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Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga








Hereby the writer declares that graduating paper entitled ―THE PRAGMATICS ANALYSIS OF THE COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE IN A COMEDY MOVIE ENTITLED “MEET THE PARENTS” is originally made by the writer herself. It is not a plagiarism or has been published by other people ideas except the information from the references. If it is then proved that the writer is a plagiarism, the writer is ready to take the responsibility.

Likewise, this declaration is made by the writer, and she hopes that this declaration can be understood.

Salatiga, April 07th 2015 The Writer


Faizal Risdianto, S. S, M. Hum.

The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Case : Siti Purwaningsih‘s Graduating Paper

Salatiga, April 07th 2015


Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Assalamu’alaikum, wr.wb

After reading and correcting Siti Purwaningsih‘s graduating paper entitled “THE PRAGMATICS ANALYSIS OF THE COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE IN A COMEDY MOVIE ENTITLED “MEET THE PARENTS”, I have decided and would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope this paper can be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum, wr.wb


Faizal Risdianto, S. S, M. Hum NIP. 197509172008 01 1010 MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS






Has been brought to the Board of Examiners of English and Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on 28th March 2015 and hereby considered to complete the requirement for the

degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education Department.

Board of Examiners, Head

Secretary First Examiner Second Examiner

: Prof. Dr. Muh. Zuhri, MA

: Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M. Pd

: Dr. H. Sa‘adi, M. Ag

: Hanung Triyoko, S. S., M. Hum., M. Ed

Salatiga, April 07th 2015

Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Suwardi, M. Pd.




―Honesty is the most single most important factor having a direct

bearing on the final success of an individual, corporation, or




This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to:

1. My Lord, Allah SWT . . . Thanks to Allah for giving me spirit and power in my life, especially to finish this graduating paper.

2. My beloved Mom and Dad (Andini And Sholikin), who gave love, kind, advice, and support for your daugther. Thanks for your pray and fund, I love you so much.

3. My honorable consultant (Mr. Faizal Risdianto, S. S, M. Hum.) who gave me suggestion and dazzling research brief to finish my graduating paper. Thanks a lot Mr. Fay!

4. My dearest brothers and sister (M. Nurudin, M. Syaifudin, and Shoimatul Khasanah), thanks for your motivation and making me laugh in our home.

5. Thanks you for my beloved friend Risa, who never leave me alone and kind to me like a sister for me. Thanks you so much for your motivation and togetherness.

6. My dearest classmeates TBI D‘10, Aini, Wilda, Sinta, Sinna, Intan, Wahyu, Tika, Sopi, Muth,Matul, and Ayu who make me laugh and share together.

7. My boarding house mates (especially Titik, Rischa, and Indah), thanks for the togetherness and support.



Alhamdulillah the writer would like to express my sincere thanks to Allah SWT, who has given health, blessing, inspiration, and protection so that this graduating paper could be finished. This graduating paper is submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Education Department

. Moreover, this graduating paper is also expected one of guideline for the readers who want to improve their knowledge about Pragmatics. The writer realizes that actually this graduating paper cannot complete without the advice, encouragement, guidance, suggestions, and support from many people during the writing of the graduating paper. The writer would like to express her sincere thanks to:


The Head and Vice 1, Vice 2, vice 3 of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) salatiga.

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) salatiga.

3. The Head and Secretary of English Education Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

4. Mr. Norwanto, S. Pd., M. Hum as Academic Counselor who has support and give suggestion to finish all the lectures of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


6. All the lecturers in English Education Department who have given much knowledge, the writer deeply thanks to you all.

7. My beloved family, thanks for your spirit and patient.

8. All of staffs who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper administration.

9. All friends of D class and all friends in English Education Department. Thank for your friendship and kindness.

10. Those cannot be mentioned one by one.

Eventually, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution for the improvement of this graduating paper.

Salatiga, April 07th 2015 The writer



TITLE……….…. I

DECLARATION………...………. ii


CERTIFICATION PAGE………..………..……….. iv

MOTTO………..………. v

DEDICATION……….... vi





A. Background of the Study………..

B. Problems of the Study...………..

C. The Purposes of the Study……….. D. Benefits of the Study……… E. Limitation of the Study……… F. Definitions of The Terms……… G. Research Method ... H. Review of Related Study ... I. Research Paper Organization ...


A. Definition of Pragmatics ... B. Definition of Cooperative Principle ... 1. Maxim of Quantity ...


2. Maxim of Quality ... 3. Maxim of Relation ... 4. Maxim of Manner ... C. Definition of Violation Maxim ... D. Definition Culture ... E. Comedy Movie “Meet the Parents” ... CHAPTER III: DATA PRESENTATION

A. Data of Line Maxims ... B. Data of Violated Maxims ...


A. Data of In Line Maxims ... 1. Maxim of Quantity ... 2. Maxim of Quality ... 3. Maxim of Relation ... 4. Maxim of Manner ... B. Data of Violated Maxims ...

1. Maxim of Quantity ... 2. Maxim of Quality ... 3. Maxim of Relation ... 4. Maxim of Manner ... C. Socio Cultural Background of American Society ...




Purwaningsih, Siti 2015. The Pragmatics Analysis of The Cooperative Principle In A Comedy Movie Entitled “Meet the Parents” Graduating Paper English Department of Education Faculty Salatiga. State Institute For Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga. January 2015. Counselor, Faizal Risdianto, S. S., M. Hum.

Keywords: Pragmatics and Cooperative Principle.

In the daily conversation, it is found some people who disobey the rule of conversation. Such as lied, ignoring the speaker, gave the information too much and too short. The purpose of this research is to find out the cooperative principle used in a movie script. The methodology of this study is qualitative research; it does not need statistic approach to analysis the data. In this research, the writer took a research about The Pragmatics Analysis of the Cooperative Principle in A Comedy Movie Entitled “Meet the Parents. Qualitative research is inductive research as follows observation, analyze data along with example, and draw conclusion. The result of this research is the writer found 62 conversations in line maxim and 39 conversations violated maxim. There was maxim of quality which was the most domains in line maxim in this movie. This movie start with untruth condition, the main character tried to solve all the lies which have done in the end of this movie. The writer also found some socio cultural background of American society. There are artifact (object or event), commercial, belief and value, economic life, sexual habit, and religion. The moral value of this

movie, the writer draw an important thing in this movie is ―Everything we done, tried




A. Background of Study

Every day human cannot avoid communication in their life. Language is one of the important matters in the communication. Human needs the language to communicate and make conversation with others. Using conversation, people can share information, build relationship, express emotion to others and persuade them to understand our utterances. It dealing with this, According to Adisutrisno (2008:63) when a sentence is spoken in a particular context by a certain speaker and is directed to a hearer, the sentence is called an utterance.

