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RIZA WIDIANTI SIN. 11714201222



1444 H/2022 M



RIZA WIDIANTI NIM. 11714201222

A Thesis

submitted to fulfill one of requirements for Undergraduate Degree in English Education





1444 H/2022 M



Alhamdulillahhirobbil‟alamiin. In the name of Allah SWT, the lord of Universe. The beneficent and the Most Merciful, Praises belong to Allah Almighty. By His guidance and blessing, the researcher can complete this academic requirement to finish her bachelor degree. Then, shalawat and salaam always be presented to the last messenger of Allah SWT, Prophet Muhammad SAW who has inspired and lightened many people up all around the world.

Appreciation and sincere thanks to my beloved parents, Amiruddin. T and Saudah who always gave me uncountable love, care advice, fun, and supports. Thank you so much for your praying all days and all nights also for both material and spiritual to accomplish this thesis.

The researcher would like to show her gratitude to all beloved people that have encouraged. Motivated even helped the researcher in finishing this thesis.

They are:

1. Prof. Dr. Hairunas, M.Ag., The Rector of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Prof. Dr. Hj. Helmiati, M.Ag., as Vice Rector I, Dr. H.

Mas‟ud Zein, M.Pd., as the Vice Rector II, Prof. Edi Marwan, S.Pt, Ph.D., as the Vice Rector III, and all staffs. Thanks for the kindness and encouragement.

2. Dr. H. Kadar, M.Ag., The Dean of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. H. Zarkasih, M.Ag., as Vice Dean I, Dr. Zubaidah Amir, MZ, M.Pd., as Vice Dean II, Dr. Amirah Diniaty, M.Pd, Kons., as Vice Dean III and all staff. Thanks for the kindness and encouragement.

3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, S.S, M. Hum., The Chairperson of Department of English Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Thank you very much for your guidance and kindness.

4. Dr. Nur Aisyah Zulkifli, M.Pd., The Secretary of English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic



Department who have given kindness, suggestions, and motivations.

6. Cut Raudhatul Miski, M.Pd, is a great supervisor who has given correction, suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in completing this thesis. The researcher apologizes for his weakness because it interferes his time and make many mistakes during guidance.

7. Kurnia Budiyanti, M.Pd., the Rater I. Rizki Amelia, M.Pd., the Rater II. Thank you for help and suggestion given to finish this thesis.

8. All lecturers of English Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, who have given knowledge and information of this research and thanks for their contributions and support during the courses.

9. My beloved brother and sister, Ike Mardayani, Supriadi, Afriadi, Hendriadi, and Mulyadi, who always besides me, give me uncountable love, care, support and always be my mood boosters. No words can describe how much I love you.

10. All of my support systems and thank you for always being my listener and became the outlet for all of my complaints. Firzani Safitri, S.E., Nurhafiza, S.H., Silviratul „Aini, S.Ag., Siti Saidah Siregar, S.Pd., Ulfah Amaliah, S.Pd., Masitha Rahma, S.Pd., Rahmadina Arsyah, S.Pd., Ridhatul Jannah, S.Pd., Sri Rezeki, S.Pd., and Desta Wulandari, S.Pd., thank you for being my bestie, teach the meaning of a warm friendship and thank you for the unforgettable memory.

11. My classmate of C Class 2017 and E Class 2019, thanks for the support and motivation. For the students of the English Education Department in the academic year of 2017, nice to know you guys.

12. The last but not least, the researcher also very grateful to herself for believing in herself. Had fought the depression, stress, and for doing all this hard work.

The perfection only belongs Allah. Criticism, comment and suggestion are really appreciated to improve the thesis, May Allah Almighty, the lord of universe



Pekanbaru 20 September 2022 Researcher

Riza Widianti



Speech act is individual way of doing action in speaking and writing. In education, speech act is something that is really needed. This research aims to explore the male and female in speech act of submitting assignment in term of politeness in students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru. The main focus of this research was to determine the level students‟ in submitting assignment at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru. The researcher was exploring the male and female in speech act of submitting assignment, so that the researcher chooses the qualitative research. This research was held on July, 2022 at SMK 2 Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru. The subject of this research was students of SMK 2 Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru. The data collected from 16 males and 16 females of students by using documentation. The researcher concluded that in submitting their assignments, male only use two maxims, namely the tact maxim and the generosity maxim. While female were more varied in submitting assignment, some use the tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, and some use the modesty maxim. We can conclude that male and female were different from their speech act, based on the previous theory which says that male and female have differences in languages.



Tindak tutur adalah cara individu melakukan tindakan dalam berbicara dan menulis. Dalam dunia pendidikan, tindak tutur merupakan sesuatu yang sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi tindak tutur penyampaian tugas dalam hal kesantunan pada siswa SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan tingkatan siswa dalam menyerahkan tugas di SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru. Peneliti mengeksplorasi laki-laki dan perempuan dalam tindak tutur penyerahan tugas, sehingga peneliti memilih penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2022 di SMK 2 Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa SMK 2 Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru. Data dikumpulkan dari 16 siswa laki-laki dan 16 siswa perempuan dengan menggunakan dokumentasi. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa dalam menyampaikan tugasnya, laki-laki hanya menggunakan dua maksim, yaitu maksim kebijaksanaan dan maksim kedermawanan. Sedangkan perempuan lebih bervariasi dalam menyampaikan tugas, ada yang menggunakan maksim kebijaksanaan, maksim kemurahan hati, maksim penghargaan, dan ada yang menggunakan maksim kerendahan hati. Kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa laki-laki dan perempuan berbeda dalam tindak tutur mereka, berdasarkan teori sebelumnya yang mengatakan bahwa laki-laki dan perempuan memiliki perbedaan bahasa.



