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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

By: Mutmainnah Reg. Number: A83212172





Mutmainnah.2016. The Word Formation Processes In Minion Movie. Thesis, English Department. Faculty of Arts andHumanities. States Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Endratno Pilih Swasono, M.Pd

Keywords : Word Formation Processes, Minion, Minion Movie

New word comes into English from every aspect of life including in movie which can be contributed on new words with any formations. This research reveals new words that used by the characters of Minion Movie. The data is obtained from Minion Movie which directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda. The researcher uses transcription of Minion Movie which is released in July 10th 2015. Then, the methodology of this research is applying qualitative research method to reveal the types of word formation processes and word classes used by the characters of Minion Movie. The researcher uses George Yule (2010) and Francis Katamba (1994) as the reference of types word formation processes. Moreover, the word classes is identified based on George Yule (2010).


Mutmainnah.2016. The Word Formation Processes In Minion Movie. Skripsi, Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Kesenian dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Endratno Pilih Swasono, M.Pd

Keywords : Formasi Pembentukan Kata Baru, Minion dan Minion Movie.

Kata baru masuk dalam bahasa inggris dari berbagai aspek kehidupan termasuk di sebuah film yang bisa berkontribusi dalam berbagai pembentukan kata baru. Penelitian ini meneliti tentang kata baru yang di gunakan oleh karakter di Minion Movie. Data yang diperoleh dari Minion Movie yang disutradarai oleh Pierre Coffin dan Kyle Balda. Peneliti menggunakan transkripsi Minion Movie yang dirilis pada 10 Juli 2015. Kemudian, metodologi penelitian ini menerapkan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk mengungkapkan proses pembentukan jenis kata dan kelas kata yang digunakan oleh Minion Movie. Peneliti menggunakan George Yule (2010) dan Francis Katamba (1994) sebagai acuan proses pembentukan jenis kata. Selain itu, kelas kata diidentifikasi berdasarkan George Yule (2010).

Penelitian ini menemukan 50 data yang ada di Minion Movie. Data yang diperoleh melalui proses pembentukan kata dan kelas kata. Proses pembentukan kata yang terlibat adalah borrowing, compounding, clipping, backformation, acronyms, derivation, conversion dan wishy-washy word. Proses yang paling sering digunakan dalam pembentukan kata adalah borrowing yang memiliki 32% kata baru dari jumlah 50 data. Sementara itu, ada tujuh kelas kata yang tampak di Minion Movie yaitu noun, article, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition dan pronoun. Kelas kata yang paling umum digunakan oleh Minion Movie adalah noun yang mempunyai 42% kata baru dari jumlah 50 data.



Inside Cover Page ... i

Inside Title Page ... ii

Declaration Page ... iii

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page ... iv

Thesis Examiner’s Approval Page ... v

Motto ... vi

Dedication Page ... vii

Acknowledgement... viii

Table of Contents ... x

Abstract ... xii

Intisari ... xiv


1.1.Background of the Study ... 1

1.2.Statement of the Problem ... 7

1.3.Objective of the Study ... 7

1.4.Significance of the Study ... 7

1.5.Scope and Limitation ... 8

1.6.Definition key terms ... 9


2.1.Theoretical framework ... 10

2.1.1 Morphology... 10

2.1.2 Morpheme ... 11

2.1.3 Definition of Root Steam and Base ... 13

2.1.4 Word Formation Processes ... 15

2.1.5 Word Classes ... 24



1.1.Research Design ... 30

1.2.Data and Data Source ... 31

1.3.Instrument ... 31

1.4.Technique of Data Collection ... 31

1.5.Technique of Data Analysis ... 32


4.1.Finding ... 35

4.1.1. Word Formation Processes in Minion Movie ... 36 Coinage ... 37 Borrowing ... 37 Compounding ... 42 Blending ... 46 Clipping ... 46 Backformation ... 48 Conversion ... 50 Acronym ... 52 Derivation ... 53. word ... 56 ... 58

4.1.2. Word Classes in Minion Movie ... 58 ... 59 ... 61 ... 62 ... 64 ... 65 ... 67 ... 67 ... 68



5.1. Conclusion ... 71

5.2. Suggestion ... 72


APPENDIX 1 ... 75




In this chapter describes about background of study, statement of problem, objectives of study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and

definition of the key terms. 1.1.Background of Study

Animation is one of the favorite programs which is used by a lot of

people. Animation comes in various forms such as form of moving text, objects and drawings. Animation may also appear in advertisements, video games,

television series and animated films. According to Stephenson (1967:13), the definition of animation films as being created on a frame by frame basis. Nowadays, the process of producing animation movie has significantly changed

with the advancement in computer technology through the development of moving images and the effect of animation which is producing 3D animation. One

of the 3D animation movie which is renowned by public is Minion Movie

Minion Movie is American 3D computer-animated comedy film which was published in 2015. Minion Movie tells about adventure of looking for boss.

Minion is small yellow creature that have goal to serving their boss. Accidentally, they were killing their boss such as dinosaurs, Dracula, and army. Then, they took

the decision to go away to Antarctica but they felt empty inside, aimless and depression without a master to serve. One of the minions named Kevin had planned to find a new boss. He was accompanied by Stuart-the rebel and



female super villain named Scarlett Overkill and her husband is Herb, who wanted to rule the world. She gave a task them to thieve the crown of Elizabeth.

Unfortunately, they weren’t lucky because their mission known by the palace guards. In this situation, Bob succeeded to pull the sword of Excalibur and been

the king in Buckingham. Scarlet felt betrayal and confined them to jail in the basement. Finally, minions find a way out from jail and returned crown to the queen after defeating her. When Elizabeth queen conducted the celebrate of

minion. Suddenly, the queen realized her crown was missing. Kevin pursues them that was fleeing through the crowd. Finally, they were congealed by a young Gru

and he thieved the crown from them. Minions saw Gru as their new potential master and choose to following him.