In conversation there are two things that are important matters, they are speaker and hearer. Between them need cooperation in their conversation. Budiati said that in making conversation runs well sometimes it need strategy and skills. It is often found some conversations get stuck because of losing connection between speaker and hearer (November 2012: Vol. 5. No 2). Using cooperation, they can understand their utterance and the conversation works and connect smoothly. The cooperation in this conversation is called ―Cooperative

Principle‖ by George Yule. Cooperative principle itself makes your

conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged (Yule, 1996:37). There are 4 maxims in the cooperative principle: Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Relation, and Maxim of Manner.


true or based on the fact, have the right adequate information, relevant and perceivable term. For example, this conversation occurred in a Comedy Movie

entitled ―Meet the Parents‖ when Pam asked to Greg that she wanted Greg

answer the question and gave the true information for her. Pam :What's going on?

Greg : I was in the neighborhood, got off work early. Thought

maybe youwanted to get a bite to eat.

The conversation above can be categorized to be in line of the maxims, it is included in maxim of quantity because Greg gave complete information about his plan to meet Pam and ask her to get lunch together. Pam wants to Greg explain in clear and strong argument.

Conversely, some of its conversations often violate this principle. For example, this conversation was occurred in the movie when Greg lied about his feeling to a cat.

Jack : Well, that's okay if you hate cats, Greg?

Greg : No!I don't. I don't hate cats at all.

The conversation above between Jack and Greg belongs to violation of maxim of quality. It because of Greg did not give the true information and lied about his feeling if he hates the cat.The aim of his untrue information was to ingratiate Jack to be chummier.

Related to this case, Leech (1983:08), distinguish between Principle and maxims are:


b) Principle/maxims apply in variable degrees, rather than in allor -nothing ways.

c) Principle/maxims can conflict with one another.

d) Principle/maxims can be contravened without abnegation of the kind of activity which they control.

On that example of violation maxim of quality, the conversation included in

point C of Leech‘s argument about principle/maxims, because Greg‘s answer

makes the conflict between Jack and Greg.

In addition, pragmaticsconcerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). It has, consequently, more to do with the analysis of what people mean by their utterance than what the words or phrases in those utterances might mean by themselves. Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning (Yule, 1996:03).

Pragmatic analysis focuses on contextual meaning which produced by speaker and itput emphasis interpreted by the hearer or their partner in the communication process. It means that consideration is one of the most important things in the communication to get good effect of the speaker and the hearer.

Moreover, the researcher analyzes the socio cultural background of

American society in a comedy movie entitled ―Meet the Parents‖. One of the

socio cultural backgrounds in this movie was economic life. For example:

Greg : Will you stop making fun of me for being a nurse?



Greg : Jack, yes or no?

In this conversation, Jack made fun about Greg‘s profession as a male nurse. He wanted him to choose another profession, like Doctor. Jack‘s

profession was an agent CIA, and his daughter‘s (Debby) fiancé was Bob M.D

(Medical Doctor). It showed profession and economic life was necessary in

Jack‘s dwelling, New York. It deals with Williams (1960:157) said that the

ideology of the early 20th century American business civilization included as basic beliefs: belief that the greatest economic good of society would be achieved through the undertrained play of individual self interest; faith in the

sanctity of ―private property‖, belief in freedom contract; the assumption that

economic order is best in which there is minimum of state regulation; belief in

the ability of a competitive market to maintain itself and to allocate the society‘s

resources in the optimum manner.

From the explanation above, the writer has an interest to conduct the study of Cooperative Principle especially in line and violating maxims used in a

comedy movie ―Meet the Parents‖. Here the writer carries out a research



B. Problems of the Study


1. What are the types of cooperative principle in a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”?

2. What is the meaning of each utterance in a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”?

3. What is the most dominant cooperative principle and its socio cultural background of American society used in a comedy movie entitled “Meet

the Parents”?

C. Purposes of the Study

1. To describe the types of cooperative principle in a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”

2. To explain the meaning of each utterance in a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”

3. To know the most widely cooperative principle and its socio cultural background of American society that used in a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”

D. Benefits of the Study

After applying the research, the writer hoped that this research is beneficial to:

1. The Research

To make the writer understand the film manuscript and the film story that will be analyzed. Also the writer understands the context of each utterance. In addition, the writer knows kinds of the cooperative principle of maxims and the example list of them. Moreover, the writer


2. The Teacher

This research can be a guide or source for teacher and to improve the teaching and learning method to develop the study of pragmatics.

3. Students

The students know more about linguistics especially about

cooperative principle maxims in the people‘s utterance. And they will

know the characteristic of each maxims and the meaning on it. It can be used as knowledge materials in the study pragmatics, linguistic, semantics and others.

4. Other Researcher

This research can be used as reference, source, and information for the related research field in the next future.

E. Limitation of the Study

The writer analyzes cooperative principle maxims in a comedy movie

entitled ―Meet the Parents‖. Based on the script, the writer focuses on types of

cooperative principle maxims. The types of cooperative principle maxims are: maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner. F. Definition of the Terms

1. Definition of Pragmatics

According to Yule (1996:04) pragmatics is the study of the relationship between linguistic form and users of those forms. The advantage of studying language via pragmatic is that one can talk about

people‘s intended meaning, their assumptions, their purposes or goals,


According to Mey (1993:06) pragmatics studies the use of language in human communication as determined by the conditions of society.

According to Wilson that cited by Mey (2009:744) Pragmatics is concerned with meaning in the contextof language use. Basically, when we communicatethrough language we often mean more than we say; there is often a gap between speakers meaning andsentence meaning. 2. Definition of Cooperative Principle

The speaker and the hearer need to respond each other in their conversation with the needed information and give the complete information that will be benefit them. By giving the truth and required information, the hearer will be more comfortable to understand the speaker utterance. This action included cooperative principle when they manage the conversation to be successful.