،يتنايديو ازير (

2222 ملاكلا لاعفأ مادختسا يف ءاسنلاو لاجرلا فاشكتسا :)

يف ميدقت تابجاولا يف

ةينهملا ةيوناثلا ةيدمحم ةسردم

2 ورابنكب

لماع في .ةباتكلاو ثدحتلا في ملهاعفأ دارفلأا ابه يدؤي تيلا ةقيرطلا يه ملاكلا لاعفأ .اًبولطم اًئيش ملاكلا لاعفأ برتعت ،ميلعتلا ي

لاعفأ فاشكتسا لىإ ثحبلا اذه فده

ملاكلا تابجاولا يمدقت في

بدلأا ثيح نم ذيملاتل

ةينهلما ةيوناثلا ةيدممح ةسردم 2

ورابنكب رلا زيكترلا . في تابجاولا يمدقت في ذيملاتلا ىوتسم ديدتح وه ثحبلا اذله يسيئ

ةينهلما ةيوناثلا ةيدممح ةسردم 2

ورابنكب في ءاسنلاو لاجرلا فاشكتساب ةثحابلا تماق .

لاعفأ ملاكلا تابجاولا يمدقتل

ثبح ةثحابلا تراتخا كلذل ، ا

يعون ا ارجإ تم . هؤ

ويلوي في

2222 في

لما ةيوناثلا ةيدممح ةسردم ةينه

2 ورابنكب . ذيملات هدارفأ ةيدممح ةسردم

ةينهلما ةيوناثلا 2

ورابنكب نم تانايبلا يمدقت تم . 61

اذيملت و 61 ةذيملت مادختساب

،ينتلوقم ىوس نولمعتسي لا متهابجاو لقن في لاجرلا نأ لىإ ةثحابلا صلتخو .قيثوتلا رثكأ ءاسنلا نأ ينح في .مركلا أدبمو ةمكلحا أدبم اهمو ،نتهابجاو لقن في اًعونت

مدختسي ن

،ريدقتلا أدبمو ،مركلا أدبمو ،ةمكلحا أدبم و

جتنتسن نأ نكيم .عضاوتلا أدبم

لاجرلا نأب ةقباسلا ةيرظنلا ىلع ًءانب ةيملاكلا ملهاعفأ في نوفلتيخ ءاسنلاو لاجرلا نأ

ةفلتمخ تاغل مهيدل ءاسنلاو







ABSTRAK ... vii

صخلم ... viii




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Problem ... 1

B. Problem of the Research ... 5

C. Objective and Significance of the Research ... 6

D. Definition of the Terms ... 7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Framework ... 9

B. Classification of Speech Act ... 11

C. Relevant Reseach ... 18

D. Conceptual Framework ... 22


B. Location and Time of the Research ... 26

C. Object of the research ... 26

D. Population and sample of the Research ... 26

E. The technique of the Data Collection ... 27

F. The Technique of the Data Analysis ... 28




A. Conclusion ... 49 B. Suggestion ... 50 REFERENCES





Table 2.2 Meaning of Maxim of Politeness ... 23 Table 3.1 The Total Population of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru .... 26 Table 3.2 Maxim of Politness in Speech Acts At Submitting Assignment 30 Table 4.1 Message from Male Student ... 32 Table 4.2 Message from Female Students ... 34


xii Appendixes 3 Documentation



A. Background of The Problem

Communication was very important in our lives because people can create communication to build relationships with other individuals and groups, and people can learn many things through this communication.

Human communication can also convey useful information to others.

There were multiple ways to convey information or messages such as newspaper, television, magazine, news, etc. When people want to convey information or ideas, they sometimes give speeches to convey those ideas.

(Umar, 2016)

Speech acts have become an integral part of our everyday lives.

Everyday people perform speech acts in their communication, such as making statements, asking questions, complimenting, or making requests.

This was reinforced by Searle's statement that all verbal communication involves speech acts (2006). Thus, speech acts were the basic unit of linguistic communication (Pramita, 2019).

Related research was a journal entitled Speech Act Analysis of British and American Poetry by Suporn Leongkamchorn, Speech acts were activities performed through language. When people produce an utterance, they can say, acknowledge, command, promise, ask, complain, apologize, praise, warn, threaten, refuse, suggest, etc. All these actions mentioned were in the speaker's mind when producing the utterance. , and listeners


must recognize different actions by interpreting the meaning conveyed through language. The same goes for reading poetry. Readers may wonder what speech acts the poet intends to accomplish in writing his poems: to reinforce their beliefs, to express their feelings about something, to persuade and persuade the reader to do something (Leongkamchorn, 2010)

The closest related study was a journal titled A Speech Acts Analysis of Bon Appetite Food Advertisements by Naufalina (2017). In this study, Naufalina argues that speech acts that explore the formative nature of language were ways in which what people say to one another has both power and content. Intent was the content of what people say, conveyed through language, with its power to speak the message. However, language was a principle that means people need to greet each other, praise and insult, beg or tease, seek and provide information, and perform hundreds of other tasks in their daily lives (Naufalina, 2017).

Currently, politeness was rarely found among students. The loss of character in some students was one of the causes of the lack of character formation and character habituation from an early age (Ramadan, 2020).

One of the goals of communication was to be able to convey your ideas well. So that the interlocutor can understand the meaning. To achieve this goal, speakers must exercise courtesy when conveying ideas, especially teachers in and out of the classroom. The ability to show politeness also reflects a good personality as a student. Additionally, the ability to show


politeness in the classroom keeps the teaching and learning process going well and smoothly.

This was a gender based on physique. It's pretty clear that women and men have many differences in different areas. In general, women have more body fat and less muscle; Females were not as strong as males and they mature faster and usually have longer lifespans. Women and men often show different advantages and abilities when performing their jobs (Xia, 2013). Then, regarding gender, Ali said that male and female students use the language differently; Female students were believed to use more polite and formal language in both oral and written discourse (Ali, 2016).

