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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English

Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University


Wiweko Aksan Nugraha








Approved to be examined before the Board of Examiners,

English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University

Final Project Report:




: Wiweko Aksan Nugraha


: C9307165


1. Taufiq Al Makmun, SS.




Accepted and Approved by the Board of Examiners

English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University

Report Title














Wiweko Aksan Nugraha



The Board of Examiners:

1. Dra. Susilorini, MA.





2. Dyah Ayu Nila K., SS. M.Hum.





3. Taufiq Al Makmun, SS.


Main Examiner



Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University,




"Every day in your life is a page from your history".

“Thinking is the hardest job, because that very few people are

w illing to use his brain”, Henry Ford.



I dedicate this final

project report to:

M y Beloved




All of the praise is only for Allah SWT. I realize that without Allah I can't

finish my final project report. This final project report made as one of the

requirement in obtaining degree in the English Diploma Progam, Faculty of

Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This report entitled "The Image Building of Pusdiklat Migas Cepu

Through Social Programs" selected by the writer to know the activities of Public

Relations Division in Pusdiklat Migas related with the effort in creating a good

image and the implementation of social programs in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu.

The writer realize that this final project report is still beyond the

perfection, therefore some suggestions and criticism are expected for the writer.

The writer hopes that this final project report is useful for the readers.

The writer also would like to thank deeply to those who continuously give


1. The Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University,

Drs. Sudarno, MA.

2. The head of English Diploma Program in Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University, Mr. Yusuf Kurniawan SS, MA.

3. Ms. Dyah Ayu Nila Khrisna SS, MA, my academic consultant, for guiding

me during academic years.


5. All lecturers of English Diploma Program.

6. Mr. Kastur, S.Ag, for giving me opportunities to get job training in

Pusdiklat Migas Cepu.

7. Mr. Wien Eko Koesfieanto, for guiding me during the job training.

8. All staffs in Public Relations Division of Pusdiklat Migas Cepu; Pak Tyo’,

Mbak Nina, and Mbak Mita who have provide assistance during on the job


9. My beloved parents, “Bapak and Ibuk”, thank’s for your support, prayer,

encouragement, care, sacrifice, and advice.

10. My lovely brother, Tama and my sister, Helen, “I proud of you and really

love you”. I also would like to say thanks for giving me spirit to finish this

final project report. My grandma in Karanganyar and all my family in

Cepu and Solo, thanks for giving me spirit and support.

11. My friends Rifky, Izhur, Adit, Nourman, Panji, Romi, Yhana, Ria, Windy,

for the togetherness, happiness, and sadness in three years. I wish to keep

going on our relationship.

12. My friends in M15, Khoirul, Rofiq, Mas Oki’, Irwan, and Sidiq. Thank’s

for your support guys.

13. And all parties that help the writer in accomplishing this final project

report. Thank’s for the help.



Wiweko Aksan Nugraha.2010. The Image Building of Pusdiklat Migas Cepu

Through Social Programs. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and

Fine Arts, UNS.

As one of the centre of education and training in the oil and gas industry,

Pusdiklat Migas Cepu always tries to create mutual relationship between

institution and its public. To run this aim, Public Relations division in Pusdiklat

Migas Cepu has important role in establishing mutual communication between

institution and its public. One of the efforts is by holding social programs in the

form of community development. Based on the job training, the objectives of this

report are to know the activity of Public Relations in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu and

the implementation of social programs done by Pusdiklat Migas Cepu in creating

a good image.

This final project report is completed through several methods, there are:

collecting, analyzing, and concluding the data. The data in this final project report

were obtained by holding observation in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu, interviewing the

Public Relations staffs in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu, and conducting a library


Based on the job training for a month in this institution, it can be seen that

the activities of Public Relations in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu are very rich. It is

because Public Relations Division in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu has to be responsible

in communicating information internally and externally. It is aimed to create good

relationship with the public either external or internal. Accordance with it, Public

Relations in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu try to provide social contribution to the

society. The programs can be divided into educational social programs and

non-educational social programs. The non-educational programs are in the form of

Community Development by giving training for Cepu citizen in the oil and gas

field and providing studying medium for the students of senior high school and

university. And, the non-educational programs are in the form of humanitarian

help. Most of non-educational programs are done incidentally.





















