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Translation Techniques Between The Translation Of English Novel Coco Simon’s Cupcake Diaries 2: Mia In The Mix Into Bahasa Indonesia And The Translation Of Indonesian Novel Andrea Hirata’s Laskar Pelangi Into English


Academic year: 2019

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Appendix 1: English - Bahasa Indonesia (MTM - MCG)

No. Source Text Target Text Translation

Techniques 1 An Interesting Remark Komentar yang Menarik Established

Equivalent 2 My Name is Mia

Velaz-Cruz, and I hate Mondays.

Namaku Mia Velaz-Cruz, dan aku benci hari Senin.

Literal Translation 3 I know, everybody says

that, right?

Aku tahu, semua orang pasti bilang begitu, kan?

Linguistic Amplification 4 But I think I have some

very compeling reasons for hating Mondays.

Tapi aku punya beberapa alasan khusus untuk membenci Senin.

Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression 5 For example, every other

weekend I go to

Manhattan to see my dad.

Contohnya, setiap dua minggu aku pergi ke Manhattan menemui ayahku.

Established Equivalent

6 My parents are divorced, and my mom and I moved out to a town in the suburbs, an hour outside the city.

Orangtuaku bercerai, lalu aku dan Mom pindah ke sebuah kota kecil di daerah pinggiran, satu jam dari Manhattan.

Modulation, Borrowing & Compensation

7 I really like living with my mom, but I miss my dad a lot.

Aku senang tinggal dengan Mom, tapi aku juga sangat rindu Dad.

Established Equivalent & Borrowing 8 I miss Manhattan, too, and

all of my friends there.

Aku rindu Manhattan dan semua teman-temanku.

Linguistic Compression 9 On the weekends I visit

my dad, he drives me back to my mom’s house late on Sunday nights.

Pada akhir pekan aku mengunjungi Dad, dan Dan mengantarku kembali ke rumah Mom pada minggu malam.

Borrowing, Linguistic Compression

10 So it’s weird when I wake up on Monday and I realize I’m not in New York anymore.

Jadi, aneh rasanya ketika bangun di hari Senin dan menyadari aku tak lagi berada di New York.

Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression 11 Every two weeks I wake

up all confused, which is not a good way to start a Monday.

Tiap dua minggu aku bangun dengan kebingungan dan itu bukan cara yang baik untuk memulai hari Senin.


12 Another reason I don’t like Mondays is that it’s the first day of the school week.

Alasan lain mengapa aku nggak suka Senin adalah karena itu hari pertama sekolah.


13 That means five days of school until I get a day off.

Artinya, lima hari sekolah baru libur satu hari.

Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent 14 Five days of Mrs. Moore’s

hard math quizzes.

Lima hari untuk kuis matematika Mrs. Moore yang sulit.


15 And I have to wait all the way till the end of the week for Cupcake Friday.

Dan aku harus menunggu sampai akhir pekan untuk Cupcake Friday,

Linguistic Compression 16 That’s the day either I or

one of my friends brings in cupcakes to eat at lunch.

Hari dimana aku atau salah satu teman-temanku membawa cupcake untuk dimakan pada jam makan siang.

Linguistic Compression

17 That’s how we formed the Cupcake Club.

Begitulah Cupcake Club kami terbentuk.

Modulation 18 But I’ll tell you more

about that in a minute.

Tapi aku akan

menceritakan tentang hal itu sebentar lagi.

Linguistic Compression 19 Lately I’ve been looking

over a bunch of journal entries, and I’ve realized that when annoying things happen, they usually happen on Monday.

Setelah melihat-lihat catatanku, aku jadi sadar, kalau terjadi sesuatu yang menyebalkan itu biasanya jatuh di hari Senin.

Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent

20 Back in May, my mom told me on a Monday night that we were moving out of New York.

Bulan Mei lalu, ibuku mengatakan pada Senin malam kami bakal pindah dari New York.

Established Equivalent

21 When I ruined my new suede boots because of a sudden rain storm, it was on a Monday.

Saat sepatu bot kulitku rusak karena hujan badai, itu hari Senin.


22 And the last time I lost my cell phone, it was Monday.

Dan terakhir kali aku kehilangan ponselku, itu hari Senin

Literal translation

23 And when did I find it? Lalu kapan aku menemukannya lagi?

Linguistic Amplification 24 Friday, of course. Jumat, tentunya. Literal translation 25 Because Friday is an

awesome day.

Karena Jumat adalah hari yang hebat.

Literal translation 26 Then there was that bad

Monday I had a few weeks ago.

Lalu ada lagi Senin buruk yang baru kualami

beberapa minggu yang lalu.

Literal Translation

27 It should have been a good Monday.

Harusnya hari itu jadi Senin yang



28 A great Monday, even, because that was my first day back at school after the Cupcake Club won the contest.

Menakjubkan bahkan, karena itu hari pertama masuk sekolah setelah Cupcake Club menang kontes.

Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent 29 Remember when I

mentioned Cupcake Club?

Ingat kan saat aku

menyebut Cupcake Club?

Literal Translation 30 I’m in the club with my

friends Katie, Alexis, and Emma.

Aku tergabung di

dalamnya bersama teman-temanku Katie, Alexis dan Emma.

Established Equivalent

31 It started because we all eat lunch together, and on the first day of school Katie brought in this amazing peanut-butter-and-jelly cupcake that her mom made.

Awal terbentuknya klub itu adalah waktu kami makan siang bersama di hari pertama masuk SMP, Katie membawa cupcake selai kacang dengan isi selai anggur yang lezat buatan ibunya.

Established Equivalent & Borrowing

32 Katie is a fabulous

cupcake baker too, and she and her mom taught us all how to make them, so we decided to form our own club and make them together.

Katie ahli membuat cupcake, dia dan ibunya juga mengajari kami cara membuatnya. Lalu kami putuskan untuk

membentuk klub dan membuat cupcake bersama-sama.

Borrowing & Established Equivalent

33 Fun, right? Asyik, bukan? Literal translation 34 A little while after we

formed the club, Principal LaCosta announced there was going to be a contest the day of the first school dance.

Tak lama setelah Cupcake Club terbentuk, Kepala Sekolah LaCosta

mengumumkan aka nada perlombaan pada hari pesta dansa sekolah.


35 There would be a big fund-raising fair in the school parking lot, and the group that raised the most funds would win a prize at the dance.

Ada acara penggalangan dana di pelataran parkir sekolah, dan kelompok yang menggalang dana terbanyak akan

memenangkan hadiah di pesta dansa.

Linguistic Compression

36 We hadn’t really planned on participating in the fund-raiser, but then this other group in our class, the Popular Girls Club, kept telling everyone they were going to win.

Kami sebenarnya tak punya rencana untuk ikutan dalam

penggalangan dana itu, tapi ada kelompok lain di kelas satu, Popular Girls Club, yang terus berkoar-koar kepada semua orang


kalau mereka akan menang.

