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A Study on students` learning strategies and self-efficacy in Speaking I Class in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University.


Academic year: 2017

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Lelita, Yohana Vita. 2016. A Study on Students’ Learning Strategies and Self-efficacy in Speaking I Class in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Speaking skill is a skill that is judged first than other skills by someone in many languages (McDonough & Shaw, 2003). This perspective is the underlying reason why ELESP students are demanded to have good speaking ability. Having a good speaking ability will also give them many other benefits. However, based on the researcher’s personal experiences as the first semester student and experiences of doing micro teaching in Speaking I class, it was found that some ELESP students’ speaking ability was not good enough. Therefore, this research aims to find out the language learning strategies ELESP students applied to improve their speaking ability and the use of those strategies in relation to the students’ self-efficacy.

This research was intended to answer two research problems, namely (1) what language learning strategies were applied by the students to improve their speaking ability in Speaking I class? and (2) what is the use of those strategies in relation to the students’ self-efficacy? To address these research problems, the researcher used mixed method. The type of mixed method design used was sequential design. The instruments in this research were questionnaire and interview. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to 22 students of Speaking I class B in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University in academic year 2015/2016 to obtain quantitative data. The selection of the interviewees was based on the quantitative data. The interview was conducted with three students to obtain qualitative data. The qualitative data were used to clarify the quantitative data and explore the information in depth.

There were two findings with regard to language learning strategies. First, it was found that all students applied various language learning strategies to improve their speaking skill, namely memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. Second, setting speaking goal was the most dominant strategy. That strategy belongs to metacognitive strategies. There were three findings with regard to the use of strategies in relation to the students’ self-efficacy. First, it was found that the use of those strategies was influenced by some factors, namely motivation and anxiety. Second, it was found that the higher motivation and the lower anxiety the students had, the more strategies were used and the more successful they were in learning foreign language. The success was reflected in their speaking performance after applying various strategies. Last, from the analysis of target and goals, strategy use, motivation, anxiety, and performance, it was found that student B and student C’s self-efficacy were high while student A’s self-efficacy was low. The findings are useful for readers to have better understanding of language learning strategies and self-efficacy.



Lelita, Yohana Vita. 2016. A Study on Students’ Learning Strategies and Self-efficacy in Speaking I Class in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kemampuan berbicara adalah suatu kemampuan yang dinilai pertama kali oleh seseorang dibandingkan kemampuan-kemampuan lain dalam banyak bahasa (McDonough and Shaw, 2003). Pemikiran tersebut menjadi alasan mengapa mahasiswa PBI dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris yang baik. Memiliki kemampuan berbicara yang baik juga akan memberikan mereka banyak manfaat lain. Tetapi, berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi peniliti sebagai mahasiswa semester satu dan pengalaman saat melakukan micro teaching di kelas Speaking I, ditemukan bahwa kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris beberapa mahasiswa PBI tidak cukup baik. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi-strategi yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa PBI untuk memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris mereka dan kegunaan strategi-strategi tersebut dalam kaitannya dengan efikasi diri mahasiswa.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah, yaitu (1) strategi pembelajaran bahasa apa yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara mereka di kelas Speaking I? dan (2) apa kegunaan strategi-strategi tersebut dalam kaitannya dengan efikasi diri mahasiswa? Untuk menjawab permasalahan ini, peneliti menggunakan metode campuran. Jenis metode campuran yang digunakan adalah desain berurutan. Instrumen pada penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Peneliti menyebarkan kuesioner pada 22 mahasiswa Speaking I kelas B, PBI, Universitas Sanata Dharma tahun ajaran 2015/2016 untuk mendapatkan data kuantitatif. Pemilihan yang diwawancara berdasar pada data kuantitatif. Wawancara dilakukan pada tiga mahasiswa untuk memperoleh data kualitatif. Data kualitatif digunakan untuk mengklarifikasi data kuantitatif dan mengeksplorasi informasi secara mendalam.

Ada dua temuan berkaitan dengan strategi. Pertama, semua mahasiswa melakukan strategi yang bervariasi untuk memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara mereka, yaitu strategi memori, strategi kognitif, strategi kompensasi, strategi metakognitif, strategi afektif, dan strategi sosial. Kedua, membuat tujuan adalah strategi yang paling dominan. Strategi itu termasuk dalam strategi metakognitif. Ada tiga temuan berkaitan dengan kegunaan strategi berhubungan dengan efikasi diri mahasiswa. Pertama, kegunaan strategi dipengaruhi oleh motivasi dan kecemasan. Kedua, semakin tinggi motivasi dan semakin rendah kecemasan yang dimiliki, semakin banyak strategi yang digunakan dan semakin berhasil mereka dalam belajar bahasa asing. Keberhasilan terlihat pada penampilan berbicara mereka setelah melakukan strategi yang bervariasi. Terakhir, dari analisis target, kegunaan strategi, motivasi, kecemasan, dan penampilan, ditemukan bahwa efikasi diri mahasiswa B dan C tinggi sementara efikasi diri mahasiswa A rendah. Temuan-temuan tersebut berguna bagi pembaca untuk memiliki pemahaman lebih baik tentang strategi pembelajaran bahasa dan efikasi diri.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yohana Vita Lelita Student Number: 121214081









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yohana Vita Lelita Student Number: 121214081





“If you really believe in what you are doing, work

hard, take nothing personally and if something

blocks one route, find another. Never give up.”

