• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Ranking (jangan ada yang dobel)


Academic year: 2019

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Lampiran 1. Formulir Analisis Sensori




Tanggal :



Snack bar


: Warna / aroma / tekstur / rasa /




Berkumur-kumurlah terlebih dahulu sebelum menguji sampel.

Di hadapan Anda terdapat 6 jenis sampel

Snack bar

. Amati dan rasakan sampel

secara berurutan dari kiri ke kanan. Setelah mengamati semua sampel, Anda boleh

mengulang sesering yang Anda perlukan. Berilah penilaian pada setiap sampel

dari skala 1 hingga 6, dengan keterangan sebagai berikut :

Keterangan :

1 = Sangat tidak suka

4 = Netral

2 = Tidak suka

5 = Suka

3 = Kurang suka

6 = Sangat suka

Kode Sampel

Ranking (jangan ada yang dobel)


Lampiran 2. Hasil Pengolahan SPSS

Analisa Sensori

Parameter Warna

Uji Kruskal Wallis

Uji Mann Whitney

Kontrol vs UK41 (warna)

Kontrol vs UK32 (warna)


Kontrol vs UK23 (warna)

Kontrol vs UK14 (warna)

UK14 vs UK41(warna)

UK14 vs UK32 (warna)


UK14 vs UK23 (warna)

UK23 vs UK41 (warna)

UK23 vs UK32 (warna)

UK23 vs UK55 (warna)


UK55 vs UK32 (warna)

UK32 vs UK41 (warna)

Parameter Aroma

Uji Kruskal Wallis

Uji Mann Whitney


Kontrol vs UK32 (aroma)

Kontrol vs UK55 (aroma)

Kontrol vs UK23 (aroma)

Kontrol vs UK14 (aroma)


UK14 vs UK32 (aroma)

UK14 vs UK55 (aroma)

UK14 vs UK23 (aroma)

UK23 vs UK41 (aroma)


UK23 vs UK55 (aroma)

UK55 vs UK41 (aroma)

UK55 vs UK32 (aroma)


Parameter Tekstur

Uji Kruskal Wallis

Parameter Rasa

Uji Kruskal Wallis

Uji Mann Whitney

Kontrol vs UK41 (rasa)


Kontrol vs UK55 (rasa)

Kontrol vs UK23 (rasa)

Kontrol vs UK14 (rasa)

UK14 vs UK41(rasa)


UK14 vs UK55 (rasa)

UK14 vs UK23 (rasa)

UK23 vs UK41(rasa)

UK23 vs UK32 (rasa)


UK55 vs UK41 (rasa)

UK55 vs UK32 (rasa)

UK32 vs UK41 (rasa)

Parameter Overall



Uji Normalitas Tekstur

Uji Duncan Tekstur

Kadar Air

Uji Normalitas Kadar Air


Kadar Abu

Uji Normalitas Kadar Abu

Uji Duncan Kadar Abu

Kadar Lemak

Uji Normalitas Kadar Lemak


Kadar Protein

Uji Normalitas Kadar Protein

Uji Duncan Kadar Protein

Kadar Karbohidrat

Uji Normalitas Kadar Karbohidrat


Kadar Serat Kasar

Uji Normalitas Kadar Serat Kasar

Uji Duncan Kadar Serat Kasar

Total Kalori

Uji Normalitas Total Kalori




Date: 2017-07-19 17:05 UTC Results of plagiarism analysis from

2017-07-19 17:13 UTC

2680 matches from 105 sources, of which 4 are online sources.

PlagLevel: 7.8%/76.3%

[0] (569 matches, 0.0%76.0%) from your PlagScan document "KIKI_CHRIST..._JALAR_PUTIH.docx" dated 2017-07-07 [1] (43 matches, 1.1%/4.8%) from your PlagScan document "Arief_Wiyar...o-kimia_sert.docx" dated 2017-07-19

[2] (42 matches, 1.1%/4.7%) from your PlagScan document "Arief_wiyar...-Kimia_Serta.docx" dated 2017-07-19 [3] (39 matches, 1.8%/4.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation... Nining Ayu W.pdf"

dated 2016-02-19 [4] (34 matches, 0.5%/4.4%) from your PlagScan document

"Agatha_Dewi...ca_olerusea)_.doc" dated 2017-07-19 [5] (39 matches, 2.1%/3.7%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation... Julian Vinda.doc" dated 2016-07-18 [6] (39 matches, 1.9%/3.5%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...ana Vinda (3).doc" dated 2016-07-19 [7] (41 matches, 1.0%/3.7%) from your PlagScan document