37 The leader of the group, Sydney, bragged that they had some “top-secret” idea that was going to blow everyone away.

Pemimpin kelompok itu, Sydney, menggembar-gemborkan kalau mereka memiliki ide “sangat rahasia” yang bakal membuat semua orang terkesima.

Established Equivalent

38 It’s not like we’re rivals or anything, but once we heard that, we decided to enter the contest too.

Bukan berarti kami ini bersaing atau apa lah, tapi begitu mendengarnya, kami putuskan untuk ikut perlombaan juga.


39 Our idea was to sell cupcakes decorated with the school colors (that part was my idea).

Ide kami adalah menjual cupcake yang dihias dengan warna-warna sekolah (itu adalah ideku).

Borrowing & Linguistic Compression 40 The PGC’s big secret

ended up being a makeover booth, which would have been a cool idea except they weren’t very good at doing makeovers.

Rahasia besar PGC ternyata adalah stan riasan, yang harusnya jadi ide yang keren kalau mereka mahir merias.

Established Equivalent & Modulation

41 In fact, they were terrible at it.

Nyatanya riasan mereka payah.

Modulation 42 But we were very good at

baking cupcakes.

Sebaliknya, kami sangat ahli membuat cupcake.

Borrowing 43 We sold two hundred

cupcakes and won the contest.

Kami menjual dua ratus cupcake dan

memenangkan lombanya.


44 At the dance that night, Principal LaCosta gave us our prizes: four Park Street Middle School


Dalam pesta dansa di malam harinya, Kepala Sekolah LaCosta menyerahkan hadian kepada kami: empat baju hangat Park Street Middle School.


45 I know it’s not a huge deal or anything, but it fells really good to win.

Aku tahu ini bukan hal besar atau apa lah, tapi rasanya gembira banget jadi pemenang.

Established Equivalent & Transposition 46 Back at my old school,

things were really competitive.

Di sekolah lamaku, suasananya sangat kompetitif.

Established Equivalent 47 Just about every kid took

singing lessons or art lessons or violin lessons or

Hampir semua murid mengambil kelas menyanyi atau seni atau biola atau


French lessons. bahasa Prancis.

48 Everyone is good at something.

Setiap murid punya keahliannya masing-masing.


49 It was hard to stand out there, and I never won a prize before.

Sulit untuk menonjol disana, dan aku belum pernah memenangkan apa pun sebelumnya.

Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent 50 I was really happy that we


Jadi, aku sangat senang kami bisa menang.

Linguistic Amplification 51 It made me think maybe it

wasn’t bad that we moved out here.

Kemenanganku itu membuatku berpikir mungkin kepindahan kami kesini tak ada salahnya.

Established Equivalent

52 Just before my mom picked me up the night of our big win, Alexis had an idea.

Tepat sebelum Mom menjemputku pada malam kemenangan besar kami, Alexis melontarkan sebuah ide.

Borrowing & Established Equivalent

53 “We should all wear our sweatshirts to school on Monday,” she said.

“Kita semua harus pakai baju hangat ini ke sekolah Senin nanti,” katanya.

Established Equivalent 54 “Isn’t that kind of like

bragging?” Emma asked.

“Bukannya itu terkesan pamer?” Tanya Emma.

Established Equivalent 55 “We should do it,” Katie


“Harus,” kata Katie. Linguistic Compression 56 “All the football guys

wear their jerseys when they win a game.

“Anak-anak klub sepak bola memakai baju bola mereka saat menang pertandingan.

Linguistic Compression

57 We won. Kita menang. Literal translation

58 We should be proud.” Kita harus bangga.” Literal translation 59 Yes, definitely,” I agreed. “Ya, tentu saja,” kataku


Established Equivalent 60 I mean, Katie was right. Maksudku, Katie benar. Literal translation 61 We should be proud. Kami harus bangga. Literal translation 62 Making two hundred

cupcakes is a lot of work!

Membuat dua ratus cupcake adalah pekerjaaan berat!

Borrowing & Established Equivalent 63 Except for one problem. Hanya saja, ada satu


Established Equivalent 64 I don’t do sweatshirts. Aku tak suka pakai baju


Established Equivalent 65 I’m sorry, but the last time

I wore one I was five, and it made me look like a steamed dumpling.

Maaf, tapi terakhir kali aku memakainya waktu umur 5 tahun dan itu membuatku terlihat seperti bakpao kukus.


66 They are all lumpy and the sleeves are always too long.

Bahannya kasar dan lengannya selalu kepanjangan.

Established Equivalent 67 Even though I wanted to

show how proud I was of winning, I also knew there was no way I could wear that sweatshirt on


Meskipun aku ingin menunjukkan betapa aku bangga jadi pemenang, aku juga tahu aku tidak akan mungkin memakai baju hangat itu Senin nanti.

Established Equivalent

68 I really care about what I wear, probably because my mom used to work for a big fashion magazine.

Aku peduli banget sama apa yang kupakai, mungkin karena Mom pernah bekerja di majalah fashion terkenal.

Established Equivalent & Borrowing

69 So fashion is in my blood. Jadi fashion mengalir dalam darahku.

Borrowing & Linguistic Amplification 70 But I also think clothes are

a fun way to express yourself.

Dan menurutku pakaian adalah salah satu cara menyenangkan untuk mengekspresikan diri.

Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression 71 You can seriously tell a lot

about a person by what they choose to wear, like their mood for instance.

Kau bisa tahu dengan jelas tentang seseorang dari apa yang mereka pilih untuk dipakai, misalnya mood mereka.

Modulation & Borrowing

72 And so to me a sweatshirt just says “I’m in the mood to sweat!”

Jadi buatku, baju hangat akan mengatakan, “Aku sedang ingin kepanasan!”


73 I told Mom about my sweatshirt issue on the drive home.

Kuceritakan kepada Mom soal rencana kami

memakai baju hangat dalam perjalanan pulang.

Borrowing & Established Equivalent 74 “Mia, I’m surprised by

you,” she said.

“Mia, ibu heran denganmu,” katanya.

Literal Translation 75 “You’re great at

transforming your old clothes into new and amazing creations.

“Kau kan sering mengubah pakaian lamamu jadi lebih bagus dengan kreasi baru.

Established Equivalent & Compensation 76 Think of your old school


Coba ingat seragam sekolah lamamu.

Established Equivalent 77 You made that look great

and like you everyday.

Kau membuatnya terlihat bagus dan mencirikan dirimu.

Established Equivalent 78 If you had to wear a

sweatshirt, I’d bet you could come up with something really cool and

Kalau kau harus pakai baju hangat, Ibu yakin kau akan dapat ide yang bagus dan keren.”



79 Mom was right, to be honest, and I was a little surprised I hadn’t thought of it first.

Mom benar, jujur saja, dan aku sedikit heran kenapa hal itu tak terpikir olehku.

Borrowing & Linguistic Compression 80 Our old school uniform

was terrible: ugly plaid skirts with plain white, itchy tops.

Seragam sekolah lama kami sangat jelek: rok kotak-kotak jelek dengan atasan putih polos.

