (2009). Problem-Based Learning in Science Education. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 6(1), hlm. 26-36.

Akinoglu, O. & Yasar, Z. (2007). The effects of note taking in science education through the mind mapping technique on students’ attitudes, academic achievement and concept learning. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 6(3), hlm. 34-43.

Ali, R., Hukamdad, Akhter,A., & Khan, A. (2010). Effect of Using Problem Solving Method in Teaching Mathematics on the Achievement of Mathematics Students. Asian Social Science, 6(2), hlm. 67-72.

Arikunto S. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.

Arikunto, S. (2013). Da sar-Da sar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Anderson, O. R. (1992). Some interrelationships between constructivist models of learning and current neurobiological theory with implications for science education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29(10), hlm. 1037-1058.

Anderson dan Krathwohl. (2010). Kerangka Landasan untuk Pembelajaran, Pengajaran, dan Asesmen. Dterjemahkan oleh Agung Prihantoro. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Arikunto,S. (2013). Da sar-dasa r Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Asiaeuniversity. (2013). Make Yourself Employable. Diakses dari http://peoplelearn.homestead.com/beduc/chapter_5.pdf

Åström, Maria. (2008). Defining Integrated Science Education and Putting It to Test. Studies in Science and Technology Education. Doctoral Dissertation. Linkoping University.


Balim, A. G. (2013). The effect of mind-mapping applications on upper primary students’ success and inquiry-learning skills in science and environment education. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 22(4), hlm. 337-352.

Bilgin, Senocak, & Sozbilir M. (2009). The Effects of Problem Based Learning Instruction on University Students’ Performance of Conceptual and Quantitative Problems in Gas Concepts. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Eduucation, 5(2), hlm. 153-164.

Bodner, G.M. (1986). Constructivism: A Theory of Knowledge. Journal of Chemical Education. Journal of Chemical Education, 63, hlm. 873-878.

Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, R, (2000). How People Learn Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, D.C: National Research Council.

Buzan, T. & Buzan, B. (1993). The mind map book: How to use radiant thinking to maximize your brain’s untapped potential. New York: Penguin Group.

Campbell, Neil, A., & Reece, J. B. (2008). Biologi Jilid 3. Jakarta : Erlangga

Cooper, M.M. (2008). Reliable Multi Method Assessment of Metacognition Use in Chemistry Problem Solving. Chemical Education Research and Practice, 9, hlm. 18-24.

Cooper, M.M. & Sandi-Urena, S. (2008). Design and Validation of an Instrument to assess metacognitive skillfulness in chemistry problem solving. J. Chem. Educ, 86(2), hlm. 240.

Creswell, J.W. (2010). Research Design: Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Mixed. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Cusack, O’Donoqhue, Butler, Blake, O’Sullivan, Smith, Sheridan, & O’Neill, G. (2012). A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Introduction of an Interprofessional Problem-based Learning Module. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 6(2), hlm. 31.

Dahar, Ratna Wilis. (2006) Teori-Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Demirel, M. & Turan, B.A. (2010). The Effects of Problem Based Learning On Achievement, Attitude, Metacognitive Awareness, and Motivation.

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Dhindsa, H., Kasim, M., & Anderson, O.R., (2011). Constructivist-Visual Mind Map Teaching Approach and the Quality of Students’ Cognitive Structures. J Sci Educ Technology, 20, hlm. 186-200.

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Downing, Kevin, (2010). Problem-based learning and metacognition. Asian Journal on Education and Learnin, 1(2), hlm. 75-96.

Kibler, J. (2011). Cognitive Disequilibrium. Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development, hlm. 380.

Erdogan, Y. (2008). Paper-based and computer based concept mappings: the effects on computer achievement, computer anxiety and computer attitude. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40 (5), hlm. 821-836.

Ersozlu, Z. N. (2008). The effects of reflective thinking activities on the academic successes and attitudes of fifth grade primary social studies students. Unpublished Dissertation, Firat University, Institute of Social Science, Elazig, Turkey.