- Laurie Notaro –

I dedicate this thesis to

My Parents,

My Family,



Lelita, Yohana Vita. 2016. A Study on Students’ Learning Strategies and Self-efficacy in Speaking I Class in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Speaking skill is a skill that is judged first than other skills by someone in many languages (McDonough & Shaw, 2003). This perspective is the underlying reason why ELESP students are demanded to have good speaking ability. Having a good speaking ability will also give them many other benefits. However, based

on the researcher’s personal experiences as the first semester student and

experiences of doing micro teaching in Speaking I class, it was found that some

ELESP students’ speaking ability was not good enough. Therefore, this research aims to find out the language learning strategies ELESP students applied to improve their speaking ability and the use of those strategies in relation to the

students’ self-efficacy.

This research was intended to answer two research problems, namely (1) what language learning strategies were applied by the students to improve their speaking ability in Speaking I class? and (2) what is the use of those strategies in relation to the students’ self-efficacy? To address these research problems, the researcher used mixed method. The type of mixed method design used was sequential design. The instruments in this research were questionnaire and interview. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to 22 students of Speaking I class B in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University in academic year 2015/2016 to obtain quantitative data. The selection of the interviewees was based on the quantitative data. The interview was conducted with three students to obtain qualitative data. The qualitative data were used to clarify the quantitative data and explore the information in depth.

There were two findings with regard to language learning strategies. First, it was found that all students applied various language learning strategies to improve their speaking skill, namely memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. Second, setting speaking goal was the most dominant strategy. That strategy belongs to metacognitive strategies. There were three findings with regard to the use of strategies in relation to the students’ self-efficacy. First, it was found that the use of those strategies was influenced by some factors, namely motivation and anxiety. Second, it was found that the higher motivation and the lower anxiety the students had, the more strategies were used and the more successful they were in learning foreign language. The success was reflected in their speaking performance after applying various strategies. Last, from the analysis of target and goals, strategy use, motivation, anxiety, and performance, it

was found that student B and student C’s self-efficacy were high while student

A’s self-efficacy was low. The findings are useful for readers to have better understanding of language learning strategies and self-efficacy.



Lelita, Yohana Vita. 2016. A Study on Students’ Learning Strategies and Self-efficacy in Speaking I Class in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kemampuan berbicara adalah suatu kemampuan yang dinilai pertama kali oleh seseorang dibandingkan kemampuan-kemampuan lain dalam banyak bahasa (McDonough and Shaw, 2003). Pemikiran tersebut menjadi alasan mengapa mahasiswa PBI dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris yang baik. Memiliki kemampuan berbicara yang baik juga akan memberikan mereka banyak manfaat lain. Tetapi, berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi peniliti sebagai mahasiswa semester satu dan pengalaman saat melakukan micro teaching di kelas Speaking I, ditemukan bahwa kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris beberapa mahasiswa PBI tidak cukup baik. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi-strategi yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa PBI untuk memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris mereka dan kegunaan strategi-strategi tersebut dalam kaitannya dengan efikasi diri mahasiswa.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah, yaitu (1) strategi pembelajaran bahasa apa yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara mereka di kelas Speaking I? dan (2) apa kegunaan strategi-strategi tersebut dalam kaitannya dengan efikasi diri mahasiswa? Untuk menjawab permasalahan ini, peneliti menggunakan metode campuran. Jenis metode campuran yang digunakan adalah desain berurutan. Instrumen pada penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Peneliti menyebarkan kuesioner pada 22 mahasiswa Speaking I kelas B, PBI, Universitas Sanata Dharma tahun ajaran 2015/2016 untuk mendapatkan data kuantitatif. Pemilihan yang diwawancara berdasar pada data kuantitatif. Wawancara dilakukan pada tiga mahasiswa untuk memperoleh data kualitatif. Data kualitatif digunakan untuk mengklarifikasi data kuantitatif dan mengeksplorasi informasi secara mendalam.

Ada dua temuan berkaitan dengan strategi. Pertama, semua mahasiswa melakukan strategi yang bervariasi untuk memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara mereka, yaitu strategi memori, strategi kognitif, strategi kompensasi, strategi metakognitif, strategi afektif, dan strategi sosial. Kedua, membuat tujuan adalah strategi yang paling dominan. Strategi itu termasuk dalam strategi metakognitif. Ada tiga temuan berkaitan dengan kegunaan strategi berhubungan dengan efikasi diri mahasiswa. Pertama, kegunaan strategi dipengaruhi oleh motivasi dan kecemasan. Kedua, semakin tinggi motivasi dan semakin rendah kecemasan yang dimiliki, semakin banyak strategi yang digunakan dan semakin berhasil mereka dalam belajar bahasa asing. Keberhasilan terlihat pada penampilan berbicara mereka setelah melakukan strategi yang bervariasi. Terakhir, dari analisis target, kegunaan strategi, motivasi, kecemasan, dan penampilan, ditemukan bahwa efikasi diri mahasiswa B dan C tinggi sementara efikasi diri mahasiswa A rendah. Temuan-temuan tersebut berguna bagi pembaca untuk memiliki pemahaman lebih baik tentang strategi pembelajaran bahasa dan efikasi diri.



I would like to thank Jesus Christ for always giving me endless blessing,

everlasting love and strength. I know that I am nothing without His help and

blessing. I believe that He has provided great plans for my future.

My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved advisor, Paulus Kuswandono,

Ph.D. for his willingness to spend his time reading and correcting my thesis. His

guidance in the process of finishing this thesis and his recommendations on what I

had to do in order to accomplish this thesis made me confident that I could

accomplish this thesis when I started doubting my ability.

I would also like to express my sincere thankfulness to all the lecturers

and staff who have given me great time during my study and great experience for

me to remember. My thanks are also given to all students of Speaking I class B

in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University in academic year 2015/2016, for their

cooperation and willingness in helping me obtain the data.

My special regards and gratitude are presented to my beloved parents,

H.Y. Ramidi and Dionysia Jumini for all their prayers, support, love and

encouragement. I would also like to express my gratitude to all my sisters, brother

and whole big family.