According to Grice as cited by Mey (2009:569), cooperative principle is make your contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.

3. Definition of Maxims


The cooperative principle consists of four maxims. They are maxim ofquantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation, maxim of manner. By applying cooperative principle, the speaker allows the hearer to draw the assumptions about the speaker‘s intention and the contextual meaning.

a. Maxim of Quantity

This maxim has two characteristics, they are:

1) Make your contribution as informative as is required. 2) Do not make your contribution more informative than is

required. Example :

Pam : Are you okay, sweetie? You're acting so weird.

Greg : I'm fine. I just got a crick in my neck. I was doing

C.P.R... on a pound crack addict this morning. This conversation can be categorized as maxim of quantity, because Greg gave complete and right answer about his condition.

b. Maxim of Quality The characteristics are:

1) Do not say what you believe to be false

2) Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. Example:

Dina : Oh, yucky. What smells of old sour milk?


This conversation included of maxim of quality, because Pam

gave the truth information about Greg‘s shirt got spit up on by a

baby and the smell was not good.

c. Maxim of Relation

This maxim states that each participant‘s contribution should be

relevant to the subject of the conversation. Example:

Greg : Pam, I didn't know you had a cat?

Pam : Yeah, I left him here when I moved to Chicago.

This conversation included of maxim relation, because the question and answer are relevant.

d. Maxim of Manner The characteristics are:

1) Avoid obscurity of expression 2) Avoid ambiguity

3) Be brief 4) Be orderly Example :

Dina : Oh, now, Greg, you have a very unique last name.

Um, we were curious, how do you pronounce it? Greg :

Oh, just like it's spelled. F-O-C-K-E-R.

This conversation included of maxim of manner, because Greg


4. Definition of Violation


ccording to Grice as cited Khosravizadeh and Sadehvandi

(2011:12), violation occurs when takes place when speakers intentionally refrain to apply certain maxims in their conversation to

cause misunderstanding on their participants‘ part or to achieve some

other purposes.

According to Grice as cited Anneke H. Tupan (2008:121) said that, Violation is the condition where the speakers do not purposefully fulfill certain maxim. When the speakers do maxim violation, the conversation between the speakers and the hearers can be unsuccessful since they will misunderstand each other. Speakers who violate a maxim cause the hearer not to know the truth and only understand the surface

meaning of the speaker‘s words. In doing so the speaker can violate

more than one maxim at the same time and the writers later name it as the multiple violations.

5. Definition of Culture

According to Spancer-Oatey (2012:02), Culture is a fuzzy set of basic assumptions and values, orientations to life, beliefs, policies, procedures and behavioral conventions that are shared by a group of

people, and that influence (but do not determine) each member‘s

behavior and his/her interpretations of the ‗meaning‘ of other people‘s behavior.


environmentcrucial to our survival. We tend to overlook the omnipresence of popular culture precisely because it is such a familiar part of our everyday environment. Consider for a moment, however, that the clothes you are wearing, the mall or store you purchased them in, the food you eat, the television program which inform and entertain you, and the very textbook you are holding in your hands right now are all aspects of popular culture and you may begin to see how completely we are suspended in these popular culture seas-deep water indeed (Nachbar and Lause, 1992:02)

G. Research Method

1. The Research of Method

In this research, the writer uses qualitative research. This type of

research is ―Descriptive Qualitative Research‖. According to Silverman


2. Object of the Research

The object of this research is the cooperative principle used in a comedy movie entitles“Meet the Parents” script. The data can be in the forms of clause and sentence.

3. The Method of Collecting Data

In this research, the writer uses the documentation method to collect the data. Documentation consists of written data, the authentic, valid or formal form of something that can be used to complete the information. It can be paper, media and other products. According to Arikunto (1995:236) Documentation is looking for the data about the items, such as transcription, book, newspaper, magazine, and so on.

In this research, look for the data about conversation transcribe in a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”. The writer uses analyze method to collected data. The observation of this research is observing conversation between the speaker and the partner inthe written data sources of a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”. 4. Data Source

The writer looks for the secondary data script of ―Meet the

Parents‖ movie which taken from



6. The Method of Analyzing Data

In analyzing data, the writer uses library research. According to Ruslan (2010:31), library research is looking for the data or information research through read the scientific journal, referential book and other publications which available in the library. These libraries research same with the referential method. According to Sudaryanto (1993:13), referential method is data analyzing method which the standard outside, regardless and it is not become from language involvement.

Referential method use to decide the function and

conversation meaning on ―Meet the Parents‖ movie. The writer analyzes

data by using the following steps:

a. The writer watches the ―Meet the Parents‖ movie frequently. b. The writer reads the script of ―Meet the Parents‖ movie.

c. The writer writes the duration of each utterance on the script of

Meet the Parents‖ movie.

d. The writer makes data transcription or data presentation from

―Meet the Parents‖ movie.

e. The writer categories data according Grice‘s Maxim on ―Meet

the Parents‖ movie.

f. The writer makes code the four maxims between in line and

violation on ―Meet the Parents‖ movie.


h. The writer finds the contextual meaning in conversation ―Meet

the Parents‖ movie.

i. The writer finds the socio cultural background of American

society on ―Meet the Parents‖ movie.

H. Review of Related Study

There are many researches that arranged graduating paper about cooperative principle and maxim analysis which conducted previous study. The first, RatnaWulandari (2013) conduct the research on “The Pragmatics Analysis of Cooperative Principle on “Contraband” Movie. In that research, she

analyzed the conversation which is line and violated cooperative principle based

on Grice‘s maxims. There are 26 conversations that in line maxim. They are 7

in line maxim of quantity, 12 in line maxim of quality, 2 in line maxim of relation, and 4 in line maxim of manner. Also there are 27 conversations in violated maxim. They are 4 in violated maxim of quantity, 14 in violated maxim of quality, 5 in violated maxim of relation, and 4 in violated maxim of manner. The second, Lestari (2013) conduct a research on the Analysis of conversational Implicature in the Movie Script of “Despicable Me”. In her

research, she analyzed the dialogue in the conversation which is violating the Gricean maxims based on cooperative principle. She found 19 violated maxims. There are 2 violated maxim of quantity, 6 violated maxim of quality, 4 violated maxim of relation, and 7 violated maxim of manner.