From short story of minions, the researcher is interested to analyze

language in Minion Movie because ever obtained Kids Choice Awards for category animated movie and favorite voice. The language of Minion Movie is

rarely unknown by audience, it also can attract the attention of audience by their utterance and style language which are funny, strange, adorable, and unique. Sometimes, the people who is watching and listening their voice will imitate how

to pronounce the words. One of the vocabularies which is used in Minion Movie is Minionese. It is familiar to the audience through previous film, such as banana

which became favorite food of Minion Movie, bello (hello) and other new words which is created in Minion Movie.

The word uses Minion Movie is one of the conspicuous object in order to



words are usually used to make up new word by utilizing some innovative manipulation”. It becomes one of strategy that used by Minion Movie to make the

public more interested. According to Pierre Coffin as the director of minion says that he uses some languages which is well known in many countries. Those are

called borrowing. (http://entertainment.kompas.com)

Yule (2005: 54) states that borrowing is “the taking over of words from

other languages". Therefore, minion's language has Adopted number of words for

their communication. Newmark (1988: 140) says that “New word can be defined as newly coined lexical units or existing lexical units that acquire a new sense”.

We can identify that the new word created from word that has existed before and combined with lexical units to form a word or phrase that has given a new meaning and being phenomena.

The new word is used by character of Minion Movie are unique words which is appeared in Minion Movie. It can be understood by the sound, projection

and reading the word or phrase. One of the example of new word used by Minion Movie are the name of the program television “VNC” stands for (villain network channel). This phenomena is supported by Fromkin and Rodman’s (1983:264) said that “there are many new word that emerge as an ordinary use in daily communication and add to the vocabulary or lexicon of a language”.

This statement supported by Yule, “this ability must drive in part from

the fact that there is a lot of regularity in the word formation processes in language”(2010:53). In order to increase their creativity to form a new word and



is suitable to observe though morphology because study of word structure in their construction. Moreover, one branch of morphology theory is word formation


Study of word formation had been analyzed by several researchers. The

first, word formation had observed and investigated by Nanda, Rosa and Ardi (2012) about an analysis of word formation used in Twilight novel by Stephenie Meyer and Twilight movie scripts written by Mellisa Rosenberg. They conduct his

study by analyzing the kinds of word formation used both in Twilight novel by Stephenie Meyer and Twilight movie scripts base on O’Grady (1997) theory. They

chose Twilight novel and Twilight movie scripts because there are difference that exist between the film and source material.

The second word formation had been analyzed by Marzita (2014) about

word formation process of English slang in teenager movie scripts. She uses ”Camp Rock” and “Juno” movie to compare the word formation process of

slang both of those move scripts. These were the western teenager movies in 2008 and 2007 especially teenagers, because its context is about teenage daily life dealing with school friends and love.

The third is Haryati 2014 has been observed and investigated about word formation processes of food and beverage product name in Indonesia. It focuses

on the form of new name in food and beverage product in Indonesia. She observed using theory word formation to know types the word formation processes based on Bauer (1983) and semantic theory, specially the theory of



names, its meaning and product it refers to. In this research the descriptive qualitative method to describe systematically through the word formation

processes of brand name and he collected data the research use television and internet access to find the picture of each product.

The fourth, word formation has been conducted by Islamiyah (2015) about word formation processes in business section Jakarta post. She focuses on word formation in business section Jakarta post newspaper. The data of this

research was in form of text which is found in Jakarta post newspaper especially in business section that was taken from the Jakarta post newspaper (online

version) that posted on 30 September 2014. She uses Yule and Bauer theory to analyze the word formation process and function of word formation. She uses this theory to know new uncommon written expression in business section Jakarta

post newspaper.

The last, word formation has been analyzed by Ubaidillah (2015) about

word formation of alay language in making status on Facebook used by students

of MA At-Tarbiyah. He was analyzing about what were the form of Alay language in status on Facebook and the factor of using Alay language in status on

Facebook. He tries to analyze how the Alay language is occurred in the Facebook because there were many user of Facebook to communicate each other by using

alay language in their Facebook. He chooses only in the student Facebook of MA AT-Tarbiyah as the object of his analysis and focuses on how the user of Facebook uses Alay language in their communication based on Yule 1986 and



From the previous study above, the researchers conducts their research through different object and focusing. This research, the researcher chooses

Minion Movie which becomes object of research because minion is animate favored by the public with the acting funny and unique voice that is spoken by

characters of Minion Movie. There are new words used by Minion Movie that created by Pierre Coffin as the director. The new word used by Minion Movie are strange, ambiguity and meaningful vocabularies which usually appears in our

activity. Therefore, the researcher is curious to know in what way creative word or new word are used by characters of Minion Movie.

In this present, the researcher emphasizes the study on word formation processes based on Yule (2010) and Katamba (1993). There are several types of word formations according to Yule (2010: 53-60) such as coinage, borrowing,

compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, acronyms, derivation,

conversion, wishy-washy word and multiple processes. Besides, the researcher

uses grammatical structure especially word classes because word classes is component in word form which involved in word formation processes. Therefore, the researcher uses the function of word classes in the sentence in order to make

the audience understand and apply how the classes word uses. The word classes will analyze after the type of word formation described in the dialogue of Minion

Movie. This study is extremely different with the previous researches. This research describes the types of word formation processes and word classes in the



1.2.Statement of the Problems

This research observes the problem that deals with word formation

processes in Minion Movie. The researcher formulates the research problems based on the background of the study. It is presented as following below:

1. What are the types of word formation processes that used by characters of Minion Movie?

2. What are the function of word classes that used by the characters of

Minion Movie?

1.3.Objectives of the Study

Based on the research of the problems above, the researcher formulates the research objectives of the study as following below;

1. To describe the types of word formation processes are used by the

characters of Minion Movie.

