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MYOB Basic PreTest MYOB Accounting v1


Academic year: 2018

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The Case Study

Based t he f act given, you are requi red t o :

1. Set up t he company dat a f il e : [ 4 marks]

 Syst em Pr ef er ences : Tick t he opt ion f or “ Warn if Jobs Are Not Assigned to All Transaction [System-Wide]”

 Wi ndows Pref erences : Unt ick opt ion f or “ Automatically Check Spelling in Text Fields Before Recording Transaction”

 Sal es Pref er ences : Tick t he opt ion f or : “ Warn for Duplicate Invoices Numbers on Recorded Sales”

 Purchases Pref er ences

 Securit y Pref erences



Tick t he opt ion f or : “ Warn for Purchase Orders Numbers on Recorded Purchases”

Cl ick User IDs t o add new User ID as your Name.

2. Set up t he Li st bel ow : [ 8 marks]

Set up t he f ol l owing account l ist

- The Company don’ t use t he f ol l owi ng account codes anymor e :  1-2120 Payrol l Cheque Account

 1-2130 Cash Drawer

 1-2210 Less Prov’ n f or Doubt f ul Debt s

- The Company changes some account l ist as f ol l ows :  1-2140 Pet t y Cash, Change t o 1-2120

 1-2160 Undeposi t ed Funds, Change t o 1-2130 Undeposit ed Cash

- The Company need t o add t he f ol l owi ng account s :

Account # Account Type Header/ Detail Level

2-2340 GST Cl eari ng Ot her Li abil i t y Det ail 4

Mr. Bust omi is t he owner of t he company “DINAMIKA, PT” .

As Sporting Goods Dealer, Mr. Bust omi buys and sel l s sport ing goods t o end users.

Mr. Bust omi decided t o use MYOB Premier v12 account ing sof t war e f or prepari ng his company 1 January to 31 December 2011 Financial Year Report s and pref er t o use t he 13th accounting period for the audit trial adj ustment.

Pl ease use one of t he account l ist provided by MYOB $FFRXQWLQJY. So you don’ t need t o set up t he account l ist compl et el y.

Set up t he f ol l owing inf ormat ion: The Company address : Jakart a Tel : 021-5707070

Fax : 021-5707080

Email : inf o@dinami ka. com


Set up t he t ax code as GST (Goods and Services Tax), Tax Type : Goods & Services Tax, Rate : 10%

Set up t he Job List as R f or Retail, S f or Services.

Set up t he Cat egori es Li st as JKT f or Jakarta, MLG f or Malang.

Set up t he it ems l i st as f ol l ows :

Item No. HG OT MB CT

Description Home Gym Or bit r ek Magnet i c Bi ke Cross Tr ai ner

Selling Price $900 $1000 $1, 100 $1, 250

Tax Code When Bought/ Sold


Selling Unit of Measure

Unit Unit Unit Unit

I Buy This Item Pur chases Pur chases Pur chases Pur chases

I Sell This Item Sal es Sal es Sal es Sal es

I Invent ory This Item Merchandise Invent or y

Merchandi se Invent or y

Mer chandise Invent or y

Mer chandise Invent or y

Set up t he f ol l owing cust omer and suppl ier l ist :

SANDIAGO (Customer) BIG JAYA (Supplier)

TAKOMA (Customer) PURNAMA (Supplier)

SADINO (Customer) ICON (Supplier)

Set up t he empl oyees l ist : Merry, Rahmat and Mariana

3. Set up Bal ance Sheet i nf ormat ion as 01 January 2011 [ 8 marks]

Account # Account YTD Debit YTD Credit

1-1310 Bl dgs & Imprv at Cost $30, 000

1-1320 Bl dgs & Imprv Accum Dep $150 1-2110 Cheque Account $20, 000

1-2120 Pet t y Cash $2, 000 1-2200 Trade Debt ors $5, 500 1-2300 Merchandise Invent or y $14, 000

2-2200 Trade Cr edit or $6600 2-2310 GST Col l ect ed $600 2-2330 GST Paid $500

3-1100 Owner / Shar ehl dr Capi t al $54, 650 3-8000 Ret ai ned Ear nings $10, 000

Total : $72, 000 $72, 000

Set up t he f ol l owing ending bal ance as 31 Dec 2010 :


Set up t he f ol l owing invent ory opening bal ance as 01 January 2011 : suppl ier, BIG JAYA on net 30 days credit terms. (PO#: P-110001, Supplier Inv#:BJ-110001)

Rai sed purchase t o ICON f or advertising $550 (Include 10% GST) on COD

Terms. (PO#: P-110002, Supplier Inv#: IC-110001). Bil l was recei ved. [Job : S]

Immediat el y applied the Debit note to Trade Creditor balance f or BIG JAYA [ID#:P-110003] f or bill on 2 Jan 2011.

[Salesperson: Merry], [Category: JKT].