The third, NanikRestiwiDiastuti (2012) conducts a research on The Analysis Maxims on “TEARS OF THE SUN” Movie. In her research, she


maxims based on cooperative principle. She found 31 conversations that violated maxim. They are 12 in violated maxim of quantity, 7 in violated maxim of quality, 7 in violated maxim of relation, and 5 in violated maxim of manner. From the third researches, there writer conducts a research on The Pragmatics Analysis of the Cooperative Principle in A Comedy Movie

Entitled “Meet The Parents. In this research, the writer analyzed the

dialogue conversation which is in line and violating Gricean maxims

based on cooperative principle. Then the writer finds the utterance

meaning of that. Also the writer finds the socio cultural background of

American society in that movie.

I. Research Paper Organization

This paper consist of five chapters, Chapter I is an introduction,

which are contains background of the study, problems of the study,

purpose of the study, benefit of the study, limitation of the study,

definition of key terms, research method, and paper organization. Chapter

II gives some definitions concerning the Pragmatics, Cooperative

Principle, Culture, and the biography of a comedy movie entitled “Meet

the Parents”. It contains synopsis of the movie and literary elements.

Chapter III is data presentation. There are two kinds of maxims, they are

data in line maxim and data violating maxim. Chapter IV consists of data

analysis and socio cultural background of American society. Data

analysis contains analysis of data in line maxim and data violating maxim

on “Meet the Parents” movie script. Socio cultural background of


Parents” movie. The last, chapter V is closure, which contains the

conclusion and suggestion for the further research. The last terms in this




In this chapter, the writer wanted to discuss about the pragmatics analysis. There were the theoretical reviews of pragmatics included the definition of Cooperative Principle and the violation maxims which used in

―Meet the Parents‖ comedy movie script. Also, there was a synopsis and literary

elements of a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”. A. Definition of Pragmatics

And the pragmatics must be part of semantics, which is study of language meaning in context, language use, or language interaction (Adisutrisno, 2008:4).

According to Mey (1993:06) Pragmatics as the study of the way humans use their access to the language in a communication, bases itself on a study of those premises and determines how they affect, and effectualize, human language use. Hence:

Pragmatics studies the use of language in human communication as

determined by the condition of society.

Yule (1996:4) says that pragmatics is the study of the relationship between linguistic forms and the users of those forms.


word and sentence meaning on their conversation. It needed interpretation by the hearer to understand the meaning of each utterance. B. Definition of Cooperative Principle

Paul Grice proposed the assumption of cooperate between

the speaker and the hearer in the conversation called as ―Cooperative

Principle‖. In the conversation needs cooperation between the speaker

and the hearer. Because, to make a conversation successful and meaningful, the speaker have to convey the clear utterance that make the hearer understand the purpose and the meaning of each utterance. Grice (1975:45) said that make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.

There are four maxims in the cooperative principle. There are: maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner. If the conversation is going successful, it called as in line maxim. In line maxims is the condition where the speaker and the hearer

cooperate in their conversation. And the hearer understand the speaker‘s

utterance also obey the maxims that appropriate the Gricean maxim. According to Grice as cited by Mey (1998:569) each maxims have the specific character below:

1. Maxim of Quantity

a.Make your contribution as informative as is required. b.Do not make your contribution more informative than is


Greg : Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sometimes these catheters

can pinch a little bit. Well, thanks for

listening. I really appreciate it.

Patient : You've got a real gentle touch there, Doctor.

She won't be able to say no.

Greg : Actually, I'm a nurse. Doctor 'll be right


In the conversation above, its deals with in line maxim of quantity, because the Patient gave the complete

information about Greg‘s acting to ask his girlfriend to be

marry him. He asked to the patient pretended to be his girlfriend.

2. Maxim of Quality

a.Do not say what you believe to be false.

b.Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. Example:

Pam : It's a great gift. I just thought you were

gonna get them champagne.

Greg : Trust me. I think your dad is gonna be

verypsyched about this gift.

The conversation between Pam and Greg above included in line maxim of quality, because Pam give the truth


her parent. And Greg convinced that they will love the gift.

3. Maxim of Relation a.Be relevant.


Kim : Good luck, Greg.

Greg : Thanks, Kim.

The conversation included in line maxim of relation, because when Kim said good luck for Greg‘s plan to ask his girlfriend to marry him, Greg said thank to it. Therefore there is relation in their conversation.

4. Maxim of Manner

a.Avoid obscurity of expression. b.Avoid ambiguity.

c.Be brief. d.Be orderly.


A Man : Uh, sir, that's not gonna fit

Greg : Wait. Hang on a second.

A Man : The bag's too big, guy. You gotta check it.


bag manually, Greg ask to wait and keep on making his bag fit with the machine check. Finally, the bag has to check manually.

C. Definition of Violation Maxim

According to Grice cited by Hamid and Behija (2009:06) He suggeststhat there are cases when these rules may be violated.There are four maxims in the cooperative principle. They are; maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner. The speaker and the hearer should have to apply the cooperation by giving appropriate contribution in their conversation.

Sometimes, the people unaware about their conversation which is not fulfill the rule of maxims. According to Grice cited by Hamid and Behija(2009:7) each maxims have the specific character, they are:

1. Maxim of Quantity

Violating this maxim is the hearer cannot give the required answer.


Jack : What are you driving there, a Ford?



Oh, yeah, it's a Taurus. We were gonna get a

mid-size, but I figure, hey, we pull down decent bucks.


In this conversation, Greg gave information to Jack about his

car too much. Jack just wanted the answer of kind of car. It‘s

included violation of maxim quantity. 2. Maxim of Quality

Violating this maxim is ―When the speaker is

"unostentatiously" and "quietly" subverting themaxim, as it happens in telling lies‖


Pam : I don't think Greg will be playing with Jinxy too

much. He hates cats.

Greg : [Chuckles Nervously] Pam, I don't hate cats. I

don't-- I don't hate cats. I just happen to be more

of a dog lover.