2. To find out the function word classes used by the characters of Minion


1.4.Significance of the Study

By conducting this research, the researcher expects this research to

provide contribution to the students of linguistic theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this study is supposed to be useful for any one and given more



Practically, this research helps the reader specially in word formation process which is used every character in Minion Movie. One of the processes

formed new word, it is from adding, decreasing or combination word which it can change the meaning or grammatical structure. Therefore, the reader of

this research will understand the creation of new words through word formation process. Moreover, this study will enrich the knowledge about creative word in Minion Movie. This research is expected to be beneficial in

enlarging and improving the knowledge especially to students in State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya and for other people who want to create

new word for any purpose. 1.5.Scope and Limitation

In this research, the researcher focuses in theory of morphology

especially the theory of word formation process. There are types of word formation processes and word classes based on Yule (2010) in order to know

how the way word formation processes uses. The researcher uses Minion Movie as the object to analysis.

In order to avoid broad explanation in this research, the researcher

limited the data only new word or phrase which is used in characters of Minion Movie. The data purely selected Minion Movie animated which was



1.6.Definition of Key Terms

There are several key term defined in order to be enable the researcher

understands the research. Those are defined as following below : Word Formation Processes

Word formation processes is study of the basic process to created new word (Yule, 2010:53). The processes are combining the smaller element to produce a new word that has complex meaning.


Minion is a little yellow creature that has existed since the beginning

of life. They evolved from single-celled organisms and being yellow creature that has goal to serve the greatest criminals in the world.

Minion Movie.

Minion Movie is American 3D computer-animated comedy film which published in 2015. Produced by Illumination Entertainment for




To support the analysis, this chapter uses several theories related to the research. The contains of explanation about morphology, morpheme, base, stem

and root. The study will be focused on word formation processes, types of word formation processes which consist of eleven (coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, back formation, conversion, acronym, derivation,

onomatopoeia, multiple processes) and word classes. All of them relate to study to support the analysis.

2.1. Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Morphology

Morphology is the branch of linguistic that discussed about units of basic language grammatically. According to Yule ( 2010:67) “Morphology is study basic form of language”. Other opinion from Katamba ( 1993:3) says

that “morphology is the study of the internal structure of word”. Therefore, morphology is not only the studying basic form of language words but also internal structure. Other definition from Aronoff (2005:1) says that “morphologyrefers to the mental system involved in word formation or to the

branch of linguistics that is deals with words, their internal structure and how they are formed”. The internal structure which formed word called


From explanation above, morphology is the part of deals with the



interesting in how the users gives understanding complex words and invents new lexical items. The main point of studying morphology is on how to

identify morphemes and distributions in forming words which consists of the smallest linguistic pieces with a grammatical function

2.1.2 Morpheme

According to Bauer (1983:25), “morpheme is conceived of as a unit of form and meaning”. Moreover, Katamba (1993:24) stated “the morpheme

is the smallest difference in the shape of a word that correlates with the smallest difference in word or sentence meaning or in grammatical structure”.

Other argue from Aronoff (2005:2) he says that “morpheme often define of the smallest linguistic pieces with a grammatical function”. In other words, it

is the smallest meaningful unit of a language. Furthermore, Yule (2010:66)

says that morpheme is “a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function”. Units of grammatical function include forms which is used to indicate past tense or plural”. Example: the word reopened consists of three morphemes.

One minimal unit of meaning is open, another minimal unit of meaning is re-(meaning “again”) and a minimal unit of grammatical function is –ed

(indicating past tense).

From several explanation above we can conclude that morpheme is

smallest unit of language which have a meaning and shape of a word where one or more morpheme can form lexeme in a grammatical structure. There are two kind of morphemes, the first free morpheme and the second bound


12 Free Morpheme

Free morpheme is morphemes which can occur alone as words and

have a meaning. According O’Grady and Guzman (1996:134), free

morpheme is a morpheme that can be a word by itself. Further, Yule’s

(2010:68) statement “morphemes can stand by themselves as single words “. for example open and tour. Free morphemes can be subdivided into two categories; lexical morphemes and functional morphemes.

Lexical morphemes are words which have some meaning – verbs, adjectives and nouns for example print, house, pretty, fire, go, girl. This

word is not problem in adding new entities to this group of words because it is used as open class of word . On the other hand, Functional morphemes is a closed class of word such as articles, prepositions, pronouns and auxiliary

which have the function in grammatical but don’t have any meaning on their own. Bound Morpheme

According to O’Grady and Guzman (1996:134), bound morpheme is a morpheme that must be attached to other element. Bound morpheme is

the smallest unit of a word that don’t have perfect meaning without the other morpheme. Therefore, bound morpheme must be attached to the word.



-s”. Bound morphemes which is divided into two categories. The first derivational morpheme and the second inflectional morphemes.

The first is derivational morphemes, it is producing new words, or changing the function of a word. We use these bound morphemes to make

new words or to make words of a different grammatical category from the stem. For example, the addition of the derivational morpheme -ness changes the adjective “good” to the noun goodness. The noun “care” can become the adjectives “careful or careless” by the addition of the derivational

morphemes -ful or -less. A list of derivational morphemes will include

suffixes such as the -ish in foolish, -ly in quickly, and the -ment in payment. The list will also include prefixes such as re-, pre-, ex-, mis-, co-, un and many more

The second is Inflectional morphemes. These are not used to produce new words in the language, but rather to indicate aspects of the

grammatical function of a word. Inflectional morphemes are used to show if a word is plural or singular, if it is past tense or not, and if it is a comparative or possessive form example s, ed, ing. Beside that morphology

has several processes which will be able to create new word in each language.

2.1.3. Definition of Root Steam and Base



“morphology is the study of the internal structure of word”. Therefore, there

are several element to arrange of structure in following below:

Roots is the core of the word. According to Katamba (1993:41) root is “the irreducible core of a word, with absolutely nothing else attached to it”.