My special gratitude is also sent to Sr. Mariana, Sr. Gabby, Sr. Mariati,

Sr. Mariane, Sr. Christi and Sr. Fernanda for their patience in accompanying



gratitude to all friends in Syantikara dormitory, especially Agatha, Ita, Ruri,

Ria, Alin and Fira for the stories, laughter, tears and every moment that we had.

I truthfully want to thank Agata Nina Puspita, Gratia Hervina Stephanie

and Kurnianingtyas Dita for always spending their time hearing my stories and

supporting me when I felt down. I hope that our friendship will never end and all

of us will be successful people in the future. Then, I thank my friends in class

small C for being a great family during my study in Yogyakarta.

Last but not least, I thank the people whose names I cannot write down on

this paper. May God bless them all every single day!








ABSTRACT……….. vii

ABSTRAK... viii



LIST OF TABLES……….... xiii



A. Research Background………... 1

B. Research Problems………... 5

C. Problem Limitation………... 5

D. Research Objectives………....…... 5

E. Research Benefits………..……... 6

F. Definition of Terms………..……... 7


A. Theoretical Description………..…..…... 9

1. Speaking ...………... 9

a. The Nature of Speaking……….. 10

b. Language Learning Strategies Used to Improve Speaking Ability ……… 11

c. Factors Influencing the Use of Language Learning Strategies...……….. 15

2. Self-Efficacy……….. 17



b. Dimensions of Self-efficacy……….... 20

B. Theoretical Framework……….……... 21


A. Research Method………... 23

B. Research Setting……… 25

C. Research Participants………. 26

D. Research Instruments………. 27

E. Data Gathering Technique………. 29

F. Data Analysis Technique………... 30

G. Research Procedure……...……….... 32


A. Students’ Choices of Language Learning Strategies ………. 34

B. The Use of the Strategies in Relation to the Students’ Self-efficacy……...………... 41


A. Conclusions………... 50

B. Recommendations……….……….... 52




2.1 The Influence of Self-efficacy ………. 19

4.1 Students’ Choices of Language Learning Strategies ....……….. 35




Appendix 1. Consent Form ...……….. 58

Appendix 2. Questionnaire Blueprint ………. 59

Appendix 3. The Questionnaire ………... 62

Appendix 4. The Questionnaire Results..………. 64

Appendix 5. Interview Blueprint ………... 67




This chapter is the introduction of the research. This chapter is divided into

six sections, namely research background, research problems, problem limitation,

research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A.Research Background

English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students should

have good or even high speaking ability because they are English teacher

candidates who are expected to be able to speak English very well. They will

speak English a lot when they become teachers later. If they have low speaking

ability, there might be misunderstanding between them and the students. The

misunderstanding causes the students to get wrong information in communicating

and also in understanding the learning material that is explained by the teacher.

According to McDonough & Shaw (2003), speaking skill is a skill that is

judged first than other skills by someone in many languages. It means that people

assess someone’s language capability from his/her speaking skill first rather than

listening skill, reading skill and writing skill. Therefore, ELESP students must

have a good speaking ability by paying attention to some aspects such as

vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency, speed, and accuracy.

In fact, having a good speaking ability gives the students many other


(1991), English is one of the main languages that is used for international

communication between speakers who have different native languages. It is clear

that being able to speak English makes them able to communicate with many

people from many other countries and in many situations or occasions. Therefore,

they have to practice their speaking from the very beginning which is started from

the first semester of becoming ELESP students.

However, based on the researcher’s personal experiences as the first

semester student and experiences of doing micro teaching in Speaking I class, it

was found that some ELESP students’ speaking ability was not good enough. It

was not good enough because some of them used the same words again and again

and sometimes used less appropriate words in speaking English because they had

limited vocabularies. Some of them also used wrong grammar and mispronounced

some words in speaking English which caused misunderstanding. Their speaking

ability still required substantial improvement. For this reason, the researcher finds

that it is important to find out the language learning strategies ELESP students

apply to improve their speaking ability.

Oxford (1990) states that strategies are important for language learners

because they are tools to develop their communicative ability. Besides, the

strategies make the learning easier, more enjoyable and more effective. Doing

appropriate language learning strategies will improve students’ ability. Therefore,

ELESP students need to apply appropriate language learning strategies in order to


The use of those language learning strategies is determined by some

factors, namely motivation and personality trait or anxiety (Oxford, 1990).

Gardner (1985) states that motivation determines the amounts of some

components, namely goal, effort, want, attitudes toward the learning activity, and

success in learning something. Dornyei (2001) also states that motivation

determines how long they are willing to continue the activity and how hard they

are going to pursue it.

Another factor is anxiety which can affect learners’ productive skills such

as speaking skill, including the language learning strategies (Horwitz, 2001).

Beliefs in being not confident, embarrassed and confused are things that cause

learners to feel anxious, doubtful, fearful and even stressed when they think that

everyone should not make a mistake when performing his/her ability. Therefore,

learners must be able to control their beliefs by being confident in their ability to

achieve the expected outcomes and prevent the unexpected ones.

The confidence in their ability is also called self-efficacy. According to

Bandura (1997), self-efficacy refers to individuals’ beliefs in their capabilities to

manage something and do some actions in order to achieve certain

accomplishment. Similar to Bandura’s notion, Pintrich (2003) as cited in Mayer

(2008) defines self-efficacy as individuals’ beliefs in their ability to do the task.