In this case, included violation maxim of quality, because Greg gave the wrong information about he hated a cat. In fact, he really hated a cat. His action just wanted Jack like

him as Pam‘s boyfriend.

3. Maxim of Relation

Violation of this maxim is the hearer give irrelevance utterance for the speaker.


Pam : What are you doing?

Greg : What?


asked to him to leave the smoke, she warned him about his

done but, he didn‘t understand it.

4. Maxim of Manner

The speaker should avoid using vague or ambiguous utterances when speaking.


Jack : Yes or no, Greg?

Greg : No. Yes. No.

In this case, when Jack asked him about pothead, Greg‘s

answered the question ambiguity. It made Jack confused and hesitated to believe him. The conversation above included violation maxim of manner.

D. Definition of Culture


According to Tyler as quoted by Spancer-Oatey (2012:02), Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

E. Comedy Movie “Meet the Parents”

“Meet the Parent”s was the comedy movie produced in

2000. This movie was directed by Jay Roach, Male nurse, Gaylord

―Greg‖ Focker (Ben Stiller) decides to propose to his girlfriend Pam

Byrnes (Teri Polo), using the children in her class to form a sign that reads MARRY ME PAM. However, when the kids finally create the sign, Pam gets a phone call from her sister who informs Pam that she is getting married. Greg is forced to abort his proposal, and soon learns that he will have to meet Pam's parents.

Greg and Pam arrive at her parents' house, and Pam frantically tries to prep Greg to meet her father by tossing Greg's cigarettes onto the roof and reminding him they can't reveal they are living together. Greg tries to assure Pam that everything will be all right. After an very awkward introduction to Jack (Robert De Niro) and Dina (Blythe Danner), Greg steps inside the Byrnes home, and as the door closes behind him, it is quite clear he is in for a very long weekend.

After scouring the neighborhood in search of the Byrnes‘


all the trouble he has caused thus far and finally getting back on Jack's good side, much to the relief of Pam.

Following a frantic, high-speed race home from the rehearsal dinner, everyone discovers that the imposter Jinx has destroyed the wedding dress and all of the decorations. All of Greg's lies

finally come to light, and he‘s forced to leave, driving off defeated as

Jack comforts Pam.

After being forcibly removed from an airplane and taken into custody, Greg is rescued by Jack. The two grill each other before finally agreeing to a tentative truce. Jack allows Greg to marry Pam, and

once again Greg is back in the ―Circle of Trust”. It is taken from




In this chapter, the writer shows the data presentation and explains the finding of cooperative principle used in a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”. The

writer starts from collected ―Meet the Parents‖ movie script from


rama.com/movie_scripts/m/meet-the-parents-script-transcript.html/06-05-2014/07.53am. The writer found four maxims in a comedy movie “Meet the Parents”. There were maxim of Quantity, maxim of Quality, maxim of Relation, and maxim of Manner. To make the readers understand cooperative principle, here the writer encoded the maxims. Maxim of Quantity as QN code, maxim of Quality as QL code, maxim of Relation as RL code, and maxim of Manner as MN code. In addition the writer found two kinds of the data. They were data in line maxims and data in violated maxims in a comedy movie “Meet the Parents”. Moreover, the writer encoded the line maxims as L code and the violated maxims as V code.

Also the writer found the socio cultural background of American Society in a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”. The writer found culture; artifact (object or event), commercial, belief and value, economic life, sexual habit, and religion.

A. Data in Line Maxims (L)


movement.We can to propose to Deb,I




for years. freedom to work in several different

areas of





Dina airline lost his bag.


spelled. F-O-C-K-E-R.


shut your pie hole... and listen to me when I say that lam finished... With the checking-of-the-bags


B. Data Violated Maxims (V)

The total of data violated maxim are 39 found in four maxims; 7 data violated maxim of quantity, 11 data violated maxim of quality, 9 data violated maxim of relation, 12 data violated maxim of manner.


Jack : Let me ask you a question, Greg.Let's just say you have kids... and you wanna get out of the house, spend a night on the town.So, you hire a baby-sitter,

someone you think

you can

trust.References,wo rk experience-- it all checks out fine.But then how do you really know for certain... that your loved ones are safe with this stranger?I mean, can you ever really trust another human being, Greg?



: Greg, sweetie, how you doing? : Oh, just fine, considering I desecrated your grandma's remains, found out you were



Seriously. Part of you wishes you ended up with him. Girl


: There's no need to raise your voice, sir.

: I'm not raising my voice. This would be raising my voice to you, okay? I don't want to check my bag. By the way, your airline, you suck at checking bags.Because I already did that once, and you lost it, and then I had everything screwed up very badly for me. Okay?








last night, and he to the urinal fairy.




In this chapter, the writer presents the data types of maxims based on

Cooperative Principle which is used in a comedy movie entitled ―Meet the Parents‖ and

explains the meaning each utterance in line maxims and violated maxims.

A. Data of In Line Maxims

1. Maxim of Quantity a. 00.04.34 → 00.04.42

Pam : What's going on?

Greg : I was in the neighborhood, got off work early. Thought maybe you wanted to get a bite to eat. Pam : Oh, that's very sweet. What a nice surprise.

This conversation belongs to maxim of quantity, because Greg gave complete information about his plan to meet Pam and ask her to get lunch together. Pam wants to Greg explain in clear and strong argument. And it surprised for Pam.

b. 00.06.07 → 00.06.26

Greg : So what's going on? What? Debbie's marrying that guy?

Pam : Yeah, in two weeks.Dr. Bob of Denver. Isn't that great?

Greg : Yeah, yeah, that's-- Didn't they just meet like a few months ago?


said yes.He asked my dad. He said yes.

Pam got called from her sister, Debby. She told that she got engaged with Bob. Greg felt envious about that, and asked to Pam about how to get permission of her dad. Its deals with in line maxim of quantity, because Pam gave complete answer and explained to Greg about Debby, Bob, and Dad.

c. 00.07.43 → 00.07.54

Greg : Excuse me. Hi.You lost my bag, and there's a two-caratdiamond ring inside it.

Woman : I didn't lose your anything, sir.But put your local address on this form, and we'll ship it when it surfaces.