The word would not have any meaning without the root. Therefore, root is the important part in all lexeme forms and root can be in various structure. The root can add affixes either before or after although affixes do not have a

lexical meaning on their own. For example, walk is a root. It appears in the set of word-forms that is instantiating the lexeme walk such as walk, walks,

walking and walked

Further, the stem is “that part of a word that is in existence before any inflectional affixes have been added. Examples: Noun stem Plural cat –s

and worker –s. In the word-form cats, the plural inflectional suffix -s is attached to the simple stem cat, which is a bare root. In workers the same

inflectional -s suffix comes after a slightly more complex stem consisting of the root work plus the suffix -er which is used to form nouns from verbs. Here work is the root, but worker is the stem to which -s is attached

(Katamba, 1993:45).

The last base, Bases are similar to stems but they have no lexical

meaning. According to Katamba (1993:45), base is “any unit whatsoever to which affixes of any kind can be added”. “Walk” is also a base, because it can

have inflections (walking) and can be turned into different words (walker is a



From explanation above. We can recognize that all roots are bases but not all bases are roots though, because sometimes the root+ inflection or

root+ derivation goes on to take additional changes. (Walker is a base, but the root is still walk). Bases are called stems only in the context of inflectional

morphology (-ed, -ing, -s, etc.). the researcher explanation morpheme because all of those include in word formation processes or one of the type of word formation processes.

2.1.4.Word Formation Processes

There are a lot of new word and expression made by people in the

modern era. According to Jackson (2002:11), a language may increase its vocabulary by two basic method. The first is to use the material (morphemes) already available in the language and recombine it in new way, as inflection,

derivation, compounding and other. The second is to import a word from another language, a process called, rather curiously, “borrowing”. Both of

them include in word formation.

Bauer (1983:12) said that word formation is the formation the word. Some words are combining the smaller element to produce a new word that

has complex meaning. It is known as complex word. Further, Katamba (1994:6), give the example, the word ”childish” might be analyzed as being composed of the adjective “child” (noun) and the ending “ish” (suffix).

Therefore, the word become adjective. According to Yule (2010:53), word formation is study of basic the processes to create forming new word. Base



shaping up the word then processes to create morpheme into the word are called word formation process.

In this research, the researcher choose theory word formation processes base on George Yule (2010) and Katamba (1994 ) as reference to

analyze the data. The writer used Yule (2010) as the reference because it is the latest book was published about morphology and Katamba (1994) to support the explanation in order to get deep understanding about word

formation processes. Base on the Yule there are several type of word formation such as: Coinage

Coinage is the invention of total new term. The most typical source are invented trade name for company product, which become general term (

without initial capital letter) for any version of that product. Example aspirin , nylon, Kleenex (Yule, 2010:53). This is a very rare and uncommon method

to create new words, but in the media, people try to outdo each other with more and better words to name their products.

Coinage is also derived from taking the name of individual, for

example: Scientific terms, such as: watt, ohm, Celsius (the inventors or discoverers). New words based on the name of a person or a place are called

eponyms. Common eponyms are sandwich (from the eighteenth-century Earl of Sandwich who first insisted on having his bread and meat together while gambling) and jeans (from the Italian city of Genoa where the type of



names of those who first discovered or invented things, such as Fahrenheit (from the German, Gabriel Fahrenheit), volt (from the Italian, Alessandro

Volta) and watt (from the Scottish inventor, James Watt), Yule (2010:54). Borrowing

Borrowing is taking over of word from other language (Yule 2010:54). It means borrowing is word formation processes which involves taking lexical items from one language to other language. English language

has adopted a great number of loan word from other language. Example alcohol(Arabic), boss (Dutch), croissant (France) and piano (Italian). Other

language also borrow term from English such as in Japanese use of suupaamaaketto (supermarket) and taipuraitaa (typewriter) Compounding

According to Yule (2010:55), Compounding is a process of joining two separate words to produce a single form. It is mean that the combination

of two or more word in word formation processes. Compounding is very common in languages like German and English, but less common in languages like French and Spanish. Bookcase, wallpaper, textbook,

wastebasket are a few examples of compounding in English. There are many types compounding such as : Noun compound consist of noun with the same verb or other classes for example:

Verb+noun (VN) : playtime, drophammer and swearword



Adjective+noun (AN): blackboard, full-time and greenhouse Preposition+noun (PN) :in-group, outpost and overcoat Verb compound

Example: Verb+verb (VV): freeze-dry, stir-fry

Noun+verb(NV) :hand-wash, air-condition, and steam clean Adjective+verb (AV) :dry clean and whitewash

Preposition+verb (PV):underestimate, outrun and overcook Adjective compound

Example: Noun+adjective (NA) : sky-high and oil-rich

Adjective+adjective (AA) : grey-green and red-hot Preposition+adjective (PA) : overactive and underfull Blending

To combining of two separate forms to produce a single new term is also called blending. However, blending is typically accomplished by

taking only the first syllable of one word and joining it to the end of the other word. In some parts of the United State, there is product that is used like gasoline, but it is made from alcohol. The blended term for referring

this product is gasohol. Other example are smog (smoke+fog), brunch (breakfast+lunch) and infotainment (information+ entertainment), Yule


Katamba (1994:128) also stated that blends are hybrid. They are compound made in an unorthodox way by joining piece of word-form


19 Clipping

Yule (2010:56) says hat clipping is shortening or reduction some

element in a word. This occurs when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form , usually beginning in casual speech. The term

gasoline is still used, but most people talk about gas, using the clipped form. Other common examples are ad (advertisement), bra (brassiere), cab (cabriolet), condo (condominium), fan (fanatic), flu (influenza), perm

(permanent wave), phone, plane and pub (public house). English speakers also like to clip each other’s names, as in Al, Ed, Liz, Mike, Ron, Sam, Sue

and Tom.