In Java, politeness, not showing respect, was associated with authority and control. In public places men tend to be more polite than women, while in the private context Smith-Hefner 1988 was quoted in Locke (2018). Based on the above statement, the researcher can conclude that there was a theoretical gap that says women were more polite than men, but based on previous research, men were more polite than women.

Lakoff (1973), quoted in Haas (1979), notes that men use harder and harsher words like damn, while women use weaker or gentler profanities like oh dear, kindness, or judge. In linguistics, women seem to be better at remembering complex forms in grammar and lexicon (Seville and Troike., 2006). And cognitively, the female brain for language may be less asymmetrically organized than the male brain. Lin (2003:442) in Ali


(2016) also points out that women were faster than men at learning a second language.

Many previous studies have examined speech acts, such as the Menficent Film Script by Jane Mctee (Violeta, 2019) and Analysis of Directive Speech Acts in The Fault in Our Stars Film Script (Wijaya and Helmie., 2019). After that, many previous studies examined gender, such as B. Gender Differences in Using Language in EFL Classes: From the Teacher's View (Ali. 2016) and Gender Differences in Using Language (Xia, 2013). In the teaching and learning process, teachers often give students assignments, both written and oral, and students then collect these assignments, both written and oral. When it comes to collecting assignments, there were differences between men and women in language, for example in the politeness conveyed by Ali. Assignment was a collection of assignments that were performed by students to the teacher.

The teacher can view the speech acts spoken by the students from the collection of exercises. And the researcher just found the journal of maxim using Indonesian culture, the title of the journals are “Politeness Strategy in Students Lingua to Their Lecturers Via WhatsApp at in Information Technology Department of Technical Faculty Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya” by Hafizah (2019) and “Strategi Kesantunan Bertutur Mahasiswa Kepada Dosen Melalui Komunikasi WhatsApp” by Husna (2020)


Based on Nieberding (2021) in her research in title Patterns in Assignment Submission Times: Procrastination, Gender, Grades, and Grade Components said that we found that on average female tend to procrastinate less than male, submitting assignments an average of 8 hours earlier than male. Based on the explanation above, the researcher felt interested in conducting the research by the title: “Exploring Male And Female in Speech Act of Submitting Assignment In SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru”

B. Problem of the Research

1. Identification of the Problem

From the background above, many researches examine the speech act and gender; thereafter the problems can be identified as follows:

1) Men use stronger expletives such as shit and damn, whereas female use weaker or softer profanity such as oh dear, goodness, or judge.

2) Female were faster in learning second language than male.

3) Female seems to better at memorizing complex forms in grammar and lexicon

4) On average female tend to procrastinate less than male, submitting assignments an average of 8 hours earlier than male.

2. Limitation of the Problem

Considering the limitation of this research based on knowledge, time and finance, so the researcher needs to limit the problem and just focus on exploring male and female in speech act of submitting


assignment in term of politeness in students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru.

3. Formulation of the Problem

The researcher specifies the problem discussed in the following formulated question as follows: How was the speech act between male and female in submitting assignment in term of politeness in students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru?

C. Objective and Significance of the Research 1. Objective of the Research

The objectives of the research was to explore the speech act between male and female in submitting assignment in term of politeness in students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru.

2. Significance of the Research

1) Hopefully, this research finding was able to benefit the researcher as a novice researcher, especially in learning how to conduct a research

2) And hopefully gets some usefulness whether for the teacher or the SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru as an institution to develop the students‟ knowledge in learning process of English subject.

3. Reasons for Choosing the Title

There were some reasons why the researcher was interested in conducting this research, they are:


1. The title of this research was relevant with the researcher‟s status as a student of English Education Department,

2. The title of this research was not researched yet by any other previous researchers at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau,

3. The location of the research supports the researcher to conduct this research.

D. Definition of the Terms

The researcher feels necessary to define the used terms in this research as follows:

1. Speech Act

Charles W. Kreidler (1998) stated about pragmatic was a person‟s ability to obtain the meanings from specific kinds of speech situations to recognize what the speaker was referring to and to understand new information from the speaker.

Yule (1996) told that pragmatic was the study of how to use language in communication. It was one of the fields in linguistics, which studies about meaning. The meaning in pragmatic was influenced by context. Pragmatics was concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by speaker or writer and interprets by a listener or reader.


2. Male and Female

Lakoff (1973) cited in Adelaide Haas (1979) observed that male use stronger expletives such as shit and damn, whereas female use weaker or softer profanity such as oh dear, goodness, or judge. Female put more emphasis than male on the polite or affective functions of tags, using them as facilitative positive politeness devices. Male, on the other hand, use tags for the expression of uncertainty. (Shazu, 2014).

3. Assignment

Cited in Oxford Learner‟s Pocket Dictionary Fourth Edition (2008) stated that assignment was a piece of work that someone was given to do it. If you got the assignment, you must do it and submit it.




This chapter explores the literature review containing several theories used to guide the process of this research, and previous studies related to the topic of this research. This section also conveys theoretical framework and relevant research of the research.

A. Theoretical Framework 1. Nature of Pragmatics

Charles W. Kreidler (1998) asserted that Pragmatic was a person‟s ability to obtain the meanings from specific kinds of speech situations to recognize what the speaker was referring to and to understand new information from the speaker.

Yule (1996) state that pragmatic was the study of how to use language in communication. It was one of the fields in linguistics, which studies about meaning. The meaning in pragmatic was influenced by context. Pragmatics was concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by speaker or writer and interprets by a listener or reader.

Griffiths in Metta hitto (2016) suggested that pragmatic was concerned with the use of these tools in meaningful communication and also it was about the interaction of sementic knowledge with our knowledge of the world, taking into account contexts of use. It means that pragmatics was the study of utterance meaning. And Pragmatics studies the use of language in


human communication as determined by the conditions of society (Perseden, 2002).

