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Wk Date Wk day Period Topic Format Hour (1)


Academic year: 2018

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Wk Date Wk day Period Topic Format Hour Teacher Venue Discipl Term 2

19 6/1/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 Anatomy of urinary system Lec 1 Prof LEE Ka Ho Kenneth LSB LT5 ana

19 6/1/2014 MON 10:30-11:15 Blody fluid compartment Lec 1 Prof XIA Yin LSB LT5 phy

19 6/1/2014 MON 11:30-12:15 Overview of kidney function Lec 1 Prof XIA Yin LSB LT5 phy

20 13/1/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 Glomerular and renal tubular function Lec 1 Prof XIA Yin LSB LT5 phy

20 13/1/2014 MON 10:30-12:15 Practical: Urinary system Prac 2 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence* BMSB ana

Dr WONG Wai Kai 109, 113

21 20/1/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 Integrated control of body fluid volume and osmolality Lec 1 Prof XIA Yin LSB LT5 phy

21 20/1/2014 MON 10:30-11:15 Regulation of acid-base balance Lec 1 Prof XIA Yin LSB LT5 phy

21 20/1/2014 MON 11:30-12:15 Q&A (Renal, Acid-base Physiology) Q&A 1 Prof XIA Yin LSB LT5 phy

22 27/1/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 Anatomy of the central nervous system: The brain Lec 1 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence LSB LT5 ana

22 27/1/2014 MON 10:30-11:15 Anatomy of the central nervous system: The spinal cord Lec 1 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence LSB LT5 ana

22 27/1/2014 MON 11:30-12:15 General neurobiology Lec 1 Prof KE Ya LSB LT5 phy

23 3/2/2014 Public holiday

24 10/2/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 Motor system 1 Lec 1 Prof KE Ya LSB LT5 phy

24 10/2/2014 MON 10:30-11:15 Motor system 2 Lec 1 Prof KE Ya LSB LT5 phy

24 10/2/2014 MON 11:30-12:15 Sensory physiology - hearing Lec 1 Prof WAYE Miu Yee Mary LSB LT5 phy

25 17/2/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 Sensory physiology - vision Lec 1 Prof WAN Chi Cheong David LSB LT5 phy

25 17/2/2014 MON 10:30-12:15 Practical: Neuroanatomy Prac 2 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence* BMSB ana

Dr WONG Wai Kai 109, 113

26 24/2/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 CNS function 1 Lec 1 Prof PONOMAREV Eugene LSB LT5 phy

26 24/2/2014 MON 10:30-11:15 CNS function 2 Lec 1 Prof PONOMAREV Eugene LSB LT5 phy

26 24/2/2014 MON 11:30 -12:15 Q&A (Neurophysiology) Q&A 1 Prof PONOMAREV Eugene LSB LT5 phy

27 3/3/2014 MON 9:30-10:15 Anatomy of the gastrointestinal system Lec 1 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence LSB LT5 ana

27 3/3/2014 MON 10:30-12:15 Practical: Gastrointestinal system Prac 2 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence* BMSB ana

Dr POON Hong Kit Sam 207, 211

27 3/3/2014 - 10/3/2014

Formative Assessment 1: Physiology: Renal Physiology &

Neurophysiology + Anatomy: Anatomy of urinary tract+ Nervous system Asse

28 10/3/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 Regulation of gastrointestinal (GI) function and GI motility Lec 1 Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca LSB LT5 phy

28 10/3/2014 MON 10:30-11:15 Gastric and pancreatic function Lec 1 Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca LSB LT5 phy

10/3/2014 MON 11:30-12:15 Anatomy of endocrine system Lec 1 Dr POON Hong Kit Sam LSB LT5 ana

29 17/3/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 Digestion and absorption Lec 1 Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca LSB LT5 phy

29 17/3/2014 MON 10:30-11:15 Gastrointestinal disorder Lec 1 Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca LSB LT5 phy

29 17/3/2014 MON 11:30-12:15 Q&A (Gastrointestinal Physiology) Q&A 1 Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca LSB LT5 phy

30 24/3/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 Principles of endocrine control Lec 1 Prof AU Chak Leung Simon LSB LT5 phy

24/3/2014 MON 10:30-11:15 Pituitary and thyroid function Lec 1 Prof AU Chak Leung Simon LSB LT5 phy

30 24/3/2014 MON 11:30-12:15 Practical: Endocrine system Prac 1 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence* BMSB ana

Dr POON Hong Kit Sam 202AB, 203AB

31 31/3/2014 MON 09:30-10:15 Hormonal control of body metabolism 1 Lec 1 Prof AU Chak Leung Simon LSB LT5 phy

31 31/3/2014 MON 10:30-11:15 Hormonal control of body metabolism 2 Lec 1 Prof AU Chak Leung Simon LSB LT5 phy

31 31/3/2014 MON 11:30-12:15 Q&A (Endocrine Physiology) Q&A 1 Prof AU Chak Leung Simon LSB LT5 phy

32 7/4/2014 MON 09:30-12:15 Anatomy Revision and course evaluation Prac 3 Dr POON Hong Kit Sam BMSB ana

Dr TANG Mei Kuen* 109, 113, 117 Dr Wong Wai Kai


07/04/2014 - 14/4/2014 Formative Assessment 2: Physiology: Gastrointestinal physiology &

Endocrinology + Gastrointestinal physiology & Endocrinology Asse

34 14/4/2014 Study Week

35 28/4/2014 MON 09:30-12:30 Examination Asse 3 Prof AU Chak Leung Simon tbc

(Tentative) Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence

35 26/4/2014 MON 14:30-15:30 Spot Examination Asse 1 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence Dissecting Lab


Venue Lectures: Term 2

LSB LT5 Lady Shaw Building (LSB)

Human Anatomy and Physiology II - SBMS1432 (2013-2014)


Wk Date Wk day Period Topic Format Hour Teacher Venue Discipl Human Anatomy and Physiology II - SBMS1432 (2013-2014)


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