Background... 1


Objective... 2


Benefits... 3



A. Public Relations ... 4

B. The Functions of Public Relations ... 5

C. Image Building... 6

D. Community Development and Social Programs... 8

1. The Definition of Community Development ... 8





Pusdiklat Migas Cepu ... 10

1. Brief History of Pusdiklat Migas Cepu... 10

2. Main Duty, Vision, Mission, and Functions ... 13

3. The Division in Pudiklat Migas Cepu... 14

A. Job Training Activities ... 15

B. Public Relations Activities of Pusdiklat Migas Cepu ... 16

C. Social Programs ... 18

1. Social Programs ... 18

2. The Implementation of Social Programs... 19

A. Image Building Through Social Programs ... 20



Conclusion... 23

Suggestion ... 24





A. Background

In creating a harmonious atmosphere in the company, communication is

very important. By having good communication, it will form a harmonious

relationship between company and its public. Therefore, Public Relations is

needed to establish it. PR is a division or section which has an important role in

establishing mutual communication

(the reciprocal two way communication)

between the company and its publics. The use of PR is useful to build the image

and create understanding, support, and positive image of the public either external

or internal.

Pusdiklat Migas Cepu as one of the centre of education and training in the oil and

gas industry which is under the shelter Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has a

Public Relations (PR) with a role to establish good relationships through out external or

internal public because Public Relations Division has a duty to promote and build good

image of the institution. Dealing with this, Public Relations practitioners are between

organization and its public.

Public Relations practitioners also have to be active to make many improvements

to make the image of institution better.

Image building is needed in t he inst it ut ion

primarily for Government Inst it ut ions such as Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. One w ay t o do t his

is t o run social program like Communit y Development (Comdev). Communit y


condit ions, economy, cult ure and societ y t o achieve a bet t er qualit y of life. This program

refers t o t he t ransparency of corporat e social disclosures on t he act ivit ies or social

act ivit ies undert aken by t he company.

The existence of social problems caused by the company's business

activities is undeniable. It is because the company always wants to gain more

profit without care about its public. Labour strike and protest done by the society

around the company is a form of disappointment to the company. Therefore, the

company has to contribute to solve social problems which occurred in the

environments in order to create mutual relationship between the company and its

public. This aims to build positive images (good image) of the company in the

eyes of society.

Pusdiklat Migas Cepu is a centre of education and training in the oil and

gas industry that is responsible for the development of manpower in the oil and

gas field. The writer is interested in observing and getting involved in the Image

Building of Pusdiklat Migas Cepu through social activities.

B. Objectives

The objectives of this report are:


To know the activity of Public Relations in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu

2. To explain t he implement at ion of social programs done by Pusdiklat M igas Cepu


C. Benefits

Hopefully this final project report will be advantageous for:

1. The readers

Readers w ill know about t he effort s of Pusdiklat M igas Cepu t o build t he image

t hrough social act ivit ies.

2. The inst it ut ion

The institution will get some inputs to determine policy in order to

improve the Public Relation Divisions in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu.

3 The w rit er




A. Public Relations

The definition of Public Relations is usually referred to three experts in

Public Relations field. According to J.C. Seidel, Public Relations Director,

Division of Housing, New York, He defines that:

“Public Relations is defined as the continuing process by which

management endeavour to obtain good will and understanding of its

costumers, its employees and the public large, inwardly through self

analysis and correction, outwardly through all mean expression”.

(Abdurrachman, 1984: 24)

There is also a definition from W. Emerson Reck, Public Relations Director,

Coltage University, He states:

“Public Relations is continued process of keying policies, services and

actions to the best interest of those individual groups whose confidence

and good will an individual or institution covets, and secondly it is

interpretation of these policies, services and actions to assure complete

understanding and appreciation”. (ibid, 1984: 44)

While, according to Frank Jefkins, “Public Relations is something which

summarizes planned communication between an organization with all of its public

both internal and external in order to achieve specific goals based on mutual

understanding”. (Jefkins, 1995: 9)


practitioners around the world agreed to achieve one definition of Public Relations

as follows:

“Public Relations is a management function, of a continuing and planed

character, through which public and private organizations and institutions

seek to win and retain the understanding, sympathy, and support of those

with whom there are may be concerned by evaluating public opinion about

themselves, in order to correlate, as far as possible, their own policies and

procedure, to achieve more productive cooperation and more efficient

fulfilment of their common interest by planned and wide spread

information”. (Effendy, 1983:116)

From those definitions, it can be concluded that Public Relations has

functions to implant and obtain an understanding, good will, trust, and honour for

and from public of organizations or a company in particular and the society in


B. The Functions of Public Relations

The definitions of Public Relations show what the functions of Public

Relations are. The definitions explain what Public Relations practitioners have to

do and position them selves in the institution or organizations which they are


The function of Public Relations in practice is to establish and maintain

reciprocal two way communication. To do it, Public Relations practitioners have

to be able to harmonize internal and external functions.