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded that pragmatic was study about meaning such as speech acts, relevance, cooperation, reference and politeness provide ways to analyze how writers seek to encode their massages for a particular audience, how readers make inferences when seeking to recover a writer‟s intended meaning.

2. Speech Acts

Searle (1979) said that speech act was being performed in the utterance of the sentence. One of the conditions on the successful performance of the speech act of reference was that there must exist an object that the speaker was referring to.

In Assola (2017) he told that speech acts were one of five the main topics in the study of pragmatics. Yule (1996) said that speech acts can be defined as the acts of communication or actions performed via utterances.

Then, speech act were actions happening in the world, that is, they bring about a change in the existing state of fairs. In general terms, it can usually recognize the type of action performed by a speaker with the utterance. The term speech act to describe actions such as requesting, commending, questioning or informing. It can define a speech act as the action performed by a speaker with an utterance. Actions performed via utterances were generally was called speech acts and in English, were commonly given more


specific labels, such as apology, complain, compliment, invitation, promise and request.

Based on the theory above, the study of speech act was very important for us. The one importance of studying speech act was to make us comprehend what message that discovered in every utterance. Speech act also decided by the language ability of speaker to convey the message in communication.

B. Classification of Speech Act

Naufalina (2017) cited in Yule (1996) said that speech Act Theory demands that when an utterance performed, it can be analyzed on three different levels. They were locution, illocution, and per locution.

1. Locutionary act

Locutionary acts were the real word that was delivered by the speaker and include the speaker‟s verbalized message. It can be in the form of statements (declarative locution), questions (interrogative locution), and commends (imperative locution). The interpretation of the locutionary act was concerned with meaning, for example: “we were working today”. And the second example was “I buy acar”, the meaning of that utterance was I buy a car of the literal meaning

2. Illocutionary act

Illocutionary acts were the power or intention behind the words that was delivered by the speaker. It indicates the speaker‟s purpose in saying something. The speaker‟s expression could be in the form of


recommends, offers, promises, etc. The interpretation of the illocutionary acts were concerned with force, for example: “I will go to office at 8.am”. In this utterance, the speaker has made an action of

“promise” via language to go to the office at 8 a.m. And the second example was “it was hot in here‟. It has mean that a request for someone to turn on the air conditioning.

3. Perlocutionary act

Perlocutionary act was the effect of the illocution on the hearer, such as the effect on the action, feelings, or thoughts of hearers. In Violeta (2015) this was the actual result of the locution. It may not be what the speaker wants to happen but it was nevertheless by the locution. That deals with the effect an utterance to hearer. It means audience feels good/ sad after uttering a sentence. The perlocutionary effect, what was done by uttering the words, it was the effect on the hearer, the hearer reaction. Perlocutionary was effect or reaction on the hearer. It can be concluded that the perlocutionary act was the effect or reaction of the utterance trough address feeling after speaker uttering or illocutionary force. For example: here's your coffee that utterance would give feeling happy to hearer, or on the contrary of this example: your father passed away that utterance would give felling unhappy to hearer. It‟s also important when deter main and describing the perlocutionary act must be knowing the context relation, because different context would be different interpreting.


1. Maxim of Politeness

Maxim was the expressions that express general truths and rules of behavior (Oxford Dictionary, 2008). Leech (1983) suggested that the politeness principle with conversational maxims similar to those formulated by Grice. He lists six maxims: tact, generosity, approbation, modesty, agreement, and sympathy. The first and second ones form a pair, as do the third and the fourth. These maxims vary from culture to culture, meaning, what may be considered as polite in one culture, may be strange or downright rude in another.

a. The Tact maxim

The Tact maxim states: „minimize the expression of beliefs which imply cost to other; maximize the expression of beliefs which imply benefit to other.‟ The first part of this maxim fits in with Brown and Levinson‟s negative politeness strategy of attending to the hearer‟s interest, wants, and needs:

 Could I interrupt you for a second?

 If I could just clarify this then.

b. The Generosity maxim

Leech‟s Generosity maxim states: „minimize the expression of benefit to self; maximize the expression of cost to self.‟ Unlike the tact maxim, the maxim of generosity focuses on the speaker, and says that others should be put first instead of the self. For example,

“You relax and let me do the dishes.”


“You must come and have dinner with us.”

c. The Approbation maxim

The Approbation maxim states: „minimize the expression of beliefs which express dispraise of other; maximize the expression of beliefs which express approval of other.‟ The operation of this maxim was fairly obvious: all thing being equal, we prefer to praise others and if we cannot do so, to sidestep the issue, to give some sort of minimal response (possibly through the use of euphemisms or to remain silent). The first part of the maxim avoids disagreement; the second part intends to make other people feel good by showing solidarity. For example,

“I heard you singing at the karaoke last night. It was, um…different, John, I know you’re a genius.”

“Would you know how to solve this math problem here?”

d. The Modesty maxim

The Modesty maxim states: „minimize the expression of praise of self;

maximize the expression of dispraise of self.‟ Modesty was possibly a more complex maxim than the others, since the maxim of quality can sometimes be violated in observing it. For example,

“Oh, I’m so stupid”

“I didn’t make a note of our lecture! Did you?”

e. The Agreement maxim

The Agreement maxim runs as follows: „minimize the expression of disagreement between self and other; maximize the expression of


agreement between self and other.‟ It was in line with Brown and Levinson‟s positive politeness strategies of „seek agreement‟ and „avoid disagreement‟, to which they attach great importance. However, it was not being claimed that people totally avoid disagreement. It was simply observed that they were much more direct in expressing agreement, rather than disagreement. For example,

A: I don‟t want my daughter to do this; I want her to do that.