Fogarty, R. (1991). The Mindful School: How To Integrate The Curicula. Palatine: IRI/Skylight Publishing,Inc.

Fraenkel, J.R & Wallen, N.E. (2008). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York : Mc Graw Hill Inc.

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Harini, N.P. (2014). Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah berbantuan Mind Mapping Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V SD Gugus III Gianyar. Jurnal Mimbar PGSD Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2(1), hlm. 1-11.


Hosnan. (2014). Pendekatan Saintifik dan Kontekstual dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia

Inel, D. dan Balim, A.G. (2010). The effects of using problem-based learning in science and technology teaching upon students’ academic achievement and levels of structuring concepts. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 2(2), hlm. 1-23.

Jbeili, I.M.A. (2013). The Impact of Digital Mind Maps on Science Achievement among Sixth Grade Student in Saudi Arabia. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 103, hlm. 1078-1087.

Jones, B.D., Ruff, C., Snyder, J.D., Petrich, B., dan Koonce, C. (2012). The Effect of Mind Mapping Activities on Student’ Motivation. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6(1), hlm. 1-21

Karimi, L. dan Mehrdad, A.G. (2012). Investigating Administered Essay and Multiple-choice Tests in the English Department of Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2(3), hlm. 69-76.

Kemendikbud. (2013). Materi Pelatihan Guru Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 SMP/MTs Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Jakarta: Kemendikbud

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Matlin, Margaret W. (1998) Cognition. Philadelphia: Harcourt Brace College Publisher.

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Meijer, J., Veenman, M.V.J., & Van Hout-Walters, B.H.A.M. (2006) Metacognitive Activities in Text-Studying and Problem-Solving: Development of Taxonomy. Educational Research and Evaluation. 12(3), hlm. 209-217.

Melrose, S. (2013). Facilitating Constructivist Learning Environments Using Mind Maps and Concept Maps as Advance Organizers. Institute for Learning Centered Education, hlm. 1-11.

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Novak, J.D., (2010). Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge: Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporation (Paperback). Routledge: New York

Novianti, D.S. (2012). Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Penguasaan Konsep Siswa SMP. Tesis Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Opara, R.S.M.F. (2010). Mind Mapping as a Self Regulated Learning Strategy for Students’ Achievement in Stoichiometry. The Nigerian Journal of Research and Production, 17(1), hlm. 1-10.

Opara, J.A. (2011). Bajah’s Model and of the Teaching and Learning of Integrated Science. International Association for Teaching and Learning,Granada -Spain, 3(1), hlm. 1-5.

Ozgelen, S. (2012). Exploring the relationships among epistemological beliefs, metacognitive awareness and nature of science. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 7(3), hlm.409.

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Saraç, S. & Sema, K. (2012) . On-line and Off-line Assessment of Metacognition. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 4(2), hlm. 301-315.

Sarıbas, D., Mugaloglu, E. Z., & Bayram, H. (2013). Creating Metacognitive Awareness in the Lab: Outcomes for Preservice Science Teachers. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education. 9(1), hlm. 83-88.


Schleicher, A. (2012). (Ed.). Preparing teachers and developing school leaders for the 21st century: Lessons from around the world. Paris, France: OECD.

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Tan, O.S. (2009). Problem Based Learning and Creativity. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd: Singapore.

Tee, T.K., Azman, M.N.A., Mohamed, S., Muhammad, Mohamad, M.M., Yunos. J.Md., Yee, M.H., Othman, W. (2014). Buzan Mind Mapping: An Efficient Technique for Note-Taking. International Journal of Social, Education, Economics and Management Engineering, 8(1), hlm. 28-31.

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Tosun, C. & Senocak, E. (2013). The Effects of Problem-Based Learning on Metacognitive Awareness and Attitudes toward Chemistry of Prospective Teachers with Different Academic Backgrounds. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(3), hlm. 61-73.

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Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint.

Veenman, M. V. J., & Alexander, P. (2011). Learning to self monitor and self regulate. In R. Mayer & P. Alexander (Eds.), Handbook of research on learning and instruction (hlm. 197-218). New York: Routledge


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