Further, Katamba (1994:125) stated clipping is divided into fore-clipping and back fore-clipping. Fore-fore-clipping is when a front part of a word is

clipped or being cut for the example is a word bus that come from the word omnibus. While back clipping is the processes of black part of the word

reduction for example is the word lab that as an original word laboratory. Yule (2010:56) mentioned the term hypocorism which means particular types of deletion produce forms technically, usually occurred in

Australia and British English. In this process, a longer word is reduced to a single syllable, then –y or –ie is added to the end. Perhaps the most familiar


20 Backformation

Backformation is “very specialized type of reduction process”. It is

occurs when a word of one type (usually a noun) is reduced to form other word in a different type (usually a verb). Therefore, backformation is

created the new word which formed by removing an affix in a word. It can change the word class. For instance, the television (noun) first come into use and then televise (verb) was created from it. Another examples of word that

created by this process are donate (verb) from donation (noun), babysit (verb) from baby sister, emote (verb)from emotion (noun), etc. (Yule,

2010:56) Conversion

A change in the function of word, when a noun comes to be used as

a verb (without any reduction), is generally known as conversion. Other labels for this very common process are category change and functional

shift. A number of nouns can be changed into verb such as paper in “he is papering the bedroom walls ”bottle in “we bottle some milk. conversion can

involves verb becoming noun: guess become a guess, must become a must

spy become a spy. Verb also become adjective such as stand up become a stand-up comedian. Adjective become verb, empty become to empty and


21 Acronyms

Acronyms is the shortened new word cannot be pronounced as a

word, they have to be pronounced in each initial letter or it can be called abbreviation. Example of this abbreviation in “LA” as Los Angles

(katamba, 1994:127).

Further, Yule (2010:58) stated that Acronyms are the process of word formation in which word are formed from the initial letters of phrase

that produce a new word. Acronym is formed by taking the initial letter of some or all of the word a phrase or title where the pronunciation consists of

the set of letters, such as, CD (Compact Disk), or VCR (Video Cassette Recorder). Other typical of acronyms are a word that keeps a vowel letter that pronounces as new single word, for example: NATO, NASA, or

UNESCO but many acronyms lose their capital to become every day terms such as radar (radio detecting and ranging), scuba (Self-contained under

water breathing apparatus), or zip (zone improvement plan), etc. Derivation

According to Yule (2010:58), derivation is accomplished by means of a large number of small ‘bits’ of the English language which are not

usually given separate listing in dictionaries. These small ‘bits’ are called

affixes. Some affixes have to be added to the beginning of a word, which are called prefixes. The simple definition, derivation is word formation process by adding affixes which create a new form, new meaning and can be


22 Prefix

Prefix is an affix attached before a root or stem or base like re-,

un-, -miss, - pre and in-. For example: re-make, in-decent, un- (unhappy), mis- (misunderstanding), pre- (prejudge), etc. Suffix

Suffix is an affix forms are attached to the end of the stem or word. For instance, -ful (joyful), -less (careless), -ness (happiness), etc. Infixes

Infix is a third type of affix, not normally used in English, but

found in some other languages. This is called an infix and, as the term suggests, it is an affix that is incorporated inside another word. It is possible to see the general principle at work in certain expressions,

occasionally used in fortuitous or aggravating circumstances by emotionally aroused English speakers: Hallebloodylujah!,

Absogoddamlutely!, unfuckinbelievable!. Wishy-Washy Words

According to Katamba (1994:54),explained that wishy-washy is a

word formed by reduplicating words that is followed by rhyme motivation and driven by phonological factors as well. Example: Pooh-pooh,

Goody-goody, roly-poly.

Katamba say that there are two types of reduplicative such as rhyme motivated compound and ablaut motivated compound. Rhyme



usually used in literature text such as poetry. The vowel or consonant appeared in the last syllable are identical example: namby-pamby,

helter-skelter, teeny-weeny. Then, ablaut motivated compound means a changing in the root vowel, it usually signals a change in grammatical function for

example: the word o~e alternation in the word long (adjective) and length (noun) marks a difference in the word class. processes

There are cases when words do not only undergo one type of word formation process called multiple processes. It is possible to use more than

one process at work in the creation of a particulars word. For example, Deli, first in this borrowing from German delicatessen, and then clipping that borrowed form. If you ever heard someone said “problems with the project have snowballed”, the snowballed here is a compounding between

snow and ball, and then it change the word class from noun to verb or it is

called conversion. Forms that begin as acronyms can also go through other processes, as in the use of lase as a verb, the result of backformation from laser. In the expression waspish attitudes, the acronym WASP (“white



2.1.5.Word Classes

Carstairs (2002:4) word as unites basic language. Word have the

meaning and word classes in order to build word into a sentence. Word classes is a set of words that display the same formal properties, especially their

inflections and distribution. The term word class is similar with part of speech. It is also variously called grammatical category,lexical category, and syntactic category. There are Types of word classes according Yule (2010:82-83) Noun

Noun are words used to refer to people (boy), objects (backpack),

creatures (dog), places (school), qualities (roughness), phenomena (earthquake) and abstract ideas (love) as if they were all “things.” Articles

Article are words (a, an, the) used with nouns to form noun phrases classifying those “things” (You can have a banana or an apple) or identifying them as already known (I’ll take the apple). Adjectives

Adjective are words used, typically with nouns, to provide more

information about the things referred to (happy people, large objects, a strange experience). Verbs

Verb are words used to refer to various kinds of actions (go, talk) and states (be, have) involving people and things in events (Jessica is ill


25 Adverbs

Adverb are words used, typically with verbs, to provide more

information about actions, states and events (slowly, yesterday).Some adverbs (really, very) are also used with adjectives to modify information

about things (Really large objects move slowly. I had a very strange experience yesterday). Prepositions

Preposition are words (at, in, on, near, with, without) used with nouns in phrases providing information about time (at five o’clock, in the

morning), place (on the table, near the window) and other connections (with a knife, without a thought) involving actions and things. Pronouns

pronouns are words (she, herself, they, it, you) used in place of noun phrases, typically referring to people and things already known

(She talks to herself. They said it belonged to you). Conjunctions

Conjunction are words (and, but, because, when) used to make connections and indicate relationships between events (Chantel’s

husband was so sweet and he helped her a lot because she couldn’t do



2.2. Previous Studies

There are several researcher who had conducted about word formation

processes theory. They have done contribution in linguistics study particularly in term of morphological analysis. There are four previous studies used in this