B: Yes, but ma‟am, I thought we resolved this already on your last visit.

f. The Sympathy maxim

The Sympathy maxim states: „minimize antipathy between self and other;

maximize sympathy between self and other.‟ This includes a small group of speech acts such as congratulation, commiseration, and expressing condolences.

“I was sorry to hear about your father.”

2. Male and Female

World Health Organization (WHO) said that Gender was refers to the different biological and physiological characteristics of female, male and intersex persons, such as chromosomes, hormones and reproductive organs.

Butler (1990: 302) cited in Dilek (2011) gender, on the other hand, was social property: something acquired or constructed through your relationships with others through an individual‟s adherence to certain cultural norms and proscriptions. Gender was not something we were born with, and not


something we have, but something we do– something we perform. Crowley

& Himmelweit (1994: 58) Cited in Amir &Azisah (2017) stated that: gender refers to the way, in particular society, people were socially constructed to behave and experience themselves as “female” or “male”. Although all societies appear to treat female and male differently and thus have some notion of gender, what was consists of varies enormously from one society to another.

Based on the theory above, the researcher concluded that gender was not only about male and female. However the gender was about behavior or society between male and female. There are similarities and there are also differences between male and female. Qomariah (2019) said that gender equality refers equality in education, distribution of domestic duties within the family equally, freedom to make choices and express opinions, and freedom in decision making.

a) Male

Based on Oxford Dictionary (2008) stated that male was the sex that can't give birth. We can call it as male or man. While plants, male plants are those that have flowers and produce pollen, however in this study the researcher only focused on human, not plants. Goldberg (1973) said that Men must forever standing on the edge, looking for a replacement power, creativity, and meaning that have not been seen in accordance with nature to make their biological innate functions.


b) Female

Based on Oxford Dictionary (2008) stated that female was the sex that produces the child. And Goldberg (1973) also revealed that nature has bestowed in women biological ability and biopsychological predisposition which allows the species to sustain themselves. the researcher has written down what the meaning of male and female are, then the researchers write down the differences between men and women both in terms of cognitive or politeness

3. Differences between Male and Female

Ali (2016) has reviewing the literature shows that there are many studies concentrating on gender differences.

1) Politeness

Lakoff (1973) cited in Adelaide Haas (1979) observed that male use stronger expletives such as shit and damn, whereas female use weaker or softer profanity such as oh dear, goodness, or judge.

Female put more emphasis than male on the polite or affective functions of tags, using them as facilitative positive politeness devices. Male, on the other hand, use tags for the expression of uncertainty. (Shazu, 2014)

2) Cognitive

Muriel Seville and Troike (2006), in cognitive, female‟s brain may be less asymmetrically organized then male‟s for speech. Tymson


(1998:18-19) cited in Mahmud (2018) said that male will talk about

„things, while female will talk about how they „feel‟ about things‟. It was further stated that male and female have different areas of conversation. , the example for male was like to discuss business, politics, current affairs, cars, sport and of course. Conversely, female like to talk about their relationship, people they know, some current affairs.

3) Language in Gender

Female seems to better at memorizing complex forms in grammar and lexicon (Muriel Seville and Troike, 2006). And cognitive, female‟s brain may be less asymmetrically organized then male‟s for speech. Furthermore, various studies attempted to portray the link between gender and language. There was a relationship between gender and achievement in second language learning. Also Lin (2003:442) in Hawkar Omar Ali (2016) suggests that female are faster in learning second language than male. Female generally overcome male in term of tendency in adopting or supporting the correctness of behavior. In short, female get much more tendency to use language to show their social status than male. (Wahyuningsih, 2018)

C. Relevant Reseach

Before this investigation of speech act was conducted, there are several studies conducted the same topic. The first thesis was written by Meta Hittoh


Mu‟awanah. The thesis was entitled an Analysis Speech Act in Online Islamic Short Story “Choosing a Wife and the Lost Diary” By Amina Bint Alhuda. This study aimed to find the speech act in short story of online Islamic short story “Choosing a Wife” by Amina Bint Al-Huda. This research inspired on the factual experience, and theory of Speech act by Brian Paltridge.

The second study, which was related to this investigation, was the journal was written by Violeta (2015) with a entitled Speech Acts Analysis of the Main Character in Menficent Movie Script. This research aimed to find to the types of illocutionary acts which are produced by the main characters in Menficent movie script.

The researcher has found the next journal pragmatic. The journal article was written by Widyaka (2014), entitled an Analysis of Directive Speech Acts in the Fault in Our Stars Movie Script. This study investigated how often the direct speech acts performed and which type of directive speech acts that are most frequently used in the movie script.

The next related study was the journal Speech Acts Analysis in the Slogan of Car Advertisements in Java Pos Newspaper. Widyaka conducted this investigation. In this study, the writer analyzes speech act within utterances contained in the slogan of car advertisements in Java Pos newspaper.

The other review of the study that was related to this thesis was a Speech Acts Analysis of Bon Appetite Food Advertisements. The research


was written by Naufalina. This Paper was found that statements serve as the highest type of locutionary acts which are aimed at providing information of the products, commissures serve as the highest type of illocutionary acts which are aimed at offering the benefits of the products, and to get the readers to expect something serve as the highest type of perlocutionary acts which are aimed at giving impact to the readers.

The researcher has found the previous journal about gender. The journal article was written by Hawkar Omar entitled Gender Differences in Using Language in the EFL Classes: From Teachers‟ Views. The study attempts to understand the role of gender in using language differently inside the classroom. Further, this research examines the factors that determine gender differences inside the EFL classrooms.

The second study, which was related to this investigation was the journal was written by Xia, entitled Gender Differences in Using Language.

This paper mainly discussed the differences from the aspects of pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary, syntax, manners, attitudes, and non- verbal differences in using language between male and female.