Greg lost his bag when arrived at New York Airport. He tried to explain to a woman about that. Its included in line maxim of quantity, because a woman gave a complete answer to him that she

didn‘t lost anything on the airport. And she gave a form and asked

him to write name and address, the bag will be shipped when it surfaced.

d. 00.11.55 → 00.12.04

Greg : That's incredible. How did you teach the cat to use the toilet?


to it, I took it away.Mr. Jinxy was a jack‘s pet. It was great cat and can to use the toilet. This

conversation belongs to in line maxim of quantity, because Jack gave a complete answer about a good habit of his cat. The answer complied which Greg requested.

e. 00.16.34 → 00.16.52

Pam : Where's the other camera?

Jack : Right here in this decorative artifact.Wow, that's great. Our cameras are motion-activated, so they begin taping as soon as they sense any movement. We can hide 'em in anything. We hide 'em in mirrors, lamps, televisions, you name it. So no matter where you go,we'll be watching you. [Pam Chuckling]

Jack was an agent CIA. He made Nanny Camera (a very little camera) as a spy. Pam asked him where the camera, Jack gave a complete answer that the other cameras in a toy, mirror, picture, lamp, and others. So, this conversation belongs to in line maxim of quantity.

f. 00.28.07 → 00.28.27

Dina : Do they have many farms in Detroit?


So that, plus we had a lot of pets.

This conversation Dina asked to Greg about farms in Detroit. Then Greg gave complete answer and explained the history that Detroit was a Dutch farm in the early and many pets there. Therefore this conversation belongs to in line maxim quantity.

g. 00.30.15 → 00.30.26

Pam : How could I have seen Debbie's ring, Mom? Jack : Well, when I gave Bob the okay to propose to

Deb,I put him in touch with my diamond guy, and he picked out the same design Kevin gave you.

Pam wanted to see Debby‘s ring. She asked how to see it. Then Jack

told that she could see the ring when Bob got permission from Jack to propose to Debby. So, this conversation contains in line maxim of quantity because Jack gave complete answer.

h. 00.38.17 → 00.38.32

Greg : Looks complicated. Now these aren't 100 % accurate, right?

Jack : They're-- You'd be surprised how accurate they are.They can tell fairly easily if someone's lying ornot.Now I'm gonna ask you some questions, and all you have to do is answer "yes" or"no."

The conversation between Greg and Jack contains in line maxim of

quantity, since Greg found a detector lie machine in the Jack‘s


answer that the machine was 100% accurate. It showed a human‘s lying or not.

i. 00.40.11 → 00.40.24

Pam : Well, he doesn't need a machine. He's a human lie detector.

Greg : What?

Pam : Greg, my father was never in the rare flower business.That was just his cover.He was in the C.I.A. for years.

Pam gave answer to Greg as informative about Jack was an agent CIA for years. And he was a human lie detector. There for this conversation belongs to in line maxim of quantity.

j. 00.44.06 → 00.40.20

Jack : Why did you take the test if you weren't planning on going tomed school?

Greg : Well, I wanted to keep my options open,but in the end,nursing was a better fit for me. It gives you the freedom to work in several different areas of medicine.Plus, I can focus 100% on patient care, as opposed to being a doctor where you have to deal with the bureaucracy.


quantity, because Greg gave complete answer about the reason he refused to be Doctor.

k. 00.46.47 → 00.46.57

Greg : Dad keeps you guys under a pretty close watch,


Denny : No, it's not that bad. Your little Pamcake's got it a lot worse than I do.Oh! You need some clothes.

This conversation belongs to in line maxim of quantity, because Denny gave a complete answer that Jack just kept closely to Pam; his lovely daughter not to Denny.

l. 00.01.43 → 00.01.55

Pam : I'm really sorry. I don't know why I thought you


Greg : It-- It's not a big deal. If I can handle a weekend without sex and cigarettes, I think I can handle an afternoon with your ex-fianc?

Pam : Okay. Thank you.

The conversation between Pam and Greg contains in line maxim of quantity, since Greg saw some pictures of Pam and Kevin being love

couple in the Kevin‘s house, Pam really sorry about the situation to

Greg. Greg gave complete answer to Pam about he could handle sex, smoke, and


m. 00.03.39 → 00.04.50

Greg : Huh. It's beautiful. So what got you into, uh, "carpentering"?

Kevin : Yeah. Carpentry?[Snickers] I guess I'd have to say JesusHe was a carpenter, and I just figured if you'regonna follow n someone's footsteps who better than Christ?

When Kevin showed all his collection woodcraft to Greg, he asked to Kevin about carpentry. Then Kevin gave answer as informative that Greg required. Therefore this conversation is in line maxim of quantity.

n. 00.11.24 → 00.11.39

Jack : Jinx knows not to use that toilet, and even if he did, he'd never flush it.

Greg : What does it matter?

Jack : The matter, Greg, R.N.,is that when this toilet is flushed, it runs, and when you have a septic tank that's nearly full and a toilet that's been running all night,then you could have a hell of a problem


o. 00.28.44 → 00.29.02

Jack : [Sniffing] You spray-painted his tail... to make him look like Jinxy, didn't you, Focker?

Pam : Greg, what's he talking about?

Jack : Hank MacAtee called me a couple of hours ago and told me he found Jinxy. He took his collar and put it on an impostor.Then he spray-painted his tail, and then he tried to beat us back here... so that he could get rid of the evidence.

Jack got news about the real Jinxy from his neighborhood. Greg

sprayed another cat‘s tail to make Jack gave the approval to him. In

this conversation contains in line maxim of quantity, because Jack gave complete answer to Pam about the cunning of her boyfriend- Greg.

p. 00.31.19 → 00.31.47

Pam : Daddy. What-- He's right?

Jack : He's right. [Stammering] My cover's blown. I-l-I am planning...a secret operation the day after the

wedding. What? A surprise honeymoon for Deb and Bob. You stupid son of a bitch! You just blew it! Greg : What?


This conversation deals with in line maxim of quantity, since Greg blew the secret operation of Jack about KoSamui to his daughter as a surprise honeymoon. Jack gave complete answer to all people in his house.

q. 00. 33.28 → 00.33.36

Jack : I thought your name was Greg. Greg : It is.