The first is Nanda, Rosa and Ardi (2012) had observed and investigated about an analysis of word formation used in Twilight novel by Stephenie Meyer

and Twilight movie scripts written by Mellisa Rosenberg. They conduct his study by analyzing the kinds of word formation used both in Twilight novel by

Stephenie Meyer and Twilight movie scripts base on O’Grady (1997) theory. They chose Twilight novel and Twilight movie scripts because there are difference that exist between the film and source material. Certain scenes from book were cut

such as place, activities and some word formation are involved in the conversation of novel but not in movie. The result of this research which was used in Twilight

novel and Twilight movie scripts. Twilight novel were cliticization 8,6% of data, change 26,35% of data, suppletion 54,6% of data, conversion 0,36%, clipping 0,3% of data, blending 0,13% of data, backformation 0,02% of data, acronym

1,3% of data and coinage 0,3% of data. Meanwhile, in The twilight movie scripts types of word formation used were cliticization 58,42% of data, internal change

12,06% of data, suppletion 8,3% of data, conversion 2,13%, clipping 16,58% of data, blending 0,38% of data and onomatopoeia 2,13%. It was known that the mostly used of type of word formation in Twilight novel was suppletion and the



The second word formation has been analyzed by Marzita (2014) about word formation process of English slang in teenager movie scripts. She uses ”Camp Rock” and “Juno” movie to compare the word formation process of

slang both of those move scripts base on O’Grady theory. These were the western

teenager movies in 2008 and 2007 especially teenagers, because its context is about teenage daily life dealings with school friends and love. The result of this research which is used in the “Camp Rock” script, there were 32 data of word

formation process of slang. There is 11 data of clipping, 9 data of coinage, 7 data of internal change, 2 data of acronym and 1 data of affixation, compounding and back formation. While in “Juno” script, there are 71 data of word formation

process of slang. There is 52 data of coinage, 12 data of compounding, 4 data of clipping, and one data of derivation, affixation and acronym. The most word

formation process of slang in the “Camp Rock” script is clipping about 11 word of data and “Juno” script is coinage about 52 word of data. The From the data

above, the researcher know the portrait about the language used by young people. Besides, slang language gives a reflection of phenomena about using language in the society because the difference of word is to determine adulthood every


The third, word formation has been analyzed by Ubaidillah (2015) about

word formation of alay language in making status on Facebook used by students

of MA At-Tarbiyah. He tried to analyze how the Alay language occur in the Facebook 1983 because there were many user of Facebook to communicate each



Facebook of MA AT-Tarbiyah as the object of his analysis and focus on how the user of Facebook uses Alay language in their communication. In this study, the

researcher used descriptive-qualitative method. He used theory based on Yule 1986 and Bauer 1983. The result of Alay language was produced by mixing

capital and short letter in a word, combination number and letter in a word, adding and removing phoneme in word, combination numbers and letter in word, adding and removing phoneme in word, exchange phoneme, combination between

symbol and letter in a word. While the factor found in data are association factor and prestige factor. Therefore, many language variation which is usually used by

the user of facebook. Based on the data above, the researcher can know Alay language happen because of the prestige factor and the people who is using Alay language in order to classified as the impressive people and more modern the

other user.

The last, word formation has been conducted by Islamiyah (2015) about

word formation processes in business section Jakarta post. She conducts his study by analyzing the kinds of word formation and function of word formation in business section Jakarta post newspaper. The data could be in form of linguistic

expression (word, phrase and sentence) was taken from the Jakarta post newspaper (online version) that posted on 30 September 2014. She used Yule and

Bauer theory to analyze the word formation process and function of word formation. The researcher find ten kinds of word formation; those are borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, acronyms, derivation,



Jakarta post and two function of word formation those are lexical enrichment and trans positive function. The most used word formation business section Jakarta

post were borrowing process. From the data above, the researcher can know new uncommon written expression through word formation process in business section

Jakarta post newspaper. Moreover, all the word that appear in the formation of word can enrich Indonesia vocabulary through formation of the word in the Jakarta post newspaper.

Word formation process is still interesting topic to be discussed although many researcher have analyzed about the word formation process. Base on the

previous above there is the differences of the research. Firstly is focused on objects which always new and grow that is the new word used in the movie. Secondly, the researchers above conducts their research in sociolinguistic but this

research only focuses on word formation processes which undergo in processes on creating word and word classes to know the function word classes in sentence that




The chapter presents an explanation of procedures to find answer the research problem using the descriptive qualitative method. The research method

will focus some aspects such as research approach, source of data, instrument, technique of data collection and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

In this research, the researcher used a descriptive qualitative method to analyze data. In this method used to describe and interpret systematically

through the word formation processes which is used in Minion Movie script. According to green (2007:2), ”qualitative research is characterized by its

aims, which is related to understanding some aspect of social life, and this

method which (in general) generate word as data for analysis. Hancock, Ockleford and Windridge (2009:7) stated that qualitative research is

concerned with developing social phenomena. Moreover, Mukhta (2013:11) says that qualitative descriptive research discussed about general cases in social phenomena and it describes specifically why and how it is. Therefore,

the researcher used descriptive qualitative to know new word phenomena which used by character of Minion Movie. This study focused on exploring



3.2 Data and Data Source

The source of data this study is movie entitled Minion Movie which

directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda. The researcher used transcription of Minion Movie 2015 which downloaded in the internet from www.springfieldspringfield.com. Therefore, the data of this the research were

the conversations by character of minion which are contained new word or phrase used in Minion Movie scripts.

3.3 Instrument

In this research, the instrument is researcher who analyzes word

formation processes in Minion Movie. As Flick (2009:109) stated that “you as a researcher and your respondent and your communicative competencies are the main “instrument” of collecting data and recognition”. The supporting

instrument in this terms, the researcher used laptop, flash disk, modem and transcript of the movie entitled “Minion Movie”.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

Gulo (2002:110) stated that collecting data is used to get information in order to achieve the objective of the research. The data apply several

process to collect data in certain order as follow:

3.4.1. The researcher watched and listened carefully to know the dialogue

happen in Minion Movie



3.4.3. The researcher read the transcription of Minion Movie with a few times reading to find word or phrase used in Minion Movie script in

order to get deep understanding.