Public interest both internally and externally should be nurtured in

order to create a harmonious relationship between the organization

and its publics.

b. Maintaining good communication.

Public Relations should be able to maintain good communications

with both internal and external public which has functions as the

source of information and the channel of information.

c. Emphasizing the moral and good behaviour

Public Relations as an image maker of the company / institution

must show a good image to the organization it represents.


For realizing the functions of Public Relations, it needs several media.

According to Oemi Abdurrachman, there are several media that can help Public

Relations Officer (PRO) in applying the functions of Public Relations. Some of

those media are:

a. Booklets and pamphlets

b. Orientation

c. Institutional booklets

d. Letter and Bulletin


g. Television

h. Radio



(Abdurrachman, 1984: 99)

Those media are chosen based on the effectiveness. Generally, a company

only uses some of them because the selection of media is also influenced by the

characteristic of the company.

C. Image Building

The image of a company is shaped by many things such as the brilliant

history of company, good relationship in industry, the successful in monetary

field, and the reputation as the best company. A positive image obviously can

support the income of the company.

According to Frank Jefkins, “the image is defined as a person or an

individual impression of something that occurred as a result of knowledge and

experience”. (Jefkins, 1995: 20)

From the description above it can be seen that image is an abstract thing,

can not be measured in nominal size, but can be perceived and created.

Frank Jefkins explains briefly that image can be categorized into:

a. The mirror image is about how the estimate (an image) of

management to external public in viewing of the company.


c. The wish image is an image which is wanted by the management.

d. The corporate image is an image from the whole of organization.

e. The multiple images is a number of individual, branch or

representative of a company that can form a certain image which is

not in accordance with the uniformity of the image in the entire

organization or company.



From those classifications, it can be concluded that the image can be

emerged or predicted by the management, created by society, unwanted by the

organization / company, and generated from various elements (the multiple


Public Relat ions Officer can play an import ant role in t he t ask of building a good

image in company/ inst it ut ion. According t o James Grunig, he defines t hat :

“ For Public Relat ions t o be valued by t he organizat ions it serves, pract it ioners

must be able t o demonst rat e t hat t heir effort s cont ribut e t o t he goals of t hese

organizat ions by building a long-t erm behavioral relat ionship w it h st rat egic

publics—t hose t hat affect t he abilit y of organizat ions t o accomplish it s mission.”

(Ballmer and Greyser,


The definit ion above reveals t hat t o build a good image is needed a good

relat ionship w it h t he public of company. One of t he w ays t o do t hat is by holding

Communit y Development programs w hich included in social programs t o t he public. By

doing t his, t he image of t he company w ill be shaped depends on t he evaluat ion of


D. Community Development and Social Program

1. The Definition of Community Development

Communit y Development is very import ant t o t he exist ence of a company. Unt il

now , t here are many concept s of Communit y Development . Luz. A. Einsidel (1968: 7) as

quot ed by ht t p:/ / w w w .DickyRahardy.com defines ” Communit y Development as t he

process by w hich t he effort s of t he people t hemselves are unit ed w it h t hose of

government al aut horit ies t o improve t he economic, social and cult ural condit ions of

communit ies, t o int egrat ed t hese communit ies int o t he life of t he nat ions, and t o enable

t hem t o cont ribut e fully t o nat ional progress” .

These definit ion underlined t hat Communit y Development (Comdev) is a

process w here t he effort s or t he pot ent ials w hich ow ned by t he communit y have been

int egrat ed w it h t he resources ow ned by government t o improve economic, social, and

cult ural condit ions, and int egrat e it w it hin t he cont ext of nat ional life, and t o empower

t hem t o be able cont ribut ing t o achieve a progress at t he nat ional level.

Communit y Development aims t o improve economic, social, and cult ural


t hrough empowering t he pot ent ials ow ned by societ y t o meet t heir needs, so t hat t he

principles t o help t he communit y t o help t hemselves can be realized.