Self-efficacy is different from motivation. According to Bandura (1997),

self-efficacy is a specific view of individuals about their capabilities in a given

task. Individuals’ prior experiences with the tasks can help them identify the level


reach goal (Ersanli, 2015). Motivation is also a factor that energizes and directs

human behavior. Individuals’ self-efficacy or personal belief may affect their

motivation in accomplishing the specific task. According to Bandura (1997),

people who have high self-efficacy try more and persist longer at a task than

people who have low self-efficacy. Besides, high self-efficacy people experience

less fear when accomplishing the task. In short, self-efficacy influences some

aspects, namely the choice of language learning strategies they apply, the effort

they put when facing difficulties, the thought pattern, emotional reactions they

experience, and their performance. Bandura (1986) also explains that individuals

can understand and determine their self-efficacy by analyzing those aspects. A

further explanation about self-efficacy will be presented in Chapter II.

Based on the explanation above, this study aims to know the language

learning strategies were applied by the students of Speaking I class in ELESP of

Sanata Dharma University to improve their speaking ability. Another focus of this

study is placed on the analysis of the use of those strategies in relation to the

students’ self-efficacy. How the research is conducted will be presented more in

Chapter III.

This study discusses useful information for helping people, especially the

students, in improving their speaking ability related to learning strategies they do

and their self-efficacy. Procedures for increasing self-efficacy in many

educational setting can be developed based on the findings of this research. The

students themselves can have more awareness of the importance of self-efficacy in


B.Research Problems

This research is conducted to answer the following research problems:

1. What language learning strategies were applied by the students to improve their

speaking ability in Speaking I class?

2. What is the use of those strategies in relation to the students’ self-efficacy?

C.Problem Limitation

This research is limited to the analysis of the language learning strategies

were applied by the students to improve their speaking ability and the use of those

strategies in relation to the students’ self-efficacy. The relation was limited to how

the use of language learning strategies provided better understanding and

determined students’ self-efficacy. The researcher did not analyze how

self-efficacy gave influence to the use of language learning strategies. The research

participants were limited. The participants were 22 students of Speaking I class B

in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University in academic year 2015/2016. The

researcher conducted the research by using questionnaire and interview. The

questionnaire was limited to close-ended questionnaire to make the process easier

and quicker and the scoring more reliable. Moreover, the interview was conducted

to clarify, explore and understand the phenomenon in depth.

D. Research Objectives

Related to the research problems, there are two objectives presented in this


applied by the students in order to improve their speaking ability in Speaking I

class and the use of those strategies in relation to their self-efficacy.

E. Research Benefits

The researcher hopes that this research gives benefits to the following:

1. The English Teachers

The results of this research are helpful for English teachers to have better

understanding of language learning strategies the students apply to improve their

speaking ability and the students’ self-efficacy in relation to the use of the

strategies. It is hoped that English teachers will use the results to find teaching

methods which can develop students’ beliefs in their ability to accomplish tasks

and achieve goals.

2. The ELESP Students

ELESP students may use the results of this study as sources of information

to evaluate their self-efficacy. It is important for ELESP students to evaluate their

self-efficacy because the evaluation of their self-efficacy can be used to enhance

their self-efficacy. If their self-efficacy is enhanced, the students will have better

speaking ability which is reflected in their speaking performance.

3. Future Researchers

This research is also beneficial because it will enrich future researchers’

reference in doing other research about self-efficacy. More extensive studies

which include more variables related to the topic could be further developed in


classes. Therefore, there will be more references of language learning strategies

can be applied to improve other abilities and the students’ beliefs in other abilities

to accomplish tasks and achieve goals in relation to the use of the strategies.

F. Definition of Terms

This section provides the definition of terms used in this research. There

are three terms which refer to several relevant references.

1. Self-efficacy

Self-efficacy refers to individuals’ beliefs in their capabilities to manage

something and do some actions in order to achieve certain accomplishment

(Bandura, 1997). Those beliefs give influence on some aspects, namely

individuals’ task orientation, effort and persistence, strategy use, beliefs, and

performance. Moreover, individuals’ self-efficacy can be determined by

understanding those five aspects (Bandura, 1986). Self-efficacy is concerned not

with the number of skills individuals have, but with what individuals believe they

can do with what they have under a variety of circumstances.

2. Speaking

Speaking skill is a productive skill of language in which the learners use

their knowledge to produce an utterance that expresses their ideas, thoughts and

feelings. Spoken language consists of short and incomplete utterances (Brown &

Yule as cited in Nunan, 1989). Moreover, speaking is a skill that requires the

learners to be able to use the language (Bygate, 1987). In order to be able to speak


vocabulary even though the grammar of spoken language is simpler than written


3. Speaking I

Speaking I is a course which is designed to give the students practice to

show basic communicative functions in English. Students are trained to apply the

strategies to have conversation. Therefore, after completing this course, the

students will be able to use the learned expressions in a spontaneous conversation,

have conversation with others, gain confidence in expressing basic

communicative functions in English, build up English speaking habit, understand

what people say in simple basic English, and participate actively in daily speech




This chapter presents the theoretical description and theoretical

framework of the research. The theoretical description provides some theories and

concepts used as the foundation of this research. Meanwhile, the theoretical

framework presents the relationship between the basic theories used in this

research and how those theories support the research to obtain the answer of the


A.Theoretical Description

In this section, the researcher discusses the theories that support this

research. There are two main points explained in this section. Firstly, the

researcher describes the theories of speaking that include the nature of speaking,

language learning strategies used to improve speaking ability and factors

influencing the use of language learning strategies. Secondly, the researcher

presents the theories of self-efficacy that cover the nature of self-efficacy and

dimensions of self-efficacy.

1. Speaking

In this section, the researcher discusses the basic theories underlying

speaking skill. This section consists of three parts. The first part is the nature of


speaking ability. The last part is factors influencing the use of language learning


a. The Nature of Speaking

Speaking skill is a productive skill of language in which the learners use

their knowledge to produce an utterance that expresses their ideas, thoughts and

feelings. Spoken language has similarity with written language because both of

them produce unit of ideas as the product of the learners’ knowledge (Luoma,

2004). In order to distinguish the difference between spoken and written language,

Brown & Yule as cited in Nunan (1989) state that the characteristic of written

language is its well-formed sentences which are combined into high-structured

paragraphs. On the other hand, the characteristic of spoken language is its short

and incomplete utterances. Speaking is a skill that generally has to be learnt and

practiced. Luoma’s theory also reveals that spoken and written language are

different (2004). The form of spoken language is less structured than the form of

written language.

