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Books and Journals ASEAN, ASEAN Community Based Tourism Standard, ASEAN, Jakarta 2016, pp


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Books and Journals

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Arief Rizky Bakhtiar (Technical Officer in ASEAN Integration Monitoring Office (AIMO), ASEAN Secretariat Jakarta), interview by the author, Jakarta, February 2018.

Daru Muti Ratmoko (Technical Officer in Information Resources Management Division, ASEAN Secretariat Jakarta), interview by the author, Jakarta, February 2018.

Dra. Oneng Setya Harini, MM (Assistant Deputy for Cultural Tourism Development in Ministry of Tourism RI), interview by the author, Jakarta, January 2018.

Dr. Bakri, MA (Former Assistant Deputy for Cultural Tourism Development in Ministry of Tourism RI), interview by the author, Jakarta, January 2018.

Ir. Asti Wijayanti (Head of Tourism Department Gunungkidul Regency), interview by the author, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, February 2018.

Lutfi Setya Nugroho SE (Data Processing Processor in Tourism Marketing of Tourism Department Gunungkidul Regency), interview by the author, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, February 2018.

Ratna Susanti (Administrator in Pokdarwis Nglanggeran), interview by the author, Nglanggeran Tourist Village, Gunungkidul, DIY, February 2018.

Sugeng Handoko (Chairman of Pokdarwis Nglanggeran and Local Influencer), interview by the author, Nglanggeran Tourist Village, Gunungkidul, DIY, January 2018

Sugianto (Staff focuses on Homestay Area in Pokdarwis Nglanggeran), interview by the author, Nglanggeran Tourist Village, Gunungkidul, DIY, February 2018.


Supartono, ST, MT (Head of Destination Development in Tourism Department Gunungkidul Regency), interview by the author, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, February 2018.

Yuni Hartini, SP, Msi (Head of Marketing in Tourism Department Gunungkidul Regency), interview by the author, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, February 2018.


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