2. The Definition of Social Program

Social program has a close relat ionship w it h Communit y Development . It is

because most of t he Communit y Development programs now are linked w it h social

programs based on t he local societ y needs. Grinsberg and M iller-Cribbs in t heir book

“ Underst anding Social Problems, Policies, and Programs” st at es t hat , “ Social Programs

are w hat social and ot her human services w orkers use, in addit ion t o t heir ow n

professional skills for serving client s, t o help people.” (Grinsberg and M iller-Cribbs,


The meaning of t his definit ion is t hat social programs have a main object ive t o

help people and reach t he social w elfare for t he societ y by giving social services.


are various Community Development programs which are included in social programs

such as t he const ruct ing educat ional facilit ies and healt h, disease prevent ion programs

t hrough communit y healt h educat ion, building facilit ies for t he surrounding communit y,




A. Pusdiklat M igas Cepu

1. Brief History of Pusdiklat M igas Cepu

Pusdiklat M igas Cepu is one of t he cent res of educat ion and t raining in t he oil

and gas indust ry w hich is locat ed in Cepu, Cent ral Java. This inst it ut ion is under t he

shelt er of M inist ry of Energy and M ineral Resources and responsible t o t he manpow er

development in oil and gas sect or, from upst ream t o dow nst ream. The hist ory of

Pusdiklat M igas Cepu is very long. Before it is named as Pusdiklat M igas Cepu, it has

several st eps in t he process of becoming Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. The hist ory can be

separat ed int o several periods:

a. In t he early t w ent iet h cent ury (1886-1942).

Oil mining in Cepu began w it h explorat ion done by Adrian St oop in Java.

St oop is a M ining Engineering from Net herlands and employed as a junior

t echnician by “ Gonopeilw eizen” in Java. He st art ed t he explorat ion in 1886 t o

1887. Then, in 1888 he founded DPM (Dut sche Pet roleum M aat schappij)

w hich is locat ed in Surabaya. Aft er drilling in Surabaya, he found good qualit y

oil t hat w as suit able for st eam engine in Cepu. He found it aft er raft dow n

from Ngaw i t hrough “ Bengaw an Solo” river t o Cepu in t he border of Cent ral


kilomet ers from Cepu and st art ed t he drilling in July, 1893. The drilling w as

under t he cont rol of DPM , Adrian St oop’s company.

b. In 1942-1945.

Aft er t he Dut ch colonizat ion w as finished and changed t o Japan, t he

ow nership of oil field in Cepu also changed t o Japan government under t he

name “ Shokko Gakko” .

c. In 1948-1961.

During t his period, oil field in Cepu w as t aken over and under t he

management of several companies as follow s:


Perusahaan Tambang M inyak Nasional/ PTM N (Nat ional Oil M ining

Company) w hich had t he area in Cepu Refinery and Bongas (Cent ral Java).


In 1949 BPM (

Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij)

was pointed by

government after military aggression done by Netherlands.


In 1950, t he operat ion of oil mining in Cepu w as named as Administ rasi

Sumber M inyak/ ASM (Administ rat ion of Oil Source) and supervised by

Dist rict M ilit ary Command of Blora region.


In 1951, Administ rasi Sumber M inyak/ ASM (Adminisrat ion of Oil Source)

(Oil M ining Company Republic of Indonesia). The it ems w hich produced

are in t he form of

gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and the remaining residue.


In 1957, PTM RI w as changed as Oil Field Nglobo CA.

d. In 1961.

PTM RI w as changed as PN. PERM IGAN w it h t he Government al

Regulat ions No. 119 dat ed June 5, 1961.

e. In 1966.

Because of less sat isfact ion on producing, PN. PERM IGAN w as dissolved

in 1965 and replaced as LEM IGAS/ Lembaga M inyak dan Gas Bumi (Direct orat e

of Pet roleum Oil and Gas) based on t he Decree of t he M inist er of

Environment al Affairs M inist ry of Oil and Gas No. 17 / M / M igas / 1965.

f. In 1978-1984.

Wit h t he Decree of t he M inist er of M ines and Energy No. 646 dat ed

December 26, 1977, LEM IGAS w as changed t o be t he part of Direct orat e

General of Oil and Gas and t he name w as changed t o Pusat Pengembangan

Teknologi M inyak dan Gas Bumi " LEM IGAS"/ PPT M GB " LEM IGAS" (Cent re of

Pet roleum and Nat ural Gas Technology).

g. In 1984-2001.

Based on t he let t er President Decree No.