Man : That's not what it says on the form.

Greg :I know. It's my legal name. Nobody's called me by it since I was in third grade. [Denny: Snickering]

The conversation between Man and Greg contains in line maxim of quantity, because Greg gave complete answer about his real name. It was Gaylord Focker. However all people called him Greg.

r. 00.42.30 → 00.42.41

Jack : Listen, Focker. I'm not gonna tell anybody anything until you answer some questions.Unless you want to spend the next couple of years of your life in prison,you better goddamn well tell me the truth. No more lies. You understand? No more lies.

Jack‘s utterance included in line maxim of quantity. He gave

complete information to Greg to answer the questions no lie any more.

2. Maxim of Quality a. 00.05-30→ 00.05.35


Greg : I'm fine. I just got a crick in my neck. I was doing C.P.R... on a pound crack addict this morning.

Greg picked Pam up on her class to get lunch together. This conversation contains in line maxim of quality, because Greg gave the right information that he did CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) on a pound crack addict this morning.

b. 00.10.10 → 00.10.19

Dina : Jack! Oh, yucky. What smells of old sour milk? Pam : Oh, poor Greg got spit up on by a baby.

Dina : He didn't?

Pam : Yeah, he did, Ma, at the lost luggage counter. The airline lost his bag.

The conversation between Pam and Dina included in line maxim of quality, since Pam and Greg visited her parent. Dina smell out of old

sour milk on Greg‘s shirt. Then Pam gave the right information to

Dina. When on the Airport, Greg got spit up of milk on his shirt by a baby.

c. 00.11.41 → 00.11.43

Greg : Pam, I didn't know you had a cat?

Pam : Yeah, I left him here when I moved to Chicago.

The conversation between Greg and Pam contains in line maxim of quality, because Pam gave the right answer about she had a cat in the house and left him when she moved Chicago.

d. 00.14.50 → 00.15.00


Greg : Um, good, Pam. Thanks for asking. I, uh, I recently got transferred to triage.

Pam and Greg talked with Jack and Dina in a living room. Pam

asked to Greg, she wanted to her parent knew his job. Greg‘s job

was a male nurse which transferred to triage-The part of a hospital where emergency patients are kept alive while waiting to be seen by a doctor. Therefore this conversation included in line maxim of quality, because Greg gave the right answer.

e. 00.16.55 → 00.17.13

Greg : So, Jack, couldn't this maybe be construed as illegal? You know invasion of privacy?

Jack : Trust me, Greg, when you start having little Fockers running around, you'll understand the need for this level of protection.Impressive, isn't it?

This conversation contains in line maxim of quality, since Jack showed his job as a spy who made Nanny Camera. When Greg asked him that it was something illegal and invasion of privacy, then Jack gave the right answer to him about Nanny Camera for level protection to his children.

f. 00.31.27 → 00.31.35

Greg : Physical? Like what? Like you worked out together?


The conversation between Greg and Pam included in line maxim of quality, because Pam give the right answer to Greg. When she engaged with Kevin, she just did physical thing like a stupid sexual. g. 00.32.04 → 00.32.28

Greg : I thought he would love my gift, you know, being this big flower guy,but it's like he didn't even show the slightest bit of interest.

Pam : Listen to me. Forget the gift.You are the most adorableloving, sweetest man in the whole world, and I love you.And very soon my parents are gonna see that... and grow to love you too, okay? Okay?

Greg felt that Jack didn‘t like with him. He beef about Jack didn‘t

like a gift that he gave to him. this conversation dealing with in line maxim of quality, because Pam gave the right answer and tried to make Greg comfortable with Jack treatment.

h. 00.37.08 → 00.37.16

Jack : I heard a noise, so I came down to see if everything was okay.

Greg : Everything's fine. I just-- I'm sorry. I saw a light on, and I kinda stumbled in.I didn't realize..


i. 00.40.25 → 00.40.32

Greg : How could you not tell me this?

Pam : I wanted to, honey, but it was strictly...on a need- to-know basis.

Greg knew that Pam‘s father was an agent CIA. He was angry with

Pam, because she never told to him about this. Then she explained to him that she really wanted to tell this to Greg, however this was a secret in her family. Therefore, this conversation contains in line maim of quality.

j. 00.44.01 → 00.44.05

Pam : Actually Greg aced his MCATs. Bob : You serious?

Greg : No, I did okay.

Pam : Oh, he did more than okay. Trust me.

The conversation above is in line maxim of quality, because Pam gave the right answer and convinced to Bob that Greg took MCATs (Medical College Admissions Tests) with good point.

k. 00.46.33 → 00.46.38

Danny : Tell anybody I wasn't here?

Greg : No, they think you're asleep. Yeah, so, it's all good The conversation between Danny and Greg contains in line maxim of quality, because Greg gave the right answer about all people in

Denny‘s home knew that Danny slept.

l. 00.00.17 → 00.00.23


People do that nowadays.

Jack : Honey, this kid has been lying to us from the moment we met him.

This conversation dealing with in line maxim of quality, since Dina saw Greg chewed a gum as a changer of cigarette. She asked to Jack about that, then Jack explained that Greg lied from the moment they met him. Therefore Jack gave the right answer for Dina.

m. 00.03.55 → 00.03.59 Jack : Greg's Jewish. Kevin : Are you? Greg : Yeah.

This conversation included in line maxim of quality, because Gave the right answer about his religion. It was Jewish.

n. 00.19.48 → 00.19.50

Greg : Looks just like him.

Man : Almost, except for that tail.

The conversation between Greg and a man contains in line maxim of quality, since Greg looked for Jinxy outside. He found a cat which seemed like Jinxy in a pet shop. A man gave the right answer about the cat that almost same, except that tail. Jinxy‘s tail was black on tip, whereas that cat had all brown tail.

o. 00.29.30 → 00.29.45


have lit something that—I don't know what happened. He put so much goddamn lacquer on that thing.It was an accident waiting to happen.

Greg‘s utterance deals with in line maxim of quality, because Greg‘s

untruths were revealed. He told to all people with the right answer. He made Jinxy outside, burned the altar, and flushed the toilet. p. 00. 31.05 → 00.31.17

Dina : [Scoffs] Jack can't talk Thai.