Linguistic Compression

81 But you could wear a sweater or a jacket and any shoes, so you could get pretty creative with it and not look gross on a daily basis.

Namun kau bisa pakai jaket dan sepatu apapun, jadi kau bisa berkreatif-ria mengakalinya dan nggak terlihat menjijikkan setiap hari.

Reduction, Linguistic Amplification & Established Equivalent 82 That’s one of the good

things about my new school—you can wear whatever you want.

Itu salah satu hal terbaik menganai sekolahku-kau bisa pakai apa pun yang kau mau.

Linguistic Compression

83 Inspired, I sat at my sewing table the next day and cut up the sweatshirt.

Setelah dapat ide, aku duduk di meja jahitku keesokan harinya dan menggunting baju hangat itu.

Established Equivalent

84 I turned it into a cool hobo bag, the kind with a big pouch and a long strap.

Aku membuatnya jadi tas hobo yang keren, dengan kantong besar dan tali panjang.

Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression 85 I added a few cool studs to

the strap and around the school logo to funk it up a little.

Aku tambah beberapa hiasan keren pada tali dan sekitar logo sekolah agar lebih menarik.

Established Equivalent

86 I was really proud of how it looked.

Aku sangat bangga melihat hasilnya.

Modulation 87 On Monday morning I

picked out an outfit to go with the bag: a denim skirt, a blue knit shirt with a brown leather belt around the waist, and a dark-grey-and-white-striped-blazer.

Senin paginya, aku memilih pakaian yang cocok dengan tas itu; rok jins, kaus rajut warna biru dengan ikat pinggang kulit berwarna cokelat dan blazer garis-garis abu-abu tua dan putih.

Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression

88 I rolled up the sleeves of the blazer, then put the bag over my shoulder and checked out my reflection in the long mirror attached to my closet.

Kugulung lengan blazer, kusandang tas

selempangku, lalu

kuperhatikan bayanganku di cermin panjang yang menyatu dengan lemari.

Established Equivalent


pikirku. Equivalent 90 I changed the blue shirt to

a white one, then changed the belt to a braided silver belt and checked again.

Kuganti kaus biruku dengan kaus putih lalu ikat pinggang cokelat dengan ikat pinggang braided (berbentuk jalinan) berwarna silver dan kuperiksa sekali lagi.


91 Better, I thought. Lebih baik, pikirku. Literal translation 92 I pulled my long black

hair back into a ponytail.

Ku ikat rambut hitam panjangku jadi ekor kuda.

Established Equivalent 93 Maybe a headband…or

maybe braid it to the side…

Mungkin pakai bandana… atau mungkin

mengepangnya ke samping…

Linguistic Amplification

94 “Mia! “Mia! Literal translation

95 You’ll be late for your bus!” Mom called from downstairs.

Kau akan ketinggalan bus!” panggil Mom dari bawah.

Borrowing & Linguistic Compression 96 I sighed. Aku menghela napas. Literal translation 97 I’m almost always late for

the bus, no matter how early I wake up.

Aku selalu ketinggalan bus, tak peduli sepagi apa pun aku bangun.

Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent 98 I decided to leave my hair

down and hurried downstairs.

Aku putuskan untuk menggerai rambutku dan berlari ke bawah.

Established Equivalent 99 Taking a bus to school is

something I still need to get used to.

Naik bus ke sekolah adalah satu hal yang harus kubiasakan.

Linguistic Compression 100 When I went to my school

in New York, I took the subway.

Saat sekolah di New York, aku naik kereta bawah tanah.

Established Equivalent 101 A lot of people don’t like

the subway because of how crowded it is, but I love it.

Banyak yang tidak suka kereta bawah tanah karena sangat ramai, tapi aku suka.

Linguistic Compression

102 I like to study the people and see what they’re wearing.

Aku suka mengamati orang-orang dan melihat apa yang mereka pakai.

Literal Translation

103 Everyone has their own distinct style and things that they’re into.

Setiap orang punya gaya berbeda dan menyukai hal yang berbeda pula.

Established Equivalent 104 And there are all kinds of

people on a subway—old people, moms with little kids, kids going to school like me, people from the suburbs going to work.

Dan segala jenis orang ada disana-orang tua, ibu-ibu dengan anak kecil, anak-anak yang mau ke sekolah sepertiku, orang-orang dari daerah


pinggiran yang mau pergi bekerja.

105 Also, on the subway, nobody whispers about you behind your back like they do on the bus.

Selain itu, di kereta bawah tanah, nggak ada yang berbisik-bisik ngomongin kamu seperti di atas bus.

Linguistic Compression

106 Nobody makes loud burping noises either, like Wes Kinney does every single day in the back of the school bus, which is extremely disgusting.

Enggak ada yang

bersendawa dengan suara keras, seperti yang

dilakukan Wes Kinney setiap hari dari belakang bus sekolah, dan itu menjijikkan banget.


107 The best thing about the bus, though, is that my friend Katie takes it with me.

Yang terbaik dari bus itu, setidaknya, adalah temanku, Katie juga menaikinya.

Linguistic Compression

108 That’s how we met, on the first day of school.

Begitulah kami berkenalan, di hari pertama sekolah.

Literal Translation

109 Her best friend was supposed to ride with her, but she walked to school instead, so I asked Katie to sit with me.

Katie harusnya naik bus bersama teman baiknya, tapi temannya ini memilih berjalan kaki ke sekolah. Jadi aku menawarkannya untuk duduk bersama.


110 I felt bad for Katie, but it was lucky for me.

Aku merasa kasihan padanya, tapi juga merasa beruntung.


111 Katie is really cool. Katie benar-benar keren. Literal Translation 112 When Katie got on the bus

that morning she was wearing her Park Street sweatshirt with lightly ripped jeans and her favorite blue canvas sneakers.

Saat Katie menaiki bus pagi itu, dia memakai baju hangat Park Street dengan jins terang sobek-sobek dan sepatu kets kanvas biru kesukaannya.

Linguistic Compression

113 Her wavy brown hair was down.

Rambut cokelat

bergelombangnya terurai.

Literal Translation 114 She has natural highlights,

as if she hung out everyday at the beach.

Rambutnya punya highlight alami seolah-olah dia ke pantai setiap hari.

Borrowing & Compensation

115 If I didn’t know Katie, I would have guessed she was from California.

Kalau saja tak mengenalnya, pasti kusangka dia berasal dari California.

Linguistic Compression

116 “Hey!” Katie said, sliding into the seat next to me.

“Hai”! sapa Katie sambil duduk di sebelahku.


117 She pointed to her sweatshirt.

Dia menunjuk bajunya. Generalization 118 “I still can’t believe we


“Aku masih tak percaya kita menang!”

Literal Translation 119 “Me either,” I said. “Aku juga,” kataku. Literal Translation 120 “But we did make some

really fabulous cupcakes.”

“Tapi kita memang membuat cupcake yang luar biasa.”