15 dated March 6, 1984, the



Pusat Pengembangan Tenaga Perminyakan dan Gas Bumi / PPT M igas Cepu


Centre of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers), while in Jakarta was


h. In 2001 t ill now .

Based on t he Decree of t he M inist er of Energy and M ineral Resources

No. 150 in 2001 dat ed M arch 2, 2001, PPT renamed as Pusdiklat M igas (Oil

and Gas Educat ion Training Cent re) and has been updat ed w it h t he M inist er of

Energy and M ineral Resources No. regulat ions 0030 of 2005 dat ed July 20,


2. M ain Duty, Vision, M ission, and Functions

2.1 M ain Duty

The main t ask of Pusdiklat M igas Cepu are t o carry out educat ion and t raining in

t he fields of oil and gas, such as classes, courses and scient ific discovery, t he

implement at ion of t he operat ional mining w orkforce oil, gas and geot hermal

exploit at ion.

2.2 Vision

To be t he leader of Educat ion and Training Cent re for Oil and Gas by creat ing

clean, t ransparent , open and good governance syst em.


a. Increasing t he capacit y of t he government officials and Oil and Gas Training

Cent re Educat ional in order t o realize good governance syst em.

b. Improving t he compet ency of w orkers t o compet e w it h oil and gas sect or

t hrough t he mechanism of global economic syst em.

c. Improving t he abilit y of oil and gas companies t o become more compet it ive

t hrough t he development program of Human Resources.

2.4 Functions

a. Formulat ing and implement ing of plans and programs also educat ional and

t raining cooperat ion.

b. Formulat ing and implement ing of st andards, guidelines, norms, procedures, also

educat ion and t raining crit eria.

c. Preparing for accredit at ion of t raining programs and ot her educat ional

inst it ut ions, and conduct ing t est s of t echnical compet ence and specialized

manpow er for t he needs of professional cert ificat ion agency.

d. Providing services, facilit ies, and educat ion and t raining infrast ruct ure.

e. M anaging informat ion syst ems of educat ion and t raining.

f. Developing t he cent re of funct ional groups.

g. M anaging administ rat ive, financial administ rat ion, st affing and home cent res.

h. Evaluat ing of educat ion and t raining in t he oil and gas.

3. The Division on Pusdiklat M igas Cepu

Head of Pusdiklat M igas Cepu direct ly responsible t o t he Badan Diklat ESDM


t hree heads of t he field, one head of depart ment , t w o funct ional groups. Some of t he

areas and sect ions in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu are:

a. The Division of Administ rat ion

This division is responsible for providing technical and administrative services to

all elements within the administration field. This division consists of:

a. Officer and General Sub Division

b. Finance and Household Sub Division

b. The Division of Refinery Facilit y

Tenure Up t o formulat e plans and programs for skills development in t he field of

explorat ion, product ion, operat ional t echniques, and processes of pet roleum

processing. This field consist s of:

a. Refinery Sub Division

b. Ut ilit ies Sub Division

c. The Division of Laborat ory and Workshop Facilit ies

Responsible for the collection of material, review, preparation, implementation

and evaluation of the management plan utilization, development and services in

supporting education and training workshops of oil and gas. This field consists


a. Laborat ory Sub Division

b. Workshop Sub Division


This field is responsible t o hold cooperat ive relat ionship in development

compet ence in oil and gas field. This field care of t hings associat ed w it h college

educat ion held by Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. This field includes:

a. Training Preparat ion Sub Division

b. Training Implement at ion Sub Division

B. Job Training Activities

The w rit er did t he job t raining for a mont h in t he field of Public Relat ions. In a

period of one mont h, t he w rit ers got a lot of knowledge and new experiences especially

regarding t o t he act ivit ies of Public Relat ions and social programs of Pusdiklat M igas

Cepu. During t he job t raining, t he w rit er did some act ivit ies as follow s:

1. In t he first w eek of job t raining, t he w rit er w as required t o at t end a general

orient at ion in t he first t hree consecut ive days before ent ering t he Public

Relat ions division. General orient at ion w as aimed for st udent s w ho carry out job

t raining in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu t o be able t o know in advance t he unit s (field)

available in t he area of Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. So t hat , w hen t he st udent goes

direct ly t o t heir respect ive pract ice areas, t hey already know t he out line of

w hich w ill be headed in t he field and already have an idea of w hat w ill be done

and got t en during t he job t raining.