[Salesperson : Rahmat], [Category : MLG]

POINT 110001] as Discount Taken rebat e and edit Journal Memo wit h “ Sale Discount: TAKOMA” . [Salesperson: Rahmat], [Category: MLG].

Immediat el y Pay Refund [Cheque No: D-110002] f or t he $100 Sal es Rebat e t o TAKOMA f rom t he Petty Cash.

POINT [ 2 marks]


19 Jan 2011

Part l y payment of $1000. - f or invoice on 16 Jan 2011 was recei ved f rom TAKOMA and deposi t s t o Cheque Account [ID#: R-110001].

POINT [ 4 marks]

20 Jan 2011

Use Spend Money [Cheque No: D-110003] t o record expenses f r om Cheque Account $1, 000 f or Store Supplies [Category : JKT].

POINT [ 4 marks]

Use Receive Money [ID#: R-110002] t o record : Deposit $500 t o Cheque Account f or $550 Bank Interest Income And $50 Bank Charges [Category JKT].

[ 4 marks]

5. Perf orm Bank Reconciliation f or t he mont h of Jan 2011 f or Cheque Account t he Bank st at ement shows a bal ance of $19, 950 on 31 Jan 2011.

[ 4 marks]

6. In addit ion t o t he t ransact ion above, prepar e a j ournal ent ry t o record t he depreciation on 31 Jan 2011, f or t he f ol l owing asset cat egori es [GJ#:G-110001] [Category : JKT] :

Office Equipment $150

Save as Monthly Recurring Transaction start from 28 Feb 2011 f or t hose j ournal t hen use t he recurri ng and record depreciat i on j ournal for 28 Feb 2011 [GJ#:G-110003] [Category : JKT]

Prepare a j ournal ent ry t o record t he GST Clearing j ournal on 31 Jan 2011 [GJ#:G-110002] f or Dec 2010. [Category : JKT]

[ 4 marks]

[ 4 marks]

7. On 31 Jan 2011, prepare adj ust i nvent ory t o record Inventory Unit Cost Adj ustment as COGS Account 5-1000 Purchases [ IJ#: I-110002] of Cross Trainer (CT) f or amount $150. [Job : R] [Category : JKT]

[ 4 marks]

8. Generat e t he f ol l owing financial reports at 1 January – 31 January 2011 reports to PDF file format :

 St andard Bal ance Sheet  Prof it & Loss (Accrual )  General Journal

 Bank Reconci l iat ion report  Al l Sal es r eport

 Al l Purchases r eport  It em Regi st er (det ail )  Cash Receipt s Journal  Cash Disbursement Journal

[ 4 marks]

9. From Security Preference, act i vat e t he opt ion f or “ Use Audit Trail Tracking”, t hen Lock the Accounting period f or 31 Jan 2011. BACKUP your MYOB company dat a file (ONLY), Check Company File for Error and Save t he MYOB company dat a backup f il e name as Your name in Backup Folder.

[ 4 marks]

10. From Company Data Auditor – Transaction Review f or 1 Jan 2011 to 31 Jan 2011, t here i s a “ ?” mark f or Scan for Future Dated Transaction. Displ ay it & Sent to PDF the reports. And t hen delete t hat Future Dated Transaction j ournal.


11. Del et e al l t ransact ion on 04 Jan 2011 [ 4 marks]

12. Edit the Recurring Transaction Template of Fi xed Asset s Depreci at i on f or Of f ice Equipment t o $160 per mont h.

[ 4 mark s]

13. Modi f y t o Mi crosof t Excel t he St andard Balance Sheet reports as of Jan 2011 in T Format (l ike t he sampl e bel ow)

[ 4 marks]

~End of Assignment ~

Dinamika, PT. Balance Sheet As of January 2011


Assets Liabilities

Fixed Assets Current Liabilities

Mot or Vehicl e Trade Credit ors $253, 220. 00

Mot or Vehicl e at Cost $30,000.00 VAT Liabil it ies

Mot or Vehicl e Acc Dep ($3, 325. 00) VAT Collect ed $2, 605. 45

Tot al Mot or Vehicl e $26,675.00 VAT Paid ($14,520. 00)

Tot al Fi xed Asset s $26,675.00 Tot al VAT Liabil it i es ($11,914. 55) Current Asset Total Current Liabilities $241, 305. 45

Bank & Cash i n Hand Total Liabilities $241, 305. 45

General Cheque Account $135, 244. 00

HSBC Phil ippines $100, 200. 00

Pet t y Cash $2, 000. 00 Equit y

Undeposit ed Funds $450. 00 Pai d Up Capit al $150, 000. 00

Tot al Bank & Cash in Hand $237, 894. 00 Ret ained Earnings $4, 984, 428.62

Trade Debt ors $103, 560. 00 Current Earnings ($120. 47)

Invent ory Total Equity $5, 134, 308.15

Invent ory-Equi pm ent $5, 007, 484.60

Tot al Invent ory $5, 007, 484.60

Total Current Asset $5, 348, 938.60

Total ASSETS $5, 375, 613.60



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