Furthermore, speaking is a skill that requires the learners to be able to use

the language (Bygate, 1987). He says that in order to be able to speak a foreign

language, it is necessary to know a certain amount of grammar and vocabulary

even though the grammar of spoken language is simpler than written language. In

fact, there are two ways in which speaking can be seen as a skill, namely oral skill

and interaction skill.

Oral skill is learners’ ability to use the language (Bygate, 1987). It involves


using the right sounds in the right patterns or rhythm and intonation, choosing the

most appropriate words and grammar, and putting the words in the correct order

to produce the right meanings in order to be good at speaking and avoid

misunderstanding because of the meaning.

Interaction skill is learners’ ability to use the language for certain needs

(Bygate, 1987). It involves making decisions about communication, such as what,

where, when, to whom they speak and whether they must prepare it first or not.

The learners should know what to say, how to say it, whether it is useful to

continue the point of speaking, what their intentions are, and what sorts of

relations they intend to establish with their speaking partner or someone who is

involved in the conversation. Therefore, interaction skill is not only about

delivering knowledge to be able to communicate, but also about understanding the

context and situation where the learners speak.

b. Language Learning Strategies Used to Improve Speaking Ability

There are two types of language learning strategies, namely direct

strategies and indirect strategies (Oxford, 1990). Direct strategies are language

learning strategies that help and organize language learning by involving the

target language directly, while indirect strategies do not involve the target

language directly. Direct strategies are divided into three groups, namely memory

strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies. Indirect strategies

include other three groups, namely metacognitive strategies, affective strategies,


Every strategy has its own explanation and examples. Thus, each of the

strategies will be explained in the following explanations.

1) Memory Strategies

These are strategies that help learners keep and retrieve new information

(Oxford, 1990). Doing memory strategies help the learners to remember

vocabularies and grammar of a new language. The learners can use phonetic

spelling and/or accent marks to remember words. In addition, the learners can use

structured reviewing to remember English grammar. Structured reviewing means

that the learners review English grammar in order to remember it because it is not

enough to look at the new target language information once. Those strategies

make learners able to keep verbal material and use it for communication. Oxford

also states that memory strategies help them to retrieve the knowledge of structure

more easily and keep remembering it even though they do not use it for a long


2) Cognitive Strategies

Cognitive strategies enable learners to understand and produce new

language in many different meanings (Oxford, 1990). Practicing is one of the

cognitive strategies that is very essential for learners and needed to make learners

skilled and experienced. There are some types of practices which are useful to

improve learners’ speaking ability such as repeating and practicing

naturalistically. According to Oxford, repeating is saying or doing something over

and over such as saying some words many times every day, rehearsing, and


repetition. In addition, practicing naturally requires learners to use new language

for real communicate in natural situation. The examples are speaking with native

speakers in a natural setting, making friends with native speakers and joining a

foreign language club.

3) Compensation Strategies

These strategies help learners overcome gaps in knowledge so learners can

communicate authentically (Oxford, 1990). The learners can understand and

produce new language without being influenced by their limited knowledge.

Switching to mother tongue, using mime or gesture, and using synonym are the

examples of compensation strategies. The learners can use their mother tongue

without translating it if they do not know how to say it in target language. They

can also use mime, gesture or physical movements as the expression to show the

meaning of certain words. For example, a learner does not know how to say “Put

it over there, please”, so he/she points to the place to make someone catch the

meaning and put the object to the right location. Besides, synonym which is a

word that has the same meaning can be used to show what the speaker wants to

say. The examples are “a thing used for carrying business documents” as a

description of briefcase and “a cooking utensil for lifting food out of pans” as a

description of spatula.

4) Metacognitive Strategies

These strategies give learners a way to manage and organize their learning

process (Oxford, 1990). Metacognitive strategies are very important for learners


unfamiliar, new rules that are confusing and new writing systems that are different

with their mother tongue writing systems. Those new things often lose learners’

focus, so metacognitive strategies can help them get back their focus. Organizing,

setting goals and self-evaluating belong to metacognitive strategies. Organizing is

used to optimize the learning by understanding the situation such as scheduling

time to practice their speaking inside and outside the classroom. Setting goals

means that the learners make long-term aim which refers to the result that will be

accomplished in many months or years later. Self-evaluating is used to evaluate

learners’ progress in speaking a new language such as measuring their speaking

whether it is improved since some months ago.

5) Affective Strategies

Affective strategies enable learners to control their emotions and attitudes

towards learning (Oxford, 1990). It is very important for learners to be able to

control their emotions and attitudes because those can make language learning

more efficient and fun. Speaking a new language gives much anxiety to some

learners. In connection with that, affective strategies can be used to lower their

anxiety and encourage themselves. The example of affective strategy that is used

to lower anxiety is taking deep breath. The learners are suggested to take deep

breath before performing their speaking in order to reduce their anxiety because it

gives learners calmness. According to Oxford (1990), deep breathing means

breathing low not just from the lungs but from the diaphragm. Meanwhile, making

positive statements is the example of affective strategy that is used to encourage


language, so they can use this strategy. The learners can say some statements such

as “It’s OK if I make mistakes” or “Everybody makes mistakes; I can learn from

mine” before they do difficult language activity. They can also say the statements

such as “I did a good job” after doing a good performance.