2. Having finished t he general orient at ion, t he w rit er began t o ent er t he field of

job t raining in Public Relat ions divisions. On t he first day of pract ice in public

relat ions, t he w rit er began t o receive explainat ion about t he dut ies of Public


Pow er Plant and Wat er Treat ment t o obt ain accurat e dat a regarding t o t he role

of t he unit s in support of social programs w hich done in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu.

Besides, t he w rit er also conduct ed int erview s w it h t he supervising of job

t raining relat ed t o t he principal t asks of Public Relat ions.

3. In t he t hird w eeks of job t raining, t he w rit er w as given t he t ask t o carry out t he

document at ion in t he form of a press clipping w it h a select ion of new spaper

new s, especially new s about fuel, Pusdiklat M igas, Exxon, Pert amina, “ Blok

Cepu” and new s relat ing t o t he Oil and Gas, t hen cut out and codified in t he

form of clippings. Alt hough looks simple, but t he funct ion of clipping is proved

quit e significant as a document at ion of Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. So if t here are

people w ho ask for confirmat ion about t he new s papers, Public Relat ions have

t he dat a t o be discussed w it h t he relevant management . Besides, t he w rit er also

asked t o make press release about t he t raining act ivit y w hich done by Pusdiklat

M igas Cepu t hrough w ebsit e.

4. In t he last w eek of job t raining, t he w rit er w as given t he t ask t o bind t he let t ers

or files int o t he ring binder based on each cat egorized w hile f inishing t he report

of job t raining. It is a must for st udent w ho doing job t raining in Pusdiklat M igas

Cepu t o make a job t raining report for inst it ut ion.

C. Public Relations Activities of Pusdiklat M igas Cepu

In Pusdiklat M igas Cepu, Public Relat ions division act s as front liner w ho has full

aut horit y in communicat ing informat ion int ernally and ext ernally t o t he public. So, it w ill

creat e a communicat ive relat ionship bet w een t he int ernal and ext ernal public and


communicat ion w it h public. This is in accordance w it h Public Relat ions st eps t o creat e a

good image in t he eyes of public w ho can support t he achievement of inst it ut ion goals.

Therefore, t he presence of Public Relat ions in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu becomes very

import ant .

Public relat ions act ivit ies in t he Pusdiklat M igas Cepu is not only limit ed t o

providing informat ion about t he inst it ut ion, but also reaching ot her act ivit ies, such as

conduct ing prot ocol, present at ions, document at ion, phot o/ video, creat e new slet t ers,

press releases, make a t ent at ive program, and et c. The main t asks of Public Relat ions in

Pusdiklat M igas Cepu are:

1. Implement ing t he phot o document at ion of all act ivit ies in t he Pusdiklat M igas

Cepu, w hich includes document at ion of t raining act ivit ies held by Pusdiklat

M igas Cepu, special program act ivit ies, w orking visit , making phot o

ident ificat ion and coverage of all act ivit ies.


Implementing the documentation (printed and electronic media) that related to

Pusdiklat Migas Cepu, which includes making periodic newsletters, press

releases to the media, newspaper clippings, and press conference.


Giving and receiving services information to the public related to the Pusdiklat

Migas activities to the general public and students of State and private

universities who held job training in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu.

4. Implement ing prot ocol, w hich includes guiding for guest visit s, host , making

t ent at ive program of visit s, conduct ing t he ceremony program for nat ional

holidays, making t he concept of speech also creat ing w ebsit es of Pusdiklat


From those explanations, it can be concluded that Public Relations activities in

Pusdiklat Migas Cepu are very rich, even overload.

How ever, Public Relat ions in

Pusdiklat M igas Cepu st rive in providing correct informat ion as t he front liner of

inst it ut ion.

D. Social Programs

1. Social Programs

In creat ing good relat ionship w it h t he public eit her ext ernal or int ernal, Public

Relat ions in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu alw ays t ry t o provide social cont ribut ion t ow ards t he

societ y. This is as part of it s responsibilit ies t ow ards t he societ y in Cepu cit y. The social

programs can be divided int o:

a. Educat ional social programs.

As an inst it ut ion w hich cares about educat ion, Pusdiklat M igas Cepu alw ays t ries

t o part icipat e in t he effort of improving educat ion in Indonesian. Through Public

Relat ions division, Pusdiklat Cepu alw ays holds a course/ t raining for t he cit izen

in Blora Region in form of Comdev. Pusdiklat M igas Cepu also give t he

scholarship for t he st udent s of Element ary school t o High school. Besides,

Pusdiklat M igas Cepu also

received the high school students and students from

various universities to implement job training.

b. Non-educat ional social programs.