The next related study was the journal was the Impact of Gender on Attainment in Learning English as a Foreign Language has written by Danuta Główka This study examined the impact of gender on students‟ achievement in learning English as a for-reign language in secondary and higher vocational schools in Poland, as well as teachers‟ and students‟ opinions concerning the importance of this influence.


The other review of the study that was related to this thesis was the Gender Linked Differences in the Use of Linguistic Strategies in Face-To- Face Communication. The research was written by Samar and Alibakhshi.

This study was an attempt to provide a report on face-to face communications in Persian language. To carry out the study male-male, male-female, and female-female communications were examined in terms of linguistic strategies (e.g., interruption, intensifiers, amount of speech, topic raising) used by participant


D. Conceptual Framework

Table 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Speech Act

(Searle : 1962)

The Tact Maxim

Maxim of Politeness

(Leech : 1983 )


The Generosity


The Approbation


The Modesty


The Agreement


The Sympathy



Table 2.2 Meaning of Maxim of Politeness

Tact Maxim Leech (1983) The Tact maxim states: „minimize the expression of beliefs which imply cost to other; maximize the expression of beliefs which imply benefit to other.‟

Rahardi (in Husna, 2020) the use of the tact maxim was marked with the students' efforts to maximize the profits of their interlocutors

Generosity Maxim

Leech (1983) Generosity maxim states: „minimize the expression of benefit to self; maximize the expression of cost to self.‟ Unlike the tact maxim, the maxim of generosity focuses on the speaker, and says that others should be put first instead of the self.

Rahardi (in Husna, 2020) said that the generosity maxim was the speaker was expected to be able to respect the interlocutors. This form of respect can be realized by saying greetings at the beginning of the message.

Approbation Maxim

Leech (1983) The Approbation maxim states: „minimize the expression of beliefs which express dispraise of other; maximize the expression of beliefs which express approval of other.‟

Siminto (2016) in Husna (2020) stated that the important point of the approbation maxim was that the speaker should not use words that displeasing his interlocutors.

Modesty maxim

Leech (1983) The Modesty maxim states: „minimize the expression of praise of self; maximize the expression of dispraise


of self.‟ Modesty was possibly a more complex maxim than the others, since the maxim of quality can sometimes be violated in observing it.

Agustina et.all (2017) in Husna (2020) said that the modesty maxim was simplicity of language that minimize self-praise.

Agreement Maxim

The Agreement maxim runs as follows: „minimize the expression of disagreement between self and other; maximize the expression of agreement between self and other.‟

Rismawati (2015) in Husna (2020) said that student speech via WhatsApp impressed polite if students apply the maxim of agreement with their approval from the lecturer.

Sympathy Maxim

Leech (1983) The Sympathy maxim states: „minimize antipathy between self and other; maximize sympathy between self and other.‟ This includes a small group of speech acts such as congratulation, commiseration, and expressing condolences.

Husna (2020), stated that application of the maxim of sympathy evidenced by the apology spoken by students at the beginning of the message, students feel reluctant to the lecturer because they feel it has interfered with their activities and rest time.




This chapter defined research method that used in the study to investigate the issues raised in the research questions. It contained research design and approach, data sources, data collection and data analysis.

A. Research Design

For this research, the researcher try to explore the difference in gender in submitting assignment, so that the researcher chooses the qualitative research.

Qualitative research was exploring a problem and developing a detailed understanding of a central phenomenon Creswell, (2009) furthermore, in this research, the researcher using.

Qualitative descriptive studies are the most "theoretical" of all qualitative approaches to research. In addition, qualitative descriptive studies are the fewest studies compared to other qualitative studies approach, with a pre-existing theoretical or philosophical commitment. For example, phenomenology, grounded theory, and ethnography based on certain methodological frameworks that emerge from certain disciplines tradition. The goal of qualitative descriptive study was a comprehensive summary, in colloquial terms, specific events experienced by individuals or groups of individuals. For some researchers, such qualitative design categories there are not any. Unfortunately, this has forced other researchers, especially beginners to qualitative methods research, feel they must defend their research approach by providing 'epistemological credibility. (Lambert, 2012)


B. Location and Time of the Research

The research was held in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru, one of the high schools in Riau Province. Then, the research was conducted on July 2022.

C. Object of the research

The object of the research was differences between genders in speech act in submitting assignment in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru.

D. Population and sample of the Research 1) Population

The population of this research is the first and second year students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru. Population can be defined as all the items in the category of things that are being researched including students of a particular school (Martyn, 2010). There were five classes that the researcher used in the data: X BDP, X OTKP 1, XI TKJ 3, XI MM 1, and XI MM2. Each class consisted of 19-32 students. The total number of the population is 139 students as in Table

Table 3.1 the Total Population of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru

Class Population

X OTKP 1 30

X BDP 19

XI TKJ 3 28

XI MM 1 32

XI MM 2 30



2. Sample

According to Martyn (2010), sample can be defined as the some people or small-subgroup. In simple terms, sample can be defined as the group of subjects from whom data are collected. To extract a number of representative samples, purposeful sampling technique is used in this research.

In the purposeful sampling, researchers intentionally select individuals and sites to learn or understand the central phenomenon. The standard used in choosing participants and sites is whether they are “information rich” (Patton, 1990, p. 169). The intent of purposeful sampling is to choose individuals to be sampled who were representative of the population.

Researchers was showed that the research of differences between gender in speech act in submitting assignment by considering the availability of research personnel, time, and funds, it is impossible to take the entire class.

So that the researcher took some students from each class.

E. The technique of the Data Collection

In this research, the researcher used one method of collecting data. This was documentation stage.


Documentation was one of the ways to collecting data in qualitative research. A valuable source of information in qualitative research can be documents. By using this technique, the researcher could be easy to collect the data from participants. Document was every


written forms data or film which was provided if there was request from the investigator.

