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(A Classroom Action Research of Ninth Grade Students in a Junior High School in Bandung)

A Final Paper

Submitted to the English Education Department of FPBS UPI in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the SarjanaPendidikan Degree


Citra Agustya Wulandari





▸ Baca selengkapnya: besides scanning a baby’s dna, the new method


Pageof Approval



(A Classroom Action Research of Ninth Grade Students of a Junior High School in Bandung)


Citra Agustya W 0907440

Approved by:

First Supervisor

Dr. H. Hobir Abdullah, M.Pd NIP. 195202091977021001

Second Supervisor

Muhammad Handi Gunawan, M.Pd NIP. 197301132009121002

Head of English Education Department Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesian University of Education






Citra Agustya Wulandari

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Citra Agustya Wulandari 2014 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

April 2014

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.


Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through the Scanning



The research paper entitled “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through the Scanning Technique” was aimed to investigate the use of scanning technique in improving students’ reading comprehension in a junior high school in Bandung. Thirty one ninth grade students participated in this study. Classroom action research was employed as the research method. The data were gathered from several sources, including observation in each meeting of the cycle and questionnaire. The findings of this study indicated that the average scores in cycle two (X = 83,7) was higher than cycle one (X = 76,2). In addition, the result of students’ questionnaire showed that 77% students chose the option “agree” and 33% students chose “strongly agree” to use scanning technique in comprehending report texts. This study is expected to give a contribution to the English teaching. Moreover, the further researchers are suggested to investigate the use of scanning technique in other texts.


Meningkatkan Pemahaman Membaca Siswa melalui Tekhnik Scanning


Penelitian yang berjudul “Meningkatkan Pemahaman Membaca Siswa melalui Tehnik Scanning” ditujukan untuk meneliti penggunaan tekhnik scanning dalam meningkatkan pemahaman membaca pada siswa kelas sembilan di sebuah sekolah mengeah pertama di Bandung. Tiga puluh satu siswa kelas sembilan berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas digunakan sebagai metodologi penelitian. Data dikumpulkan dari beberapa sumber, diantaranya observasi di setiap siklus pertemuan dan kuesioner. Penemuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa nila diharapkan rata-rata siklus kedua (X = 83,7) lebih besar dari siklus pertama (X = 76,2). Selain itu, hasil dari kuesioner siswa menunjukan bahwa 77% siswa memilih pilihan “setuju” dan 33% siswa memilih pilihan “sangat setuju” untuk menggunakan tekhnik scanning dalam memahami teks report. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan sebuah kontribusi terhadap pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, peneiti selanjutnya disarankan untuk meneliti penggunaan tekhnik scanning pada jenis teks yang lain.

(8) Action……….………... Observation………... Reflection………... 4.1.3 Data Display.…………... The Students’ Score Comparison…..…………... The Teacher’ Observation Sheet... The Students’ Questionnaire... 4.2 Discussion………...


5.1 Conclusions………... 5.2 Suggestions………....



42 44 45 47 47 50 52 55

57 58





This chapter presents the foundation and general outline of the study which consists of the background of the study, the research questions, aim of the study, scope of the study, the significance of the study, research methodology, the data source, the data collection and data analysis, the clarification of terms, and the organization of the paper.


Nowadays, reading is used as an evaluation tool. However, students regard it as a difficult skill. Dechant (1977, p.21) states that “reading is not an easy skill

to be mastered”. It is a complex process that requires skill of the reader. Many students find the difficulties when they read, especially when they read the text and have to answer the questions. Based on School Based Curicullum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) of Junior High School, the standard competency is English students are expected to master four language skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing and also to have communicative competence in using it. Having communicative competence means students have competencies in understanding and producing discourse in spoken and written under meaningful context which is influenced by situation and culture.