Linguistic Compression & Borrowing 121 “Totally,” Katie agreed. “Sangat,” ujar Katie


Linguistic Amplification & Established Equivalent

122 Then she frowned. Lalu dia cemberut. Literal Translation 123 “Did you forget to wear

your shirt?”

“Apakah kau lupa untuk memakai baju


Literal Translation

124 “I’m wearing it,” I told her.

“Aku memakainya,” kataku padanya.

Literal Translation 125 I showed her the bag. Kutunjukkan tasku


Literal Translation 126 “What do you think?” “Gimana?” Linguistic

Compression 127 “No way!” “Tak mungkin!” Established

Equivalent 128 Katie grabbed it to get a

closer look.

Katie mengambilnya untuk melihat lebih dekat.

Transposition 129 “Did your mom do this?” “Apakah ibumu yang


Literal Translation 130 “I did,” I replied. “Aku,” jawabku. Linguistic

Compressiion 131 “That is awesome,” Katie


“Menakjubkan!” kata Katie

Linguistic Compression 132 “I didn’t know you could


“Aku tak tahu kau bisa menjahit.

Literal Translation 133 That’s got to be harder

than making cupcakes.”

Pasti lebih susah daripada membuat cupcake.”

Linguistic Compression & Borrowing

134 I shrugged. Aku mengangkat bahu. Literal Translation 135 “I don’t know. “Entahlah. Established

Equivalent 136 It just takes practice.” Cuma butuh latihan saja.” Linguistic


137 Braaap! Eeerrgghh! Established

Equivalent 138 Wes Kinney made a big

fake burp just then.

Wes Kinney baru saja membuat-buat suara sendawa besar.


laughing. tertawa. Compression 140 “That is so gross,” Katie

said, shaking her head.

“Menjijikkan,” kata Katie, menggelengkan


Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent 141 “Seriously!” I agreed. “Bener!” ujarku


Established Equivalent 142 This Monday was starting

out okay (except for the part when I didn’t get to wear my headband).

Senin ini berawal baik-baik saja (kecuali aku tak jaadi pakai bandana).

Linguistic Compression

143 But it got annoying pretty fast in homeroom.

Namun berubah menjadi menyebalkan ketika di kelas umum.

Linguistic Compression 144 None of my Cupcake Club

friends are in my

homeroom, but I do know some kids.

Tak satupun teman-teman Cupcake Club berada di kelas umum yang sama denganku, tapi aku kenal beberapa orang.

Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent 145 There’s George Martinez,

who’s kind of cute and really funny.

Ada George Martinez, yang lumayan cakep dan sangat lucu.

Established Equivalent 146 He’s in my science and

social studies classes too.

Kami juga sekelas di pelajaran sains dan ilmu sosial.


147 There’s Sophie, who I like a lot.

Ada Sophie, yang sangat kusukai.

Literal Translation 148 But she sits next to her

best friend, Lucy, and in homeroom they’re always in a huddle, whispering to each other.

Tapi dia selalu duduk bersama teman baiknya, Lucy, dan mereka selalu berdua, saling berbisik.

Established Equivalent

149 Then there is Sydney Whitman and Callie Wilson.

Juga ada Sydney Whitman dan Callie Wilson.

Established Equivalent 150 Sydney is the one who

started the Popular Girls Club.

Sydney adalah salah satu pembentuk Popular Girls Club.


151 Callie is in the club too, and she’s also the girl who used to be Katie’s best friend.

Callie juga ikutan klub itu, dia adalah cewek yang pernah jadi sahabat Katie.

Compensation, Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression 152 I can see why, because

she’s nice, like Katie.

Aku bisa mengerti kenapa mereka bersahabat, karena dia baik, seperti Katie.

Linguistic Amplification

153 Katie, Alexis, and Emma all think Sydney is

Katie, Alexis, dan Emma sama-sama berpikir


horrible. Sydney jahat.

154 They say she’s always making mean comments to them.

Katanya, Sydney selalu berkomentar jelek tentang mereka.


155 She’s never said anything really mean to me.

Tapi dia nggak pernah mengatakan apa pun yang jahat tentang diriku.

Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent 156 And to be honest, I like

the way she dresses.

Dan jujur saja, aku suka caranya berpakaian.

Literal Translation 157 She has a really god sense

of fashion, which is something we have in common.

Selera fashion-nya bagus, satu kesamaan kami.

Borrowing & Established equivalent 158 Like today, she was

wearing a scoop-neck T-shirt with a floral chiffon skirt, black leggings, and an awesome wraparound belt that had a large pewter flower as the buckle.

Seperti sekarang, dia memakai kaus berkerah bulat dengan rok berbahan sutra lembut dengn motif bunga-bunga, legging hitam, dan sabuk kain yang cantik dengan bunga besar yang terbuat dari timah sebagai gesper.


159 So sometimes I think, you know, that maybe we could be friends.

Jadi kadang, kurasa, kau tahu, mungkin kami bisa berteman baik.

Literal Translation

160 Don’t get me wrong—the girls in the Cupcake Club are my BFFs, and I love them.

Jangan salah tanggap-cewek-cewek Cupcake Club adalah sahabat terbaikku, dan aku menyayangi mereka.

Established Equivalent

161 But none of them are into fashion the way I am.

Tapi tak satupun dari mereka yang suka fashion sepertiku.

Established Equivalent & Borrowing 162 Sydney and Callie sit right

across from me.

Sydney dan Callie duduk di seberangku.

Linguistic Compression 163 Callie gave me a smile

when I sat down.

Callie tersenyum saat aku duduk.

Linguistic Compression & Transposition 164 “Those were great

cupcakes you guys made on Saturday,” Callie told me.

“Cupcake yang kalian buat Sabtu kemarin enak banget,” ujar Callie padaku.

Borrowing, Linguistic Compression & Compensation 165 “Thanks,” I said. “Makasih,” jawabku. Literal Translation 166 I thought I saw Sydney

give Callie a glare.

Sepertinya aku melihat Sydney melotot pada Callie.

Linguistic Compression & Transposition 167 But when she turned to

me, she was smiling too.

Tapi ketika menoleh padaku, dia tersenyum.


168 “That was a really

interesting dress you wore to the dance, Mia,”

Sydney said.

“Gaun yang kau pakai waktu pesta dansa kemarin itu menarik sekali, Mia,” kata Sydney.


169 Hmm. Hmm. Literal Translation

170 I wasn’t sure what “interesting” meant.

Aku nggak gitu mengerti maksud kata “menarik”.

Established Equivalent 171 I had worn a minidress

with black, purple, and turquoise panels, a black sequined jacket, and black patent leather peep toe flats.

Aku memakai gaun mini dengan panel berwarna hitam, ungu, dan biru laut, jaket hitam berpayet dan sepatu kulit hitam peep toe yang flat.


172 “Perfectly chic,” my mom had said.

“Sangat chic,” kata ibuku. Borrowing 173 “Thanks.” “Makasih,” ujarku. Linguistic

Amplification 174 “Very . . . red carpet

maybe?” Sydney went on.

“Sangat… red carpet, mungkin?” lanjut Sydney.