3.4.4. The researcher did selection the words to know the data by underline

and bolding which is included the word formation processes in Minion movie script.

3.4.5. The researcher transformed to the note of data collecting in order to

understand words or phrases in Minion movie script. In this case, the data which was not exact with types of word formation processes is


3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

Further, technique of data analysis conducted after collecting the

data. The data analyzing technique of this research is descriptive analysis that is needed identifying, classifying, and drawing conclusion. The researcher

analyzed the data through several step:

3.5.1 The researcher identified the data which has selected. Further, the researcher inserted the word that was referring to the new word which

is included word formation from appendix in table 1.

Table 1: New Word Used by the Characters of Minion Movie script.

No Dialogue/ Conversation

New Word

Original Word



3.5.2 The researcher analyzed and classified word to determine the types of word formation processes based on Yule (2010) and Katamba (1994)

and the summarizing of the finding in table 2.

Table 2: The Finding of Word Formation Processes in Minion Movie


No Word formation processes Frequency Percentage 1. Coinage

2. Borrowing 3. Compounding 4. Blending 5. Clipping 6. Backformation 7. Acronyms 8. Derivation 9. Conversion 10. Onomatopoeia 11. Multiple processes


3.5.3. After classified all of data, then the data are calculated into table of

frequency to know the word formation processes which the most frequently used. To count the frequency of each word formation process, the formula that used is :


X : The finding of data in types of word formation process in Minion Movie

Y : The total frequency of word formation processes used in the data



(2010) theory in order to answer second problem. The summarizing of the finding in table 3.

Table 3: The Finding of Word Classes in Minion Movie script.

No Word classes Frequency Percentage 1. Noun

2. Article 3. Adjective 4. Verbs 5 Adverbs 6. Preposition 7. Pronoun 8. Conjunctions


3.5.5. The researcher drew the conclusion based on the finding, it was to answer the research problem head and gave suggestion for further




This chapter, the researcher presents the analysis of the finding new word used in Minion Movie scripts based on the word formation process from George Yule (2010) Francis Katamba’s (1994) and word classes from George Yule’s

(2010) theory in order to answer the research problem which stated in the chapter of this study. There are two parts in this chapter. Firstly, the researcher dedicates

the findings of analysis with using the table of frequency of data based on the finding of word formation processes and word classes used in Minion Movie

script. The second part is discussion which explains the result from the finding of the research.

4.1. Findings

In this part is result from the finding of new word in Minion Movie script. There are some frequency tables in percentage and the finding

explanation especially in types of word formation processes that are coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, acronyms,

derivation, conversion, wishy-washy word and multiple processes and word

classes that includes as noun, article, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, pronoun and conjunction. The finding and analysis will be discussed and



4.1.1. Word Formation Processes in Minion Movie

The researcher found eight types of word formation processes in

Minion Movie script. Those are borrowing, compounding, clipping, backformation, acronyms, derivation, conversion and wishy-washy word.

The table below is represented the finding percentage of types word formation used in Minion Movie script.

Table 2: The Finding of Word Formation Processes in Minion Movie


No Word formation processes Frequency Percentage

1. Coinage - 0%

2. Borrowing 16 32%

3. Compounding 8 16%

4. Blending - 0%

5. Clipping 4 8%

6. Backformation 3 6%

7. Conversion 3 6%

8. Acronym 1 2%

9. Derivation 12 24%

10. Wishy-washy words 3 6%

11. Multiple processes - 0%

50 100%

Based on the table 2 above, it shows from 50 data of word formation in Minion Movie script. The most frequent uses the type of word formation processes in Minion Movie is borrowing. It has 32% of new



Meanwhile, derivation is the second types word formation that mostly used in the frequent number about 24% of the data. Then, it is followed by

compounding about 16% of data and the next is clipping about 8% of data. Backformation, conversion and wishy-washy considered as next rank, in

each of them 6% of data, and the last is acronym about 2% of data. The explanation descriptively as the following below: Coinage

Coinage is the invention of totally new term. The most typical source are invented trade name for company product, which become

general term (without initial capital letter) for any version of that product (Yule, 2010:53-54). In this research, the researcher does not find the word categorized as coinage processes in Minion Movie. Borrowing

Borrowing is taking over of word from other language (Yule

2010:54). Borrowing is word formation processes that taking lexical items from one language to another language or a word from one language is borrowed directly into another language. To make clear the

definition, the researcher presents some examples of data to be discussed below:

Data 7

Page: 4, Line: 5 Tony :Bob!

Bob : Hey, Tony! Good luck para tu , Tom... take care, Chris... see you later Kevin : Hey, Bob. Coming



From data above, Stuart, Kevin and Bob said good bye before doing the journey. They should leave Antarctica to looking for new

boss. Bob is very hard to leave his friends until Kevin calls him and the answer is “sì”. The word “sì” is borrowed from italian. The meaning

of “sì” is yes. Actually, Bob said “sì” with the feeling sad because he should leave his friends for the journey.

Data 9

Page: 6, Line: 6

Kevin : oh villain-con, Orlando. Bob :ohh. Whoo. Whoo. Kevin : oh, hello! Uh, Orlando?

Ugh. Buttocks.

Stuart : - Hey, uh...greeting - Orlando?

Ooh hello, papagena, tu le bella con la papaya,". Bob : do you know Orlando,??