Besides that, the basic competence of reading skill which is mentioned in School Based Curriculum of Junior High School for the ninth grade students is to comprehend the meaning of written functional text and short essay in the forms of procedure and report to interact in daily life context. In addition, the achievement indicator that students must gain is being competent in the subreading skill, including understanding main idea, specific information, word meaning and textual reference of the text.



in acquiring the meaning of a written message, many students come across several difficulties because they have to go through a certain process of puzzle-solving (Brown, 2001, p.299). Other difficulties also can be encountered by students from teachers, curriculum, government policy, textbooks, techniques, etc (Bond et al, 1994). These facts of students’ problems in comprehending reading text become the problems which are encountered by ninth grade students of a junior high school in Bandung. In most cases, the reading class is boring for them because the English teacher just involves tasks in the textbook, read the text, and answer the questions based on the text in teaching reading.

In addition, Wiryodijoyo (1989) states that the national examination in English subject put a large emphasis on reading aspect, and this situation will assure students who cannot read or comprehend the text and answer the question in the examination to face tremendeous difficulties.

Based on those problems, according to Anderson (2008), to make students become active and get involved in reading activities, it is necessary to teach them the various reading strategies because reading with various strategies would make students become critical and creative. Teachers should provide the strategies in teaching reading to help students to understand the text. Reading strategies can be

defined as “plans for solving problems encountered in constructing meaning”

(Richard & Renandya, 2002). A reading strategy that can be used by the teacher to make students easy to read and to answer the questions is using scanning

technique. The technique is needed not only to overcome students’ difficulties, but also to improve students’ reading comprehension. Scanning is quickly

searching for some particular piece of information in the text (Grellet, 1989). The purpose of scanning is extract specific information without reading through the whole text (Brown, 2001, p.308). That technique is used to find the answer of the questions in the reading exercise. Scanning exercise may ask students to look for names or dates, to find definition of a key concept, or to list certain number of supporting details (Brown, 2001, p.308).

Considering the background of the research above, the present study



comprehension and to find out the response toward scanning technique. Hence,

the title of this study is “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through the Scanning Technique”.

1.2 Research Questions

This study is conducted to answer these following questions:

1. Can the use of scanning technique help the students to improve their reading comprehension?

2. What are the students’ responses toward the use of scanning technique to improve student’s reading comprehension?

3. How does the teacher’ performance in teaching by using scanning technique?

1.3 Aims of Study

The aims of the research are:

1. To improve the students’ reading comprehension by using the scanning technique.

2. To identify the students’ responses toward scanning when they are learning reading.

3. To examine the teacher’ performance in teaching reading by using scanning technique.

1.4 Scope of Study

The research focuses on students’ improvement in reading comprehension

by using scanning of a junior high school in Bandung and how students’ responses toward the scanning technique.

1.5 Significance of Study



technique can be used as an alternative technique in teaching and learning reading.

Furthermore, this study is also expected to increase students’ and teachers’

knowledge related to reading and to help them to solve their reading problem easier.

1.6 Location and Respondents

The research is conducted in Junior High School 12 Bandung at the ninth grade students.

1.7 Clarification of Terms

The definitions of key terms used in this research are as follows:

1. Reading is the act of responding with suitable meaning to print or written verbal symbols (Harison & Smith, 1980, p.23)

2. Scanning in this study is a technique in reading that enable students to find pieces of particular information quickly without reading the whole text (Brown, 2001, p.308)

1.8 Organization of the Paper

The paper is organized into five chapters. Each chapter has its own capacity to explain the contents in details.

CHAPTER I is Background. This chapter presents background of the research, research questions, aims of the research, significance of the research, Scope of the research, research method, participants, data resources, data collection, data analysis, clarification of key terms and organization of the paper.



CHAPTER III is Research Methodology. This chapter describes procedures of the research which is used by the researcher to conduct the whole research. It includes research method, participants, data resources, data collection, and data analysis.

CHAPTER IV is Findings and Discussion. It consists of presentation of the data obtained from the research followed by explanation and interpretation of the data.