Ary (2002, p.442) content or document analysis was a research method applied to written or visual materials for the purpose of identifying specified characteristics of the material. The materials can be textbooks, newspaper, speeches, television program, advertisements, musical compositions or any of host types of document. In this study, the researcher used a document analysis and on utterance in submitting the assessment

In this stage the researcher ask to the teacher to capture their data from the assessment file, and it focus on the text from the students how the write the text to collect their assessment to the lecture. The data was in the form of written messages sent by students to their lectures talking about submitting their assessment. Although the data are in the form of written messages, the writer will use the terminology

“utterance” referring to the written messages, speaker referring to the senders of the messages and hearers referring to the receivers of the messages.

F. The Technique of the Data Analysis

In this data analysis, the researcher used several processes. Nurhasanah (2020), data analysis consisted of data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. In analyzing the data, the researcher evaluates the utterances in order to find out the research question by using his knowledge along with the procedure.


The research used qualitative data, so it will be analyzed by using technique of analysis descriptive qualitative. The analysis of descriptive qualitative give predicate to researched variable according to real condition. The technique that the researcher used in this research was documentation and interview. For data documentation the researcher was helped by the raters to make the score from the way the students submitting their assessment to the lecture.

The maxim method includes 6 types of speech namely, tact, generosity, approbation, modesty, agreement, and sympathy (Leech: 1983). Then, utterances that have been marked are determined according to their type, then classified into data cards to facilitate elaboration when do the analysis. This technique was used to classify the types of speech acts used in submitting assignment

1. Organizing the data

The researcher organized the data from student‟s messages in submitting the text. Then the researcher starts identify which utterances consist of speech acts especially the maxim.

2. Classifying the maxim by using Leech‟s theory and the researcher determined and analyzed the types of maxim in six types by using Leech‟s theory, those are; tact, generosity, approbation, modesty, agreement, and sympathy.

3. Using the table in order to count the No. of the types of maxim. The function of this table was to make easier in knowing what maxim in applied in the text from student message.


4. After counting by using the table above, the researcher summarizes the types of maxim applied in the text from student message.

After analyzing whole data founded from the students message, this research displayed the result of the analysis on by making the description of the form speech act and explain the meaning based on the conversation context.

Table 3.2

Maxim of Politness in speech acts at submitting assignment


Text (male)

SPEECH ACT Maxim of Politness Tact


Generosity Maxim

Approbation Maxim

Modesty Maxim

Agreement Maxim

Sympathy Maxim 1

2 3 4 Total


Text (female)

SPEECH ACT Maxim of Politness Tact


Generosity Maxim

Approbation Maxim

Modesty Maxim

Agreement Maxim

Sympathy Maxim 1

2 3 4 Total




This chapter presents conclusion generated based on the findings from data analysis of documentation in exploring differences between genders in speech act in submitting assignment in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru.

Finally, this chapter ends with several recommendations.

A. Conclusion

Based on the findings that researchers have found in the data, we can conclude that male and female were different from their speech act, based on the previous theory which says that male and female have differences in languages.

In this case, we measure speech act based on maxim in Leech's theory.

There were 6 theories used by Leech, namely: tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim.

The six maxims were the measure of politeness in speech act.Male prefer to use simple words and not long-winded in submitting assignments, while female prefer to use polite and lengthy language when submitting assignments.

B. Suggestion

Based on conclusion above, it was suggested for the students‟s parents must always control every assignment that given by the teacher to students. So that students always do the assignment or homework. Likewise, teachers must be stricter in educating their students, especially male students, in doing assignments,


so that the scores were more objective because all of them submit the assignments.



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Recapitulation Qualitative Data


Recapitulation Qualitative Data The


Male Female

Tact Maxim 1. Ardii wijaya. XI tkj 3 2. ni miss tugas saya 3. Dimas hadi saputra

1. Ini tugas saya, Adina dari X BDP

Generosity Maxim

1. Assalamualaikum, Saya mau ngumpulin tugas, Nama saya Muhammad Fikri dari XI MM2

2. Assalmualaikum buk, saya mau kumpul tugas,

Rahmat Dani, Kelas XI TKJ 3

3. Assalamu‟alaikum miss.

Saya Ridwan Syarif Abidin dari XI TKJ 3 mau mengumpulkan tugas 4. Assalammualaikum bu,

Tugas B.Inggris, Nama : Dani Hermade, Kelas : 11 TKJ 3

5. Assalamualaikum miss, Ni tugas dimas prasetyo x otkp 1 ya miss

6. Assalamu‟alaikum miss saya Ridwan dari 10 OTKP 1 mau ngumpulin tugas yg tadi

7. Assalamu‟alaikum mis ini tugas bahasa inggris nya mis, Andri fajri OTKP 1 buk

8. Assalamu‟alaikum Miss.., tugas Muhammad

1. Assalamualaikum miss, Ini tugas saya, Tri amalia amnas, Kls xbdp

2. Assalamu‟alaikum buk saya alda wulandari agustin dari kelas 10 otkp 1 mau kasih tugas buk

3. Asslamualikum buk, Saya anisa fahmi kelas X BDP ni tugas saya buk

4. Assalamu‟alaikum miss ini tugas Nabila Azrilia x otkp 1

5. Assalamualaikum buk, ni tugas maheswari andini dri X Otkp 1

6. Assalamu‟alaikum miss ini tugas saya nadya agustin otkp1

7. Assalamualaikum maam, Saya husnul dari kelas XI mm 2, Itu tugas saya maam 8. Assalamualaikum miss,

saya Cinta Adriantama dari XI MM 1, ini miss tugas saya hari ini


Nurkholis 11 TKJ 3 Miss..