Yeahh, ok. Thank you, baby! Bye-bye! That way. From data above, the minion combined some languages such

as the using word “tu le bella con la papaya” is borrowing from Spanish and English. The word “tu le bella con la“ is from Spanish, it

means you will be fine. Then, the word “papaya” is from English, it means the fruit with a yellowish skin. Actually, the minions looked for direction to Orlando but Stuart tried to approach papagena although it

is a small pole which was named "papagena" by him. In the conversation above, Stuart used “papaya” because the shape is similar


In this situation, Minions were very tired during the journey in the Orlando. Finally, they arrived at the roadside and seen the old man

who is stopped the car by a paper inscribed New York. Directly, Kevin called Stuart with the using word “kemari” that is borrowed from

Indonesia, it means come here. From conversation above, Stuart tried to stop the car like what was done by the old man, but the effort failed to

get a ride. He was angry with himself until Kevin could get a ride for them.

Data 23

Page: 15, Line: 2 and 3

Ticket booth :How many tickets, please? Bob :tre please.

Kevin :uno please, uno

Ticket booth :Enjoy yourself, love. Thank you!

There are two words that are categorized as borrowing

processes such as “tres” and “uno” borrowed from Italian. The meaning of “tres” and “uno” are three and one. Conversation above occurs in London, they should to do their mission of stealing the crown



tower of London. The ticket booth was happy because They pay ticket using gold rod and directly go way.

Data 24

Page: 16, Line:7 and 8

Kevin :Oh, no! you don’t. The guardian :Oh, flippin' heck! Bob :What's goin' on?

Kevin :Bob…! quick the crown after it Bob :Eh... Hmm. Wow. corona” from Spanish, it means the crown.

Data 28 Kevin :your puchi sayonara. Come on..! Bob :Oh up, bye puchi

Kevin :ohh, bob come on..! stuart..! Bob :Aww! Oo-ooh!



There are two words categorized from borrowing that are “puchi” and “sayonara”. The first word “puchi” is from Japanese, the

meaning is small. The word “puchi” refers to the name of mouse because of its small and cute. Therefore, bob was named “puchi” for

his mouse. Then, the word “sayonara” borrowed from Japanese, it means good bye. Bob said “sayonara” because he should leave his mouse in Westminster Abbey.

Data 29

Page: 22, Line: 10 Bob :No!no !

Kevin :Uh, mmm...Bob. Bob :stopa

Kevin : come on, come on, grab my hand

Presenter :I proclaim thee, Scarlet Overkill, the Queen of England!

Scarlet :Oh! Huh? Kevin! Kevin :Huh?

Herb :Scarlet! Scarlet, my queen? Somebody help me!

Bob : maaf

Kevin :Come on, come on!

Conversation above occurs in Westminster Abbey. Inadvertently, Minion disturbs the coronation of Scarlet by destroying the lights which fell and hit Scarlet before crowned. Then, Scarlet is

commanding the participants of the coronation, there are super villains as Dumo the Sumo, Frankie Fishlips to kill the minions. In this



Data 31

Page: 26, Line: 7

Elizabeth : Oh, Stuart. For you, I have this beautiful, super-duper, incredible...

Stuart :Ah!

Elizabeth :..snow globe!

Stuart :Eh?Poglobe? Uh,ze...

Elizabeth : And look, look, hours of excitement! Stuart : Oh,uh...Yippee. Uh, eh, gracias

From conversation above, Elizabeth conducts the celebration

for minion because they have safeguarded the palace from the evil. Bob expressed her gratitude to Elizabeth queen because she has given tiny crown for his teddy bear. The using word “gracias ” is borrowed from

Spanish, it means thank you. This word is expression of gratitude for what we have received or something that is well worth for us. From

data above Stuart gives expression of gratitude to Elizabeth queen because she has given snow globe. Compounding

Based on Yule ( 2010: 55), Compounding is a process of joining two separate words to produce a single form. It means that the

combination of two or more word in word formation processes. Compounding is very common in languages like German and English,

but less common in languages like French and Spanish. Common English compound is combination of some lexical categories such as adjective, noun, verb and preposition. The explanations below are new


straight, the biggest gathering of criminals anywhere!. Attend guest lectures from esteemed villains, make contacts in the underworld community, and for the first time anywhere, Scarlet Overkill! Evil. So evil. Criminal genius! Hey, a girl's gotta make a living! - Move aside, men! - Make way. There's a new bad man in town... SCARLET: Excuse me. ...and that man is a woman! Crime isn't pretty! It's red hot! Get to Villain-Con this weekend. Only at 545 Orange Grove Avenue in Orlando, Florida. So much fun, it's a crime. Oh! Villain-Con, Orlando.” (TV channel)

From the data above, the word “underworld” indicates the formed of compounding processes. The word “underworld” isderived

from two words which are compounded into single word, it includes into compound noun because the word “under” is preposition and the

word “world”is noun. The word “under“ means below something and the word “world” is the earth, its countries and people. Though

compounding process, this word “underworld” means people and

activities involved in crime in a particular place. From TV channel above is the biggest gathering of criminals worldwide which was attended by Scarlet Overkill, she is the most powerful criminals.

Data 13

Page: 7 , Line: 2

Mrs. Nelson :- Your father's right, Tina.

He wasn't this good at being evil overnight! Reload! Your time's coming.

Walter nelson :It's jammed! Huh?

The using word “overnight” is derived from compounding processes. The word “overnight” iscategorized as adjective compound


overnight before being super evil.

Data 17

Page: 9, Line: 1

Presenter :Please! Eh...Villain-Con presents our keynote speaker, Scarlet Overkill! The world's first

femalesuper-villain! Appearing right now in Hall H! The using word “keynote” is derived from compounding processes. The word “keynote” iscategorized as noun compound from

the noun word “key” means piece of metal that lock or unlock the door or instruction and the noun word “note” means short piece of writing to

help you remember something. Both of word joined into one becomes “keynote” which has meaning the most emphasized part of something

or Central idea of speech or the essence.

Data 22

Page: 14, Line: 01

Scarlet :Well, maybe I'll settle them down with a bedtime story?


Table 1: New Word Used by the Characters of Minion Movie script.
Table 2: The Finding of Word Formation Processes in Minion Movie
Table 3: The Finding of Word Classes in Minion Movie script.
Table 2: The Finding of Word Formation Processes in Minion Movie


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