CHAPTER V is Conclusions and Suggestions. This chapter consists of

conclusions of the research and the researcher’s suggestions in teaching reading





This chapter describes the procedures of the study in order to find out the answers of the two questions previously stated in chapter one. The chapter covers research design, the instrument, population and sample, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study is conducted through Classroom Action Research (CAR)

method. Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1998, p.15) state that “action research is an

action which is conducted to inquire self-reflective and improve his or her instruction by evaluating his or her own practice”. Ebutt (1985, cited in Hopkins,

2008, p.48) states that “CAR is the effort to improve the teaching learning process by a series of practical actions and to reflect toward the result of actions”. This

design is used when teachers have specific educational problems to solve in particular scope in educationa setting such as classroom.



3.1.1 Planning

Planning refers to the proposed strategies to be developed and be used in the research. The researcher arranges the schedule of the research. In the planning, the researcher explains what, why, where, who, and how to concern the action. The schedule of research activity as follows:

Table 3.1

Research Schedule

No Plan Activity Week

2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Preparation

Arranging action Plan X Arranging research instrument X Arranging schedule and task X Preparing for class and media X

2 Implementation

Implementing Action for cycle 1 X



Implementing Action for cycle 2 X


X X 3 Arrangement of Research Report Formulating research report X Arranging research report X

Planning is arranged based on the reflective observation result, such as the



this activity, the teacher will get the general description about the problem in the class. Then, the teacher and the observer do the observation of learning process in

the classroom. The observation focuses on students’ and teacher’ attitudes in learning. The teacher’s attitude is seen from her/his way in helping students to learn. For example, the researcher notes the following things:

1. How the teacher starts the lesson.

2. How the teacher helps students (a) to understand the content/meaning of the text and the way to reveal the meaning (the way in arranging the sentences, spell the words, pronounce the words), (b) to communicate by using the expressions studied. (c) to overcome the learning difficulties and motivate them to participate in the classroom.

3. How the teacher manages the class, such as siting arrangement, light control, volume, and activities.

4. How students respond the teacher’ efforts. 5. Other theoretical things that necessary to note.

The researcher conducts collaborative research where teacher and observer are two different people. It is intended for maintaining the objectivity in measuring, valuing, and deciding actions in achieving the best result. In implementing the action research, the researcher performs as a teacher while the English teacher performs as an observer.

3.1.2 Acting



3.1.3 Observing

Observing refers to the observation of the phenomenon occured in the class. In observing, the data and the problem is gained through an observation sheet in every meeting. The aim of observation itself is to collect the data which become the indicators of success as an impact of the action that had been planed before (Kemmis & McTaggart, 1988 in Burns 2010)

3.1.4 Reflecting

Reflecting reflects the previous action or treatments for the next cycle. In this step, the researcher and the teacher analyzes the data and make the conclusion act based on the data gathered then compares them to the criteria of success (Latief, 2009). In this step, the researcher and the observer or teacher discuss the teaching and learning process which has done by the researcher. If there is a weakness in the previous action, the researcher and observer discuss for the improvement in the next meeting. The reflection’ result or conclusion is used as the source for the next action cycle.



Figure 3.1. Cycle of classroom Action Research adapted from Kemmis and McTaggart (1990)

The research is carried out by a teacher who is also the researcher and the teacher as the observer. This collaboration gives contribution to this study.

3.2. Participants of the Research



The researcher also uses four instruments. They are test, observation sheet, questionnaire and documentation.

3.3.1 Observation

Observation is the act of collecting data about the performance of a subject through five senses; sight, smelling, hearing, touching, and taste (Arikunto, 2006). Observation sheet is used in during the teaching and learning process. Observation sheet can be used to critically evaluate the learning process and identify the actual data of the effectiveness strategies and techniques employed in the class (Olsen, 2008). Moreover, observation sheet can also be used to document the phenomenon occured while using scanning technique and determine the strategies for the next cycle. There is an observer in this study. The researcher becomes a teacher and the teacher becomes an observer.

3.3.2 Test

Test consists of some questions based on the text that is given to students in the teaching learning process. Students have to finish doing the task with the limited time.

3.3.3 Questionnaire

Questionnaire is given after conducting the cycle. In this study, this is

aimed for observing students’ responses toward the use of scanning technique in

the classroom. The questionnaire consists of 10 questions about the use of scanning technique.