6) Social Strategies

These are strategies that help learners to be able to communicate with

many people by giving them opportunities to practice their speech production

(Oxford, 1990). Cooperating with others is the example of social strategy which

can develop learners’ speaking skill. The learners are required to interact well

with their friends such as having temporary pair or small group. Besides, they are

also required to interact with skilled and experienced language users such as

having conversation with native speakers outside the classroom. By having

conversation with them, learners can learn how to listen to them, ask questions,

and analyze natural feedback given during the conversation such as gesture, facial

expressions and body language.

The strategies above are important for language learning because they

make the language learning easier, more enjoyable, and more effective (Oxford,

1990). Besides, they are tools to develop communicative ability. Doing

appropriate language learning strategies will improve students’ ability. In other

words, students’ speaking ability will be better if they develop the right strategies.

c. Factors Influencing the Use of Language Learning Strategies

According to Oxford (1990), there are some factors that influence the use


are motivation and personality trait or anxiety. Motivation is the primary source

which contributes to individual language learning. Learners who have high

motivation seem to use greater range of appropriate strategies (Oxford, 1990). It is

one of the factors that has a significant role in individuals’ effort and achievement

(Schunk, Pintrich & Meece, 2008). According to Gardner (1985), motivation

determines the amount of some components, namely goal, want, effort and

attitudes toward the learning activity. Dornyei (2001) also states that motivation

determines how long they are willing to continue the activity, and how hard they

are going to pursue it. In fact, goal is not a measure of motivation but it is a

stimulus that can increase motivation. Individuals with high motivation have

stronger desire to learn language, invest more effort to attain the goal when they

encounter difficulties and have more positive attitudes towards the learning

situation. Gardner (1985) also states that highly motivated individuals are more

active in language classes and more successful in learning foreign language.

Besides, they are more excited to participate in foreign community and interact

with members of that community.

Another factor is anxiety which is one of the factors of success in second

language learning. Anxiety can affect learners’ productive skill such as speaking

skill, including the language learning strategies (Horwitz, 2001). Learners with

low anxiety will succeed in their language learning because they tend to use

various language learning strategies (Oxford, 1990). Anxiety is not only feeling

anxious, but it also includes the feeling of doubtful, fearful, and even stressed.


feelings appear when individuals have beliefs in being not confident in their

ability, being embarrassed and confused that they will make a mistake when

performing challenging task. When they are less confident, they will be less

willing to take risks and experiment with new ways of expressing themselves in

the target language (MacIntyre & Gardner, 1991). Therefore, learners must be

able to control their beliefs by being confident in their ability to achieve the

expected outcomes and prevent the unexpected ones because it makes them can

do their task well to reach their goals.

2. Self-Efficacy

In this section, the researcher presents the description of self-efficacy is

discussed in this research. There are two points to be discussed in this section.

They are the nature of self-efficacy and dimensions of self-efficacy.

a. The Nature of Self-efficacy

People often do not perform optimally in accomplishing performances

even though they know well what to do. Some people consider that it is enough to

only have knowledge and skills for attaining expected achievement. In fact,

besides having knowledge and skills, it is necessary for people to have belief of

their capabilities which is well known as self-efficacy. According to Wortman &

Loftus (1985), as cited in Mumandari (1998), individuals have different beliefs in

their capabilities which make them respond differently in the same situation.

Self-efficacy refers to individuals’ beliefs in their capabilities to manage


(Bandura, 1997). Self-efficacy is concerned not with the number of skills people

have, but with what people believe they can do with what they have under

particular situation. It means that self-efficacy is not a measure of the skills one

has but it is a belief in what one can do under certain conditions with whatever

skills one possesses (Bandura, 1997).

Bandura (1986) states that self-efficacy makes a difference in how people

feel, think and act in the same situation which will determine the expected

outcomes. In terms of feeling, self-efficacy relates to depression, anxiety, and

helplessness which appear when individuals have beliefs in being not confident in

their ability that they will make a mistake when performing challenging task.

Therefore, learners must be able to control their beliefs by being confident about

their ability to achieve the expected outcomes and prevent the unexpected ones

because it makes them can do their task well.

In terms of thinking, self-efficacy relates to quality of decision making and

academic achievement whatever the underlying skills might be. It shows that

self-efficacy helps individual to reach their achievement in all English skill including

speaking skill. Besides, in Pajares (1996) study, self-efficacy really works out

when one deal with difficult academic tasks, such as mathematics. Therefore,

self-efficacy also works out when people deal with English which is a difficult subject

as mathematics.

Moreover, in terms of action, self-efficacy relates to motivation which will

determine one’s choice of action, efforts, persistence and control. It means that


will persist in achieving the targets and goals. Those will determine the level of

individuals’ self-efficacy which can be high or low.

The table below summarizes how self-efficacy influences some aspects

according to Eggen & Kauchak (1997) and Bandura (1986). The influence on

those aspects makes difference in setting targets and goals, using strategies to

achieve the targets and goals, putting effort and persisting when difficulties

appear, believing what individuals’ can succeed, and performing after developing


Table 2.1

The Influence of Self-efficacy

High Self-efficacy Individuals Low Self-efficacy Individuals

Task orientation

High self-efficacy individuals have high targets and goals. Not only having them, they do some things to achieve their targets and goals. They consider those targets and goals as challenges not as burdens.

Low self-efficacy individuals have low targets and goals. Some of them may have high targets and goals, but they will do fewer things or even nothing to achieve them because they have low estimations more effort and not easily give up when facing obstacles.

Low self-efficacy individuals easily give up and lose their spirit to keep trying when facing obstacles because they have doubt about their capabilities to perform something. Strategy use High self-efficacy individuals are

likely to do some actions or useful strategies and have high commitment to achieve their targets and goals.

Low self-efficacy individuals are not likely to do some actions or useful strategies and have weak commitment to achieve their targets and goals.