Pusdiklat M igas Cepu alw ays cares w it h t he progress of cit izen around Cepu.


t he societ y in Cepu. These kinds of programs are in t he form of social aid w hich

refers t o t he public, such as public facilit ies and humanit arian aids.

2. The Implementation of Social Programs

Pusdiklat M igas Cepu alw ays involves Public Relat ions Division in conduct ing t he

social programs. It is because Public Relat ions Division is one of t he divisions t hat

direct ly get in t ouch w it h public, bot h int ernal and ext ernal. Therefore, t he

implement at ion of social programs has t o be managed w ell in order t o get t he aim of

Pusdiklat M igas Cepu.

Course/ t raining for t he cit izen in Blora region in form of Comdev is supposed t o

improve t he qualit y of human resource in Blora Region in t he field of oil and gas. This

course is held every year. The kinds of t raining are as follows:

a. Elect ric M ot or Training

The part icipant s of t his t raining are from t he graduat e st udent of senior high

school in Blora region. The part icipant s are t aught by lect urers w ho mast er

elect ric mot or field especially for oil and gas field. Therefore, aft er join t his

t raining it is hoped t hat part icipant s are able fixing t he damage of elect ric mot or

and inst alling elect ric equipment for connect ion of pipe and t he ot her

equipment machines. Besides, it is possible for t he part icipant s t o be recruit ed

in oil and gas company.


The part icipant s of t his t raining are from t he graduat e st udent of senior high

school w ho has t he mainst ream in mechanical engineering. The part icipant s are

t aught t o able w elding t he const ruct ion of iron and pipe by t he lect urer w hich

has good compet ence in w eld field. Thus, it is hoped t hat t he part icipant s can

mast ering t he skill in welding and compet e in w orld w ork.

c. Pipe Fit t er Training

The part icipant s of t his t raining are come from graduat e st udent s of senior high

school in Blora region. This t raining has object ive t o improve t he skill of

manpow er in t he pipe inst allat ion for gas, w at er, and oil in an indust ry. In

conclusion, t he part icipant s can get more know ledge about pipe inst allat ion and

pract ice it direct ly.

d. Lat he M achine Worker Training

This t raining is held t o fulfil t he needs of human resources in operat ing lat he

machine. M ost of t he part icipant s are come from graduat e st udent s of senior

high school in Blora region and people w ho w ant improve t heir skill in lat he

machine field. By part icipat ing t his t raining, it is possible t hat t he part icipant s

can be recruit ed as employer in a mining company or even can build t heir ow n

lat he company.

To join in t hese t raining, t he part icipant s must regist er first in t he Division of Training.


w eeks in implement at ion. The first period w as held on Oct ober 12 t o Oct ober 26, 2009.

The second period w as held on November 2 t o November 18, 2009 and t he t hird period

w as held on November 23 t o December 7, 2009. There are 60 part icipant s w ho join in

t hese t rainings and t he lect urers are come from t he employee in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu

especially The Division of Training. By holding t hese t rainings, t he needs of compet ent

manpow er in oil field w ill be fulfilled and t here are no more unemployed.

The next educat ional social program is receiving st udent s w ho w ant t o do job

t raining in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. It can be called as a social program because of t he

object ive of t his program is t o help improving t he qualit y of educat ion in Indonesia. It is

also one of t he forms of a support from Pusdiklat M igas Cepu for t he progress of

educat ion in Indonesia by giving t he facilit ies for st udying medium.

Based on t he dat a t aken from The Division of Training, t he numbers of st udent s

from t he universit y w ho conduct s job t raining t hroughout 2009 are 644 st udents t ot ally,

w hile t he number of high school st udent s who conduct job t raining in 2009 reached 280.

While, t he non-educat ional social program w hich is done by Pusdiklat M igas in

t he form of public facilit ies help is by building 20 “ w at er st ore” for people in Cepu

especially in t he dry season. There are 20 locat ions of “ w at er st ore” around Cepu and

most of t hem are in resident ial area. So, people can bring t heir w at er t ank and get t he

w at er by queuing up first . Wat er supply is obt ained t hrough t he “ Bengaw an Solo” river.