Borrowing 175 “Although, I was reading

this really interesting article in Fashionista magazine all about choosing the right outfit for the right event.

“Tapi, aku pernah membaca artikel menarik di majalah Fashionista tentang memilih busana yang tepat dengan acaranya.

Established Equivalent & Linguistic Compression

176 You know, like how being overdressed can be just as bad as being


Kau tahu, kalau busana yang terlalu heboh bisa jadi sama buruknya dengan busana yang terlalu biasa.”


177 I knew exactly what Sydney was doing.

Aku sangat mengerti apa yang sedang Sydney lakukan.

Established Equivalent 178 She was insulting me, but

in a “nice” way.

Dia menghinaku dengan cara “halus”.

Linguistic Compression 179 Sort of. Seperti itulah. Literal Translation 180 I know my outfit might

have been a little too sophisticated for a middle school dance, but so what?

Aku tahu pakaianku mungkin sedikit

berlebihan untuk pesta dansa SMP, lalu kenapa?

Linguistic Compression

181 I liked it. Aku suka. Linguistic

Compression 182 “There’s no such thing as

being overdressed,” I replied calmly.

“Tak ada istilah busana yang terlalu heboh,” jawabku kalem.


183 “That’s what my mom taught me.

“Itulah yang diajarkan ibuku.

Linguistic Compression 184 She used to be an editor at

flair Magazine.”

Dia adalah mantan editor di majalah Flair.”


185 Then I opened up my notebook and began to sketch.

Aku lalu membuka buku catatanku dan mulai menggambar sketsa.

Literal Translation

186 I don’t normally brag about my mother’s job like that, but I didn’t know what to say to Sydney.

Biasanya aku tak mengumbar-umbar pekerjaan ibuku seperti itu, tapi aku tak tahu harus mengatakan apa pada Sydney.

Literal Translation

187 “Wow!” said Callie. “Wow!” kata Callie. Literal Translation

188 “Flair? “Flair? Literal Translation

189 That’s so cool! Keren banget! Linguistic Compression 190 Isn’t that cool?” Keren, ya?” Linguistic

Compression 191 She turned to Sydney who

looked uninterested.

Dia menoleh ke Sydney yang terlihat nggak tertarik.

Literal Translation

192 “We read that all the time at Sydney’s house.

“Kami selalu membaca majalah itu di rumah Sydney.

Established Equivalent

193 Her mom gets it.” Ibunya yang beli.” Literal Translation 194 Sydney opened her math

book and pretended to start reading.

Sydney membuka buku matematikanya dan berpura-pura mulai membaca.

Literal Translation

195 “You looked really great!” said Callie, like she was trying to make up for Sydney.

“Kau terlihat sangat menakjubkan!” kata Callie, seolah-olah meminta maaf atas perilaku Sydney.

Established Equivalent

196 I honestly didn’t really care if they liked it or not.

Sejujurnya aku tak peduli apakah mereka suka atau tidak.

Linguistic Compression 197 I thought I looked good

and that outfit made me feel great.

Kurasa aku terlihat keren dan pakaian itu

membuatku percaya diri.

Established Equivalent 198 I wasn’t mad at Sydney—

just annoyed.

Aku gak marah sama Sydney-hanya sedikit kesal.

Literal Translation

199 Which is not a fabulous way to start the day.

Dan itu bukan cara yang bagus untuk memulai hari Senin.

Established Equivalent 200 But what can you expect

from a Monday?

Tapi apa yang bisa kau harapkan dari hari Senin?

Literal Translation 201 Meat Loaf Monday


Daging Gulung Senin Berlanjut.

Literal Translation 202 So, the next

Monday-esque thing happened at

Jadi, hal menyebalkan di hari Senin selanjutnya


lunchtime. terjadi pada jam makan siang.

203 I sit at a table with Katie, Alexis, and Emma.

Aku duduk semeja dengan Katie, Alexis, dan Emma.

Established Equivalent 204 Katie always brings her

lunch, like me, and Alexis and Emma always get lunch from the cafeteria.

Katie selalu membawa bekal makan siangnya, sama sepertiku. Alexis serta Emma selalu membeli di kantin.

Linguistic Compression

205 When I got to the table, Katie was already eating her sandwich.

Saat aku sampai di meja, Katie sedang memakan roti lapisnya.

Linguistic Compression 206 I opened up my new bag

and realized I’d forgotten to put my lunch bag inside this morning.

Kubuka tas baruku dan aku sadar, aku lupa memasukkan bekalku tadi pagi.

Linguistic Compression

207 “This is seriously

disappointing,” I said with a sigh.

“Ini benar-benar menyebalkan,” kataku sambil menghela napas.


208 Luckily, I always carry a few dollars around in case of an emergency.

Untungnya, aku selalu membawa sedikit uang untuk berjaga-jaga.

Generalization Established Equivalent

209 I looked at Katie. Aku menoleh ke Katie. Literal Translation 210 “Forgot my lunch. “Aku lupa bawa makan


Linguistic Amplification & Established Equivalent 211 I’ll be back in a minute.” Aku beli makan dulu ya.” Modulation 212 Katie’s mouth was full of

peanut butter, so she nodded in reply.

Mulut Katie penuh dengan selai kacang, jadi dia mengangguk sebagai jawaban.

Literal Translation

213 I walked over to the line and found my self right behind Alexis and Emma.

Aku menuju antrian dan berdiri tepat di belakang Alexis dan Emma.

Established Equivalent 214 They’re best friends, but

they’re both really different.

Mereka adalah sahabat karib, tapi keduanya sangat berbeda.

Literal Translation

215 Alexis has reddish wavy hair and likes to talk a lot.

Alexis berambut gelombang kemerah-merahan dan sangat suka ngobrol.

Established Equivalent

216 Emma was taller, with straight blond hair and big blue eyes.

Emma lebih tinggi, dengan rambut pirang panjang dan mata biru yang besar.

Literal Translation

217 She’s a little bit shy, and definitely quieter than Alexis.

Dia sedikit pemalu dan lebih pendiam daripada Alexis.


though. sangat baik.

219 Today they were both wearing their park Street sweatshirts.

Keduanya memakai baju hangat Park Street hari ini.


220 Alexis wore hers with a white denim skirt and a white headband in her hair, and Emma had on cute blue denim leggings.

Alexis memadunya dengan rok jins dan bandana putih. Emma memadunya dengan legging jins biru yang manis.

Established Equivalent & Borrowing

221 “I forgot my lunch,” I told them.

“Aku lupa bawa bekal,” kataku kepada mereka.

Established Equivalent 222 “What are they having


“Apa menu hari ini?” Established Equivalent 223 “Monday is meat loaf

day,” Alexis told me.

“Senin adalah hari daging gulung,” kata Alexis padaku.

Literal Translation

224 “With mashed potatoes and string beans.”

“Dengan kentang pure dan buncis.”

Literal Translation 225 “Oh,” I said. “Oh,” ujarku. Literal Translation 226 I am not a big fan of meat


Aku gak terlalu suka daging gulung.