Bandura (1986) also states that individuals can get better understanding

and determine their self-efficacy by analyzing aspects influenced by self-efficacy,

namely task orientation, effort and persistence, strategy use, beliefs, and

performance. Information in table 4.1 can be used to help individuals understand

and determine their self-efficacy. Table 4.1 shows that individuals who use

strategies more efficiently, do activities to achieve targets and goals willingly,

expend greater effort, persist longer even if difficulties appear, believe that they

can succeed and perform better than other people are individuals with high


b. Dimensions of Self-efficacy

There are several dimensions of self-efficacy which affect individuals’

performance, namely level, strength and generality (Bandura, 1986).

1) Level

Level refers to the degree of task difficulty an individual believes he or she

is able to deal with. Individuals’ self-efficacy of a certain task level determines the

expectation of being able to perform at the level. When they perform something in

easy level, they will believe that they can do that because that is easy. The level of

difficulty causes the individuals to choose tasks which they think can be

performed or they will avoid the tasks because they doubt their capability.

2) Strength

Strength refers to the degree of confidence individuals have about their

beliefs in capabilities. This confidence will determine their effort and persistence.


facing obstacles. However, individuals who have low confidence easily give up

and lose their spirit to keep trying when facing obstacles because they have doubt

about their capabilities to perform something. Moreover, the strength of

individuals’ belief in their capabilities will determine the degree of relationship

between self-efficacy and performance.

3) Generality

Generality is the idea in which individuals’ self-efficacy is not limited to a

certain situation. It refers to various situations to which the self-efficacy beliefs

can apply. Individuals may belief that he or she is able to produce the intended

result only in certain area or in various activities and situations.

In short, individuals’ performance may be different because it depends on

their beliefs in their ability when they are given certain tasks which vary in level

of difficulty.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this research, there are two formulated problems. The first research

problem is the language learning strategies were applied by the students to

improve their speaking ability in Speaking I class. To answer the first formulated

problem, the researcher used Oxford’s theory about language learning strategies

related to speaking. Oxford (1990) states that language learning strategies are

divided into direct strategies and indirect strategies. Memory strategies, cognitive


metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies belong to

indirect strategies.

The second research problem is the use of those strategies in relation to the

students’ self-efficacy. To answer the second research problem, the researcher

used Oxford’s theory and Bandura’s theory. The researcher used Oxford’s theory

to discover the use of language learning strategies. According to Oxford (1990),

motivation and personality trait or anxiety are some factors that influence the use

of language learning strategies which determine their performance which may be

different one to another.

The researcher used Bandura’s theory to discover the relation between the

use of those strategies and the students’ self-efficacy. According to Bandura

(1986), from the analysis the use of language learning strategies and factors

influencing it, individuals can get better understanding of targets and goals they

set, strategies they used, effort they put when they encounter obstacles, their

believe in their ability to achieve their goals, and their performance. The

undersanding of those aspects can be used to determine whether they are high




In this chapter, the researcher explains each part of the research

methodology used to answer the research questions. This chapter describes

research method, research setting, research participants, research instrument, data

gathering technique, data analysis technique and research procedure.

A.Research Method

The study was conducted by employing mixed method. Mixed method is a

research method that combines quantitative and qualitative research in which the

results of each approach give better understanding of certain phenomenon (Ary,

Jacobs, Sorensen & Razavieh, 2010). It is supported by Creswell (2003) who

states that mixed method involves both collecting and analyzing quantitative and

qualitative data in a single study to provide a better understanding of a research

problem. There were three reasons why mixed method was chosen by the

researcher. All of the reasons were based on the explanation of mixed method by

Ary, et al. (2010).

The first reason was because it was not enough to conduct this research by

using one methodology. The quantitative data that was obtained by distributing

questionnaire did not provide all the information needed. The researcher’s

understanding of a problem or situation might be less complete if the researcher


researcher can get stronger evidence for the conclusion of findings and get more

complete understanding of a certain phenomenon. It happens because the

researcher interviews the participants to obtain qualitative data which gives more

information (Ary, et al., 2010).

The second reason was because mixed method helped the researcher to

clarify findings. According to Ary, et al. (2010), mixed method can be used by the

researcher to find clarification of findings from one method by using results from

another method. It is needed to clarify the findings from different methods

because the participants might give different explanation from what they choose

in the questionnaire.

The third reason was because the researcher used quantitative data

obtained by distributing questionnaire to select the interviewees and analyze the

data qualitatively. When employing mixed method, the researcher uses the results

from one approach to develop results or inform another approach (Ary, et al.,

2010). Informing another approach means that quantitative results obtained in the

first phase are used to select participants to be interviewed in the second

qualitative phase.

The type of mixed method design used by the researcher was sequential

design. Sequential design is a design in which the analysis of data obtained and

examined in the first phase of research will influence choices made in the next

phase (Ary, et al., 2010). The reason why the researcher used sequential design

was because data collection and analysis in this research occurred in two phases at


forms of data are collected and examined in different phases and at different time

in a study. In this research, the first phase was collecting and analyzing the data by

using quantitative survey while the second phase was collecting and analyzing the

data qualitatively by interviewing the participants. The quantitative data collection

and analysis occurred first followed by qualitative data collection and analysis.

B.Research Setting

This research was conducted in Speaking I class B in ELESP of Sanata

Dharma University. The researcher chose to do a research in Speaking I class

because that was a new experience for the students to speak English a lot inside

and outside the classroom in front of many people. Sanata Dharma University was

chosen because the researcher is a student in Sanata Dharma University which

made the research easier to do.