It is first processed int o dist illat ion process in Wat er Treat ment unit t hen dist ribut ed t o

each “ w at er st ore” t hrough pipe from Pusdiklat M igas. “ Wat er st ore” can be used t o

sat isfy public needs for clean w at er. This program is held yearly especially w hen in dry


Besides, t he ot her social aid is in t erm of humanit arian help. Humanit arian help

can be described as t he effort of Pusdiklat M igas Cepu in developing t he w ealt hy of

Cepu cit izen. The ot her programs are such as helping flood vict ims (nat ural disast er),

support ing reforest at ion program, giving food packages, building public sport facilit ies,

and holding mass circumcision. M ost of t hese programs are done incident ally.

E. Image Building Through Social Programs

Public Relat ions has a great role in succeeding t he image building of Pusdiklat

M igas Cepu. As one of t he government al inst it ut ion in Cepu, Pusdiklat M igas Cepu has a

great influence for t he Cepu cit izen. The social programs w hich are done by Pusdiklat

M igas Cepu show t hat t he inst it ut ion has sensit ivit y t o t he social problem faced by

societ y. For example, w hen occurred a dry season in Cepu it is difficult for people in

Cepu t o find clear w at er. This problem has responded by Pusdiklat M igas Cepu t hrough

building t he “ w at er st ore” . Thus, t he needs of clean w at er for Cepu cit izen can be


A good image can be described “ as good impression w hich is based on

experience, know ledge, and comprehension about realit y” . (Anggoro, 2002:69).

From t hose definit ions, it is clear t hat t he image w ill be shaped depend t o t he evaluat ion

of people t ow ards t he performance of inst it ut ion in cont ribut ing social programs. The

various forms of program w hich are done by Pusdiklat M igas Cepu prove t hat Pusdiklat

M igas Cepu alw ays t ries t o provide maximum cont ribut ion t o Cepu cit izen. This is an


posit ive image in t he eyes of t he public company. Cepu cit izen are sat isfied w it h t he

service given by Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. It can be seen from t he public opinion w hich

exist s in Cepu about Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. Cepu cit izen are proud w it h t he exist ence of

Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. So, it w ill be formed mut ual communicat ion (t he t w o-ways

reciprocal communicat ion) bet w een public inst it ut ions and provide benefit s for Pusdiklat




A. Conclusion

The experience of having job t raining in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu had given a lot of

valuable know ledge t o t he w rit er, especially t he know ledge about t he act ivit ies of Public

Relat ions in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. Public Relat ions act ivit ies in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu are

aimed at social cont ribut ion t o t he societ y in form of Social Programs.

By running social programs, Pusdiklat M igas Cepu is making serious effort s t o

creat e a good image t o ret ain it s exist ence and get t he public t rust . The social programs

w hich are held by Pusdiklat M igas Cepu are classified int o:

1. Educat ional Social Program

2. Non-educat ional Social Program

Those t w o act ivit ies are int ended t o creat e and support t he good image of Pusdiklat

M igas Cepu.

From t he previous chapt er, it can be seen t hat t he act ivit ies of Public Relat ions

in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu are appropriat e w it h t he aim of inst it ut ion t o creat e a good

image. Alt hough w it h t he overloaded act ivit ies, t he st aff of Public Relat ions in Pusdiklat

M igas Cepu st ill runs t he program very w ell. While, in creat ing a good image Pusdiklat

M igas Cepu w as done several act ivit ies in t he form of social programs. This is an effort of


image in t he eyes of t he public company. Thus, t he inst it ut ion w ill be able t o ret ain it s

exist ence and could get public t rust .

B. Suggestion

Aft er doing t he job t raining for four w eeks in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu, t he w riter

has several suggest ions for Public Relat ions division and t he implement at ion of social

programs. Several suggest ions are expect ed t o help t he inst it ut ion t o repair t he

w eakness of Public Relat ions division in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu. Those suggest ions are:

1. Even t hough t he moves of Public Relat ions division in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu are

st ill collided w it h t he bureaucracy, Public Relat ions Officers are expect ed t o have

innovat ion in improving Pusdiklat M igas Cepu.

2. Public Relat ions Office needs t o improve t he quant it y of t he human resources

and facilit ies t o support t he act ivit y of Public Relat ions. It is because t here are

only four st affs t o run t he Public Relat ions’ act ivit ies. It w ill be bet t er t o recruit

new employees w hose educat ion background is Public Relat ions. Besides, t he

facilit ies in Public Relat ions office have t o be complet ed.

3. The social programs w hich are held by Public Relat ions in Pusdiklat M igas Cepu

have t o be done cont inuously. As a result , t he communit y development program



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