3.3.4 Documentation



3.4 Research Procedure

The research involved several steps described below:

3.4.1 Preparation

Before applying all procedures, the researcher makes the preparation.

After that, the teacher collects the data of students’ and class’ condition. The data are obtained from teacher’s note and observation. That is done for make sure that class and students are ready to observe and to apply the cycle. Teacher’s note and

observation explained that many students get difficulties in reading text especially report text, and also many students get low score in English examination, especially in reading examination.

3.4.2 Planning

After making preparation, teacher arranges the concept of the cycle in this step.Teacher also makes a lesson plan with the scanning technique included. The other instruments like worksheets and observation sheets are prepared too. The researcher and the teacher discuss the topic of discussion and time of study. Furthermore, the topic and material are discussed by the observer and teacher.

3.4.3 Acting

In this step, the researcher applies the planning of the research and it is observed by the observer. Students and the teacher do the activities in the classroom based on the planning that has been made before by the teacher. However, sometimes the activities that have been planned by the teacher do not fit the planning because the condition of the classroom affects in applying the planning. The scanning technique is used in the activities. There are some things that included in the acting step. The steps are:

a. Teaching Material



b. Teaching Method

In each cycle, the teacher uses lecturing method and scanning technique. Lecturing method is used when the teacher explains about the scanning technique and report texts. Besides that, Scanning technique is used when students work in group and do the exercise.

c. Evaluation

At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives the evaluation. The evaluation system is individual.

3.4.4 Analyzing and Reflecting

The researcher and the observer analyze and reflect the planning and acting step by analyzing the result of observation in the class. After that, the lesson plan is revised by the observer and the teacher. It is intended to find out the weakness in the last activities before formulating the activities for the next cycle.

3.4.5 Feedback Discussion

In this session, the teacher and the observer do the feedback discussion. That is a reflective collaboration between the researcher and observer toward the class activities. They do that based on the observation sheets during the acting step.

3.5 Data Analysis



subcategorization of the inventions. After coded, the data are analyzed using qualitative data analysis.

Meanwhile, students’ level of mastery in reading comprehension is determined based on criteria proposed by Masidjo (1995:153) that will use criteria referenced evaluation type 1. Furthermore, Masidjo states that students would be

considered successful if students’ score could attain at least 6,5 of the maximum

score (10). It means the ideal passing score is at least 65. However, this study will be stopped when 90% of students, subject of this study, get 75 as the minimal score for their reading comprehension according to the KKM (the passing criterion) of the school. The criteria can be seen in the following table.

Table 3.3

The Criteria of Reading Score

It means:

Excellent : those students who are able toanswer the test items and get score between 90 - 100

Very good : those students who are able to answer the test items and get score between 80 - 89

Good : those students who are able to answer the test items and get score between 65 - 79

Sufficient : those students who are able to answer the test items and get score between 55 - 64

Insufficient : those students who are able to answer the test items and get score less than 5



Furthermore, Alwasilah (2011) states that action research is very qualitative seen from the research problems and research purposes. There are three steps in analyzing the data. Those are data reduction, data display, and conclusion (Miles and Huberman, 1984 as cited in Alwasilah, 2011).

a. Data Reduction

Data reduction is a process of selecting data that are relevant to the research questions (Alwasilah, 2011). Reduction is done for the data that are not necessary. It is to make the analysis easier. In this study, the data of students who do not follow the whole process of scanning technique treatments are reduced.

b. Data Display

The result of data analysis is displayed in form of table and graph to show the result briefly and clearly. It is explained descriptively. Alwasilah (2011) states that descriptive technique is chosen because the data acquired in this study are qualitaive (non numeric), not quantitative (numeric) and need to be given the interpretation.

c. Conclusion





This chapter provides conclusions and suggestions. Conclusions in this research are judgments made through the process of discussing and interpreting the finding of the research. Suggestions in this research offer several things for teachers or other researchers who want to conduct the research on the same issue.







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Table 3.1 Research Schedule
Figure 3.1. Cycle of classroom Action Research adapted from Kemmis and McTaggart (1990)
Table 3.2
Table 3.3 The Criteria of Reading Score


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