"Keshia_Devi...al_Sebagai_F.docx" dated 2017-07-19

[8] (38 matches, 1.7%/3.5%) from your PlagScan document "Kriswanto_M...PADA_ES_KRIM.docx" dated 2017-07-19 [9] (35 matches, 2.0%/3.5%) from your PlagScan document "ANGGIT_MARD...RBUK_DAUN_KA.docx"

dated 2017-07-19 [10] (34 matches, 2.0%/3.5%) from your PlagScan document

"ANGGIT_MARD...N_MINUMAN_SE.docx" dated 2017-07-17 (+ 1 documents with identical matches) [12] (31 matches, 1.1%/3.2%) from a PlagScan document of your

organisation...tepung_ketan.docx" dated 2016-02-05 [13] (31 matches, 1.1%/3.2%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation..._adonan_tepu.docx" dated 2016-02-05 [14] (30 matches, 1.0%/3.1%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...tepung_ketan.docx" dated 2016-02-05 [15] (30 matches, 1.4%/3.1%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...Benny Irawan.docx" dated 2016-07-14 [16] (27 matches, 0.9%/3.1%) from your PlagScan document "Zunggaval_R...AN_BOLU_KUKUS.pdf" dated 2017-07-07 [17] (31 matches, 1.6%/2.3%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...tasia Stella.docx" dated 2016-07-01 [18] (29 matches, 1.7%/2.5%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...700093 cyntya.pdf" dated 2016-02-25 [19] (31 matches, 1.7%/2.4%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...Juliana Finda.doc" dated 2016-07-15 [20] (31 matches, 1.8%/2.3%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation... Julian Vinda.doc" dated 2016-07-19 [21] (32 matches, 1.3%/2.2%) from repository.ipb.ac.id/bitstream/handle/123456789/10494/H06njs.pdf?sequence=3 [22] (26 matches, 0.4%/2.5%) from your PlagScan document "Prisca_Hard...pa_Karagenan.docx" dated 2017-07-10 [23] (23 matches, 0.8%/2.7%) from a PlagScan document of your

organisation...uk_bit_merah.docx" dated 2016-02-09 [24] (27 matches, 0.7%/2.6%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation....70.0053 rIZA.doc" dated 2016-06-13 [25] (30 matches, 0.9%/2.5%) from your PlagScan document "Angelita_Me...alam_Cookies.docx" dated 2017-07-05 [26] (31 matches, 1.2%/2.4%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...0.0032 Kumala.doc" dated 2016-05-10

[27] (28 matches, 1.7%/2.1%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...0113 STEFANUS.pdf" dated 2016-07-12 [28] (27 matches, 0.9%/2.5%) from a PlagScan document of your

organisation....70.0002 BUDI.pdf" dated 2016-06-13 [29] (28 matches, 1.5%/2.1%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...ia Kristanti.docx" dated 2016-07-11

[30] (31 matches, 1.0%/2.4%) from your PlagScan document "Kevin_Cahya...KIMIA_MINUMA.docx" dated 2017-07-18 [31] (24 matches, 0.4%/2.4%) from your PlagScan document

"Prisca_Hard...pa_Karagenan.docx" dated 2017-07-10 [32] (28 matches, 1.5%/2.3%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...033 Melina 1.docx" dated 2016-05-10 [33] (25 matches, 1.3%/1.9%) from https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/32340053.pdf

[34] (30 matches, 1.6%/2.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...illien Wibowo.pdf" dated 2016-02-01 [35] (23 matches, 0.6%/2.5%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation... Lira Purnomo.pdf" dated 2016-05-23

[36] (22 matches, 0.6%/2.4%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...IKO HERMAWAN.docx" dated 2016-06-22 [37] (23 matches, 0.5%/2.3%) from your PlagScan document

"Hans_Christ...)_SENTRA_SUM.docx" dated 2017-07-19 [38] (24 matches, 1.3%/2.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...uel Natalino.docx" dated 2016-07-19

[39] (19 matches, 0.5%/2.3%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation....0186 sHOLEH.docx" dated 2016-06-13 [40] (20 matches, 0.6%/2.2%) from a PlagScan document of your

organisation...70.0163 YESKI.pdf" dated 2016-06-13 [41] (21 matches, 0.4%/2.2%) from your PlagScan document "Sylvester_A...Putih_(Brass.docx" dated 2017-07-19


organisation...ervina Yenni .pdf" dated 2016-07-15 [46] (18 matches, 0.4%/2.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...isitas Nindi.docx" dated 2016-07-19 [47] (18 matches, 0.4%/2.0%) from your PlagScan document "Milka_Melin...asi_Kubis_Pu.docx" dated 2017-07-19

[48] (21 matches, 0.5%/2.0%) from your PlagScan document "Lois_Nancy_...Cd_DAN_Cu_DA.docx" dated 2017-07-06 [49] (20 matches, 1.2%/1.8%) from your PlagScan document

"Theo_Rony_Y...rakteristik_F.doc" dated 2017-07-06

[50] (20 matches, 1.1%/1.4%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...iawan