Established Equivalent 227 Of course, Monday would

have to be meat loaf day.

Tentu saja, Senin pasti hari daging gulung.

Literal Translation 228 “It’s not bad,” Emma said,

noticing my face.

“Lumayan, kok,” kata Emma, menyadari raut wajahku.

Established Equivalent 229 “You can get a salad

instead if you want.”

“Kau juga bisa makan salad kalau kau mau.”

Borrowing, Established Equivalent & Linguistic Amplification 230 That cheered me up. Itu lebih baik. Established

Equivalent 231 “I’ll do the salad,


“Aku akan makan salad. Tentunya!”

Borrowing & Established Equivalent 232 “So, did you forget to

wear your sweatshirt?” Alexis asked me.

“Jadi, apakah kau lupa memakai baju

hangatmu?” Alexis bertanya padaku.

Literal Translation

233 “No.” “Tidak,” Literal Translation

234 I held out my bag. kutunjukkan tasku. Established Equivalent 235 “I transformed it, but I’m

still wearing it, see?”

“Aku mengubahnya, namun aku masih memakainya, kan?”

Established Equivalent 236 I wasn’t expecting

Alexis’s reaction.

Aku tak menyangka reaksi Alexis.


237 “You cut it up?” “Kau mengguntingnya?” Literal Translation 238 She sounded a little upset. Dia kedengaran sedikit


Literal Translation 239 “Well, I had to, to make

the bag,” I explained.

“Yah, terpaksa, untuk menjadikannya tas,” jawabku.

Established Equivalent

240 Alexis frowned. Alexis cemberut. Literal Translation 241 “It’s just, I thought we

were going to wear them together, like a team,” she said.

“Hanya saja, kupikir kita akan memakainya

bersama, seperti sebuah tim,” katanya.

Literal Translation

242 “Oh!” I said, because I didn’t really know what to say.

“Oh,” kataku, karena aku tidak tahu harus jawab apa.

Linguistic Compression 243 Was she mad at me? Apakah dia marah


Literal Translation 244 “But it’s a nice bag,”

Emma said, giving Alexis a look.

“Tapi tasnya bagus, kok,” kata Emma, sambil

melihat ke arah Alexis.

Transposition & Linguistic Compression 245 “Thanks,” I said. “Makasih,” ujarku. Literal Translation 246 “And we are a team. “Dan kita memang satu


Literal Translation 247 It’s just, I don’t like


Hanya saja aku tidak suka baju hangat.

Literal Translation 248 It’s hard to look good in a

sweatshirt, you know?

Susah terlihat keren dengannya, kau tahu?

Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent 249 They’re so puffy and


Baju hangat itu gembung dan bahannya kasar.”

Established Equivalent 250 I felt bad as soon as I said

the words.

Aku langsung merasa tidak enak setelah mengatakannya.

Established Equivalent 251 “I mean, you guys look

great, I just don’t like how I look in them,” I said quickly.

“Maksudku kalian terlihat keren. Aku hanya tidak suka penampilanku waktu memakainya,” kataku cepat.

Established Equivalent

252 Alexis turned away. Alexis berbalik. Literal Translation 253 “Time to order.” “Saatnya memesan.” Literal Translation 254 I felt really terrible as I

took my salad from the cold shelf.

Aku merasa tidak enak hati saat mengambil salad dari rak makanan dingin.

Established Equivalent 255 The three of us were quiet

as we walked back to the table.

Kami bertiga berjalan kembali ke meja tanpa mengatakan apa-apa.


256 “I’ve been so alone!” Katie said in a funny,

“Aku sangat kesepian!” kata Katie dengan lucu


dramatic way. dan gaya dramatis.

257 “Thank goodness you’re here at last!

“Untunglah kalian kembali!

Established Equivalent 258 Hey, did you check out

Mia’s bag?

Hei, kalian udah lihat tas Mia?

Established Equivalent

259 Isn’t it cool? Keren, ya? Linguistic

Compression 260 Maybe you could make

one for me, too.

Mungkin kau juga bisa membuatkan satu untukku.

Compensation 261 This sweatshirt is hot!” Baju hangat ini panas


Linguistic Amplification 262 And just like that,

everything was all right.

Dan begitu saja,

semuanya kembali normal.

Established Equivalent 263 Katie is like that. Seperti itulah Katie. Compensation 264 She’s so sweet and funny,

it’s hard to be in bad mood when you’re around her.

Dia sangat manis dan lucu, susah untuk bersedih di dekatnya.

Linguistic Compression 265 But I still felt bad about

what I said.

Namun aku masih merasa tidak enak dengan yang kukatakan tadi.

Literal Translation

266 And there was a part of me that wished Alexis, you know, got me better.

Dan ada bagian dari diriku yang berharap Alexis, kau tahu, dapat mengerti diriku.

Established Equivalent

267 Like my best friend, Ava, who lives in Manhattan.

Seperti sahabatku, Ava yang tinggal di


Literal Translation

268 All I’d have to do is say the word “sweatshirt,” and she’d know what I was talking about: steamed dumpling.

Yang harus kukatakan adalah “baju hangat” dan dia tahu aku berbicara tentang bakpao kukus.

Linguistic Compression

269 I think that’s the biggest problem I have here at Park Street Middle School.

Kurasa itulah masalah terbesar yang kutemui di Park Street Middle School.

Established Equivalent & Borrowing 270 I don’t feel like anyone

really gets me.

Aku merasa tak seorangpun mengerti diriku.

Modulation & Linguistic Compression 271 Not like Ava does,


Tak seperti Ava. Linguistic Compression 272 The Cupcake Club is

great, but Ava has known me since first grade.

Cupcake Club memang keren, tapi Ava

mengenalku sejak kelas satu SD.

Established Equivalent

273 She knows everything about me.

Dia tahu semua tentangku. Literal Translation 274 I try not to think about it

too much, but it can be a

Aku berusaha untuk nggak terlalu mikirin hal itu, tapi


bit lonely sometimes. kadang aku merasa kesepian.

Compensation 275 The Monday madness

continued after school.

Kegilaan Senin masih berlanjut sepulang sekolah.

Established Equivalent 276 When I got home, my

dogs, Tiki and Milkshake, ran up to greet me like they always do.

Saat tiba di rumah, anjingku, Tiki dan Milkshake, berlari menyambutku seperti biasa.

Linguistic Compression

277 They’re little, fluffy, white dogs with black noses, and I think they are perfectly adorable.

Mereka adalah anjing putih kecil menggemaskan berhidung hitam, dan sangat lucu.

Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent 278 Mom and I adopted them

after the divorce when we went to live in a new apartment, one that allowed dogs.

Mom dan aku mengadopsi mereka ketika pindah ke apartemen baru setelah perceraian. Untungnya, di apartemen itu boleh memelihara anjing.

Borrowing, Compensation & Linguistic Amplification

279 After I petted them both, I went over to my mom’s office to talk to her.

Setelah membelai

keduanya, aku berjalan ke ruang kerja Mom untuk ngobrol.

