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China capital controls

Renminbi in retreat as international payment currency

Swift data show drop of 30% last year as capital controls and dollar strength bite

6 HOURS AGOby: Tom Mitchell in Beijing

International use of the renminbi dropped sharply in 2016 as capital controls

and dollar strength reduced the attractiveness of China’s currency, according to

new payments data released on Thursday.

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (Swift) said

the value of international renminbi payments fell 29.5 per cent compared with


The renminbi was only the sixth most used currency in 2016 despite its formal

recognition in October by the International Monetary Fund as a global reserve

currency (http://next.ft.com/content/2baa6fec-86d2-11e6-bcfc-debbef66f80e),

alongside the dollar, euro, yen and sterling.

The renminbi, which had ranked fifth in 2015, was overtaken by the Canadian


The Swift rankings are the latest sign that Beijing’s global ambitions for the

renminbi have been put on hold

(http://next.ft.com/content/e480fd92-bc6a-11e6-8b45-b8b81dd5d080) as the People’s Bank of China focuses instead on

stemming both the redback’s fall against the dollar and steady erosion of the

country’s foreign exchange reserves, which have declined 25 per cent to $3tn

since 2014.

“The PBoC’s short-term focus has shifted from internationalisation of the

renminbi to stabilise renminbi outflows and the exchange rate,” said Ming

Zhang at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. “I expect continued capital

controls and slow depreciation against the dollar in 2017.”

Over recent months the central bank has implemented a stricter vetting regime

for Chinese companies’ overseas acquisitions as well as individuals’ foreign

exchange purchases

(http://next.ft.com/content/02746f74-d182-11e6-9341-7393bb2e1b51). Dividend payments and other remittances by foreign investors


More recently, regulators have turned their attention to renminbi outflows,

which surged as companies and investors found it more difficult to obtain and

remit foreign currencies.

This month the PBoC ordered banks in Shanghai to balance renminbi outflows

(http://next.ft.com/content/c9f7d320-dee7-11e6-9d7c-be108f1c1dce) with

inflows. Banks in China’s financial capital had previously been allowed to remit

Rmb160 overseas on behalf of their clients for every Rmb100 that was brought

back into China.

International usage of the renminbi declined more rapidly in December, as

capital controls began to take effect. China’s currency accounted for just 1.7 per

cent of all transactions tracked by Swift that month, compared with 2.3 per cent

in December 2015.

The renminbi fell more than 6 per cent against the dollar last year and almost

broke through Rmb7 against the US currency before rebounding in recent


Michael Moon, Swift’s Asia head of payments markets, also attributed the fall-

in international usage of the renminbi to slower economic growth in China.

Output increased 6.7 per cent last year, the lowest annual rate for a quarter of a


However, Mr Moon predicted that use of the renminbi would rebound as more

offshore clearing centres for the renminbi are established. Chinese regulators

have also said that recently introduced capital controls are temporary


Additional reporting by Liu Xinning

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Tom Mitchell



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