Santoso.pdf" dated 2016-02-01 [51] (19 matches, 1.0%/1.5%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation....0142 Renega.docx" dated 2016-07-14 [52] (14 matches, 0.8%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...tepung_ketan.docx" dated 2016-02-05 [53] (15 matches, 1.0%/1.2%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...0.0122 iVORY.docx" dated 2016-03-14

[54] (16 matches, 0.8%/1.3%) from a PlagScan document of your

organisation...ORBET_HERBAL.docx" dated 2016-02-05 [55] (17 matches, 0.3%/1.4%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...Andika Putri.docx" dated 2016-05-18

[56] (18 matches, 0.7%/1.2%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...0162 Melinda.docx" dated 2016-09-15 [57] (16 matches, 0.7%/1.2%) from a PlagScan document of your

organisation....0023 Sherly.docx" dated 2016-05-24 [58] (12 matches, 0.8%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...KIMIA_ADONAN.docx" dated 2016-02-05 [59] (15 matches,

0.2%/1.4%) from docplayer.info/35744109-Evaluasi-sifat-k...n-tinggi-protein-selama-penyimpanan.html [60] (17 matches, 0.7%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation..._Penyimpanan.docx" dated 2016-02-05 [61] (14 matches, 0.6%/1.1%) from a PlagScan document of your

organisation..._kakap_putih.docx" dated 2016-03-04 [62] (12 matches, 0.7%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...ella REVISI.docx" dated 2016-02-09

[63] (17 matches, 0.8%/1.2%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...0104 bRIGITA.docx" dated 2016-03-07 [64] (17 matches, 0.5%/1.2%) from your PlagScan document "Angelita_Me...alam_Cookies.docx" dated 2017-07-12 [65] (15 matches, 0.4%/1.2%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...0063 Dina OS.docx" dated 2016-07-19 [66] (16 matches, 0.6%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...ATIUS INDA T.docx" dated 2016-02-05 [67] (13 matches, 0.0%1.0%) from your PlagScan document

"Almira_shel...NNYA_PADA_AT.docx" dated 2017-07-13[68] (13 matches, 0.5%/1.2%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation....0049 RAISSA.docx" dated 2016-07-12 [69] (12 matches, 0.8%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...0.0024 Sella.docx" dated 2016-05-25 [70] (15 matches, 0.5%/1.1%) from a PlagScan document of your

organisation...lyzabeth D.A.docx" dated 2016-06-30 (+ 1 documents with identical matches)

[72] (12 matches, 0.7%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...a 12.70.0086.docx" dated 2016-03-10 [73] (13 matches, 0.2%/1.2%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation....0101 Alan W.docx" dated 2016-06-21 [74] (13 matches, 0.6%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...ICA SETYAWAN.docx" dated 2016-02-10 [75] (12 matches, 0.7%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...elia Claudia.docx" dated 2016-04-05 [76] (14 matches, 0.6%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation... Matius Inda.docx" dated 2016-03-11 [77] (11 matches, 0.6%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...Toni Hartanto.doc" dated 2016-07-19 [78] (14 matches, 0.3%/1.1%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...utra Haryono.docx" dated 2016-06-28 [79] (12 matches, 0.5%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...na Chandra P.docx" dated 2016-06-30 (+ 1 documents with identical matches)

[81] (13 matches, 0.6%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...70.0037 jeje.docx" dated 2016-05-25 [82] (12 matches, 0.0%1.0%) from your PlagScan document "Almira_Shel...NNYA_PADA_AT.docx" dated 2017-07-13 [83] (12 matches, 0.5%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...TY VERNINDYA.docx" dated 2016-08-04 [84] (13 matches, 0.7%/0.7%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...a Aulia Sani.docx" dated 2016-07-21 [85] (12 matches, 0.5%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...elle Darmawan.doc" dated 2016-07-19 [86] (11 matches, 0.4%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...cara_In_Vitr.docx" dated 2016-02-10

(+ 1 documents with identical matches)

[88] (10 matches, 0.6%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...nata Meilani.docx" dated 2016-04-05 [89] (10 matches, 0.6%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...57 Francisca.docx" dated 2016-08-04 [90] (10 matches, 0.3%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...yaningtyas H.docx" dated 2016-08-04 [91] (11 matches, 0.4%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...iella Juliani.pdf" dated 2016-07-15 [92] (10 matches, 0.5%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...inus Yulianto.pdf" dated 2016-07-15 [93] (11 matches, 0.2%/1.0%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation...70.0049 Arya.docx" dated 2016-05-18 [94] (10 matches, 0.4%/0.8%) from https://sarahdyasaviyanti2013.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/8/

[95] (10 matches, 0.6%/0.9%) from a PlagScan document of your organisation....0159 Ardana.docx" dated 2016-03-10 (+ 1 documents with identical matches)



Sensitivity: Medium

Bibliography: Bibliography excluded

Citation detection: Reduce PlagLevel


Dokumen terkait


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