Greg : Oh, no, Dina.Jack can talk Thai. Jack talk Thai very well. I'm sorry, Pam, but your dad is not retired. He's still very much in the C.I.A.

When Greg‘s untruth revealed, he tried to blow Jack‘s secret. Greg

explained to Dina that Jack could talk Thai very well. Also, Jack still very much in the CIA. Therefore this conversation included maxim of quality.

q. 00.41.48 → 00.41.53

Man : You were acting like a maniac, and you threatened her with a bomb!

Greg : I said, "It's not like I have a ―bomb." Man : You said "bomb" on an airplane.

This conversation between man and Greg included in line maxim of quality, because Greg gave the right answer about he said "It's not

like I have a ―bomb" on the airplane. Not said ―It‘s like I have a


r. 00.43.16 → 00.43.49

Jack : Do you wanna marry her? Do you want to marry


Greg : I did, until I met you. Jack : What does that mean?

Greg : I love your daughter, Jack. I love her more than anything.But frankly, sir, I'm a little terrified of being your son-in-law.This whole weekend has given me a lot of doubtsabout whether or not I could even survive in your family.I think you've got some serious issues.

Jack asked to Greg to marry his daughter, but Greg hesitated to marry Pam. He frightened to be son in law of Jack, because Jack attracted Greg in his house. Greg gave the right reason about to Jack. Therefore this conversation contains in line maxim of quality. s. 00.45.10 → 00.45.22

Pam : Greg? I thought you were going back to Chicago? Greg : Yeah, well, we had a little plane trouble. Plus, your dad caught up with me at the airport.No. Don't worry.It's okay. We worked outa lot of our issues.


3. Maxim of Relation a. 00.06.51 → 00.06.57

Pam : Are you sure it's okay to X-ray this? Greg : Yeah, it's not gonna mutate or anything.

The conversation between Pam and Greg included in line maxim of

relation, because Greg‘s answer relevant with Pam‘s question about

a gift in his bag would not mutate because of x-ray. Therefore there is relation in their conversation.

b. 00.07.09 → 00.07.22

Greg : I've got an engagement ring for my girlfriend in the bag. I can't open it here. Don't you think I can just carry it on?

Man : Hey, pal, if it ain'tfittin' through the frame, you ain'tcarryin' it on the plane.New York, La Guardia. Check it.

Greg‘s bag was not fitthrough the frame on the airport. He tried to

convince a man to allow him to carry it on airplane. This conversation is relevant, because man didn‘t allow Greg to carry his bag because of the bag too big. Therefore this conversation is in line maxim of relation.

c. 00.12. 18 → 00.12.27

Jack : He can't lift the seat, Greg. He lacks the strength and the opposable thumbs.


The conversation above contains in line maxim of relation, since Jack told to Greg about Jinxy (a cat) knew to use the toilet. However

Jinxy couldn‘t lift the seat because of he have not thumbs. Then

Greg realized that it was true. Therefore this conversation is in line maxim of relation.

d. 00.16.22 → 00.16.27

Jack : Smile, you're on "Nanny Camera." Ah! Greg : Oh! Oh, yeah, yeah! I've seen these things

advertised on TV.

Jack showed to Greg about his new job. When Jack asked to Greg to smile, Greg definitely understood about his job. The conversation between Jack and Greg contains in line maxim of relation, because there is relevant between the order and the response.

e. 00.29.38 → 00.29.50

Pam : Okay, could we change the subject perhaps? Greg : Oh! Champagne, champagne.

Pam : Yes. That will be great. Good idea.

There is relevant between Pam and Greg‘s conversation, since Pam

tried to change the topic conversation, because milk a cat was not good topic. Then Greg gave the relation answer that he would take champagne. Therefore this conversation belongs to in line maxim of relation.

f. 00.30.26→ 00.30.32


Jack : Well yeah, Kevin was Pam's fianc.

At dinner, Jack explained to Pam how to see Debby‘s ring, he called

name Kevin. Greg knew that Kevin was Pam‘s boyfriend. Then Jack

added information that Kevin was Pam's fiancé. Therefore there is relation in their conversation; it‘s called in line maxim of relation. g. 00.32.50 → 00.30.56

Jack : What's with the robe?

Greg : It's Pam's. My pajamas are in the suitcase with everything else.

The conversation above, there is relation between Greg‘s answer and

Jack‘s question. Greg lost his bag on the airplane, thus he used

Pam‘s robe. Therefore the conversation is line maxim of relation.

h. 00.03.29 → 00.03.37

Greg : Wow! It looks like somebody got an "A" in wood shop. [Pam, Kevin Laughing]

Kevin : Yeah, it's always been kind of a hobby. I whittled that out of beech wood.

This conversation belongs to in line maxim of relation, since Kevin showed his creation wood to Greg in his hose. Greg amazed with

Kevin‘s creation, because there are many woods and beautiful

creations. Thus, Kevin‘s answer is relevant with Greg‘s utterance. i. 00.17.43 → 00.17.51

Jack : We checked every yard, every car on the street. Nobody's seen him.


Pam : We checked all the bedrooms. Jinx isn't up here. Dina : Yeah, none of the neighbors have seen him either. The people looked for Jinxy outside. But there was nobody could find him. Their utterances included in line maxim of relation, because Jinxy was not up of any trees, all the bedroom, and their neighbors have not see him.

j. 00.25.39 → 00.25.40

Larry : Drives a little better than your Taurus, huh, Greg? Greg : Yeah.

This conversation included in line maxim, since Greg got race with

Jack to get home. Greg drove Larry‘s car like maniac. And Larry

asked him that his car better than Greg‘s own car. Then Greg gave relevant answer to him that it was true.

k. 00.32.38 → 00.32.52

Greg : [Pam looking at Greg movement]

Well, I guess I'm gonna go to the airport now.I guess you're gonna stay here. Pam, l—

Greg‘s utterance contains in line maxim of relation because when

Greg moved out from Pam‘s house, Pam tried to see him at last, and

then Greg explained to her that he would move sooner. There were

relation between Pam action and Greg‘s answer.

l. 00.35.51→ 00.36.03

Pam : Thought you might like to see this. Jack : How did you get this?


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