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How Healthy Office Catering Supports Employee Wellness

Simple Cater

Academic year: 2023

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New Year, New You: How Healthy Office Catering Supports Employee Wellness

The top resolutions for 2023 include improving mental health, fitness, weight, and diet. While we have high hopes for a fresh start, we tend to give up on our goals as we head back into the office routine. According to a recent study, 55% of people who make New Year's Resolutions abandon them within a year. But what if there was a way to help your employees stick to their goals and make lasting changes to their health?

Enter healthy office catering! In this blog, we dive into the benefits of providing nutritious meal options and how to implement healthy eating in the workplace.

Why is Eating Healthy at Work So Hard?

As many of us spend most of our days at work, making smart food choices can significantly impact our overall health and well-being.

Many employees have a love-hate relationship with free food in the office. It often comes in the form of donuts, cookies, and cakes, not to mention any sodas or candy lurking in the vending machines. Access to our favorite junk foods makes it difficult to stay on track.


What people eat directly correlates to their ability to focus and be productive.

Employees and clients respond favorably to nutritious catering for the office, which caters to their basic needs and offers diversity, allowing them to try something new other than their typical fast food and restaurant chain go-to's.

Benefits of Healthy Catering for Work

Healthy workplace meals keep people focused and feeling good. You can encourage your team members to maintain their career and personal goals,

creating a better office culture through nutritious catering options. Here are a few reasons to consider healthy food for your next business catering event:

Increased productivity

More energy

Improved health and employee morale

Less stress and anxiety

As an admin or office manager, part of your job is to give your employees the resources to do their job effectively. The same goes for food!

Tips for Healthy Office Catering

With a bit of planning and consideration, you can provide your team with sustainable options they'll enjoy. Here’s how:

Stock healthy snack options like fruit, trail mixes, and healthy alternatives to their favorite chips or sodas

Ensure team members stay hydrated by keeping reusable water bottles or bottled water in the office

Provide nutritious meals for office catering, like boxed lunches for each employee, breakfast buffets for orientations and training, or sustainable farm-to-table options for sales and client meetings

Partner with a corporate catering service to help streamline the process and provide you with healthy menu options customized to your


Crowd source healthy catering ideas to ensure you’re giving your employees what they want, keeping them engaged in the process


Healthy Catering Solutions for the Workplace

Keeping up with healthy habits and wellness goals isn't easy, but they present a valuable opportunity to make health and wellness part of the daily conversation at the workplace.

SimpleCater can help you and your team members stick to their goals with healthy catering services. Based on your needs and what you have in mind, we develop a custom menu based on the local restaurants near you. Our simple process makes it easy to offer a wide variety of healthy foods your employees will love. Get

started today and receive your first catering on us!


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