Borrowing & Linguistic Compression 280 Mom’s starting up her

own fashion consulting business, so she works out of the house, which is nice.

Mom sedang merintis bisnis konsultan fashion-nya sendiri, jadi dia bekerja di rumah dan itu adalah hal bagus.

Borrowing & Transposition

281 I see her a lot more now. Aku bisa menemuinya lebih sering.

Linguistic Amplification & Linguistic Compression 282 But Mom wasn’t there. Tapi Mom tidak ada di

ruang kerjanya.

Borrowing & Established Equivalent 283 Then I heard Eddie’s voice

behind me.

Lalu aku mendengar suara Eddie di belakangku.

Literal Translation 284 “Sorry, Mia. “Maaf, Mia. Literal Translation 285 Your mom had to go into

the city for a meeting.

Ibumu harus meeting di kota.

Borrowing & Transposition 286 She won’t be home till

late,” he said.

Dia akan pulang larut malam,” katanya.

Modulation 287 Eddie is my soon-to-be


Eddie adalah calon ayah tiriku.

Literal Translation 288 Mom and I live in the

house with him and my soon-to-be stepbrother, Dan.

Aku dan Mom tinggal serumah dengannya dan calon kakak tiriku, Dan.


289 Eddie is a lawyer whose law firm is over in the next town.

Eddie adalah pengacara yang berkerja di

perusahaan yang terletak di kota sebelah.


290 When my mom left her job to start up her consulting company, Eddie asked her to marry him.

Saat Mom meninggalkan pekerjaan lamanya untuk merintis bisnis sendiri, Eddie melamarnya.

Borrowing & Established Equivalent

291 They’re getting married this spring.

Mereka akan menikah pada musim semi ini.

Literal Translation 292 “How late?” I asked. “Jam berapa?” tanyaku. Established

Equivalent 293 “I’m not sure,” he said. “Aku tak tahu pasti,”


Linguistic Amplification 294 “But there’s good news! “Tapi ada berita gembira! Literal Translation 295 I’ll be cooking tonight. Aku akan masak untuk

makan malam.

Established Equivalent 296 You’re in for a real treat. Kau pasti suka. Established

Equivalent 297 It’s my famous mystery

meat loaf!”

Daging gulung misteriusku yang terkenal!”

Linguistic Compression 298 It looked like I was not

going to escape meat loaf, no matter how hard I tried.

Tampaknya aku tidak bisa menghindar dari daging gulung, sekeras apa pun usahaku.

Established Equivalent

299 “Why is it a mystery meat loaf?” I asked.

“Kenapa misterius?” tanyaku.

Linguistic Compression 300 “Because the recipe is

very mysterious,” Eddie said in a fake mysterious voice.

“Karena resepnya sangat misterius,” jawab Eddie dengan suara misterius yang dibuat-buat.

Literal Translation

301 Then he made spooky noises.

Kemudian dia mengeluarkan suara seram,

Literal Translation

302 “Oooh, whooo . . .” “Oooh, whooo…” Literal Translation 303 Eddie is always trying to

make me laugh.

Eddie selalu berusaha membuatku tertawa,

Literal Translation 304 Sometimes I do, but it’s

not easy.

kadang dia berhasil tapi tak mudah.

Modulation 305 His jokes can be pretty

awful at times.

Candaannya kadang sangat payah.

Compensation 306 “Just let me know when

it’s time to set the table,” I told him.

“Beritahu saja kalau mau mengatur meja,” kataku padanya.

Linguistic Compression 307 I walked up the stairs to

my room, and Milkshake

Aku menaiki tangga menuju kamar dengan


and Tiki followed me. Milkshake dan Tiki mengikutiku.

308 Before Mom and I moved in with Eddie and Dan, the room was supposed to be a guest room, but it was mostly filled with boxes of stuff that Dan had when he was a kid.

Sebelum Mom dan aku tinggal bersama Eddie dan dan, kamarku ini adalah kamar tamu, tapi dipenuhi kardus barang barang masa kecil Dan.

Borrowing & Established Equivalent

309 It has weird flowery wallpaper, like something you’d find in an old lady’s house.

Kertas dindingnya bemotif bunga-bunga yang aneh, seperti yang kau lihat di rumah nenek-nenek.


340 Eddie keeps saying he’ll paint it, but he’s always busy.

Eddie terus berkata akan mengecatnya, tapi dia selalu sibuk.

Literal Translation

341 So is Mom. Begitu juga Mom. Borrowing 342 Between getting ready for

the wedding and starting her new business, she doesn’t have a lot of extra time.

Antara mempersiapkan pernikahan dan merintis bisnis baru, dia tak punya waktu luang.

Linguistic Compression

343 So for now, I’m stuck with the room with the weird wallpaper.

Jadi untuk sekarang, aku terpaksa punya kamar dengan kertas dinding aneh.

Established Equivalent

344 My room at my dad’s apartment is much more me.

Kamarku di apartemen Dad jauh lebih bagus.

Borrowing & Established Equivalent 345 We decorated it with a

Parisian Chic theme.

Kami mendekorasinya dengan tema Parisian Chic.

Literal Translation

346 The walls are pale pink with black-and-white accents.

Dindingnya berwarna merah muda pucat dengan aksen hitam putih.

Literal Translation

347 My headboard is this twisted flowery iron, and my bedspread and pillows have a cool black-and-white pattern on them.

Kepala tempat tidurku berbentuk bunga-bunga melingkar yang terbuat dari besi, dan kasur serta bantalku bermotif keren dengan pola hitam putih.

Linguistic Amplification

348 I have a really pretty white vanity where I can keep all my hair stuff, and I can actually sit down to do my hair in the morning.

Aku punya kotak rias berwarna putih tempatku menyimpan pernak-pernik rambut, dan aku dapat duduk di atasnya sambil menata rambutku di pagi hari

Linguistic Compression


in there . . . if my mom ever lets me wear anything other than lip gloss.

menyimpan make up disitu…kalau Mom mengizinkanku memakai apa pun selain lip gloss.

350 In this room the bed has a green quilt and the

curtains are blue and they don’t match at all.

Di kamar ini, kasurnya berwarna hijau dan tirainya berwarna biru, dan itu sangat tak serasi.

Linguistic Compressiion

351 My old quilt doesn’t ft because this bed is big—a double bed—which is nice, but the quilt is ugly.

Seprai lamaku nggak cukup karena kasur ini besar-double bed- yang merupakan hal bagus tapi seprainya jelek.


352 There’s no vanity, but there’s an old wooden dresser, which is brown, and a desk for my

computer and a small table for my sewing machine in the corner.

Tidak ada kotak

perhiasan, tapi ada lemari kayu tua besar, yang berwarna cokelat, dan meja untuk komputer serta meja kecil untuk mesin jahit di sudut ruangan.

Linguistic Compression

353 My table with my sewing machine on it is the only piece of furniture from my mom’s old apartment.

Meja tempat mesin jahit adalah satu-satunya perabot dari apartemen lama kami.