9. Assalamualaikum miss, Kayaknya saya salah kirim ke guru lain, Ini tugas saya, udah saya buat lama 10. Assalamu‟alaikum mis,

saya dimas ibnu xotkp1 mau ngumpulin tugas b ing tadi siang mis

11. Assalamualaikum mis ni punya Muhammad azkaa Hidayatullah miss

12. Assalamualaikum maam sya rayhan Abdullah mau kumpulkan tugas , XI mm2

13. Assalamualaikum buk, Saya mau kirim tugas buk, Nama:Syamsul aidi, Kelas XI MM1 , Yg latihan procedure text

Approbation Maxim

- 1. Assalamualaikum

mis,ini tugas recount text Adinda Dwi

Anugrah kelas X otkp 1 mis,maaf yam is baru kirim,soalnya baru ada paket

Modesty Maxim

- 1. Assalamu‟alaikum miss,

ini tugas Indah Resky Ramadhani kelas X


OTKP 1 miss,trimakasih miss

2. Assalamu‟alaikum miss, Ini tugas aulia azzahara X otkp 1 miss, Maaf kalau salah ya miss

3. Assalamualaikum miss ini tugas Wella dari awal, berhubung karna Wella murid baru di XI mm2 jadi saya ingin mengirim latihan yang sudah saya catat di buku miss, mohon diterima ya miss 4. Assalamu‟alaikum

miss,ini tugas binggris puan ya mis, Maaf kirimnya udah

kemalaman ya miss hehe 5. Assalamu‟alaikum miss,

ini tugas latiahn Arsya Nova, maaf lama mis tugasnya tadi gak kebaca di gc

6. Assalamualaikum mis , Ini tugas B.inggris Alya Putri Syalwa Zakila, X OTKP 1 miss, Maaf telat ya mis

Agreement Maxim

- -

Sympathy Maxim

- -



Text (man)

SPEECH ACT Maxim of Politness

T.M G.M App.M M.M Ag.M S.M


Assalamualaikum Saya mau ngumpulin tugas

Nama saya

Muhammad Fikri dari XI MM2


Assalmualaikum buk, saya mau kumpul tugas

Rahmat Dani Kelas XI TKJ 3

3 Ardii wijaya. XI tkj 3


Assalamu‟alaikum miss. Saya Ridwan Syarif Abidin dari XI TKJ 3 mau

mengumpulkan tugas

5 Assalammualaikum bu Tugas B.Inggris Nama : Dani Hermade Kelas : 11 TKJ 3

6 Assalamualaikum miss Ni tugas dimas

prasetyo x otkp 1 ya miss


7 Assalamu‟alaikum miss saya Ridwan dari 10 OTKP 1 mau ngumpulin tugas yg tadi

8 Ini miss tugas saya √ 9 Assalamu‟alaikum mis

ini tugas bahasa inggris nya mis Andri fajri OTKP 1 buk

10 Assalamu‟alaikum Miss.., tugas

Muhammad Nurkholis 11 TKJ 3 Miss..

11 Dimas hadi saputra √ 12 Assalamualaikum miss

Kayaknya saya salah kirim ke guru lain Ini tugas saya, udah saya buat lama

13 Assalamu‟alaikum mis, saya dimas ibnu xotkp1 mau ngumpulin tugas b ing tadi siang mis

14 Assalamualaikum mis ni punya Muhammad azkaa Hidayatullah miss


15 Assalamualaikum maam sya rayhan Abdullah mau kumpulkan tugas XI mm2

16 Assalamualaikum buk Saya mau kirim tugas buk

Nama:Syamsul aidi Kelas XI MM1 Yg latihan procedure text

Total: 3 13



Text (woman)

SPEECH ACT Maxim of Politness

T.M G.M App.M M.M Ag.M S.M


Assalamualaikum miss Ini tugas saya

Tri amalia amnas Kls xbdp


Assalamu‟alaikum buk saya alda wulandari agustin dari kelas 10 otkp 1 mau kasih tugas buk


Asslamualikum buk Saya anisa fahmi kelas X BDP ni tugas saya buk

4 Ini tugas saya Adina dari X BDP

5 Assalamualaikum mis,ini tugas recount text Adinda Dwi Anugrah kelas X otkp 1 mis,maaf yam is baru kirim,soalnya baru ada paket

6 Assalamu‟alaikum miss ini tugas Nabila Azrilia x otkp 1

7 Assalamualaikum buk, √


ni tugas maheswari andini dri X Otkp 1 8 Assalamu‟alaikum

miss ini tugas saya nadya agustin otkp1

9 Assalamu‟alaikum miss, ini tugas Indah Resky Ramadhani kelas X OTKP 1 miss,trimakasih miss

10 Assalamu‟alaikum miss

Ini tugas aulia

azzahara X otkp 1 miss Maaf kalau salah ya miss

11 Assalamualaikum miss ini tugas Wella dari awal, berhubung karna Wella murid baru di XI mm2 jadi saya ingin mengirim latihan yang sudah saya catat di buku miss, mohon diterima ya miss

12 Assalamualaikum maam

Saya husnul dari kelas XI mm 2

Itu tugas saya maam


13 Assalamu‟alaikum miss,ini tugas binggris puan ya mis

Maaf kirimnya udah kemalaman ya miss hehe

14 Assalamu‟alaikum miss, ini tugas latiahn Arsya Nova, maaf lama mis tugasnya tadi gak kebaca di gc

15 Assalamualaikum mis Ini tugas B.inggris Alya Putri Syalwa Zakila, X OTKP 1 miss

Maaf telat ya mis

16 Assalamualaikum miss, saya Cinta Adriantama dari XI MM 1, ini miss tugas saya hari ini

Total: 1 8 1 6

T.M = Tact Maxim M.M = Modesty Maxim

G.M = Generosity Maxim Ag.M = Agreement Maxim App.M = Approbation Maxim S.M = Sympathy Maxim



Recommedation Letters







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