The researcher distributed the questionnaire on Thursday, December 3rd,

2015 in e-corner class. The researcher chose to distribute questionnaire on the 3rd

of December 2015 because it was the last meeting of Speaking I class. The

researcher chose the last meeting because the students had been already involved

in the class activities for one semester; therefore, they had more experience in

speaking. The questionnaire was distributed at the first 10 minutes after the

lecturer started the class because of the consideration for the efficiency and the

effectiveness in the process of gathering data. It took about 15 minutes for the


The last data gathering technique was interview that was done on Monday,

December 14th, 2015 in Taman Jamur. The researcher chose to conduct interview

on the 14th of December 2015 because it was the day before the final examination

for ELESP students. The researcher did not do the research in January because it

was the University holiday or in February because the researcher wanted to avoid

the condition where the students had already forgotten about their experience in

Speaking I.

C.Research Participants

The participants of this research were twenty two students of Speaking I

class B in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University in academic year 2015/2016. The

researcher chose class B because the researcher knew the lecturer of Speaking I

class B better than other Speaking I lecturers. That happened because the

researcher was one of the lecturer’s assistants who helped to teach English as

General Course in Management Study Program. Besides, the lecturer

recommended the researcher to conduct the research in her class because there

were many students whose speaking ability still required substantial


The researcher recruited the participants on voluntary basis. It means that

the participants were not forced to fill the questionnaire and be interviewed. First,

the researcher explained that she expected all students in the class to be the

participants, but she also allowed if there were students who did not want it. Then,


participants. The researchers told them that they would know the level of their

self-efficacy and realize the importance of self-efficacy in speaking English after

filling the questionnaire and being interviewed. Moreover, they would realize

what they did for the whole first semester to improve their speaking in order to

achieve certain accomplishment. The researcher provided the relevant information

related to self-efficacy in Speaking I class. The result was all students in the class

wanted to fill the questionnaire, but there were only three students who wanted to

be interviewed.

D.Research Instruments

There were two types of instruments used in this research, namely

questionnaire and interview. Questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data

that answered both research problems. Then, interview was conducted to obtain

qualitative data that explored the results of both research problems in depth.

1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire was the first instrument used by the researcher.

Questionnaire is a research instrument which is in printed form that consists of

several questions or statements to be responded by the participants in order to

gather information (Seliger & Shohamy, 1989). The benefit of using questionnaire

is being able to collect the data from a large number of respondents in quite quick

and economical way.

The researcher used close-ended questionnaire in this research. According


because it can be processed easily and quickly and it makes the scoring of the

response more reliable. The close-ended questionnaire was designed with four

range options from strongly disagree to strongly agree to ease the participants to

choose their answer. The researcher asked the participants to respond to the

statements in the questionnaire that use an agreement scale by choosing a number

that best presented their response (Lodico, et al., 2006). In this research, the

degree of agreement consisted of “strongly agree”, “agree”, “strongly disagree”,

and “disagree”.

The questionnaire was given to twenty two students of ELESP in Speaking

I class B of Sanata Dharma University in academic year 2015/2016. The

questionnaire was distributed to analyze language learning strategies they applied

to achieve certain goals, the effort they put when they face obstacles, the beliefs in

their ability to achieve goals, and the use of language learning strategies as

reflected in their speaking performance. The analyses of those things were used to

get better understanding of their self-efficacy.

The researcher developed the questionnaire based on personal experiences

as the first semester student and experiences of doing micro teaching in Speaking

I class which were supported by theories of some experts. For the detail, the

blueprint of the questionnaire can be seen in Appendix 2.

2. Interview

The second instrument used in the research was interview. The researcher

conducted an interview after distributing the questionnaire. The researcher


obtained in the first phase. The interview result was also used to clarify students’

answers in the questionnaire. According to Ary, et al. (2002), interview is a

research instrument which is done to get data on individuals’ opinions, beliefs and

feelings about the situations in their own words. It means that interview is done

through a conversation between the researcher and the participants in order to

explore participants’ opinion, feeling, experience, and evaluation in more depth.

The benefit of interview is allowing the researcher to obtain much and detailed

information (Mason as cited in Hancock, 2006).

The researcher interviewed three students of Speaking I class B. One of

them was the representative who disagreed that her speaking ability got improved

after applying language learning strategies while the other two were the

representatives who agreed that their speaking ability got better after applying

language learning strategies. The researcher chose them to know the use of those

strategies, the factors influencing the use of those strategies, and then to analyze

the relation between the use of those strategies and the students’ self-efficacy. For

the detail, the blueprint of the interview can be seen in Appendix 5.

E.Data Gathering Technique

The technique used in gathering the research data were distributing

questionnaire and conducting interview with the students of Speaking I class B.

The statements in the questionnaire and the interview were done in Bahasa

Indonesia in order to avoid misunderstanding and make the students feel more


Firstly, the researcher distributed questionnaire. The questionnaire was

distributed on Thursday, December 3rd, 2015 which was the last meeting of the

course. The researcher chose the last meeting because the students had been

already involved in the class activities for one semester; therefore, they had more

experience in speaking.

Secondly, the researcher conducted interview. The interview was

conducted with three students of Speaking I class B on 14th of December. The

purpose of the interview was to clarify the data from the questionnaire that

examined the students’ opinion on self-efficacy and it was also done to get deeper

information about self-efficacy.

F. Data Analysis Technique

In this research, all of the data were obtained through two instruments,

namely questionnaire and interview. After collecting the data, the researcher then

analyzed them to answer the research problems. There were several steps done by

the researcher to analyze the results. The steps will be explained in the following


1. Questionnaire

First, the researcher collected all of the questionnaires that had been

distributed to the students. Then, the researcher analyzed the data from

close-ended questionnaire by checking the answer of every question. Next, the

researcher put the data into a table to make the counting easier. Afterwards, the


Table 2.1 The Influence of Self-efficacy
Table 4.1  Students’ Choices of Language Learning Strategies
Table 4.1 shows that 20 students or 90% did the strategy in the fifth statement
Table 4.2 below shows aspects influenced by self-efficacy which


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