Liguistic Compression & Established Equivalent 354 Since everything is so

much bigger at Eddie’s house, Mom said it was a perfect chance for us to leave my old furniture behind and update and redo my bedroom.

Karena semua jauh lebih besar di rumah Eddie, Kata Mom ini

kesempatanku untuk meninggalkan barang-barang lama dan mendekorasi ulang kamarku dengan perabotan yang baru.

Borrowing, Linguistic Compression & Established Equivalent

355 Which she promises to do soon.

Dan Mom berjanji akan segera melakukannya.

Borrowing & Transposition 356 But until that happens,

I’ve just been covering up the wallpaper with fashion spreads that I tear out of my favorite magazines.

Namun hingga saat itu tiba, aku menutupi kertas dinding dengan iklan fashion yang kusobek dari majalah.

Borrowing & Linguistic Compression

357 It’s not great, but at least it covers up more of those ugly flowers.

Tidak begitu bagus, tapi setidaknya menutupi hamper semua bunga-bunga jelek itu.

Linguistic Compression

358 The one good thing about this room, though, is the closet—it’s three times the size of my closet in New York.

Hal bagus tentang kamar ini, setidaknya, adalah lemarinya tiga kali lebih besar daripada lemariku di New York.


359 Which is good, because I keep most of my clothes at this house anyway.

Bagus, karena aku bias menyimpan sebagian besar pakaianku disini.

Linguistic Compression 360 The way my room is

decorated isn’t the only thing I don’t like about it.

Kamarku bukan satu-satunya hal yang tak kusukai.


361 The other bad thing is that it’s next to Dan’s room.

Hal buruk lainnya adalah kamarku terletak di sebelah kamar Dan.

Established Equivalent 362 And Dan loves heavy

metal music—the loud kind, where the lead singer screams like there’s a fire or something.

Dan sangat suka musik heavy metal-jenis musik keras yang vokalisnya teriak seolah-olah ada kebekaran atau


Linguistic Compression & Borrowing

363 He listens to it all the time. Dia menyetel musik itu setiap saat.

Established Equivalent

364 Like right now. Seperti sekarang. Literal Translation 365 The loud music (if you can

call it music) blared from behind Dan’s door, shaking the walls and the floor.

Musik keras (kalau kau bahkan dapat

menyebutnya musik) terdengar dari balik pintu kamar Dan, membuat dinding dan lantai bergetar.

Linguistic Amplification

366 All I wanted to do was call Ava, but I’d never be able to hear her on the line.

Aku ingin menelepon Ava tapi aku tak akan bisa mendengarnya.

Linguistic Compression 367 I knocked on Dan’s door. Kuketuk kamar Dan. Established

Equivalent 368 “Dan, can you turn it

down, please?”

“Dan, bisakah kau mengecilkan suaranya sedikit?”

Linguistic Compression 369 It was no use. Tak ada gunanya. Linguistic

Compression 370 He couldn’t hear me. Dia tidak bisa


Literal Translation 371 So I went into my room,

sat on my bed, and stuck in my ear-buds.

Jadi, aku kembali ke kamar, duduk di atas kasur, dan memasang headphone.

Established Equivalent

372 I pressed play on my iPod, and a song by my favorite singer filled my ears—but I swear I could still see the walls shaking.

Kutekan play pada iPod lalu sebuah lagu dari penyanyi favoritku terdengar, tapi aku bersumpah aku masih melihat dinding yang bergetar.


up in the purple dog bed I keep for them in my room.

tempat tidur mereka yang berwarna ungu dalam kamarku.


374 Then I texted Ava. Lalu aku mengirim pesan untuk Ava.

Literal Translation 375 FabMia: Miss you! FabMia: Kangen! Linguistic

Compression 376 How’s ur Monday going? Gimana kabarmu? Established


377 Avaroni: Not good. Avaroni: Tak baik. Literal Translation 378 U know those boots I got

last week?

Kau tahu sepatu bot yg kubeli minggu lalu?

Literal Translation 379 The heel fell off rite in the

middle of school!

Haknya copot pada jam sekolah.

Established Equivalent

380 I almost fell. Aku hampir jatuh. Literal Translation 381 FabMia: Oh no! FabMia: Astaga! Established


382 U okay? Kau baik2 saja? Literal Translation 383 Avaroni:  I hate


Avaroni: aku benci Senin!

Literal Translation 384 FabMia: Me 2! FabMia: Aku jg! Literal Translation 385 Avaroni: Hey, gotta go. Avaroni: Hey, sudah dulu,


Established Equivalent 386 Me n Delia r going to that

xhibit at the Met.

Aku n Delia mau ke pameran di Met

Linguistic Compression 387 FabMia: Jealous! FabMia: Iri! Literal Translation 388 Avaroni: Peace out. Avaroni: Sampai nanti! Literal Translation 389 FabMia: Talk soon. FabMia: Ngobrol lg nanti. Literal Translation

390 Bye. Bye Borrowing

391 I clicked off the phone with a frown.

Kumatikan ponselku dengan murung.

Established Equivalent 392 I was happy for Ava, but I

was jealous too.

Aku senang Ava mau ke Met, tapi juga iri.

Linguistic Amplification 393 If I were still living in

Manhattan, I would be going to that exhibit.

Seandainya aku masih tinggal di Manhattan, aku akan pergi ke pameran itu.

Literal Translation

394 I didn’t even know who Delia was, either.

Aku bahkan tidak tahu siapa Delia.

Linguistic Compression 395 I think Ava told me she

met her in French class or something.

Kurasa Ava pernah

bercerita dia mengenalnya di kelas bahasa Prancis atau apa.

Linguistic Compression

396 So . . . no Mom. Jadi…tak ada Mom. Borrowing

397 No Ava. Tak ada Ava. Literal Translation

398 And mystery meat loaf in my near future.

Dan daging gulung misterius yang sebentar lagi kuhadapi.


Monday was over. Senin segera berakhir. Equivalent 400 I took off my shoes and

searched for my

sketchbook, which I found under a pillow at the foot of my bed.

Kucopot sepatuku dan mencari buku sketsa yang terletak di bawah bantal dekat kaki ranjang.

Modulation & Linguistic Compression

401 I opened it up and started to sketch an idea for a dress I’d been thinking about.

Kubuka halamannya dan mulai menggambar sebuah gaun yang akhir-akhir ini kupikirkan

Liguistic Compression

402 As I moved the pencil across the page, I didn’t notice the shaking walls or the mysterious smell of meat loaf wafting up the stairs.

Begitu aku menggerakkan pensil di atasnya, aku tak lagi menyadari dinding yang bergetar atau bau daging gulung misterius yang menjalar menaiki tangga.

Established Equivalent

403 That’s how it always feels when I sketch.

Begitulah rasanya ketika aku menggambar.

Linguistic Compression 404 The whole world melts


Seluruh dunia menghilang.

Established Equivalent 405 And that is a nice feeling,

especially on a Monday.

Dan itu adalah perasaan menyenangkan khususnya di hari Senin.


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